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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 721 KB, 788x704, 1611148898846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5146768 No.5146768 [Reply] [Original]

What makes a good artist start drawing cuck shit

How do we avoid the same fate

>> No.5146783

Stop coming here if you want to avoid that.

>> No.5146786

no good artist draws porn

>> No.5146788

you stick to your principles and pursue the path of an artist

>> No.5146795

Incase was never uncucked

>> No.5146803

Sorry, I'm not in your group.

>> No.5146834

ask for yourself tranny

>> No.5146839


>> No.5146843

>How do we avoid the same fate
You will never be a good artist, so don't worry about it.

>> No.5146910

Have engaging character dynamics, and a healthy relationship. I've drawn vanilla hetero stuff only for years, but the character scenarios and body types vary, and it's been always fun, both for me and my supporters. You might think fetishes, ntr and futa are the way to go, but they'll never be as popular as old school vanilla.

>> No.5146917


>> No.5146937
File: 107 KB, 720x960, 116430623_589870011899437_9161603768685088414_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasteful nudes free from degeneracy in art are better I agree, but I guess people need to make money somehow

>> No.5146991
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple. As sad as it is, people into cuck stuff and furries pay huge majority of comissions.
Normal people go out and fuck for free or pay for a hooker. Only these ultimate losers and zoofiles are desperate to pay $50/character to see a genderbent scobie doo get fucked by sonic while their oc furry is watching in chastity.

You can hate them. Hell I do. But unless you are professional and work in the industry, the good money is right there in the cuck shit.

>> No.5147101

found the zoomer

>> No.5147109

by not straying from your moral path

>> No.5147140

most of the pornfags i've seen are actually pretty good.
How come that with that skill level, they choose to draw porn?
Really activates your almonds.

>> No.5147390

maybe their compulsion is what made them practice, and that practice is where they obtain there skill
so now they just don't get the same feel from doing anything else

personally I strictly masturbate to pixel art so all this gradient anime shit is yikes

>> No.5147432

I guess it depends on what they do, i heard some just trace others work or playboy.

>> No.5147437

ah yeah you forgot to post their work

>> No.5147438

if someone drew an anime version of this all the anti porn crybabies here would implode. the only thing in their creative palette is MUST LOOK LIKE MARBLE SCULPTURE PAINTING because they masturbate to roman dudes whod probably have them beheaded for being insufferable faggots

>> No.5147448

>How do we avoid the same fate
just fucking don't? if drawing shit like that makes you sperg out, just don't do it. even if you do decide to take cuck commissions, it's not like you're into it, so who fucking cares?

>> No.5147465

yeah, i can understand that since i feel more motivated when drawing titties than anything else
Yeah, most do just "steal" other's work, especially the beginners
but since there is only so many poses you can do, most stuff ends up looking the same
But you can't really deny that some are very skilled at what they do
nah, fuck em
they're already relevant enough
i should just post my own work but i don't want to be targeted by them or their armies for saying something about pornfags that might come off negative

>> No.5147473
File: 33 KB, 753x758, 1579186893860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does NTR and cuckolding trigger coomers so much over literally every other fetish?

>> No.5147491

It's nowhere near the most reviled fetish, it just has much greater overlap with normal content than other shit fetishes. You don't have to worry about running into eg. ponies in an otherwise normal hentai, but this is not the case with cuckshit.

>> No.5147494

Because most of the cuckshit is from the perspective of the cuck.
How the fuck am i supposed to jerk off while i'm getting emasculated?

>> No.5147499

You’re supposed to jerk off TO getting emasculated with it

>> No.5147501
File: 27 KB, 600x426, 1603648275401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5147505

I didn’t say I was into it dumbass, but that’s the whole shtick with ntr

>> No.5147514
File: 489 KB, 473x630, 1594766059890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its literally just normal porn with a different subtext
if it bothers you so much you can just ignore the words

>> No.5147529
File: 44 KB, 180x119, 16036482754015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're going to end up reading to give context to the images where they're showing the cuck getting cucked inbetween a climax scene and you can't ignore those feels which are a mix of sadness, disappointment and anger.
Shit, what kind of individual would deliberately do this to themselves and enjoy it?
I want to be the cucker, not the cuck.

