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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 74 KB, 378x427, 1611611192588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5159827 No.5159827 [Reply] [Original]

So where are you guys moving to after Twitter goes full Tumblr?

>> No.5159831

fucking pedophiles ruin everything.....

>> No.5159833
File: 67 KB, 300x164, 6F735003-03C3-4D87-B7A8-43E2FE912E94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope all social media nukes nsfw degeneracy. It would be the most based thing they ever have done or will do. Nuke it all

>> No.5159837
File: 40 KB, 430x699, 0DF21F4B-953D-4197-9BBE-11D27D060621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn’t have relied on sex to sell your work

>> No.5159840

This. Finally I won’t have to share platforms with literal degenerate coombrains

>> No.5159862

>child wins against twitter
>coomers get the boot
I see this as an absolute win.

>> No.5159865

>twitter refused to remove actual cp
>sued by the child

>> No.5159870

>Shouldn’t have relied on sex to sell your work
>posts loomis

>> No.5159884
File: 47 KB, 480x480, A9DA9F26-635C-4BED-9F30-28C1DCADA4EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This day is blessed. Nuke the porn, hang the pedos, lock up the furfags. The beginning of a new world

>> No.5159885
File: 97 KB, 720x576, F88C8C91-D0ED-4938-8ACC-E4AA3CC46BCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next, an /ic/ blue board. Praise be

>> No.5159889
File: 126 KB, 500x561, i-hate-to-say-i-told-you-so-buti-do-50365031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You reap what you sow.

>> No.5159892

Blue board ic would be great

>> No.5159894
File: 21 KB, 480x264, B722D1B2-29D1-4B38-BF16-C49D333BDE76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is not something we want, but an inevitable future. Let us join hands and be thankful for our great reset

>> No.5159901

>pornhub suddenly has a massive cp problem, and the (((payment processors))) step in to fix it
>twitter now suddenly has a massive cp problem
what a (((coincidence)))

>> No.5159909
File: 147 KB, 1000x874, BEC6B001-B00A-41AF-AEA9-43E40A7E58DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porn is distributed by Jews but also suppressed by Jews

Wow Jews are so cool. Thanks for educating us retard

>> No.5159910

Probably nothing will happen. The pedo cabal is stronger than ever before with uncle joe

>> No.5159915

tumbls unironically improved tenfold when it banned all the coombrained retards and their followers left with them. twitter always has and always will be shit tho

>> No.5159925

It's the advertisers pressuring the platforms and payment processors.

>> No.5159928

I have my own site. I’ll be fine. Never depend a site you don’t own to host your content.

>> No.5159932

I really hope this happens. NSFW content deserves a better place than that shithole.

>> No.5159941

Jews distribute onions porn like blacked, gangbangs, dps, and other shit the lessens the value of a white man relative to women or niggers, not based chad porn

>> No.5159942


It’s only going to get worse and I don’t care about the coomfags. I recommend you buy as much storage as you can and download everything before it’s too late.

Also this.

>> No.5159944

You may not be able to make money off it, though.

>> No.5159947
File: 71 KB, 552x524, 05D11A90-E47D-4E66-B2A5-0BB3754A2868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based chad porn
Define this

>> No.5159950

holy based
But in all actuality, I don't care, twitter won't suffer a loss from this only coom artists

>> No.5159952

Christcucks and /pol/shitters need to be purged

>> No.5159957
File: 109 KB, 800x900, 1610991612594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter refused to remove actual cp
Doubt it, its probably more like Twitter wasn't moderating the site hard enough, which isn't wrong, there is a whole lot of sketchy shit on twitter that doesn't get removed.
That is the main problem the site has, it's especially bad if you go to the chinese/korean side of NSFW Twitter.

>> No.5159959

So why were you guys sperging over pizzagate if it’s so chad?

>> No.5159961

>>pornhub suddenly has a massive cp problem
It didn't, xvideos is worse.
It just got assfucked by some Christian anti porn group
>twitter now suddenly has a massive cp problem
Has had one for some time now

>> No.5159967

According to the story, the guy (16, 13 in the video) and his mom contacted them and they said it doesn’t violate any policies.
Which makes me think it’s not porn in the strictest sense.

>> No.5159976

>Which makes me think it’s not porn in the strictest sense
Maybe, as for the main pic I think it's an overreaction, I doubt twitter will nuke everything,but if it does the amount of salt will be glorious

>> No.5159979

How of this minor stuff is even out there if it’s so hard to purge I wonder? It’s just weird to think about

>> No.5159981

Given that you posted this on /ic/, I presume that you aren't actually talking about CP, but drawings.
Given that you are probably talking about drawings of real people, I presume this is about Shadman.
Regardless, take your twitter threads to /b/, faggot.

>> No.5159985

>and where would I even be able to find it? Just wondering haha
I see through you, ESLfag.

>> No.5159995

Good thing there's a million other places to upload nsfw art to. The only people hurt by this are people who put all their eggs in one basket for no reason.
Upload your shit everywhere and this will never be a problem.

>> No.5160003
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It unironically gets recorded by the teens doing that shit.
In korea, porn is banned, however the law itself isn't enforced people fap to it anyway and don't get punished.
Koreans (and chinese peeps) don't really give a shit about the rules when it comes to posting content on twitter, using 1n, 0_ as a way to skirt getting the banhammer.
This has been a problem, literally thousands of these girls posting nudes, and twitter hasn't done much to stop it.
This ended up spiraling out of controll in korea and some mega jeffrey epstien tier fuckers coned,scammed and blackmailed girls in south korea to create hurtcore content, and rape hurtcore content.
The owners of the operation ended up doing this by larping as the police saying if they don't comply they will get vanned
They ended up selling this content on telergram and called the group, the nth room.
People there were paying so much money for hurtcore rape porn videos on telegram.
Thousands of people in korea were paying for such content.
People in Korea were paying $120 - over $1000 for this kind of content which featured minors.
The people who orchestrated it was a 25 year old,a 16 year old teenager and some other people.

