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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 264 KB, 1371x1850, 75233508_2634846539929355_4669426562322399232_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5124007 No.5124007 [Reply] [Original]

For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread. Give it a try and find your question in the previous thread before asking.

>> No.5124009


>> No.5124137

Should I learn simplified anatomy before realistic anatomy? I’ve always thought that that made more sense, but recently I’ve seen some anons (who seemed to be serious) say that it should be the other way around. That seems counter-productive to me, at least generally speaking, but I’m open to hearing a valid justification for it if anyone has it. I also wonder whether it would be best just to learn realistic anatomy from the outset and about learning any simplified variants.

>> No.5124144

>about learning

>> No.5124150

Simplified anatomy should be things like Michael Hampton's construction (go through his figure drawing book if you haven't), which you should learn before you get into the more complex anatomy.

>> No.5124155
File: 426 KB, 580x892, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in the last thread someone told me to learn to shade a ball so i did.
Now i tried to bring the same concept into my figure studies pic is my attempt .
How is it ? i tried some textured pencil to mimic traditional .
sorry anatomy is fucked I'm still learning

>> No.5124158

to further clarify this is something i did from imagination not reference in case light source seemed fucked

>> No.5124161

looks pretty nice. gotta keep it up GMI

>> No.5124162

Keep trying. The planes aren't clear enough yet. Be very careful about the half-tones. Every tonal shape should be an independent plane.

>> No.5124201

Thanks anon will try my best.
Thanks for the critique
could you please clarify more ? I'm still beg if possible paint over it?

>> No.5124259

Learn realistic anatomy as you go along to gain visual library, then learn simplified for when you want to create.

>> No.5124579

What is the filter in photoshop that allows you to simplify the value in 2/4/6+ tones?

>> No.5124581

What's the point of mannequinization in figure drawing?

>> No.5124583

How do I get in the zone?

>> No.5124605

Image > Adjustments > Posterize
This can give better results depending on what you want:
Filter > Filter gallery > Artistic > cutout

>> No.5124626

Proko has a nice article and video on mannequinization.

>> No.5124630

Am I supposed to do manequinization as a separate thing or is it part of the figure drawing process?

>> No.5124641

as it's own thing for practice, but always start with a basic gesture otherwise it will be stiff. Once your decent at it you can incorporate it into your figure drawing process. Proko, Vilppu and Michael Hampton all have similar ish workflows you can learn from their courses.

>> No.5124669


>> No.5125079
File: 113 KB, 1045x887, IMG_2391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total /beg/ question but for grinding fundies (drawabox/vilppu/etc.) and doing basic drawing exercises like figure practice, is it better to practice using very thin brushes/lines in order to better expose flaws in linework? Using thick lines always seems to make my practices look "nicer" but that isn't the point of grinding, and I assume I'm basically covering up a lot of flaws this way.

>> No.5125096

Are we supposed to take 2 showers a day? 1 shower a day?

I don't worry about my skin drying out because I have eczema, so I have to moisturize intensively throughout the day anyways.

>> No.5125261

How do I stop being uncontrollably horny when I try to study anatomy?
I have been failing for many, many years.

>> No.5125972

I'm having a retard moment: if you took a camera and filmed yourself at different angles but just kept the camera level and moved your head around, versus moving the camera itself around your head, is there a difference between the two? Like do you get the same reference? I do know the neck is going to be moving when you move your head instead, but what is a better way to understand the head?

>> No.5125989

Is there a website like skeb but for artist not in japan? I like the idea of having a middle man where someone just request something and pays for it, as opposed to doing all that myself

>> No.5126199


>> No.5126228

someone please answer me. It's evening soon, and I need to decide whether to take a shower or not.

>> No.5126296

1 shower a day but if its too cold and ur feeling lazy skip one day

>> No.5126297


>> No.5126299

Drawing realistic anatomy like loomis and nude models instead of COOM reference.

>> No.5126304

But then how do I stay horny instead of becoming an emotionless autist who studies everything and sucks all the joy out of it?

>> No.5126350

Is there a way to change the ads on here to not be porn?
I can’t fucking stand coming here anymore.

>> No.5126351

Let it be. It's your opportunity to leave this place.

>> No.5126355

You don't use adblock?

>> No.5126368

stop cooming then

>> No.5126433

how i do that

>> No.5126455

is scott eatons digital anatomy course good for trad fags? i plan on going to digital eventually but i gotta stick to pencil and paper for now

>> No.5126540
File: 552 KB, 1048x762, 83fccaa19d43f08fc3597e79880ac905c2e80485707d5605036e89bf2b4d7867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do certain artists replicate those anime frames/cels really well? Do they just study the concept art like hell and create their own drawings?
I want to know specifically the practice structure of how they've learned how to draw like the actual animators from whatever show they're drawing fanart of.

>> No.5126542

use Brave browser (think of it as firefox with adblock, it's really neat) or ask /g/

>> No.5126879

I am looking to track my art progression over the new few months/years (like those sketchbook threads on art forums) and was wondering what the best way to do that is.

I'm guessing a blog would be best, but I have no experience with blogs, so I'm unsure what would work best for my needs. Any suggestions?

>> No.5127253
File: 126 KB, 500x380, 1587931944360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis Creative Illustration scan quality is atrocious, why I haven't seen anyone mentioning this before?
Does any kind anon have this book but with better scan quality?

>> No.5127264

Get a job and buy the damn book

>> No.5127293
File: 3 KB, 258x145, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5127327
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x2268, 20210112_163542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty noob painter here. I'm working on a big 2 x 1m canvas, which has a red background. Oil paint. I think I put on a rather thick layer, and then somehow scraped some shit off semi-dry. I then tried to fix it up.

My two questions:
How do I equalize the two? Do I try to fill in the holes, or try and thin the surroundings?
To prevent this in the future, was I painting too thick, or was it fine and did I just scratch it like a retard?

>> No.5127705

Do you always paint in grayscale first and then glaze over it with color?

>> No.5127876

I'm looking for inspiration
Who are the most hateful artists ever?
Maybe people who had to live through awful times were everyone was shitty
No concentration camp stuff because I already watched a lot of it

>> No.5127886
File: 255 KB, 848x1200, DM2xD7lUQAERKFu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I download someone's entire Pixiv account?

>> No.5128471

Should I bother trying to learn grayscale or should I just paint digitally with color from the start?

