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File: 2.07 MB, 244x180, F9E283FD-442E-4B4D-8581-993570259D63.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5122878 No.5122878 [Reply] [Original]

>post fully rendered pieces of what I like on Twitter
>barely scraping 20 likes
>draw a shitty le thicc furry sketch
>explode with popularity, get around a hundred followers every hour

>> No.5122880

You know what you must do.

>> No.5122881
File: 37 KB, 507x473, 1595768784156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok post blog i want to see proof

>> No.5122885
File: 256 KB, 1460x2048, Protodesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

furry is superior, that's why

>> No.5123246
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>> No.5123257

>people don't like what I like
Woooow. I guess you'll either have to choose between drawing what you like best and drawing for the attention of others. No one has ever had this problem before, not once in history.

>> No.5123297

fucking hilarious people can be as neurotic as you are

>> No.5123314

This completely blackpilled me and it started a series of further blackpills from which I don't know how to recover. More than attention or likes it's about faith in humanity. Nobody here will understand because this board is all coomers.

>> No.5123319


>> No.5123347

I understand

>> No.5123355

What hashtags did you used? I think I might be shadowbanned.

>> No.5123378

>I'm so unique and special!
>Unlike those COOMERS!

>> No.5123391


>> No.5123399

>draw something without mass appeal
>get few likes
>draw something with mass appeal
>get many likes
Woooow, shocking!
It took you this post to "blackpill" you into realising most people are a bunch of horny animals? Lmao mate

>> No.5123466

Were you faggots born yesterday? WTF this is one of the most obvious things you see when you start an art account

>> No.5123471

The real lesson to take from this is that even a fringe sexual fetish like furry has more mass appeal than the thing you like drawing.
It’s not furry being easy to sell, it’s your stuff being difficult to sell.

>> No.5123605

Wow anon, we truly don't deserve to have you with us here! You're so cool!

>> No.5123627


>> No.5123870

The game is to make money off the degenerates. That is the most red pill thing you can do in a world of degenerates and scums.

>> No.5123876

Also curious to know.

>> No.5123886
File: 463 KB, 786x1200, 645342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex sells
Whoa! Who would have thought?

>thicc furry sketch
The market has spoken.

>> No.5123901
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If you don't like "le thicc furry" stuff why were you drawing it in the first place?

>> No.5123935

Really activates the almonds.

OP could've tried with regular non-furry lewd art instead if that's what he wanted...

>> No.5123988
File: 775 KB, 898x1024, 5645354653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so OP knows, thicc furry has been a growing trend within the japanese art community for at least a few years. It only makes sense it was going to spill into the worldwide art audience sooner or later.

>> No.5124116
File: 1.18 MB, 2424x3291, 67564534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to use these hashtags to promote your furry art:

You're welcome.

>> No.5124119

I'm not even a fucking furfag but holy shit im gona coooom

>> No.5124132

Kill yourself wanktard sheep

>> No.5124142
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And don't limit yourself to places like Twitter.
Also use Pixiv (specially if your art is more anime inspired/eastern style) and Furaffinity (moreso if your art is more modern Disney inspired/western style). Both SFW and NSFW art is welcome in these websites.

>> No.5124211

welcome to 2021 bitch

>> No.5124255

nice blogpost, beg

>> No.5124468
File: 337 KB, 995x1127, das it mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these little, plump hands

>> No.5125065

>It took you this post to "blackpill" you
No, not the post, the thing itself that the post is describing.
Draw regular art and you're told "it's your skills", "it's your ideas", "it's your style", "it's your attitude", "it's your level of polish", "it's your rate of posting", "it's your posting times", it's your this and that, then you make a couple sketches with 0 effort and people gobble it down like it's gold.
I know that porn selling like hot cakes is so obvious it's a meme but fuck's sake, when you actually see how fucking stupid this is you lose faith in humanity. It literally doesn't matter, people just want porn these days. If you want to convince them to look at anything else you gotta be a one-man franchise with enormous marketing muscles and you gotta draw things that resonate with as many people as possible, or you have to be someone who got established before the internet. In that case you're some sort of mythological entity and you can do whatever the fuck you want and people will like you for the brand alone, I'm sure they don't even like that shit but they just go with the narrative.
It's fucked up that porn is all that has "mass appeal" or that you have to draw "mass appeal" when you have the whole literal fucking planet available to look at your shit. People are just so fucking lazy they fail to develop any preferences because that's the path of least resistance. Except with fetishes of course, when it comes to those they put a lot of fucking work actively looking for stuff. It's disgusting.

