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5146241 No.5146241 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here made some significant life sacrifices such as barely or not playing games or watching tv and strictly drawing? How is that going? Is it worth those that think they can do it or do you burn out easily

>> No.5146251
File: 469 KB, 1280x853, 1608224377332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has anyone here made some significant life sacrifices such as barely or not playing games or watching tv and strictly drawing?
Yes, i believe a few anons do that, including me.
>How is that going?
I'm drawing five to six hours every day, but I'm going to increase those numbers. You can certainly do these things, watch anime and play, you should, but your gains come first.
Every few days I take some time to watch an anime and relax, then I sleep and return to the normal routine.

>> No.5146256

Of you think of it as sacrifice then you aren't motivated, if you aren't motivated then why are you doing this? Go play more of your videogames.

I quit games because drawing was cooler, I didn't want to play the 7000th game of dota, I didn't want another copy pasted open world bullshit, i wanted to do something cool, i also quit smoking too because it made me sleep better and shorter. I hit my goal to earn a first commission within a year from starting and got pretty good by the year two.

>> No.5146257
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>> No.5146265

Haven't watched tv consistently in years, my satellite box is unplugged. I do watch movies and netflix and play old games very occasionally but I stopped keeping up with modern games after the switch. There's some fomo of course but it's not that bad because I like drawing and it feels like a good replacement for video games.
However my position isn't enviable as I'm neet and I still manage to waste time like right now. It is easier to focus and improve without addictive video games sapping away the time though. Now the fight is solely with the internet but that's always been a part of it.
Wouldn't recommend it unless it feels right. Keep a balance in your life if you can but just don't kid yourself about how you're spending your time.

>> No.5146276

Only games I played anyway were VNs to keep my japanese up (which I still do). Drawing time is just replacing my mindless social media/imageboard scrolling time which I don't especialy miss.

>> No.5146292

Just kill social media and you'll save a tremendous amount of time while still be able to play a decent amount of vidya

>> No.5146334

>significant life sacrifices such as barely or not playing games or watching tv
Those are not "life sacrifices", they are called being a normal healthy person with a life.

I never owned a TV since I moved away from my my parents, and I hardly played any video games for the past 15 years. You'll never have anything meaningful to make art about unless you go outside and have an incredible life.

Even if you draw art 8-12 hours a day, go out the rest of the day. Explore the world on weekends and vacations. I can't even imagine how barren a person's mental landscape will become if they consider watching TV as some integral part of life.

>> No.5146355

the people who I see post this imagine are the ones that actually waste their lives

>> No.5146366

The thing is if you consider video games and TV useless time wasters it's not that big a leap to consider any art you make a useless time waster too. They might not be that deep but there's a lot of effort gone into creating these things and the art directors and creative minds behind these are often artists of some kind. Even if you have fine art aspirations and don't just want to mimic your favorite escapist media, while less trashy it's not really any more useful to anyone.
Sure it feels better to be the creator than the consoomer, but you're now just attempting to become the manufacturer of what other people use to escape their shitty lives and avoid doing anything meaningful. It's like going from drug user to drug dealer. How do you reconcile that?

>> No.5146375

The difference is between consooning and creating.
Tv is just bullshit for the zombies, tv is straight up subhuman level, games youtube and shit are also passive consumption of content, imagine having eating as your hobby
>So whst are you doing in spare time
>Oh i just spend the entire day eating doritos with coke
You can spend your time making, learning, getting results, feeling the difference in yourself, or you could just open a videogame
>Ha ha, Geralt go brr
Of course he goes brr, he's an inanimate object programmed to go brrrr every fucking time and it's always the same, nothing changes, it's a completely passive and static bullshit

>> No.5146383

It's true, but the main difference between a single artistic image and a game or a TV show is just a shorter consumption time. It's just as passive. In some degree or another art is used to make games and TV (moreso games or animated TV, but even live action gets concept art shit). Learning a skill and improving yourself is good, but why not grow in a direction that allows you to make more meaningful contributions to the world? Why create consoomer products when you look down on consooming? Why dedicate yourself to creating things meant to zombify others into a stupor?

>> No.5146387

I like this line of thinking. I’ve already actively drawn every day for hours at a time but sometimes I think to myself that I stop drawing because I want to enjoy other things. It’s always been easy for art to take me over and make me only want to draw, but it’s getting to the point that I might just let art be my 100% primary focus

>> No.5146392

s-shut up!