>> No.5128498

google pixivutils2

>> No.5128603

Advice for drawing more hours without getting bored/tired? I'm a /beg/ grinding fun with the pencil if that helps.

>> No.5128690

How do I draw a mech suit?

>> No.5128741

Any recommendations for pens to buy? Trying to force myself to draw more deliberate lines.

Also what are some good beginner animation books? I have the Animator's Survival Kit but it's slightly beyond me.

>> No.5128808

Learning animation requires more hands-on tutor than learning to draw. If you can, take the entry-level classes at a community college, so that you can get direct and immediate feedback from an instructor who knows what they're talking about. Far better than any book, in my opinion.

>> No.5128979

Is Steve Huston reputed in his actual works, outside of being a good art instructor?

Do big boy drawings still have markets nowadays and can still make you a world-renowned artist, or are they considered too boring among the modern art stuff?

>> No.5129145
File: 276 KB, 1200x1052, DqEmLkJUwAEuHNo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't work.
It recognizes the artist's account (name, icon, etc.) then says "No Images"

>> No.5129188

How do i create textures for games? I get that i should create 2D sprites for 2D games and give them colliders but what about 3D games? Hmmmm?

>> No.5129220

Pen has nothing to do with deliberate lines.

>> No.5129304

try gallery-dl then

>> No.5129309

how do mental illnesses actually contributing to art?

>> No.5131167

Anyone have that screenshot of FireZ advice?

>> No.5131178
File: 7 KB, 249x249, DD25CBB9-D290-4BE3-A7C9-A02BDA988279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know good resources for drawing facial expressions? I’ve been trying a few basic ones but my drawings still always come out as stiff, or way too subtle, or with shitty anatomy. The guides I’ve seen either lean way towards the cartoony exaggerated stuff or the hyper realistic, it’s hard to find a middle ground.

>> No.5131181

For clarification, when I say my drawings come out as shitty, I don’t mean the anatomy for the body. I’ve been so focused on the anatomy of the body as a whole, that I forgot to do faces. Body is good and fun, face is not.

>> No.5131188

Can Karl Gnass and Glenn Vilppu be studied simultaneously? or should I get comfortable with Vilppu's teachings first?
Asking because I've heard Gnass stuff is a little more difficult to understand... and I'm loving Vilppu so far so i'll stick to him.

>> No.5131313

Should I use opacity on pen pressure or just set it manually all the time? On one hand, setting it on pen pressure allows me to paint and mix colors fast, on the other, it gives less control and feels like a mess overall. How do you set your brushes?

>> No.5131443

>made my nib slanted
Is this normal? am I retarded?

>> No.5131448

Vilppu is a bit more flexible and comprehensive than Gnass, from my experience. Probably don't need to study Gnass at all.

>> No.5131449

opacity on pen pressure, for both painting and drawing.

>> No.5131652

This is a really stupid question, but here goes:

As far as reference pictures go, is there a real difference between a photo someone takes of themselves with a phone camera vs a webcam? Does one stretch/distort more than the other?

>> No.5131733

how does one draw a cube? like every side would be a perfect square
the ellipse method fucking sucks specially on a drawing tablet and it's almost impossible to get it right and if it's not 100% accurate then the whole thing is fucked
any solutions?

it's not a stupid question but i can't make threads so

>> No.5131829
File: 82 KB, 500x431, tumblr_dd0272180aac9540ed6767cad2047b9e_474cdb35_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me getting eyes to be expressive is understanding the brow and mouth express most of the character in a face heres an image i resort to when i want an idea as to how to pose the eyebrows or what mouth shape to use.

>> No.5131838

Where do you guys go to get drawing ideas, for one reason or another i am neigh incapable of coming up with shit on my own by which i mean coming up with an idea for a pose or character design on the fly it just doesn't come to since im not particularly creatively minded even though mechanically i know how to draw all the threads on 4chan i frequent are usually slow going in terms of activity.

>> No.5131847

Draw from ref (real or 3D models) for a while until you're comfortable with eyeballing it.

>> No.5131888

the whole question is about getting it right and not just eyeballing it....

>> No.5132094
File: 2.79 MB, 1080x2067, 1610628201274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really on the level of simply knowing fundies? Obviously it's a pro artist but it feels like there's a more happening here than just perspective buildings, walls, etc with light and details
I can tell where the eye level is but I don't really get how you would go about constructing this scene

>> No.5132098
File: 170 KB, 1422x1626, 6F77BF55-4805-47DE-A1B2-5006EFF73B73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5132190


>> No.5132201

I'll just copy and paste from the Beg thread.

Help me develop confident lines. When drawing from the shoulder/elbow, should I just hover my arm? Or is it alright if I rest it on the table/slide it over?

>> No.5132265

Are the Brent Eviston courses good for digital or only trad? I'm using CSP, if the brush engine makes a difference

>> No.5132433
File: 1.19 MB, 915x898, whatfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming im drawing on white paper so i'm using the whiteness of the paper as a highlight on the figure right ? now on pic the area i redlined ( pecs ) that is close to the highlight what kind of value should i give it ?halftone while gradually going into highlight ? while using a 5 value system ?

>> No.5132448

you seem to have absorbed the lesson behind the sphere study
complex objects are made out of less complex objects
that's it, there's nothing else to drawing except taking this further and further until all you see are colored shapes and the gradients between them

>> No.5133001

My sister wants to learn to draw. Im not sure what books to buy her.

What would be both informative and fun for a middle-school aged girl? I'll also be teaching and guiding her.

>> No.5133903

i thought artists and art communities (excluding here) were generally more liberal.
how come they seem to be the least sympathetic towards the idea class struggle and how that affects a person
more so than the "buckle your boots" conservatives

>> No.5133905

take brent eviston

>> No.5133918

Depends on what she'd like to draw but I guess Keys to drawing book is fine. If she doesn't care about subject then any book that teaches fundies: loomis, vilppu, bargue, etc.

>> No.5133969

forget confident lines. Just draw in pencil, then ink over it.

You can scribble and scratch however much you want in your sketching phase, but your final drawing should be clean. Inking and learning to ink well will help you develop clean lines. Your sketching will get better as a result too.

>> No.5134014

Most of them are from rich families that never knew real hardship

>> No.5134463

will learning to draw fill the void in my soul?

