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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 31 KB, 600x450, force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5130910 No.5130910 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is dedicated to the most important fundie: gesture.

I'm looking for a good resource to work on improving my gesture, I'm thinking of picking up something by Mike Mattesi but not sure where to start. I'd also like an alternative resource because I make the most gains comparing and analyzing different methods.

Post anything gesture related.

>> No.5130914

I found combining vilppu gesture with loomis construction to be the best method that works for me. Build up the gesture and then apply the mannequin as construction.

>> No.5130917

I've actually finished Vilppu's manual and video course, and while they helped me realize the importance of gesture, I feel like there was very little in them actually going into detail and inner workings of gesture, how to practice it efficiently or how to make it appealing. Loomis' approach to gesture is a bit basic too, but the construction is top notch of course.

>> No.5131012

you know how he always goes on and on about how he “worked for disney”, was a disney animator” and so on?
He was an inbetweener trainee on one animation. That’s it. That’s him working for disney.

>> No.5131699

I've always known that he's full of shit, especially when he said that even the old renaissance masters used his FORCE™ method

>> No.5131999
File: 35 KB, 316x544, F001-033 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know how he always goes on and on about how he “worked for disney”, was a disney animator” and so on?
>He was an inbetweener trainee on one animation. That’s it. That’s him working for disney.



The key word to any gesture discussion.

>Mike Mattesi

Picture related. Do you think this kind of trash would get anyone paid work apart from being an "art teacher"?

>> No.5132005
File: 59 KB, 798x644, 0A8493E2-3310-4EC7-A94A-B0C7E3F7F3B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t use the force

>> No.5132009
File: 142 KB, 640x907, 0eb689960b2fe5550cecd95ec9027e14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these old fucks are full of shit. Learn from the true masters of pose and gesture - anime artists

>> No.5132014

I find Steve Huston a great teacher for combining gesture and structure. I was good in gesture, I was good in structure, but never both at the same time. That is, until I did Huston.

If you can't feel gesture yet, copying force drawings can help you a ton. But it only helped me because I had previous experience with the stuff and force only made it click

>> No.5132021

he probably saw a few stray lines from old master drawings and used it to reaffirm what he already thinks about drawing and then build entire lessons on them. he teaches anatomy in a digestible way, but if his works are really based on old masters, after decades of studying them, his works would be identical to old master drawings. if you want to study renaissance masters study them difectly without an interpreter.

as for learning from teachers, why learn from mediocre artists, which all of them are, even if the lessons are easy to understand?

>> No.5132023

explain this force thing. are you guys meming?

>> No.5132024
File: 1.48 MB, 953x1344, bnmcgndbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His neck is thicker than his waist, and his ribcage appears to vanish into 2D space in the bottom part, the whole midsection appears like a symbol drawing. This fanart is disrespectful of Araki's good name.

>> No.5132025


>> No.5132036
File: 100 KB, 860x960, tb-choi-40117384-1429852697149551-820495940749099008-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking at TB Choi's work and I like the way she does gesture, to me it looks like her approach shares a lot of the same principles like Mike's force approach so I was under the impression it might help me achieve something similar or that it might've been her own gesture resource in the first place.

>> No.5132039
File: 41 KB, 472x544, F001-019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain this force thing.
"Force" is Mike Mattesi's attempt to create a trademark for himself out of something that has always existed - gesture - and that is so basic and simple that it doesn't need any trademarks.

He also cannot draw worth shit. In other words one more american "author" with no skill but a big hunger for money and no conscience against lying and appropriating huge chunks of human tradition as his personal intellectual property.

Just look at this picture. Does this look like the work of someone whose method and skill you want to emulate?

>> No.5132040
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>> No.5132041
File: 292 KB, 1920x1131, tb-choi-93702225-2000520390082776-6065016536651792384-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of her work.

>> No.5132042
File: 6 KB, 275x183, 95E9EC1F-F1EF-4C93-A4BF-720DDEB9AC78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all, you have to FEEL the force

>> No.5132044
File: 260 KB, 1920x1044, tb-choi-r444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5132049
File: 58 KB, 1242x685, EqXm-jKUYAETL0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see, i understand gesture, yah know? ik it just means to capture or exaggerate the flow of a pose, but i can't do it for the life of me. whenever i try to do some lines/cuvers, my hand/brain goes stupid and start to do a shit ton of unnecessary lines. also, it's really hard for me to start to construct the pose from a gesture drawing, but it's easier for me to just start with construction right away. i'm a /beg/ so hopefully i grow out of this retarded phrase after finishing hamptons figure drawing book.

