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File: 1.42 MB, 4096x3106, sense_cyberpunk_hate_comments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5109901 No.5109901 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so adverse towards erotic artwork?

>> No.5109905

That was a bunch of dumb equality women and low t guys. Unfortunately puritans get the blame instead of the real problem.

>> No.5109908


>> No.5109910
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, 50C41A76-E71D-4316-9121-D543B1A4028E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Nintendo

>> No.5109915

Puritans exist on the trad right and SJW left. It's especially prevalent in American culture.

>> No.5109920

Horseshoe theory

>> No.5109927

Nintendo is the vidya company with the largest female fanbase, so this doesn't surprise me.

>> No.5109930

It's a misnomer that implies religious sensibilities are the major force behind these modern sentiments - they're not, it's entirely secular progressivism.

>> No.5109931

God I hate Westerners.

>> No.5109934

>"Women's voices are denied in the industry"
>"Trannies don't fucking count"
Is Tatsuya Ishida posting on twitter now?

>> No.5109940

I can’t actually tell if it’s women in general, you have people complaining they’re oversexualised, that they’re a male fantasy, that they look like kids and promote child rape, that they’re a tranny fantasy, that it’s an incel fantasy and so on
it’s like a rorschach test of repressed sexual fantasies

>> No.5109941


>> No.5109943

SJW moralism is a religious sensibility. In fact, much of it is cult-like (including the act of canceling, which is similar to excommunication in a church).
The definition of puritanical is:
>practicing or affecting strict religious OR moral behavior.
I'm old enough to remember when the religious right was trying to censor porn and shame sexual behavior. It's the same shit, different team.

>> No.5109946

Why are females so afraid of trans people? It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.5109958

this motivated me to draw overly sexualized female characters

>> No.5109962

>SJW moralism is a religious sensibility.
Didn't think you had the brain power to see this because the typical person doesn't it seems, but yeah, you're completely right. I'm in my mid 30s and also remember what was going on years ago, the motivations are different. The reason why I parse out the words though is because the average person takes the words literally and might not realize the source of these things with the words serving to misguide them. People don't understand metaphors. Eitehr way though, I;m not going to be able to change anything anyways so it all doesn't matter. Cheers man, we're on the same side.

>> No.5109965

>trannies don't count

>> No.5109966

These are radfems and they're only tangentially related to 'sjws'.
They also are not all that hard to find in eastern countries.

>> No.5109969

on a related note, why are trannies so threatened by females? it's fucking hilarious considering 90% of them are overweight apes, what the fuck can a woman do

>> No.5109971


>girls are sexualized
but also
>normalize sex work and onlyfans for everyone

do americans really

>> No.5109983

eh the people sending the hate aren't the same people supporting onlyfans

>> No.5109985

in this case it's mostly women, yeah. Women are extremely self conscious, always comparing their body to others. I always suggest my female friends to let it go and accept that they just exist, but I'm told "confronting themselves with other women is a natural instinct", so they can't help it, but I don't get it. If you can go against procreation and submission, why not confrontation as well? Weird mentality.

>> No.5109991
File: 48 KB, 779x291, trans cult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5109995

how do you think they would react if nintendo simply said "we don't care"

>> No.5110001

They're perfectly fine with oversexualization, it's just that they don't want men to benefit from it. Hence why they label the game a "tranny fantasy", because they consider trans women as men trying to benefit from female sexuality. In short, it's just typical radfem garbage.

Ironically, supposedly the artist is a woman.

>> No.5110010

Not the same people at all.
I expect these people aren't even american, these read like they were written by older british women going by the way they're talking and the fact they're radfems, an ideology that doesn't have much hold in the US anyway.

>> No.5110015

>what the fuck can a woman do
self lubricate

>> No.5110018

They are 100% mutts, britoids barely know what Nintendo is, whereas in USA, Nintendo is the poster child for video games.

>> No.5110019

>what the fuck can a woman do
Falsely accuse you of assault and have every straight male come at her rescue by beating you up.