>> No.5134468


>> No.5134478

you need to look at a lot of art, watch film, etc.
what excites you? what kind of stories do you want to tell? what's the most interesting event in that story were you to photograph it?
once you have some answers, start looking at things for inspiration. if it's a time travel story, look at other time travel stories/films/paintings and see what they did. what new perspective can you bring? maybe you merge some of your own life experiences into it.

>> No.5134480

definitely not, but it'll probably help you explore and learn to live with it

>> No.5135226

Bump I beg you
I have the courses downloaded but no physical materials

>> No.5135228


>> No.5135306
File: 35 KB, 400x415, 1609058524035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the brush flow setting on CSP?

>> No.5135315

I don't have a pepper for keys to drawing exercise, can I use a chilli pepper instead?

>> No.5135393

Yeah but you have to draw it from imagination first without looking

>> No.5135684

now I want a dr. pepper : )

>> No.5136026

i have a patreon and a gumroad. on gumroad i sell past work at $15. but some of them have more material than others, because some months i paint more than others. would it be weird to vary the prices depending on what they contain, or should i keep them all the same price?

>> No.5136049

what's a good laptop i can get solely for digital art?

>> No.5136070
File: 293 KB, 900x900, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do ipad photoshop brushes work for the pc version? there's a brush mega in the iPad general and I need brushes.

>> No.5136102

Anyone have some good example of artist that I can follow on instagram?
All the artists I folliw haven't posted in ages,so I'd like to find other artsts to look at.
I'm looking for artists that do character or environnement design

>> No.5136107

What's the reason for this?
5 months and no improvement whatsoever

>> No.5136126

It can be hard to simplify something when you don't understand what it is you're simplifying.
With a lot of art concepts, once you understand the complex aspects of it, you can "do it in your head" and you cease to actually need it so much. Eg, not needing to painstakingly draw a perspective grid and being able to just eyeball it. When you know anatomy really well, it becomes easy to just simplify it for yourself.

That said, I wouldn't really overthink something like this too much, go by feel. If you feel like you're struggling to make simplified anatomy work for you (as a whole, or related to a specific aspect of the body), study up on its complexities and see if that helps it click with you. If it helps a lot, maybe think about focusing on learning that a bit more for the time being.
Everyone clicks with different aspects of learning, and understands things best in a different order. eg, simplified anatomy can help you draw decent looking figures in the meantime while you learn construction, but someone who already has a handle on construction might be better off skipping it entirely and just learning the complexities.

>> No.5136161

am i dumb or are artists getting better younger compared to say, the late 2000s? i'm surprised how good these (alleged) 15/16 year olds are on twitter.

or maybe modern media algorithms are exceptionally good at showing the cream and concealing the countless shit artists

>> No.5136216

The internet has changed everything, kids have insane access to so much information these days and it's only becoming more thorough and easy to access with every passing year. We tend to focus on the negative aspects of spending one's formative years on the internet, like being exposed to cyberbullying and unrealistic beauty filters etc, but this is gonna be a fucking golden age of new talent among zoomers, across pretty much all disciplines

>> No.5136222

The amount of quality courses you can get for free if you are not dumb as a rock + better software + cheaper hardware means artists have a much more easier time becoming good compared to 20 years ago where you had to scrape by with the blind leading the blind.

>> No.5136398
File: 328 KB, 1638x2048, EhIAonhVoAA7_Yj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does copying really good artists, applying what i've learned by studying and drawing from life, also help improving?
Is it possible to turn that way of copying into a "master study" session?
Pic related is what I consider "really good" skill level btw

>> No.5136406
File: 434 KB, 1200x1697, EW_ILznUMAEgnAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond

>> No.5136414
File: 32 KB, 800x800, Jn3ynwn4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody still have the 2TB mega? I want to clone it to my own because I can't trust it to not get taken down

>> No.5136418

anyone have any diagrams or pictures on how to place vaginas? google isnt really helping

>> No.5136473

have sex

>> No.5136489

With you?

>> No.5136505

ok open up

>> No.5136508

Place it around your lips, thrust your tongue forward, and lick that sweet savory bean

>> No.5136509

If your contents are too explicit, you'll have to post them on pixiv. Other art sites got too many family-friendly mods sniffing around

>> No.5136512

whats the consensus on posting uncensored vaginas on pixiv?
dont do it?

>> No.5136516

I don't think its weird. Sketch, lineart, colored, rendered and w/background are different in prices even when you do commissions.

>> No.5136520

If you communicate entirely in english, the nips will auto-magically give you a free pass

>> No.5136521

I do

>> No.5136529

ok let's say i have two versions of the same drawing,
a nude version and a fully clothed version
how should i go about posting them on pixiv and Twitter?
on pixiv should i put them in one post? and if so, which one should be the headliner? the clothed version really isnt erotic so im not sure theyd reach the same audiences
and for twitter should i put it in the same thread? or just pick one depending on my audience?

>> No.5136555

I would separate them in twitter since there's no point for the sfw version to share an adult tag and being exclude from general search. Don't know about pixiv

>> No.5136612

What are some good online art communities where you can get informed feedback and maybe build a bit of a network/social circle? I'm not really ready to post shit to social media, but I'd like to get more comfortable posting my work non-anonymously, and to actually engage with other artists rather than painting alone in my room and getting all my information from books.
For context, I do traditional painting (mostly watercolour/gouache, but I have an oil set I've been dancing around attempting) and I'm mostly interested in birds and other wildlife (but also sometimes paint figures/places/objects). Not really interested in porn/furries/fanart/concept art/anime or any sort of digital art, so it's hard to know where to go.

I'm not opposed to engaging with IRL communities either, if anyone has experience in those and can share their experience or suggest things, I just don't really know if that sort of thing exists outside of full on art school. Maybe I'll look for a short course, if they exist beyond an 'edutainment' level and fit around my work schedule. Beyond that, I'm not sure if there'd be anything else.

>> No.5136742

Can you send the link to me over kik?
My kik is Lyrakun
Otherwise please email it to laceykens@gmail.com

>> No.5136795

Shit just saw it in the other thread. Still, if anyone has anything else art related they want me to back up, publicly or privately, shoot me a message and a link and I'll clone it

>> No.5136992

is it better to post work with credit to yourself here and risk being known to post here, or to post without credit and risk stolen work?
I see so many here post finished pieces nonchalantly without any signature whatsoever....

