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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 92 KB, 720x528, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5085223 No.5085223 [Reply] [Original]

>post drawings on Twitter and other websites
> no one cares to like or retweet
>post them here on 4chan(nel)
>no (you)s
I guess it can be good to post in solitude but feels very lovely. How do I stop caring?

>> No.5085245

There are 2 possibilities
1) You'not that good
2) You're good but for whatever reason not many people are interested in what you do

if you pyw we might find out what the answer is

>How do I stop caring?
I'm not so sure you should just stop caring. Wanting success is normal. Maybe you should use your butthurt to get better

>> No.5085266

you made this thread before
>How do I stop caring?
whatever you're doing it's not working.

>> No.5085272


2 things, you're probably not at a level where people will appreciate your work

or you draw things people don't care about

>> No.5085284

Same here, i'm quite good but people basically don't care about my art. Try to interact more with people, comment in their work and give likes, that's the only thing you can try or maybe change your style.

>> No.5085292

>to interact more with people, comment in their work and give likes
No good, I've tried and they've utterly ignore me and i have tried making art friends but all they do is get mad when interacting with them so I guess I'm not an artist.

>> No.5085306


Maybe yall are weird?
Lack of social skills?

Try doing art trades

>> No.5085311


i used to care about muh likes and shit.

just keep getting good and post stuff until you are noticed. alternatively, find a niche fan game/movie community and do fan art and build from there

stop caring by not making art for the sole intent of getting validation. take shrooms

>> No.5085312

>Try doing art trades
you can't just ask some artist randomly if you wanna art trade they're just gonna completely ignore you because you're just trying to get frees drawings out of them. Trust me I've tried.

>> No.5085316

>stop caring by not making art for the sole intent of getting validation.

>> No.5085322
File: 723 KB, 2304x2223, pyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys, posting my work in picrelated. How in the living fuck am I still invisible? I hate the solitude anons...

>> No.5085324


by making art for yourself or your friends. like i said, if you really want validation, find a small niche community.

i used to do fanart of Fallout and STALKER as a teen and would post stuff on forums dedicated to them. i would even get good advice on how to improve

if someone is a fan of a game, and you draw a character, they'll love it even if it isn't THAT good of a drawing. dude, i posted my shitty sketches on /beg/ for some help and got complimented just because i did something from classic fallout.

it's all about finding the right place to pyw, man.

gotta remember, do this because you enjoy it, not because you need faceberg and instaghoul likes. i made that mistake before, you'll get it

>> No.5085328

It’s boring.

>> No.5085329

It's a nice bird, but in a sense there's nothing there. Nothing interesting. You have to make things people want to look at, if you want them to look at them

>> No.5085347

you want me to put in super pastel colors

>> No.5085360

not at all true, It's aesthetically pleasing and also very intriguing. Every stroke has a purpose, not only filling the blank of the page but also marrying the paper, copulating with it, forming something which surpasses art as an artistic form

>> No.5085363

very interesting artstyle! Love the pencil strokes and accents! Blog?

>> No.5085368

interesting style, not gonna lie. You read loomis didn't you...

>> No.5085377

you probably suck then

>> No.5085388

Do what shen does and make the bird say a stupid quip. It will give normies something to talk about.

>> No.5085390
File: 326 KB, 2018x1367, EnIhM7MVgAAuLGJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't you make this post like a few weeks ago? how much attention do you want baby man?

>> No.5085392

Just need to draw what's popular and know what hashtags to use. Look at me, I did not expect anyone to see my /beg/ in training sketch of Mori, but this is actually getting some likes and one retweet.

>> No.5085395
File: 182 KB, 850x1202, fully automated gay abbassid monarchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try doing fanart of stuff you like and shilling it on reddit. Every other artist who isn't /beg/ or already famous enough to do what they want has some sort of gimmick that makes people remember them. No one will ever give a shit if you're just "good" and doing random stuff when you feel like it. we live in the age of filter bubbles and content algorithms using you to target ads to zoomers : you need to be "the MHA guy", "the RWBY guy", "the robot futa guy", etc.

It's like putting coke in a cheap off-brand bottle, people instantly lose interest. Your branding is the only thing you get until you can afford to shake it off.

