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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 676 KB, 798x1017, ErJ-SbOUcAAlgi6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5116702 No.5116702 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of us have a future as propaganda artists?

>> No.5116705

how has she not improved after all these years?

>> No.5116708

ugly face in art and in real life

>> No.5116709

Stop shilling yourself nigger

>> No.5116712

Oh nononono, no you've made him drop everything and rush here to educate how he constructs everything

>> No.5116715
File: 9 KB, 237x212, 1578203357764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5116722

Propaganda doesn't need to be aesthetic, just needs to comunicate a simple message in a direct way to the masses
MS paint memes can be great propaganda, you don't need an artist, but a sociopath with a big budget for doing that shit

>> No.5116732


>> No.5116744
File: 215 KB, 652x652, Katya-Zashtopik-Dopingirl-Title-Unknown-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hag titcow
adolf must be rolling in his grave

>> No.5116748

>how to commit suicide on twitter

>> No.5116754

I will never understand the Nazi fetishism. Who the fuck thinks of a kr*ut in uniform going ohhh ja ja spritzen ihr shassen auf mein busen ohhh ja bitte bitte sheiss und pissen das ist gud mmmmm and thinks oh yeah, this makes my penis hard

>> No.5116759

This, propaganda is all about delivering a message.

>> No.5116764

Its because its taboo

>> No.5116768

Having followed Japanese artists and other less mainstream ones in the west over the years, this is not propaganda, some people just have a fetish for the costumes they wore along with how wrong it is.
Hell, Wolfenstein had sexy Nazi girls that people drew rule 34 that people liked that had nothing to do with politics.
People freak out over Nazi imagery way too fucking quickly and the same with accusing, unless I see a person actually supporting or endorsing in some direct way I'm not going to assume anything, particularly on twitter.

>> No.5116770
File: 59 KB, 1024x768, 29083-return-to-castle-wolfenstein-game-of-the-year-windows-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And forgot image.

>> No.5116771

oh please, off brand nazi fashion mistresses are literally the most mainstream fetish imaginable

>> No.5116776

Maybe because you lurk the most degenerate corners of the internet coombrain

>> No.5116777

>4chan pass

>> No.5116779

>t. zoomer retard
what do you think mainstream means, you imbecile?
this has been all over entrainment media for decades

>> No.5116781


>> No.5116783
File: 381 KB, 596x283, Screenshot at 2021-01-07 15-18-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female Nazi has always been seen as a dominatrix type, Coombrain

>> No.5116784

Ok, which mainstream entertainment media then? You have room temperature IQ if you think normies are jacking off to nazi porn dumbfuck

>> No.5116788
File: 966 KB, 1117x1182, 1608011956144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>propaganda artists
I dunno about a future in it, but as of now India's (actual mainland Indians, the poo-in-loo types) hate my pro-Sikh/anti-India art so I guess maybe lol

>> No.5116796

>nazi dommes are the most mainstream fetish ever
>no muh coombrain muh internet
>nazisploitation was always huge, retard
>no you’re wrong nazi dommes are a huge trope
are you retarded or what? also fuck off to discord, zoomer

>> No.5116798


She is not even White

>> No.5116803
File: 344 KB, 576x432, D083CB43-2196-4593-BB20-EED6084FF61F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, retard lol

>> No.5116804
File: 74 KB, 450x449, thinking hulk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anyone setting out to be a propaganda artist... anywhere?

>> No.5116806

I already make ""soft"" patriotic propaganda for my country, and people, especially ameribros, love it. I easily sell posters of it, so they will look at it everyday, and that's what I want.
These ""provocateur" " sam hyde wannabes are amateurs at the propaganda game. You want your propaganda to spread easily, and it doesn't when it's extreme

>> No.5116808
File: 487 KB, 972x807, ArmstrongPP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your blog american?

>> No.5116809

that's the thing, I am not american, I'm Italian. Sorry bro

>> No.5116810
File: 121 KB, 974x1200, Dzs8fX7XcAEdK5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your blog pizzaboi?

