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File: 86 KB, 828x728, 77EED2C3-BD96-48BE-A551-ECF7A4096C70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5160960 No.5160960 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of styles will our era be remembered for?

>> No.5160963
File: 276 KB, 1280x1823, 1611658358863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime style since it's more influential and better than anything the west has draw in the last 20 years

>> No.5160985

lmao what’s the message here? Faggots will try to fuck anyone that supports them? I feel like the artist is profaggot but surely one of the most common problems gays have is their straight male friends being concerned about this exact scenario

>> No.5160989

Without looking it up I'm going to assume it's by a fujo who thinks this is a cute historical romance scenario.

>> No.5160990

You people are so fucking delusional

>> No.5160995

Not him but anime style is really influential in every regard. I am not saying everything is artistically made in the anime medium but as a whole it exceeds any other style that westerners came up within the last 30 years.

>> No.5160999

Ok not actually a fujo, it's a guy who made some weird, hetalia-esque comics about his personifictions of US states? I get huge larping fakeboi vibes from that and the art style but then then Hetalia was also made by a straight man so who knows.
Most of the results are pronouns in bio people making fun of his comics.
They're ugly as hell regardless.

>> No.5161001

I think they'll look back on boomer-now as the failed generation. We have barely put out anything of note. Even most technological advances were a result of WWI-II.

Probably will be considered a trough or mini dark age

>> No.5161003

Ok but did he draw lewds?

>> No.5161018

its going to be anime or calarts probably

>> No.5161035

>Mini dark age
This is only the beginning

>> No.5161070

We had a great going movie and animation-wise in the 80s and early 90s. Then it all went to hell. Even movies are pure shit nowadays, fuck.

>> No.5161080

god this is so dramatic, I’ve seen plenty of modern movies I’ve enjoyed. Just because the quantity of shit tier has been ramped up to match the modern demands of quantity over quality content consoomers it doesn’t mean no good shit has been made. If you don’t like it don’t watch Netflix, fuck don’t even use 4chan because this format of content consumption is exactly what’s contributing to the problem. Constant new content->desensitisation->search for more->repeat. It’s basically an internet problem which is reflected in our culture

>> No.5161135


name one great X of our time:

Scientist / Mathematician

... It's over

(we still have good writers)

>> No.5161141

Anime had its run for the last 30 years. It peaked and now flat design is taking over.

>> No.5161144
File: 39 KB, 943x870, snip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161145
File: 194 KB, 401x364, 1a2b6077b6cea9fade25dbd0eb787dd46cf047cf1b7d8462e3a164b3f4e9e05c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Composer - Billy Ilysh
Artist - Shadman
Scientist - Greta Tunberg
Mathematician - Neil Nigger Tyson
Statesman - Kamala Harris

>> No.5161146

is there more to this image? Like more panels in a comic? i dont know why but im really curious, its bothering me

>> No.5161151


>> No.5161152

fuck I didn't think of these guys. Never mind we're doing fine.

>> No.5161155

Legs too small

>> No.5161158
File: 204 KB, 853x709, jogger3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also checked

>> No.5161187

Define "our era"? But I would say those ugly flat design things that are in every corporate illustration.

>> No.5161520
File: 218 KB, 946x2048, 14E153E8-679B-4DBB-8B39-DDD0582B2E31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get huge larping fakeboi vibes
This is what he looks like so you can judge for yourself

>> No.5161967

Actually none.
Why? Because there is no "era" anymore.
All eras had more or less artistic limitations which got categorized in "styles".
Really new and evolving since 30 years has been digital arts and the styles are more or less infinite: From extremely flat styles to some sort of new photorealism through painting and/or rendering.
Also new media like video games evolved and are taken more seriously than about 15 years ago and since then have been viewed as art.

But regarding video games: Every shitfag makes a 2 minute game with gamemaker with shitty drawings and then uses the "artistic" value as a marketing trick. No story, no gameplay, no aesthetics, must be art.
Perhaps this will define this era, if it ever ends.

>> No.5162000
File: 1.87 MB, 3024x4032, 1610897359795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All good points. But if this is to be defined as an era, it will be because it ended. And the single way an era defined by lack of limits will end, will be thru the appearances of limits. Maybe a tyrannical power which will limit and define what art is, or calamities which will end our prosperity and bring artists on the verge of extinctions.

