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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 129 KB, 570x567, 795d83d340ef529b99818cc9cb97fc24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5104652 No.5104652 [Reply] [Original]

>get high
>look at the paper and see faces, cartoons, animals, and landscapes in the grain of the paper as I look at it
>Can trace over these imaginary images that are imposed on top of the paper and get a free drawing
>Wake up this morning and I'm still able to do it, just not as well so maybe it is a skill you have to train
What is this called? Is this what artists who don't use underdrawings and sketches are doing?

>> No.5104656

Can ya post it?

>> No.5104658

it's called having an imagination
do people don't remember their childhood that much?

>> No.5104660

None of them look very good because I was too out of it to trace it properly, just like doodles. I only did a few before it made me feel like I was going schizophrenic and then I stopped doing it. I wish I had kept going, I saw so many pretty things in there that I didn't try to trace. I'll spend today trying to train this

So you're supposed to literally see things with your imagination imposed on top of other things with your eyes? I thought imagination was just having some vague invisible sense of the thing in your mind. I had no idea

>> No.5104662

post them
and no, that's not how imagination works, you were just tripping

>> No.5104663
File: 424 KB, 503x507, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post them anyways, I don't mind if the quality is good or not. I am just curious on what you saw while you were high.

>> No.5104673

Okay, I'll make a quick photo collage from the timelapse in procreate so I can try to explain the process of how I was seeing it

>> No.5104675

Looking forward to it!

>> No.5104677
File: 529 KB, 112x112, okaychamping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please deliver for once OP

>> No.5104679
File: 421 KB, 1024x1686, NPCTest3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5104681
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i don't believe it it can't be this is not real

>> No.5104689
File: 108 KB, 737x700, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone with a shit, pardon my language, imagination is an NPC. It could just be that they grew up on the Internet, with the whole instant gratification thing or what-not, who even needs their imagination? Of course that was just a joke, but still. If they maybe would read a book or two once and a while, they'd be able to actually strengthen their brain muscles.

>> No.5104695
File: 279 KB, 1412x1174, 5325325235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for how bad the drawing is, but it felt important at the time and I can still kind of see what I was trying to do. The important thing though is that what I was seeing in the grain of the paper was much more detailed than this and this is just a crude attempt to trace over the most important lines to try to capture the image that was being imposed over the paper. I tried to number the pictures in the order that it was drawn so I'll try to explain the mental process.

1. This is just the grain of the paper. I looked at it and immediately saw a detailed chimp face in three quarter view.

2. I try to outline the chimp.

3. I try to darken the left side of his face to make it pop out more, but then the picture changes on me.

4. I can't see the chimp anymore and now I'm very clearly seeing three faces lined up next to each other in profile views, so I trace over it. The one on the left is a big creepy animal/human/jester face, one is a deformed tiny face kind of hovering above, and the third is more like a deformed skull.

5. At this point I thought that I needed colors to make it more visible. I couldn't see the colors, but I had this weird sense of exactly what colors I needed to use. Almost like someone else was doing the thinking and just commanding me to use yellow and to use a certain brush. Very odd feeling

>> No.5104697

post more of these, they make me feel superior to others because of factors largely outside of my control

>> No.5104700

I'm jealous of your experience, it sounds awesome. Looks good, too. Pure SOUL if I may say so myself. You were in the flow my man, love to see it.

>> No.5104701
File: 770 KB, 1500x1500, happy happy time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see, this was quite interesting to read and look at, thank you OP.

>> No.5104703
File: 55 KB, 700x368, NPCTest2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5104704

This is complete bullshit and i say this as a stoner. Stop wasting your time and draw for real

>> No.5104706
File: 186 KB, 1612x788, 2414211515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one. I saw a very detailed deer with antlers. It was kind of fading by this point. The first drawing was around the the time when it peaked and then this was when it was wearing off a bit more, but I could still see faces in everything. The first is the grain of the paper and then the outline of the deer. What I thought was interesting about this is that it reminded me a lot of what cave people were drawing on the walls and it made me wonder if this is the mental process that they were using when they would make the cave paintings. Maybe they were really seeing the animals on those cave walls like I was seeing them in the grain of the paper and they were just tracing over it as best as they could.

