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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.77 MB, 2000x1944, Cammy_JPEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5083971 No.5083971 [Reply] [Original]

>this was complety traced from a 3d model
does really not rules just tools apply here?

>> No.5083995

Yore a faggot applies here

>> No.5084007

there is no need to be upset :)

>> No.5084008

post 3d model

>> No.5084022

can post the whole gumroad timelapse if you want

>> No.5084023

Sure. He already knew how to paint. If he wants to save the anoying task of sketching the anatomical perspectives so he could get into the painting faster then it's all good.

Lot's of old painters traced and used camara obscura tracings to the supplements drawings. No big deal. Also, the pic is kinda rough. That position would dislocate her arms pretty soon.

>> No.5084024

If using a model the shortcut to easy art, then why is your work still shit, OP?

>> No.5084026

You dont even know how my art looks like, dont project this hard pls.

>> No.5084030

OP is a baiter, obvious from the image, but it's all good. Sometimes it's fun to get baited.

>> No.5084077

I don't need to see your work to know its shit when you make claims like this.

>> No.5084081

I bet you draw anime, smug weebshits are the only ones that act so smug while being absolute dogshit

>> No.5084104

Damn bro, you not just gonna let this guy run his mouth without posting your work, are you? Teach him a lesson.

>> No.5084112

Yeah, my work is dogshit, I better use 3d models for instant results, right? Oh wait I'm not an absolute retard.

>> No.5084228

get lost stupid coomer

>> No.5084235

Nothing in the picture screams 3d, so if he indeed uses it he's doing it right. Hardly "complety traced"

>> No.5084241

>he cant see the broken spine and dislocated hips

>> No.5084246

That has nothing to do with using 3d per se. I never said it was technically flawless, just that it doesn't have the usual 3d base tells.

>> No.5084272

not that guy but i wanna see

>> No.5084309

It's very stylized so it's barely noticeable unless you are an anatomy autist

>> No.5084327

Nobody is upset besides you. Which is why you made a whole thread to bitch about some stupid bullshit that's been discussed 1000x already.

And no, I'm not even that guy you responded to. I'm just sick of retarded ops like you making shit threads and pushing this board further into coom hell.

>> No.5084519

>That position would dislocate her arms pretty soon.

Oh god thats so hot.

>> No.5084530

>learn advanced coloring book techniques
>don’t know perspective, just makes 3d models
>trace everything from 3d models
>”paint” because half the programs are called paint x

The divide between traditional and digital grows more every day.

>> No.5084546
File: 1.14 MB, 350x209, 6AD3ACE3-79A0-474A-8A16-43A306205C4A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sabu is very open about his workflow, why do so many retards refuse to believe he uses 3d?
I think he stepped away from 3d lately based on how his newer stuff looks, but the old stuff screams paintover

>> No.5084568


>> No.5085039

>that use of the 3D doll
My lord, and im here learning figure drawing like a retard when I could be cheating my way out in months, FUCKKKKKKK

>> No.5085070

the runny nose is repulsive

>> No.5085073


>> No.5085084

it's cum you retarded nigger not snot.
(((artist))) tracing 3d objects lole

>> No.5085089

whats wrong with tracing bg objects you absolute baboon? if he already knows perspective he can just skip that, why take 4 hours instead of some minutes just because some autist on 4chinks thinks using a tool is wrong?

>> No.5085099

You still gotta know how to do things from scratch (more or less) to properly utilize 3D tools and understand what to take from references, what to bend to your liking and what to disregard entirely.

>> No.5085100

4 months wasted?

>> No.5085116

not quite, you need to know the principles, not be adept at executing them
thinking you can do the same thing from scratch because you can do it painting over 3d is like thinking you could have painted something from scratch because you can copy someone else’s work, ie delusional

>> No.5086953

>t. tracer

>> No.5086974

This is such a /beg take, especially given the calibre of the artist at hand....

>> No.5086978

no just the model thanks

>> No.5086981


>> No.5087100



>> No.5087103

Show me a eastern artist with soul and ill eat my hat

>> No.5087133

Where is sauce

>> No.5087140

in the image, retard

>> No.5087188

false dillema

>> No.5088116

Depending on your goals, one of the drawbacks of tracing 3d models is that you may end up losing some of the appealing idiosyncrasies that emerge when doing traditional perspective construction combined with eyeballing. Otaking77077 who does retro style anime shorts uses 3d as a base for his work and he has frequently discussed that there is a certain quality to hand drawn perspective/foreshortening (in something like Robotech/Macross) that can't be replicated with 3d alone.

