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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 461 KB, 972x907, screenshot5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5113043 No.5113043 [Reply] [Original]

okay, this AI shit isn't funny anymore

>> No.5113053

> WOW! I'm a caveman and I'm impressed by simple neural network!! Uh uh uh ah ah ah!
This is the max it can do, it will never be able to overcome the human.
- Actual "AI" dev, not a pajeet.

>> No.5113063

i am literally shaking rn

>> No.5113066
File: 143 KB, 738x450, 1755_james_ayscough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gadzooks! I am a primitive savage, and find myself impressed by simple optical tricks! Uh uh uh ah ah ah!
This is the maximum the so-called "camera obscura" is capable of; 'twill never be able to overcome the skilled hands of a fine artist.
Regards, an actual polymath, not a Moor.

>> No.5113072

This, atleast until(if ever) an AGI is created. In which case everyone is fucked.

>> No.5113077
File: 750 KB, 270x300, 1576007883583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinks are dumb enough to make an AGI/Rokko's Basilisk that will turn us all into human cattle
It's truly over.

>> No.5113085

No your not you jaded fuck, pyw

>> No.5113086

>twill never be able to overcome the skilled hands of a fine artist.
he’s right in every aspect but speed
you have niggers making photorealistic images with crayons for reddit gold

>> No.5113091

you are funny sir anon

>> No.5113098
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, 1609625442731m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rokko's Memilisk
Now now, the normie fearmongering will dissipate.

>> No.5113099

> In July 2010, LessWrong contributor Roko posted a thought experiment to the site in which an otherwise benevolent future AI system tortures people who heard of the idea before it came into existence and failed to work tirelessly to bring it into existence, in order to incentivise said work. Using Yudkowsky's Timeless Decision Theory, the post claimed doing so would be beneficial for the AI even though it cannot causally affect people in the present. This idea came to be known as "Roko's basilisk," based on Roko's idea that merely hearing about the idea would give the hypothetical AI system stronger incentives to employ blackmail. Yudkowsky deleted Roko's posts on the topic, saying that posting it was "stupid" and the idea was "a genuinely dangerous thought". Discussion of Roko's basilisk was banned on LessWrong for several years because it reportedly[who?] caused some readers to have a nervous breakdown.[10][11][4] The ban was lifted in October 2015.[12]
what fucking somethingawful tier retardation is this

>> No.5113101

lesswrong is a literal cult run by a fat redditor retard trying to scam autistic people out of money by convincing them that everyone will die in the AI apocalypse if they don't

>> No.5113111

lmao how the fuck have I never heard of this

>> No.5113118

yudkowsky's institute literally used to claim that they were saving 8 lives for every dollar donated
if you want to see another group of autists take down this particular group of autists, this is a fun read: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Roko%27s_basilisk

>> No.5113122

How much time do I have before my coom art career becomes obsolete ?

>> No.5113156

It does not require AI image generation to do so. A bunch of humans making stupid regulation or art with more reach would do just fine.
On a topic, my guess would be five-ish years or so until VR erogames become so gud, 2d and real experiences would be outmatched.

>> No.5113181

This sort of technology is why I keep seeing Jabberjaw at the corner of my vision.

>> No.5113197

are you expecting sophisticated neural interface in the next five years or something?
also a better version of what you’re imagining already exists, it’s called whores and gfe

>> No.5113267
File: 534 KB, 1100x607, Fuchs_Chapel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing about AI makes me fear for art. Think about any art you truly love—chances are it's the product of a unique, individual vision. Art is an intrinsically human endeavor.

>> No.5113290

Ok, so I get the scam to get retards to give you money by scaring them that you need to invent good skynet before evil skynet so we don’t get terminator’d, but how does good skynet simulating you and torturing you affect you in any way whatsoever? I understand the thought experiment in that the possibility of it happening might scare retards into giving them more money and thus supposedly bringing it into reality earlier by their efforts but:
a) how does it going through with the torture in the future affect the amount of retards scared into donating by the thought of it happening
b) even if it does go through with it, literally how does that affect you beyond presenting an assumed moral imperative to save a simulation from torture?
like, how many levels of autism would you need to be operating under for this to influence you?