This whole thing could have been avoided if Twitter actually had mods deleting illegal content, and if there was much more of a knowledge in korea to teens that uploading your nudes online isn't a great idea. That and larger punishments for lawbreakers.

>> No.5160009

And yet you’re posting on a board full of porn ads

>> No.5160015

god, I’m sickened by the damage regards laws cause to our children. if there was a mandatory uploading of nudes for all kids, the dudes couldn’t blackmail them and uploading nudes wouldn’t be seen as cool, but these fossils just don’t get it

>> No.5160023

Technically it's CP, and they are uploading it to a public platform like twitter for everyone to see.
I don't really know how you would be able to fix this problem. Other than better moderation.

>> No.5160032
File: 440 KB, 675x667, Screenshot_2021-01-25 Twitter refused to remove child porn because it didn’t ‘violate policies’ lawsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr nuked NSFW now guess who is next
A Friend on silicon valley was warned me to not hold shares of the company

I bought a shit on of option puts

>> No.5160038

when my dad caught me smoking, he made me smoke the whole pack, and he wouldn’t let me stop no matter how sick I got or how much I vomited
I never smoked another cigarette in my life
I now realize the tough love made me better, and I’m sure he would have stepped in if I got dangerously dehydrated
when you catch your kid doing stupid shit, you make them loathe doing it, and the only way to do it is to overexposed them to it
make the little cretins take nudes until they can’t hold up their phone anymore and their skin is chaffed and sore from posing, they will never do it again

>> No.5160044
File: 119 KB, 850x992, 1593977185457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I say it?

>> No.5160049

Are they just going to continue banning porn everywhere because it's too hard to just only ban pedos

>> No.5160050

retard forgot to erase the patreon logo, /ic/ if full of retards

>> No.5160060


>> No.5160065

as if anyone here has any money to spend on paywalled generic coom

>> No.5160114

can someone please explain what loomis means, ive been on this board for a couple days and cant figure it out
(im not >>5159837)

>> No.5160116

Based. Fuck coomer retards.

>> No.5160118

google it

>> No.5160122

What are the other social media options? Pivix, Pillowfort, HentaiFoundry?
Of course you can host your own site, but you still have to market it.

>> No.5160147
File: 50 KB, 389x499, 1604432678046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter bans porn
>nsfw artists post censored/cropped drawings anyway
>more thirsty followers subscribe to patreon/fanbox
>/pol/fag /beg/s seethe even more

>> No.5160153

read the sticky, retard

>> No.5160154


>> No.5160170

loomis is a website were you draw underage porn and get money

>> No.5160178

Nah, this actually real and happening.

iirc the incident occurred mid-2020, but it's only recently that they filed suit.

>> No.5160225

>platforms ban apparent real life nudity
>with nowhere to go but actual porn sites, social media becomes erotic art only


>> No.5160245

Go back

>> No.5160256

All of you post your awesome top tier non-sexualized SFW art

>> No.5160268

this is 4chan, not reddit

>> No.5160280

Haven't you seen that right wing "art" thread some days ago? Rightoids can't draw for shit.

>> No.5160314

Nowhere. Post SFW art to Twitter, offer NSFW variant on Patreon. Crisis solved, no dooming necessary.

>> No.5160319


"""CP""" can be whatever. it can even be legit art
anyone has a link to the real thing mentioned there, without the libtard hot takes?

>> No.5160376

you dont use ublock?

>> No.5160380

Obviously if it depicts an actually existing child they’re not talking about your Chinese cartoons

>> No.5160385

seethe coomer

>> No.5160396
File: 542 KB, 828x763, 1595514031941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is good.

>> No.5160400

nude photography can be art. erotica used to be a thing
also literally all old masters painted nude young REAL girls

>> No.5160402
File: 440 KB, 750x1013, 1411FCEE-FBFB-46BC-AB4B-437904777320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the fucking site looks like on mobile without Adblock. Still think a blue /ic/ is a bad idea?

>> No.5160404

Seething pedo

>> No.5160406

how is this disgusting shit legal, but cute, aesthetic, cp solo softcore is not?

>> No.5160407

>see multiple e-thots and coom asmr girls screaming over this
>many of them keep trying to pull artists that draw nsfw into this as if they are pornstars or sex workers
The difference between us and whores are that many of us draw coom because we enjoy it. Making money was an after thought. Also, people who draw well in general can transition from nsfw to sfw seamlessly. Its not like you only draw one or the other all the time.
Most artists can just have sfw accounts that have nsfw links on the page. If this happens, we'll always have pixiv, newgrounds, etc to fall back on.
The only people that will be unable to recover are actual whores because their bodies are all they have to offer.
Art is a skill.
Pussy farts are a bodily function.

>> No.5160412

16 y canadian boy

>> No.5160414

Where is the fucking drawing? I'm an adult able to judge shit by myself

>> No.5160417

Pfffff. Yeah keep telling yourself that.

>> No.5160420

Tech illiterate newfag.

>> No.5160425

>ad hominem

>> No.5160427

i hope every woman on this board gets decapitated

>> No.5160434

The question is who determines what is and isn't nsfw

>> No.5160436
File: 741 KB, 1024x1024, 1456528782334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based if I don't say so myself.

>> No.5160442
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1606210645824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll drink to that.