>> No.5088188

And yet you could never do the same shit in the same time.

>> No.5088193

The only rule is the law and only if you get caught.
Not that you would, since you don't draw at all.

>> No.5088227

>so unsure of his statement he has to add “i-in the same t-time” to give himself some wiggle room

>> No.5088269

>saving time is not the most vital component of a shortcut guise
You deserve the bullying you got in school.

>> No.5088288

>implying you’re not saving even more time if you’re less efficient before the shortcut
>projecting your childhood trauma onto 4chan posts

>> No.5088341
File: 677 KB, 764x1012, iu_40000_3132443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only started making it once I started experimenting with 3d. This pic would have taken me much longer than a day without it. also no way the lines would have been this nice.

>> No.5088342
File: 423 KB, 764x1019, iu_42594_3132443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line art render

>> No.5088360

>saving even more time if you’re less efficient
>saving time
>less efficient
You can't even fucking write logical sentences, holy fuck this board is shit.

>> No.5088368

>be efficient
>takes 10 hours to paint normally
>5 hours with 3d
>save 5 hours

>be inefficient
>takes 20 hours to paint normally
>10 hours with 3d
>save 10 hours
learn english, pablo

>> No.5088474
File: 3.34 MB, 2100x1404, blitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My line art is also not the best. But with some 3d I kitbashed together and draw over it was pretty easy. Perfect foreshortening.

>> No.5088490

This man speaks the truth and will be hated for it.

3D models do not show you realistic range of motions. They can't show you tightened muscle under the skin. They can't show you tendons like when you raise your arm up and your arm pit changes shape or the tendons in the neck when flexed.

T. Uses 3D models for comic book to save time and still have to use real life references and understand anatomy to make sure they don't look stiff and unnatural.

>> No.5088810

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.5088867

I can see you are. The initial post said less efficient BEFORE the shortcut. If it takes you longer to perform the part of the process the shortcut eliminates, you are effectively saving more time by utilizing it than a more efficient painter than doesn’t take as long. Being less efficient incentivizes shortcuts, since you need more resources to complete a task yet operate within the same resource limit. Take Mullins, he said he used to photobash the shit out of everything but no longer does that because no longer serves a point for him.

>> No.5088908

Either you're the most stupid asshole in this board or you're one of those who weren't allowed to have shoes until your late teens cause "he's just gonna outgrow them ma" in which case howdy to Alabama.

>> No.5088988

What the fuck? This entire time I thought he was just that good...

>> No.5088994

Literally what the fuck are you talking about, you imbecile?

>> No.5089006

no one cares. You are brainlet here.

>> No.5089075
File: 1.18 MB, 1094x728, Screen Shot 2020-11-12 at 8.55.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do people realistically make (money wise) for making good hentai art

>> No.5089086

please be more vague

>> No.5089102

But where is the timelapse?

>> No.5089112

You wouldn't know, it requires brain cells.

>> No.5089131

>*brain cancer

>> No.5089179

Yes, we know you're addled, no need to disclose your medical history.

>> No.5089183

Still waiting for the 3d model.

>> No.5089189

So basically what you're telling me is that I should be learning how to use Blender so I can cheat like this guy?

>> No.5089219

Yeah, every western artist does it. But you gotta be good at rendering and illustrating first tho. Using 3D models is nothing but a shortcut.

>> No.5089222

There are no rules

>> No.5089226

This isn't an anatomy study tho...
It's not even a realistic image. It's the kind of thing where women all have 110D ++ boobs, size 2 waist and huge asses, etc. Those are all not anatomically correct thigns, but are perfectly legit in art
Get a grip

>> No.5089228

Your shit would still look like shit.
If you know what you're doing a 3d posing doll is a dynamic reference that saves you the time of looking for the right angle for each body part of every character in your composition. Or the cash of hiring models for a photoshoot to base your art on.

If you're a shitbeg your art will be shitbeg no matter how many shortcuts you use.

>> No.5089268

>dynamic reference
anon, sabu literally does paintovers, it’s not a reference

>> No.5089272

You've never worked with a 3D model before you stupid idiot. I bet you don't even draw.