>> No.5085396

Guy... Hate to tell you, but this is very uninteresting. Sure we have an idea what your drawing, but odds are you used reference, you 100% won't be able to draw this without reference.
Draw the bird in a more dynamic pose, literally if i google bird i''ll find this.
Also no one likes people who are full of themselves who can't back their confidence

>> No.5085406

You want me to be a one trick pony?

>> No.5085407

So what if you use reference, you don't have to do everything from imagination like an obsessed schizo. Give me a break, not everyone can be gim jung gi. Also my drawing is good, so opinion discarded.

>> No.5085411

>"Also my drawing is good, so opinion discarded."

imagine wondering why you're invisible and saying shit like this. no wonder why you aren't making art friends, too.
also, your lines are rather amateurish.

>> No.5085414

its boring.
Get off your high horse, theres a reason why people don't care about your art on social medias.

If you actually cared about art you would do better, sure this is gonna piss you off, but I hope you remember this, and actually want to improve.

>> No.5085415

>imagine wondering why you're invisible and saying shit like this.
what did that anon do wrong

>> No.5085416

Post YOUR work then

>> No.5085417

That's clearly not what that anon said. He stated a real fact about how you get attention today. You find a niche, and when you're starting out, you cater to that niche. After you build an audience you can expand, but if you're trying to get views early on, you need to use the system.

>> No.5085418

Its easy to tell through their line confidence where they are
This guy just started taking it more serious, but hes been groomed to thinking coping off another image automatically makes him good.

>> No.5085419

You fags would run to picasso to tell him to practice fundies when he was a genius. Why do you give a crap what I turn my art pieces into? I was born to early for my career it seems...

>> No.5085422
File: 8 KB, 226x221, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how do i become good at art?!
by doing this and this
no it isn't because-

>> No.5085423

Did you just compare yourself to Picasso???
Bro you're delusional hahahahahah!!

>> No.5085425

he won't take crit at all, and immediately disregards people giving any form of advice with "uhm, but i'm good, so YOUR opinion doesn't matter!", when the anon was just telling them how popularity works. you can't always expect to make it big by going against the grain.

any serious art discord hates this type of shitsack because they're overconfident and won't take crit. any nonserious art discord is going to be full of 14-year-olds posting their fursonas.
>I was born to early for my career it seems...
>You fags would run to picasso to tell him to practice fundies when he was a genius.

faggot literally thinks he's the newest picasso because he learned how to do a line drawing. this is the level of cocky retard we're on, and you think he's going to make art friends?

i don't draw birds, so give me thirty or forty minutes and i'll go find one to draw, since i'm also finishing up breakfast irght now.
also, this.

>> No.5085426
File: 351 KB, 1536x2048, Mori_RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's boring. This is just a 15 minute sketch of a random bird. Of course you're invisible. It's not fan art of a popular series. It's not coom. It's not anime or stylized or colorized or interesting in the use of light and shadows. It's just a fucking doodle.

And before you say it, here I'm posting my fucking work, us /beg/s need self awareness, you aren't doing yourself any favors by pretending you're better than you are right now and wondering why nobody cares about you.

You need to get better first.

>> No.5085430

>forty minutes
Keking so hard, keep coping and I'll see you tommorow.

>> No.5085432

There is no way this isn't bait.

>> No.5085436

>has an argument
>supports it with a literal anime drawing

>> No.5085437

are you OP? christ, i hope this is bait and people don't actually think this way.

yeah, i just got up and i'm eating. i'll put up the christmas tree soon, but there should be enough time to shit out one garbage little bird to match your meagre sketch.

>> No.5085440

OP. you realize the irony of asking people why you're not popular, and then when people answer you, you ignore it and stay mad on why people aren't following you, right?

Ever heard of "the customer is always right"? It's fine if you think you're good, but also accept that if you won't take advice from people, then your problem isn't going to be fixed and you're just going to keep complaining to the wind.

>> No.5085441

the seethe is strong with this one

>> No.5085442

there are 15 ips in this thread and a multitude of people telling you that you are retarded
i don't know what else i can say lmao

>> No.5085445

Yes. This drawing already got a retweet and a handful of likes, because it's a popular sub-culture and coom. Thus proving my point that if you want to get anywhere, you need to draw shit that's popular starting out.


