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File: 369 KB, 964x964, works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5163006 No.5163006 [Reply] [Original]

Take the furry pill, this lad charges 85 bucks per character and gets his queue filled in on a matter of minutes

>> No.5163054
File: 9 KB, 225x224, smug-spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to mention what kind of furry art they make
t. someone who also follows them

>> No.5163058

i dont give a fuck dude i can draw some fetish coom and at $85 so long as it takes me less than like 4 hours i'm in good shape

>> No.5163078

Yep, I'm up to 1400 watchers there.

>> No.5163080


>> No.5163084


>> No.5163089

why not? so how does the process goes? charge up front? what service to use for payment?

>> No.5163092

question to the people with experience here, how smooth do these furry comissions usually go?
how many revisions do you have to do, and how fast do you get paid? main issue i have with commissions seem to be dealing with clients. Instead of just doing patreon where the payment is automated.

>> No.5163101

I've never had an issue. However, I am picky about who I let commission me.
Due to what I draw, I know there are people out there that would 'commission' me for the sole purpose of getting my dox and getting me fired from my day job.

>> No.5163102

enjoy drawing your anthropomorphic child porn bro

>> No.5163105

lol, I do.

>> No.5163109

that's a thing? couldn't you just obscure your identity by using an anonymous name email in paypal?

>> No.5163112

I will ; )
>child porn
>some drawings of a bunny
LMAOOOOOO this levels os S01

>> No.5163121

>it’s easy to make it dude just draw gay furry macro futa shota vore

>> No.5163126
File: 1.14 MB, 1586x1965, 2595439_LPawz_wolfrileypool2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, this is what they usually does, LMAO

>> No.5163136

get a job

>> No.5163139

>implying you cant do both
>implying that being a wagecuck is better
Get back to cagie quick, the boss is lossing money!

>> No.5163146

lunch break is over,get back to your desk, dont forget to wear your ID, and talk to HR about your Gay boss making you touch his penis for promotion and how you like it.

>> No.5163150
File: 56 KB, 555x690, piacere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furfag "artist" here, epending where you live in there is nothing more comfy than being an artist for furries, for example where I live with my professional degree I could make aroun 1200 usd a month, and I would have to be 8+ hours at the workplace, deal with my retarded coworkers and retarded bosses, do robotic repetitive task day in and day out to only get back home, eat shower and sleep, while being an artist I do a bit less, work not even half the time IN MY OWN HOUSE AT MY OWN PACE and do different stuff each time, sometimes some dragon sometimes some buffed bear sometimes assorted works for dnd fags and so on, I can take naps, go outside (not anymore because of the chinkflu) and have liberties that rarely any job provides, downsides if you get sick no health insurance, and when you are not drawing you are not earning any money, but anyone with two braincells have a saving accounts and passive income (patreon)
I sually do a lot of extra work to have pics saved in case I get sick, so I just need to upload them, just lie on how long they take to be done, thanks to boomer Aaron Blaise I learned how to churn decent pics in a matter of hours, also furries are kind of nice to work with, lots of tips and they are usually pretty chill

>> No.5163154

I guess it makes sense if you like furshit to begin with. However most people have no interest in anthropomorphic animals

>> No.5163166

post his work

>> No.5163168

I like to draw, I cant be my whole life drawing colorful cute anime girls, thats for my own amussement only and gets old real quick.
furry now is my dayjob, and like any other job I do it because it pays the bills, but inlike my old jobs it doesnt make me want to blow my head off and it leaves me a lot of time to develop myself or just have fun, you guys limit yourselves just because.

>> No.5163172

There, next time read the fucking thread or use fucking google

>> No.5163173

>anon, what do you do for a living?
>oh, well I uhh... I uhh draw furry porn

>> No.5163175

most people also have no interest in learning proper anatomy. Not that anon, but there's a lot of things you can enjoy if you put your mind into it. Specially if it helps you survive and have a better quality of life. As a young artists your goal is to survive first doing art which is better than getting your career sidetracked doing lame shit like graphic design, photo editing or IT work.
You can be more selfish when you get older and more financially adjusted and just draw what you want. Heck , you can just make a new art account. This isnt onlyfans where you're stuck with one body. Just make new type of art.

