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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5124487 No.5124487 [Reply] [Original]

Stop bickering.
Stop arguing.
The Apple iPad Pro 12.9 is the only thing you need.
There's just nothing else that even comes close.
Why waste time and money on other, lesser, tools?

>> No.5124490
File: 117 KB, 1500x844, 001CA11D-90E8-4152-B858-3A90CF9062D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bickering.
Stop arguing.
The One By Wacom is the only thing you need.
There's just nothing else that even comes close.
Why waste time and money on other, lesser, tools?

>> No.5124497

I need competent software.
I need quality.

>> No.5124499
File: 161 KB, 800x599, Inking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bickering.
Stop arguing.
Some pen nibs and Winsor & Newton brushes are the only things you need.
There's just nothing else that even comes close.
Why waste time and money on other, lesser, tools?

>> No.5124501
File: 132 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20210111_144539_959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bickering.
Stop arguing.
Stone plate is the only thing you need.
There's just nothing else that even comes close.
Why waste time and money on other, lesser, tools?

>> No.5124533

is there a working photoshop? The last time I checked it was shit. did they fix it?

>> No.5124535

Someone make a Grug version of this meme. I am too lazy and no native engrish speaker

>> No.5124574
File: 57 KB, 640x360, 1595659525168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5124606

I bought a Samsung S7+ and i love it, cry you fucking bitch, cry, you will never have my money iJeet.

>> No.5124614

All you need is pen and paper

>> No.5124967

Non-ironically, how is the iPad better than S7+ with its OLED screen, equal pen technology, non-hard pen tip, nicer pen grip and ability to connect to a PC? Perhaps the iPad was best before the current Galaxy, but things change.

>> No.5124996

better performance, 0 parallax, better software, better os support
personally I think the ipad pencil is better because of the nib
ipad connects to a pc as a pen display
it’s also brighter so good if you work in bright environments
as for the screen, they’re supposed to switch to mini led this year, along with a massive increase in cpu power

>> No.5125019

Thank you, but you haven't actually compared it with the S7+, have you? The OLED screen is much brighter. If you haven't used both of them, you shouldn't be coming up with things like less parallax and better performance either. I'm guessing you're comparing to an older Samsung model, or simply coming up with stuff you think might be true or that you thought you read somewhere. It's fine, up until S7+ the iPad did have better tech.

>> No.5125026
File: 106 KB, 1120x386, CBFC3318-CA98-43BF-84EC-30E8E878AFEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank you, but here’s some shilling
fuck off

>> No.5125042

smaller pen than apple pencil
shit software, subscribe walled csp

>> No.5125118


>> No.5125187

I do art for a living (meaning that I draw every day) and I have both of these. They are basically uncomparable, because of how different the workflow is.
I got the iPad solely because I wanted the best thing on the market to take on the road, but then corona happened. At home I simply can't use the iPad, because the Cintiq pro is simply so much better in every aspect when it comes to productivity and ergonomics.

I also used huions and an xp-pen in the past. The cheap chinese alternatives are a joke compared to both iPad and Cintiq. There's no comparison in terms of quality and efficiency.
They should be considered only if you really can't afford better solutions. In the end they get the job done.

>> No.5125190

Hi /g/.

>> No.5125200

anon, that’s not a cintiq, that thing is smaller than the ipad

>> No.5125212

Oh, right. I didn't click on the photo and assumed it was a cintiq pro.
I have a 24" Cintiq Pro.

>> No.5125395

procreate alone makes it worth using over the s7. wake me up when something as good comes out on android

>> No.5125788

what actually makes cintiqs so much better that it's this serious?

>> No.5125807

it’s big

>> No.5125853

I love my Apple® iPad Pro® 12.9! Don't you, my fellow 4channers?
This post is © Apple Inc.. All rights reserved.

