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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 235 KB, 496x480, image_2021-01-12_030847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5125188 No.5125188 [Reply] [Original]

Im talking about ANIME art.

Western way of learning art is more suited to developing your own style. Thats why any anime art produced by westerners never truly look anime. Now I know anime itself is a style but when you see these artworks by asian artists you know its anime instead of ripoffs by westerners. Even with an artist's inherent style it never deviates from that anime look.

You almost never see any pure white artist make it big, check the pixiv rankings or top anime artists on twitter. Even the ones that do make it from the west are mixed ethnicity usually asian or they have a second languages usually chinese,korean, or japanese.

Think about it, all you know about art are from english resources, ever thought about how asians learn art? Not saying they have their secrets but they only seem to be secrets because their language is alien to us english speakers.

>> No.5125192

I just want a return to classic cartoon styles. I'm not asking for much here OP.

>> No.5125208

theres no way, that stuff is dated and unappealing
what does that have to do with anime art anyway

>> No.5125223

the thing is, that you are mostly right, but there are big problems with this theory.

throught the history, people has lost the most important feature: critique eye. people is unable to critique themself or see the mistakes in their own art, this board is the best example of that. because of this, anons are forced to be critiqued by others, this mean they are tested based on other people influences and things they like. even if the critique is really good, the artist ends drawing something he dont like, and ends in a bad piece.

now, japanese people had anime as media since they born, while you lose your time reading loomis, they probably spend the same time learning from japanese books focused on drawing anime only.

anime is simple if we talk about anatomy, but as a westener, you always try to make the anatomy more complex because you learn from the realistic aproach to the body, you are conditioned to draw "anatomically correct" and you cant do stylization that push the piece to be more appealing.

i have internet asian friends, when we hang out in drawpile, they never do construction, they directly draw their body and then start fixing from there, is not the best anatomy i ever seen but is really appealing.

>> No.5125223,1 [INTERNAL] 

Cool shit op, but now I'll go back to developing my ""anime"" styled art, have a good day

>> No.5125238

forgot to mention that there is something called standards. most popular asians on twitter, pixiv or whatever social media have something in common, a recognizable style, if you go to a booru, you will spot some famous artists sometimes because their style. then go to pages like rule34, and there is art that look like the same and you cant tell who made it.

westeners focus too much into a "formula" that they start copying more relevant artists and this ends into tons of copycats that cant reach the original level, but people still praise them.

sakimi-chan clones is a good example of this.

>> No.5125240

Asian genes

>> No.5125249

Keep fighting the good fight, OP. There are idiots who refuse to understand this, but you have to keep pushing. Otherwise more White anons will waste their time trying to do something that they will never, ever be able to do because they're not Asian.

>> No.5125252

Asian genes only dictate how much of a bugman you are

>> No.5125280
File: 488 KB, 1600x1400, ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're absolutely right. I'm a WHite boy posting. I painted this. I can't even get cute faces. fml

>> No.5125298
File: 947 KB, 2500x1211, 1606031082607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm white but japanese is my second language (learned it for /jp/ shit).
I agree that if you want to draw in 'authentic' eastern style an asian language is highly beneficial. You can try just by looking for translated asian content or going by pictures I guess but it seems a lot more difficult.
Though honestly most casual internet artists east and west don't learn through books at all, that's an /ic/ thing, they learn through infographics like picrel that get spread around on social media, so calling it the western way seems off. I never thought to look at books or courses until I came here a couple months ago.

>> No.5125324

what ever happened to frank?

>> No.5125330

He literally gave himself cancer doing frank voice and fucked up his throat, chose to stop and became lofi beat maker joji

>> No.5125334
File: 2.47 MB, 1645x1397, E0E8F687-D128-4576-AE38-F3F9B4E86CF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not saying they have their secrets but they only seem to be secrets because their language is alien to us english speakers.

> while you lose your time reading loomis, they probably spend the same time learning from japanese books focused on drawing anime only.

No, they read Loomis, Bridgman, etc. too

>> No.5125386

yes but at some point i believe they deviate from it, at some point they learn just enough of it and translate it into the typical anime style.

>> No.5125389


>> No.5125432

>Western way of learning art is more suited to developing your own style. Thats why any anime art produced by westerners never truly look anime.