>> No.5147532

the romans were suuuuper gay, dude

>> No.5147535
File: 1.40 MB, 920x697, 1595037917928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't ignore those feels which are a mix of sadness, disappointment and anger.
It's not normal to empathize this much with a cartoon character on a piece of paper, especially when you've got your dick in your hands. You think I feel bad for the rape victim when I watch that type of shit?
>I want to be the cucker, not the cuck
90% of the time the focus is on the cucker. Where do you think the 'fat ugly bastard' meme came from? You must be reading some garbage stuff dude

>> No.5147536

How low does your IQ have to be that you don't automatically read and understand all text you look at?

>> No.5147540

you're probably insecure and emotionally fragile if a fictional story about three consenting adulta having sex triggers you that badly

>> No.5147542

It has something to do with the fact that it's practically intertwined with interracial. I think self hatred and cuckoldry go hand and hand, which is why it disgusts so many men.

>> No.5147543

Lack of intellect and heroism
Those with heroic souls have no desire to ruin another man
Ruining a woman, however...
Thats alright, which is why rape is based

>> No.5147548

I don't even know the meaning of my name

>> No.5147554

My brain does that automatically.
I'm jerking off and i'm thinking about other stuff on the side, while thinking about another thing.
I know it's a cartoon but you can't stop thinking,
>what if this happened to me or someone i loved?
>would it be worth ruining a relationship just for the sake of sex?
>what would i do if my woman cheated on me; willingly or unwillingly?
And then put in the fact that real life cucking exists and people fuck left and right all the time.
But the one guy consents to have another man have his way with his wife to purposefully emasculate themselves.
That's just wrong, Anon.
I wouldn't want such an individual to ever make decisions or interact with other people if he can't secure his own existence without doing this to themselves
>emotionally fragile
yeah no.

>> No.5147562

I hope the people who pretend they're against NTR for moral reasons show the same kind of passion for policing everyone who jerks it to rape hentai.

>> No.5147566

They probably do other stuff as well but also do porn for easy money.

>> No.5147567

>you can't stop thinking,
>>what if this happened to me or someone i loved?
>>would it be worth ruining a relationship just for the sake of sex?
>>what would i do if my woman cheated on me; willingly or unwillingly?
>And then put in the fact that real life cucking exists and people fuck left and right all the time.
I think you may unironically have autism my friend. This sounds like something Chris Chan would say in a video. My mind is solely focused on cooming when I masturbate, i'm not having a mental breakdown due to some fucked up empathy with an anime boy from a 25 page doujin. I'll save that for when I read actual literature, not porn. Get your priorities straight.

>> No.5147588
File: 29 KB, 474x314, 1592324286593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of rape though?
rape where she ends up enjoying it?
or rape where she gets beaten up, shamed, abused and dismembered at the end?
First one is ok. Second one i do not enjoy it, it's just needlessly violent.
Hey, i know i'm somewhat retarded but don't compare me to that thing please.
Also who the fuck is having a mental breakdown?
That's just normal to me.
Also, you are what you consume, and don't tell me that if you don't consume the same shit over and over, that it doesn't end up influencing you.
>get your priorities straight
i'm just making conversation for the sake of it, shit, dude

>> No.5147718

>what kind of rape though?
>rape where she ends up enjoying it?
>or rape where she gets beaten up, shamed, abused and dismembered at the end?
>First one is ok. Second one i do not enjoy it, it's just needlessly violent.

Aren't you the guy who says he wants to be the cucker? morality is out the window with you. If you have some kind of personal distaste for NTR then that's just how it is, like even if it makes you mad as fuck, that's just you and you're entitled to that.
My problem is with people who lie through their teeth and hide behind the pretense of hating it because they find the fetish immoral.

