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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 335 KB, 900x972, z4yygifpsb861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5099064 No.5099064 [Reply] [Original]

How important is having good mental health for productive art?

>> No.5099098

You're never going to like your art and it will end up killing you like it did Van Gogh

>> No.5099103
File: 130 KB, 500x645, whoa nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whho cares?

>> No.5099119

It depends where one directs that neurotic energy. In the past people directed it into art. Today they're more likely to direct it to shitposting on Twitter or /pol.

>> No.5099123

that pic hurts

>> No.5099127

>Today they're more likely to direct it to shitposting on Twitter or /pol.
Why though? I don't get it. Drawing is much more fun than arguing with other retards.

>> No.5099148

u r wrong, deb8 me

>> No.5099149

It's easier. One can make a bunch of shitposts in just a few minutes, while drawing something that looks alright will take far more time.

>> No.5099172
File: 1.98 MB, 2401x3509, Crumb Poster – Poster Museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're really interested in this subject check out the Crumb documentary.
Crumb comes from a fucked up family. All 3 brothers are talented artists, all 3 suffer from some degree of neuroticism/mental illness.
But Robert is the only one to get it together enough to discipline himself, make a viable art career, and be successful.
It's an instructive movie on mental issues, finding balance, and channeling neuroticism into productive art.

>> No.5099199

my god the amount of self loathing in this image, boohoo i was bullied in school :((( feel bad for me T____T i never had a choice... hey faggot, everyone was bullied or had shitty parents or what have you, all you're doing is making excuses. nothing is physically chaining you to your gay ass computer to "browse twitter", you can blame the internet, your past, culture, mental illness whatever you want, fact of the matter is you are the one who chooses to sit there day in, day out, doing nothing, justifying it by blaming everyone but yourself. get the fuck up and change your life or shut the fuck up because nobody wants to hear your insignificant retarded problem

>> No.5099277

Fuck that’s a great image. Did you make it or find it somewhere?

>> No.5100247

>hey faggot, everyone was bullied or had shitty parents
well thats not true at all
i found it

>> No.5100261
File: 428 KB, 1500x1228, image1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all lmao. I've improved my painting vastly this week and my life's gone quite down the shitter explicitly my mental health. Same with Van Go and others.
Mental health is literally useless to an artist. The only problem is once it reaches it's peak you just end up killing yourself but hey you'll cross (and jump off) that bridge when you get there!

>> No.5100265

I think it is important since doing art is stressful hence the never ending /vent/ generals in /ic/ created by mentally unwell Twitter teens.

>> No.5100289

You don't understand.
If you make a child and keep them in a box for twenty years, at what point does their mental retardation become their own fault?
Everyone who's a fuck-up at 20 is their parents' fuck-up. Parents should have more responsibilities than having unprotected sex once.
Obviously, people should take control of their lives, but they're not necessarily able to. And if they manage it, it's definitely not their parents' success.

>> No.5100359
File: 585 KB, 786x658, Airman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5100518

AFAIK renaissance and academic masters didn't have the stereotype of the tortured artist. They had families and robust social lives.

Goya is the earliest example I can think of, and he was probably suffering from metals poisoning or some other external malady. Then you have people like Dali who were eccentric or had weird private lives, but were perfectly sane when they did their best work.

A handful of people really do embody the stereotype but eating garbage and not exercising and wallowing in despair is never going to help your work.

>> No.5100526

Not that important.
I deliberately reply to bait threads and get into useless arguments so I could seethe. I then use my rage to produce art without taking a break.
It's very cathartic.

>> No.5100537

That's bullshit btw, this year I felt like that most of the time, And I never played games all day in my life, I am not addicted to social media either, the part that is 100% is that if you spend all day scrolling twitter/4chan/youtube compilations etc you WILL feel like shit and want to kill yourself. But yeah, if anything, reading a book or playing a game that is not a repetitive FPS actually helps, specially if you can play with a friend.

>> No.5100557

Yeah but Dali shouldra doog ot derapmoc eb reven tists, just leave it

HEY, I'm leaving the text as it is because I don't know how that Happened, when I looked up at the screen I saw the words were all wrong and there was a couple of missing spaces and two ]] in there but I deleted the last part.
Does anyone know what the fuck happened? I obviously pressed a key around the letters that did this, as it was all written here in the 4chan reply box that pops up to reply. Google gives me nothing

>> No.5100561

isn’t that just a regular reverse candleja

>> No.5100564

NO, I was writing that Dali should not be compared to real artists or some shit, and the words were reversed

>> No.5100578

after a certain point, you become your own responsibility. i had a fucked up childhood with fucked up parents that fucked me up. but once you’re around 20 or so, you’ve got to become your own person and work past that. if you spend your adult life blaming your parents for your mistakes, from then on you’ll just be stuck. work the soul crushing job, and crush it. make that soul crushing job your bitch. find ways to connect with others that will help you emotionally and materially. support yourself and other people you love. look back at your parents mistakes and do the opposite, think about how you could be the model parent, even if you don’t want kids. you may have to be your own parent in a way, if it’s really that bad. you’ll basically have to think as if you’re an anime protagonist, but not in the gay way most 4channers do. it’s not so much about other people being NPCs and you being special. it’s more like you have to have a fire inside you that makes you determined to overcome your own problems and actually be a human being. the pain of whatever trauma you were put through will still be there, always, but you have to man up and move on.

>> No.5103447
File: 291 KB, 900x675, meme edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5103565
File: 11 KB, 312x296, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good message

>> No.5103598

>everyone was bullied or had shitty parents or what have you
if you can believe this that means you weren't and didn't. congratulations I guess, but don't pretend the world isn't unfair just so you don't have to admit to being fortunate.

>> No.5105129

Society is more accepting of those positions back the day, where as now there aren't a lot of talented individuals who would take you on as an apprentice.

Crabs in a bucket isn't just limited to this thread, it's also how a lot of the world functions.

>> No.5105155

what if his dad had sex with him right then and there? what would happen? would that shock him out of his depression? would he develop a new kind of depression? maybe it would help, maybe it would hurt. but we know it would do something. just something to think about

>> No.5105187

and I don't mean rape. I mean that he tries to show his son that he really loves him and that he wants to give him pleasure

>> No.5107061

I was so worried he was gonna end up diddling his daughter tho

>> No.5107073
File: 17 KB, 390x139, 1608078166330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5107122

That's hot

>> No.5107123

>its SOCIETYS fault that im a loser!!
alright which one of you pathetic scumfucks wrote this

>> No.5107140
File: 368 KB, 2048x2048, 1585223118595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite ironic

>> No.5108932

Whats up with zoomers and having "bad mental health" at the age of 15? No father figure? Unlimited internet access?

>> No.5108946

society treats us like shit and now we feel bad, big surprise !

>> No.5108954

I have half a mind to add another piece of dialogue with the dad BTFOing the son in finality and totality