>> No.5104709

Oh my goodness, how can people not hear voices in their heads? I can even make mine have different accents and stuff and all that jazz!

>> No.5104726

I agree that you have to draw for real, but I think this is important too or just as important as normal drawing. I think I did something like this a lot when I was a kid because it felt really familiar as I was doing it.

It has this regenerative and satisfying feel to it. It's like feeding your soul or something, just letting your child-like imagination stretch a bit and dance around on the page without any judgment or attempt to make something that looks good enough to show other people. Even sober I think this has a lot of value, it's just a lot harder to do sober. If I look at the grain now I can still see faces, they're just not as detailed and it's a bit harder, but it's still there and I can still trace over them. I wonder if this skill will get stronger and stronger if you feed it by practicing a lot.

Maybe doing this a lot will make what you see more and more detailed until you're doing that thing that some artists do where they just put the pencil down and draw without any underdrawing or sketch. The way that they draw almost seems like they're tracing something that only they can see.

>> No.5104752

I usually think in pseudo-visual abstractions and intuititions that shift and change shape as I manipulate concepts. I.e. when deciding what to buy for grocery shopping it's more like building up a gestalt of what my fridge will look like, what kinds of meals they can be combined them into, a feel of how long it'll last and so on, with very little vocalization.
the 'npcs don't have internal monologue!'-meme is, ironically, an npc meme.
>I make words in my head, so I'm self-aware and capable of abstracting from my political/social programming, I'm a real person

>> No.5104756

Oh that's neat, I usually just think of spaghetti and then think, "Yep that's spaghetti", or something of that sort. lole!!

>> No.5104758

so you don't play different scenarios and simulations in your head? don't tell me you don't even have imaginery friends

>> No.5104760

I want to be able to think like you. I think I have way too many words in my head, I bet that thinking a lot in words causes a kind of neurotic anxiety. I just have songs and words and all sorts of noises slamming around in my head 24/7, but I see images rarely enough that when I do it startles me a little

>> No.5104761

The first think as in visualize spaghetti, second think is just saying the words in my head.

>> No.5104770

do other people see colors with their eyes when they think of an apple? I just see this hazy circular object, it's like a pointillist image of a blurry apple suspended in black with the brightness down really low.

>> No.5104838

those are so small
would you believe me if I told you that in the picture of the paper on the left I can also see where you were able to get the deer from?
it would have been off center to the right a bit.

>> No.5104887

can you see anything else in the grain as well? I wonder what this ability is called. I see a boar's head on the top left, but I was just reading about a boar a few minutes ago, so I think any mental imagery that you have floating around in your head somehow becomes visible in the grain.

>> No.5104910

I call it visor
I found you can project shapes , in the form of information onto the canvas, its not like full on hallucination for me, thats why i say information
I'm a rookie at it , but I'm working on developing practices for this ability , it can be a great aid in drawing proportions

>> No.5104918

>not use language in his head

>> No.5104933

>having an imaginary friend
aight kid
I do wonder how my imagination differs from others. I have to effectively imagine what I'm seeing to then be able to see a cartoon dragon crawl out from behind my monitor and up my arm, so it's a difficult process without closing my eyes.

And then trying to get it from my inner eye to my fingertips to draw usually results in forgetting the entire thing, that or being immensely disappointed I can't draw something better than a biological GPU.
>the 'npcs don't have internal monologue!'-meme is, ironically, an npc meme.
>>I make words in my head, so I'm self-aware and capable of abstracting from my political/social programming, I'm a real person
The NPC meme needs to die. It has conflicting meanings.

>> No.5104934
File: 248 KB, 1398x1496, 23432525325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a hippo/boar and a goblin that I just saw in it using the grain in this image. I really like these little things. They're kind of cute looking and it feels fun to draw something that feels more like a vision than something that you're intentionally inventing. I think the trick is to find a way to render these little things out in a way that captures the full vision that you originally see and not just a shitty traceover that only captures like 25% of the feeling of it. I think that's what I need to work on a lot

>> No.5104941

what practices have you found that helped to develop the ability?