Rape is pretty fucked up whether she ends up enjoying it or not, and the enjoying itself is not consent but usually some kind of mind broken state where the person has as much as someone who has their brain fried with drugs, so there's no pretense here that you're standing on some kind of higher moral ground.

You hate cuck shit and that's just fine.

>> No.5147784

I hate women though.
I don't care if some random bitch gets fucked.
I DO care if some whore who pretends to care about a guy gives herself to someone else and relishes in the debauchery.

>> No.5148112
File: 124 KB, 1023x626, eyes-of-solotica-galina-dub-01_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. This is so true. I keep finding images that are definitely traced from porn or models. I only know one by name from the top of my head, but I've recognised more than 20 at least.
I will try to find more.

D.va on left (Overwatch) and Galina Dub on the right (Russian Instagram Model)

>> No.5148117
File: 38 KB, 155x156, 15886686246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fiction =/= real life
>"because u hate one thing u must hate the other thing because i say so"
Who the fuck put a tree up your ass?
You can't deal in absolutes with porn nor can you play the morality card.
Where do you got that from?
Are you arguing in bad faith or are you filter every word through your insecurity? You better stop that.

And I won't ever validate anyone's delusions.
The porn a guy likes says a fuckton over their own personality.
If you jerk it off to the feeling of getting emasculated, sorry, but you're weak as fuck, you failed as a man, a living being and i don't respect you or your mental illness, and you really should be ashamed of yourself.

Rape is about pure dominance, because that's the most natural thing you can get.
but when it gets violent it can get distasteful.
And since we just can't go around raping women anymore like in the good old stoneage times, fiction is all you can get.

Also, lighten up, fag and stop taking yourself so seriously.

>> No.5148184
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x714, traces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the tendency of saving stuff that i think looks similar but i still have to go trough the stuff and start actually matching them.
Pic related is one of the most obvious i have.

>> No.5148198
File: 8 KB, 251x201, 28ED83D2-B076-44A3-A283-D19A08EE6EA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, lighten up, fag and stop taking yourself so seriously.
> If you jerk it off to the feeling of getting emasculated, sorry, but you're weak as fuck, you failed as a man, a living being and i don't respect you or your mental illness, and you really should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.5148201

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.5148203

Yes. Now wait for your turn to be exposed.

>> No.5148205

what a waste of time and no similar shit isn't the same as tracing otherwise portraits would be all tracing

>> No.5148208

That's clearly plagiarized.

>> No.5148209

have fun on your adventure here

>> No.5148213

Ok so you're literally a terrible human being.
That's fine.

>> No.5148215

>>"because u hate one thing u must hate the other thing because i say so"

Never said that or even implied it.. learn to read fuckface. I'll bother reading the rest of your post once you do.

>> No.5148218

You can't block info? Lol, retard

>> No.5148221

OMG they all look the same, let's expose those tracers!

>> No.5148222

better yet retard https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=dakimakura_%28medium%29

>> No.5148229

Stay mad, cunt.

>> No.5148233

Damn, I'll post this to twitter. Can't wait for the mob to start cancelling all of these fake artists

>> No.5148237
File: 26 KB, 400x315, 1578505459761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this much damage control

>> No.5148239

different perspective, proportions
rotation of pelvis and ribcage.
Yes, you are retarded.

>> No.5148241

Is this really people tracing from each other?

>> No.5148246

Yes, we need to get twitter to notice it to cut the competition for us

>> No.5148250
File: 49 KB, 353x296, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5148256

hmm no.
It clearly just a few changes but still on copied off the other.
If you can't see, you're either retarded, are doing this on purpose or don't even actually draw because yer blind.

