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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 86 KB, 474x640, William Andrew Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5076885 No.5076885 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some people here like to trash Loomis when he was very clearly a competent illustrator?

>> No.5076917

Crabs you know

>> No.5076979

he appeals to new artists who dont know how to learn yet

>> No.5076986

Reminds digital only fags their place outside porn commissions.

>> No.5077216

Hes a shitty teacher.

>> No.5077227

Because beginner crabs are idiots. Can you please stop asking dumb questions?

>> No.5077239


>> No.5077297

KEK look at these guys

>> No.5077337
File: 189 KB, 598x574, 1608523421393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5077339

anime is better

>> No.5077405

It's a coping mechanism. They would bash Norman Rockwell too if they knew he wrote a how-to guide.

Teachers and artists from that time were of a different sort. They worked their assess off because they couldn't sit in their parents' homes shitposting on 4chan.

You cannot have one teacher appeal to everyone. Scott Robertson, Erik Olson, all the way down to more free spirited types like Richard Schmid and David Leffel, all have their own methods to the madness. It would be stupid to think that one teacher can teach you everything you need to know. It's much smarter to seek out different teachers with different viewpoints.

Loomis is no-nonsense, straight to the point.

People today still make the mistake of thinking that by reading a book they can be taught to draw. Or that art can be taught. Neither of those things are true, but people still get upset thinking they know better.

>> No.5077440

Hes an objectively bad teacher. Hence the reason why his books went out of print. His books are a gold mine of information, but filled with landmines. Older artist during his time dug through his books and knew what to take from it. No begginer or intermediate artist can reliable learn from loomis. But every artist should have his books. Overly winded text, often goung on long tangents forgetting that hes teaching a concept. Many ideas though brilliant are not introduced in an order condusive to learning. Loomis himself recognized this and as a result began the book id love to draw.

Everything loomis teaches can be learned more clearly, more concise with 21st century teaching standards and methods. For example micheal hampton figure drawing book. Loomis is the father of many of these techniques,yes, but his text,approach, and teaching standards are heavily subpar.

>> No.5077474

>For example micheal hampton figure drawing book. Loomis is the father of many of these techniques,yes, but his text,approach, and teaching standards are heavily subpar.

We'll have to disagree on this. I find Hampton for beginner students is not great. It's like flipping through a catalog of his design system without any real explanation on any of it. Hampton's context of figure drawing is very, very different to Loomis. But even Loomis says to go elsewhere to learn the details.

Loomis teaches from the perspective of a commercial illustrator for fashion magazines and other shit. His examples are multi-figure compositions from the beginning. Also, he isn't the father of any technique. Literally everything that Loomis teaches is found in older books. There were plenty of other illustrators around his timeline teaching the same shit he was.

So once again: different viewpoints.

>> No.5077535

I'm going to punch you in the penis.

>> No.5077538

your mom is an objectively bad teacher

>> No.5077593

>that neck
>that mess of a torso

>> No.5077606

>Or that art can be taught.
Explain, it's all talent right? I KNEW IT
I drew for 4 months, used a bunch of resources and I DIDNT IMPROVE

>> No.5077622

that's the problem with you ngmis, you only focus on what's bad with a drawing, not what's good. how are you supposed to become a good artist if you only focus on the negatives

>> No.5078007


art can be learned. you just have negative talent. stop bitching and start having some passion for this.

>> No.5078046

Because drawing potatoes is not a good first step when you are a noob.

>> No.5078151

>competent illustrator
>no hands and feets

>> No.5078246

80% jealousy, 20% cope.

>> No.5078269

you’re right, he’s smart too

>> No.5078306

Ypu cant fix negative talent
4 moNThs? WASTED

>> No.5078311

How can you convince people to follow your favorite YouTube tutorialfag if they read Loomis or another book?

>> No.5078316

wrong, anime pussy doesn't exist in irl. i'll change my mind when it does

>> No.5078396

>Explain, it's all talent right?

It's from John F. Carlson's book. He says that you can't really teach this stuff, but instead that the student has to learn it by practice and experience. Nothing really revelationary but I threw it in there to trigger the libs.

So yes, it is about talent and about skill. It's also about where you are in your over all artistic development. Some things will resonate better than others, and some will fly over your head entirely.

Even Loomis talks about people making shit copies of celebs from photographs, and that they would spend too much time philosophizing rather than drawing. Basically, he calls out /ic/ from the grave, and you're fucking stupid.

>> No.5080246

Even fictional it's still better than disgusting roast beef flaps of irl cunts.

>> No.5080256

Imagine having to cope with such a lonely life....

>> No.5080315

>Why do some people here like to trash Loomis when he was very clearly a competent illustrator?
Because that doesn't mean he was also a good teacher.That requires a whole different set of skills.
Plus Loomis is just a meme it should not be taken seriously.