>> No.5132059

>Picture related. Do you think this kind of trash would get anyone paid work apart from being an "art teacher"?

There are a lot of top notch teachers who's only paid work is teaching so they can pursue their own art in their down time. Not defending Mattesi but of all the things to criticize about him surely you shouldn't resort to parroting what "industry worker" youtube channels tell you to sell their courses.

>> No.5132105

That's the first step, now you have to train yourself to put it into practice

>> No.5132166
File: 128 KB, 916x1392, 31ff9602f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean no one wants to draw like Bridgman yet his books are an invaluable resource for illuminating the forms and masses of the body. The material and its depth and clarity are more important than the artist's work.

>> No.5132177

I will never understand why western artists spend so much time practicing drawing lumpy old men with hank hill asses and fridge shaped women with blocky proportions, all because some old men wrote books telling you to

>> No.5132179

just draw

>> No.5132180

look at all the wasted time drawing this retarded gangly looking alien shit you will literally never use in the business lmao

>> No.5132181

I will never understand why eastern artists spend so much time practicing drawing completely flat and lifeless anime girls with shovel faces and cylinder limbs, all because some young horny men online are telling you to

>> No.5132183

It makes the easiest money.

>> No.5132186

how tho

>> No.5132197
File: 182 KB, 2047x1143, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand art.

>> No.5132200

>he's in it for the money

>> No.5132204

>being a homo
unironically ngmi
name 1 fudge packer artist
you can’t

>> No.5132208

>Eastern artist

>Western artist

>> No.5132234

Only eastern art has a giant popular and active culture of literal gay/yaoi and trap art

>> No.5132237

>most important fundie: gesture
Most important fundamental is perspective.

>> No.5132243

>whenever i try to do some lines/cuvers, my hand/brain goes stupid and start to do a shit ton of unnecessary lines.
I drew thousands of pictures before getting anywhere near skillful. Now I make good money off my art. You'll probably need less practice than I did. Trust me that it will get very enjoyable at some point, and relax as you go through your initial struggles. It is not emphasized enough that smooth, flowing, natural linework is exactly what artists train for years and years. It's okay if it takes time.

>> No.5132244

Bridgman absolutely useful, Mattesi absolutely not.

>> No.5132245

>literal gay/yaoi
made by straight women
>and trap art
made by straight men
go be gay somewhere else, like in a western art thread

>> No.5132248
File: 222 KB, 600x744, 2D2CB221-76F1-4BBB-9218-8DFC59AC7A42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one wants to draw like Bridgman
it’s funny because a lot of learning digital artists do in fact paint like him without ever actually studying him
he has that amateurish quality

>> No.5132257

>most important fundie: gesture
>Most important fundamental is perspective
Two intellectuals who can't draw arguing over a false theoretical question. Like a pile of formless, immobile ectoplasm wondering if a leg or an arm is the most "fundamental" limb

>> No.5132267

well it depends. do these limbs come with hands/feet? if so, arms are. can just use a wheelchair to get to places

>> No.5132275

Additional note, Araki references Michaelangelo and shit

>> No.5132285

legs for sure, without legs you/re literally a free male for any predator that comes along, you can always adapt to not having arms

>> No.5132286

faggot. arms>legs

>> No.5132291


>> No.5132292

>nooooo how can I jerk off other men without arms?? arms are best!
kys fag

>> No.5132294

Good perspective won't make up for bad gesture, good gesture can make up for the lack of basically everything else. A good gesture is 80% of a successful drawing and everything done on top is done only to enhance and clarify it. We're talking about figure and character drawing of course, since that's what /ic/ is largely focused on, you can use gesture in landscape or environment drawing, but there composition takes over and it still doesn't influence the final work as much as gesture does. Perspective is important in object drawing but I don't think anyone does that for appeal, it's largely a utilitarian concept art field.