>> No.5160443

>>see multiple e-thots and coom asmr girls screaming over this


>> No.5160448
File: 51 KB, 590x469, 429A35D1-6BA8-4AFB-90A1-35A7EEA1D420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5160450

Unironically this. I have to block images on this fucking board at this point because the gross coomshit is too much.
The whole point is that nobody wants to post art on porn sites, and you're asking people to post art.
Kill yourself you chair-rocking braindead faggot.
If you think only women and "trannies" or tradcaths or some other retarded spook you invented for yourself are tired of seeing porn everywhere you are fucking gone in the head. No sane person wants this shit.

>> No.5160453

You vote for biden, now you face the internet purge. Good luck amerifats.

>> No.5160455
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>> No.5160494
File: 90 KB, 800x636, 1600515559943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5160512
File: 1.68 MB, 300x292, 1563641445293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't big companies have this auto-detect system where illegal shit is promptly removed/reported via AI? I think it was microsoft or apple who worked with FBI investigators to make this program, and it's been out for a literal decade.
normies are better off not using SNS at all to be honest, they can't handle it. we need to go back to the days where if you used the internet for more than 3 hours, you were a loser neckbeard fat faggot autist who'll never get a GF.

>> No.5160515

using the internet to download porn and mp3s was the only thing that normies used the internet for
so maybe you're the ones who should fuck off

>> No.5160551


This is the result when i googled it. Is this it?
Im upset its real cp but im glad it isnt someone over reacting to 2d. Man pedophiles are fucking awful and kids need to stop being such sluts on media.

>> No.5160562

NGMI & YWNBAW. Many such cases. Sad.

>> No.5160566

this is the most idiotic thing i have ever heard in my life

>> No.5160567

just post the drawing, not gonna click on fucking google looking for cp

>> No.5160618

Didnt google for cp you fucking caveman.
I googled for twitter getting sued

>> No.5160620

post the drawing. this is called an "image" board for a reason

>> No.5160622
File: 18 KB, 500x330, 1577365550658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5160627

>sending a video of yourself to someone
>sex trafficking
also, no one is clarifying what the video depicts
$100 says it’s not explicit

>> No.5160629

I didnt say it was a drawing fucking retard. Its not a fucking drawing. Learn to read fag.
It was a video of a kid getting dicked down. And im not saving that shit.

>> No.5160635

You need to learn how to identify a glow nigger when a glow nigger is being a glow nigger.

>> No.5160638

Its a good feeling to watch perverts cry, cope, and seethe because their porn supply might be cut off.

>NOOOO i dont care if kids are being raped!! I want my porn!!!
>Addiction? Don't make me laugh!

>> No.5160639

wait a minute, this is an ART board, why is OP discussing twitter banning a video?
at least it was one of those really artsy european ones?

>> No.5160641

It’s not a kid being raped, retards, learn to read.
>According to the filing, one or multiple traffickers tricked the boy into providing explicit images to a Snapchat account he was led to believe belonged to a 16-year-old girl. After obtaining the explicit content, the traffickers allegedly blackmailed the boy into providing the video that ultimately spread on Twitter.
>providing the video
It’s the same type of deal like that discord tranny kid who blew his brains out on stream.

>> No.5160643
File: 44 KB, 615x506, 1599720833391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is so fucking good for business holy shit
Now I can simply censor my work and paywall it on my parteon and I won't look like a jew for doing so

Right now I'm just doing high res version+alternate while giving out the r18 base for free
we fucking win coomerchads

>> No.5160651

fucking dropped >>>/hm/

>> No.5160662

i hope they ban NSFW desu, i've been thinking of deleting all of my porn and this may be what pushes me over the edge.

>> No.5160675

Pornhub fucked themselves over because they likewise were contacted with complaints about child porn and then didn’t move quickly to remove it. They are getting reamed because they were perceived to have failed to police themselves despite the community flagging questionable videos.

>> No.5160687

No one wants to spend the money for more human moderation and pedos ruin everything

>> No.5160688

It’s not a drawing but a picture of a real person involved in the lawsuit

>> No.5160714

Same. Fuck social media. Brings out the worst in people.

>> No.5160759
File: 231 KB, 800x720, 1589856905696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even get commissions with sfw art ?

>> No.5160776

>undesirables infringe in the chosen people's laundromat
>suddenly ass places where people can post their porn for free are (((full of cheese pizza))) and need to be shut down
This has never happened before and won't happen again, no sir.

>> No.5160779

If you remove the porn traffic twitter is smaller than 4chan.

>> No.5160784

>Which makes me think it’s
ok if the victim is a guy.
You know that's the truth. If he was a girl it would've blown up the internet and media and wouldn't have taken them 7 months to find a lawyer willing to take their case.

>> No.5160827

>Pornhub fucked themselves over because they likewise were contacted with complaints about child porn and then didn’t move quickly to remove it.
They did though
Even exodus crys video stated out of the 14 million videos porn hub had just 118 was either cp or non consensual videos that where found within 2 years.
Compare that to twitter or any other platform, or fucking xvideos, that not much in comparison.

>> No.5160828

No it isn't, stop coping you looser, this site isn't that popular

>> No.5160829

Based Mr. Blook

>> No.5160832
File: 9 KB, 250x192, 0B896DD1-DD41-4378-95FD-9C930CE96052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5160834

Twitter's barely hitting 150M daily users and 40% is porn, 18-25% is bots and the rest are actual people most of whom are crybullying someone or companies wasting their time in "guerrilla marketing" nobody cares about.

Twitter is shit, has always been shit and will always be shit. The only people who think it's relevant or worth a second of their life are idiots who haven't used other social media and experienced how much easier it is to get cash and exposure for your shit elsewhere.