>> No.5104968

is this like daydreaming on paper?

>> No.5104973

>get high
>do some cave-painting tier drawings
>make a thread about it
wow 10/10 what an artist you are

>> No.5104975

Now I only know one that helps with precision of lines
you draw a tiny circle, or can do with with paint to make it symmetric, and then try to draw a straight line straight onto the edge from a random direction, the deal is to imagine\project a line where it would perfectly touch the edge of the circle

thats all I have for now,
otherwise I just think about it , the ways you can use it...

but if you want to develop it yourself, start with very basic things like lines first ,and basic shapes, cube, circle, triangle, etc.

>> No.5104998

is the line that you see supposed to be kind of hazy and crystalline? like an eye floater squiggle kind of.

>> No.5105004

almost yes
It's more like a kind of information, like I can feel that its there but It can have a very minimal visual effect in your eye sight
its like creating the line out of brainfog, the brainfog formulates it

>> No.5105008

and you feel kind of weird when it happens, right? I try to imagine the line and then suddenly I feel spaced out and then the line forms, like my mind goes into this foggy place and I'm zoning out. This is pretty cool, I didn't know this was possible. You can just trace right over it

>> No.5105017

All of this sounds like a variation of this


>> No.5105053

Are you OP?
Cuz I never used drugs, and I don't really feel weird at all when I do it, idk maybe cuz I've been toying around with this before with no further thoughts to it....hmm

>> No.5105063

Yeah, I'm not on anything right now though. It has a sort of meditative feel to it when I try to impose the lines, I think that's just what feels weird to me. It's like my mind clears out all the background noise and focuses in on imposing the line really intensely and that's when I see a hazy line appear on top of the paper.

>> No.5105065

to further add to it, maybe I feel something
I think it has to do something with how we feel directions, I can feel that whatevers guiding the sense of direction and altitude in the mind is affected, or used in some kind of way, when projecting lines in different directions

>> No.5105074

I'm experimenting with it now and I think shapes are easier for me. If I try to impose a circle or triangle on top of the paper then I really see that pretty clearly. It's still in that same hazy way and if I were to stop focusing then it would go away, but it's a clearly defined triangle that I would be able to trace over.

can you do this with three dimensional shapes? so far I can only do it with flat shapes, nothing like a square in perspective so far

>> No.5105079

>an you do this with three dimensional shapes?

no, I can imagine I could do it with flat shapes
but I theorize that the way you could use it is to section the 3d object in your mind to basic shapes or parts, set them in your mind in the perspective you want it , then draw Those lines, building up the 3d shape step by step

>> No.5105085

According to that scale you are a 3 or 4. Obviously other people see things that way too since that scale shows how different people imagine things. Im a 2 trying to train my brain to be a 1. Read books with stories that force you to imagine scenes and practice imagining objects in your head to strengthen it.

>> No.5105094
File: 6 KB, 198x250, 1460408268514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be realist landscape painter
>Use weed to complete the most boring parts of the painting or large swaths at lighting speed
>Everything looks 7/10 at best
>Fix it as I sober up
>Do this for years

>Be in art fair competitions, competing with actual pros
>Podium or win consistently
>People in amazement at the volume of my output
>TFW 360 noscoping boomers with PEDs

ngl; if you're trying to do 1.5 times the painting you want to do with a near pure stream of consciousness, it works. You just have to unfuck everything afterwards. Of course I do this on 8sqft paintings, so the motivation helps.

Most people would not have the attention span or the discipline to check themselves as much as I do though. It's super easy to get bogged down or distracted or carried away with just making something incorrect. I don't believe that I would recommend this "technique" to anyone.

>> No.5105102
File: 110 KB, 600x378, 1596699607167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoy the occasional mushroom trip
>on higher doses see amazing geometric patterns overlaid on wall and other blank surfaces
>somewhat akin to the stuff coming out of monkey man's mouth but more complex
>never bothered to look at a blank piece of paper and trace the hallucinations
It seems like not a whole lot of artists use hallucinogens. Kinda seems like wasted potential to me.

