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File: 163 KB, 722x1000, 8ca42858664cfa8c12e6c7e90c5fb7f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5066781 No.5066781[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Besides seeing them IRL, what is the best reference for drawing breasts? Are there any good 3D models that I can rotate and view from all angles? What about photos of the same pair of breasts from different viewpoints?

>> No.5066791


>> No.5066809 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 225x225, COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AWPITRPÓYTMERW-=03245K53425432=43243 ,2RWEFTG



>> No.5066817

That's a child.

>> No.5066826

Even better, tighter pussy and even tighter ass

>> No.5066828

Hello FBI? Yes this guy right here

>> No.5066830

Funny and original.

>> No.5066832

In my country it's allowed to rape child if married to them, so fuck off with your fbi

>> No.5066833

Amateur porn videos. There are so many softcore solo female videos where the model is just walking around in her apartment. Just pause and screenshot every angle and lighting you need. Although the lighting isn't always the best, they typically have better ranges of motion and poses than professional nude model photos, which tend to be very static and clinical or ridiculously contorted. Also, are you kidding? The internet is full of boobs now.

>> No.5066835

What country? Only America matters.

>> No.5066841

america is dead, country of boomers

>> No.5066845
File: 308 KB, 588x1446, 1580317894022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5066855

>draw a 12 year old
>"she's 1000 years old"
yea ok

>> No.5066858

>insert baby
>nothing to see here

>> No.5066859


>> No.5066860

Yeah it's based on cute japanese women, not western roasties who hit the wall at 19 and look like crack whores at 30

>> No.5066861

What 12 year old wants to work at an all female game studio?

>> No.5066863

Did white women break your heart incel?

>> No.5066864

I wanted at 12yo work surrounded by woman, 12 was the horniest age in my life

>> No.5066867

Why did that post offend you personally? You will never be a woman

>> No.5066869
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, 1456255039199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a shota working on video games with an all female team of onee-san qts

>> No.5066874

I don't want to be fucked by man by being a woman, I want to fuck small pussy and that's what a man does

>> No.5066884
File: 203 KB, 1300x1001, japanese-school-girls-hold-their-entry-tickets-to-ryoanji-zen-garden-B91PW8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your brain is porn-sick from consuming too much hentai. Try looking at actual photography of Japanese women and not distorted, animated caricatures of them. You'll be disappointed to find that they're just regular people, exactly like those white roasties you're so terrified of.


>> No.5066886

I'll take the one in the middle

>> No.5066894

there are 4 men trying to pass as a girl in there

>> No.5066897

Nah, they're regular schoolgirls.

Lay off the porn anon.

>> No.5066908

that's a weird way to spell based department

>> No.5066914

why do my eyes like this so much? Except the neck is a little weird. I'm mesmerized by the tube! breast shape is really appealing too.

>> No.5066919

ur a pedo like me

>> No.5066933

Seething roasties and trannies

>> No.5066964

why do pedos always accuse people of being trannies? Almost every single tranny is a pedo.

>> No.5066970
File: 211 KB, 623x710, 1607612965751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5069196

Kys pedophile

>> No.5069221

Thanks for the correct answer. Please close thread op

>> No.5069223

Lmao look at her little titties
What a fucking dork

>> No.5069286

There is an ungodly amount of footage of naked women on this platform called "the internet". You should check it out!

>> No.5069438
File: 126 KB, 965x435, htavg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? You don't need to answer that.

Anime is stylized; if you look at Sailor Moon or something, it isn't like normal Japanese people generally have eyes half the size of their face.
In addition, commenting on anime faces not being 1:1 to actual Japanese faces (especially of an average group, and not a specifically hand-picked group, like JAV actresses) makes no sense. People trying to draw cute girls do not suddenly start referencing average or ugly ones. Understand?

Do you compare Timmy Turner's head size to your average white American boy's? Or his eyes? Or anything else? Do you expect the proportions in all American cartoons to line up exactly, too?

Keeping intense stylization in mind, guess what? The girl above can be a legal adult. And you want to talk loli? Lolis are prepubescent, and horrible fucking anatomical nightmares. The girl above has widened shoulders, widened hips, and C-cup breasts. She just has a very big head. That isn't loli.

Stop pretending to moralfag, you cunts. Short people are very real.
Just be honest and say that you hate gooks or chinks or japs and leave, lmao. How were you expecting to make it without asian jeans anyway?

>> No.5069463
File: 130 KB, 768x1024, Eo30FylU0AEiHjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that adults can look young too, and if you say they can't, you're being non inclusive to this minority and a bigot.
>Sauce: https://twitter.com/gira_giragira/status/1336993050560667650

>> No.5069464

Looks like an alien

>> No.5069468

makeup can do that.

>> No.5069476

Nice, I had a popular example in mind, but forgot her name because it was JP. Fucking retarded when westerners decide that short, petite people aren't real.

Sorry some of you faggots are a cluster of ugly, morbidly obese pigs. Better stop drawing and get back to suckling up Diet Coke before your blood sugar drops.

>> No.5069830


>> No.5069856

go exercise, seething racist lardass.

I don't even like lolis, by the way, but I personally have had enough asian 4'11 and even more <5'2 friends, lmao. They exist.

>> No.5069859


>> No.5069860

you can try to defend your pedobrain all you want, it wont change what you are

>> No.5069869

lmao cope pedo

>> No.5069876

I'm asian and my preferred body type for characters is lean, lanky, and long-limbed for both genders. Literally the opposite of pedobrain, retard.

The worst fucking thing is when wokefags think they're doing something special by disguising their racial bigotry as morals. Just admit that you hate all gooks and chinks and japs and slanties, okay? You don't need to pretend to hate on "pedo" boogeymen to justify your racism on an anonymous 4chan board.