>> No.5085449
File: 73 KB, 1570x188, 1601948386479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i draw something that doesnt grab attention, I put it up against this post and almost 100% of the time it's the circumstance.

>> No.5085452

>not an argument
Being jealous is not a mark of irony. These people are broken people. Drawing pornography and asian cartoons all day fucks up with your internal aesthetic radar. If only the normies would catch a sniff of my work, I'd be on my dignified and well deserved place on the podium of greatness
>baaaah retard
>just ignore your inner art calling and draw stupid pornos bro
Whatever floats your boat

>> No.5085453
File: 76 KB, 822x829, dgfdgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro my bird would whoop your birds ass

>> No.5085454

I like it, would definetly subscribe if you had a patreon. Don't understand why anons are so acid to you about it.

>> No.5085455

thanks for reminding me that some of you faggots really are sperglets with 0 social IQ. imagine behaving like this towards crit and thinking you'll make any art friends that aren't 13, ever.

>> No.5085457

alright this is a troll thread, 7/10 you got a lot of people going

jannies clean this up

>> No.5085459

>You need to be popular to have good art

>> No.5085460

i think we were bamboozled

it was fun though

>> No.5085461


>> No.5085463

>You find a niche, and when you're starting out, you cater to that niche.
Like guro??

>> No.5085479
File: 281 KB, 2000x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot the image

>> No.5085484

lmao that fucking arm muscle and rib tit

>> No.5085486

i don't have any OC

>> No.5085487


came here to watch OP self destruct with his own retardation and got some good advice. thanks anon, time to draw now

>> No.5085495

this is actually a very interesting topic
anyone got any more pics/ideas related to this?

>> No.5085499
File: 802 KB, 1745x1945, 16088527958912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never knew what it was replying to; i combined them so they can be used for future retarded OPs

>> No.5085502

almost like one post once every 3 months and the other has a built following
Dude you know why, why are you upset?

>> No.5085511
File: 1.26 MB, 890x875, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't drawn a bird since elementary, but it's been about forty. Anyway, gotta go get the tree up.

>> No.5085512
File: 16 KB, 388x462, 1602158618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't draw for fun
>he caring about followers or whatever kind of shit
>he doesn't have OC for draw NSFW etc...
>he doesn't enjoy life
>he doesn't know followers will eventually get if he JUST FUCKING DRAW


>> No.5085513
File: 282 KB, 1632x1910, 1607418777314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like litteraly anything. Niches are basically like trying to pick up chicks at a bar versus on Tinder. If you draw anything directly on twitter, you'll get mogged. No matter how good you are, there's always a bigger dog who'll make you look like a preschooler drawing a fucking tree while eating half the crayons and the scene is split between the three coomer artists who get all the clicks like Sakimi-chan, robutt and the other one, lily something.

but you go on any subreddit, any newsground tag, or wherever the cool kids hang these days, and suddenly people give a shit. suddenly there are maybe 30 guys who can draw and 5 you're directly competing with because the others draw another ship or something. suddenly you're on top of the food chain in three months and your twitter account starts getting clicks from normies after it gets some traction.
I mentioned RWBY earlier, but you can take any popular thing you like, anime, vidya, Star Wars, whatever. Draw some Crusader Kings incest if you feel like it, you're guaranteed an audience.

some people out there post stuff that would get them laughed out of even /beg/, but that's cool, everyone is having fun, and they make new content.

>> No.5085537

Good drawing, want to know why nobody gives a shit? Because it’s presented like YOU don’t give a shit. You did something great and said “ok that’s all I need to do”. You don’t give a shit about presentation. You don’t care about how what you’re showing us looks. You took a shit photo with bad lighting at the most boring angle and called it a day.

Where’s the pizzaz? Where’s the flavor? Do you even believe this is something worth seeing? You’re using a phone camera at a front facing angle with shit lighting to photograph featureless line work with no gradients, no backgrounds, no color, nothing! You didn’t even texture up the outside of it to draw attention to the thing. It’s a bird on a featureless void photographed like a WIP piece you’re posting to discord to make sure you haven’t done anything bad before you commit to finishing the thing.

Its a fine drawing, but everything about how you’ve presented it says “I do not give a shit and I expect you to do the legwork because my artwork is just worth that much.