>> No.5163178


>> No.5163179

>just because.
Some people find doing that furry stuff to not be very dignified, that's all. I'm not saying that working a wagie job that you hate is better, but I wouldn't want to be a furfag degenerate if I can help it.

>> No.5163180

>anon what do you do for a living?
>oh, well I uhh... go to the office do what my boss tells me to do like a slave bitch and get underpaid and cry myself to sleep at night because my work is unfulfilling and all i'm really doing is just increasing the company's profits.
> oh so like everybody else. That's great anon you will live like everyone else and die like everyone else.

>> No.5163184

I will understand that high horse ethic bullshit, it feels like some retarded pseudo religious cope, I mean you watch anime and I bet my fucking balls you wank to anime porn, how is that any better?

>> No.5163186

what a great life it is to draw furry porn and have an ugly wife if you're lucky.

>> No.5163190

>anon what you do for a living
>cage myself 10 hours writting code

>> No.5163191
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those are some cute animal girls bro

>> No.5163193

in fact its great, I already explained it since I have wagecucked myself as a PROFESSIONAL OF SCIENCE, is a sterile boring routine
>ugly wife
whats wrong with you and thoose assumptions, lol

>> No.5163195

>can't proudly announce you made it
heh, pleb

>> No.5163196

How do I break it to my mom that I work as a furry porn artist?

>> No.5163199

being a furry porn artist means you are still an artist exercising the creative part of your brain as well as increasing the dexterity of your hand and being more familiar with your tools. The more you do it the better you are at being an a artist. And you will if you are getting paid doing art. Not while doing spending 8 hrs a day doing something completely irrelevant to art. Once you get enough money or reputation you can simply change your subject matter snd draw something more sfw. But learning always depends on the artist.

tl:dr furry artists are better artists than artists by night because they actually draw and get paid. Creating a positive feedback loop.

>> No.5163203


>> No.5163204

Dont, create a gallery on socmed of sfw art. As a front for your nsfw art. When they ask you what kinda art, show the gallery.

>> No.5163214

just tell her lmao

>> No.5163215

What the fuck, that isnt even that good. I need to draw more furshit.

>> No.5163217

I think I've finally figured it out. I understand everything now, thank you

>> No.5163222

wow, she's built for big dragon cock!

>> No.5163232

Its appealing, cute and well drawn, I have seen the art of people over here and you are lightyears away in therms of appeal

>> No.5163233

I don't wank to anime porn, but regardless, i rather make my money doing something im proud of

>> No.5163245

Like what? Also if hoy havent noticed nobody is forcing you to do anything and yet you felt the need to insult others

>> No.5163248

what insult?

>> No.5163251

Do I have to be on furaffinity to get furry comms? Can you get them from only posting in twitter

>> No.5163254

Are you autistic?

>> No.5163262

aren't we all in here?

>> No.5163265

>hurrrr random furfaggot makes money so you will too!

>> No.5163267

who the fuck cares? go draw begtard

>> No.5163274

>he is an unique case, you cant possibly do it
No wonder why you retards never achieve nothing

>> No.5163276

>that's a thing? couldn't you just obscure your identity by using an anonymous name email in paypal?
You can try, but apparently if the Country the other user is in does not allow that level of Privacy, then Paypal shows your real name anyway without informing you.

This is a common issue with Paypal in Germany supposedly.

>> No.5163322

85 isnt much. whats the issue? my rates are around 100 and i get a steady stream

>> No.5163323

Market prices can vary, what dismay!

>> No.5163324

His queue is 5 slots. I could fill 5 slots instantly back when I was horseshit at drawing. I would be impressed if he had way more slots and those got filled instantly.

