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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5096785 No.5096785 [Reply] [Original]

>young artist asks you for help/advice
>you can either:
>crab him - give bad advice, recommend bad tutorials/videos, stunt his growth/progress for as long as possible or even outright kill his desire to practice
>lift him up - give advice you wish you had when you were younger, recommend good videos/artists to look up to, encourage their growth
Which one is more conducive to your own success? Let's settle this once and for all.

>> No.5096786

Most of the time when people accuse others of crabbing here, it's just when someone says something innocuous like "study perspective".

>> No.5096795

I've tried to give legitimate critique and been dismissed as a crab. Honestly I give up trying to help people, nobody appreciates it and some will outright shit on you for it. Fuck this gay board

>> No.5096809

whenever i give advice that i wish i had when i first started i just get called a ngmi or a beg because it goes against the teachings that are popular.

>> No.5096813

>lift him up - give advice you wish you had when you were younger, recommend good videos/artists to look up to, encourage their growth
This one. There's power in favors, and a grateful student is a favor bucket.

>> No.5096830

welcome to this normie infested shithole
go draw now

>> No.5096831

I love crabbing

>> No.5096832

You know most people don't return favors and are selfish right? How naive are you anon? Just graduated elementary school?

>> No.5096836

Yeah, lemme just accrue favors while anonymous.

>> No.5096858

>recommend them DrawABox so they lose all interest in drawing

>> No.5096863
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doesn't matter
if they are GMI then sooner or later they'll see through your bad advice and will ignore it
if they are retarded then they will fail no matter how many advices you'll give
99% of improvement happens inside your head and input from other people doesn't affect it much

>> No.5096880

I give them good advice because desu I'm honestly tired of seeing bad art

>> No.5096910

it depends on who it is.

>> No.5096914

hard round brush

>> No.5096935

You gain nothing by crabbing.

My teaching someone something is the best way to learn and to reinforce knowledge.

Crabbing pulls them down, but hurts you as well, you're still at the bottom of the bucket.

>> No.5096995

"artists" here are cumbrains or tolerant of cumbrains, so I tell them to kill themselves

>> No.5097326

i only give advice if their goal is similar to mine because then the advice can be actually useful. besides why would i give advice to an anime coom brain or someone who has willingly watched even a single marvel movie? why would i contribute to creating more bad art in this world?

>> No.5097338
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Financially speaking, I should hinder competition.
Ideologically speaking, I should contribute towards making art as good as it can be, for its role in elevating humankind.

This is nothing but a "money or art?" kind of thread.

>> No.5097356

>sooner or later they'll see through your bad advice and will ignore it
Doesn't matter, just wasting their time is more than enough. In a race, if you can trip the competitors that increases your chances of winning.

>> No.5097369
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mot people here are like >>5096995; discord trannies, or discord trannies enablers, so I tell them that they will nbaw

>> No.5097408

is this board full of actual autists? do you really think every interaction between you and a beg is a competition? that every new artist is out to steal your thunder? or that you're saving the world of art by telling them to read loomis? some of these replies are so dramatic i actually just think half this board is schizos fighting their own demons

>> No.5097483

jokes on you I hate trannies

>> No.5097553
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>> No.5097600
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what is loomis?

>> No.5097609

Then stop spamming tranny memes, you retard.

>> No.5097620

people are delusional here, some begs think they are advanced and get super assblasted when their drawing get's criticized, so it's not really about giving general critique but rather having the right non-ego individual ask you a question and be willing to adapt the answer to himself

>> No.5097643

>some of these replies are so dramatic i actually just think half this board is schizos fighting their own demons
this really

just watching the thousands of 0 viewer streamers on yt or twitch shows you the scale of the competition, the pool is so vast that no matter if you're the best upcoming artist or whatever you could still be sitting at 0-5 viewers for months, and 100 viewers after years

People here tend to think that they are fighting a small tight nit group of pro's or coomwhores and get all emotionally invested thinking that someone took their spot, while in reality there is faaaar more empty room to be filled by an audience that hasn't even discovered drawing. If anything connecting with other artists can only help you connect two or more audiences together, which benefits everyone by making you more discoverable

>> No.5097650

trans women are women

>> No.5097791

100% this, networking and connecting with others only benefits you.

Why do you think youtubers do collabs, why do tv shows have crossover episodes, why does fucking wendys tweet at burger king?