How is that a fucking problem? I just want to make appealing art. I don't want my work to be a shitty copy and I pity anyone who has that mindset. If I can take elements from anime that I like and have them mold my style without becoming full on weebshit that's great

>> No.5125447


But this isn't different from milktoast /ic/ advice. Focus on fundies (which includes these anatomy teachings),get to a reasonable level, and then focus on whatever you want (anime).

>> No.5125454

Never said it was a problem, do what you want its your art.

>> No.5125491


Yeah but thats the thing though, that advice is too general and can be taken for whatever artform or artstyle you want, hence the whole better for developing your own style and not for creating the typical anime look. It never says how much you need to learn of which fundies or what your endgame art is gonna look like.

Now im not saying the entirety of asian art is anime art because its not but the fact that they have those resources that do tell them how much of which fundies you need or how your art is gonna look does help. But of course im only speculating on this, I do not speak any chinese,korean or japanese so i cant dive deep into it. But recently I did find a few big korean anime artists actually teach specifically anime-esque illustration on a korean website called Naver.

What sets it apart is that asians have better anime art resources compared to the west/english. If you were to search up anime art tutorial in english best bet your gonna find what? Mikeymegamega? and his stuff is prime example of westernized anime art.

>> No.5125647
File: 870 KB, 963x1200, __oumae_kumiko_and_kousaka_reina_hibike_euphonium_drawn_by_sbel02__d660f1073cb451d725a28b0a6ddc2924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they can, there are very few of these but they can if they care enough, something that the majority of Western artists don't want, because most of them are young and just want to model their favorite anime into their own image like fanfics rather than make art, and just like how >>5125223 said, they didn't grew up watching Japanese media and artbooks since they were born, but see the French sbel02 (pic related) for example, this nigga's art looks like anime frames.


For most that the overwhelming majority of western "anime" art is total tumblrina twitter trash or goggly eyed aliens, a few Westerners mixing their own style with anime has created some beautiful and unique art that I liked (for some reason many of them are Fire Emblem artists), as much as how Japan copying Disney gave birth to the current anime artstyle.

And talking about "Asian" generalizing all Asians as one group, this faux anime Korean/Chinese/Thai sakimi-chan MMORPG artstyle is ugly as sin and I fucking hate it, and even thes artstyles have their own variations by country, you can actually notice the nationality of the artist if you're autistic enough to see all the details.

>> No.5125661
File: 57 KB, 858x444, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I can't even get cute faces. fml

>> No.5125732


>> No.5125762
File: 231 KB, 477x682, animu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i into animu?

>> No.5125795

This is cute tho, you must be like 10% asian at least

>> No.5125802

i worked in japan as an animator, quit it after a year because it's just monkey work unless you spend a lifetime there

>> No.5125818
File: 72 KB, 943x960, metaphysicalchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never do.
In fact, with a statement such as yours, then anyone regardless of race and culture can deviate from any form of study, even if we are studying the pure concept of the human body. Time and time again, we see reference to western study from the Japanese in terms of developing their own styles. Stop denying it and educate yourself, crab.

>> No.5125849
File: 137 KB, 430x528, floating animu head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried another one
i like this one better but maybe just because i love rei ayanami archetype girls

>> No.5125858

It's your fault you're garbage, stop grasping at excuses.

>> No.5125932

>people is unable to critique themself
not me lmao. i can tell where i fucked up something but i'm usuallly not sure how to go about it since i don't have the required skill to fix said thing properly, so i just leave it as is for the most part, but keep it in the back of my head so that when i get better i remember to fix said problem or not let it happen again

>> No.5125934

BRUH she looks like a midget

>> No.5125959 [DELETED] 
File: 520 KB, 948x1196, nazrina_copy_948x1196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing for almost 3 months. Do I have asian jeans?

>> No.5125970
File: 138 KB, 834x1280, IMG_20210112_013031_135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to draw like I want to draw and It happens that manga and anime have been part of my childhood since I was a toddler, having grown up in Italy watching Hamtaro and Detective Conan right when I was 3 or 4, so it's not a surprise I gravitate toward that style. But that's not also what I aspire too, since as I grew older I came to appreciate european comics and classic D&D art just as much. Pic related Is the best work that shows all the influences. Westerners can't seem to get anime right most of the time because they either are below beg or they deviate from the standard style on purpose. You don't even need those how to draw anime books if you already studied normal fundies, you could just copy your favorite artists. There Is also the fact that american comics and cartoons have been fucking stale in the mainstream for decades and now they're outright dying due to lack of variety and shitty politics, so it's not a surprise that the youth of today prefer foreign stuff.