>> No.5113309

I feel like this is some sort of elaborate scheme to recreate some sort of dimension we can't see without taking LSD or whatever to welcome demons into your life with AR.

>> No.5113310

post your ai

>> No.5113364

>it will never be able to overcome the human
Famous last word.

>> No.5113389

What happens if you type "an accurate representation of God, creator of the universe"?

>> No.5113417

Nah, not really neurointerfaces, just lighter and better VR interfaces, better hardware, and then actually good content.
Wives and whores would no longer be able to compete with VR-set and robodog looking thing with a fleshlight in terms of sexual experiences

>> No.5113461

If AI ever becomes advanced enough, I don't see why it wouldnt be able to produce art that can facilitate the same emotions from illustrations produced from a human artist.

Through machine learning and algorithms, we have AI that can produce music, that's albeit creepy, but still indistinguishable from music made by people.

>> No.5113475

>Roko's Basilisk
Thanks for the fun rabbithole of completely unscientific mental masturbation.

>> No.5113481

I'll be laughing my ass off when tech erases the jobs of creatives. You're delusional if you think a machine won't eventually be able to replace every smug faggot who knows how to hold a stylus and thinks twitter follows = actual skill.

>> No.5113487

It's always a treat to observe artfags talk about technology.

>> No.5113609

>overcome the human
Pajeet hands definitely wrote this.

All human artists will in every area of art will be made obsolete in the coming decade.

>> No.5114015

you’ll be laughing from the unemployment line, art will be the last to go
the first will be legalfags btw, the “ai” is already better at analysing contracts than humans

>> No.5114018

"Niggers dying in the gas chamber"

>> No.5114025

If AI ever became advanced enough to that point it would be a person.

>> No.5114027

The NGMI is scared of AI, the GMI thinks "Oh how useful this will be for making reference"

>> No.5114029

“ai” can only act on programming and create through derivatives
conceptually, a true ai, as in a self conscious machine” could create, but it will not happen even close to our lifetime, if ever, because why the fuck would you create a self conscious machine, it serves no purpose

>> No.5114099

Everything tangentially associated with this scene is retarded

>> No.5114103

This is what bothers me, these OpenAI fucks never input and share interesting prompts

>> No.5114105

Man I guess some people just get more immersed in VR than others, I have a VR set and it’s nice but not *that* nice.

>> No.5114116
File: 672 KB, 1841x977, ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really enjoying playing with it :-)

>> No.5114122

Looking at the painting results, it can't paint for shit.

>> No.5114134

No, it would be more akin to a god.

>> No.5114147

>An anime girl with the biggest boobies you've ever seen

>> No.5114260
File: 93 KB, 664x824, onlygoodjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roko's Buttholesex
Once AGI is invented we're all saved, then we just need to wait a bit for the ASI and we can all stop worrying about this gay art shit.

>> No.5114289

Splendid post I say
Fine digits as well

>> No.5114295

I think it's a self-locating belief trap, where you have to consider the possibility that you are in fact currently being simulated within the basilisk as a recreation of the real-world version of yourself, and if you fail to work tirelessly etc. then you will be tortured.
So the basilisk doesn't have to threaten to torture you if you don't help create it, but just to create many copies of you and to torture them if they don't help create it within their virtual reality.

>> No.5114301


>> No.5114316

nah, I work in construction. They're gonna need pay slaves like me for a lot longer than they'll need to hire animators to draw characters made of a circle on top of a square.
I'll get automated out eventually, but not before artfags.
(Also, lawyers getting that sounds like a utopia but it makes sense, given how bloated law books are.)