>> No.5148262

pick one, lower opacity, trace it, pick the other and see if it matches your drawing

>> No.5148266


>> No.5148281
File: 799 KB, 1080x1080, 1581857254855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Becuase of one wrong word now everything you say is invalid
>because damage control
of course it isn't a complete trace, you goddamn autists.

But, wait... you mean to tell me that i can just take someone elses work, just fuck around with the proportions and pass it as my own?
Ah, yes, the pornnigger shows their true nature.

>> No.5148290
File: 15 KB, 275x183, 1593980162904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But, wait... you mean to tell me that i can just take someone elses work, just fuck around with the proportions and pass it as my own?
He doesn't know

>> No.5148303
File: 243 KB, 635x458, 416584654685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
But i do.

>> No.5148304

yes, take a look at portraits

>> No.5148320

I've been drawing for over a decade. Thats why i see stuff you don't (or you just trolling hard).
Is this possible that artist was using other art as ref? Yes.
Is this possible that he was tracing? Yes.
Is this possible that those are just randomly simillar? Yes
But its does not matter because its different drawing. With different construction and perspective. You can't trace like that.
You need to know fundies to be able to redraw pose in different angle.
You can't do shit if its hacked. Yet you can fool yourself if its not.

You are just beg or shitposter.

>> No.5148339
File: 59 KB, 960x882, 16841684965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's the same fucking image but with a few changes to make it not seem stolen/trace/plagiarized/whatever.
If you've been seriously drawing for over a decade, you should see this shit with closed eyes.

Technically, they're not the same image, but one did done stole from the other.
I don't give a shit about the artist or cancelling or whatever you faggots are on about.
It's the same image. period.

>> No.5148349

Then trace it while modifying to see if you can get that shit too, hint hint you can't fucking beg go back to your mom's womb and use the umbilical cord to hang yourself

>> No.5148360

>you can't stop thinking,
uhhhhhh it’s just you, retard
do you think about the whore’s parents when you watch real porn? do you imagine being her daddy, rocking her on your knee, teaching her how to walk only for her to make a living by letting people film her holes getting ruined? do you cry because you imagine being her high school sweetheart and planning to marry her only for her to jump on dicks twice your size the day she turns 18 and everyone at school jerking off to it and laughing at you behind your back?
no? right, because that shit’s not normal

>> No.5148368
File: 20 KB, 217x265, 1581029165346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
>Implying i don't know he's playing me
>not knowing umbilical cords decay after a few months
Why are you getting this overly emotional over a simple thing?
That's really suspicious, Anon.

>> No.5148378

I impregnated your mom, ask her and use that to cord yourself, your whore mommy won't miss you she told so go ahead but before that try tracing to see if you can even prove your own claim, fucking retard newfag

>> No.5148448
File: 174 KB, 562x776, totallynottraced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooooh noooo tracing is soo hard
>inb4 b-b-but its just sketchy unfinished
dont give a shit
come cancel me now

>> No.5148452

that is not traced

>> No.5148459

but it is

>> No.5148461

overlay it

>> No.5148465

nigger, you fucking retarded

>> No.5148466

no, im too lazy to open those images and do it myself

>> No.5148468

you did not start drawing cuck shit after learning loomis?

>> No.5148470

fuck off then

>> No.5148473

u dont even know what is tracing

>> No.5148477

>if u trace u should get caught
300k IQ

>> No.5148478

never said it did i

>> No.5148479

ye ye now stop baiting
i proved my point

>> No.5148480

what point, you didnt trace it, boobs too big just by glancing

>> No.5148484

cuck shit sells
also drawing the same stuff all the time can get boring, cuck is a relatively normal spice for the broth.
i hate cuckshit myself, but i see the reason artists make it.

>> No.5148486

You can try to copy someone's work as much as you want, however if you're not using tracing to copy someone's work you simply are not tracing, tracing is just a method

>> No.5148494

>still about this semantics
whats the word when i draw over another drawing, change it a bit to not make it seem to obvious i did that, then?