>> No.5146398

I like to make things, makes me feel accomplished and powerful. Being somebody who cooks is infinitely cooler than somebody who just eats. Its like the difference between something and nothing.

As for the value, one picture isn't worth much in itself, but when you subscribe to an artist that's a real living person who's doing whatever the fuck they want. That's more interesting than a pre-programmed videogame or TV npc, you always know that those would do, there's nothing new and no surprises.

>> No.5146402

People need to live to eat though. What does art do for people? How is following a single artist you like different than following your favorite video game creator or TV/movie director?

>> No.5146403

People need to eat to live, I mean

>> No.5146404

when you realize video games provide 0 progress towards anything and are almost a complete waste of time and you think back to how many hours youve wasted, yeah it becomes an easy habit to drop

>> No.5146406

Hurr you need a meaning hurr hurr
Fuck off retard

>> No.5146415

Eating is something you do to keep going so you could make something meaningful it's not a goal in itself.

How many creative game studios who make something unique and intriguing are there lately? Im not entirely opposed opposed to the concept a game could have a story or just drama once in a blue moon, but how many are there? And even when that does happen they usually aren't mind blowing, but 9 times out of 10 you get
>Its a dark souls but 2d rogurlike playformer
>Its farcry 3 but with lootboxes instead of Vass
When something really cool happens i might actually go on an enjoy it for once, but there's nothing really worth playing for hours every day.

>> No.5146425

>The thing is if you consider video games and TV useless time wasters it's not that big a leap to consider any art you make a useless time waster too
American detected

>> No.5146432

>What does art do for people? How is following a single artist you like different than following your favorite video game creator or TV/movie director?
You will never get it. The questions you are asking show that you're just one of the zombies.

>> No.5146443

>hurr durr my art is special and different
Whatever makes you feel better anon

>> No.5146452

maybe not having a gf, but i can't blame art entirely for that.

>> No.5146471
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I gave up gaming and tv for art several years ago and in the end I'm only slightly OK at art whilst also being very alienated from my peers.

Don't give them up, not completely at least, especially if you're younger than a millenial. Being a socialized and well-rounded human being involves knowing at least one or two popular multiplayer games and their current meta. What you should do instead is learn to manage your time with consumption hobbies better, after all most people are actually still capable of being productive and socialized humans whilst also enjoying a little rocket league and stranger things every now and then, so why can't you? Most other artists can manage this too.

If games and tv and other consumption hobbies are so addictive for you that cold-turkey giving it up is the only way for you to do the art that you want, then you have other problems that calls for a lifestyle change and probably therapy.

>> No.5146474

How do you keep from getting carpal tunnel? What's your medium/setup?

>> No.5146501

i do small 20 30 min breaks between 1 2 hours and do some push ups, walk a little bit in my room, stretch or take a small hot bath with water pouring in my back so i can chill
also my setup is kinda ergonomic since i have an articulated arm for monitor and my tablet is a 10" non-display so i don't need to lower the neck

>> No.5146523

Consume things that inspire your art in moderation, cut out everything else.

>> No.5146738

>It's like going from drug user to drug dealer. How do you reconcile that?
By not fucking caring and not taking responsibility for others actions. You waste your time on my shit? Your fault, you chose to do it.

>> No.5146759
File: 51 KB, 500x500, Live-Love-Laugh-String-Art-by-Sonal-Malhotra..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related tier post

>> No.5146761

But why are you creating shit? How do you feel good about yourself?

>> No.5146770

>Being a socialized and well-rounded human being involves knowing at least one or two popular multiplayer games and their current meta
This is what /v/irgins actually believe, lmao.

>> No.5146774

I actually find that kind of sad, some people are so deluded

>> No.5146779

It's not about consumer vs. creator of consoom goods, the reason why art is shit today is that everything but this dualism has been removed from the scene. There used to be a difference between works of art that enriched your life and escapist shit that you use to mindlessly waste a couple hours of your time to relax or gets your rocks off. There was art that was made to really speak of something, to show what you see, how you see the world, things that the artist found beauty in. Now this is entirely gone.
The whole "high culture" subscene has been systematically destroyed by general stupidity and lack of humanity, money laundering, nepotism and politics, so average people have become naturally resistant to the idea of watching a "high culture" thing, like a movie that isn't hollywood crap, and they will hate contemporary because it's plain shit. For the vast majority of people who do not conform with this and support the avant-garde or "higher" culture it's just about feeling smarter or 2deep4u because they "see" the meaning in the spray of diarrhea on the canvas.
Even the "true art" which was meant to have a communicative nature has been sort of commodified as some kind of fashion statement about your intellect. And I am sure this existed before, as art always has been somewhat fashionable, like hanging a painting by Picasso in your home meant you were "up to date" and "modern" and things like that. It's all about commodification and sadly it's inevitable because the balance you need to maintain when it comes to showing the world a pure unsullied act of communication is so inherently fragile.
Honestly I think people are changing, like literally their brains are changing in chemistry or something, that they have become unable to really feel or be receptive beyond basic fleeting emotions like the sadness/anger when the bad guy kicks a puppy. There's no more of the transformative nature that art used to have. Chicken and egg but I think it's people first.