>> No.5116811

advertising yourself isn't allowed outside of the self promotion thread.

>> No.5116816

adolf would never touch his pp to 3dpd

>> No.5116818
File: 66 KB, 634x727, hitler-japan-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5116827

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.5116835

30 seconds between posts

>> No.5116838
File: 89 KB, 742x1119, EijOmIQXgAIzhM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abo nazi

>> No.5116846
File: 44 KB, 783x623, 1543409022344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only into white and black women but MM is pretty breedable

>> No.5116853

I can smell the taco sauce
Ayayayaiiiii la virgencita!

>> No.5116857

hey mum, since you browse here, should let you know a swastika just being in the image is potentially a rule violation. its the bullshit that was used against me once by twitter

>> No.5116863

Time to report her twitter, thanks anon

>> No.5116867


>> No.5116872

Very based.

>> No.5116874

Imagine cooming all over marmalade's beer gut bros

>> No.5116878

Aren’t there Twitter accounts that are neonazis with depictions of nazi propaganda and swastikas?

>> No.5116888

yes, but those are sanctioned psyops so they get a pass

>> No.5116898
File: 529 KB, 700x639, 1588699674773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marmalade scum

>> No.5116900

she looks too old to be doing le edgy nazi XD free speech type of shit.

>> No.5116904

Yeah that happens when you upload images, not exactly sure how the rules work but sometimes you have to wait 60 seconds but sometimes when you have an image to upload it goes down to 30.
Don't know the rules but it happens to me sometimes.

>> No.5116907

>nazi art in current year Twitter
is she insane?

>> No.5116910

So what exactly is it that makes you say that? I know that marmulademum gets a lot of hate, but never knew why.

>> No.5116916

She clearly wants to be dominated by a big nazi cock, remember that women do not have any political opinions

>> No.5116930

more like she wants to get hate fucked by angry bbc

>> No.5116970
File: 731 KB, 1700x1354, kh60_hp_0261kx6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb question here,
but by this logic does this mean you could get canceled if you do fanart for a wolfenstein like pic related?

Like I could kind of understand if you do a pro hitler portrait drawing, but wolfenstein is an obviously fictional series so does the same logic apply?

>> No.5116984

just don't draw the swastika to avoid unnecessary controversy?

>> No.5117018

i think if it can be perceived as glorifying in any form the mods will do what they want to you.

fanart is more likely to get away with it though since its from a definable subject

>> No.5117203

This same argument could be made for loli artwork.

>> No.5117229

Back 10 or so years ago when hetalia was a thing you got a lot of fujos doing nazi stuff, even in the west.

>> No.5117297

If you draw porn you're already a propaganda artist for one specific side

>> No.5117299

I want to have sex with mum

>> No.5117315
File: 65 KB, 500x481, sakana-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but never knew why
It's the same with every big name artist that lurks this board
>they get followers
>they get money
>it gets to their heads
>they come back to this board to brag about it
>make threads about themselves
>always ready to fight even the smallest of non-praise
>endless attentionwhoring
>can't even fairly criticize their work without getting spammed pyw, ur just a jealous crab, "they" make more money than you, cope, seethe
>they gaslight anything into oblivion that isn't hollow praise
>"they're always right no matter how wrong they are"
>"but there are so many shit threads why do you get bothered by this one"
The current state of this board is thanks to those faggots who just can't behave like regular people.
Anons here just need to focus on drawing and to get better and not being spammed with a fags work every time they feel like they're not getting enough upvotes and likes and sparking drama because they're mentally ill, thus attracting more mentally ill non-artists that shit up the board even more.
And as long as anons don't shit on them every time, they will keep going until the board just revolves around them.
Also they believe that by making this board a miserable shithole they can cripple the uprising """"competition"""".

Such pornfags are also the biggest crabs and worst shitposters on this board.
Lurk moar.