Put your shit back in the oven it clearly isn’t fucking done yet.

>> No.5085603

This. Anon, you have to start thinking about the sort of stuff YOU would stop to engage with and if your work is like that too. If someone else drew that bird, would you give it a pity like or a genuine like? Look at the artwork you've favorited in the past and try to bring your work to YOUR own standards.

>> No.5085612

I don’t think this is OP but playing devils anvil kit, would anything in that picture make someone want to double click for a like, or check your profile to see other art? A simple bird sketch is a diamond dozen. There’s nothing special, a person scrolling wouldn’t even stop to look at it. Sorry to be the bear roar of bad news, but it’s trite and cheap and boring.

>> No.5085646

I drew just for fun for more than half a decade. Now it would be very helpful if I could make a bit of money from my art, so for that purpose it's important that my artwork gains some exposure to hopefully attract clients. I would be happy to continue to draw for myself, but without financial gain I will no longer be able to do that.
Not OP btw.

>> No.5085670

There's something to be said for humor and relatability but let's not fucking kid ourselves. Make the girl a fat hairy man or middle aged woman with a c-section scar and the likes rapidly approach 0. Actually what wins hardest is anime girls. And Disney. And Nintendo and fan art and pornography. Success in absence of these is not the norm, and if you are successful without them, you'd be doubly and triply successful with them. Whether that's worth trading your soul for is personal choice.

>> No.5085747
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1608519890526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok guys, posting my work in picrelated. How in the living fuck am I still invisible? I hate the solitude anons...

Drawing soulless sketches of animals you just traced from photo isn't art, anon. You don't even shade them, and take godawful resolution/bad lighting phone camera shots of your "art". Art should have some sort of meaning, represent a theme, an emotion, tell a story, showcase ones imagination. Copying photographs is not art. Have some fucking creativity and passion, anon.

>> No.5085752

>devils anvil kit.
Anon, you probably mean “devil’s advocate.”

>> No.5085764
File: 8 KB, 261x193, 34qyedurioi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Pronouns in bio
>BLM fist

>> No.5085788
File: 324 KB, 571x676, 49D2762C-D6B3-4CF4-986D-2E7F1F0E3B26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I was considering following you but the fact that you buy into this niggery retardation founded on Jewish trickery made me lose all interest, you seem like you have potential, I hope as your skill rises, your wisdom does too, take this (You)

>> No.5085792
File: 2.29 MB, 1366x2884, 20200317_121443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont do art for fame faggot i just do it because i love it. Even owning a twitter makes me want to spit in your mouth as you complain about how incompetent you are.

>> No.5085821

Not that guy, but I put I'm male just cause i don't guys hitting on me or people thinking I'm a girl.

I don't say he/him
Cause thats not my thing

But is it the same?
I just don't want people to think im a girl

>> No.5085822

Okay Art Guru, want a pat on the back?

>> No.5085841

want nuts sucked.

>> No.5085844

why should you care in the first place

>> No.5085848

>implying I want a schizo like you following me anyway

Trump lost btw.

>> No.5085849

Cross it with a human female and you'll find your audience.

>> No.5085862

you lost me

>> No.5085865


No, i want to spin in your mouth and laugh maniacally that youd even THINK about ranking yourself among the worthy.

>> No.5085882


>> No.5086076

unironically souless vs soul

>> No.5086101





>> No.5086140
File: 1.56 MB, 2304x2536, pyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fags, here's another art piece I finished last night. Tell me now, how badly can you cope more that I have style and SOUL and you don't?

>> No.5086141

can't talk for the rest of the thread but it's not so bad imho

>> No.5086142

based bird anon schizo is back to save the thread

>> No.5086144


You draw like my great grandmother who died recently

>> No.5086148


>> No.5086151

This is your brain on Brent Eviston

>> No.5086152


You have no soul. You have no imagination. All you can do is copy photographs other people took.

>> No.5086155

>le copy because I am an anime redditor and I draw le sasuke kissing naruto
Referencing isn't sin anon

>> No.5086158


This is not an insult i just miss my nana.

>> No.5086159

oh shit, sorry man, didn't know. My condolences.

>> No.5086168

>Referencing isn't sin anon

There's referencing and then there's copying an entire fucking photo, anon. You're supposed to use references for INFORMATION not to literally just copy the entire picture.

