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File: 1.44 MB, 1069x859, asians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5107097 No.5107097 [Reply] [Original]

Are males and females that different?

>> No.5107100

>shows asians

>> No.5107108

Pelvis wider for female.
Wider shoulder for male.
Ribcage is probably more tilted to support breast for female.

>> No.5107112

they have different parts like penis and vagina

>> No.5107116

the trannies will seethe at this post
>Are males and females that different?

>> No.5107119

You will never be a woman.

>> No.5107124

Every faggot in this post talking about trannies when this is about the artistic expression and anatomy of a generic foid and moid deserve to have trannies in their head rent free

>> No.5107126


>> No.5107129

Bug people

>> No.5107135

seems like its a pertinent issue that trans people are dealing with on a daily basis
you fail to realize transitioning is in many cases mainly a case of attitude, and actual reassignment surgery is a last-ditch effort reserved for people with the medical condition of dysphoria, in which reassignment surgery is the only proven treatment.

>> No.5107139
File: 864 KB, 1043x1155, beans and milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proven treatment.

>> No.5107142
File: 220 KB, 1242x1182, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Developed adults are different years, children are very similar tho.

>> No.5107145
File: 317 KB, 848x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5107150

when I don't look at the faces. that man body is much more feminine than the female body

>> No.5107153


>> No.5107158

Men get huge asses like rust when they squat/DL too though.

t. woman with a bf with a huge, gelatinous booty.

>> No.5107165

show titties fag

>> No.5107166

Oh nowadays you can remove the gentials. But wider pelvis, titled ribcage and wider shoulders. That you cant change.

>> No.5107167
File: 404 KB, 640x480, 1600562054991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proven treatment

>> No.5107171
File: 121 KB, 600x583, anume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehe twinsies.

>> No.5107178

I'm a 24 yrs old guy and I have the EXACT same body as her minus the face. Do I have manboobs?

>> No.5107181

yes also ngmi

>> No.5107183

They get huge asses but not wide hips

>> No.5107195

is not an argument

>> No.5107197
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1593975614741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that boy is so cute

>> No.5107198
File: 90 KB, 738x720, 5884bfcd3fc56fe5b0a77e5ed6cc3aff8577d64a1fae154dc7f79b3858c5c63c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hat girl is a trans icon btw

>> No.5107199
File: 19 KB, 300x300, Gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I didn't know that. That sucks.

>> No.5107201

Unironically agree yeah

>> No.5107203
File: 37 KB, 500x475, screent iem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually no fuck off, no it isn't.

>> No.5107209


>> No.5107214

got any more ref pics with that body type

>> No.5107225

>this is what a diet of s o y and rice does to you

>> No.5107248

>gorilla collarbones
>delicate collarbones

>> No.5107282

that's genetics though, some are just more keen to store and build up more fat on parts

>> No.5107286

Firm muscular butts are better than fat butts.

>> No.5107295

>reassignment surgery is the only proven treatment.
Like giving a hamburger to a fatass.
Like giving a beer to an alcoholic.
Like giving a knife to a serial killer.
Like giving a rope to someone who's suicidal.
Indulging the condition is not treatment.

>> No.5107411

They are when not exposed to xenoestrogens in the womb and restricted from physical life like a zoo animal in a concrete cage with a ten foot leash.

>being homeless and rejected by your parents is bad for you
stunning what science can do these days. Can't wait to see the Science™ explaining how wet sidewalks cause rain.

>> No.5107445
File: 48 KB, 779x291, trans cult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience trannies being the ones rejecting their parents as they show uninterest in their cult

>> No.5107449

One of the biggest differences is the shoulders, neck and clavicle.

>> No.5107457

Your pic related is a bombshell, never thought of it like that. Most of them do every single thing on the list.

>> No.5107458

Or the family is so fucked up that the kid would fall into some kind of catastrophe no matter what. Choose as many options from the menu as you like:
>become suicidal tranny
>become hyper promiscuous
>OD on hard drugs
>run away from home and get roped into prostitution

>> No.5107459

before puberty, no they're really not. There are exceptions however.
eugh so thotty. ruins the appeal.