>> No.5146875

People aren't any different, you idealize the past because all you have is their most beautiful soul stirring works. The people able to make that kind of thing were as uncommon as they are today, the culture just enabled their creation slightly more than today. People were always shallow.

>> No.5146896

Its fun and I make money from it

>> No.5146912

I think "you are romanticizing the past" is nothing but cynical historical revisionism to justify why everyone is a piece of shit today. It's the same deconstructive cynicism that is downsizing every great man of the past like "Gandhi was actually sexist", etc. People actually believed in things. Maybe because they were stupid, but they did. And they were willing to sacrifice something in the name of these things. Right now there's only money and hedonism and vanity. I am not saying that these things were absent in the past, but the culture did not just enable the creation of great things "slightly more", it did a whole lot. This is why we have a legacy from the past while literally nothing we are building today will last.

>> No.5147011

Do you think Gandhi was the average person of the past?

>> No.5147022

what exactly do you do in these 6 hours, like do you practice some hours trough a book or some internet courses and draw for fun for the remaining hours?

>> No.5147052
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>> No.5147065

no, but there's a very strong effort to say "oh, all people of the past were actually shitty emotionless garbage, e.g. even Gandhi was a sexist asshole because one time he said a badwrong thing!"
remember that whoever controls the past controls the future, making people disillusioned about the values and humanity of the past incentivizes them to buy into the shit we have today

>> No.5147068

Okay but that's not what I said, stop projecting arguments you personally don't like onto anything you disagree with

>> No.5147076
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I actually agree with this somewhat, the attitude of society had a focus on heart while lacking in intelligence yet still also having a presence of strength, confidence and determination behind it as well, so even if everyone was stupid, they still had the motivation to get better in what they do best, no matter the cost. This attitude leaked into art as it sported concepts that weren't dogshit like they are now because they were from a place of honest perspective, which is really lacking in the current era of instant gratification and hedonistic suffering by contrast, its just that now people are afraid of honesty in all forms of art unless it appeals to a demographic and this causes honest artists to be held back and operate out of fear because one man's truth is another man's heresy apparently

>> No.5147085

This increases in line with society, humans were at their purest before civilization existed. For awhile there was a happy medium where the world sucked enough that it could inspire complex great art while being okay enough for said art to exist, but as civilization progresses we lose our souls more and more. The process has been accelerating for centuries and was already pretty bad even in the last 100-200 years.

>> No.5147092
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>He answered your reply with the first word and you then proceed to ree about projecting for no reason

>> No.5147099

Well you said "people were always garbage, we only get the amazing legacy because what survived is the cream of the crop" which is inherently flawed reasoning, look at what "survives" today, porn and shit, and money laundering. The actual heartfelt art with no goal other than communication and human touch disappears in the void.

>> No.5147100
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>> No.5147115

>if you think other people are like this, you are like this too! You are not different! In fact you are worse!
Who made this is a faggot. See this is the deconstructive cancer that has enabled the cultural holocaust we see today.
It's the oldest technique in the bad actor's book.
>Oh well everyone steals so why don't you steal too?
>Well everyone is corrupt so why are you not corrupt too?
>You only want to take down X because you are also X and you want a bigger share of the cake
It's fallacious and it's shit. And there's someone right now who's thinking
>Oh this guy mentioned fallacies, that's a fallacy!
Because it doesn't matter if you have an argument or not, what matters is that you waste enough time that all the fence sitters eventually pick a side.
This mindset is the most vicious poison of our culture.

>> No.5147117

>look at what "survives" today
You realize that doesn't make sense right? We can't see into the future

>> No.5147124

What a fucking load of horseshit this thread is. There is not some great anti-enlightenment thing going on. There is no artistic stagnation. You are more aware of what other people do than people were in the past, but that's about it. Humans are humans. People were already shitposting in ancient rome.