>> No.5086187
File: 358 KB, 1463x900, Bird06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farming (You) is just a quick fix anon and drawing birds won't make you famous.

>> No.5086198

>not everyone can be gim jung gi.

Why the hell would anyone want to be like Kim Jung Gi? He has a gimmick ("look mom no reference or sketching") to being famous, his art is boring and stale and will never go further because he has to hold on to his gimmick.

If you want to have a fame gimmick like that, just copy paste a picture of a few coloured pencils on top of your digital art and you'll get a hundred thousand subscribers. A million perhaps if you also use a fake "woke" profile picture of a non-white person

>> No.5086208

By just posting art I never got more than 50 to 80 followers. Anons here praised me, and always asked me how I did a thing or what tools I used so I was at least not bad. I used to draw a variety of things and whenever I did something different I'd lose followers. I posted SFW original art every day or every other day, no politics and non-art things. I have tried doing some microblogging but my life is awful and boring, so it was uncomfortable and I stopped.
Everyone else doing anything else was getting more out of social media. Everyone was active on Discord servers where they'd bump each other but I could never fit in without faking my whole persona, and everyone would draw fanart and NSFW. Eventually I decided this was not for me and I dropped out. Now I make a couple sketches a week.

>> No.5086218

literally soulless

>> No.5086223

Feel bad for Op... wants attention but the only way to get it is to act out...

*sad naruto flute

>> No.5086228

Souless? shame
I show you mine. You know the drill.

>> No.5086229

Dude hes baiting you, he knows he won't get attention otherwise.

>> No.5086236

>playing devils anvil kit

>> No.5086257

> Bony angry face
> Fake pornstar lips and michael jackson plastic miniature nose ("anime style" specifically leaves the nose underdetailed to not give it that horrible narrow look)
> Soulless "american superhero" pus-filled ball eyes with no pupils, no irises, nothing to see out from
> Looks like she's going to rend you with her pointy, wafer-thin "beavis and butthead" jaw or maybe till the ground with it
> Zero personality aside from being "edgy"... remember, a frown is not a personality - except in America

And you still wonder why most people like a stylised picture of a kind, sweet girl more?

Besides, overrendering doesn't always equal great art. Winnie the Pooh wouldn't be loved by people if it was all immaculate photorealistic 3D.

>> No.5086272

I don't like either but the other image is just as boring, it's just that it's anime and anime good
this is just massively biased

>> No.5086275

The bird looks like it's done with life

>> No.5086285
File: 63 KB, 604x450, SoulQuestionMark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that the OP made that comment? I genuinely want to know what he meant by soulful.

>> No.5086312

cringe and soulless

>> No.5086319

looks like the type of shit normie girls draw on tiktok. Soulless

>> No.5086320

cope harder, my art has SOUL

>> No.5086330
File: 153 KB, 522x567, Happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You draw birds, so I don't think you're that bad of a person. I suggest playing games to take your mind off whatever this is.

>> No.5086331

damn, this slaps. good work treeanon

>> No.5086337

back to your containment board

>> No.5086387
File: 7 KB, 168x299, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tracing people's art and call it yours? LMFAO.

>> No.5086417

Haha holy shit

>> No.5086422

If you think it's soulless, pyw. I posted mine.

Thanks bro. Drawn referencing a bird photo from Google since I don't draw birds. I draw "soulless" anime, kek.

>> No.5086430

>some fag with 1 mp VGA camera used the same reference I did
>means I traced
It's never about what you draw, but how you draw it. I extrapolate life from the drawing. I see it in new and exciting ways. I don't just do fag value studies
already did, read the thread worm

>> No.5086434

I'm having the time of my life owning this thread full of (((((artists)))))

>> No.5086435

Ah, you're the retarded beg op that unironically thinks he's Picasso. Okay, gotcha.

