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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 143 KB, 488x694, 1602823828762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5135141 No.5135141 [Reply] [Original]

Do you sketch zoomed in at 100% or not?

>> No.5135167

I draw at 2% zoom

>> No.5135173

I draw where I can see the full canvas.
For digital I have to zoom in for some cleanup afterowrds

>> No.5135180

Zooming in is good only for adding details after you place the overall sketch down. Otherwise you are tend to do mistakes when you zoom in all the time.

>> No.5135182

In the sketch phase I draw where I can see the whole paper just like traditional. After that I zoom in.

>> No.5136255

Just sketch the shit out on actual paper and scan it in. You can adjust the zoom in real time by just moving your fucking head

>> No.5136261

I only zoom to clean up.

>> No.5136318

>zooming in

just call it what it is OP


>> No.5136334
File: 303 KB, 610x813, capezio_tutu_dress_girls_black_11308c_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you been looking at, anon?

>> No.5136353
File: 190 KB, 823x681, 1594596332799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5136355

I make sure I can see the whole thing when sketching

>> No.5136396

I draw COOMED in

>> No.5136407

first sketch the whole canvas
second sketch zoom in

>> No.5136631

I sometimes forget to zoom in & get frustrated in the process

>> No.5136857
File: 316 KB, 552x779, loli_bal6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it anon I fucking hate you

>> No.5136858


>> No.5136932

What is that supposed to mean? Monitors have different pixel densities, pieces of art can be drawn in any resolution depending on their use, so why on earth does an arbitrary percentage matter?

I hope you're not one of the people who also thinks that the DPI value does something in digital art.

>> No.5137025

i need to stay zoomed in because i only have 13 inch tablet, if i had a 24 inch i would just keep it at full canvas size...

>> No.5137073

More than 100% and lines get blurry or pixelated depending on brush's aliasing, lower than that and it loses detail on any screen whether it's 8k or a 1024 screen.
DPI only affects how dense are the pixels when printing, what printing has to do with zooming in while you work?

>> No.5137094

Aliasing doesn't blur pixels. You meant anti aliasing.

>> No.5137317

>More than 100% and lines get blurry or pixelated depending on brush's aliasing, lower than that and it loses detail on any screen whether it's 8k or a 1024 screen.
>DPI only affects how dense are the pixels when printing, what printing has to do with zooming in while you work?

Ok, so you understood nothing? 75 IQ American, are you?

>> No.5137588

at what zoom do you lineart?

>> No.5137772

75% then i zoom in to 100-125 to check lines that aren't connecting or going through other lines

>> No.5137774

he is right though?

>> No.5137786

what does the pd in "3dpd" stand for?

>> No.5137799

It means newfag fuck off to back to r*ddit.

>> No.5138362 [DELETED] 

it's ok i'll tell you
it means 3-dimensional pig, disgusting

>> No.5138532

Bitch, just because I don't know every abbreviation under the sun doesn't make me a newfag.

>> No.5138549

3dpd it stands for pig-disgusting

>> No.5138559

it literally does

>> No.5138567


>> No.5140862


>> No.5140876

these problems are irrelevant, what matters is that you draw coom and fanart and anime
extra points if you do it in Blender to impress the suits at chinchong incorporated

>> No.5140879

fucking zoomers

>> No.5140965
File: 305 KB, 927x943, uhoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None that I upload art on, no. Ive been working on this VN with some associates for years now and since I refuse to have that art be associated with my own blogs I rarely post any of my own art. If I do post unique art its gonna be on the /ic/ threads

>> No.5141526
File: 759 KB, 800x923, ballerina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do? What is your interpretation of her facial expression?

>> No.5141681

>he is right though?
So you think that it makes a difference to drawing expecience or "losing detail" whether you're zoomed in 100% on a 2000 pixel image or zoomed in 50% on a 4000 pixel image?

I guess 75 IQ was too optimistic.

>> No.5141710

I sketch while zoomed in and i blow up the picture to do the lineart. Then I zoom in again to do lineart.
I know I’m dumb and probably making it harder on myself. I just been doing that this entire time.
I guess I never saw how others do it and try it myself.

>> No.5141726

Not that anon. Think about it for like a single second : if you zoom further than 100% you are now zoomed beyond the pixel ratio of your canvas. It's gonna start to look like a blurry mess.

He is right, the only thing that matters is to have a healthy amount of pixels in your viewport, ideally 100% or a clean fraction (50 or 25%)

>> No.5141736

downie with a fever

>> No.5141738

enjoy your artifacts adding details at 300% zoom

>> No.5141764

>enjoy your artifacts adding details at 300% zoom
Artifacts adding details? Excuse me?

My brushes don't add artifacts at any zoom level. But you forgot that the question was about the idiotic notion of "sketching at 100% zoom", as if there was any magic to that number. How is it different from having twice the resolution and sketching at 50% zoom? Everything will be the same size on the screen.

Listen, it's fine to zoom in and out as you work. I don't see why you wouldn't inspect and fix all the details before you finish a picture.

>> No.5141806

This is correct. 100% in PS means 1:1 screen pixel to file pixel. An image displayed at 100% on a non-Retina screen will look smaller than on one.

Generally I work between 50-150%, depending on what I'm doing. I have the right hand scroll wheel on my Cintiq set to zoom in and out at will - in traditional art you do the same thing - you work in a normal position, and occasionally get up to look at it from further away, to see how it all blends together and overall composition and value/hue checking. Zoom in for details, like leaning in to a painting or drawing when doing fine detail.

Pro Tip: more than 200% zoom on an average sized art canvas (6kx6k for example) will too small for the eye to see when printing. If you can see pixels on the screen for a file size that big, you're too zoomed in.

>> No.5141833

I can't see the finer details of my brush at 25% compared to 100%, specially when inking and lines didn't connect but it shows they are connected at 25%, so yeah it does make a difference working on different zooms

>> No.5141850

What's a good resolution to be working in?

>> No.5141855

12k or ngmi

>> No.5142025

Ideally enough to not see pixels when drawing eyelashes. But I tend to have problem of drawings looking like shit after resampling

>> No.5142031

I've been doing my stuff in mostly a 3000x3000 canvas and I'm feeling like maybe it's not enough.

>> No.5142032

I use real world document sizes @ 300 dpi and most of the time I draw at print size which is about 31.3% zoom on my monitor. I find that it makes for a more consistent look to my work, rather than zooming in and out all the time. It's only for granular adjustments that I would zoom in.

>> No.5142060

Ok, interesting to know. I didn't experience that issue but we all have different workflows. I'm never even aware of the zoom level. I change it all the time depending on what I'm doing.

>> No.5142062

300 DPI is a must.

>> No.5142081

Depends on the output size you're targeting. I try to work with at least 4000 pixels on the shortest side or 300/600 dpi if working with physical measurements.

>> No.5142082

>censored butt
Use a catbox link to circumvent the need for that...please?

>> No.5142135

fucking gross old hag

>> No.5142149

well heck

>> No.5144291

No zoom

>> No.5144297

fucking zoomers get off my board