>> No.5117329


>> No.5117336
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, 4165416451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5117345


I used to dabble in landscapes but I was denied entry into art school because those kikes didn't like my portraits

>> No.5117347

dont bad mouth superiors

>> No.5117350

jfyi if you are a newcomer to the board we have a local sperg who thinks his job is to scare away any experienced artist. you are probably looking at one of his posts here right now.

>> No.5117372

Those "superiors" should stop behaving like subhumans then.
He's not really doing a good job at it.
Even then, the sperg has a point.
Experienced artist tend to grow bitter and arrogant when they don't get the amount of attention they believe they're entitled to.
I personally want to keep using this board to grow as an artist without worrying about names and brands, and for the sake of making this shithole a little better i will always voice my opinion to make things clear for other lurkers.
There are other anons who think like this.

Maybe it's high time these faggots stop shitting where others eat.

>> No.5117385
File: 941 KB, 1000x1414, 1610073946162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis are kino

>> No.5117386

pyw then

>> No.5117391

your hearts are filled with hate and jealousy. the majority of toxic artists are people that are weak and wont make it. maybe try asking those experienced artists for advice so that you can reach a higher level and make other NGMI seethe with your pure presence.

>> No.5117402
File: 58 KB, 540x855, 23581445-D144-4485-9294-DDF467682A1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you already act like this but don’t have any sort of money or followers, you just have that big of an ego? Asking for a friend

>> No.5117404

LMAO dunning Krugers be like

>> No.5117408

youre based dont let anyone 4chan loser faggot take that away from you

>> No.5117419

based, he/she on insta? I don't twitter

>> No.5117420

>"No matter how wrong they are, e-celebs are always right"
Well, as long as you know that you're doing it as a "joke", it's alright.
Your friend wouldn't ask this question if he had that big of an ego.
(you) don't understand art then.
But please, point out where i claimed to be artistically more skilled than others.

>> No.5117423

I don't like the obvious self-promotion and the fact that he plagiarized other people's artworks and then brushed it off as a "I never claimed it was my idea" excuse or some shit.

>> No.5117438
File: 580 KB, 1212x1514, 20191103_113016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marmalade's cum

>> No.5117445

her gallery is a gallery of cringe and crimes against god

>> No.5117448

>marmulademum gets a lot of hate, but never knew why.
Because she’s a talented and successful artist who is continually improving and posts her work. Also she’s hot so all the trannies and incels on this board get extra mad.

>> No.5117455


>> No.5117458


>> No.5117463

>draw this

Real time satire

>> No.5117467 [DELETED] 

Sup mum! You mind posting new pics of your ass and tits?

>> No.5117475

How many rancid cooch pics is she sending you per shill post you make? One each?

>> No.5117487
File: 137 KB, 532x800, ROSTAwindow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone willing to share tips on making propaganda pictures?
I know there has to be a focus on legibility and clarity which means the message comes before any artistic flourishes but I still want to make it look good.

>> No.5117492

Wait, we're not doing that any more?


>> No.5117513

You realize everybody said that back then, right?

>> No.5117534
File: 157 KB, 800x450, Degenerate FurFag Commissions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tranny making propaganda on twitter
Just another day on twitter.


She/he once said Daz users where not "real artists" like her because she uses Maya and doesn't use premade assets for her "art",
some Daz retards took the bait and responded with half decent pieces made in Daz, she then responded by talking about UVs and Topology like any of that shit matters if the person sucks at lighting and composition.

I skimmed through her profile to see her models and all I saw was some autistic DeviantArt tier animal cocks she made for her furry porn vids, like I get why Daz users are a joke but if you think modeling your own assets automatically makes your work better than those autismos you have some serious mental retardation.

It isn't hard to see why some people find her annoying.

>> No.5117556

t. faggort who traces

>> No.5117562

Are you retarded?

>> No.5117572

are you?