>> No.5125068

>Just suck cocks lol be a whore that's "redpilled"
You reason like lowlife trash

>> No.5125217
File: 54 KB, 524x700, 1604012808510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It honestly all comes down to what gets shared. I've got an NSFW twitter account that has 30k followers, I get probably around 5-10k likes per post. It's just a fact that an appealing erotic image is going to get more people to share it than a really nice drawing of a car or a tree. You're an artist, you care about technical ability and artistic skill, but 90% of your audience are normies who are just going to engage with something because it's sexy or funny or looks cool, they're not hobbyists or artists with a scrutinizing eye who gush over great inking or color choice or composition. They want to share what is appealing. And just how it's easy to make any design look cool if you slap a gun on it, it's easy to make an image appealing if it's sexual in nature. That doesn't mean NSFW artists are less skilled, they just start out at an advantage in terms of what can be appealing to the viewer. To make up that gap as a SFW artist you need to find a solid niche and exploit it hard. There's artists who are bigger than me and all they draw is fully clothed furries holding guns. Additionally, there's people with less of a social media following than I do who are far more skilled and actually working in the industry as a designer or storyboarder. At the end of the day the person you should worry most about pleasing is yourself, because that's how you'll make the best work.

>> No.5125232

>I've got an NSFW twitter account that has 30k followers, I get probably around 5-10k likes per post.
Thanks for sparing me the rest of your post. You are a faggot whore and that's all I need to know. Go back to sucking cocks.

>> No.5125245

Okay, well the rest of the post was pretty polite, well-constructed, and informative. I think you should read it. Assuming you don't, however, know that you're a seething puritan midwit who literally couldn't make art that anyone would want to share to save his life, and you should honestly learn how to paint walls instead of canvases.

>> No.5125299

>you should honestly learn how to paint walls instead of canvases

>> No.5125350


>> No.5125442
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This anon reply is great 5125217 and I'd like to add some things too:

1st thing first: If you don't have one already, make a SFW account completely separated from your NSFW one (unless the subject matter of the former attracts people very similar to the latter's). That way not only you save yourself some trouble but also avoid detracting people from following you (Some people are prudes or might not want to indirectly associate themselves with your nsfw art).

>when you have the whole literal fucking planet available to look at your shit
While this is technically true, the reality of the situation is that the visibility of your art or how many people even get the chance to look at it is something that depends heavily on your followers and people liking/sharing/retweeting/bookmarking your work.

Most people discover new users/accounts/content because someone they follow redirected/retweeted or quoted them. So the best way to increase the visibility of your work is by doing light networking:
E.g. Following artists that produce art akin to yours or that you enjoy, like, retweet, bookmark their art and post short comments occasionally, etc. And if they like your art back they'll probably do the same, and thus their followers and your followers will start to notice each others' works and a virtuous cycle is being put in motion.

Another strategy is searching for a niche of artists and people who enjoy the type of SFW art you make (They're usually forums or "super serious" art websites, although maybe a subreddit could be good depending on your subject matter), making a place for yourself within said niche and eventually (if the people are good and you assess they might be interested in your art) redirect them to your sfw account.

>> No.5125452


>> No.5125462
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*This anon reply is great >>5125217

And depending the subject matter of your sfw art and your skill level maybe you may also consider making a Youtube channel if you believe you can produce content that might make people notice your art.
E.g. Beginner drawing tutorials or "how i drew this" kind of videos.
It would take quite a bit of time, but if you think your sfw art has potential to gain a considerable following then you could try it.

>> No.5125474
File: 654 KB, 2482x1682, 567454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have the dedication, the sky is the limit.

>> No.5125488
File: 434 KB, 860x697, 206-2066895_jeb-bush-flawless-victory-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a straight posting schedule of one nsfw pic a month
>Exceptionally Post 2 at a time
>Post it on every single degenerate fetish server I'm in
>People DMing me on dA to make sure my discord account is not some poser
>Artists more popular than me asking for trades
Oh god oh fuck I made it bros

>> No.5125493


>> No.5126697
File: 72 KB, 698x658, 1607451904757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, why do people only want to look at things that are fun and interesting? Why don't they like the dumb, boring-ass shit that I like? It's THIER fault! Fuck this world, I can't stand it, it's not fucking fair a bloo bloo
Every fucking time with people like you. Nobody wants to look at your shitty "artistic" landscapes and still lifes dude.

>> No.5126740

>muh blackpill!
What, that people like sex? Dude, getting off is a lot lower on the hierarchy of basic needs than appreciating even masterful artwork. Oh no, more people clicked on my porno scribbles than the oil landscape I spent a week on, existential crisis time! Don't be a retard.