>> No.5160838

Made a pixiv just in case, thanks OP

>> No.5160843
File: 1.16 MB, 480x480, 2EEF6FC2-B766-48A6-9F45-2BA93EA2D7C7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there’s so many based homies online today. Burn it all down

>> No.5160875

Just set up your own website as a core, it's retardedly easy. Then use whatever social media is there currently to promote what's on your page.

>> No.5160876

read the fucking sticky

>> No.5160878

better yet, make an unmoderated free speech twitter clone and put gay nigger porn ads everywhere after people pay 15 bucks to sign up for their right wing safe space

>> No.5160886

or you do that, the only problem with that is that you will then have the responsibility for an unmoderated free speech twitter clone with homosexual black gentleman erotic picture advertisments everywhere, wich will fuck you in the ass legally long term. Just set up a website and use the existing infrastructure

>> No.5160905

I have a lot of artist friends who gets removed left and right with very little fanfare or due to flimsy reasoning. I don't understand how they have trouble removing actual illegal content.

>> No.5160907
File: 59 KB, 798x644, 4A00AD09-7D86-4104-BA76-22AA2D9235E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine your social circle being coom drawing Twitter edgelords

>> No.5160909

Well, I am a porn artist, and so are most of my art friends, although none of them are particular controversial.

What can I say? I am practically a incel neet.

>> No.5160937


>> No.5160941

>you must be a nazi if you don't like pervasive cumbrain "art"
lmao kill yourself you fucking faggot

>> No.5160942


>> No.5160970

You’re on /ic/ mate, it’s normal for most “people” here

>> No.5160971
File: 35 KB, 700x394, A6BCB739-1385-42C6-B3D5-1665BEE7F81E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it, “people”

>> No.5160973
File: 25 KB, 449x470, 1560934141902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any proof or any real reason to think porn will even be banned on Twitter? Any statements on the matter? Tumblr was forced to do it because of big daddy apple, but here it's a different situation.

I highly doubt they'll nuke nsfw, as the biggest pedo problem on the platform are mega links, which are just links and not usually accompanied with pictures, right?

Honestly I don't give a shit about porn, I can see most people go to baraag/pawoo for coom anyways. What I'm seeing here is that Twitter will just make a few press headlines, will probably have to pay the girl a few mill and then it won't get talked about anymore.

>> No.5160977
File: 26 KB, 400x563, 32E48E7E-28A9-4E6D-BF6A-F76BE6F1A8D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, surely you don’t mean....”people”? Are you suggesting that....no, no you can’t be

>> No.5160979

Free speech shittery has shown me that democracy was a mistake. Make a platform that advocates for "free speech" and 100% of its content will be either illegal or subhuman level IQ flat-earther tier idiocy. You go on these platforms and you engage with people who can't even spell or use proper grammar and have completely retarded takes 360° and unbelievable levels of autism. And they unironically believe that they can build an alternative internet like this, with someone else paying to host this precious shit they make.
They actually make Twitter look sane and bring absolutely nothing better or a different attitude to the table. If you think they're retarded you're an SJW, just like an SJW will say you're a Nazi for being an inch right of Mao.

>> No.5160980


>> No.5160981

American worldview strikes again. Hey did you know Kim jung ji and à majority of managakas are somewhat on the right (whatever the fuck that means)?

>> No.5160982
File: 36 KB, 600x800, 625B76D1-0EA7-4F0F-B01F-4B7C2FA33E2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5160983

Free speech is good because it lets everyone speaks out their mind. Yes, most people are stupid and you get exposed to their retarded bullshit, but if there wasn't free speech you wouldn't even express your slightest difference. Imagine getting locked in jail for not sharing the same mindset as the majority. Majority will always be brainwashed regardless of democracy or not.

>> No.5160988

Fuck they found out BURN EVERYTHING

>> No.5160992

you fellow humans are so cringe. there are obviously no aliens here

>> No.5160993

Yes but the way I imagined a free speech platform would be that these people would be shunned for being objectively retarded, and that actual balanced discussion would somewhat prevail. I thought that more balanced people would value this freedom. Instead what you see is just people who want to post NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER or even more fucked up porn than what is allowed on normal sites which is way too fucking much, or make shit up and have other insane people agree with them because free speech means echo chamber. The idea why you'd want free speech on a platform is that you'd end up with an environment where reason would come first, where people would be able to put ideas to the test without being held down by conformity, not literally a mirror of mainstream idiocy and its echo chambers. That's all these "alternative" things are, a mirror of Twitter. There's no sanity or moderation (as in balanced opinions), it's just Twitter but with inversed polarity. It was such a fucking letdown to witness this unfold. I was trying to find other people who were sick of the pozzed shit and wanted a normal environment, nope you get the same retards in a different flavor. And the fact that they're the majority ensures that no sane person will ever branch out of Twitter etc.

>> No.5160996
File: 14 KB, 236x370, 03D95C48-1F99-442F-BF9D-7598AA573844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who said anything about aliens

>> No.5161006

The problem isn't free speech, mate. The problem is lack of free speech actually. By the way, the notion of free speech isn't only saying whatever you want, but fully expressing yourself without shitting up other peoples lives. The reason what you are talking about happens is because free speech isn't applied properly. It shouldn't disturb others and should reasonable but it's the opposite. Twitter literally censors out posts that aren't politically correct even if they aren't hateful. This is caused by the lack of free speech. But i agree with your most of points anyway.

>> No.5161008
File: 1003 KB, 2500x1875, FBF2A51E-4E8D-4730-8F85-D2C217FFC56A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your very comment contradicts your own opinion, it’s not all retards and niggerniggernigger. Obviously there’s a reason we stay here. It would be nice if there was a way to filter the retards but it’s not possible. There is no other way. It’s like saying capitalism would be great if there was some way to avoid monopolies. “people” should at least be glad we’ve got somewhere we can hang out with other “people”, even if retarded “people” walk among us

>> No.5161010

Yeah, that is the price we pay for freedom. It also lets retards express themselves.