>> No.5147166

Do you unironically believe that anything we have today will be something that people from the future will look at as "legacy"? And if so, does it not make you shudder?
>This picture of Pikachu getting fucked by Charizard... it really keeps me going through the days.. to think our forefathers got their Twitter accounts deleted to give us this...

>> No.5147171
File: 385 KB, 1280x893, 1280px-Tako_to_ama_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5147178

Just because all you look at is furry porn doesn't mean nothing else exists

>> No.5147180

not playing video games or watching TV is a "significant life sacrifice"???


>> No.5147187

>Here's one (1) Shunga print, look, look! the ancients were the same as today looking at porn 24/7!!! It was all the same!!!! It was the same as Pikachu getting fucked by Charizard! Literally the same! We were always corrupt all along, lalalala nothing changed we never had any soul, lalalala
At least you didn't post the fat paleolithic statue

>> No.5147190

>barely playing games
>significant life sacrifice

>> No.5147198

There's literally industrial videogame concept art made by major studios and then a crowd of parasitic porn made off of it.
Then there are "fine artists" who actually paint, teaching people who draw the porn mentioned above. That's how they make a living.
Then there are people making splashes of paint, and writing on the canvas that everything is fine and the situation is great.

>> No.5147206

>blaming a medium that billions of people enjoy as an excuse for your ability to manage your time
>believing that not playing video games will magically make you a better socialized person
if you have a "video game problem", then video games are the least of your concerns because your issues run much deeper, and simply cutting them out of your life won't solve your problems. Normal people enjoy games, and they can enjoy them without letting it consume their time or their work/social life and aspirations/hobbies. If you can't manage that, then you should be learning to manage it like everyone else does, instead of fantasizing about having a "productive lifestyle without video games".

Get that ego in check and learn from others, see how they balance their life. Don't blame video games or tv or anime on your inability to allocate time for your creative endeavors and passion projects.

>> No.5147209

This is your brain on /ic/

>> No.5147211

So you don't have an actual argument? Got it.

>> No.5147238

Tell me what else there is that isn't running on inertia from the pre-internet era or as a literal internet meme shock culture thing which isn't even art.
No you are just retarded, this is like you saying "well prostitutes always existed" when someone points out that every other woman in 5 years will have an onlyfans side hustle. Reasoning in absolutes like this is completely retarded, yes there will be always cases, sheer incidence of a phenomenon is a factor that matters. You are a bad actor and you're asshurt that I'm calling you out on your shitty little agenda. Dilate.

>> No.5147248
File: 194 KB, 1280x768, 1280px-Erotic_scenes_Louvre_G13_n4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, enlightened one. People were based back in the day and suck now. Got it.
Old good, new bad.

>> No.5147257

There's too much cum in your brain, you can't even read or understand my posts. You are lost, like this whole world is fucking lost.

>> No.5147260


>> No.5147265

Preach, brother. PREACH!

>> No.5147266

You're the one obsessed with porn anon.

>> No.5147272

>significant life sacrifices
>barely or not playing games or watching tv

Fuck this pathetic board.

>> No.5147279

>YOU are obsessed if you hate porn! YOU are the addict!
You piece of shit >>5147115 >>5147115 >>5147115 >>5147115 >>5147115 >>5147115 >>5147115 >>5147115 >>5147115 >>5147115 >>5147115
Go on the frontpage of any "art" site and tell me what you see. Even Artstation's main is half filled with basically cropped porn.
But you're just telling me to "ignore it" and let bad actors disintegrate everything I love
I fucking hate you, you are wrong, you will never be right, you just know you can lie because there's an army of assholes like you with the same goal in mind and you can get away with bold-faced lies.

>> No.5147286

Such is life in developed countries. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.5147289

>Even Artstation's main is half filled with basically cropped porn
not even 10% is that

>> No.5147292

>humans are horny
>more humans than at any time on earth can draw trash, polish turds and share it for the world to see
>there's a lot of visible gross porn now
What a shock. It's not everything, literally just filter it out.

>> No.5147298

>anyone here made some significant life sacrifices such as barely or not playing games or watching tv and strictly drawing?
I genuinely took a minute to realize you were serious. Both of those things are so unbelievably boring compared to what you can create with art.