>> No.5126745

>Nobody wants to look at your shitty "artistic" landscapes and still lifes dude.
Funny, I actually do like that stuff, and follow artists that do that, and it gets constantly bashed here for being unimaginative, "why be an inferior camera," yada yada. In all reality, that anon probably draws shitty dragons or something.

>> No.5126782


>> No.5126870

But that's really just a mild blackpill.
That is why unless you're a pervert, you don't bother with the whole social media game.
Draw what you want and share it.
If your social media numbers don't go up, accept it.
If your numbers go up, be happy with it.

Do you want the real blackpill?
Nobody gives a shit about your art and no matter what you draw, even if it's the most sought after porn, people will forget you the moment you dare to stop thus you will be forced in an endless struggle for relevancy.
Don't even think about deviating. Don't even think about artistic freedom and expression, don't even think about leading a normal life anymore.
Stop asking questions, stop thinking and just give the people things to consume but be wary, the moment you stop producing, your followers will jump ship instantly and another one who believes big social media numbers are the things to strive for, will take your place, only for the same thing to happen, over and over again.
You're just a dopamine printing machine for the consumer and they couldn't give less of a shit about what you want or what you think or you as a person.

Think about it; Do you want to draw and lead a normal life or do you want to sacrifice everything for the illusion of attention?

>> No.5126948

You have the mind of a crack addict. I like having a drink but I don't get fucking shitfaced 24/7. What is the point of anything then? Let's just live like animals. HURR BASIC NEEDS fucking idiots. I can't believe all these thousands of years of civilization led to this shit. Back to retarded monkeys.
Yeah I mentioned that, people just chase basic stimuli. I know it's true and it won't change, I just don't see the point of doing anything or even talking to anybody if this is the way people are. What a fucking shitty time to live in.

>> No.5126969

Whoa shit, it's an Edgy American.

>> No.5127025

There is no point.
Just do art because you want to do it and seriously stop giving a shit about trying to get the attention of other people through your art unless you're willing to become another full time pornographer.
Find purpose elsewhere or just wait for the collapse to finally finish.

>> No.5127252

>Nobody gives a shit about your art and no matter what you draw, even if it's the most sought after porn, people will forget you the moment you dare to stop thus you will be forced in an endless struggle for relevancy.
confirmed to have never had a social media following
a lot of people are weirdly clingy and think you're their friend since you draw stuff they like. it can be kinda sweet but some of them are weirdos. one time I didn't post for a month and I came back to several DMs asking me if I was okay which was nice.
sounds like you're seriously repressed

>> No.5127260

>sounds like you're seriously repressed
sounds like you were touched by dad at an early age and never dealt with it

>> No.5127267

>"you can only be comfortable with your sexuality when you're traumatized!"
oh sweetie......

>> No.5127285

>Comfortable with your sexuality = must wank every day and be ok with porn all over my social media feed all the time
Do coomers really?

>> No.5127305

>"This broad exaggerated statement for the sake of the blackpill is not true because of MY experience"
Honest question;
Are you pretending to be retarded?
You better stop.

>> No.5127318

I'm just saying it's obvious that this """blackpill""" was not coming from experience

>> No.5127321

>"My own experience speaks for all"
I said stop.

>> No.5127325

as opposed to your experience which didn't happen and speaks for none :)

>> No.5127330

>for the sake of
porn makes you illiterate now?

>> No.5127332


>> No.5127340

fuck off, retard

>> No.5127465


This whole post is really so childish I really hope your're just pretending anon

>> No.5127504

>that anon probably draws shitty dragons
Not OP but i LOVE dragons

>> No.5127539

Those are paws retard

>> No.5127566


>> No.5127600
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OP, I know you're venting your frustrations and that's okay but you're lying to yourself if you actually believe this:

>unless you're a pervert, you don't bother with the whole social media game
That's blatantly false. Most SFW artists rely on social media in order to network until they either get a job in the "professional" industry or get to know enough people or the right one to build themselves a career.
Even celebrities within their own art industry such as Todd McFarlane use social media to remain fresh in people's minds.

>Nobody gives a shit about your art and no matter what you draw, even if it's the most sought after porn
Another falsehood. People's most precious resource is TIME. If they're giving it to you enough that they're following you and looking at your work regularly then they obviously VALUE what you make, otherwise they'd just leave after the initial novelty wears off.