>> No.5098029

unless the beg has a massive ego (which is pretty common), then i try to help as much as possible
but this board would be much better if people just listened when you told them to do loomis/study instead of thinking they dont need it.

>> No.5098057
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I tell begs what I did and discourage them to start with loomis. Every time someone mention loomis to a newbie, I'm under the impression the noob is being lead astray on purpose.

>> No.5098132

t. actual retard
feel free to prove us wrong by posting your work
otherwise, I'll stick to recommending the tried and true methods

>> No.5098143

the people that say this are almost always beg-adjacent idiots that are just a cut above the average beginner or just think theyre great because they overrendered/overpolusged their first turd
if telling people to study fundies/learn how to construct is "leading them astray", do tell what is the proper advice

>> No.5098174
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when someone asks for advice i tell them i dont know, but then i see that some other artist retard says some shit like "draw 1000 boxes" without any explanation and it makes me mad so i try to give real critique to keep them from wasting their time and making the mistakes i did

>> No.5098183

you will never be a woman :(

>> No.5098192

it doesnt matter if i am a woman or not, all that matters is that im cute

>> No.5098194

youre not cute though and nobody will ever love you

>> No.5098197

im happy :)

>> No.5098227
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neither. you give him vaguely good advice that is fundamental but retards have a hard time swallowing for some reason. go fucking draw. do it a lot. loomis. read the sticky. that is all you need.

>> No.5098232

I come to 4chan for ppl like u
keep being yourself

>> No.5098235

To all newfaggots, crabs and NGMIS:
Now stfu forever and draw

>> No.5098319

A proper advise is not to learn head construction when you don't even know how to draw a line.

>> No.5098408

ok so do drawabox and then do loomis
you know, like how the guide says to do things

>> No.5098426

No, and post your work.

>> No.5098431

>Most of the time
have you only been here for like 5 minutes?

>> No.5098437

99% of people to whom great artists impart great knowledge literally don’t even pay the money the artists ask for their courses, let alone go out of their way to return the good deed
0% of anons get their good advice rewarded
now, if you meant a close and scarce master/apprentice relationship, you might be on to something, but then you’re either a tattoofag or haven’t left your room in the past 20 years

>> No.5098439

you are the one going against the grain here. the onus is on you to prove youre not a fucking retard crab

>> No.5098442

>then sooner or later they'll see through your bad advice and will ignore it
and then they’ll still be following 15 other bad advice they haven’t yet caught on to and they’ll still be wasting time after realising they were wasting time
by the time they figure it out, they will be a creative, creatively drained, jaded husk crying about their nonexistent following in /vent/

>> No.5098451

>the onus is to prove a negative
this is your brain on loomeme

>> No.5098456

the onus is on you to post your work so we can take your approach seriously
are you actually retarded? lol

>> No.5098459

>crab him - give bad advice, recommend bad tutorials/videos, stunt his growth/progress for as long as possible or even outright kill his desire to practice

this is my favorite

>> No.5098467

how about looking at the joke that is the draw thread and seeing the meme in action lmao
have fun wasting your time, I gave you a fair warning, I owe you nothing beyond that

>> No.5098480

you wont pyw and you dont know construction so im okay to end this conversation with the assumption that you're beg.
all good on my side

>> No.5099121

Introduce him to ic

>> No.5099308

i only help people who've struggled for years, not someone who will get spoiled

>> No.5099333

just look at centuries of artists who drew much better than today without loomis method. most of them just learned by studying other artists and surrounding themselves with art. even today most artists do not study loomis, or only studied a portion of it until doing away with it. just observe and draw.

>> No.5099355

people like sounding like experts, they don't really have an interest in helping.
but i'll give you the best advice"
Learn from every resource you can. The benefit of a direct mentor/teacher/tutor is that they can see your misunderstandings, but you don't have that. You're learning from books and videos. They aren't there to see your misunderstandings, you need to see the same information recontextualize to improve your misunderstandings

>> No.5099358

Don't think one beginner course is enough, take as many beginner courses as you can from different teachers
the same goes for perspective, anatomy, gesture, etc...

>> No.5099458

they pretty much all end up falling into the same construction methods anyways
stop being retarded

>> No.5099527

its okay if you don't want to learn from loomis, just make sure you learn from more than just "looking at some artist and copying what they did"
good teachers don't teach you how to draw like them, they teach you what's the right way to think about something