>> No.5125993

M-midgets are cute, right?

>> No.5126395

Yes, go on, keep finding excuses for being shit at art OP.

In reality all you need to do is




Stop crying and start working. Chop chop.

>> No.5126402

where do I buy a pair of asian jeans?

>> No.5126527
File: 334 KB, 753x1200, 3283012_shuten_douji_and_shuten_douji_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tim_loechner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5126530

you're not deep.

>> No.5126538
File: 54 KB, 962x822, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont believe this faker, genetics is everything, the Jews knew it, the Rockefeller Knew it, BLM knows it.

>> No.5126566 [DELETED] 

what's the best manga study book for us roundeyes?

>> No.5126568

if you count russia as asian then yea

I like it

>> No.5126578

I can't claim to have mastered the style but the appreciation and the impulse is present

>> No.5126590

i wonder what this board was like before this thread was made 50 times a fucking day

>> No.5126594


op, mad. don't worry about western USA for anything because it's cancer. especially the calarts shit. nobody in the US is going to "capture the essence" of any shitty animes, because they're not concerned with a style or soul, just money. so forget it, op, maybe seek a developing country that covets anime and is not too bad at "cartooning."

>> No.5126600

>don't worry about western USA
>western USA

>> No.5126752

I’m half-Taiwanese. The thing is, you mostly draw what you grow up with. I grew up with lots of anime when I was a kid so I started to draw them when I was 4-5. Toddlers in East Asia start outright drawing anime because that’s pretty much all they see on a daily basis.
I remember seeing a McDonald’s ad in Taipei which feature anime-style characters eating burgers whatever. Anime is common, it’s the common type of illustration nowadays.

>> No.5126846
File: 3.71 MB, 2800x2100, west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have this thread every month

>> No.5128443

>check the pixiv rankings or top anime artists on twitter
Tf did you expect? The universe isn't made out of bugerland and werstern europe

>> No.5128461
File: 3.56 MB, 2700x4150, lewd22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whitefag here
Just posting to prove you wrong
>Inb4 crabs
Post your own animu art work before shitposting

>> No.5128478

holy shit lol fuck that sucks. all for a meme. are his beats any good?

>> No.5128481

you got proof that all of these aren't hapas

>> No.5128539

I think the reason european or latin american artists tend to get the style down better than americans is because most of the cartoons you see on TV are going to be dubbed stuff from other countries (aside from the occasional local one), there's less of a sense that anime is foreign because it's all foreign.

>> No.5128702

No, theyre generic sad boy garbage

>> No.5128714

this is not anime

>> No.5128835

wide ibaraki

>> No.5128851
File: 422 KB, 585x903, haramasete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this anime?

>> No.5129865


>> No.5130118

I'm desi, I was born in Asia.
Do I have asian genes?
Can I make it?

>> No.5130125


>> No.5130225
File: 28 KB, 250x250, krabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's see your anime drawings then, show everyone how it's done

>> No.5130227

i dont work for an anime studio

>> No.5131434

What's that have to do with drawing in a certain style?

>> No.5131436

How can you be so off the mark? Just look at an anime girl and draw what she looks like

>> No.5131658

>can i into animu?
just barely
but the fact that you're drawing dots for noses instead of forcing western schnozes shows you're on the right path
the hair is absolute shit though. stop trying to draw so many strands and focus on the general shape

>> No.5131660

none of these aside from the felica and demon slayer bitch look anime
the rest look like they want to be anime but they miss the mark and hit the uncanny territory

>> No.5131690
File: 18 KB, 480x360, Goldenboy MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 years ago, western artists were masters taught by masters taught by masters; the japanese were drawing symbol drawings with very limited rendering, rarely properly showing form, appeal, motion.
Today, it has been flipped on its head.
You have convinced yourself that what is merely cultural influence is hard coded into your very being
You have concluded this by browsing social media
A fool you are
A fool who was too weak, so he made excuses why he physically would never make something.
A weak fool who tries to weaken the will of others to make yourself feel better
A man who really wants something would push on through even if he thought something was impossible.

>> No.5131702
File: 23 KB, 480x479, 1608899776266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based
I'm 99% certain you shitpost on 8ch
Your that sand drawfag right.