>> No.5105117

what do you use from the weed high to enhance your art? is there a particular skill that you only have during that state of mind?

>> No.5105132

Is this thread a joke? God, stoners are the epitome of human retardation.

>> No.5105146

I like to get high and then do a gigantic amount of thumbnail sketches for landscape compositions

>> No.5105156

What kind of an easel do you use for 8ft canvases? I am strongly considering building my own since a lot of easels out there can't support anything above 3ft. I bought blueprints for a large scale easel last year but haven't put in the work yet.

>> No.5105159
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The dissociation helps with 'jumping in' and starting more intimidating areas. The High itself is just used for regulating a quick work flow and weaponizing my attention span. In a sober state, I'm pretty disciplined but I work relatively slowly, which is great for starting and finishing, but my pieces take at least two months of daily work to complete. I consider it important to paint quickly, but work slowly and keep the complete idea in the back of my head.

I work big, so I always work from a gridded and measured canvas with a tight drawing underneath. After I block in and can no longer see the grid, I use painters tape to isolate one 6in square at a time and break the painting into 32 small paintings and just work one or two a day. Eventually I end up with 32 small paintings that I turn into one. That's the part I do mostly sober.

I'm not a /beg/ artist, so I don't really get intimidated by the projects themselves. I also have years of experience at getting to know my weaknesses as an artist and a worker, so I regularly ask myself if what I'm doing is effective. Especially when I'm high. I don't have ridiculous expectations of myself or delusions of grandeur, so I'm not one to panic when things don't quite look right yet. I just know that if I put in enough work, everything is going to turn out fine.

>> No.5105163


>> No.5105179

do you have any resource recommendations for learning landscape painting? I find so much for figure drawing, but nothing that's really good for landscapes

>> No.5105213
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8sqft for me is a 2x4ft painting, so I built an easel off of an old school desk that can hold a 4x4ft. It's literally a mess of 2"x4"s clamped to the desk. I'm not a classy guy, so I revile in how janky my tools are versus the paintings I make with them. I do have a full sized actual pro easel that I inherited from a pro who inherited from another pro, but that only goes up to 5ft anyways. I honestly wouldn't fuck with canvases over 2ftx4ft. At that point you're pricing in the mid thousands just to recover your time and you've essentially outpriced %90 of your market. If you think you can sell it, that's cool but convincing a gallery to spare you the space could be a trick. On the other hand, it's great to get ridiculous goals because getting to them requires an obscene amount of learning.

You're not entirely wrong. Willpower is the difference between using drugs and drugs using you. Most people lack the will to focus themselves when high then make up excuses for being a fuckup after all is said and done. I feel like metaphysical crystal 'users' are probably a better candidate for "epitome of human retardation" or perhaps Britain's officer core during WWI.

>> No.5105218

Is this some new meme mental illness snowflakes pretend to have to feel unique? How the fuck can you not visualize anything?

>> No.5105303

no anon it's just that there are people with worse visual imagination than you

>> No.5105311

The problem is that you are unable to produce quality artworks when high, drugs are for creativity, not for productivity. When you are sober you look at the paper and you realize what you made is shit. So what you should do is just let your mind wander while you're high and put down your ideas, then make a proper artwork when sober. Otherwise, you just end up making ugly shit that looks like it was made by some druggie on the wall of a heroin den.

>> No.5105315
File: 1.79 MB, 500x275, 1412468734909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing you can do is go outside and shoot your own reffs. Paint those until you're comfortable enough with landscape painting in general then take the easel outside and go plein air. Plein air is really more of an end goal because of how demanding it tends to be. Boomers fucking ADORE plein air paintings and are willing to pay for ones well executed.

As for the paintings themselves, I generally start with the sky or weather and work my way forward from there. Your first paintings are going to be shit, but don't let that stop you.

I'm a classically educated artist, so I have a ton of time in figure and still life painting, but there really isn't any focus on landscape painting if you're not going to a university or studying under someone who specializes in it. I've never actually read a book about landscape painting and I basically treat it like going a massive still life.