>> No.5148495

You're editing someone's work

>> No.5148499

just ignore the retard and let him on his quest to find every tracer on the world to keep his pp up

>> No.5148510
File: 521 KB, 707x554, 12886285858654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just stealing shit but said nice.

>> No.5148518

Unless you have the permission to use someone's work you're infringing it's copyrights and technically you're not stealing either you're creating a derivative art

>> No.5148520

one boob is bigger than the other

>> No.5148523


>> No.5148524

that still doesn't disprove what i initially said.
It's the same image.

>> No.5148535
File: 72 KB, 711x458, 1591672100034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite clear they aren't the same image, pic related is an example of two of the same image

>> No.5148554

You know what? You convinced me.
Guess i can make derivative artwork of others and make money off of it.

>> No.5148558

So you are beg and i was hoping you just shitposting. Pathetic.

>> No.5148564

Hey, my posting is of high quality.

>> No.5148566

Of course you can if you get the rights to it or the other has no interest in pursuing any legal action ever but the problem with the latter is the public's view hence twitter's mob cancelling people left and right

>> No.5148572

i'll just stea- i mean, derivatitate from asian nobodies and the countless weeb shit.
Western audience won't give a shit about them and they surely won't pursue legal action, how even, am i right?

>> No.5148577

Do whatever you want it's your life and I'm not your mother to tell otherwise

>> No.5148586

Or i can just dorito from other nameless artist once i get enough numbers.
I mean, what are they gonna do? I have numbers on my side and i can gaslight them to hell and back
>oh, i didn't mean to do that. It just looks similar. See, even if overlayed, it isn't the same image. I win..
They won't do shit.
Who gives a shit about drawing your own stuff lmao
Thanks, Anon. You truly enlightened me.

>> No.5148593

>Do whatever you want it's your life and I'm not your mother to tell otherwise

>> No.5148607

At this point I can no longer tell the difference between shitposting and legitimate butthurt on /ic/.

>> No.5148609

lurk moar, fag

>> No.5148694
File: 6 KB, 233x217, 1610954654272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant using nudity as a part of the metaphorical subject free from degeneracy instead, other than that, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.5148702

You are retarded

>> No.5148856


>> No.5149124
File: 464 KB, 3072x2304, received_2829168947186886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op's picture makes me sad ,remindes me
When i was a litle kid and we knited wreaths made of oak leaves to celebrate joninės
Walking around the forest looking for the fern blossom. Thses were diferent times and now i draw coom porn

>> No.5149137

Isn't this just ref-ing?

>> No.5149175

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.5149255
File: 283 KB, 1000x908, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5149260

I would fuck both your sisters

>> No.5149265

Loomis-sama.. I kneel..

>> No.5149286

Yes, he's just retarded

>> No.5149420

Emotionally fragile virgins, usually. These people will say "ew, gross" when they see guro or scat, but will feel personally attacked and outright injured when they see cuck porn. They're just really sensitive people.

>> No.5149601
File: 415 KB, 220x217, 1611163744960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genderbent scobie doo get fucked by sonic while their oc furry is watching in chastity.

>> No.5149887
File: 207 KB, 444x429, 34534745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true? is all the good money in ntr?

>> No.5149938

Because they insert into the cuck and not the gir- I mean bull.

>> No.5149956

I don’t want to go the “fragile virgin” route, but it really is strange that some people feel personally attacked if a fictional character has sex with fictional characters that don’t represent the viewer, to the point that they get absolutely assblasted by brothel sims and autism simulators like fc, where the characters are little more than excel sheets that you’re supposed to optimise for whoring in order to maximize profit and call it cuckshit, like being a human trafficker and exploiting people for money makes you a beta male.

>> No.5149976

The beauty of fiction and art is that you can make anything you want, literally anything you can imagine can be true, so if someone goes out of their way to imply a fictional character literally designed for coom or romance/waifu purposes has different partners other than the designated insert, it calls into question the values of the creator. Why draw an unrealistically beautiful and horny girl only to make her a slut, is infidelity a good real life trait to want to emulate in fiction? Is it something to glorify and market as desirable to readers?