>> No.5132299

* as much as gesture in figure drawing does

>> No.5132300

>good gesture can make up for the lack of basically everything else
it can’t, and you can’t prove it can because you’re just parroting memes

>> No.5132303

>evolving to be some pussy ass blob that mainly runs away with their girly ass legs instead of a chad blob that uses their muscular arms to choke out any other
the absolute state of leg fags right now

>> No.5132311

>arm sissies can't even meme-text right
oh i'm laffin

>> No.5132316

Yep, it can

>> No.5132332

these anons are crabs and trolls, don't bother with them

>> No.5132350
File: 24 KB, 419x559, 20201231_124919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combination of the way Vilppu pulls and pushes on the pen to greatly vary the line-weight and highlight certain curves in the body, with Proko's bean method as a fast way to get the eye to start blocking in other details and to build from there, combined with Steve Huston's method of quickly getting the angle of the head.

>> No.5132362
File: 21 KB, 419x559, 20201231_124926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this anon said: >>5132243

It does start to click eventually and you start to have far more fun with drawing when your stuff starts to look like the stuff you've been trying to copy when watching these lessons. I know it doesn't feel like improvement is happening at times, but force your way through it.

>> No.5132363
File: 35 KB, 542x417, 230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of gesture as interior design, you can use the highest quality pieces and techniques to put a room together, but if the initial idea for the design was bad, nothing is going to salvage it. Most other fundies are largely mechanical and easily replicated by a computer, but gesture is the human touch that makes it come alive, it's something that another living person has to identify on their own, and then relate it to you through drawing.

Even pic related is gesture, because it is using drawn media to relate an emotion to you through exaggeration for effect. A "construction" approach to the same idea would have you face a mirror and show you a real picture of you, which would be technically more accurate, but not nearly what it feels like.

>> No.5132367

you do realize successful artists dont teach right?
Proko, Vilppu, Sinix, Modern Day James, Marshall.
None of them work in the industry that's why they teach.
Kinda like a real school.
The only exception is L-man himself. One of the most successful illustrators of his time.

>> No.5132377

would you recommend i switch to vilppu to learn gesture/figure drawing? i'm only on page 30 of hamptons book, so it wouldn't be a big deal to read/watch something else.

>> No.5132378
File: 199 KB, 292x285, 1610402217104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free male

>> No.5132387

Evolving straight from ectoplasm to a creature that can build a rad wheelchair yet doesn't have legs

>> No.5132389


>> No.5132391

I have Hampton's book and it's great, but not that good for really understanding gesture. He's good for learning anatomy. For Vilppu, you want to focus more on his movements and less on trying to copy exactly what he's putting down on the page. I mean in general I recommend looking at as many instructors as possible for a certain topic to see how each one tackles it. It helps things click faster IMO and you'll find someone's method that you prefer.

>> No.5132393

I like to use vilppu gesture and then apply a loomis mannequin on top of it. It works for me. No rules only tools.

>> No.5132399

>Vilppu pulls and pushes
Oh, is that what the nervous jerking motions are that all the "atelier" teachers do? I never knew it had an actual purpose, thought it was just an stupid affectation

>> No.5132402

so when will i be able to draw big boobed brown anime girls with this so called gestured and figure drawing

>> No.5132406

>you do realize successful artists dont teach right?
Exactly. Look at anyone with truly stunning art on Artstation (or any other site or gallery) and you will never, that is never, see a tutorial or a course, not free and not paid. Nor do the lame course aggregators like Bobby Chiu manage to ever enlist them. If they ever accidentally produce a course on one of the more expensive course sites, it will be gone within a year as they realise how little money they make for giving their personal techniques away to their competitors.

>> No.5132429

Yeah, it actually does help as weird as it looks. They do this because when doing gesture, you need to go more on pure instinct and letting your eyes guide you and make quick decisions on where a key spot to highlight is. They do this because they're essentially "in the zone" and in auto-pilot mode.

>> No.5133692

How are you supposed to practice gesture

>> No.5133708

Vilppu says the best way to practice gesture is to draw from imagination. Or to make your own compositions.

Gesture has nothing to do with being forceful or exaggerating the pose. Its acting, body language, storytelling, posing, and expressiveness. So you can only learn to do that by having an idea and trying to make that idea the best that you can.

I used to recommend people do quickpose gesture drawing sessions but I've come to realize that's about the slowest and worst way to improve your drawing. Best way to improve is to draw from imagination, and then study references when you get stuck. Second best way to do studies (untimed) where you study a reference or another artists' drawing to the point where you got what you wanted to get out of it. (that'll be more clear to you the better you get at drawing) So draw a lot and do your best at drawing.