>> No.5110023


>> No.5110032
File: 119 KB, 899x1123, F5E16300-3B3B-4341-9DEA-89F51711BB03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rape women for breakfast and they love it by lunch

>> No.5110039

You sound really cool wanna hang out

>> No.5110052

Betas get accused of rape. Alphas get to go into the spot of her brain that she thinks of every night to rub one out. Alpha's use condoms and don't need to rape and any woman high enough on a scale to register as layable won't be fat and gross enough to result to lying to land alpha attention

>> No.5110066

Imagine if someone actually date raped a girl and then managed to get away with it because all their friends shared this ideology. Not implying that I did that, but wouldn’t that be based

>> No.5110096

well they're not wrong

>> No.5110099

Based dubs, but I don’t understand?
>then managed to get away with it because all their friends shared this ideology
How would this help you get away with it?

>> No.5110113

Maybe it's just me but it almost feels like every time someone crops one of these negative comments collages together that's when you see a game blogger make an article/video on it.

also because titties

>> No.5110742

Wait, what the fuck game is this and what the fuck is it about?

Hot chicks in a nice enough artstyle?

Why is this so bad and why are so many people acting like Nintendo is purely for children?

It's like (legit) boomer parents complaining that anime has violence or nudity in it when 'it's a cartoon, cartoons are for children'

>Based Nintendo

Have they released a statement about this though?

>>SJW moralism is a religious sensibility.
God I'm happy I'm not alone in thinking this.

As someone with faith I can say that they're as bad as fundamentalists at times.


>> No.5110746

I can live with that

>> No.5110795

its a weird mix of terfs, trannies, and pol/trad retards

>> No.5110800

They sound like boomers because they are literally boomers, these kinds of radfems are usually 30+ and the ideology is popular in parenting forums.

>> No.5110806

They won’t release a statement, they’ll just ignore it until it goes away.
They want to be a platform for mature gamers and they don’t want to justify having tits on their platform, the only move is to leave the tits and not engage anyone.

>> No.5110817

Are they still editing their games for western releases?

>> No.5110831

Note all the complaints about trannies. This wasn't "equality women," they actually got raided by TERFs. Hilarious.

>> No.5110836

Sounds like SJWs (who are extremely cult-y) in general, nothing inherent to trans people despite someone slapping the flag behind it. Just so happens there's a lot of overlap between trannies and SJWs, given that no political side but the far left will openly take us in. Results in a lot of people going to them automatically and without a lot of thought.

>> No.5110840

artwork board is just bitching. nuke this place. such a waste of kb.

>> No.5110843


>> No.5110888

Simps are simply the worst, in both fiction and IRL.

>> No.5111051

“They” never did, NoA did it independently for the games they were in charge of releasing, and NoJ shut them down back in the Wii era. At present all such decisions must be made jointly by the three branches, which is why NoA isn’t fucking up anymore, NoJ and NoE won’t let them off the leash anymore.

>> No.5111223

Good luck getting any jobs or human interaction at all.
Now thanks to the power of social media you can be a social pariah on a worldwide scale.

>> No.5111384

Because in this completely hypothetical situation, everyone thought the girl was making false accusations and ostracized her afterwards, lol

>> No.5111392

aaa, so this is the ol' "boy who cry wolf", except that the "boy", are women, and the "wolf" are rapists

>> No.5111420
File: 124 KB, 740x250, 8c3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sinfest creator and rabid radfem.
He apparently turned into one because he mistreated his then girlfriend (???), tried to pull a John Lennon but fell into the slippery slope.
Also, he's TERF scum.

>> No.5111424

Exactly. The political climate right now is so easy to exploit its laughable

>> No.5111530

t. town rapist

>> No.5111538

imagine working really hard to convince an entire civilization of blatant falsehoods like a pay gap. imagine getting all kinds of internships handed to you, entire new departments created for you, easily avoiding penalties for egregious behavior, having full control of the legal system, etc.
basically living a cushy life of privilege and entitlement while projecting that on everyone else who actually works.
then a group of people that you initially employed as a useful but ultimately dispensable tool starts asking for the same entitlements because now they're women too.

a TERF is a particularly insidious metastatic outgrowth of the feminist cancer, one that knows exactly what it's doing and for whom it's doing it. they've cunningly stepped away from the laughably gross 'feminism is equality' lie in an attempt to avoid the repercussions of their own efforts while making sure everyone else pays for it.