>> No.5114346

"Hey, I'm a nerdy technology evangelist with no social skills or human relations and I'm excited about a new gadget!"

Yeah, just stay in your room and never come out, there are already too many people on the planet so it's really good if you just stick to your computer screen and get the Darwin award.

>> No.5114351

No one would value a photo higher than a skillful digital/traditional painting. Try selling a photo for thousands of dollars. Photos and paintings have different uses and different purposes.

>> No.5114353

>VR erogames become so gud, 2d and real experiences would be outmatched.

Your zero "real experiences" are already outmatched. Have fun wanking to your virtual reality. And then just leave without having children.

>> No.5114356

>It's always a treat to observe artfags talk about technology.
It's always a treat to observe technology evangelists talk about... no wait, I meant it's a treat to observe them TYPE about art. Because they wouldn't be able to form sentences in front of real people.

>> No.5114367

camera obscura is not photography.

>> No.5114473
File: 523 KB, 1144x1911, dall-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than 99% /ic/ already
We're fucked

>> No.5114488

Isn’t this copyright infringement because it’s ripping off people’s photographs?

>> No.5114499

is it copyright infrigment when you paint from """ïmagination"""?
find me the exact photograph any of those pictures was taken from

>> No.5114513

>Better than 99% /ic/ already
Which means nothing.

Besides, you could say that Google image search is better than real artists because it's much faster and the quality is good. Of course you're going to argue that AI creates NEW images, but it makes no difference since you can always find images on Google that no one in your audience can recognise, and the AI trash is just random collages of existing data, unlikely to ever look quite right, much less surpass what people make.

And if AI did manage to create endless perfect new variations of some type of art, that art would lose its value and interest to people. Just imagine for a moment: if a person had a machine that could produce "ANY IMAGE" they described, how long would they be excited by it? A few hours? And then they'd go out and play football or go cycling or camping instead, because we like stuff that's effortful, personal and rewarding.

>> No.5114526

>art would lose its value
precisely. and /ic/ better start flipping burgers, since they're not good for anything else

>> No.5114533
File: 138 KB, 1283x1468, mnjdncm3sl201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not better than me, though.

>> No.5114540
File: 47 KB, 140x138, fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay. good for you

>> No.5114543

Draw a fox in every one of the styles listed

>> No.5114572
File: 8 KB, 199x254, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have to prove anything to you pigs.

>> No.5114680

I imagine in a few years many current art jobs will be replaced by a single human curator instructing an AI, and maybe fixing a few things, like a basic graphic design job
In a century, even that job would be irrelevant

>> No.5114685

It literally sourced really people’s property. It’s bound to make an undeniably the same match as someone’s photograph. It’s a legal minefield.

>> No.5114710

So how do I feed it my own prompts?
>a drawing of a little girl naked

>> No.5114716

>can't try it out
I bet it can't even draw a dickbutt

>> No.5114718

you can’t because it’s a marketing scam and letting you test it yourself would make it obvious how shit it is
even the shitty stuff posted itt is curated

>> No.5114720

it's supposed to be open source, but you can't try it until they have this >>5114710 shit censored

>> No.5114724

>because we like stuff that's effortful, personal and rewarding.
Since when? The standard keeps dropping all the time. We've gone from badly written tv shows to poorly put together reality shows to just watching losers sitting on the ass playing video games or "reacting" to something. Happy to have my boomer ass take be proven wrong here, but i don't think it is.

>> No.5114726

Sorry about the grammar. I'm high and sleep deprived.

>> No.5114731

>ai replaces industrycucks
>pedochads unaffected

>> No.5114738

Based. I have a legit excuse for making only cute lolis from now on

>> No.5114775

If i could just convert my thoughts into a jpg, like an AI does, i'd probably be better than any professional artist

>> No.5114835

>and /ic/ better start flipping burgers, since they're not good for anything else
Are you implying that /ic/ is good for art?