>> No.5117582

marmaludemum is definitely a fucking cunt, but given that the vast majority of 4chan users are insufferable cunts, it's hard to really pinpoint reasons that aren't simillar sounding to the average /ic/ or /v/ poster

>unironically thinks jews control everything and dislikes all of them
>shitty elitist attitude, hateboner for daz3d
>looks like a mexican/asian, yet retarded enough to shills white supremacy bullshit
>thinks her round ass in yoga shorts is enough to deflect from her shitty personality
>has a saggy gut and tiny tits, it's actually pretty gross
>draws scat and beastality

this nazi propaganda shit is just pure cringe, but it's something many /pol/tards will approve of because they "hate teh niggurs!!1one"

>> No.5117589

So she’s /ourgirl/?

>> No.5117595

yes, but it also means she's probably fucking retarded.

i mean why else would you post nazi propraganda as in american at the time like this.

>> No.5117613

it looks like that tsflipp/vodkuh guy was in this thread, smells like pedo incel to me! Ps you fuck, you and daijouvu will NEVER be professional artists lol, being trained by nosebro is a detriment NOT a boon.

>> No.5117614
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 97E89832-0A3E-4ECB-932E-55108E203DAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5117619
File: 261 KB, 600x841, 6e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y-y-you know n-nazis are b-b-bad, right? Jimmy Fallon is so funny! Drumpf bad!

>> No.5117627

nosebro here, i never helped daij. Daij has always been better than me.

>> No.5117631

It's popular in Israel. No joke.

Do nazi mommies to serve our greatest ally

>> No.5117651

its kinda like how isis porn was really popular last year i think

>> No.5117652

the duality of man

>> No.5117660

>a wiki article showing that it exists means it's popular

>> No.5117663

mum adopting a tripcode is pretty attentionwhorey but ive never seen the behaviors exhibited this way otherwise.

i do know a lot of people never shut the fuck up about a select few though

>> No.5117669

I don't personally give a shit about swastikas and nazi imagery. You should be allowed to draw and portray whatever the fuck you want.
And polfags don't even care for art besides a few faggots who have tried shitting up this board with politics while making art threads on pol.
You know who you are, niggers.

I highly doubt all this memes will net her any new customers.
fucking normies ruin everything

>> No.5117689
File: 394 KB, 400x400, 1609824333856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"No matter how wrong they are, e-celebs are always right"
they are good, you are not. It doesnt matter who is right or not.

>> No.5117692

If you've lurked long enough, you can tell who is posting by how and what they write.
I wouldn't write that if i didn't have direct experience with them.

>> No.5117701

the fact that they're a better artist than you means you have no place arguing with them/.

>> No.5117705
File: 461 KB, 870x722, 1588527112530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-b-but theyr bette
oooh noooooo that sucks

>> No.5117714

pyw then lets see if your opinions have weight :^)

>> No.5117764

>this is the based redpilled free speech woman artist

>> No.5117949

what's there to improve?

>> No.5117957

i will never understand non-aryans supporting genocide of themselves

>> No.5117959

Current year propaganda art is just mainstream commercial art.
So no.

>> No.5117974
File: 324 KB, 840x930, Natzee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i dont get is the lighting

>> No.5117980

2 lights, one from the rear and one from the right (a window?).

>> No.5118005

>one from the rear

>> No.5118051

>none of the scat or furry transformation
That's like their whole scope of work atm.

>> No.5118193

Tbh it feels pretty comfy matching all the nazi ideals so in worst case scenario ill still be chilling pretty fucking hard. From looking at MM gallery I'm pretty sure she's going to ze camps

>> No.5118208

The highlights indicate that the direct light is like in front and a bit up. The shadow can be anything, it doesn't matter, but considering the angle I think the tip of the cap should be lit at well.

>> No.5118282

>looks like a mexican/asian, yet retarded enough to shills white supremacy bullshit
When the fuck has she shilled for white supremacy? Are you one of the those fucking mongrels that think if you support something that right wingers also support then that means you're alt right? You sound like a goddamn scorned female by the way you type.

>> No.5118364

God I want to breed her

>> No.5118375

>this is the art of the people shitting on marmelade mum

>> No.5118393

shes Native American
Natsoc isn’t exclusive to the white race, dumbass. Malcolm X for example.