>> No.5127610
File: 432 KB, 568x813, 546573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people will forget you the moment you dare to stop thus you will be forced in an endless struggle for relevancy.
This depends ENTIRELY on how much of an impact has your work made on your audience/followers.
People attention's span and mental space is limited. If your work is "good enough" (A.k.a. Very enjoyable, beautiful, entertaining, impactful, Iconic, DIFFERENT LOOKING, thought provoking, remarkable, or a long etc) then people will get it engraved into their memory, at least at a passive/subconscious level.
I want you to think of when you found new artworks from artists that you've followed but had forgotten about from months or even years. Even though a long time has passed since you had them in your active memory, you most likely remembered them their work.

Now of course, if most of your drawings are dull or their subject matter has been done millions of times and better and in ways you could never surpass nor distinguish your art from the rest in any way, then you’re probably out of luck. But that’s why you have to keep drawing and IMPROVE.
For better or worse, nobody is OWED a loyal audience. If you want long lasting recognition, you have no choice but put in the work.

>> No.5127620
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>Don't even think about deviating.
If this is what you fear, that's another reason to have MULTIPLE art accounts. You could have separated accounts depending the nature of the art you post in them (E.g. Sfw account/Nsfw account, Mechanical art account/Nature art account, etc).

>Don't even think about artistic freedom and expression
And this is why you remain anonymous, at least when drawing certain things such as NSFW or potentially very controversial art.

>don't even think about leading a normal life anymore.
See above.
As long as you don't mix your real life with your controversial or nsfw art you'll be fine, specially if you draw with different styles.

>> No.5127634
File: 347 KB, 1240x1754, 645667645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the moment you stop producing, your followers will jump ship instantly and another one who believes big social media numbers are the things to strive for, will take your place, only for the same thing to happen, over and over again.
Unfortunately you're right about this one. But that's why you focus mainly on drawing FOR YOURSELF first and then for your audience later. I.e. You draw what you want to draw, and by posting your art you'll attract people with tastes similar to yours and push away people who dislike it.
Losing followers is the unavoidable price of being true to yourself and your taste. That's the life of an artist.

>Do you want to draw and lead a normal life or do you want to sacrifice everything for the illusion of attention?
You could have both.
All you need to do is keep your art (or at least the "unsavory" part of it according to most people's standards) separated from your real public life, DRAW WHAT YOU WANT and you'll be okay.
It also helps having a job (either as your main or as a sidejob) unrelated to art, at least as a safety net.

Now go draw some more. Or keep venting, either is fine since while it could be annoying for the people reading it, doing it from time to time is healthy and good for you to relieve stress.
Be mindful however of its risks if you do it too frecuently, so venting doesn't become an excuse to give up or a tool to self-flagelate yourself.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.5127653

Social media is fucking trash and you already knew that beforehand.

>> No.5127688

Did not read a word, kill yourself faggot cumbrain trash.

>> No.5127704
File: 1.07 MB, 1300x1700, 56465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quality of your experience with social media depends on the people you interact with (and the platform's admin/moderation team).

If the problem is the former, you can boot or block everyone who's making your social media experience bad and start fresh again (Depending the case it could be neccesary to create a new account).
If the problem is the latter, then you're probably shit out of luck and have no choice but look for a better alternative.

P.S. I know it's easy for me to say it because there are quite a number of places for degenerate furry/weeb artists but unless what you like is ultra niche statistically you're bound to find somewhere you'll fit in.

E.g. If you like traditional paintings search for places or forums about them, same for whatever subject matter or drawing method or style that you like.

>> No.5127734
File: 1.55 MB, 1300x1700, 4657656454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that but you took the time to quote me and you keep browsing this thread and looking at the pictures...

>unnironically uses the word "cumbrain"
>is on 4chan

Have you tried the "alt-tech" social media platforms? Maybe they're more your alley, although they might be against part of your portfolio, since you have admitedly drawn thicc furry sketches... really activates the neurons doesn't it.

>> No.5127768

>"What is a blackpill?"
Eh, you're just using an excuse to spam furries.
And then furfags wonder why they get so much hate.

>> No.5127776
File: 124 KB, 500x501, 1599204311300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok as a non-furry I have a tangential question: Why do furry artists draw sweat on their characters like the one in your post? animals with fur can't sweat, that's why they pant

>> No.5127781

furries are mentally ill
dont bother

>> No.5127782

Let me let you in on a secret these furtards probably don't understand themselves: it's a lot about interesting colors and props(and appealing shapes) than the actual fur/animal aspects. Kinda like with elves and demongirls etc. except moreso and in different directions.
Well at least for the non-zoophiles.

>> No.5127784

>specular highlights like oily skin and not fur
are these artists retarded or what?