In those cases, our era will be defined by the art which will survive.

Anime is nice and all, but most of it its made on disposable data mediums. Hard drives can go bad in a few years, most of the comics and stuff would be gone in a few years. Most of the stuff which would survive would be statues. And how many statues of anime characters do we have laying around? Those plastic figurines? gone in a few years.

At most there would be a few which survived in good condition in some safes or something. But that will beg the question of how spread actually was.

>> No.5162004
File: 44 KB, 822x542, 1598641113745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of anime is over. The time of the globohomo has come.

>> No.5162006

Shadman is unironically one of the most notable artists of our time, and if the scene wasn’t as oversaturated as it is, he’d be in museums and galleries.
Think about it, the likes of Tom of Finland have nothing on shadman besides being born before the internet boom

>> No.5162034
File: 66 KB, 448x700, anime skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, unless you're one of those guys who argues about substyles.
wat, sameface, being unable to emote without swapping to a cartoon style and permanent childhead are serious problems "the west" doesn't have.

>> No.5162044

Am I BEG or are her legs and pelvis kinda off?

>> No.5162048

>being unable to emote without swapping to a cartoon style and permanent childhead are serious problems "the west" doesn't have.

yeh, because "the west" has a permanent cartoon style so all the emotions are blown out of proportions, always, and all the stories it tries to tell with it are garbage.

>> No.5162066

I recognize a shota when I see one

>> No.5162089
File: 13 KB, 352x395, uhuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this is sarcasm.
>permanent cartoon style
There are permanent styles?
>emotions are blown out of proportions
You'd think calling the west "too serious" or only having "dreamworks face" would happen before... how do you even blow an emotion out of proportion?
>and all the stories it tries to tell with it are garbage.
Surely this can't be right, the east is renowned for its filler highschool lesbian "rom"coms and the less said about isekai male self inserts the better.

>> No.5162105

I hope that nobody will remember this era because we'll all be erased by the coming nuclear holocaust and with a little chance, a solar flare will destroy all physical storage of this awful culture of filth before it's recovered.

>> No.5162157

this is making me physically cringe

>> No.5162162

what a cursed lineup

>> No.5162192

fucking kek

>> No.5162687

I disagree. you could argue an end to this "era" with a revolutionary change in technology, much like the end of the "modern" era with the advancements of computers which led to the further entropy of fine-arts and new forms of mediums and "styles", which would in turn affect a change in culture and further emphasize that distinction historicall, and therefore "end of an era"

bit/pixel style (inb4 it's just expressionism)
low-poly style (inb4 it's just cubism/artdeco)
clean-corporate(anime+calarts) style (inb4 it's just pop-art)
meme (inb4 it's just 3rd wave Dada)
I recognize that none of it is new, but the philosophical lens that inform the digital space is entirely different, so there for produce a different art.

>> No.5162768
File: 3.78 MB, 3702x4652, Korone 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys might laugh at this or think it's silly but this generation will go down in history as the "anime revolution". It's the most prevalent artstyle of our time, there's an entire culture surrounding it, and there's so much that can be done with it. Art history books will have pictures of anime girls in it in 50 years.

>> No.5162783

>e an end to this "era" with a revolutionary change in technology
this is the most likely, and most happy alternatives of ending this era, true

>> No.5162790

Another useless thread made for wasting time, reddit is doing better than /ic/ at this point

>> No.5162819


>> No.5162901

>a movie from 50 years ago as an example for a modern problem

>> No.5164134

Unironically post something the west will be remembered for. We had a good run but realism and abstractism are boring and not fun to engage in, especially for younger people. And the comic industry is still stuck in the 70s.

>> No.5164156

>being unable to emote without swapping to a cartoon style
This is not brought up enough, hot damn

>> No.5164197

Of course there are some good movies once in a while but you cannot deny that the uttermost is trash with trash effects and trash art direction. Every fucking movie is a CGI fest, for fuck’s sake there’s barely anything real. That or woke shit. Again, yes there is one or two good movies per year but that’s it. Also fuck no I don’t use netflix.