>> No.5131882

that looks western as fuck
and bad

>> No.5131927

i kinda agree with unable to critique and see their own mistakes part. here is a test. here is a video from youtube titled six years of animation improvement. https://youtu.be/94HN8GMaZwo

how does this shit get over 200k like. this is the problem with beginner

if you cant see any mistakes you are a ngmi and need help

>> No.5131932

i-im im cooming uohhhhhhhh

>> No.5131945

need to phrased that last part better. if you cant see theres only bare improvement, then you need help. not meant that in a bad way

>> No.5132117

how would you draw anime without it being anime

>> No.5132136

Comfort zones and echo chambers are the two main problem. But I feel even the initial point which one starts off determines a lot. Although given that in the timelapse she (only a woman or a faggot would draw about princesses and shit) was only 9 or 10 at the time its excusable. You shouldn't expect a child to be super critical of themselves.

>> No.5132634
File: 968 KB, 1920x1080, 96a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your work then pussy

I'm waiting

>> No.5132639
File: 13 KB, 400x244, 1586438507136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5132642
File: 655 KB, 640x266, 1609988489409.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5132667

I miss filthy franku so much bros

>> No.5132681

he now drinks $0i for a living

>> No.5132875
File: 240 KB, 1612x2048, ErpjMejXAAEQt3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but that really does look like a white guy drew it
not sure how posting my work legitimizes that fact but ok

>> No.5132962
File: 735 KB, 1160x1386, low rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this anime?

>> No.5133002


>> No.5133003

a lot of the people who claim to draw anime pay literally zero attention to the way asian coomers actually draw and especially render
rendering is the tell almost always to me
there's a lot of perfectly fine looking anime style western art but you can immediately tell it's western because it rendered in a style that you just don't see in eastern stuff.

>> No.5133009

a lot of pixiv coomers render differently even if theyre all hard rounding
>>5128461 this is just obvious because of how low effort it is, from lineart to shading. asians at least know what looks good and will fix their drawings until it meets a minimum threshold of goodness
though yeah i guess the pillow shading and shitty hair rendering give it away also

>> No.5133012

its the little stuff, like asian artists usually work light to dark vs westerners who work dark to light. They add up and the end product really tells where it came from.

>> No.5133024
File: 350 KB, 945x904, twapi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I anime enough

>> No.5133047
File: 243 KB, 949x951, dynamite body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find a lot of deviantart-tier garbage by nips on pixiv desu but it generally looks bad in a different way, there's art that's as low skill/effort or worse as that guy's but it's still doesn't look western. As well as being bad that guy's stuff just has the style wrong.

>> No.5133050

also, as bad as this is, i somehow still find it more appealing than the white anons pic. how fucked am i?

>> No.5133070

Based. Fuck retarded weebs polluting this board.

>> No.5133092

are you asian?
I have a feeling some of the differences in style have to do with differences in beauty standards and those are still carried over somewhat for asian-americans etc.

>> No.5133106

guess that makes sense and would also translate to how we draw and what we consider appealing enough
judging by what ive seen of western cartoons online, im not surprised by what they draw considering they grew up watching low effort tv

>> No.5133122
File: 111 KB, 900x800, 5464+6+654+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this anyme?

>> No.5133186
File: 164 KB, 1366x1509, om-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genes don't mean shit

i mean look at me, i have everything going for me gentically and im a fucking loser.

>> No.5133379
File: 26 KB, 835x731, amawuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I am white and conflicted about drawing anime
on one hand i'm not really into /co/ stuff much at all or even familiar with it really outside of disney and the cartoons i watched as a kid, on the other i don't want to draw in a style i'll never get right and don't know if I should just try and lean into western stylisation
maybe it doesn't matter and i should just draw

>> No.5133393
File: 260 KB, 735x1036, adfdb5ecd3f309c5dcc95d5ce440123f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get into european comics or classic fantasy/sci-fi illustrators if you want good examples of appealing stylization that isn't that far off from good anime and manga

>> No.5133409

This whole argument is retarded. Of course your genes aren't gonna make it impossible to do a certain style, jesus christ.

>> No.5133456

People who think its a style to get right think about it too narrowly, it's a collection of shared priorities and approaches, within it you have endless freedom. I think especially with what you posted you have what it takes to draw anime.
Don't let some loser who gave up on his art journey sway you from your own. You don't need to be asian to draw anime.

>> No.5134287

i wish i could draw anime like before

>> No.5134305

This drawing looks completely anime. Thin line helps you. Don't fuck up geometry so much as in center figure and you OK. May I know your Pixiv ID?

>> No.5134431

>can draw anime
Bros am I a mongol???

>> No.5134440

Dunno check your squat