>> No.5086539

>ur art is unappealing hurrr
it could be literally anything else, it could be concept art, it could be something completely original, people would just say it's "boring" because it's not coom. If it s not pornographic or at least sexually alluring or fanart that is somewhat sexually alluring literally nobody gives a shit about anything, actually the more original and complex something is the less people will care, the only case where people will give a shit if you don't draw coom is if you execute the concept with groundbreaking skills, but only with the caveat that the same skills would look good in a league of legends splash art, if you are technically good but in a way that isn't in line with the look of what "skilled" art looks like right now people will not care. If you meet this requirement people will like your work exclusively so you can sell them tutorials so they can learn your technique and apply it to fanart and coom.
Every time someone goes "noooo it's not true, there are still people who aren't total bugmen" yet in years and years I have found none that didn't quit as of today

>> No.5086579

Jesus christ you're messed up. Literally all of Artstation is artists doing not sexually alluring work and having thousands of followers and paid work. Twitter, while being a shitty place unless you're "woke", is also full of popular artists that don't do sexual stuff.

>> No.5086675

Don't worry OP, I will use your image when I post as a reaction image

>> No.5086687

link to wonder woman image so I can give it a retweet/like?

>> No.5086775
File: 745 KB, 1220x1366, zeronis morrigan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, there are no rules saying you can't do both. Zeronis for example is sort of a coom artist but was also a pro concept artist for Riot. He just puts his more mild stuff on his Artstation, the rest is Patreon and elsewhere.

>> No.5086797

>Literally all of Artstation is artists doing not sexually alluring work and having thousands of followers and paid work.
Literally half of Artstation is big Chinese tits, fanart of le cutesexy female characters, when it's not pornstars posting their SFW work, and those who don't do sexual wok are
>the only case where people will give a shit if you don't draw coom is if you execute the concept with groundbreaking skills, but only with the caveat that the same skills would look good in a league of legends splash art, if you are technically good but in a way that isn't in line with the look of what "skilled" art looks like right now people will not care. If you meet this requirement people will like your work exclusively so you can sell them tutorials so they can learn your technique and apply it to fanart and coom.
Le fucking epic videogame art

>> No.5086842

honest reply even if your drawings were better very few people would follow you even then just because the photographs of them are just terrible. this is like a lesson in how not to present your art online.

>> No.5087923
File: 882 KB, 4096x2638, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use construction.

>> No.5087958

>Who else /invisible/ here
yea me. 0 likes and 0 followers. i have 1 (one) person who blocked me tho lololol

>> No.5087961


>> No.5087963

i dunno. another cosmic prank i guess

>> No.5087965

See that's what I'm talking about, how the hell do make friends when people don't even tell you what you did wrong to be blocked

>> No.5088002

Anon, dearest of all my friends,

It's industrial art, porn, and colourful gay shit nowadays..
Why even care?
If you make art for soul, that is to paint out feelings, ideals , fun stuff(some fanart on the side in minimal amount is forgivable), then you don't have to care...people who appreciate soul art are the only worthy ones breathing this oxygen anyways..and they are little in number, it's not gonna be about money
I'd suggest getting a job that is not art, something you can excel at ,something that is not 100 percent of wagie pain.

If you want money and "success", that is recognition from NPC's for making a line of codes that appeal to them aka all the soulless clutter, then be ready to bend yourself until your spine breaks,and your soul gets condemned for eternity

>> No.5088208


Picasso is trash tho

>> No.5088237

I have 2 major theories as to why absolutely no one cares about what I draw

- I have no illusions about being great, but I'm convinced I'm just above the line of /beg/ where no one finds what I draw appealing, but they also can't just have a gut reaction of laughter and immediately point out a ton of shit thats wrong.

- it's unironically soulless. I have no style or any immediately recognizable flair that will catch people's eyes from a thumbnail. While I have some common elements between my drawings like how I do faces and eyes, to other people, they'd appear as minor distinctions at best and aren't really that recognizable. I don't do particularly exaggerated proportions, I usually play it safe with perspective, I like nice clear simple linework, and my colors are simple and don't really pop, despite a good understanding of color theory, due to mechanical inability and a fear of hiding things with dark values, which is paradoxical because of how simplistic my detailing is, so I wouldn't exactly be hiding much hard work under harsher shadows.

As a result my art just fades into the background and nobody cares. It's just "fine" or "ok". Maybe a "good".While technically sound, it doesn't actually inspire anything visceral in people and so pretty much by definition fails as art. My work reflects me, in that it has no personality.

I want the answer to just be "it's shit", so the answer could be as simple as "get better" but people would at least laugh and make fun of me if it was actual trash.
I know I need to push myself to experiment and try new off-the-wall things but I feel like I'm still trying to find my footing with how I do things right now so experimenting just feels so awkward and bad.