>> No.5137006

Don't post your signature here. You don't want to be linked to deepweb hackers known as 4chan

Seriously I no longer cares about posting signature at some point. Reverse image search made it redundant I guess

>> No.5137014

Artists are inherently selfish creatures regardless of their political affiliation.

>> No.5137022

Honestly, art college for a fine art related course or an atelier, maybe a boomer art group in your area, my local museums and communities have things like that for wannabe painters. Life drawing classes irl may be a good start.

>> No.5137036

how would you guys improve mental health in general or in order to draw better?

>> No.5137219

I'm trying to use Clip Studio Paint Pro, and I can't find any sources on how to add/change/remove clothing from 3D models. Anyone here familiar with the program know how to do that?

>> No.5137227
File: 832 KB, 1155x1350, Pattern follows stroke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed that some artists have brushes with a custom pattern/texture and I know how to make my own on photoshop, but there's something that I can't replicate
Pic related, the top screenshot shows the pattern of the brush following or rotating with the brush stroke, and the bottom screenshot is what happens when I make strokes on PS. I've looked into the settings and searched it on google but I can't find what makes the pattern follow the curve that the stroke makes.
Can someone help me ?

>> No.5137242

NEVERMIND I found it on some obscure forum
It's brush setting -> shape dynamics -> angle jitter -> control -> direction

>> No.5137452

Besides the neck you pointed out there will certaintly be very subtle changes on the face. I noticed that my cheeks, eyelids and other parts of face actually move slightly. Its all just small chunks of mass that gravitate downards. Extreme example: You may notice when you completely bend forward and look down your face fat kind of hangs. I know it sounds weird but try it yourself with selfie camera for example.

Besides the skin, hair also looks different if you move camera or just the head.

Other than there is also difference on what angle the neck and shoulders are captured in image. As in the shapes.

Hope this helps you, cheers!

>> No.5137470

PS: If you want a better reference I'd say keeping your head still and moving the camera instead, since your face will look more "natural" and prettier. But then again the difference is very subtle.

>> No.5137597

Meditation, exercise, eating healthy, time management, socializing, taking breaks and stretches, having fun.

>> No.5137809
File: 121 KB, 1344x1000, maslow-pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mental health is going to be shit if your needs aren't being adequately met

>> No.5137868

I never took it seriously when he said that being loved is more important than self actualisation and self esteem. I just went straight for the top and now I’m all alone

>> No.5138202

i bet you so have friends you've been neglecting

>> No.5139251

I’ve mostly been painting lately (traditional), from photos and from life, and I’ve noticed my drawing stage has just become a mere means to an end, so they basically look like shit until I paint over them. Don’t really do much construction, don’t keep things very neat, don’t convey much depth, etc, really I’m just finding the edges/angles/shapes and placing landmarks to help me paint later on. But now even when I’m trying to just do a pencil sketch and leave it at that, I find it hard to ‘remember’ what to do beyond that, and often default to just painting it instead. Is this a problem, or is it normal?

I suppose I mostly used construction when drawing from imagination, maybe I should make an effort to bring that sort of thing back into rotation once in a while to avoid too stark an imbalance, or such dependency on having something to reference. I’ve only just discovered the proko kangaroo, and I guess it’s been a bit of an awakening as to my own habits.

(I kind of feel like I’ve answered my own question just through trying to articulate it, but what the hell, I’m here now so I’ll hit post anyway in case anyone has further input or relates)

>> No.5139386
File: 503 KB, 650x951, 1528066204671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make a sketch look like a finished work? Or maybe rather, how do you make a finished piece look like a sketch?

>> No.5139813
File: 175 KB, 581x717, 7F83A523-4C8B-473D-B2F7-22A91722981C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally noob question, but how exactly do you learn from a book like this? Do you just read it and copy the drawings? At what point do you say, “ok I’m going to the next chapter now” ?
I get that this is a babybrain question but serious, how do you guys who learn mostly/only from books do it?

>> No.5139831

>Do you just read it and copy the drawings?

You read it and apply the knowledge.

>> No.5139892

Copy stuff and try and use what you've gleaned through copying on your own.

>> No.5140076

How do I make money as a beg? I'm thinking of simple drawings for 5 USD. What's a good platform for this? Patreon? Buy me a coffee? Straight up Paypal?

>> No.5140081

At a job

>> No.5140137

I can't leave the house because of health issues, and I haven't been able to find a remote job.

>> No.5140211
File: 36 KB, 640x479, 1610279357617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell me who 'nosebro' is?

He apparently used to be a regular here

>> No.5140290

>Are we supposed to take 2 showers a day? 1 shower a day?
For fuck's sake you Americans are creepy. Two or three times a week is plenty. No wonder you have eczema, especially if you use shampoo and body wash every time, removing your natural oils and forcing your skin to either dry or to overproduce sebum.

And before someone starts hooting about how they smell bad if they only shower a few times a week: you only smell bad if you're unhealthy. Any bad smell is 100% about your diet, inflammation levels, dental hygiene and hydration.

If it's really hot, then in that case only do feel free to shower daily with cool water and no detergents.

>> No.5140294

>But then how do I stay horny instead of becoming an emotionless autist who studies everything and sucks all the joy out of it?
Woot woot there are only two options, it's always black and white

>> No.5140305

>For me getting eyes to be expressive is understanding the brow and mouth express most of the character in a face
Exactly wrong. Those pictures look like trash, there is no life in the eyes. Typical formulaic cartoon "expressions". You can cover someone's mouth and brow and see their entire expression and emotion from their eyes. Only applies to people with actual emotions though, so "chill, edgy" Americans with blocked expression can't do it.

>> No.5140312

You don't "come up" with drawing ideas, you have an endless well of them if you've lived a meaningful life. If I can ever draw even a hundredth of the things I've seen and experienced in my life, I'll be overjoyed.

>> No.5140316

>digital or only trad
False dichotomy

>> No.5140321

>you need to look at a lot of art, watch film, etc.
All the best artists have always drawn their inspiration from life and their own experiences, not some stale films or "looking at art".

>> No.5140325

>anyone have any diagrams or pictures on how to place vaginas? google isnt really helping

>> No.5140540

What’s the consensus among you crabs for using 3d pose software as reference? I’ve been dabbling in 3D for 2D painting purposes but I don’t see why I just don’t go all in on 3D instead. Can you tell if someone traced over a posed rig?