>> No.5161014
File: 113 KB, 2184x1228, CFBACF53-D37C-4E11-AEFC-AFD83B60C34C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think often “people” just lack experience and overuse shock humour. Also many others lack exposure to even “people” of their own kind so definitely haven’t probed other human cultures

>> No.5161032
File: 51 KB, 750x557, BE8C959E-376C-431E-AE06-D129469D3479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking god what have I started my fellow humans

>> No.5161050
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 4716A716-EAC0-4776-B372-9288D36E601F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitters in the shitter and everyone just starts blowing cover like retards. Be cool “people”

>> No.5161053

>Your very comment contradicts your own opinion, it’s not all retards and niggerniggernigger.
I wasn't talking about 4chan, 4chan is basically Reddit with more swearing at this point. The quality of discussion has massively degraded since it became the mainstream platform where you can say politically incorrect things uncensored. This place is for redditors who want to get a cheap thrill saying nigger anonymously. And in any case 4chan has done nothing but make things worse because of this, if you have "free speech" in a completely anonymous way it doesn't matter. It's all a confinement zone or a limbo where thoughts go to die.

>> No.5161065

people have been saying 4chan has gone to shit since about 6 months after its creation. Damning the younger generation as retards is a phenomena that has spanned millennia

>> No.5161084

this lmao
just take a look at all the /beg/ and /pol/tard salt ITT
SFWfags will never be relevant

>> No.5161088

I work in machine learning, these systems are utter horseshit. They're getting better, but they're still not good.

>> No.5161092

>draw life model
>post it
>banned for NSFW because the model was nude

>> No.5161099

>model was 12

>> No.5161116

oh look, the internet is mad again at a website they get to use for free doing something unpopular

>> No.5161121

>post anatomy ref
>get banned

>> No.5161122
File: 622 KB, 601x750, 1611615779367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about that...

>> No.5161125

better than 99% of the posters ITT

>> No.5161129
File: 349 KB, 688x699, EAF0FA50-17C4-4C29-A601-7C12B992B2A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m here downtown reporting and once again the internet is on FIRE
>*screencap of an obscure thread on the slowest board of a shithole site*

>> No.5161131

Whatever website becomes the next Twitter from 2015. I personally never expected porn artists to move there and yet here we are, with people getting crazy numbers. NSFW stuff is too big to die at this point - it didn't happen when Tumblr died and it won't happen if Twitter does either.

>> No.5161139

Loomis was an ilustrator that published a serie of books on drawing and painting that explained the basics of construction for anatomy.

because of a weird legal loophole, his book were free of right for a time and could be legally downloaded for free (not the case anymore I think). so it was standard to recommend his books when a beginner had construction or anatomical issue.

That was eventually shortened to "need more loomis" and eventually just "loomis"

of course as time passed, people started to forgot the reason behind, and newcomer tried to be smart by being anti-loomis, and attacking the man when people really recommended them to use more construction.

basically at some point it became all crab all the way down.

>> No.5161150
File: 199 KB, 1287x1800, y_o_m_y_o_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, if you're willing to draw OCs. And remember: no tits, pussy and ass flashing to make up for wonky anatomy and boring rendering this time.

>> No.5161172

Nope, more like thin-skinned retard

>> No.5161176

>thin skinned
Is this what spineless cretins say when their feelings are hurt?

>> No.5161185
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161190


>> No.5161318

>tfw there won't be places to upload when you get good enough
I guess user generated content will die.

>> No.5161330

Japs will just go back to pixiv
Pedos will go to pawoo

>> No.5161336

Centrists have been painted as the devil and shunned from all discussion around 2012-2015, all that came afterwards is a perfect illustration of the horseshoe theory.

>> No.5161344

>spineless cretins
Is this what stain skinned retards say when their feelings are hurt?

>> No.5161356

Your entire post sums down to “I want free speech for things I like, but not for things I don’t like”. You are what’s wrong with these platforms.

>> No.5161358

>that ESL retard RPing as an alien and samefagging like mad

>> No.5161374

The alien thing was definitely multiple people, I was one of them. Not sure why anything you don’t find funny must be an ESL, I’m english and I don’t see it

>> No.5161377

>"How do I keep getting spotted?!" he wonders, nervously

>> No.5161381
File: 8 KB, 214x235, 7822F7C6-353A-4D1C-962B-5E3DE51743D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? This board is fucking retarded. If someone disputes something you just double down on being wrong, I literally don’t give a shit I was just saying you’re wrong

>> No.5161382

who the fuck browses 4chan on their phone.

>> No.5161384

Post a picture of your keyboard.

>> No.5161386

Likely pretty much everyone at this point, why wouldn’t you use your phone? It’s in my pocket constantly, I browse 4chan. But dare not combine the two, heresy

>> No.5161388

Even if you do it on your phone, you can still block ads if you aren't a tech illiterate retard.

>> No.5161389

post a picture of your sister

>> No.5161395

not a phone, but why wouldn’t you browse from a tablet? it’s the comfiest option
also, being on a mobile so is irrelevant, just use an adblock, if I can do it on ios with safari, I’m sure you can do it anywhere

>> No.5161397

Unlike your keyboard, my sister is American.

>> No.5161404

unlike your sister, my keyboard isn’t caked with semen

>> No.5161407
File: 70 KB, 657x527, 260FEEA5-EB51-463F-8294-5536602A185B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her shitting cum into an ice cream cone and eating it

>> No.5161408

I very much doubt that, ESLfag.