>> No.5163334

Dude filled it up in some mins, why the need to bring him down? Also con that site most of commissions go by PM, you sound like a jealous prick

>> No.5163336

Not jealous just saying it isn't impressive. Have you guys never had followers or commissions before? Is that why this is mindblowing to you?

>> No.5163346

The userbase of that place is small, is quite impressive if know that, he got 5 people interested for his 5 slots in what takes you to make a cup of tea, but oficial course you need to be the classic jealous retard

>> No.5163347

I wouldn't mind doing furry. how easy is it to get a following? what about sfw vs nsfw?

>> No.5163361

Keep projecting and not paying attention :)

>> No.5163365

Ok mate, whatever.

>> No.5163412

>not saying that you're a freelancer

>> No.5163420

I'm supposed to be impressed by sump change? You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.5163465

Id kill to get some commissions and I've been dry for a couple of weeks. So far ive taken a couole of futa but even though my comm sheet had 0 furry examples the rest were all anthro requests.
Is the website in op furaffinitty? I guess its time to work on a couple of example pieces and post there
((This is how it begins))

>> No.5163585

>obscure your identity by using an anonymous name email
that's not a thing, it has to be tied to a real one in the first place

>> No.5163590

I mean taking pride in furry or coom drawings is just as pathetic but without being able to be socially accepted

>> No.5163621

Yes. Shove your le ethic up your wagecuck ass.

>> No.5163623

So that’s like $425 a week or $12 an hour. The fucking national minimum wage will soon be $15 an hour and my state is already that. And this dude must pay his taxes or the IRS will drill him a new bunghole. I’d rather just work at Wendy’s and not drop my pride.

>> No.5163626

And not only that, even if he was making the equivalent of $15 that still ain’t shit the older you get. To a kid you’re living the dream. To a college student that ain’t bad. To a man who needs his own home and independence to do what he truly wants and buys what he really needs that isn’t money.

>> No.5164094
File: 236 KB, 512x512, 1611550905937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically imagine being this jelly, imagine living the US too, like top kek you break a leg and lose your house LMAOOOOO
Only spic/pajeet chads can profit from this, you mutts keep kneeling and paying your taxes so Tyrone can have his new jordans

>> No.5164106


Imagine not living in the US. There is a reason why things are priced the way they are here. Peak civilization is your own bathroom with hot and cold running water and sanitation. A washer and dryer in your own dwelling and not hanging clothes on a string line outside. A garage, something you wish you had. Land of the free home of the brave and don’t you forget it.

>> No.5164114

Yeah but end of the day, you still end up drawing furry art. Nothing of value was added from your carrer. Might aswell learn 3d and make fetish 3d and make twice as much money if youre at it.

>> No.5164119

Cringe, mutt hands typed this

>> No.5164120

Already learning zbrush fren, I noticed is easier and pays more

>> No.5164131

What kind of art they make?

>> No.5164283

so he makes $12/hour and here I am first job after graduating 2 months in making $26 from home (which means I just draw instead of working anyway, thanks corona!) damn I should've taken the furry pill.

>> No.5164319

Do you believe $85 is a lot for one illustration?

>> No.5164333

I'm more of a loli guro guy, 250$ each character. 800$ for realistic ones, one day paypal might close my account but I don't care crypto is not unusual in this community

>> No.5164408

Yes, already told you if you are pajeet or spic you live like king, if you are europoor or mutt you get buttfucked, sounds simple to understand you fucking monkey
watch out for the big wig guys!

>> No.5164414
File: 142 KB, 500x553, 1587461564633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't be me.

>> No.5164417
File: 72 KB, 900x900, 1605606049619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if i don't want to?

>> No.5164419

>it's another 3rd worlder that doesn't understand the value of money
Imagine my shock.