>> No.5140553

How to not.get.back pain? And is it safe to draw again after the pain goes.away?

>> No.5140602

Krita Users: Is there a way to bind the Shift + Space + Mouse Click rotate canvas to something else? I'd rather just have it be bound to R, but I don't see it anywhere in the keybinds section, and the only Rotate Canvas keybind there is is the incremental one.

>> No.5140632

Nvm, that stuff is under the canvas input settings, kinda weird that it's separate but whatever

>> No.5140699

I think its the chair. I once inherited someone else gaming chair and then all my back problems went away

>> No.5140710

>Can you tell if someone traced over a posed rig?
Yes, an experienced person could tell right away based on the FOV angle, and the shoulders. The devs at Poser and Daz3D never fixed dem shoulders

>> No.5140767

When drawing from a reference photo, my proportions are a bit off. Each element on it's own seems to be decent, but as a whole things seem off (for example, the figure's arm/hand looks ok, but when compared to the rest of the figure, it's too wide). I'm trying not to TUNNEL VISION on certain parts and look at the pose as a whole but I am really struggling with this. I've tried moving away, flipping, etc and can't seem to get past this. Any methods that worked for you guys??

>> No.5140818

>use pomodoro technique to time how long I draw for the past week
>if I draw more than six hours I get physically drained and need to sleep
>average around four or five hours
What gives? How can people draw for more than 16 hours a day?

>> No.5140982


>> No.5140994

how do I force myself to draw?
>inb4 just draw

>> No.5141048

Can most people visualize entire landscapes or the whole human anatomy at once, or is that a savant-only skill?

I can only visualize details part-by-part, i.e. imagine stem of apple, then imagine the pit between the stem and fruit, then the bulby top part of the apple and so on. Trying to imagine an entire apple beyond the "circle with line coming out" resolution is beyond me.

>> No.5141208

Is it bad to draw fan art of media you haven't seen/read?

>> No.5141215

How many times should you fix something in a drawing before giving up and accepting its unsalavageable?

>> No.5141227

So the course will go about the same even if I'm doing digital?

>> No.5141308
File: 58 KB, 468x555, 1607085397809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. What is the drawing technique used in this portrait?

>> No.5141338

Read it and figure out whether you’ve actually understood the concepts before moving on. Maybe copy drawing where you’re having trouble getting it (iirc there are a fair few step by step exercises to follow), but even better, apply the theory to a brand new composition.

>> No.5141352

Is it efficient to learn gesture by just studying random A-B loops in movies without pausing?

>> No.5141403

go stink up some other place you filthy fuck

>> No.5141416
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 12.-Son-of-Man.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>/b/844806743 (14 Jan 2021)
>can you visualize the apple?

>> No.5141484


>> No.5141574
File: 25 KB, 600x492, untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an anatomy guideline that uses a box instead of the usual egg for the torso?

>> No.5141757

It is as bad as cosplayer that cosplay a character without reading the manga first. So its good as long as you don't open your mouth

>> No.5142230
File: 716 KB, 1440x1440, 1594678372042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you recover drawings you erased and overwritten with a different drawing in CSP?
I drew some smut and erased it out of shame but it really was the single best thing I've ever drawn in a technical standpoint. Is there a way to retrieve my shameful coom?

>> No.5142241

What's a good basic colour book? I went through Keys to Drawing, but there's no colour section. I have Colour and Light, but it seems a bit too advanced for me.

>> No.5142294

Anyone here gone through and done all the exercises in Peter Hans Dynamic Sketching course? I absolutely hate doing brain dead grinding, like drawing lines and boxes over and over again and I want to know if the course actually helped anyone improve.

>> No.5142354

Try your luck in CSP's "DocumentBackup" or "InitialBackup" folders

>> No.5142371

What's a proven curriculum to follow to become really good at drawing?

>> No.5142442

no but people will probably be able to tell

>> No.5142648

Do I study basic perspective, construction, and anatomy in conjunction with each other? Then move on to gesture and color and more "advanced" stuff?

>> No.5142695

A quantize filter

>> No.5143011

any alternative to loomis?
I do not want to draw those fugly heads

>> No.5143050


>> No.5143054

then don’t draw the heads nigga did you even read any of the books or did the first chapter of the first one stump you

>> No.5143064

How many artistic should I conquer at once? I feel like I’m not consistent at all. Some days I’m doing gesture, another I’m doing a study or something. Should I get an organized schedule and focus on mostly one concept? Feels like I’m trying to learn and do too much at once. I can’t even pick a medium. Pls help

>> No.5143085

Most art students will tackle 3-4 things a semester. Focus on two. If you feel overwhelmed, you probably are. A school based art education is 4 years, spread your pursuit out over longer time frames.

>I can’t even pick a medium.

Why do you feel a need to? The eduction period of your artistic path should involve trying as many as possible. You don't have to pick one, no masters ever did, they used all of the mediums, when appropriate to the task.

>> No.5143091

>Should I learn simplified anatomy before realistic anatomy?
That's generally the path most art students take.

>> No.5143093

Thank you Anon, this is very useful. I’ll probably tackle two of my weaker concepts

>> No.5143097

Meet a woman, date her, have sex.

Most men get past the "fapping like a meth'ed out monkey" thing when they do that.

Also, stop drawing porn and using porn as reference. The above will help with that.

>> No.5143101

Find a therapist. Do not try to have sex with them.

>> No.5143104

Try both.

>> No.5143106

anyone here juggle different artist personas online and in business?
how do you do it and make sure to not let your art styles look to similar

>> No.5143115

>so i'm using the whiteness of the paper as a highlight on the figure right ?

Only if the highlight is pure white.

Value in your piece is something you choose. You can adjust it for artistic reasons, ore purely mechanical ones, like you're going to only use. 2H pencil for the whole piece, so "black" is the darkest value a 2H can put down. "White" is the brightest value you want to be the brightest.

To really shake your brain, a piece can have no pure white in it.

In this specific piece, there is no pure white on the body, it's a light value around 4-5%.

>> No.5143120

Every thread, huh?

At this point, I'm just assuming you're trolling.

>> No.5143121

The level of work is about the same as when I started out. It's just easier to see work from all over via the internet.

>> No.5143127

It was standard during past ages to learn by copying. Michelangelo studied sculpture from old Greek and Roman sculptures that were being dug up.
Most museums still allow students to paint on-site, copying masterworks.

