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File: 120 KB, 750x958, 655B06C6-6286-40E9-9886-734B288C6907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5080362 No.5080362 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven’t you made a nsfw Patreon yet?

>> No.5080364

Cause I'm not a cuck.

>> No.5080365

I can't draw

>> No.5080367

I can't draw

>> No.5080371

I can't draw

>> No.5080372
File: 521 KB, 936x936, 1608626024120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine paying for this

>> No.5080375

I do think he's not bad, but that's really not worth it.

>> No.5080380

>Image paying for any porn.
Someone who commissions porn for any other reason than to support the artist should really reconsider their choices

>> No.5080415

yeah haha, why would anyone pay for something to be made in their own image and desires? they should just pay for whats available to them only or accept nothing

>> No.5080418

What makes this any different than any other cumbrain paying for it? We have retards paying for inflation furry shit.

>> No.5080434

Have you considered that just paying for porn in itself is pathetic?

>> No.5080435

Oh... that is very different from what is advertised in OP. I mean, he's not "bad", but it's not... yeah, this guy has no sex appeal/

>> No.5080437

We’re all gonna coom

>> No.5080439

I'm willing to bet you pay for a lot of things others would consider pathetic. You're not special.

>> No.5080440


>> No.5080442

guess he said something you couldnt argue

>> No.5080450

What he said is literal cope. "I am pathetic so everyone else must also be pathetic in their own way".

>> No.5080458

Patreon doesn't allow Lolicon.

>> No.5080531

>What he said is literal cope.

Except it isn't. What's either entertaining or pathetic is entirely subjective and based on each individual's set of standards and preferences, even if you're investing your disposable income smartly into charity or investments, or even just something that will bring you some form of joy - someone's going to have an issue with it.

People pay for things that make them happy, and the value they get from the transaction is entirely personal. If you feel the need to elevate yourself through some warped sense of superiority and screech "cope" when contested it's probably time to take a good look at your life.

>> No.5080549

All those words to try justifying paying for porn.

>> No.5080552

Neither can he

>> No.5080553

I can’t draw

>> No.5080557

There is nothing wrong with paying for porn.

>> No.5080559
File: 35 KB, 348x363, 16846416646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good anon. Make sure to commission lots and lots of artists.

>> No.5080562

How can you even say those three words and not see a problem?

>> No.5080753

Most Patreons aren't a service. Stop being dumb and educate yourself, crab.

>> No.5080757

Based Patreon.

>> No.5080784

I'm arguing from a bit of a coat vs benefit kind of perspective.
>How many pictures do you browse through while you jack off?
>How expensive would it be to have all of them custom made?
>How much would it actually improve your experience if they where all custom made?
>How often/long would you have to jack off to that one picture you commissioned to make it worth the price?
To me it really doesn't add up. Unless you have stupid amounts of money or just want to support your favorite artist I don't see much reason in commissioning porn.
At least until lewd images get outlawed or regulated.

>> No.5080819
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1535426508996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5080830

i dont think ill ever understand why this utilitarian mindset is only ever applied to drawings

your argument applies to paying for literally any sort of personalization. why do you do anything if its not necessary? because it makes you happier to have it. you dont need any other reason, anything else is justification

now apply your logic to cars, food, clothes, video game customization options, website UI personalization options, etc

>> No.5080836

is this the eventual fate of every artist online?

>> No.5080894

But I get way more milage out of anything you named. If I buy a car or clothes I use them for a long time and also don't have them custom made.
I guess food would be the only exception, but then again, you have no free alternative and you kinda die if you don't eat.
Paying for video game or website UI customization is also stupid. Though with that, again, you get more "use" out of it for less money probably.
Don't get me wrong, I get your argument, I just don't think it's worth all the money to have a very slightly better nut once or twice.

>> No.5080899

i slipped into coom too

>> No.5080902

I haven't even made a SFW patreon yet
they're looking painfully underage

>> No.5080944

>now apply your logic to cars, food, clothes, video game customization options, website UI personalization options, etc
Yep, the logic holds up. Face it dude, you've been conditioned by capitalism to think throwing your money away is ok.