>> No.5126298

Ergonomics as in bigger size, better feel of the etched glass, better stylus.
I'm personally more used to windows and the fact I can see my cursor on screen at all times, instead of having to somewhat guess where the line will appear on iPad. Even tho there's 0 parallax, the feeling isn't the same as drawing with traditional media on paper. And yes, I'm aware it's just a matter of getting used to it. This is why I'm not selling it and am still considering it a very viable option for work on the road.

>> No.5126331

I don't buy anything from apple, it's just wasting your money.

>> No.5126370

>Never tries something, but feels the urge of talking about it as if they tried it.

The absolute state of ic crabtards, ladies and gents.

>> No.5126373

bot thread. along with that victorian naked thread.

can this place not survive without faking activity?

>> No.5126543


>> No.5126560

ironically the best photoshop isn't the one by adobe. artstudio pro is the better product and no subscription.

>> No.5126608

Not everyone else in the world is made of money or has rich parents to buy them overpriced tablets. Ever thought of that?
Apple was made to milk money from people who don't know better or how to use anything else.

>> No.5126616

What does this have to do with what I said? I'm not criticizing him for not getting an iPad. I'm cirticizing him for speaking about iPads even tho he never tried one.
Please, stop being stupid, stupid.

>> No.5126705


It's sad that the samsung has better hardware but it's software is so shit compared to the ipad. If only Samsung would contribute to the development on Krita on android.

>> No.5126718

>It's sad that the samsung has better hardware

>> No.5126840


>> No.5126863

Idgaf what anybody says, my Pro got me into drawing again and enjoying it. I just can't stand traditional drawing and tablets (unless they're the high-end kind) don't vibe with me. Plus, I get a multimedia machine out of it.

>> No.5126865

>The Apple iPad Pro 12.9 is the only thing you need.
>There's just nothing else that even comes close.
*if you are a beg casual drawer

>> No.5126893

Not him, but I've used Apple is shit. Here's my experience with it:

I got the 300$ as a gift a couple years ago, and before moving to Japan, my brother gave me his old iPhone 8. Prior to I had been used to using various different smartphones with Android OS, pretty much cause they were always given to me as gifts.

So, the iPhone first. It's convenient in some ways, but absolute dogshit in others. Things that are intuitive and easy to do on other systems is cumbersome and utterly retarded on iPhone. I absolutely LOATHE that I had to install iTunes on my machine just to be able to "sync" my phone with my machine. On android, if I wanted some music, I make a folder and toss it into the phone through USB. I also have a habit of collecting images for reference on my phone, and when that gets too full, I plug it in, pull them all out, and delete the ones on my phone. On iphone, you gotta fucking plug that motherfucker into iTunes, and even then, there's no real easy way to do it. Everything is so retard-proof with Apple, actualy useful things you can do with machines become way more complicated than they should. Everything is "proprietary this" "proprietary that" pay us more money to get more space on iCloud mother fucker.

Then onto the iPad. I bought the 1st Gen Apple pencil and Procreate to try it out... and I wasn't impressed. Sure the detection is good, but the glass surface sucks a massive dick, and everything is too clunky and cumbersome. I used to own a Wacom Companion, and it had a far more natural feeling. Also, Procreate is a dogshit program. CSP blows it out of the water. I don't bother drawing on my iPad anymore, my workstation at home is far better for digital, and I'd much rather just take a bunch of traditional tools with me if I'm gonna draw away from home. A couple pens, some colors and some paper is far better than this clunky glass machine that runs out of battery super fast.

>> No.5126895


I've been told the Pro with CSP is way better, and I've tried the best ones here in Japan in various places, and again, I'm not impressed, especially for the asking price. That's the biggest issue with Apple, everything is stupid over-priced, and I just KNOW that compared to the windows experience it's gonna be more proprietary bullshit to do stuff that's easy to do on Windows.

Get a fucking Wacom, fuck Apple. A lot of these Apple shilling posts legit sound sponsored. It reeks of /v/-style console warring fanboyism too.
>hurr how do you know it's shit if you haven't tried it??