>> No.5143135

I made a seperate instagram account for my embarrassing fanart/anime and other art that I don't want my irl friends/family to see. It is connected in the app, so I can easily switch between my main account and the alt account without logging out, but the alt accounts keeps suggesting that I follow people I know IRL.
Are these people also being suggested my alt account?
Have anyone else had this problem and how did you combat it?

>> No.5143138

Stop falling for obvious bait.

>> No.5143144

Measuring. You know how every artist in a movie holds his thumb up to the model? That's what they're doing. (I use my pencil.)

>> No.5143148

Drawing classes.

>> No.5143160

nahhh. the high majority of ones who would have learned young would have learned with or without the internet support. You could have all the resources in the world, but if you don't have discipline you won't go anywhere.
If anything I'm surprised its not less considering how many kids are hooked on instant gratification these days.

So maybe there's a bit of an evening out

Overall though, the good ones are just more apparent

>> No.5143476

same reason you never see the shitty asian artists, the bad ones get buried

>Do they just study the concept art like hell and create their own drawings?
probably anon. i've drawn a few things in a western cartoon show's exact style, and you mostly just need to be able to draw, eyeball the reference and use (photoshop/clip studio/whatever art program)

>> No.5144250
File: 243 KB, 1447x2046, art goal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone, I'm completely new to digital painting.
I'd love to know what I need to learn to be able to render like this.
(Also it would be great if anybody can tell me who the artist is, there's a signature but I can't make heads or tails of it)
Thank you.

>> No.5144267

Small breasts and short haired cool girl is quite patrician.
there is some texture overlay, and some texture brush on the shoulder, but mostly he uses a round brush, with no pen pressure size variation, but opacity or flow pen pressure on, not sure which one.He is creating sharp edges by painting one thing over the other, and manually changes size.
He is changing the brush size for the smaller things manually, can't tell if he is using a noise option for the brush or a filter on top. His understanding is rooted in japanese teachings, soif this is your goal studying anime is where you'd want to go.
This work actually uses very primitive techniques, this guy is all skill.
there is very subtle use of blending modes on the highlight. Don't remember which one it is, but it is basically in only 3 places in the whole piece, the rest is just reallysmart color control.
Here is your guy

>> No.5144296

Thanks a lot.

>> No.5144547

gesture is really basic, its about the movement and balance, very usefull to start out.
Id start with basic perspective though, once you get a feel for it you can construct efficiently in 3d without much planning so you can focus on learning body parts- which are way off your limit if you cant even draw inanimate objects.

>> No.5144569

fundies + hrb, ready sticky

>> No.5144579

Thank you very much.

>> No.5144682

I'm 27, used to draw a lot when I was 16 but stopped because of work and quitting school , is it too late for me to try and get good ?

>> No.5144711

Once I understand the fundamentals on a conscious level and want to use them for imagination drawing, what's the recommended practice regimen? Should I just forcefully invent situations, gestures, poses from my mind and draw those, or draw from reference to get a feel for how things are usually depicted, draw from reference and then rotate and alter the scene etc. I can do all three but I feel like focusing one of these is likely to produce better gains.

>> No.5144765

It's like swimming, your body will remember the techniques after some time.

>> No.5144768

It might if you login to instagram using your google account, or linked to it in someway. Google neural ai tracing is a beast

>> No.5144820

Never too late. But if you're asking whether you can make a career out of it... depends on how much free time you've got to study and grow. Glhf

>> No.5144857


Thank you , thats very encouraging.

I'm in a situation right now where I don't need to work and money is not a problem so I've been given a opportunity to solely focus on getting good. I don't want a career, I just want to be able to express myself with skill.

Was thinking or starting off with the "Russian Academic Drawing Approach – Iliya Mirochnik" since it seems to start you off from the beginning. I tried doing a few timed poses and they were really bad so I think I need to re-learn everything.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and /ic's resources are probably the best I can find without enrolling in a University. But I do wonder if getting into a Uni would be more beneficial? Any opinions or experiences from IRL Art schools anyone is willing to share.

Is art school a waste of time?

>> No.5146064

I use the sRGB mode on my monitor for drawing, right?

>> No.5146346

Some people are good at studying alone, and some people improves better when there's a tutor guiding them along. There is no clear definite answer.
Try one of those online learning course with weekly live session, see if you improves faster than studying alone. Better decide quick since the good ones will be closing their winter registration in a week or two

>> No.5146419
File: 51 KB, 749x183, 099810ba73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck in a rut right now trying to decide in what way I should approach my sketchbook, or rather how the others practice their knowledge on it. I don't really have a problem working around construction when I'm studying on newsprint because the light marks can be easily erased after building whatever I'm working on, but on the sketchbook I feel like it's extremely cluttered because the contour/surface is fighting against the building blocks.

Maybe I'm overthinking this shit but could contour drawing be counterproductive on a sketchbook? On one hand I think it helps you to train your eye with sharp and accurate placement but at the same time it defeats the purpose of drawing through the form.

>> No.5147177

what subject matter is guaranteed to have reliable commissions? i may be out of a job soon and i’d like to just see if i can do commissions on the side for a quick buck.

>> No.5147310

Are you willing to sell your pride and soul?

>> No.5147850
File: 1.57 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20210120_152832_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to practice perspective. I'm getting hung up on trying to incorporate multiple vanishing points. all the tutorials i see are about 1,2,3 point perspective which is fine when everything is perfectly aligned (e.g. buildings on a street). but how to i place vanishing points for objects rotated in various directions on various axes (e.g. several dice being thrown in the air)?

>> No.5148086
File: 468 KB, 850x1052, sample_83a70f87593b9c8324aa0db94635a629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long would it take me to get to this level of drawing from nothing?

>> No.5148122


>> No.5148362
File: 20 KB, 650x490, TempleOS_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not art related but more board related.

Why are there ads with temple os?
I thought the guy died and stopped working on the program. Whats making it reamerge to the public? Did something happen recently? Or did someone just decided to use it for merch randomly?
Probably some gay ass youtuber.

>> No.5148370

How do I get the tilt function in CSP to make a brush feel like the side of a pencil?