>> No.5161410

doesn’t it send your captchas nuts though? When I use adblockers I get like 20 step slow fading captchas that tell me I’m wrong when I’m not

>> No.5161412

once again that wasn’t even the same guy mutt

>> No.5161414

ITT: "puritanos" who cant draw something appealing hating como material.

Go back to drawing girls with refrigerator bodies and faces from skirim lmao

>> No.5161418

Didn't say it was, I said you were an ESL.

>> No.5161434

on the contrary, when I DON’T use adblockers google shits all over me for using safari and sends me nothing but those slow ass fading ones and makes me have to fill 15 of the before it lets me through, claiming I did it wrong several times in a row
with adblock I get the normal 3 images and that’s it, no fading ones, half the time it doesn’t even make me fill one
I use adguard pro and wipr

>> No.5161438

*I haven’t said it were
Please learn English, Aaron Gombowski

>> No.5161445

>that wasn't [...] the same guy
>[I] didn't say it was.


>that wasn't [...] the same guy
>I haven't said it were

Good job, dumbfuck.

>> No.5161452

Are you seriously being a grammar nazi on a mongolian tranny forum? Shut the fuck up already, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5161453

I don't want to have a Twitter anyway.

>> No.5161455

>muttoid literacy

>> No.5161456

No, he's trying to one up me because I called him out for being an ESL. The funny thing is: his correction isn't even close to right.

>> No.5161459

>he's still going
So in your opinion, the previous post should have said "that weren't the same guy"?

>> No.5161469

>muttoid esl still doesn’t recognise subjunctive

>> No.5161470

I’m English you muppet

>> No.5161474

ps you’re still arguing with different people, I haven’t checked thread since I told you to imagine your sister shitting cum and eating it. By the way now imagine her blowing snot bubbles with said cum

>> No.5161475

Go back to Duolingo.
English doesn't work the way you think it does.

Then why don't you have an English keyboard?

>> No.5161477

I love it when Americans try to correct English people on the English language. silly baba

>> No.5161478

>ps you’re still arguing with different people
I thought you wanted to be called an alien?

>> No.5161485

I love it when ESLs try to correct someone's English, but completely fucking fail.
I will ask you again: in your opinion, the previous post should have said "that weren't the same guy"?

>> No.5161486
File: 35 KB, 689x795, B02CA7B4-0D4C-4523-87B7-8754841919C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not understanding a joke, still not reading the room or even understanding who he’s talking to. I’m really sorry I didn’t realise I was speaking to someone autistic. You shouldn’t be on a website like this mate it’s not kind to people like you. Please log off and find your carer

>> No.5161488

>English doesn’t work the way the English think it does
lol enjoy your nigger creole, esl

>> No.5161491

I’m literally not even a part of this conversation. I said it wasn’t the same guy and now people are bickering about whether I said it right. I can assure you I did, because I am english

>> No.5161494

>ESL is also a dumb frogposter
Go figure.

Nigger creole like saying "that weren't the same guy"?

>> No.5161496

>STILL doesn’t understand subjunctive
>STILL doesn’t understand the two statements operate on different rules due to subjunctive
Were you homeschooled?

>> No.5161501

If you're not the same guy that failed miserably to correct my English, then keep the reply chains straight, retard. If you're the other guy claiming to be English, then the question is: why don't you have an English keyboard?

>> No.5161503

Holy based, I hope nsfw gets banned

>> No.5161507

English does not work the way you think it does, retard. It is never correct in English to say "I haven't said it were the same guy" in response to someone saying "that isn't the same guy".

>> No.5161508
File: 1.53 MB, 4032x1461, 7BC01906-1EA7-428B-97C8-B71F11F949AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying "that weren't the same guy"?
that’s not even the sentence this is about, the sentence was “I didn’t say it was” not “it was”
unironically learn english
also yes, you would say “that weren’t the same guy”, it just means something different than “that wasn’t the same guy”
subjunctive, learn it
here’s my keyboard since you’re autistic on top of being uneducated

>> No.5161509
File: 33 KB, 600x606, Garbage site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to get cp on Twitter taken down quickly is to report these profiles directly to law enforcement tiplines otherwise Twitter will leave them up for months.

Pretty shocking how it took this long for people to call them out on it.

>> No.5161510

reported for being on topic

>> No.5161517 [DELETED] 
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is a magical place. It’s the only place you can argue with six people at once who are objectively wrong and feel like you’re arguing with one retard who is convinced they’re right. For the record I’m the first guy you asked to post his keyboard so apparently you were wrong again about yet another guy. Give up

>> No.5161519


>> No.5161524

What's wrong with this? Asking for a friend.

>> No.5161528

>t. Degenerate who needs the crutch of coom because cant make it doing real art

>> No.5161541

>he still thinks that the world revolves around america

>> No.5161544

>six people at once who are objectively wrong
Hey, you said it, not me.

>For the record I’m the first guy you asked to post his keyboard
What difference does that make? I posted >>5161475, directed at you, to which you replied >>5161477.
You replied as if you were responding to the part of the post NOT directed at you, because you can't keep your reply chains straight.

>Alt Gr

>that’s not even the sentence this is about, the sentence was “I didn’t say it was” not “it was”
You posted >>5161412 to which I replied >>5161418. Are all ESLs as bad as keeping reply chains straight as you two retards are?

>Globe Key

>> No.5161548

you are absolutely seething m8 don’t blow your lid

>> No.5161550


Second one is obviously meant for >>5161508
Curious as to why the other got deleted.

>> No.5161555

Is this the part of the conversation where I just say "cope"?
You proved my point already, so I'm perfectly content to stop here if you are.