>> No.5089286

anon, he literally paints over the model
like, he doesn’t even hide it, the render is used as grisaille

>> No.5089296

The Zatanna one with the easy stiff pose sure, the Cammy one? The model's gluteus m is disconnected, doesn't have tigh definition or a sense of gravity in the tits, or a latissimus to stretch. The creases in bent joints are completely unnatural and the collarbone doesn't move with the arms as it should. All that is applied knowledge from drawing your own stuff for years and skipping that step would leave you with a shitty artificial looking pose nobody would be able to fap to.

Shotcuts are, sadly for crabs, only really useful when you don't need them and their purpose is just to save time. You know, like a fucking shortcut. If it was as easy as tracing a posing doll everyone would do it.

>> No.5089306

do you think 3d models come with anatomical rom or something? he has the op pic process online, why are making shit up?

>> No.5089320

Do it yourself then you stupid faggot.
You can't.

>> No.5089333

that's pretty cool, which program for the 3d part? what does your workflow look like? I want to experiment with this too

>> No.5089334

why are you upset?

>> No.5089336

i just started in 3d max, but seems pretty convoluted. what do you use?

>> No.5089341

Does anyone here have any of his timelapse videos?

>> No.5089397

I'm tired of this stupid board being nothing but excuses not to draw and attempts to draw others down into your pit of misery.

You fucking suck, and it's your fault. The sooner you accept it the sooner you'll actually start to get better.

>> No.5089441

are you retarted? I stated a fact, his process is online, you’re the one whining and making shit up

>> No.5089450
File: 794 KB, 1000x3615, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not just looking at his twitter

>> No.5089451
File: 553 KB, 1000x3086, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5089455


Sketch in pencil(I have the most control that way)- model the pieces needed/search for free models online- import the models into the render software and match it to the sketch- Render a layer for lighting and one for line art. Then paint in correct the stiffness and other artsy stuff after. The painting is about 75% of the work. Render is just a base. So this is where you use your fundies to finish it.

It is! The easiest render software is keyshot. It's very effective at rendering studio lighting stuff. I'd suggest only moving on to a different render software if you've mastered keyshot. They all use the a similar workflow. For modeling I use blender, it has the most tutorials online and a bunch of plugins. Also z-brush, that one for organic modeling.

See 3d as a tool. Just like your pencil is a tool. The same hand that draws with the pencil creates the 3d model with a mouse. 3d doesn't magicly appear, if created something new you have ownership.

>> No.5089456
File: 664 KB, 1000x3997, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5089458
File: 140 KB, 1000x1015, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5089466

most of his issues with the paintover result has nothing to do with 3d and everything to do with him not knowing how to use levels, curves, and blending modes properly

>> No.5089495

thanks mate, what do you think about rendering in 3ds max instead (I have that program already)?

>> No.5089528

FFS READ you stupid NIGGER.
You shits don't want to make art, only nag and bitch at people who do.

>> No.5089623


>> No.5089656

>does really not rules just tools apply here?
What the fuck are you even saying?

>> No.5089677
File: 187 KB, 850x791, swpref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the topic of swiping/tracing: I swiped from the ref in pic related. But did I change it enough that you wouldn't think it was a swipe if you saw the ref? Thanks lads.

>> No.5089708

For some reason his images are off putting to me but I don't know why.

>> No.5089715
File: 50 KB, 1024x821, 1608839954139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP will never be a woman

>> No.5089725

Just torrent shit. Otherwise its gonna get expensive real fast. I use more tools like Daz3d for posing, marvelous designer for creating garments, topaz denoise, gigapixel AI, fotosketcher. Some stuff is actually a lot more time consuming to do in 3d, so having all these tools allows me to pick the best one for the job.

I think the go to render engine for 3ds is vray. I'ts much more complicated, but can still get the line art result. Still keytshot is rendering for dummies.Thats what you want at first, all this can be overwhelming.

>> No.5089728

is for >>5089495

>> No.5089737

Literally doesn't matter. If the result is good, the process is irrelevant. Sure he could perspective the shit and rack his brain for hours to get this done, or he can save time, use 3d, and put more of that time into rendering the details and coloring

>> No.5089754

It looks off balanced.
she could strike that pose by maybe swinging her arms around to balance out her body. but in that case the cloth would be swinging with it which it isn't now. Fag

>> No.5089789

Oh no, niggers who dont draw is trying to cancel artist again...