Guess what? You're not special or moral for dismissing the existence of a solid percentage of Asia's female population, brainlet.

My aunts are mostly in the 5'0-5'2 range. I have had numerous 4'11 to 5'2 friends, and known of more people from 4'9 to 5'2. Short people are very real.

>> No.5069881

this is your pedrobrain doing the daily gymnastics to keep it in form

>> No.5069888

Can you get better bait? Or maybe you people genuinely believe this shit, which is, frankly, fucking ridiculous. How do you propose very short people be drawn in anime, then? Or should they just not exist to satisfy your tumblrite-tier projection?

You know, a thief sees thieves everywhere. Have you ever examined what's caused you to project your sexual deviancies onto others online?

>> No.5069894

you're the one trying to protect your pedophile desires, you won't bring me down, i have HONOR, something you lack completely, go to /trash/ where degenerates like you goes to to jerk to little kids

>> No.5069900

Also, two replies to my one? Guess you fucks really are just pathetic fat westerners taking out your insecurities on others online.
Can you refute any of my points, lardo? Maybe argue against the statistics or point out a way in which I've misinterpreted them?
Nope. Just "pedo" this, "pedo" that. Seethe harder at your imaginary boogeymen and keep pretending that it isn't just a manifestation of your physical/mental inadequacy.

Also, if that wasn't enough, you're clearly a garbage artist with no idea of what realistic proportions look like. Again, the woman above has developed hips and at least b-cup, probably c-cup breasts. Go look up some body galleries and get rid of your coombrained outlook on human anatomy where DD's are the size of melons.

>> No.5069904

i've seen enough of my sister to know exactly that at 14 they can get big breasts, you won't make me a pedobrain, you're like a virus infesting society and making people exactly like you

>> No.5069910

Lmao. Anon here eyes up his real life sister like a fucking rapist and thinking I'm the societal problem. Pathetic. Where do you fags even get your moral standards from, Cambodia?

First, let's help you develop your knowledge of biology and English, okay? Breasts occur after puberty. Do you know what the definition of pedophilia is, anon?

>> No.5069930

was i supposed to look away from her like a retarded suffering from severe social anxiety and by legal terms children is anyone who is a minor, and guess what i could care less about what biology says, society is built upon laws and values, and it's not your """"biology""""" who will defend our kids from predators like you

>> No.5069932

Okay, incestuous rapist.

>> No.5069935

i never raped someone, but i bet you did a kid and now has to defend your actions to now commit suicide from your own guilty fucking rapist loser

>> No.5069939

Lmao, coping racist at it again. Always ends up this way. Wokebrained retards think they're special because they're repressed rapists that literally only know how to stare at their family members' privates.

Here's how you look at your sister without staring at her tits, by the way: look her in the eyes. Or in the face. It'd be easy, if you weren't a rapist in the making.

>> No.5069942

>t sisterless spineless shithead incapable of getting a real woman so he goes after little kids
go kys pedobrain, no one will miss your miserable life

>> No.5069950

You're pathetic.
>t sisterless spineless shithead incapable of getting a real woman
Have had girls interested in me, actually. Maybe because I don't talk about eyeing up my sister's tits all over the internet. And I also don't do it, because I'm not a soulless coomer.
> so he
Don't have a penis, anon.
> goes after little kids
Again, I like lean, lanky, long-limbed builds and dislike kids in general. And you still haven't told me how you would rather stylize very short adults. Are you going to address the point any time soon, or are we just going to keep at the pointless namecalling while you pat yourself on the back for your imaginary yet insanely highfalutin morals?

>> No.5069954

you can only wish you were a woman tranny, first time seeing a tranny pedo, that's a big yikes, i wonder what went wrong with your life, your mom probably did heavy drugs while pregnant with you, that should explain how fucked you became

>> No.5069957

Not going to respond to stats, huh?
Hope your sister and family cut you out of their lives for being an irredeemable rapist, racist, and all-around degenerate.

>> No.5069958

>he doesn't rape his sister

>> No.5069963

True. Smh, can't believe I never tried raping my sister to get all these cool morals that the other faggot is talking about.

>> No.5069966

only pedophiles would want to stylize very short people, something you proved you are already

>> No.5069970

So I should pretend half my family doesn't deserve to exist as actual adults because you can't make a distinction between kids and pixels?

Okay, retard. Get a grip on your rapeboner before you actually hurt someone.

>> No.5069971

and now you want to be an incest too, pedophile incest tranny, one of its kinds

>> No.5069974

is your family stylized adult drawings, are you a drawing?

>> No.5069979
File: 98 KB, 1013x675, Efb3UODXkAEaIPV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've seen enough of my sister to know exactly that at 14 they can get big breasts
>i've seen enough of my sister
>at 14
>big breasts

>> No.5069980

you are the one wishing to rape your own sister

>> No.5069983

bunch of horny pedos, she is 29 now retards

>> No.5069992
File: 469 KB, 500x333, 8e2a706e281bacd099cde2582ce3308752faf08c6d1c417d1077f5bf8eaaacc6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get better bait.

>> No.5069998

a ha, now that you know my sister isn't a kid your pedophile brain came to a halt, go kys pedo

>> No.5070023

Child porn involves the abuse and exploitation of children. By consuming such content you are supporting its production.
Loli porn involves the abuse and exploitation of literally no one as its lines on paper.

The only good argument you could make is that the consumption of loli porn leads to an increase in real children being abused but as far as I know there is no study that links the 2.

>> No.5070024

they just wanted to rape my sister, fuck off, pedotard

>> No.5070138
File: 1.36 MB, 3860x804, 20201217_072224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowledge is power