>> No.5118394

is this the new merc.wip? haven't been here in a while

>who thinks his job is to scare away any experienced artist
why? better artists are the only reason we can improve on this shit board

>> No.5118409

>why? better artists are the only reason we can improve on this shit board
Good artists scare the Dunning Crabber

>> No.5118415

dunno, do we?

>> No.5118416
File: 3.14 MB, 498x278, 1599082704716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do they get out of kicking out the only good advice here?

>> No.5118462
File: 46 KB, 474x355, 1515287137145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You explicitly said white supremacy you dumbfuck. There's a world of difference between that and a National Socialist. My assumption of you was completely right and your just throwing labels onto people that have a tangential connections with their beliefs. I love how retards throw around words and think people won't catch onto what your doing.

>> No.5118501

Don't really care for her content but man she got nice rendering skills.

>> No.5118565

bro you fucked the swasti right up

>> No.5118576

fucking lol

>> No.5118606

"national socialist" is just a rebranding of white supremacist, made to give an air of legitimacy by hitler and his cronies. there's nothing national or socialist about them, they're just hateful racist retards. the correlation is correct.

>> No.5118681

Not him but hitler wasn't a white supremacist.

>> No.5118704

>y-you're just jealous
I cachi-to the fucking-NNATE.

>> No.5118719

But Aryans do that more

>> No.5118722

white supremacism is a CIA spook

>> No.5118914


>> No.5119292

>Words don't mean what they mean because I said so
Nah, fuck off. Post evidence of this alleged white supremacy or eat shit and die. Just because someone tells SJW to fuck off, doesn't mean the person magically becomes racist. This really just sounds like some bitter roastie upset that there's a girl who doesn't conform to their world view, is objectively more attractive and is a better artist.

>> No.5119299

you are so sad and bitter lol

>> No.5119306
File: 65 KB, 840x930, times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could at least put some effort into trying to get an actual reply

>> No.5119325


>> No.5119337

>is this the new merc.wip?
Yes, look at the amount of butthurt anons who don't even post their work because they don't even draw or can't even do better than a 5 minute anatomically incorrect, low effort doodle i've drawn on the toilet while taking a shit but instead try their hardest for the sole purpose of getting a reply, while regurgitating memes how the "lesser skilled" shouldn't dare to speak out against anything.
This is the state of this board now.

>> No.5119446


Honestly guys it just sounds like you have a personal issue.

I pretty much agree with this guy but I can excuse the trip code.

I've seen her give positive critic and support a couple of times and it's a way of know how valid the advice can be.

Also this

>shes Native American
I thought she was part abo australian?

>> No.5119487
File: 1.12 MB, 760x555, banjo playing with his kazoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say she's based

>> No.5119583
File: 50 KB, 500x656, 202dba2b-5f6f-455a-b850-e172f0fc407d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5119617

"The art industry is incestuous and nepotistic! You dont just need to know the right people but hate the right people too!"

>> No.5119792

pointlessly edgy to garner attention. Who gives a fuck about some retard that comes back to /ic/ after "making it" It just shows that they need more attention due coming back to this cesspool. I'm surprised that she posted her face but its not shocking that she's some self-hating brown person. She just needs to grow the fuck up and move on. She's too fucking old to be acting like a 15 yr old

>> No.5119805


>> No.5119963


>> No.5120258

It's over bros. She was banned from Twitter

>> No.5120372
File: 63 KB, 540x581, 1595502301515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe she should've stopped making shitty threads about herself.

>> No.5120376


>> No.5120385

being fat

>> No.5120386

>mentally maturing over the age of 15
god, that is the only unattainable fetish

>> No.5120411


>> No.5120412

based but cringe

>> No.5120425
File: 158 KB, 640x360, raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time to report her twitter, thanks anon
Got fucking deleted lmao
Like clockwork
>against censorship and communism
Not anymore lmao

>> No.5120443

Ngmi jealous artists will forever be the plagues of art communities. Just like everywhere else, the weak lash out at the strong unless segregated

>> No.5120468

>ngmi narcissistic attention whores will forever be the plagues of art communities. Just like everywhere else, the insecure can't stop trying to get attention and then cry when their actions backfire

>> No.5120472

both of you are right

>> No.5120485

Thank goodness I stopped participating envious ngmi

>> No.5120787

What's her new account?