>> No.5127788


>> No.5127798
File: 899 KB, 1350x1800, 4656756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What is a blackpill?"
It's a buzzword (used as synonym for "painful fact") and an excuse for inaction commonly used by people who're either depressed or are simply too lazy to put in the work to better their situation. If your life sucks, you've to do something about it otherwise it's unlikely things will change for the better. Suggestions have already been posted.

>you're just using an excuse to spam furries
I'm using your misplaced venting (There's a thread for that https://boards.4chan.org/ic/thread/5123484/vent-thread)) as an opportunity to rant and post things which i believe might be useful for someone (regardless of if its OP or anyone else lurking this thread) AND post furry art (which hopefully might inspire some people ITT to get to drawing).

>And then furfags wonder why they get so much hate
Not as much as "doomers", thankfully. Cheer up, anon. I know life can be shit sometimes but you have to do the best you can to improve it.

Anyway, all this posting about drawing got me more motivated so I'm done browsing this thread.
Good luck OP, i wish you the best.

>> No.5127807

It's an anime style trope.

>> No.5127825
File: 478 KB, 583x501, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, the reason I really like furart is that your characters can be any color, faces can be all kinds of shapes you can add horns, claws

you could do all these things with humans as well of course but its just nice you know and even normal anime takes some traits from animals like these weird snout sideviews

>> No.5127860

don't (you) me you shitstain

>> No.5127922

These 2 posts right here are the real reason furry stuff isnt anything to hate or get riled up about. Furries are just drawing aliens/girls in cosplay/girls with tats.

Snouts are kind of a turnoff but since theyre not in the vast majority of furry are anyway or abstracted to damn near the level of the anime checkmark nose its not even worth acknowledging

>> No.5128934

>blackpill is a buzzword for painful fact
>t. retarded furry
A redpill is a painful truth.
A blackpill is supposed to be a negative exaggerated version of the truth to get you depressed, you autistic fuck.

>> No.5129082

You continue drawing what you like to hone your craft so that when you get commissions for shit you don't care about, it looks good even though you don't give two shits about it and people commission you for stuff.

>> No.5129123

You should draw for the fun of it, not because you want to be rich and famous. There's people who make a living drawing good art and hustling coomers on the side it isn't hard, stop being such a whiny little bitch, grow a pair of balls and learn the fucking business. When you git gud your skills should be for sale, no one guves a fuck about your artistic vision unless it's actually cool in which case, people will pay attention. You should learn to be happy with a small honest following if you can get one, but if literally no one is paying attention to your shit it's probably because it sucks.

>> No.5129124

What about the green pill?

>> No.5129181

>You should draw for the fun of it, not because you want to be rich and famous.
No, fuck you. I will not accept to be called an attention seeker when I just want not to be 100% alienated and surrounded by people who draw things that disgust me. I don't even care about money, and when I did it was literally just enough to get by and not use up my time doing something other than art. I fucking hate you faggots who talk like this and I know your shit is always some faggy anime fanart. You are a bunch of snakes.

>> No.5129187
File: 4 KB, 205x246, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're just trying to draw some bigassanimetiddies bro

>> No.5129189

>furry thread
>everything posted as part of the discussion is kemono coom instead of furry

>> No.5129226

fuck off i'm not reading those book, John

>> No.5129427

Who gives a shit what you think, faggot? You will never make it, you will never be talented in anything relating to art, stop wasting everyone's time.

>> No.5129728

I can easily get 10k follows for drawing a female Charizard grease farting on a smol mon.

>> No.5129743
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, kamalashambala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's time you learn a harsh life lesson. The reason Hollywood makes nothing but sequels and remakes isn't because that's what those artists are passionate about. It's because that's what audiences will pay for. And what you are describing about Twitter is exactly the same phenomenon. As an artist you must choose to use your skills either to express yourself or to get likes and money. The best among us can balance the two. Often times bands will make whole albums of real genuine music but if they ever want to be heard they also have to make a radio song, a single. The days where you can get big famous, financially independent creating real art, in any field of art are over.

>> No.5129755

Every single piece you make needs a "hook". Something that makes normies want to share it. Like the other anon said, porn already has a hook, cooming purposes, but you can use humor, fandom crossovers, memes, interesting poses, sob stories, whatever to entice people to share your art. If you make a fully rendered piece but it's boring as fuck no one will care.

>> No.5129789

you're projecting your inner hatred for furfag shit, but you cant stop because it's your fetish
lmao dogfucker

>> No.5129831

>everything posted as part of the discussion is furry coom instead of furry