It's called aphantasia. Some people have it, but most people have never really put themselves in a place where they need to assess their ability to imagine an object, so like many mental tasks it's a skill to hone. When I'm doing plein air, I can memorize most of a scene, but without reference I'm essentially looking into an inky black 8-ball. I can only really imagine part of an object in detail. I can turn abstract shapes in my head without an issue, but If I were to imagine the texture on a apple, I'd be SOL.

>> No.5105344

Thoughts on the atelier system?

Have you gone through Carlson’s book yet? The various “landscapes in oil” books out there all point to him as they themselves seem to be mostly about how the artist/author interprets what they see and dials in Impressionism/Classicism. Richard Schmid has books and videos as well. You can find his landscape painting videos on rutracker etc.

>> No.5105385
File: 207 KB, 900x1200, Ut4Gxaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I live in the woods, well away from any type of atelier, but I know professional artists personally and talk to them about making art on a weekly basis. I work in custom framing, so my co-workers are pros so I can even bring my paintings into work and get a solid crit. Any system or environment where you can build a life around art is going to get you better gains than not doing so.

>> No.5105386

Hey OP. I know EXACTLY what youre talking about and I think about it all the time. It’s frustrating because at the time... theres so many possibilities that it becomes impossible to decide which one you want to actualize. You feel as if you have the capacity to create everything and anything while feeling the form at 100%.
Pic related is what I drew on a tryptamine. I have a lot of shittier doodles but these were one of them that came out decent.

>> No.5105389
File: 359 KB, 771x777, 88CA9848-FC59-43E5-9434-82B4B6020169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach image

>> No.5105393

ah that's great

>> No.5105413

based cave art

>> No.5105415

did you see that full figure as a hallucination imposed over the page? that's incredible

>> No.5105417

I can see a 2 but it flickers a lot.

>> No.5105434

is there any scientific name for this? I'm looking at the background of 4chan right now and I can do it too. it's not pareidolia like when you see faces in clouds because there's no textures, it's just a plain color with no texture, but I'm still seeing faces and shapes in it

>> No.5105438
File: 108 KB, 596x561, EYreNgqVAAA9DRK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, essentially. the little wave that goes back in space was me trying to navigate and
"move around in the painting".
Here's another one but its more of a thumbnail.

>> No.5105442

What happens when you try to do this sober? Can you still see anything?

>> No.5105905
File: 325 KB, 2926x1024, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. If I absolutely need to, I can convert what are just intuitions into words, but it's so fucking slow that I can't understand how anybody can live with only thinking in words

>> No.5106709

That's definitely how my imagination works, but that doesn't mean it necessarily helps with drawing that much:
1) I can't intensely concentrate on drawing and "trace" something I'm vividly imagining at the same time. Two different parts of the brain, I'd suspect.

2) Being able to hyper-visualize something doesn't mean it's actually ACCURATE. That would require also having an eidetic memory.

3) Tracing WELL also requires actual trained artistic skill. Shit artists trace badly.

I have an "inner voice" most of the time, but it's not the fastest or most efficient way to think, imo. It's like a filter where you're INTERPRETING your own thoughts to yourself. When I really need to think quickly and deeply, I consciously go non-verbal, but it doesn't come as easily to me as it does to some others I think. I'm very verbal in general.

>>5104770? That's what I w
I see an apple the same way you would in a movie, an apple as it would be in real life. But that image doesn't include things like environment/background, motion, or something like a person holding an apple...maybe that's a "0," or maybe that's implied by 1.

Far from snowflakes, most people who have aphantasia actually don't even know they have it. The entire concept recently became more well-known, and I've seen dozens of people go, "Visualization is real?! I thought that was all elaborate metaphors my whole life!" Most people just assume other people think exactly like them. If you're a 1 on that image, you assume everyone is a 1. If you're a 5, you assume everyone is a 5. Only when people start actively comparing notes is everyone shocked to learn otherwise.