>> No.5150003
File: 8 KB, 220x229, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5150090
File: 347 KB, 432x388, 234236347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on the same level as loli and other pedo porn, it's discusting

>> No.5150402

Yes, sluts are hot conceptually, but you don’t want that irl. Like incest or rape are hot as a fantasy, but very few people actually want to have sex with their actual family or get fucking raped. DPs are hot, but you don’t want your thighs rubbing against another dude as your balls slap together and you grind your dicks against one another through the thin sheet of flesh separating the vaginal cavity from the anal.
Do you think everyone playing fps wants to be an armycuck and get their legs blown off in some shithole so some jew can step in and buy up the now liberated, formerly state owned mines, oil fields, factories, etc? No, you stupid nigger, it’s just fun to shoot things, just like it’s fun watching whores fucked into a coma by a horde of ugly fat fucks who pay $5 a hole and you keep $4 so you can afford a magic potion or some shit.
It’s glorification, it’s having fun with the good bits while leaving all the shit out, until you dumb niggers start crying because hurrr durrr military bad y u glorifying war war bad. If I thought war was cool, I’d be out there with all the actual retards, not at home playing video games, you mongoloid.

>> No.5150500

I always see it as like, there are people hugely into things like ntr and futa which makes it seem more popular but no matter what anyone can enjoy good old vanilla, including the fetish people most of the time

>> No.5150672

> What makes a good artist start drawing cuck shit

Having a stable source of income and some money saved.

> How do we avoid the same fate

Pay off your debts before pursuing chicks.

>> No.5150684

no, vanilla is boring
granted, porn in general is pretty shit unless you’re desperate, but there’s absolutely nothing enticing about vanilla porn

>> No.5150725

they are tired of being good and not making it
at some point you just needa get paid

>> No.5150731
File: 80 KB, 516x488, 1587237039796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Begs think being a competent referencer (even when the artist visibly changes the pose) is tracing. Tracing is when you literally put a fucking overlay on a photo or someone else's art and draw over it. Tired of retards not knowing what tracing is.

>> No.5150852

Your right, but to play a doubles advocate, is their a difference between tracing with an overlay and changing the posse a bit and copying the image with a greed, construction contour drawing or any other method and changing the pose a bit? Tracers are a diamond dozen, so why waist time using slower methods when no one sees the process anyway? Whatever method used your getting the same result so for all intensive porpoises your just tracing ineffectively and giving youre competition the advantage. It’s a doggy dog world, just be smart and trace.

>> No.5150984

Did you have a stroke?

>> No.5151092

Yeh, I got a couple from yer mum

>> No.5151140

wrong and stupid

>> No.5151368


>> No.5151386
File: 15 KB, 452x325, E460DC6E-D2F7-4E53-9EFA-7505568B966C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doubles advocate
>diamond dozen
>intensive porpoises
>doggy dog world

I literally cannot even right now

>> No.5151392
File: 26 KB, 225x284, smiel tiem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this was an absolute joy. Oh Anon, I simply cannot tell you how much your grammar mistakes cheered me up.

>> No.5151408

zoomers have been out of school for too long jfc

>> No.5151487
File: 287 KB, 366x333, 0A09177_51556wt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck, why am I feeling second hand happiness from this.This website is getting too real

>> No.5151502
File: 60 KB, 300x300, ambassador of duality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Doubles advocate

>> No.5151504
File: 1.37 MB, 5800x5800, clockwise-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek Enlightenment.

>> No.5151715
File: 726 KB, 1125x1109, B450EE84-EF6A-474C-9010-D35192EC8A88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5152102

>all the newfags outing themselves

>> No.5152105

I'm.. Sorry to hear that? Or rather, I'm happy that I made you slightly happy! Haha.