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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 710 KB, 836x632, doesn't even matter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5139032 No.5139032 [Reply] [Original]

>/ic/ told me to study from life
>kept using youtube tutorials and trying to copy everything from MEGA pdfs
>learn what "shorthand" is
>I've just been copying shorthand from other people without understanding what they did to get to that point
>I've been studying the wrong way for 2 years

>> No.5139036

>he thought 'study' and 'copy' were interchangable
do you just write down what you see in a textbook and think you've got the knowledge down?
sit down on those huge buttcheeks and get to actual studying bitch

>> No.5139048

post your work

>> No.5139062

You could have asked for more guidance during those two years.

>> No.5139126

Get off the internet, advancing is so much easier when you don't have 200+ artfags mogging you everyday.

>> No.5139137

>he does what /ic/ says
definetly ngmi

>> No.5139159

>I've been studying the wrong way for 2 years
if you were studying alongside practising you would have improved even if it was the "wrong" way

were you practising?

>> No.5139163

yes, because anybody worth their time is too lazy to give the long proper version

>> No.5139171

What is shorthand?

>> No.5139240

When your fingers are shorter than your palm.

>> No.5139245

Being mogged all the time is my motivation

>> No.5139248

>listening to crabs here

>> No.5139306

Pretty sure OP is making the point that he fucked up by not actually listening to the one sound piece of advice from /ic/, ironically. Unless he thought "studying from life" meant watching worthless Youtube tutorials and mindlessly copying anatomy plates out of books like an eternal /beg/.

At least you realized it in just 2 years instead of more, OP.

>> No.5139318

if you are an experienced artist and know what you are talking about you realize there are a lot of beg tier artists or trolls spreading misinformation to throw people off from the right track.

>> No.5139389

There's always been that, but there's also more genuine retards on this board now than ever so it wouldn't surprise me if some anons interpreted a post in a fucked way or another.

>> No.5139473

anyone got any vids on how to study shit? i'm a retard and a beg whos' been drawing for only a month. don't wanna end up like op

>> No.5139538

Ditto, I started like 2 weeks ago I don't know how to use video courses or reference or anything to my benefit

>> No.5139567


The only advice you need right now is to get a sketchbook and a decent 2B-4B pencil and just go and draw anything and everything. Don't think about it, don't judge your drawings, just do it. Anything you see. Everything you see. I doesn't matter what it is. Quick, simple drawings that capture the essence of what you're looking at. Draw the same thing many times. Draw things in motion. Draw whole scenes as well as individual objects.

You have no idea what you're doing right now. You are at the very very beginning of a long process and there are no shortcuts or tricks. You have to learn how the world looks. And the best way to look at the world is to draw it. Stop looking for advice. You're wasting time that you could be spending drawing things.

>> No.5139927

Isn't that what OP was doing?

>> No.5139944

This advice is really good

>> No.5140435
File: 405 KB, 1062x1400, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I passed the fuck out after making the thread but heres one of my studies from 2 days ago

>> No.5142173

OP what show is your pic from?

>> No.5142189

The one and only, Tamers12345
I don't know which video of his OP got the pic from, though

>> No.5142191

It reminded me of gachi.

>> No.5142440

This is 2 years of study? How much do you study in a day?

>> No.5142510
File: 197 KB, 924x890, efd958b64e5437ea5c73e3a90071d4ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't feel bad you were learning wrong as long as it got you a way to learn right
don't think you're not equal to people who are better at learning in one way because that's probably not your way but they kept shaming you for not being like them

the learning process is a fascinating one

>> No.5142529

Draw smiley faces on them

>> No.5142565

Explain what shorthand is you fucker

>> No.5142574

You are missing the 8th, unable to learn, also known as NGMI

>> No.5142590

actually, the 8th are the magic autists that everyone thinks what an artist is supposed to be like

>> No.5142596
File: 73 KB, 750x624, 1586774615135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're probably just joking but this board loves to throw around that word and people need to stop giving it credence.
Your ancestors learned. Every single one of them. They learned long enough to live and fuck and raise their kids so they could live and fuck. Unless you were born on the far end of the spectrum of a brutal learning disorder you have a way to learn. You don't know what it is and most art teachers are regretfully horrible at accommodating various learning styles but it can be done. The idea that a person cannot draw is so fundamentally unfounded in any way of actually measuring and looking at even the most warped version of reality that to believe it is akin to believing it's possible for a person to be born unable to breathe. It does happen but if one of those people is you then you would have figured it out before you even hit school and if you managed to be interested enough in it to wind up in this goddawful shithole board and stick around then you either aren't one of those people or you are but are just close enough to normal as to give people around you a fucking run for their money if you can break through your barriers.
Be kind to yourself. Go from this board and do good things.

>> No.5142607


>> No.5142618

what we mistake as "talent" is people with
1. good parents and teachers
2. someone who has the right learning style that works very well with the established and memed about learning methods
and 3. a magic autist who can just draw completely from memory somehow

to become the 1st, you at least need money and resources
to become the 2nd you need to find your correct learning style to learn when talking int
and 3 stop thinking you need to be a magic autist

>> No.5142619

People on here talk about "studying". The reality is, unless you're learning anatomy, studying doesn't mean the same thing as it would in school - you aren't memorizing information. Tutorials and Youtube teach you a pretty limited number of techniques - and, if you're interested in studying from life, once you know about comparative measurement, plumb lines, and triangulation, you're pretty much set in terms of the raw knowledge required to make progress. "Studying" is just applying those techniques in your own art and gaining mileage at it. The "just draw" crowd isn't wrong - but make sure you're actually thinking about what your exercising and why, or you're just copying from videos.
- t, mid /beg/ who doesn't actually know anything

>> No.5142631
File: 203 KB, 962x962, 1587916452875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, this isnt studing. I mean the fact that these even have mucles tells me how lost you are. I've lost years aswell until I finally figured it out. most of us do, jeff watts mentions this in one of his vids.

What you have to do is read Perspective Made Easy and do all exercises. After that read david chealsea's perspective for comic book artists(mostly for the cone of vision part.) Then take Eric Olson's Perspective course. After that, go take proko's course, and then take jeffwatts course. Primary forms in perspective combined with gesture is the key to all. Muscle studies only work when primary form can be created effortlessly. Also grind loomis heads. Its a great primary form. Also draw a bunch of rubix cubes. Thank me later.

>> No.5142633

a good example of "talented" people giving bad advice is people telling you that you don't need to learn perspective

this is just a theory but the people saying that probably have very good spacial awareness and have some sort of grid in their head despite never learning perspective.

the people who don't have that, basically get fucked and stick out on perspective because some bad advice and need to struggle a lot more than the former if they never learn how to create that grid

OR, the people saying you don't need perspective learned it but think they never use it because they aren't created grids in the paper but don't realize how much they have that grid in their head. They're just disingenuous idiots like most artists

>> No.5142701
File: 36 KB, 399x399, 1606792420322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know you're probably just joking
I'm not. I found very late in life that art is what I really want to do and I have been trying to learn art between 2 and 3 years and I'm still /beg/ as fuck despite drawing and practicing everyday, only thing I have learned so far is that apparently I'm incredibly anti-talented when it comes to art to a point it shouldn't even be possible. I'm now permanently miserable due to it more than ever because what I really want to do seems to be permanently out of reach for me for reasons beyond me. I still have a boring career and stability but my life has always been empty and now I know why but can't seem to fix it.