>> No.5164246
File: 1.96 MB, 500x281, Sakuga-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this era will be remembered more by the radical politics and self-indulgence rather than the art styles.
Remember how Adventure Time was the biggest thing for the first half of the decade but the thing everyone remembers is that it had lesbians? Same with Korra, nobody talks about anything other than the lesbian ending.
Steven Universe may be the cartoon that's most closely associated with this generation, but even then SU is mostly known for it's weird gender politics and the fact that it's creator is non-binary now.

>> No.5164579

It depends on what era.

I think 2015 would be the cutoff of the 2000s era and what we are in now.
From about 2000 to 2015 was the era of renewed individual expression thanks to the internet, while mainstream media also got better for a while while trying to keep up. Animation went from fucked, to really good by the end of it (except 2d RIP).

From 2015 to now has been more of a transitional period. Society went from showing some cracks to going up in flames so quickly that most people can still barely figure out what happened.

The progressive ideals that used to make up the counter-culture have become mainstream. From 2015 to now, pop-culture media went from mindless escapism, to being more critical of reality and having some kind of point to make. I think we will see a shift in creator-driven independent media from cynical to just flat out escapism itself.

>> No.5164651

what the fuck

>> No.5164911

It will surprise many of you.

>> No.5164936

>other than the lesbian ending.
What the fuck? I should have watched this show when it came out.

>> No.5164944

We are in the middle of the spinoff era where fucking everything is a sequel or a spinoff of a series
We're also in the politics era where everyone must insert their views into whatever children's cartoon they're animating

>> No.5165062

male fujos exist

>> No.5165070

Anime exists outside the US right? It's been popular around the world for decades and now the Chinese and Koreans and other asians are doing their own manga.
So what western style has been more popular in your opinion?

>> No.5165074

anime sucks, retard.

>> No.5165148

So you can't come up with answer, you can only react emotionally to reality.

>> No.5165324

>Praising a middle aged man who's most likely balding by now that draws cute and funnies with terrible rendering habits; specifically those disgusting abdomen shadings of his.

>> No.5165438


>> No.5165555

Don't. It's a waste of time.

>> No.5165585

i wasn't the person you were talking to. just wanted to add some insight to the topic.

>> No.5165592


>> No.5166963

i imagine it will be in our life time that we will be able to bait faggot and fornicators just like this image.

just wave around some homo rights placard and out they come to slaughter.

>> No.5167015

not yours cause you dont draw, loser! lol

>> No.5168233

the corporate battle of muh style just for advertisement departments, niches and cultures to have a reason to exit and compete in a connected capitalist world. But on another take, there's the ongoing war between the romantics and idealists which as always, defend tradition and progress respectively.

the future is more uncertain than ever, but more than an imminent lulzcaust, our future is more and more on the hands of a few who could wipe out half the planet if they wish to.

>> No.5168705

is this the guy who got called out because one of his state representation is offensive to blacks or something? What's his name

>> No.5168709

>background just a gaussian blurred photograph
Is there anything more soulless in art?

>> No.5168716

yeah. when an artist tirelessly irons out every facet of their personality with technical practice, easily more soulless.

>> No.5168725
File: 156 KB, 675x1200, 47ECE603-2406-4897-AAF4-2EC6FAF57F65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s this artist
>Just your average black dude
>likes music and barbecue
>plays basketball
>enjoys going to the beach
>And was a victim of slavery

>> No.5168768

holy fuck. This tone-deafness is hilarious

>> No.5168775

I'd love an edit where it's changed to Chris-Chan holding up one of his girlfriend-signs

>> No.5169858

Lullindo is a much better artist that works with the same kind of stuff.

Also still not sure if they have a peenor or vageene so that's a plus.

>> No.5169991

John williams, peter sculthrope, phillip glass
Like it or not the person going down in history for this last decade or two will be banksy
Lmao who gives a shit
Vladimir putin.

>> No.5170432

who's the artist?

>> No.5170442

Hopefully nobody will be around to remember this dumpster fire, especially me.

>> No.5171154

either anime taking over the west or CalArts beanmouth as the worst trend in animation , or Modern Pixar face