>> No.5133709

>no one wants to draw like Bridgman
I do, I think his stuff looks rad

>> No.5133739

I've never heard Vilppu say that. Though he places considerable emphasis on the benefits of drawing from imagination, he still recommends drawing from the model the same as any figure drawing teacher does.

I also feel like you're focusing too much on the subjective element to gesture. If you think of gesture only in terms of "expressiveness" you miss its utility as a way of describing how the forms of the body connect in a concrete sense. That to me is the most emblematic characteristic of Vilppu's approach.

>> No.5133744

Vilppu said that in his gesture lecture on new masters. Its 4 hrs long and it surprised me too.

And you're right, gesture is also composition and rhythm. But I don't know how else to study that other than by studying anatomy. A big part of anatomy is how forms link and wedge into each other, and drawing gestural rhythms will never teach you that.

>> No.5133787

>Vilppu said that in his gesture lecture on new masters
I recalling him saying this is how the old masters themselves drew most of the time, so it makes sense. But they also copied previous masters' artwork for thousands of hours

>> No.5133807

I've watched that lecture too. I don't recall it.

Composition and rhythm are not what I was talking about. I'm referring to its function as a kind of wireframe that you apply forms on top of. It would not be of much use for that if you weren't constantly thinking about the observable physical behavior of the figure in front of you. "Body language" and so on is just a consequence of that.

Strange that you bring up needing anatomy to show forms linking when that is basically already in his lesson on spheres.

That's not to say, though, that it's the way they LEARNED to draw gesture, let alone "the best way" it could be learned.

>> No.5134079

This again?

Can't people just accept that gesture is the long axis of a form and that it just takes practice to play with the concepts of what looks natural and how far the natural movement can be exaggerated?

I swear it makes artists look retarded when 90% of any community is waxing poetically about something they clearly don't even understand.

>> No.5134095

Yes, spherical forms is a function of expressing the gesture. So is the box form, the cylinder form, and the rest of his lecture. All of drawing is to further clarify the gesture.

I bring up anatomy because you can't draw the figure without knowing what it looks like. So if you really want to study how parts flow into each other, you have to study anatomy.

But gesture is the body language and attitude of the figure. He explicitly says it in his drawing manual. That's also why he brings up many ways to capture the gesture. You can do it with the chamois or with straight lines like Rubens, along with his rhythmic method.

Gesture as rhythm comes from composition. It's not just a wireframe. Composition is the rhythm of parts to build to a whole, to tell a story. (at least that's how he teaches composition) So in analyzing the composition of old master paintings, he would draw the figures first with rhythms, then build on top of that. So his way of doing gesture comes from his compositional studies, but there's no hard and fast rules to capturing the gesture.

The gesture is the idea, the story, the pose. The body language and the attitude. when animators study gesture, they don't just study how to exaggerate the pose. They study action analysis. They study the movement of things in reality and how things actually beahve. They study mannerisms, behavior, idiosyncracies, instinctual expressions of animals, the way drapery blows in the wind, etc. Gesture is hard because its basically acting. How do you act? How do you behave? Where do you put your hands when you're nervous and uncomfortable? What does someone's face look like when they're nervous?

>> No.5134252

Very good points. I never listen to what any teacher says about their own art or the promises they give you though. Their work does the speaking. Mattesi, I have nothing to learn from him.

>> No.5134565
File: 206 KB, 1001x754, 4866846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my gesture

>> No.5134927

post your work, I guarantee you can’t draw for shit

>> No.5134946

Just a watered down vilppu
Can be skipped but has some valuable info
literally who
>Anyone not listed
not worth listening to

>> No.5134964

i actually love bridgman's style when it comes to full figures, they have a real sturdy feel to them yknow

>> No.5134969
File: 184 KB, 569x749, gayendecker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name 1 fudge packer artist
dont forget michelangelo too

>> No.5134971

Bridgman is the definition of thicc

>> No.5134973

>thinking that puny arm with small muscles can beat legs having naturally huge muscles that carry your whole body around
sorry, but legs are simply bigger and stronger, you can train dexterity with your toes if you grow up without arms and if someone fucks with you you just kick their shit in, legs are longer too so you'll keep some distance, they are just better armfag

>> No.5135002

Why do you think that?

>> No.5135042

I'm saying that the gesture already IS "how parts flow into each other." The reason that applying form clarifies the gesture is because the gesture is to begin with an abstraction of form. Body language, attitude, story, etc. are all based in observation of what the form is doing mechanically (twisting, bending, stretching, etc.). The subjective meaning you read into the pose and the physical reality of the pose are two sides of the same coin. That is gesture.