>> No.5161556

Imagine caring this much. Why do you care about convincing someone they’re an ESL when they’re not? Why are you so angry at ESLs are you the child of immigrants?

>> No.5161557
File: 314 KB, 1705x703, 6FAB3173-3152-418D-89E2-B28A8FF5EB49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop, you have literally no clue who you’re even replying to

>> No.5161558

I remember when I was 15, I watched actual cp on xvideos and fapped to it, I realized recently...
>wait, that was cp.

>> No.5161565

>call 2 people ESLs based on their posting habits
>2 ESL keyboards get posted in response
>point this out
>"Why do you even care???"

I reply to each post in the context of that post's position in the reply chain. If you can't keep shit straight when you're replying, that's on you.

>> No.5161568
File: 10 KB, 274x274, 2BA992D2-868A-4E05-ACDE-EAE7965D3542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring this much

>> No.5161572

>call 2 people ESLs based on their posting habits
>2 ESL keyboards get posted in response
>point this out
>"Why do you even care???"
l o l

>> No.5161579
File: 772 KB, 1185x2209, 07848BFE-A58D-4BEA-889B-16E3B16B1465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls us keyboard and uk keyboard esl
>cries about muh esls not following reply chains
>literally no clue who he’s even replying to
just go find a cliff, this is embarrassing

>> No.5161585

How the fuck do you do that without realizing, unless it was that barely legal shit

>> No.5161588

What the fuck do you want me to do, a vocaroo showing my obviously English accent? Stop being a focking mongoloid and take the L it’s more than apparent that you are wrong. I don’t even understand your beef with ESLs you filthy mutt don’t you see the irony?

>> No.5161591

If you dip in and out of the reply chain with no rhyme or reason, that's on you.
>us keyboard

>uk keyboard
In a refugee neighborhood, maybe.

>> No.5161594

>child proportions
More like coomis

>> No.5161595

>I'm not an ESL!
>but also fuck you for mocking ESLs!

>> No.5161598

I didn’t say fuck you for mocking them But you’re like a Jew calling people kikes

>> No.5161599

lmao google smart us keyboard, poorfag
>muh globe key
literally only exists so you can switch to emojis to send to bitches lmao
learn english and then stop using pajeetdroid or whatever 3rd world product you’re used to

>> No.5161604

>But you’re like a Jew calling people kikes

>you filthy mutt
>take the L
>I don't even understand your beef

So it's a coincidence that your apostrophe symbol is wrong too? You just happen to be using a keyboard with a key designed for switching between languages that doesn't have the standard English punctuation keys. You just happen to harbor feelings of intense jealousy toward Americans. You just happen to get defensive when accused of being an ESL.
Merely a coincidence.

>> No.5161607

I guess I didn't know. it was about 22 years old japanese girl dominating a very young looking girl, really young. it was deleted ofc.

>> No.5161617

google it retard, I’m not feeding you anymore

>> No.5161621
File: 44 KB, 597x418, 1C288477-3ED2-4A73-9DF2-66010A0A3B5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a mutt, I’m English with English parents. You’re like a poor person trying to call a rich man poor. And when I point it out you’re like
>“see? Defending the poor! You fucking peasant”
While you stand covered in shit and piss with everyone staring at you

>> No.5161626
File: 33 KB, 128x128, Untitled38_20201003222830(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christcucks and /pol/shitters need to be purged

>> No.5161628

Google what, moron? Are you going to keep pretending all of those things are coincidences?

>you're the mutt!
>uses nigger slang

>> No.5161629

It happened with tumblr, can't foresee twitter being immune to this bullshit.

>> No.5161633
File: 10 KB, 236x167, 8EDC35A7-38E6-4A20-B7BD-825660F91552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe degenerates the purge is coming. Prepare for rapture

>> No.5161640

You should both kill yourselves for spamming these retarded tourist memes.

>> No.5161642

it's really amazing to me that facebook is being ignored when they have, through their own 'transparency responsibility' reports, sifted through something like 80 million instances of pornographic, suggestive, or abusive media featuring kids.

>> No.5161648
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 5E34313A-F9A6-4AA0-8848-A6D48E24361C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are forgiven for you know not what you do. Seethe on cucksoomer

>> No.5161651

wtf nobody told me facebook was based

>> No.5161653

Go back where you came from, faggot.

>> No.5161663
File: 86 KB, 1200x1000, DDC7010F-0650-4250-AFFE-CEA7C2FF3CB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been on 4chan for over a decade

>> No.5161665

And yet you spam tourist memes like a newfag.

>> No.5161682

absolutely seething

>> No.5161689

sup cuck

>> No.5161695

That's not what he said you dumb nigger. He said he wanted balanced discussion not just the inverse polarity of autism that we already deal with on twitter. I don't understand why people like you can't grasp the concept that a lot of people don't want to constantly hear either political extreme loudly yelling and throwing shit everywhere.

>> No.5161696

Kill yourself you fucking tumor.

>> No.5161701

>you're a thin skinned retard if you don't want to be constantly bombarded by mediocre porn artist posting their flavor of the month piece
No, we're just regular people that want to see genuine art instead of cheap thrill shit.

>> No.5161705

Quit your moralizing, you impressionable tool.

>> No.5161707

so just don’t disable the adult filter, I don’t see the problem

>> No.5161709

but twitter only shows you artists you choose to follow
just don’t follow porn blogs if you don’t want to see porn

>> No.5161710

get better standards

>> No.5161715


>> No.5161724

If an artist has anything nsfw on their account, it seems to flag most if not all their post.
I'll follow an artist for them to just retweet/like porn and/or gay shit. It takes too much effort to go through a bunch of follows to disable retweets and to show less likes from the person. And if I do go about doing all that filtering, they just don't show up on my feed anymore which defeats the purpose.
I really hate that everyone is using twitter now because it uses such a weird algorithm to show you popular shit relating to art (which is porn or skimpy anime girls most of the time) instead of being a straight time line like tumblr.