>> No.5080947

yep I'm thinkin based

>> No.5080980

That logic could be applied to all art as long as artists willfully make things and have an unrestricted way of sharing their creations.

>> No.5080998
File: 68 KB, 629x363, patreon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why haven’t you made a nsfw Patreon yet?
Enjoy having Patreon zealots watching your every move waiting for a reason to shitcan your account.

>> No.5081044
File: 73 KB, 640x733, 1523225118749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"x" user I am butthurt about browses a hotbed for altright racist sexist nazi weaving underwater forum online tentacle internet rape and is very problematic seeing him use your platform after posting on a Russian hacking hub that spews venom and is very toxic.

>> No.5081056

...Anon, did you take your meds this morning?

>> No.5081069

Fair point.
Though I still think paying for SFW art would be more worth it in most cases, because you can actually use that as decoration be that as a framed picture/poster on your wall or a wallpaper on your phone/computer (In which case, yeah it might make sense to have a custom made picture that fits your room/rice or is something you just really enjoy looking at).
And yes you could also use your your furry OCs tits as a wallpaper, but in that case my original point still stands
>reconsider your life choices
I suppose a better comparison would be something like alcohol. It's limited use, it's a vice and it has a free alternative (socializing without it).
But still I have a feeling that spending 50 bucks on a good bottle of Whisky is a better choice than spend it on NSFW art that is going to make your fap just ever so slightly better. And will probably also last me longer.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I get why people would do it. Your brain tells you too look at lewd pics by promising you feel good chemicals and you impulsively decide that spending a chunk of money for just a few more feel good chemicals is a good investment.
But I still think it's a stupid waste of money, because at the end of the day you're still going to either look at tons of other pictures/videos that you didn't commission, or limit yourself to your way to expensive collection of commissioned pics.

>> No.5081070

>ad hominem
Expunge yourself.

>> No.5081077

You know Ad hominem isn't synonymous with insult, right?

>> No.5081081

I don't draw porn and my drawing is not a show for people to watch

>> No.5081089

nigga what the fuck are you trying to say

>> No.5081145

I cant draw

>> No.5081150

This should be the new banner

>> No.5081152

Or these

>> No.5081156
File: 388 KB, 680x680, 1607969638562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you see....
I j-just don't want to draw coom...
*runs out of room*

>> No.5081188

looks like a less appealing JAB

>> No.5081196

>I'm paid to eat human shit
>I'm not pathetic, Its entirely subjective, even the I'm consuming literal fecal matter.
>You paying 11 dollars for a movie ticket can be seen as pathetic =)
>I swear I'm not coping
I don't even agree with the anon your replying to, but this argument is retarded.

>> No.5081210

>*I* Paid
>Even *though*
Fuck so many typo's. I'm tired.

>> No.5081394

I didn't think fellow non-coomers would be so rare to see

>> No.5081436

Seems like he's defending commission.

>> No.5081447

give it time and you're going to turn into one too

>> No.5081479

>they're looking painfully underage
it's the disney face style

>> No.5083098
File: 453 KB, 1782x1260, Ep74CgwWMAIBVNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, Patreon spies you and they are Ideologue enablers, plus people wanna see loli nsfw artist and patreon do not allow such thing and they are so fucking wishy washy on their "definitions", and to make matters worse, Nobody likes to use Fanbox or SubscribeStar because "MUH TRADITION".

Fanbox is good but is a jap site which means black bars or pixelation cause "them law" (you could sent the uncensored versions via mail but people like being spoonfeed) and normies hate SubscribreStar because again, "muh tradition" and Skrill is a piece of shit to get yout fucking money, S.Star ONLY pays you if you have 50$ at the very least, then they take a part, and Skrill does the same shit when you send your money to your bank account.

Fanbox at the very least allows you to get paid via PayPal.

>> No.5083101


>> No.5083107


>> No.5083241

I know, it's gross

>> No.5083291
File: 475 KB, 811x361, bye bye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't draw porn.

>> No.5083530

Left one is nice, right one is shit, that chin tangent and the deformed neck makes me cringe