>> No.5089810
File: 5 KB, 156x133, 1609037181415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I saw the ref I'd call you a lazy hack, because what else does someone say to an artist after seeing their ref?

I have gripes about how you've shortened her body but that's style choice so I can only peer pressure you into "fixing" it.
Her right foot bothers me.

>> No.5090352

Yes, but the process is not irrelevant to the end result. Saying that the process then is irrelevant is false. It's a shitty slogan.

>> No.5090564

How would you rate his progress in the last 11 years /AY CEE/?

>> No.5091587

You don't even know what you're saying.

>> No.5091678

>If it was as easy as tracing a posing doll everyone would do it.
I think the American comic industry does have everyone do it.

>> No.5091759

Only some like Mike Deodato. Most modern artists barely know how to draw and deliver shit that would've been considered unacceptable for fanzines in the 90's.
American comics are dead.

>> No.5091862
File: 1.24 MB, 1500x1090, 338605 - Cammy_White Lara_Croft Sabudenego Street_Fighter Tomb_Raider crossover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does give me some hope
the fucking charts I see here often with guys going from absolute beg to fucking pro in less than 2 years always crush my soul

>> No.5092404

I'd say it follows the 1000 true fans rule. Most doing well have at least 1000 patrons and usually don't quit your day job until your replace at least a few months to a years earnings.

>> No.5092409

The process affects the end result. While it is true that the process doesn't matter per se*if* the end result looks good (insofar as there is no such thing as "cheating") the way the statement is generally used seems to imply that any given process will yield the same end result if executed by a competent artist which just isn't the case.

>> No.5092425

This one is pretty good.

>> No.5092937


>> No.5093111

any respect I had for sabu as an artist has been made null. just look at the fucking Zoe blowjob one, even when he isn't tracing or just straight up doing a paintover on a model he is literally just copying the 3d objects 1:1 I can't believe I used to think he was a good artist.

>> No.5093122

you act like illustrators haven't been making maquette for themselves for decades

>> No.5093157

I wonder what Michelangelo would think of this if he lived today

>> No.5093167

lmao what he is saying is true but it doesn't apply to his work because he is just a bad artist, nothing to do with what process he uses and whether or not 3D is involved
If Otaking tried to do guesswork perspective it would look infinitely worse and none of those "appealing idiosyncrasies" would ever show up

>> No.5094641

You're parroting level zero advise for someone who clearly knows what their doing in both 2d and 3d.

/ic/ is so shit because everyone always assumes everyone else has never picked a fucking pencil ever.

>> No.5094646

He made the models, staged the picture and stylized it further.
You're just deluded.

>> No.5094698

Yet everything I wrote is factual, and correct. Did you have any counter argument or did you just want to bitch and moan?

>> No.5094740

So that's why this guy and other similar artists' work is so unappealing, they're relying on 3d.
I've never liked this type of artwork, something about it always felt off and artistically just simply ugly.

>> No.5096730

he might've "cheated" his way when he was making compositions, but behind the scenes he might've practiced figure drawing. Idk though. That's something I would totally do.

>> No.5096744

All this technology, technique and thoughtfulness just to make someone coom.

>> No.5097006

double retard

>> No.5097211

the contrast between trying to have a serious thunk moment accompanied by these degenerate smelly pictures is really funny

>> No.5097237
File: 588 KB, 1000x708, stealing-is-fun-do-it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5098636

you are the one who smell like onions you freak

>> No.5098755

>referencing a broken picture
Kek, it's like people WANT to sabotage themselves

>> No.5098768

because you're tracing you don't understand how fucking stupid her titties look, unless you're going for some "impossible geometry" coom-escher shit

>> No.5098815

maurits coomelis escher

>> No.5098854

The problem I found with 3D models is the lack of 'dynamic' perspective. The program only replicates the 'accurate' perspective, (which doesn't really look all that good if your aiming more for style)
Clip studio's 3D models remedy this a bit but the drawing can still look a bit stiff when the 3D models are just outlined over.
When I use them I arrange them into the pose I'm going for but then move the model to the side and use it as a second hand reference instead.
This allows me to figure out how to line those difficult positions (looking from under the chin..aaahhh!!) and drawing the fingers etc a lot better.