>> No.5161726


>> No.5161730

It's not a matter of adblocker, it's a matter of browser. They want you to use Chrome. Expect captchas to get harder and harder for non-Chrome users. They even got under investigation by the antitrust for this sort of shit and other things.

>> No.5161734

a lot phoneposters here

>> No.5161735

Get a rope and join the 42%.

>> No.5161741

Why are you retards even using social media lmfao
I just tweet my anime girls and close the tab

>> No.5161746

yeah it's definitely the people that mutilate their body over a fetish that are tired of coom threads lol

>> No.5161748
File: 228 KB, 825x340, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a cash handling company. for some reason anons like to pretend that is an artist.

>> No.5161749

Yes, it is definitely the people that are seething that they weren't born women that seethe every time an attractive woman is posted.
"Coomer" is literally a Discord tranny meme.

>> No.5161753

Twitter is an awful plateform for art, I can't wait that nuke any longer

>> No.5161756

The only based post itt

>> No.5161758

>I have my own site. I’ll be fine.
I hope you run you own server too

>> No.5161759
File: 23 KB, 600x439, 4796E8FF-9C58-4CDA-915A-D058E9E740C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny and an ESL

An internet thread about social media is a truly peculiar place to find people using the internet on their phones

>> No.5161760


>> No.5161761

>ESL still seething about getting called out

>> No.5161762

I run my own wind farm and generate the power for my server which I built myself from salvaged parts and copper wire which I personally smelted from pennies

>> No.5161765

Keeping coping

>> No.5161774

Seethe cope seethe dilate
Keep seething coper

>> No.5161800

don't forget your submarine cables.

>> No.5161814

>frogposter complains about buzzwords

>> No.5161816

Unironically seethe dilator

>> No.5161817

>uuuh n-no you!!!!
do phoneposters really?

>> No.5161819

>the seethe

>> No.5161827


>> No.5161835

You are either brain damaged our you're completely out of touch. LGBTfags are the biggest degenerates. The reason why you have porn everywhere is because of this whole "sex-positive" shit. You are so incredibly fucking retarded holy shit. Why do you think that trannies love anime so much? You know that your weebshit is a tranny's thing now, right?

>> No.5161838 [DELETED] 

Lurk, more faggot.

>> No.5161843
File: 40 KB, 601x499, 1581147704661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161844

Lurk more, faggot.

>> No.5161846

Seethe harder while you jerk it to dickgirls and traps. That's totally not gay, right

>> No.5161850

Unlike you, I am not a wojakposting Redditor.
Unlike you, I know how to spot memes forced by outsiders with an agenda. Unlike you, I am not an impressionable newfag desperately trying to fit in with some retarded political group.

>> No.5161852

This. The only coom artist I would actually miss is tableguy.

>> No.5161855

Why do you think people only spout "coom" shit whenever an attractive woman is posted?

>> No.5161869

it’s da JOOS trying to trick us with their memes. everything is an agenda, shitposting doesnt exist. anyway we’re almost at the bump limit let’s gooooooooo nuke this shit thread like they’re nuking degeneracy

>> No.5161870
File: 5 KB, 264x109, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having your personal circlejerk by now

>> No.5161871

Right, that’s why I said “shitting on me for using safari”.
But whatever adblock does, it stops it from happening, that was the point.

>> No.5161875

wow, that’s almost above the poverty line

>> No.5161877

Adblock blocks ads

>> No.5161879


lol those are euros, the poverty line is the minimum wage which is much lower than that kek

>> No.5161880

Futa, dickgirls and traps were a thing before the lgbt craze lol

>> No.5161888

I didn't say anything about jews you dumbfuck.
The coomer meme comes from a specific tranny Discord. This is common knowledge, lurk more.

>> No.5161893

adblock blocks whatever you tell it to block and I can’t be fucked to go through 20 lists to figure out what it is

>> No.5161897

nsfw is not leaving twitter any time soon.
Twitter does not have the same history as tumblr. Tumblr was doomed to die regardless because its format is not fit for ads or easy data selling, which is the same problem Vine had.

>> No.5161899

>the poverty line is the minimum wage which is much lower than that kek
In what country? Pretty much all of western Europe has a higher minimum wage than that.

>> No.5161908
File: 89 KB, 658x972, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um, guys, when are we going to cancel Loomis?

>> No.5161910

>seething about meme history
Go back & you must be 18 to post here

>> No.5161930

Says the impressionable child.

>> No.5161940

Seethe faggot

>> No.5161946

Says the impressionable child that is still in this thread because he's so mad that someone called him an ESL.

>> No.5161961

picked up

>> No.5161962

god already did

>> No.5161976

loomis is a meme pushed by discord trannies

>> No.5161980

>still mad about getting exposed

>> No.5161987

have sex, incel

>> No.5161997

I did just last night.
One of the perks of not being a mutilated freak.

>> No.5162024

I’ve never seen so many trannies in a thread, pathetic

>> No.5162112

twitter is always protecting pedos and its a HUGE cesspool of cp sharing. some underaged girls post their nudes on there lying about their age

>> No.5162764

That would be about half the board gone

>> No.5162782

>nsfw to sfw seamlessly
There's a reason "porn artist liquid" and "porn artist highlighting" are terms, fuck, even shadman couldn't draw good looking water

>> No.5162785

Sounds hot

>> No.5164093

I hope westerners will stay the fuck out of pixiv.