>> No.5135053


>> No.5135518

All other fundies are like the cheerleader effect of drawing, they distract and mask the real idea underneath, gesture is like seeing the girl the morning after without makeup in her true state, if she's still beautiful then you know it's real

>> No.5135591

post your work

>> No.5135594
File: 2.47 MB, 1340x2085, superman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know any other good websites for poses like sketchdaily? I keep bumping into the same ones.

>> No.5135608

>a virgin begtard posting about makeup and art

>> No.5135645

Anon, you're saying the same thing I'm saying. Gesture is the way forms are arranged. It's placement. How is that any different from studying body language, attitude, posing, and acting? It's how parts are related to each other to convey a "whole" or a "total"

>no argument
'pyw' is the weakest thing you could say to anyone in an argument. Give me a better alternative of what you think gesture is. Apparently you believe gesture is just a art-school exercise where you just scribble.

>> No.5135649
File: 31 KB, 372x489, 1610748687393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried it too

>> No.5135650


>> No.5135659
File: 150 KB, 1624x1501, 1595301491054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the talent for gesture

>> No.5135663
File: 158 KB, 1522x1500, 1610228361816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats 1st day gesture
3rd day Vilppu

>> No.5135667

It looks like you're copying others' gestures, you should be identifying them in real figures on your own

>> No.5135699

Those are my own though, would you say that's because I don't have talent

>> No.5135720

i disagree my friend. proportion and perspective are much more important keys to the drawing. You can get away with no gesture at all, or improper gesture but cannot get away with shitty proportions and bad perspective.

>> No.5135731

All is well then. I'm just making sure we agree. From what I've seen some people hear that gesture is "the story" and come away thinking that means it's something more esoteric than it is, not realizing that it really is the same thing as "arranging forms" and so on. That's why I think it's important to talk about gesture from as many angles as possible to avoid any confusion.

>> No.5135737

>noooo you should argue with an obvious /beg/ retard using arguments about his oblivious romanticised idea of drawing

>> No.5135739

Hope these work for you. Also check out Croquis Café.

>> No.5135747

Don’t get stuck on one instructor. Try multiple (Vilppu, Hampton, Huston etc.) and draw along side them. Hampton also has a video course to go alongside his book so it’s worth checking that out.

>> No.5135752

Hampton’s method is different to Vilppu’s

>> No.5136277

That's pretty good, anon!

>> No.5136285

hampton's book is just having another guy explain vilppu to you

>> No.5136306

Imo Hampton goes far more in depth with gesture than villpu does, even explaining how the spine relates to the gesture of a drawing and the relationship of the rib cage and pelvis. At least in hamptons book compared to Vilppu it’s better IMO

Also check this video out op:


>> No.5136946
File: 57 KB, 640x480, ZLr5n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, anon.

>> No.5137237
File: 117 KB, 736x1011, 1608988802994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis doesn't bring up gesture because his book was released before gesture became mainstream thanks to Nicholades. The mannequin IS still gesture related, it's just more emphasis on construction.

>> No.5137268
File: 798 KB, 2221x1579, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ic/. Rather new at this and trying to learn vilppu's gesture method since it clicked with me recently. I'm trying to capture the pose but when I'm flowing the lines into each other in the first stage I feel like I'm doing something compositionally wrong so it's not capturing the essense of the pose. Could I get some feedback? Posting samples of practice drawings w/ reference images.

>> No.5137271
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Cont, felt this one came out better than expected.

>> No.5137272
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>> No.5137276
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>> No.5137277
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>> No.5137288

How did you manage to "feel the form" like vilppu said to?

>> No.5137596
File: 31 KB, 600x250, 1584520004966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proko makes the most sense when it comes to gesture.

>> No.5137607

Proko method completely falls apart on any pose that isn't curated like the ones in his videos.

>> No.5137613

The entire point of gesture is that it's loose and relatable to you, it's the fundie where freedom and your own take are encouraged

>> No.5137653

how so

>> No.5137661

Because his poses are unnatural as hell

>> No.5137672

>makes a thread dedicated to gesture.
>OP isn't even a gesture drawing.

Yup, this is /ic/

>> No.5137674

Proko is just as valid as vilppu is.