>> No.5120813

been trying to tell her twitter bans are no big deal but no dice so far. losing - 100,000 followers account is no small thing tho. maybe she’ll make another one after the shock passes.

>> No.5120817

isn’t she just suspended?

>> No.5120826

Trump’s account is “suspended” too

>> No.5120851

lol did she really get suspended? Looking over her old account. Her comments and shit were tame for being so called alt right

>> No.5120853

imagine caring this much about a single anon

>> No.5120858

eh, she’s one of us, I’d feel for brian if he got shat on by a corp, and brian is a dumb cunt

>> No.5120878

i don't give a fat faggot shit about tripfags, all of them are cancer

>> No.5120900

>implying anons care about mm in a loving way
not going by this thread

>> No.5120925

Imagine being a full JQ touting nazi on twitter and not expecting to get nuked. Better yet imagine cozying up to pols while you draw the most degenerate shit imaginable.

>> No.5120936


>> No.5120976

>Imagine being a full JQ touting nazi on twitter
>and not expecting to get nuked. Better yet imagine cozying up to pols while you draw the most degenerate shit imaginable.
I still don't get that
The girl is a mutt irl, yet spouts le joos
Funnily enough most of her followers didn't give a shit.

>> No.5120979

>The girl is a mutt irl, yet spouts le joos
Blacks don't like jews either, they were heavily involved in their slavery, of course they would, so what exactly is your point?

>> No.5120998

Imagine coming to 4chan when stuff like that upsets you.

>> No.5121005
File: 1023 KB, 1400x1183, 1599974492366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your father will never love you


>> No.5121050

I just pointed out the irony. How are you reading "me being upset" in this ?

>> No.5121082
File: 133 KB, 373x363, SS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get booted because they believe I'm someone else
>Can't remain anonymous despite being posted on anon-themed site
You are foolish, tsflipp.

>> No.5121129

Sad she got banned but knowing twitter should've probably seen that one coming. That one Japanese artist drawing characters in native style costumes got cancelled

>> No.5121161

4chan wasnt filled with literal nazis until gamergate fucked everything up. fuck off to parler

>> No.5121172


>> No.5121186

Shut the fuck up election tourist.

>> No.5121201
File: 2.24 MB, 300x300, 1594401600789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan wasnt filled with literal nazis until gamergate

>> No.5121218

She posts her work and selfies.

>> No.5121223

But Jewish people haven't done anything to Aboriginal people.

>> No.5121236

>until gamergate fucked everything up

>> No.5121239
File: 9 KB, 444x136, oh no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's over bros. She was banned from Twitter
Gee I wonder why.

See pic.
The Capital Hill riot has kicked the social media sites into censorship overdrive.

>> No.5121280

you'd be very surprised about the things normies jack off to

>> No.5121290
File: 39 KB, 600x800, B01jMU4IMAIqOQZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamergate is dead Mark.
Go back to 8 Moe /v/

>> No.5121296
File: 43 KB, 720x565, IMG_20210110_004944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer posters

>> No.5121338

Seems like everyone even remotely interesting is going to get banned from twitter. Thanks American moral puritan assholes.

>> No.5121347
File: 62 KB, 600x600, 43643737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan wasnt filled with literal nazis until gamergate fucked everything up
Hello newfaggot

>> No.5121349

Are we in the cyberpunk dystopia now? All art, culture and communication has to pass the censor panel of totalitarian corporate oligarchs?

>> No.5121360

so? you guys derailed an entire thread just to obsess over some girl

>> No.5121387

the op's pic is a screenshot of marmalade's work

>> No.5121398


>> No.5121405


>> No.5121463

bro I just want her to come in here and congratulate me bro ok?