>> No.5148412

People bitch about poor quality loomis scans literally all the time

>> No.5148528

You can even pay monthly rents with shitty furry commissions. No kidding

>> No.5148618

Heard a guy say I should be using thinner brushes/pencils when starting out, something about how it'll help with accuracy in the long run, is this true?

>> No.5148622

That's a pretty crude drawing so not long. It's just basic proportions and linework.

>> No.5148855
File: 1.50 MB, 2500x1436, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i going to make it if i keep progressing like this?

>> No.5148863


>> No.5148871

about 2 years.

>> No.5148928

The progress is just too slow. Obviously you really like animated stuff but if you practiced using real human references more, your gains in animated stuff will improves tremendously

>> No.5148943
File: 327 KB, 648x597, KycD5Lr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this thing? is it the oblique tendons?

>> No.5148962
File: 324 KB, 1920x1080, 1609453942539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not please help me

>> No.5149020

Thats just fat on top of the oblique overlapping the pelvis.

>> No.5149105

how am i supposed to translate my gains in realism towards stylization

>> No.5149116
File: 65 KB, 418x669, 5cf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have some good resources for making the best use of the digital format? Photoshop tricks, brush settings, post-processing, layer masks, filters, etc.
I know it's secondary/complimentary to traditional skills (forms, rendering, perspective, anatomy, etc), so this isn't a 'what brush does he use????' question.

>> No.5149119

How do you simplify eyes when drawing small? I sometimes see people who do a very small number of lines, sometimes almost smudge like, and it still comes across as a realistic eye. Most of my worst looking drawings come when I try to include every line, but I don't know how to simplify properly.

>> No.5149120

is there a female equivalent to tom of finland?

>> No.5149132


>> No.5149183

>no rools, just tules
is this always the case?

>> No.5149476
File: 312 KB, 700x1513, latifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do I paint like this? Not trolling.

>> No.5149528

hard round brush

>> No.5149537

Depends on your current level. There're a few milestones before you reached there, so we need to know where you stand first

>> No.5149622

Can someone inform me on the arcane magics of whatever layer fuckery that Miles-DF uses here? I'm not looking to copy his style but the shading on one layer with one color and somehow transferring it onto the flats looks super useful.

Would it work with CSP or Photoshop or do I need to get paint tool sai too?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXo7ken7JTw [Embed]

>> No.5149673
File: 205 KB, 419x1464, smashmashtransparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only celshading so far.

>> No.5149874
File: 77 KB, 580x1377, apple blocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The principle is the same as painting this apple image. Most video courses focusing on color & light usually touches into more detail on this method (I know the Marco Bucci course does)

>> No.5149947

Blocking and rendering seems to really focus on understanding planes and 3d shapes. Is there a good reference that shows the planes of the human body?

>> No.5149993

Michael Hompton book seems like a good starting point. And regardless of its meme status, loomis and proko learning materials should be put under consideration as well

>> No.5150056
File: 465 KB, 2312x912, Apustaja Angles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some pro help, what is A and B?
I can't imagine Apu profile for the rest of the head because of the shape from the 3/4 angle. I'm trying to make a plane on his face.

>> No.5150063

*apply plane studies on his head.
sorry i'm a /beg/

>> No.5150292
File: 593 KB, 2312x912, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have me confused too man what do you mean i dont understand what is plane studies please

>> No.5150989

what is the equivalent of loomis for anime?

>> No.5151009


>> No.5151019

I remember there was a book my co-worker always use, unfortunately it was entirely in japanese, I can't even read the title.

But its better if you learn how to do figure drawing first, manga/anime is just a sauce to pour over the basics of figure drawing.
Learn about human anatomy, etc. Learn to draw the human figure, learn to draw things from reality.
After that manga/anime will be easy.

>> No.5151104

Should I be prioritizing studies more than OC?

>> No.5151147
File: 1.49 MB, 1325x1701, EsSl3j2W8AEtsph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is it a good time to start learning how to render? I can't paint for shit.

>> No.5151161

You should always start simple with everything first. Simplified subjects will draw you in more and you would understand them better. Once you have the grasp of it, you could start learning more complex things.

>> No.5151360

A balance between the two would be ideal. Studies to improve your knowledge; OC to maintain your sanity

>> No.5151376

Drop some flat colors on your drawings so you get the hang of things first. Baby steps anon, baby steps

>> No.5151470
File: 294 KB, 1750x900, 42_TBu02rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is simon's aka teallineguy's twitter?

>> No.5151489

Does anyone know Japanese artists that post their full process or even speed drawing? I follow some like かかげ, 西沢5ミ and hungryclicker but my youtube recommendations are trash and keep recommending artists that I don't like

>> No.5151524


>> No.5151561

inguinal ligament.

>> No.5152786
File: 98 KB, 269x182, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make patterns like this?

>> No.5152839

Draw it. Maybe look up gold leaf frames/ornamentation and calligraphy flourishing. Same idea, now add floral and organic elements

>> No.5153591

How do you improve line quality?

>> No.5153595


>> No.5153601

Practice what

>> No.5153603

Seconding Ctrl + Paint, he goes over a lot of basics and tricks to paint more efficiently in Photoshop. Good guy.

>> No.5153611

Line quality assuming that’s what you want to improve

>> No.5153763
File: 37 KB, 672x820, werwerfwdse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need anatomy/gesture resources for brainlets. Can't wrap my head around hampton.

>> No.5153783

What about hampton can you not understand?

>> No.5153837
File: 47 KB, 419x500, 61SKY-v7WBL._SX417_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good book for referencing facial expressions?

>> No.5153847

Wait what? Can't you just use a mirror?

>> No.5153849

I have trouble specially with the hips and legs, rotation of the feet, anatomy of the legs etc. Should I just grind more?

>> No.5153855
File: 19 KB, 312x400, 24848327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try David Ross' Figure drawing book. It's not that comprehensive on anatomy but his explanation is rather accessible for beginners

>> No.5153867

Thank you! I'll check it out.

>> No.5153870

It's alright, I wish the pictures were bigger but if you know your facial anatomy you can work your way through it. I do feel like a lot of the expressions are a little too extreme, happiness is usually an unnatural HAPPY AS FUCK expression. Some of these people try to look "angry" or "scared" but it comes across as pretty fake. I think for things like fear the photographer should have had someone play a loud noise and actually scare these people to make it genuine. Or maybe they should have hired actors or models that actually understood how to make realistic expressions. The example drawings are kind of cringe but you can ignore them. For the most part it's a good book, though, I'd say it's worth buying at a discount.