>> No.5107466

At that point they're just plastic surgery makeup monsters. Subtle, natural beauty is the most attractive, more like the woman in OP's pic.

>> No.5107470

*potatoshop monters

>> No.5107471

They're less different than most people seem to think. It's just that artists usually exaggerate the differences to make their art more readable or appealing.

>> No.5107481

I you don't cherrypick like that, yes.

>> No.5107887

When you intentionally remove context of course you can use those broad assertions and have it make sense. They're not mutually exclusive senpai

>> No.5107888
File: 1.02 MB, 2000x2607, Uldis Zarins - Anatomy for Sculptors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly speaking, there are certain differences, but that does not mean that they are rules that are strictly observed. What we do see is an average of things that are repeated throughout the vast majority but that can always vary to a greater or lesser extent depending on each person

· Women are usually shorter, so their extremities tend to look thinner
· The woman's torso is usually narrower than the man's, so it tends to be see more stretched vertically
· A woman's pelvis is usually wider and slightly less high than a man's pelvis
· Also the inclination of the female pelvis in its natural pose (seen from the side) is usually greater than that of the man who is positioned almost straight
· The angle that women's arms have when they are at rest is greater than that of men (because this way it accommodates the wider hip better)

If I don't forget something, structurally those are the main differences. What does substantially alter the shape afterwards is the subcutaneous fat (related image), which has a greater presence in women.

That does not mean that only women have subcutaneous fat, but in an average body (neither athletic nor sedentary) the woman has more fat reserve than a man, which ultimately ends up giving its characteristic figure

Also, sauce of the image. If anyone knows chinese and can tell me the name I would appreciate it


>> No.5107900

rent free

>> No.5107902

>second part


>> No.5107913

youd know if you drew

>> No.5107926

Yes, unless it's asian children like in the OP pedo pic.

>> No.5108063

Both of them really need to eat more but ESPECIALLY the guy. That shit is getting unhealthy.

>> No.5108081

uncanny valley

>> No.5108091

God both have delicious bodies but I can't stand male faces

>> No.5108118

Are you American? The guy looks like he's around 15% bf; he just isn't built. The girl looks like she has a healthy bf% as well.

>> No.5108324

bodies differ a lot from individual to individual, it's all in the genes bro.

>> No.5108426

Not that anon, but bodyfat is hardly that girlyboy's only nutritional issue.

>> No.5108483


>> No.5108498

I wanna see them both fuck

>> No.5108511
File: 55 KB, 680x824, 8d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. woman with a bf with a huge, gelatinous booty.
how often do you peg him?

>> No.5108654

Yeah, it`s genetic and asians are a group with few differences between man and woman

>> No.5108750
File: 50 KB, 1024x821, 1608619778189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually anti psychotics are the only proven treatment without a suicide rate outside of incidence

>> No.5108866

What a shame i exclusively only like women with wider pelvises and narrower shoulders

>> No.5108868

Disgusting trash, photoshopping, plastic surgery, let me guess Chinese? The Chinese have a horrible and disgusting culture.
Every time you see something disgusting and trashy from an Asian, it's practically guaranteed they are Chinese.

>> No.5108890

if you want to be gay, just be gay

>> No.5108894


>> No.5109677

the same except for;
Reproductive systems
Secondary sexual characteristics like prominent breasts and mammory glands in females and more prominent body and facial hair in males
Skeletal structure, females have wider hips, males have broader shoulders

>> No.5109680

you might be lacking in testosterone

>> No.5109724

>t. woman with a bf with a huge, gelatinous booty.
It makes me feel jealous so it must be a lie.

>> No.5109830
File: 348 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200430-080743_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope not at all. The more flexible female hips, thinner shoulder, delicate bones, better fine muscle control, wider hips, smaller head, larger eyes, curved shin bones, and different fat distribution is a lie.