PYW'd here >>5082389 and was (you)less.

Whole post probably comes off as just bitching that I'm not getting free recognition, but I'm so sick of not even getting criticism to help me with whatever my issues are.

>> No.5088238


>> No.5088243

Are you the OP?

>> No.5088249

No it doesn't. Soul means emotion. A spark in the eyes, body language that screams emotion even with very little skills. Your work doesn't convey any emotion except it is a good bird. Is the bird looking at a juicy berry? Is the bird holding hair in its beak while a dog in the distance glares at it for plucking their hair for nest material? There are many, many, ways to bring soul, story, emotion, to something with animals.

>> No.5088250

no, just saw this thread title and it sang to me

>> No.5088254

Cope. There are artists with millions of likes for non sexual work on instagram. Twitter is the site obsessed with coom. I never look at coomer art. Normies never look at coomer art unless they are a sad sack of shit like the people who use twitter.

>> No.5088256

It's bad, anon. It's not bad enough to laugh at you but your skills are still bad. Do you think what kind of people would commission you? Think whether there's demand for your works, how many people would actually ask somebody to draw a monster for money, let alone not sexy looking one? I liked the middle left girl and you could go into porn with such skills but there's no way you will get commissions in SFW. I am in the same boat with you, anon, I am not good enough for SFW commissions and I have to start drawing porn.

>> No.5088265

ok, thank you, but "it's bad" isn't much to go on to improve.
And I honestly don't care about commissions, I posted because I thought I could get some feedback in that thread.

>> No.5088275

I just don't like your style and it isn't very detailed. My favorite of those was the gray scale depressed fat man. Very realistic and full of emotion.

I don't like the weird stretched women. The weird stretched skull I hate most of all. The bug lady is cool but it lacks detail like shading, shiny exposkeleton, alien armor, something interesting or a story to show the kind of world she is in and what she does in it. She could have had touches like alien sexy clothes and a alien brothel background. I hate coom so I still hate it is trying to be sexy when it is gross.

You need to work on line work and shading. Darker shading and striking highlights. Right now most of the things in that picture look flat from the lack of shading. The flying bug thing has line work so light it looks muddy because it is so close to the shade of the color it was colored with and has very light shading. It looks like it should look cool and you put it front and center so you are proud of it, but the audience can't see the details.

>> No.5088285

You know what your flaws are. Your problem is fear you'll ruin it by experimenting with shading. You need to learn how to let go of a piece of art. Draw something then if you hate it rip it up and redraw it. Experiment with shading and if it looks bad, you're the only one who's seen it and can delete it off your computer or rip up the paper if you hate it. I used to be like you and digital art really helped me let go of pieces. You can edit things a million times on a separate layer so it permanently ruins nothing. But it is better to just delete a lost cause before your brain tries to tell you, you can improve it. Because overworking a polished turd still leaves it a turn instead of something better after starting from scratch.

>> No.5088293

Maybe it's just a drawing practice and all he wanted were some feedbacks.

>> No.5088300
File: 109 KB, 500x375, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you simply arent good enough (yet). This is what i told myself and gradually I developed a following, not huge but something (4.5k on twitter a bit less on other sites) If you post art and it gets ignored use it as fuel and a message to "get gud." You arent some mega talent waiting to be found. Fun fact. I'm very introverted and don't really speak to people online or have art friends, I decided to see if being social would get my art more attention. It didn't help shit. I suppose the reason was, if you comment on a big artist, they'll tend to ignore you, which i understand. If you comment on a small artist, you get nothing in return realistically. A medium artist will again not get you much traction either. So eventually I gave up on being social, withdrew and just let my art organically build a following.

>> No.5088307
File: 20 KB, 500x332, Pliosaur.vsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it doesn't. Soul means emotion. A spark in the eyes, body language that screams emotion even with very little skills. Your work doesn't convey any emotion except it is a good bird. Is the bird looking at a juicy berry? Is the bird holding hair in its beak while a dog in the distance glares at it for plucking their hair for nest material? There are many, many, ways to bring soul, story, emotion, to something with animals.