>> No.5137679

Everything is gesture

>> No.5137682

Hamptons is the best though

>> No.5137695
File: 602 KB, 3050x2006, mikemattesi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm Mike Mattesi and this is how you use the Force method to draw like the old masters

>> No.5137699
File: 36 KB, 659x609, E17DB02D-FD1F-447F-9889-A25206543BE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesture is everything

>> No.5137700

I suck at arms and legs. How do I do it like vilppu?

>> No.5137735


You start with drawing the head. You can either use an oval or another fitting shape to represent it. I've started doing loomis method of drawing a circle then filling the jaw since I drew these and posted them
because it works with my brain/current drawing skill better. Draw a dot on the top of the head if you need to to help show its orientation. Drawing an axis can help orient the head too. Draw a line coming down from the head in the direction the neck/spine is flowing. This doesn't have to necessarily be the contour of the neck.

From there find curves or lines on the subject's body you can use to "flow" down the body and alternate them. Women with hourglass figures are really easy to do this on. Do this for the body then the subject's legs. Then place some lines on your gesture to represent their arms. Fill in something to represent their feet and hands and you're done. From there you move on to the next stage which is using circles to round out the bits of the body.

I find Vilppu is pretty dreadful at explaining his own method most of the time and rambles on a lot rather than getting straight to the point. I had to piece this all together using various bits of information from him from various sources. Here's some things that helped me understand it:

Watching him draw something from imagination (When you know the process watching him draw is really helpful):

Watching the process from someone else:

Vilppu himself explains it a convention or some kind of show:

I'm by no means an expert but I understand the basic process. I'm producing "okay" to "bad" gestures at the moment but not amazing ones.

>> No.5137761

Why doesn't his method work on "natural" poses?

>> No.5138440
File: 1.10 MB, 3000x3000, 6dd46dc4b27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will have the knowledge to make the best looking big boobed brown anime girls, you will be able to draw boobs with gesture

>> No.5138443

o god talent fag, not even that bad stop dude. writing cringe shit and adding x's

>> No.5140528
File: 371 KB, 1200x1650, tumblr_n2zw47sHnA1tugm28o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5140812
File: 188 KB, 503x687, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i should copy more people work

>> No.5140892

not who your replying to but TB Choi literally draws for major AAA game developers maybe go outside for once..?

>> No.5141153

just like mike “worked for disney”, refer to >>5131012
also sakimichan “worked on mass effect”, but oops actually none of her work made it into the game

>> No.5141170

i think he's legitimately retarded

>> No.5141211

Do I learn anatomy before gesture?

>> No.5141274

you do not need to learn gesture as it is commonly taught. if you just mean how to pose figures in the general sense, that comes from experience of coming up with fitting poses for the purpose and is specific to the case. once you know anatomy, know when something is off and know from experience how a body part looks from most angle, you will naturally be able to draw straight into contours and details, and it would have a more appropriate progression into a finished drawing. draw from imagination, visualize before putting the lines on paper, look at references when you are unsure.

>> No.5141504

>American using "chill" smalltalk

>> No.5141592

daddy Huston is the only one worth mentioning here

>> No.5141717

Who did you work for that we should take your opinion over theirs

>> No.5141734

>it's anatomically correct so it has to be good design!

>> No.5141749

if you still havent tried gesture im assuming youre a day 0 /beg/. try doing a little bit of gesture just to start

youre going to be absolute shit at it, it's probably going to look like >>5137268 this anon. Which isn't bad, that's how pretty much everyone starts out. That's cause you don't have good control over your strokes and feeling form yet. So then I recommend grinding dynamic sketching, basic forms, perspective, and just drawing a fuckton for a good while, you can even study a bit of anatomy in the meantime.

Then return to gesture and you'll find that it's so much easier. Then you grind anatomy.

>> No.5143323

Can someone give an example of two similar drawings, one made with an advanced sense and skill in gesture, and one made with little to no skill in gesture but otherwise similar to the first one

>> No.5143339

gesture isn't important, proportion is. You can have good proportion and structure and get away with bad gesture, look at Peter Han.

Animation is a different story though.

>> No.5145207

Loomis combines both gesture and construction in one.

>> No.5145281

Anybody who constantly namedrops soulless corporations to give themselves "credibility" is a fraud. Reminds me of that other guy, chris oatley, another shitty art teacher that worked on direct to DVD garbage but never let an appearance go by without mentioning he was former Disney.

>> No.5145295
File: 102 KB, 462x478, doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been told im pretty good at gesture. what do u guys think?