I hate that this is the common trend here. No real drive behind what you do. you just want to act like you're going to get big because it's "cool" or something. what the fuck ever happened to actually enjoying doing art because it's amazing as fuck bringing your creations to life? Does that not motivate you?

>> No.5147302

It's what I did. I filtered out the porn, I filtered out the consumable product shit made by committee, I filtered out diversity at gunpoint, there's almost nothing left.
Eventually I grew tired of the few artists I still followed publishing the same thing over and over because that's all the market they have.

>> No.5147309

>significant sacrifices
uh... i stopped playing 15mobages down to 3. and most of them now are practically afk shit or need very little time to complete the dailies. I do work full time.

Its worth it because I focus on one more waifu not just by playing her mobage but also drawing her instead of playing with other girls.

>> No.5147320
File: 223 KB, 800x416, Bakuman - 156 - 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only allow myself to play a max of 4 hours of vidya per week if i'm working, even if its a 4 hour part time, and 8 hours per week if i'm unemployed. But I only play if I meet my hour quota which changes depending on life circumstances. Right now its 8 hours everyday. Its important to have leisure time anon.

On the other hand I have completely killed of any chance for a social life including romantic relationships.I wasn't very social to begin with but its still scary to think I might willingly be going down a path of eternal loneliness but eh, it'll be worth it. I basically just work, draw and leisure time (vidya).

>> No.5147323

>wants to learn how to draw
>doesn't like shapes, colors, geometry, math, supplies, working alone for hours, basically anything remotely to do with art
why are so many people like this?

>> No.5147348

>want to become a champion boxer
>working out, lifting, etc. is painful at first
sorry for /fit/ analogy but it's not that weird if someone's a beginner

>> No.5147361

>Being a socialized and well-rounded human being involves knowing at least one or two popular multiplayer games and their current meta.
Jesus Christ, you Americans are a true genetic dead end.

>> No.5147369

I don’t even play video games anymore. Last game I player was luigi’s mansion 3 and that’s it.
I think video games are a huge waste of time anyway.

>> No.5147373

>People were always shallow.
An American who's never been outside America (or if he has, only on a "party" trip with other losers).

The old world never disappeared in most parts of the planet. You just wouldn't recognise it even if you were dropped in the middle of it, because you'd panic and start looking for "chill shit" and start running your shallow little social games and small talk.

>> No.5147378

>Ok, enlightened one. People were based back in the day and suck now. Got it.
>Old good, new bad.
"Wooty poot, I'm an edgy american and can only say edgy sarcastic black and white things"

>> No.5147382

>Even Artstation's main is half filled with basically cropped porn.
I never noticed. I guess we are wired to look for different things.

>> No.5147383

Porn should be banned. Porn producers should be executed.
Brothels should be made legal again.

>> No.5147387

>I genuinely took a minute to realize you were serious. Both of those things are so unbelievably boring compared to what you can create with art.
Agreed. Not to mention all the other things that an enjoyable, delicious life should include.

>> No.5147394

>Brothels should be made legal again.
So "edgy". Are you one of those antisocial nerds who get a kick when they think they made someone else feel cynical?

>> No.5147397

Depends on what you see as a sacrifice. Not being able to play games or watching tv is kind of the least thing you can do. See it like this, you are doing something worthwhile that is more interesting then just consuming. Also if it is your job, of course you are going to exchange fun time for work time.

So in that sense yeah you sacrifice some free time. But having a healthy balance between work and free time is important. So I like to be able to relax and recharge. At some point you just are empty.

>> No.5147402

Projecting much? I don't have a video game problem cause I quit playing games :^)
The modern 'multiplayer games' are just another way for (((corporations))) to milk money off you, they're all p2w, no matter what paid 'cybersports' and streamer shills are trying to make you dumb zoomers believe. I've just realized that I rather spend my time on something which leaves something behind (pieces of art, a sense of improvement, etc) and my money on something that nurtures me like more tasty high-quality food, books, cool decor for my home, etc instead of some p2w garbage that's engineered to make me feel dumb, poor or both and give (((The Publisher))) more and more money to manage this artificially implanted inferiority complex.

>> No.5147403

absolutely based take

>> No.5147404


>Being a socialized and well-rounded human being involves knowing at least one or two popular multiplayer games and their current meta.