>> No.5106742

I really like this take. Here's some rambling that you might be able to relate to:

I don't have this aphantasia thing, and thank fuck I don't. I spend an enormous time daydreaming, allowing all kinds of vivid imagery to flood my mind as I am listening to music, going for a walk, etc. It doesn't make me a better artist but it does fulfil me in a spiritual way, to know that there are these interconnected currents of logic and irrationality flowing through us that "just happen." We don't need to force daydreaming, for example, it just does it's thing. Like listening to a piece of music that makes you shiver.

The worst part I have is a growing inability to tell what, of my memories, is real and what was a dream. I tend to remember a lot of my dreams and some of them tend to be long and prosaic, sometimes several stacked one after another, but also plenty uninterrupted. But unfortunately I catch myself from time to time having a moment of dejavu and asking... did what I just experience really happen before, or am I pulling a dream out of my nether mental regions? In general an issue I have with dejavu is knowing the definitive beginning and end, because often times I wonder if it's the first time I've had it, or if I've had it before and did I respond to it in the same way as I am now, and so on and so forth.

>It's like a filter where you're INTERPRETING your own thoughts to yourself.

I use the inner voice to emphasize and frame certain things for myself. A lot of it has to do with reinforcing what I already know as I'm reading something, allowing me to be one step ahead of the author as I'm locked into their flow of words.

Regarding memory training for the artist - it is real and you can do it. Not sure if you've across this before - https://archive.org/details/TheTrainingOfTheMemoryInArtAndTheEducationOfTheArtist

The results are in there, and they are pretty stunning.

>> No.5107280

>Being able to hyper-visualize something doesn't mean it's actually ACCURATE. That would require also having an eidetic memory.
maybe it's not accurate, but it's probably aesthetic. I don't think the mind can generate something that looks shitty in the same way that bad drawing will generate wonky looking asymmetrical stuff that looks terrible when flipped.

>> No.5107284

how close are both of your imaginations to hypnagogic hallucinations? like when you're falling asleep and you see those figures dancing around behind the black of your eyelids. is that what your imagination is like all the time? I can never figure out if I have this aphantasia thing or not.

if I try to picture what's in my fridge right now then I can ""see"" it in a nonvisual way. it's like this invisible colorless sense of it, but I'm not seeing anything. If I close my eyes and think of a fridge then some of the black will form into a hazy fridge-like square, kind of like a silhouette drawing of a fridge made by a 4 year old.

if I was to do this when I'm about to fall asleep though then I would see the fridge in a similar way, but more realistic and much more defined. is this a normal imagination level?

>> No.5107322

this is exactly what he's talking about in this video

>> No.5107527

From >>5106742

>how close are both of your imaginations to hypnagogic hallucinations?

Not at all.

>is that what your imagination is like all the time

There is a clear delineation between what I see with my eyes and what I am thinking/visualizing/imagining. It's "in my head", but in a lot of cases it's quite defined. If you ask me to picture, say, an apple, I will provide the scenery around it such as the over all mood, a background, some kind of a setting that gives it an atmosphere. Whether it's floating in space or on table is a choice I have to deliberately make when someone wants me to picture something. I cannot complete the process without figuring out some basics like that. It will never be an apple-in-the-void, unless it has to be. But implicitly I just throw in everything. If my goal is to visualize something artistic, then I tend to go all in move things around in my head so as to think like a designer.

>if I try to picture what's in my fridge right now then I can ""see"" it in a nonvisual way. it's like this invisible colorless sense of it, but I'm not seeing anything. If I close my eyes and think of a fridge then some of the black will form into a hazy fridge-like square, kind of like a silhouette drawing of a fridge made by a 4 year old.
>if I was to do this when I'm about to fall asleep though then I would see the fridge in a similar way, but more realistic and much more defined. is this a normal imagination level?

No idea about this. I haven't always had this refined of a memory/visualization but I do know that it has gotten better over time. But I listen to a shitload of music and that just amps up all my senses. Maybe I should have been a musician, who knows.

>> No.5107534

That's basically how I learned to draw. LSD took it even further. I'd fill entire pages with "found" drawings.