>> No.5121538

do you have the full image?...

>> No.5121563

>muh ggoomergoat
Shut the fuck up lol.. All of the anti-SJW people in that movement are gaslit commies now.

>> No.5121678

other way around newfag.

>> No.5121686

The same anon with the trip? she has helped a lot of people here I hope she recovers
But honestly she was asking for it, I know being controversial is good for attention but in this climat you need to tone it done because sjw are in full autism rampage right now
anyway her patreon is doing fine so godspeed

>> No.5121822

What the fuck do you mean "gamergate".
I just pointed out she went full JQ and got banned.
Can you fucking read you mongoloid ?
Also "all anti-SJW are commies now" is one take and a half.

>> No.5121868

How come this shit thread still hasn't been deleted yet?

>> No.5121977

Gee I wonder.

This will never get old.

>> No.5122045

could you BE anymore of a bootlicker?...

>> No.5122049

>Her comments and shit were tame for being so called alt right
yeah, it doesnt really matter. cant wait for when they come for the "hard" lefties next

>> No.5122052

fuck you guys are pathetic

>> No.5122057

an hero and pyw

>> No.5122089

I wonder if you are a schizoid. No, in fact I m pretty sure you are a schizoid.

>> No.5122136

Yes, clearly you are calm and collected.

>> No.5122142

Nice, nice here's more (you)'s just keep me entertained bud'.

>> No.5122289

So where can I follow her now?

>> No.5122553

https://e621 .net/posts?tags=marmalademum+banjo-kazooie++

Backspace once before .net

>> No.5122565

Didn't she post nude or her tits somewhere? Her twitter got banned and I wanted to nut to her tits :(

>> No.5122703

Isn't that kinda harmful to the artists when there are countless such pages that reupload their works?
This is why i don't want to get into porn

>> No.5122752
File: 56 KB, 397x187, 4F92E050-A960-47E5-B726-961C4C959BBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, boorus are based, reposting blogs are the faggots

>> No.5122800
File: 98 KB, 612x491, c7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free advertising

>> No.5122803

What he meant was content put behind a paywall is harmful if it is hosted on another platform for free unsolicited.

>> No.5122807


>> No.5123012

stfu bitch i'm not paying to see your smut

>> No.5124434

No u crab

>> No.5124445

First, literally who?

Second, can anyone post the full image directly here?

>> No.5124459

I've seen you post here on ic from time to time. What's your blog sikh anon? Do you like sikh iconography?

>> No.5124835

they don't upload paid content
also, if an artist doesn't want their art to be posted, they usually can just ask the booru and they won't allow users to upload pictures of that artist

>> No.5125445
File: 1.17 MB, 720x960, 1597093885430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfags literally to young to remember when stormfags were laughed off the site
go practice your art retards

>> No.5125512
File: 445 KB, 245x140, 23507F01-E28F-4D1D-99D7-5FD095DFA94F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis are love

>> No.5125534
File: 102 KB, 478x736, 8C6B207C-3ED8-4408-B30F-948A46782889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis are True love




>> No.5125765
File: 111 KB, 997x887, 6E8E37D6-BCF6-4F79-82E9-2D0123B3FB26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels so good being peaceful Hitler

>> No.5125794

Wasn’t this bitch on Krautchan for years

>> No.5125856
File: 2.55 MB, 2089x1855, FC82AF2F-8263-46DC-863C-D9F0A00CA3B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler here.
I love them.
And all humans.

>> No.5126807


I too would like to jerk to mummies tits

>> No.5126813

just look up porn why do you need hers specifically?

>> No.5127859

Yes, on another thread

>> No.5127861

>I'm only into white and black women
Very based

>> No.5129494

Where you always a fag or is it just the result of years of porn addiction ?

>> No.5129782

Because I want them to be mummies titties

>> No.5130050
File: 45 KB, 600x400, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ohhh ja ja spritzen ihr shassen auf mein busen ohhh ja bitte bitte sheiss und pissen das ist gud mmmmm