Pass me some of that good stuff

>> No.5147408

My point is, brothels make sex easily accessible which in turn will make men less horny and desperate for coom. When you fuck so much (well more or less) after a while sex is not THAT great. It’s fine. You get less horny as time passes and can be therefore immune to addictions, and you will stop pay attention to women, or at least, pay less attention at them and therefore waste less time and be less depressive in general. Don’t have a girlfriend or a wife? Get a whore, fuck her, and she won’t even leave you emotionally destroyed.
Porn is highly addictive and it’s bad for many many reasons. The first one reason is that so called “incels” crave for imaginary pussy (or asshole) which makes women more entitled in general. The other one is that by making men addicted to porn, they become less productive and more depressive, especially by seeing a woman getting fucked by someone else.
Whores are real, porn stars are not. They are pictures and that is the very reason why it hurts.

>> No.5147412

A simple life isn't less shallow, it's simply less filled with trivialities and distractions

>> No.5147413

>Implying there was no porn when brothels were legal
Just stop embarrassing yourself, you ignorant zoomer and get back to your homework.

>> No.5147420 [DELETED] 

I feel like some of these responses such as this one are taking the tv and video game part a bit too intensely. It isn’t a matter of me not being motivated, I’m most certainly motivated. It’s just that television and video games are things that I enjoy that have been in my life for a while. As a 19 year old it isn’t just an on and off switch for me to get rid of these parts of my life but after thinking about it more I’ll dedicate more time to drawing. I already draw every day for 5+ hours but that changes, I just might take that extra step to make it an all the time thing

>> No.5147423

honey, hand me the hammer ASAP
the crabs are climbing the bucket

>> No.5147430

>A simple life isn't less shallow, it's simply less filled with trivialities and distractions
You're just stacking words together even though you have nothing worth saying. Small talk.

>> No.5147433

aka people want it all without having to do anything. No more no less. Being good at something that impresses other people is desirable. These people are ngmi

>> No.5147436

>Get a whore, fuck her, and she won’t even leave you emotionally destroyed.
American can only see american solutions to american problems.

>> No.5147440

>me put dots on canvas
>me go to theater
>me drink exquisite wine on the riviera
>me very enlightened

>> No.5147441

Oh, it's an incel. No one is going to arrest you if you go to a brothel, just get it over with

>> No.5147443

Yep, sounds a little like me.

>> No.5147453

Hookers wouldn't be such a massive industry if they were nothing but incels' last resort, you are giving too much credit to the addictiveness of porn and too little to prostitution.

>> No.5147455

It just means men get addicted to whores instead of porn. It's the same thing but more STDs

>> No.5147456

>muh gaymen
>muh TV
>no, not the heckin TVrino, cant imagine my life without it
>need to consoom
>those who don't wanna consoom are weirdo antisocial neets and probably gommies too :dd
>clap, clap
What an American thread, lmao

>> No.5147468

Some of the most beautiful art of the modern era can be found in video games or animu

>> No.5147470

It doesn’t feel like sacrifice when you’re obsessed with it. I try to live a balanced life but I think about drawing like almost or my waking day.

>> No.5147510

>Some of the most beautiful art of the modern era can be found in video games or animu
Yes, because it was drawn by people who didn't have video games growing up, or chose not to have them. No one becomes Miyazaki growing up in modern western dystopia. The people who create the best art, stories and games draw their inspiration from a rich life full of encounters with incredible people, adventure, nature, hardship, kindness, spirituality, modesty, awe and growth. All words that America loves to use to sell more mass produced trash, without ever understanding the meaning of even one of them.

Whoa, "edgy" american sarcasm! Now you can chuckle pridefully. "I used the stalest meme"

>> No.5147517

This obsession with america can only come from a coping third worlder, since if you lived in any other developed country you would know there is little difference.

>> No.5147525

Honestly, I feel like social media consumes more time than TV and vidya ever did, so just by cutting that you easily have time to draw more every day and still have time to consume the things you like.
Besides, drawing is fun. Why would I draw if it wasn't?

>> No.5147526

Not him but literally everyone outside of America hates Americans

>> No.5147527


>> No.5147547

>coping third worlder
Sorry, you got it wrong.

>Not him but literally everyone outside of America hates Americans
Bingo. And most Americans will never even understand why. "Oh it's because they're all communists". Yeah right.

>> No.5147573

>full corona time
>I am 26
>think I dilly dallied enough in life already
>the only leisure time I spend, I do it here

I sold my ps4 and bought a tablet, I uninstalled steam and gog galaxy, cyberpunk was the last biggest disappointment, I am fully content by leaving that useless hobby behind, it gave what I needed and I don't feel like I cannot survive without.