>> No.5107535

I should also mention a big force that pushed me to go into art and seek out teachers, mentors, etc, was that my head is full of fuck. I have the pictures but not the know-how to execute them. So in my case the "visualization meme" that /ic/ brings up was a relatively large part of me starting, and still doing art today. I realized a decade ago that sometimes I cannot sleep if I don't write shit down because I will forget a lot of the finer details of it when I wake up the next day and it was causing me too much anxiety to sleep, so I tend to have a notebook/sketchbook by my bedside to let it all out if I have to.

>> No.5107553
File: 379 KB, 963x1040, my head rn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5107568

>his imagination isn't in HD

>> No.5107607

My dreams tend to be extremely vivid and long epics and it's honestly exhausting. Especially having to reconcile what's reality as i wake up, feel like that goddamn junji ito comic.

>> No.5107645


I'm really almost at the point where I feel like people who frequent 4chan are real and people who don't are NPCs.

This website is where the only real people gather.

>> No.5107647

Yeah. I try to stay away from dream interpretations and just ride the emotional wave after I wake up to tell me whether it was a psychologically relieving or stressful dream.

>> No.5107681

Yea i don't really try to interpret my dreams when they tend to be shit like im a detective in a slice of life steampunk dystopian turned revenge plot after my partner is murdered. And you'd think it'd be absurd to wake up from that and be confused and you'd be right. I'll have gotten up and already be in the shower before it even occurs to me that im not a fucking space cowboy.

>> No.5107690
File: 2.52 MB, 2909x2908, LRM_20210103_140315 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't go overboard, psychedelics can be mind-melting, to the point where i'm not always as sure if i can draw as well as i used to

>> No.5108277

cool pic though (yours)
faces within faces

>> No.5108289
File: 2.54 MB, 1165x1663, jumble bbg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hell anon I started making shit like that after taking psychedelics too

>> No.5108402

this is super cool

>> No.5108681

Post work please

>> No.5108693

I can imagine it beyond 1 and slice it, invert it, change its color, boil it, and put it in a pie in my head and throw those two pies at each other so they collide like high speed bullets. Theres no way people are at 5 with complete blackness.

>> No.5108702

Most people are sheep with lack of real ((education)) that`s why they need the weeeeed
t. always BTFOs weeder friends

>> No.5108838

And you see it with your eyes or in your head?

>> No.5108996

I see it in my head. If I open my eyes I can stare at a blank page and transfer it down.

>> No.5109298

>When you are a 1 but still shit at art

>> No.5109322

Every single picture drug addicts draw looks the same, same squiggles and colours and bulging eyes.

But we understand, your weed makes you feel like you've understood the secrets of the universe. I guess it's a nice consolation price considering that you never actually will, being a drug zombie.

>> No.5109338

It all depends on what kind of neural pathways you've developed over your life. Your brain is a very efficient tool it's not gonna waist a bunch of resources to perfectly render an apple if it can just imply it with abstract ideas. However if you're an artist your brain is used to imagining the dimensions, proportions and textures of the object, since these pathways are already well trained you won't have a problem imagining a realistic apple in your head. Ironically, people who consume a lot of visual media like movies, anime, comics and such will have a easier time with this since their brain will have more experience with perceiving visuals.

But all in all this can be leaned and improved just like anything else and people who already have it aren't some gifted prodigies.

>> No.5109657

why does it feel like this is breathing when I look at it? I had to check if it was a gif

>> No.5110323

i do this too sometimes, now though i have dissolved my ego so much i see the pure undulating waves sent to my conscious so its lost a bit of charm, however, opening your third eye is the secret to getting good. Hylics may disagree.

>> No.5110330

is this the drug thread?

because i'd like to do some damage control.

despite what you have heard, one pill of Benadryl is probably enough to make you imagine and see little faces in the paper. you're just heightening sleep deprivation artificially.

If you don't see faces then take 2. But (for drawing purposes only) DO NOT TAKE 3 OR MORE

that way to fucking awful land honestly and you don't want to be another tik tok celebrity who dies

>> No.5110353

benadryl is fine under 300 mg for most adults lightweights 150mg, after that though it gets progressively dysphoric until you reach 700mg - 1g and you are in full blown deliriant psychosis.

>> No.5110693

actually cringe lmfao

>> No.5111291

im not real tho bitch