LITERALLY James Gurney had a lesson about this. Even animal-art can tell a story and convey emotion, and make the viewer care about what's happening in the composition.


Compare pic related with OP's bird sketch. Ignore the obvious skill difference and pay attention to the composition.

>The solution was to show the big predator chasing a pair of sea turtles instead. We can feel for sea turtles, and we know from the fossil record that pliosaurs ate them. Framing the scene with big coral stands instead of open blue water also helped the drama.

>The take-away point is that design alone isn’t enough (at least for me) to drive a picture. The story is just as important. If anything, the story should drive the design. And sometimes it takes sketch after sketch to nail down the story.

>> No.5088324

> It's bad Mkay

>> No.5088381

I thought so too but they were the one who said >>5086320 which I interpeeted as they think their unfinished sketch is a finished piece worthy of a billion likes on social media. Now maybe they just overreacted to the crabs critiquing in a shit way and realise it needs more work, but I don't know.

>> No.5088403


>> No.5088431

>There are artists with millions of likes for non sexual work on instagram.
Wow amazing, like I fucking care about celebrities who were famous before shitbook was a thing, and people follow them just like they follow celebrities: they are automatic follows when you join the site based on your interest and they have 0.001% engagement but their whole point is showing up on feeds because they're sponsored advertisers. If you had top tier skills and opened an insta right fucking now you'd get nowhere unless you went through all the cheats and gimmicks to bung up the algorithm and spent more time whoring yourself out than drawing.
Have you ever seen how consoomers use Instagram? They double tap that shit in literally half a second and move on.

>> No.5088441

That site is just as bad as reddit. People will give updoots of some female girl or character and will forget about it in 2 seconds.

>> No.5088454

LMAO you are such a bugman. Do you know why they put dogs in advertisements? Because dogs inspire trust and give a sense of friendliness to the ad. By your reasoning, the marketing guy who says "we should put a labrador here, our statistics show that this would raise sales by 7.5%" is "SOUL"

>> No.5088535

Why are popular Twitter artists overrated piece of shit hacks?
>Bard Bot
>Chris Armin
>John Bob

>> No.5088541

the fact that you know that many twitter artists by name is genuinely pathetic and i feel sorry for you

>> No.5088554

I was reading a bunch of these and I remembered a time where there were threads like
>How do you choose an artist name?
And people theorycrafting about the exact length, how it needs to be memorable, etc. for days and days
Meanwhile these porn guys have names like "lolololoidrawporn" and are popular
What a fucking meme

>> No.5088649
File: 3.97 MB, 2662x2501, other sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you explain what makes the fat guy "full of emotion"? I was just drawing McDonnel from Ds3. I'm sorry but I have no idea what you mean by "stretched women". Is my anatomy garbage? I thought I was good at proportions. I'm curious why you detest the skull so much? It's the one I'm most proud of and think is the best. The dragonfly was a censor joke and got fucked up when I copied the image.
What don't you like about the style? I hate my art style too.

So pretty much what I thought, this and the other both say nothing catches the eye because it all looks flat because of a lack of varied values and doesn't even have any kind of good colors, textures or detail to make up for it. I think my fear comes off in my work desu, it doesn't want to stand out so it doesn't. The non-detailed """"minimalistic""" approach, the muted colors and generic linework all work together to scream "DONT look at this, it sucks". There really is nothing that makes it worthwhile over other artists or to give it any identity, like I thought.
I'm getting the sense that I just need to make my work bolder, it's whispering where it needs to yell. Thats why I liked the top left skull and the cupcake the most, I thought they tried to stand out the most.

>> No.5088671

you just lack soul.
your line has no flair
your subject is boring.
you could draw this bird with some emotional presence or narrative or something and it would have infinitely more appeal.
it's like...whats the point

>> No.5090962

No one cares much for birds anymore and what you drew was just bland. You didn't even draw a background. You have no style. If you want to draw good birds use color, they are pretty because of it, and draw nice backgrounds.

>> No.5091622

I will follow you.
See I LOVE to follow others,It's very difficult for me to not find at least one thing I could like,and If I do find one,the idea of seeing someone slowly progress through time seems entertaining at worst and adventurous at best.
I really hope all of you make it anons,I really can't describe with words just how much I love you.
Having said that,I won't follow you instantly,you'd know who I am