Fuck off retard. I've tried it, I reluctantly own a couple Apple products and I wish I didn't. And I own Wacom products. Also overpriced, but at least they work as they're meant to and are far more flexible.

>> No.5126920

I agree with all that you said, but saying stuff like iPad is dog shit is just dumb. Especially because iPad is the best thing for taking on the road. I had a companion and sucked ass in terms of mobility, cause android based apps are fucking garbage. I haven't tried CSP on android tho, so maybe now things are different, but 3-4 years ago the companion was the actual dog shit, cause iPads had procreate already.
And also there is the better optimized iOS vs the garbage sluggish mess that is the android.
If you use a Windows based top of the line i7 Mobile Studio, then sure, you'll get a better mobile experience than with an iPad pro, but that will also cost you much much more.

Your Apple tirade is simply dumb and your arguments are fighting each other.

>> No.5126922

I have no idea what you require of a drawing program that procreation lacks. If you can’t draw with procreate easily then you can’t draw

>> No.5126989

Today you can get an S7+ with CSP and Infinite Painter and you're good.

Their rubbery tip creates the perfect amount of pressure on slick glass, no stickers and paperlikes required.

>> No.5127018

speak for yourself peasant

>> No.5127044
File: 521 KB, 1006x1024, 1609285698934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying an ipad air soon.
can any of you talk me out of it?

>> No.5127094


>> No.5127098

Don't do it.

>> No.5127106

do you really have that much money to waste on a tablet that should cost 150$ max

>> No.5127107


>> No.5127466

I will check it out. If you can use a wireless keyboard for it and if it's really based on photoshop I am all in

>> No.5127744

Do you need a portable digital drawing solution?
Do you have money to burn?

If you answered yes to both questions: get an ipad

If you answered yes to the first question: get a cheap digitizer laptop or even a cheap regular laptop and a bamboo from ebay

If you answered yes to the second question: get a PC and a cintiq

>> No.5127766

CSP is out, and the Krita beta is getting pretty good. Wouldn't quite recomend it as your primary program yet, but it's close.

>> No.5127796

>subscribe walled csp

iPad's CSP is also a subscription

>> No.5127898

Yes but on iOS you have two actual, viable alternatives in the form of procreate and artstudio pro, meanwhile on android CSP is the only good thing around, unless you're a really big fan of medibang

>> No.5128158

How good is medibang on the ipad? I feel like it‘s not adjusted and lacks alot features

>> No.5128236

why use medibang over the dozens of others. there's even better free ones

>> No.5128239

People here told me to wait until the new pro comes out.

>> No.5128317

only so you can get the last one or the one before that used

>> No.5128334

I was looking to get a 2020 12.9 pro. How
much are prices expected to drop when the new one is released? Amazon has 128 gb at $750 rn

>> No.5128480

procreate and artrage bro

>> No.5128537

Just use paper

>> No.5128542

Anyone have photoshop for iPad? How is it?

>> No.5128831

not by much

>> No.5128873

Krita's Android beta is developing nicely. Its brush engine is godly, and it's free. If they make a touch/tablet oriented interface for it it'll shit all over everything. Even without doing that it's great.

>> No.5128911

I need a cheap one

>> No.5128913

i dont like the feeling of a pen over a screen, and my hand getting on the way

>> No.5129122

I'm glad android is getting some more options but at the same time I hate krita

>> No.5129480

>I hate krita

>> No.5129544

The same reason why I hate photoshop, I just dont

>> No.5130365

So many salty peasants. I guess that's what happens when you can't afford the Apple experience.

>> No.5131250

On a tablet I can agree its a bit clunky for a tablet, but it's worth dealing with for the top tier brush engine. A tablet focused interface would be great in the future.

>> No.5131320

>op tier brush engine
Not with that lack of optimization.