>> No.5114836
File: 623 KB, 745x798, firefox_2021-01-06_16-26-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5114837
File: 588 KB, 712x782, firefox_2021-01-06_16-27-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mein got

>> No.5114839

Of course there are meaningless zombies everywhere (especially America) with no drive and no appetite for life, but they're not worth discussing. Not someone I want as acquaintances or customers. They'll be gone and forgotten in a few generations anyway as more sanguine people take their place.

>> No.5114841
File: 641 KB, 603x780, firefox_2021-01-06_16-28-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5114846

>ai can’t even get a blue lightsaber right
>some of them have pool cues or guns or whatever
>one has a dick
how is this even possible, a lightsaber is a fucking line
if you made /beg/ draw lightsabers not a single one would fuck it up

>> No.5114857
File: 1.12 MB, 1294x1701, 758EF5C8-6F9C-4F9B-8BB7-4D9960F1FDE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.5114861

who cares, by the time they start shitting out god tier illustrations the rest of the population will be out of work too, then we get free gibs forever and I can draw in peace.

>> No.5114881

okay, is fucking terrible, but still much better than what computers were able to do a year ago.
or better yet, WILL BE, if someday they decide to realese this shit to the masses

>> No.5114979

No it is not there are however issues with how the libraries are scraped and generated (a similar project scraped boorus many containing work that had been previously paywalled on patreon and then leaked). It makes sense to me that artists who had not freely shared their work would be upset about it being leaked, scraped and used to generate facsimiles of their art style but AI fags get upset when you mention any ethical complaints about how these systems are taught. >>5114499

>> No.5114981

OpenAI isn’t actually open source at least not anymore, they used to be a non profit but now they are a capped profit and access to the API is restricted to researchers or paying large frees that are inaccessible to the average person.

>> No.5114998

I must clarify, OpenAI is unlikely to ever release this to the masses and they have stated several times they do not intend to ever allow open release of anything they develop because they want them to only be accessible to people that use what they develop ethically. At least that was the fig leaf with gpt-2 and gpt-3 (text prediction). Given how they’ve recently abandoned their non profit model I think what is more likely is that their projects will be developed into subscription services. I am skeptical the lay person will ever have access to the API meanwhile the likes of Microsoft, Sony and what have you will be able to afford the subscription cost and satisfy OpenAI’s ethics standards. So I think we will get worst of all outcomes where only big companies get to play with this tech, little people won’t get to generate their own waifus and porn comics because they can’t afford it and people will lose work. Abandoning their non profit stance has completely soured me on all their work after all they released about ethics concerns.

>> No.5115024

This looks really nice but, is this the highest resolution quality you can get?

>> No.5115038
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 68f6f10cf7dfa7203842b60782066625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first one

>> No.5115044

Its going to be a funny future where people avoid posting their work online because the robots are gonna ape their style.

>> No.5115047
File: 1.91 MB, 500x281, bWGS7yH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will AI be able to replicate pic related, is it a lost cause for aspiring animators?

>> No.5115052

it’s definitely infringement if the image is in any way recognisable in the result UNLESS you can prove the images serve different purposes and result is protected as a derivative work, but you can’t take an illustration and make another illustration out of it

>> No.5115055

Pff that is SO last week. The new craze on x/ is the chosen one. A human that exists who is destined to topple ((them)) and ((they)) are working to stop them. According to x/ you need to lend them your psychic energy and even the chosen one doesn't know they are the chosen one or some other needlessly complicated crap like they are the physical manifestation of the combined psychic power of people focusing their thoughts.

>> No.5115146

i dont get it. the poeple that would use this are the same people that let their son that once attempted an art class in third grade do their SoME, instead of hiring a real illustrator.