>> No.5111599

I've (hypothetically) never done anything to anyone else. Just saw an oppurtunity with this one chick in my social circle and took it.

>> No.5111641

The fuck is terf?

>> No.5111656

I don't mind it, but I hate the oversaturation of porn.

>> No.5111658

>Also, he's TERF scum.
TERF and scum are incompatible terms.

>> No.5111664


>> No.5111684

I bet you every commenter there has an onlyfans where they spread their ass cheeks or some sick shit

>> No.5111686

They’d run to @jack and cry until he banned nintendo

>> No.5111688

Yes, it’s them, they have MASSIVE influence on social media...

>> No.5111689

God I fucking hate americans

>> No.5111695

Not defending them, but every western country is this cucked now.

>> No.5111702

"terfs"/"swerfs" are against onlyfans so no

>> No.5111708

cucked? more like diseased by america's cultural imperialism.

>> No.5111719

>Puritans exist on the trad right
And they are non existent in art circles.

>> No.5111733

They're the type that loves Nicki Minaj and other pop stars that are hyper sexualized by their own standards and do influence girls to be like them, which is what they supposedly care about.
So don't bother listening to any woman complaining about sexualization unless they are also against pop culture, celebrity culture, instagram, tiktock and all those other places where women get attention for nothing more than sexualizing themselves.
Which is none of them, you might find one or two that have consistent views but pretty much all of them are full of shit.

>> No.5111749

>Americans did this
But also
>America is ignorant to anything outside its own borders
You’re almost there....

>> No.5111876

why u even here u could be getting payed to post this kind of shit on reddit instead

>> No.5111922
File: 3.28 MB, 3069x1726, Eqqm6hOW8AAGsx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have they released a statement about this though?
The devs did, Nintendo didn't directly but it is safe to assume they are on the same page considering the game is releasing soon.


Tl,dr They kindly told these people to fuck off.

>> No.5111925

Puritan is a misnomer anyway because there was no group of people who went by that name or fit the modern connotations that word has.

>> No.5111926

>The devs did, Nintendo
A quick correction: Top Hat Studios are not the devs they are the publisher. Apologies!

>> No.5111943
File: 505 KB, 707x765, just one of the girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are females so afraid of trans people?

it is a mystery

>> No.5111963

wtf i didn’t know trannies were based

>> No.5111984

in that case you better be as malicious towards all men or you might appear a little hypocritical
after all, 100% of male on female sexual violence was perpetrated by men

>> No.5111997

>you shouldn’t put tranny sex offenders in a women’s prison
>ummmmmmmmmm sweetie then you better ban all men from women’s prisons!

>> No.5112040

why is objectification of women deemed an all around bad thing in the first place? society gives out a bunch of freebies to sexy women, why shouldn't this be reflected in art and entertainment.

>> No.5112060

terfs already hate all men to the core, and make no exception for gay men, non-white men, or anything of the sort. Their raging misandry is why they're so against trans in the first place.

>> No.5112065

lol why would they treat faggots and niggers better than white men? is this what sjwism does to your brain?

>> No.5112077

It's their main difference with liberal women, who tend to make exception for trannies and colored men

>> No.5112304

I wonder if the majority of Trumpists still think like this

>> No.5112346

god, i hate women, i really do

>> No.5112594

>"Plans to allow people to self-define their gender could put female prisoners at risk"
So fucking what? They're criminals, they deserve to die. The fact that they're female doesn't change anything.

>> No.5112609

what is it with mutts and thinking getting raped in prison is to be accepted?
is it just a natural extension of their general submission to niggers?

>> No.5112617

>not the devs they are the publisher

It being the publisher is so much better

Fucking based.