I was adviced to work my ass off, so I want to fully commit to it, maybe I won't draw 18 hours a day but I am trying my best to, I have ammassed over 20.000€ in my bank account in the past years by saving up, I can live for a while without working and the government gives me corona money since I lost my touristic job because of it, I have the time, I have the will and I have the means, if I don't do it now I will never EVER in my whole life, there are no excuses for me anymore.

>> No.5147585

Most Americans also hate Americans

>> No.5147586

Fantastic and inspiring. I wish you the best of luck and grit in your endeavours, and will be here to give advice and support as best I can.

>> No.5147591

thank you friend, I'll be around here I promise

>> No.5147604

yea, sometimes i just grind anatomy, watch some huston/proko videos and draw with some references and i check a site called zygotebody to see the muscles and insertions and in other days i just do a unique piece or do free sketches trying to apply what i studied

>> No.5147616

Are you dumb? Everyone in Japan had access to games growing up. Game Centers were huge in the 90s.

>> No.5147639

>Projecting much? I don't have a video game problem cause I quit playing games :^)
You quit playing them because you had a problem with them. Well adjusted people don't put themselves into a position where "quitting video games" even has to be considered.

It's good that you'd rather spend your time making artwork and expressing yourself, but considering you're the type of person that has to blame other things and (((other people))) for trying to hold you back, you probably don't have anything of value to say to begin with, lots of people like you that think this way. Your ideas are neither original, appreciated or appealing.

>> No.5147677

Japanese are basically americans ever since the war

>> No.5147688

Projecting again. Well, have a (You)

>> No.5147693

Well adjusted people don't start playing video games, nerd

>> No.5147696

>Everyone in Japan had access to games
Which means nothing. I had "access to games" as well, and so did everyone my age. And yet we used our lives for other things.

>> No.5147722

I visit Tokyo 2 times a year and have friends working for squareenix, random gacha mobile games, epic (for Japanese localization of fortnite lol), as well as friends in high fashion, other industries with strong art ties. Some native born some gaijin expats, but they all grew up playing vidya.

>> No.5147740

>grew up playing vidya
But they stopped when they did grow up, did they? Somewhere around puberty, like all normal children (who grow up into successful chads instead of loser incels) do.

>> No.5147753

Most adults under 30 play some degree of vidya, even if not much.

>> No.5147766

> But they stopped when they did grow up
Some are even in their 30s

>> No.5147781

Yeah I just said under 30s to indicate the younger generation, but it extends to the 30s too. Probably even into the 40s a bit a this point

>> No.5147793

Why are you doing mental gymnastics to try and support such a close minded worldview? This is defeatism and a NGMI mindset.

>> No.5147799

Perhaps just in your social circle? None of my coworkers do. And even back in college people were giving me weird looks for mentioning even most casual and popular titles like Sims.

This is just my non-neet, out-of-basement life experience, sorry.

>> No.5147800

I only play video games for the artistic value I feel I can get out of them, but I feel like most people don't consider video games this way. I ignore games which aren't up to my aesthetic standards as well as any which do jewish shit like micro payments or dull mindless battle or that kind of thing

>> No.5147806

>I visit Tokyo 2 times a year and have friends working for squareenix, random gacha mobile games, epic (for Japanese localization of fortnite lol), as well as friends in high fashion, other industries with strong art ties. Some native born some gaijin expats, but they all grew up playing vidya.
Just because you only have one general type of person you make friends with doesn't mean the whole world is like that.

Most truly interesting folks can recognise dime-a-dozen uninspiring people at a glance and know how to instantly disguise themselves in a really boring, almost socially invisible persona to avoid even having to talk to them. Incredible people are all around, they just learned very early to filter you out without you noticing.

I travel a lot and have met those incredible people in every country I went, but at the sound of your voice, or a few words from your recognisable vocabulary, we go quiet and grey for a brief moment, out of unspoken agreement, while you pass us by and disappear.

>> No.5147810


>> No.5147818

Is this pasta?

>> No.5147824

>instantly disguise themselves in a really boring, almost socially invisible persona to avoid even having to talk to them
I do this except I really am boring, I just look down on everyone else and am too socially isolated to have formed superficial commonalities that you can share with strangers.

>> No.5147831

>non-neet, out-of-basement life experience
>vidya bad >:^(

>> No.5147835

wow you’re so interesting!

>> No.5147836

College is different now than whenever you were in it.