>> No.5145302

I can't tell what I'm looking at so it's bad. The point of gesture is to clarify and communicate.

>> No.5145333

is it a frog?

>> No.5145350

Not really gesture. Gesture typically is a full body, showing a movement or action. I can kind of see what these might be. Focus on the full form, capture the movement and energy.

>> No.5145352

you got that shit upside-down back to front bro, gesture is king, confident gesture will smooth other broken bones, wonky proportions and iffy perspective. Perfect structure and proportion alone will get you stiff manikin shit that everyone is going to hate even if its technically brilliant.

>> No.5145405
File: 31 KB, 540x540, 686fad1e4c111794f2b7ff6a69a724de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any resources on how to use and apply gesture in faces and expressions

>> No.5145421
File: 64 KB, 769x637, hook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao get baited

>> No.5145438

the madlad

>> No.5145444
File: 146 KB, 600x777, 14684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa almost as if when you post cropped and flipped personal arcane explorations of a gesture master presenting them as something you as an amateur did for something that's meant to be seen by others will create a false effect, you must be so clever anon also guys rate my portrait hehe

>> No.5145458

uhmm actually that gesture is good and so advanced that it seems bad because vilppu is such a master that a normal man cannot conceive of the the things he sees when he draws
your a fucking ngmi crab

>> No.5145462

This but unironically

>> No.5145468

erm ah erm uhm gesturebros what do we say when they want to draw stuff that’s not contorted naked old bodies??????? Please respond

>> No.5145470

“I’m not that kind of artist”

>> No.5145479

thanks gesturebro, should I say it in a condescending tone? I wouldn’t want them to know that it’s because I CANT do it

>> No.5145483

The most cute and understandable gesture guide I ever seen.

>> No.5145486

There's nothing "arcane" about it, they look the same as what you find in his Drawing Manual.

Accept your loss.

>> No.5145499

No the ones in the manual are all very clear and informative because they were drawn for education purposes, I have the manual right here.

>> No.5145523

I still don't know how to understand or practice gesture, if I try I only get amorphous blobs which barely resemble a human. Most people teaching it just pull a figure out of their ass using internalized knowledge with seldom any explanation of the process and tell you to use your fee fees. How do I learn it?

>> No.5145556

Literally just keep doing whatever your idea of gesture is and your brain will eventually internalize what works and reject what doesn't work and it'll click on its own. Don't be afraid of making mistakes because the key is in a large volume of work, everyone has to go through a phase of stuff that doesn't look good so don't get hung up if your first couple of months or even longer look like shit. Keep referring to other successful artists' work every now and then to see how they do things and how you could implement that in your own work, look for artists who do gesture that appeals to you, try to imagine what the full figure would look like and try to deduce what decided how the gesture is mapped to that figure. I'd also recommend Vilppu's NMA course on gesture because he keeps going over the basic principles so many times it really speeds up your learning process.

>> No.5145777

>Most important
I would say the most important fundie is perspective, once I learned some perspective my drawings really started getting much better

>> No.5145798

I agree with this guy, you can master values, color theory, line weight, etc, and it'll all look 2D anyway if you can't draw it from an angle that could actually be appreciated by an observer in 3D space

>> No.5145807

>Just keep doing the wrong thing over and over until magically isn't wrong anymore, try to decipher all the internalized knowledge of other artists from nothing all while being absolutely ignorant about mostly everything you need to know to do this
Got any real advice that isn't crabbing?

>> No.5145820

>All advice is crabbing

>> No.5145827

Knowledge can only come from within, you could sit a drawing layman with the best art instructor on the planet to explain all the theory, and the layman still wouldn't be able to apply any of it before grinding it out and carving the necessary neural paths and ways of thinking into his brain through repetition.

I sometimes look at my old art from before I understood depth, forms, perspective etc and they all show some signs of them but purely from a symbol-drawing level since I didn't actually understand them, and I wonder what the hell was I even thinking. That's the only type of "knowledge" you can have without putting in the hours.

>> No.5145829

Bad advice intended to sabotage either by ignorance or malice counts as crabbing.

>> No.5145830

>Got any real advice that isn't crabbing?
that's how drawing works though

>> No.5145833

Did you miss the entire last sentence of that post which points him to the best gesture art instructor on the planet who explains everything you need to know to do this.