>> No.5115211

why every ai thread has some retard parroting this nonsense?
ai pictures look nothing like any particular training data, cause they have a level of abstraction even higher than the idea on your brain for a fox, or a cat or whatever subject
deep learning is a failure at plenty of stuff, but if there's something it really shines at, is being creative

>> No.5115233

prove it, show me something creative an ai made

>> No.5115278

Sounds like cope, just like everyone else itt

>> No.5115286

They all have the same filter, needs another pass to look more the medium it's supposed to mimic

>> No.5115373

That isn’t how these neural nets work. However there are definitely issues with how the training data is collected that artists can have issues with.

>> No.5115695

why would anyone would have issues with that? would you object someone having your art in his "inspiration" folder too?

>> No.5115697

This looks like a neat tool for inspiration paired with a word randomizer

>> No.5115816

You couldn't sound more butthurt even if you tried.

>> No.5116106

no but they can do this

>> No.5116236

if theres a chosen one it's gonna be keanu reeves not some unwashed sex/x/offender

>> No.5116249

If this can be commercialized, the L will be for the little guy illustrators. I can already imagine lazy art directors throwing together a 'lookbook' with this kind of software and getting some design intern to slap it together into a complete illustration by 5pm on a friday.

You can still make a living as a cobbler in NYC or London if you can hand stitch a shoe worth $800+, but most shoes are made by people earning a few dollars a day operating a machine.

>> No.5116294

The people making this shit are fucking shitheads and I hate them with a fiery passion. Give this a few decades and there will be dwindling or no commercial art jobs left. I’m livid
At some point humanity has to say no to this shit. Fuck AI, this will be our undoing.

>> No.5116316

this is something that a person suffering from a stroke sees as their brain struggles to make sense of visual cues

>> No.5116354

or it will destroy so many jobs that capitalism is no longer a sustainable political or economical model, ushering an era of complete personal freedom

>> No.5116374

Very hard to put a genie back in the bottle.

imo this just extends what's already happened with stock image libraries.

And if I ram my car into a tree, I'm sure it will spontaneously reform into a maserati.

>> No.5116399

Then China will take the lead. They have no respect for human life, wellbeing or integrity. It’s how the suppressed game rona outbreak, doing things like welding people into their homes.

>> No.5116401

>steal photos of foxes
>crank Photoshop filters up to max

>> No.5116412
File: 468 KB, 1835x1493, 4503C476-6AAF-43BA-95D1-6FF83C867F3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is smeary photoshop filter shit. It looks nothing like charcoal, crayon, or chalk.

>> No.5116481

It would be really nice if they applied this technology to language translation, something that would have right and wrong answers to train the AI, opening up communication across the world.

>> No.5116536

top left and bottom middle would make for great illustrations
ai would be a great help for illustrators to suggest cool compositions

>> No.5116591

>deep learning is a failure at plenty of stuff, but if there's something it really shines at, is MAKING RANDOM SHIT

>> No.5116595

Now I'm curious... butthurt about what? About not being a technology evangelist?

>> No.5116606

one of the pictures is not "professional" or "high quality"

>> No.5116653

Deep learning does more or less the same shit that the inconscious brain does, which is associated to creativity, dreams, hallucinations, and being high
it also has the same disadvantages: it's perfectly unable to distinguish reality from imagination

>> No.5116674

>source: my ass
I’m still waiting for the proof anon

>> No.5116714

huh? proof of what?
deep learning is fucking huge right now. read a wikipedia article or something

>> No.5116718

Go play ai dungeon

>> No.5116960

How do you get a picture of a specific style out of it?
>Click the generate button 20 times until you get something kind of like what you want
>Can't replicate it for different subject matter
>Has artifacts and is low res
Not to say those problems can't be fixed, but I don't think this particular program will put artists out of work.

>> No.5116982

>j-just prove it yourself l-lol
and not a single artificial intelimeme creative work was posted that day, just like every day before

>> No.5116995

see >>5116412 >>5114857 >>5114841 >>5114836 >>5114540 >>5114473 >>5114116 and >>5113043

>> No.5116998

here's offspring better than the offspring