The higher muscle mass and higher upper body strength in men, larger heads, thinner waists, larger jaws, adams apple, wider shoulders, straighter shin bones, is a myth.

Make sure to draw all humans as asexual as possible. Making a woman flat chested, broad shouldered, sweaty, ugly, and manly as possible to not trigger trannies got The Last of Us praise and love from many fans. Be like them. It will help me.

>> No.5109841

Might have a genetic disorder. Hope not because it also comes with a significantly lower IQ. If it is a lack of testosterone, get tested asap because the faster you boost testosterone, the faster your body will catch up and develop like other men. You will also find you have a higher IQ and can think easier, have boosted bravery, and gain muscles with ease.

T. Brother had to take shots of testosterone to start puberty because of a birth defect and I know a man who tells everyone how much better his life became after he fixed his low Testosterone disorder with testosterone. What I despise most about the tranny brainwashing is the suppressed knowledge of how much hormone balance effects us.

>> No.5109845

Based racist honorary aryan. Help us gas the kikes and chinks and I'll throw in a free swastika hat.

>> No.5109871

If the boy waxes his mustaches, he leaves his hair long and puts on a little makeup, he is the girl on the right but with a cock

>> No.5109893

Thing is being a tranny is supported by society and you can get people fined or locked up over discrimination. If none of the above where true then people wouldn't give a fuck about them.

>> No.5109904

He doesn't need fat you dumbfuck, he needs to eat more to build muscle mass. Motherfucker looks like a 14 year old boy that would get knocked down by a stiff breeze. Neither of these people are really good examples of male/female sexual dimorphism, both look very androgynous.

>> No.5109918
File: 1.70 MB, 182x232, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese deform mutants, copy of the decadence occident

>> No.5109967

share anon

>> No.5110021
File: 210 KB, 1069x859, chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The asians are all clones

>> No.5110332
File: 40 KB, 851x1280, 260176921009ef6c1b619a58e9f6e78272cfc0b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without ass, tipical of asians

>> No.5110351

>supported by society
*supported by parochial elites in media/academia who are willing to put economical pressure on anybody who publicly voices their discontent with the striver upper/middle class libtard cult and their attempts to push it on the rest of us.

do not overstate the force of your enemies anon. you may start to believe it.

>> No.5110354

>ITT low test

>> No.5112748

She's got wider shoulders and narrower hips than "him" lmao

>> No.5112755

>weebs and yellow fever people find this hot

>> No.5113005

can someone photoshop ruan jias face on the left one?

>> No.5113010

I like that if you put a wig and some brief make up on him he'll become a perfect example of those anime traps

>> No.5113106

Ahhh good Photoshop

>> No.5113125

looks like a girl with before and after

>> No.5113134


Don't be showing asian chicks with no boobies and then asking for a pointless debate, fag. Men and women are different

>> No.5113150
File: 31 KB, 600x568, 058558945fea564ab0a75106bee2b99e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5113157


>> No.5113160

I want to make both of them into members of my harem. I'd snuggle with them both every day and give them lots of pre-marital tummy smooches.

>> No.5113375
File: 958 KB, 1069x859, 1609675641012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the guy on the right had a more feminine face I would fuck both of them.

>> No.5113385

you jack off too much

>> No.5113387

Please, I'm pretty sure I jack off way less than the average.

>> No.5113399
File: 97 KB, 696x462, 1605335358360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edging counts

>> No.5113538

Hey Siri, remind >>5107135 to kill themselves.

>> No.5113709

shoulder differences, fat pad differences , bone structure differences, genital differences, hormonal differences, the list goes on most likely.

>> No.5113728

The face boy in the girl not looks bad

>> No.5113735

The collar bones are prominent in the left male, the hips are much big in the right female, and the hips bones are more prominent in she.

>> No.5113738

>>5113375 left is a tranny Big head

>> No.5113753

How does the dude have curvier hips than the bitch