>> No.5147838


>> No.5148003

everybody has something to teach you, anon. Don't be so judgemental.

>> No.5148024

>I travel a lot and have met those incredible people in every country I went
>says anon, on 4chan, talking to cumbrains

>> No.5148394


based. games are fun but making real, physical and applicable progress is much more rewarding

based!! dont force yourself to quit games. you will quit it naturally if you have love for art

>> No.5148409

Delusional. Making art is mostly a useless skill for bored people. Some people think it's fun. Some people think other things are fun. There is no correct way to live life.

>> No.5148440

i am so glad high art is seen as shit that it is today. It's hilarious how you romanticize those pretentious crap. Now we see art for its real value that it is. Instead of curators and critiques telling you what it is. Everyone has access to art and everyone can judge it based on their own perception.

>> No.5148455

True, but there’s definitely a wrong way to live life. as seen on /ic/

>> No.5148463

been alternating beetwen drawing and learning japanese, i'm more hooked in to the language than in drawing but i still draw when i feel like it

>> No.5148483

Fucking this. Lmaoing at all the triggered pseuds itt, trying to bully actual people into accepting their NPC consoomer way of life as the norm. Yet somehow deep down they feel it isn't, so they try to acquire human creative pursuits, but it hurts their small brain, and they end up making threads like this one. Pathetic creatures.

>> No.5148487

>calling people creatures for enjoying video games or television
>hurts their small brain

Anyone that speaks this condescendingly has no social life

>> No.5148492

Hey pseud, maybe don't call the kettle black if you live in a glass house.

>> No.5148514

i almost never watch tv or play video games anymore. Its not really a sacrifice anymore, I just rather would be drawing because I get more satisfaction from doing it. but there are periods when i get kind of burnt out of drawing and my interests shift elsewhere of course. That's a bad habit that's conduvice to being a ngmi

>> No.5148578

All this elitism and no one posting their work kek

>> No.5148589

Welcome to /ic/, son

>> No.5150945

You only have time for so many hobbies. Since I've taken drawing seriously I can't keep up with competitive fighting games, I haven't found as much time to sew, and I haven't written much poetry. It's also cut into my language learning a lot.

You still need to wind down though. You should have time that doesn't require any mental effort.

>> No.5150949

Meet me in the fightcade lobby for xmen vs street fighter

>> No.5150974
File: 39 KB, 181x211, output_DmOP4k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play 3rd Strike with my Ruski /ic/ mate on Fightcade during my long Pomodoro breaks only and it's really fun. I draw 7-8 hours a day and I can't even tell you how good it feels at the end of the day when your energy is completely depleted.

>> No.5151050

You do need some sort of life to breath into your art so sacrificing everything to solely focus on drawing would be detrimental imho.
That said I'd hesitate on calling vidya and telly sacrifices. I've stopped watching tv and sold most of my vidya years ago and I've picked up a couple other light-outdoorsy hobbies instead, all of which can be incorporated into my art studies.

>> No.5151064

I probably should’ve clarified this earlier, but video games and tv were called “sacrifices” because I’ve been staying home a lot because of coronavirus and haven’t had much to do. Gaming, tv, art and exercising are pretty much all I can really enjoy so me personally giving up two of those for art in a time like this would’ve been difficult. I’m still most likely gonna do it though

>> No.5151070


>> No.5151768

You don't have to give them up if you like them, just limit your time. One thing that helps is being more selective. Don't watch trash just for the sake of it or play games you don't really like that much but just fill time. You'll probably find you naturally do both a lot less when you filter out as many of your options as possible and you'll feel less bad about the time you spend on these things.

>> No.5151836

Take up a basic bitch hobby like hiking and bring your sketchbook with you. You get to exercise, draw, and enjoy nature at the same time. Add in a camera and all the gearfag autism that can bring too if you want.

>> No.5151838

goddamn thats ffucking gay lmfao

>> No.5152094

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

>> No.5152285

But art is play

>> No.5152295
File: 1.47 MB, 236x250, 1607353579812.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiking is for bitches!!!

>> No.5152316

Yes. Real men climb.

>> No.5152461

itt no one has a day job

>> No.5152489

Holy based. I play games that inspire to draw fanart or my own original art.

>> No.5152499

>the only leisure time I spend, I do it here
give this up too

>> No.5152625

no shit sherlock, most of us are under lockdown

>> No.5152716

learn to read fag boy

>> No.5152751

>I'm too good for video games or TV, I will waste my time on 4chan though