>> No.5164429
File: 204 KB, 404x416, tumblr_mhjfjfUEag1rt6u7do1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make enough to live like a medic here, a respectable medic, thanks to europoors and mutts who dont have time or brain cells to draw, I get paid handsomely and then it just mutiply when converted into my local currency, I can now live in the countryside will all the comodities I could dream while wagies on the US get absolutely whipped by their jew bosses for a handful of dollars that buys them nothing where they live
see this nigger, with 20 usd I can eat a whole week here, good fresh food, I dont need anythng else literally the only use I have for the US dollar is when I go on vacations or buy coom porn myself, other than that is just a meme coin for me
Feels good to be pajeet

>> No.5164446

Nobody is fooled by your fantasy life on poo street.

>> No.5164471

I have literally never had a problem with anyone.
I do the rough sketch, they pay, and I finish.
Apparently most good furry artists take months to get to people's comms, so if you're actually good (and not delusional or dunning kruger) and have a week turnaround word will get around fast and you'll have regulars.
My commissions also fill about 15 slots in 15 minutes, and they're mostly sfw cutesy stuff or if its nsfw they're usually just pinups.
I do have a list of stuff that I wont draw so that probably helps thin the crowd out, I don't draw gay or non-normie fetishes

>> No.5164489

I just told her I do graphic designs and left it at that. People are so stupid, you know you can lie right

>> No.5164527

Where should I look up for extreme commissions like these ? You can't advertise this on Twitter and furaffinity is for furries only.

>> No.5164535


>> No.5164536
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, 9E84C8B5-5976-46ED-A9D9-F31880E26A19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy’s house

>> No.5164549

>watch out for the big wig guys!
not everyone is american or third world (i made a distinction don't throw a hissy fit).
entry wage as a 20 year old IT tech here is already 21$, 26$ is not a big jump up.

>> No.5164557

Even if thats the case, he owns a house and a plot of land, most americans just eternally rent their wages away and never own anything because the real state market is totally jewed there

>> No.5164568

I use to be against it cause I can't draw that fast, and taking a few days drawing fur sounds shitty.

I can now say I found a way to finish line art and base in one afternoon and work on shading in another, so desu probably like 2 or 3 days tops at 10-12 hrs total.

Not even a furry or loli fag. I can finish your fetish faster than other coom artists and that's what really matters.

>> No.5164569

I thought you could set up a psuedonym using a business paypal account since it asks for two names when you set it up?

>> No.5164573

>I can now say I found a way to finish line art and base in one afternoon and work on shading in another, so desu probably like 2 or 3 days tops at 10-12 hrs total.

How do you be efficient like that?

>> No.5164581

I actively commission an artist who is that fast, it just amazes me how he can manage to deliver quality stuff sometimes overnight, its a rare skill.

>> No.5164582

damn, I really want to indulge my degenerate kemololi tastes but I'm scared someone will dox me and in my cuntree this kind of thing will get you v&

>> No.5164583
File: 79 KB, 499x352, 1608422828812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would trying to use another art-style for degenerate stuff make a difference in my chances of being recognized or would that just be autism

>> No.5164585

You don’t even have a toilet lmfao especially one that you can flush the paper down the drain. King my ass lol

>> No.5164587

I would rather rent a 700 square foot apartment with heating, central air, highspeed internet, with a washer, dryer and dishwasher, in an area with a low crime rate, clean air, good medical care and a thriving economy than own a 700 square foot shack with roaches in the walls, no amenities, rampant crime and corruption, no human rights, and disease everywhere.
For that matter, I would rather be homeless in America than live in a 3rd world hell hole.

>> No.5164589

What would he need toilet paper for? He has two perfectly good hands!
Until the gangrene sets in, anyway.

>> No.5164611
File: 94 KB, 1024x681, 83196493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I now envy you, I just live in the same place this house picture was taken, I guess I have to cope now and cry for not living in commiefornia or some shit like that, alas!.

>> No.5164623

loli furry

>> No.5164699

Oh. That makes sense. Less of a supply for that.

>> No.5164703

Not true, lots of suply but very low quality.

>> No.5165552

Just say you live in Chile, you disingenuous spic.