>> No.5145837

>Feel the form
Thanks, now I'm a great artist

>> No.5145839

If it's just ignorant how can it be "intended" to sabotage. Whenever I see someone shout CRABBING it's because anything short of a magic "be good at drawing spell" isn't good enough advice for them

>> No.5146564

Your pic isn't gesture you dumb fuck. Also Vilppu and also Vilppu.

>> No.5146878

eyeah the gestures there are way too lose, the one on the bottom kinda cropped out looks pretty good tho

>> No.5146893
File: 670 KB, 3512x2555, 1601766024927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi is this gesture? I don't like Vilppu, I don't get him

>> No.5146901
File: 542 KB, 2779x2008, 1593125285736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146965

For me the whole point of gesture is to be able to build upon it into a decent figure drawing.
Speed and looseness of gesture should be a long-term goal but if they are completely inaccurate they are worthless for anything other than selling to middle age women to hang on their wall.
Starting out with the Watts or Proko gesture makes the most sense to me. You start out spending a LOT of time on your gestures to practice confident C, S, I lines and accuracy. You build on the gestures with form, anatomy and shading.
Then when you have experience and confidence doing it slow you start doing it faster and faster, getting the freshness of a quick gesture but still trying to retain accuracy to build upon.

Gesture is NOT the final product. Similar to construction/form, you practice it as a student in a blunt and step by step manner but eventually you want to become intuitive with it so you can incorporate it into an observational sketch, a character design, a 2 hour graphite figure drawing, an animation frame etc without even thinking.

>> No.5146980

And by a lot of time on gestures I mean you start with 30 minute, accurate gestures for a few days then move onto quick ones for a few days and then limit pure gesture study to your 15 minute warmups in the morning. You should not be spending weeks or months JUST doing gesture. Gesture is a part of every figure you will ever draw in your life, you will be practicing it every day just by drawing people and keeping your earlier training in mind.

>> No.5146983

Read Nicolaides’ the natural way to draw, he basically teaches what you’re doing, and pretty much all modern ideas of gesture come from him, including muh feel da form and taking the pose yourself to feel muh stretch muh pinch

>> No.5146993
File: 148 KB, 1390x1000, 1592532489834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is >>5146893
useless then?
What about pic related? I really don't get gesture at all even more so when they talk about contours and feeling the form, that's alien to me.
I got the basic idea from him yes but I can't do the book, I don't have a live model so it's impossible for me to do it, shame because I hate like really really hate Vilppu

>> No.5146998
File: 325 KB, 2048x2160, 1600621842153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I posted the worst page out of that batch, see this>>5135659

>> No.5147239
File: 769 KB, 692x920, gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn nice, i tried it too

>> No.5148927


>> No.5149152

never wrote that.
what do you think fitting a pose for the purpose means? knowing when something is off is not just a matter of knowing if something is anatomically correct or not, but of sensing good design. furthermore a design can be good or bad depending on the overall context of the work.

>> No.5149216

i knew these were vilppu gestures immediately lol
you are never ever going to make it you faggot

>> No.5149384

These look good but have premature contours and are too detailed, gesture should ideally be quick and loose so it's open to interpretation when you start building on it, it shouldn't lock you out of options when it's time to start adding forms and anatomy. Think of it as rebar in a statue.

>> No.5149433

>C, S, I lines
I've drawn for decades, make a living off art and have never needed or even heard of that bizarre unnecessary categorisation until recently. You americans truly are obsessed with making nothing into a big deal.

>> No.5149718

gotcha, and thanks, i tend to shift to quickly sketching the details instead of focusing on the gesture

>> No.5151007

How to finalize hands and fingers in a way that works with the overall gesture? I feel like everything I do with them just puts the rhythm of the figure to a dead stop.

>> No.5151020

least important + also gay

>> No.5151280

Anime coomer detected

>> No.5151458

You have to actively be engaged when drawing
Draw something, figure out what's wrong, draw again, see what's improved
Random changes can be seen as evolution, because just like evolution it's not intended through conscious effort but it can still be analyzed

>> No.5151500

>also sakimichan “worked on mass effect”, but oops actually none of her work made it into the game
Still makes more than you ever will

>> No.5151813

Details like that are irrelevant to gesture. If you're drawing details like that, you don't get gesture.

>> No.5151839


Needs more LOOMIS

>> No.5151884

I meant in the final drawing, when all the steps after the gesture are complete, I'm able to make every body part follow the original gesture underneath but hands always look out of place for how mechanical and boxy they are