>> No.5153882

Personally I would paste down a texture and warp it to the form, or in CSP I'd just use a texture brush for it.

If you want to go hard mode and draw it yourself, go to a womens underwear website and do studies.

>> No.5154260
File: 7 KB, 100x100, 766272520998486096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I give up so easily?

>> No.5154318
File: 30 KB, 940x620, medium01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried asking /3/ but not only I didn't get an answer but my thread died as soon was it was moved to /wsr/.

What's a good on-the-go software for modeling/rigging on the android/tablet?
Like something to work on leisurely while AFTK and can still export . obj files.

>> No.5154411

Is there a video or article that explains in technical detail why thick lineart (as opposed to thin lines or lineless) tends to look bad on detailed/realistic drawings even when the artist is skilled?

>> No.5154421

were you told you were gifted as a child? do you like videogames? do you jerk off more than once a week?

>> No.5154547
File: 29 KB, 750x300, fmp,x_small,gloss,wall_texture,product,750x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely curious, why was this board called /ic/ and not ac? does it have any specific meaning?

>> No.5154603

are arms length based on the torso or is about how many head the character is tall?

>> No.5154608

Sadly I don't have any stores that sells newsprint smooth paper around here. But I have close ikea store to my house. anyone knows how is the feel of this kind of paper?

How is it with colored pencils (prismacolor or polychromos or charcoals)

>> No.5154686

Illustration critique

>> No.5154986

Have some stupud questions about digital lineart. Can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for. It's about lineweight variance. Do you use the same brush size for everything and only vary the size by pressure or do you also change the brush size itself for different lines? If you change it, in what range do you usually change it?

I've read that you have thicker lines in dark areas, areas closer to the camera and areas overlapping other areas. Am I forgetting something? Or should I just play around and place them randomly until it looks good?

I want my lineart to look less dead

>> No.5155053

Are there any good books for drawing eyes?
I'm total trash at drawing, going through Michael Hampton's Figure Drawing book. I reached the head portion and I can't draw eyes, nose, mouth or ears to save my life. So now I'm thinking to just grind out every head part until proceeding. I know there's a book by George Bridgman with only hands, I went throught it (probably way above my skill level). But is there something like that for eyes?

>> No.5155128

why is drawing from observation so damn hard
symbol drawing be damned

>> No.5155150

>why is drawing from observation so damn hard
Because you're moving your fat head around too much when changing your view between the reference and art, fucking with your perspective. Look with your eyes, not your head.

>> No.5155152

look at how other artists draw eyes

remember this order whne learning anything
i do (the teacher)
we do (you and the teacher)
and you do (you by yourself)

you need to be properly introduced to how someone does something before trying to do it yourself

1. see a demonstration
2. draw along
3. do it yourself

>> No.5155162

this is the interesting thing about art
a single phrase can change someone's process forever and for the better
maybe that shows you how shitty art education is

>> No.5155233

Is White Dwarf magazine worth subscribing to for inspo? I bought one mag and was shocked at the quality of work I saw in it. Should I?

>> No.5155289

is rotating the canvas a good thing or a bad thing? or is it just some playboy shit that youtubers do?

>> No.5155305

Guess I'll find someone on youtube then. Thanks.

>> No.5155312

find someone who works for you and is actually a good teacher
also go check out the download threads

>> No.5155314

I mean not rotating the screen is playboy shit youtubers do

>> No.5155332

It's all subjective, you can use the way you want, none of the digital artists in the world use the same process, so is a preference thing.
Some guys for exampe use the basic brush WITHOUT line variation at all, like, turn of pressure sentitivity, then, they just mark again at the point where they want a thicker line. Other guys just use the pressure sensitivity and configure the value to get really thick lines when tehy press hard and really slim when not. Some do the same but with less intensity and use the brush size hotkeys to change that.
Thicker when the thing is more close is just a preference, as i said before. Some people just put a blur effect, some others dont care about those things.
If you want to develop your lines then figure out a end goal to follow, check some artists to have as reference of what you expect to develop, and think in that direction.
If you want your drawing to heavy depend on lineart then check guys with that focus; maybe some cartoon artists, or comic artists, etc.

>> No.5155343

i dont even know that you can in android devices. Probably you should ask in some more specific places, like, i don't know, reddit groups or things like that. This place is more focused in the illustration zone so you're less likely to find someone who does that around here, even less with mobile devices.

>> No.5155434

Thank you my dude. Appreciate it.

>> No.5155557

Why is the ankle joint classified as a hinge when it allows abduction/adduction? Or does that function come from somewhere else?

>> No.5155654

Is there a decent sized Discord for SFW artists looking for commissions? I have a friend that's pretty decent and his rates are extremely low, and he's just looking to help pay some bills but his social media following is extraordinarily small.

>> No.5155912
File: 460 KB, 1080x1373, Screenshot_20210123-213840_MEGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any particular reason lots of animators color things like this? I see animations with similar color schemes before any actual coloring is done. If so does the technique have a name and how can I learn it

>> No.5156225

I know 4chan interest boards so I know this is the gorillionth time this has been asked here

>where does a roody-poo candyass like myself start to learn to draw well?

Ideally looking for a video course that is straight to the point about what to practice drawing and how long to do it, and will guide me on to progressively more difficult tasks until I can draw from reference or imagination well.

>> No.5156234

adonis belt

>> No.5156338

right, that makes sense, thanks anon.

>> No.5156340

i have no clue im an artlet as fuck but if I had to guess theyre just trying to plan their coloring or maybe its a light source or texture reference, maybe a combination of all 3.

>> No.5156432

fuck you slow board ass mf's I just started drawing perspective shapes in the mean time

>> No.5156479

Depends on the studio as to which is which, but certain colors are code for light/shadow/effects. It's to make sure everything is consistent and that the colorists don't royally fuck it up

>> No.5156485

It's because lineart and realism don't mix. You don't have thick lines around you IRL do you? That's why it looks like shit.

>> No.5156487

Total armspan from fingertip to fingertip is equal to your height. When arms rest at the sides, fingertip should hit at about middle of the thigh.

Just go learn proportions bro

>> No.5156618

What does it mean when it hurts in the place your thumb joints the palm, well a bit above and up
Holding the pencil too tightly?

>> No.5157492
