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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 199 KB, 1024x1024, C063D1F5-3791-4DAD-A345-9961CF80F0A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5064956 No.5064956 [Reply] [Original]

Your critique becomes invalid if you ever reply to someone without posting your own work

>> No.5064960

you suck!

>> No.5064977

God I love anime boobies

>> No.5064983

6 years for that shit? LMAO

>> No.5064987

Don’t think they took more than a few hours on that anon.

>> No.5065010

fuck off trannie

>> No.5065022

>implying that "they" is used only by trannies
>doesn't know that it has been always used to refer to a person who you don't know their gender.
fuck off illiterate uncultured fag.

>> No.5065024

left: SOVL

>> No.5065027

>virgin unknown singular they
>chad unknown he/him/his

>> No.5065032

There’s no f*MALES on the internet

>> No.5065034

>itt: people who don't know how the English language works

The use of the singular they can be traced back to the 1300s. If you can't understand something that simple, how do you expect to internalise or learn any artistic principles? Retards.

>> No.5065038

Boogeyman in your closet

>> No.5065048

Your critique becomes invalid if you ever draw jew guns

>> No.5065051

seethe harder trannies, commit 41%

>> No.5065052

NGMI, evidently another subzero learning ability /beg/.

>> No.5065053

Boogey man scaring you

>> No.5065054

>you will never make it unless you take hrt

>> No.5065055


>> No.5065058

Why would I need hrt? Stop being a schizoid little fag.

>> No.5065062

lmao theyre chewing this bait like gum

>> No.5065065

Because only trannies can make it in art

>> No.5065066

>I was only pretending to be retarded and scared of trannies

>> No.5065068

Can you be a faggot somewhere else?
>haha I can pretend to be retarded
>on an art critique board
Go back to b.

>> No.5065075

lol where are the boobs on the right

>> No.5065078


>> No.5065080

We should make a pro lgbt thread to spite the incels

>> No.5065082


>> No.5065086

you will never be a woman

>> No.5065116

You can't deny that singular he is still the correct generic pronoun, even if the singular they is widely accepted

>> No.5065119

Wtf is wrong with her chin?

>> No.5065120

You tell us? It's stylized.

>> No.5065124

of course i can, there's no "correct" generic pronoun. you can use "she", too.

>> No.5065125

haha virgin vs chad
God fuck off back to the garbage reddithole you came from

>> No.5065129

Most of the shit in the right is 3D

>> No.5065130

Are you genuinely retarded? Did you even read what you wrote? Your use of "the" says that there is one singular correct generic pronoun, even though you proceed to acknowledge that the "singular they is widely accepted". If you'd used "a", then you'd be correct, because the singular "he" is one of the possible generic pronouns available. However, its position clearly isn't exclusive.

While they're both technically correct, the singular he is generally being phased out in the English-speaking part of the world. Even historically, the singular "they" has been used (and has been employed frequently in both writing and regular English). If we keep shit modern, at this point, "they" is being used by major literary organisations, in papers, etc. If this form of "wide acceptance" doesn't make it a "correct generic pronoun", what does?

>> No.5065133

He is only the singular pronoun for trannies.

>> No.5065138

Also, why do you genuine brainlets even get so fussed about this shit? "They" as a singular has been around for ages, and if your argument is historic dominance of "he" as the neutral singular, then you should also be aware that languages change and adapt, and that "they" has been far more prevalent for a while now.

Your grasp of the English language (and logic in general) is evidently pathetic, so why do you even care about "the correct generic pronoun"? You clearly won't be writing anything at any level that requires that level of formality, considering that you wrote two blatantly contradictory things in two lines.

>> No.5065141

Their brain stopped working years ago due to crying about trannies at random

>> No.5065142

What do you expect from retarded ESLmonkeys?

>> No.5065144

>not /b/
Fucking tourist, I hope you die in your sleep tonight

>> No.5065145

Pseudointellectuals get the rope, seethe with your 101 "above average" IQ

>> No.5065147

Okay ESL tranny, keep taking dicks down your throat

>> No.5065152


Go back, and stay. And try learning how to string together two sentences that don't fundamentally contradict each other while you're at it, fag.

To not shit up threads with >>>trannies because someone used the right words, but maybe that's too much.


>> No.5065157

Learn to write less, verbosity = low IQ

>> No.5065158

t. mouthbreathing retard

>> No.5065159
File: 7 KB, 141x133, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing how to use words makes me smart
>I'm just pretending to be a retard

>> No.5065166

Get a real pronoun faggot, too scare to take risks?

>> No.5065167

>bait thread attracts bait replies
I sneeze inside

>> No.5065170

>hurr durr I AM GOING TO GUESS
Are you an MTF tranny or trying to defy reality by becoming one?

>> No.5065180

Op here
How is my op bait?

>> No.5065723

Why not sneeze outside? (´ω`")

>> No.5065730

your art looks like shit

>> No.5065770

less csp brushes more drawing

>> No.5065888

Really supreme? hypebeast cyberpunk shit has no soul

>> No.5065992

hypebeast has no soul

>> No.5065999

Your art becomes invalid when you spend 6 years drawing nothing but anime.

>> No.5066002
File: 971 KB, 500x279, 1587011257115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cachinnate vociferously at your absurd assertations.
Ruminate over your illogical diatribe.

>> No.5066013

The absolute state of american education.

>> No.5066026

Anime is japanese tv animation
Some food for thought

>> No.5066036

Oh shit it's Vinnes.

>> No.5066061

Your critique become invalid If you can only draw clothed female characters in a 3/4 view after more than one year of practice.

>> No.5066070

>having work you're proud enough to post
not a true artist

>> No.5066076

>clothed female characters
depends on the clothes

>> No.5066208

What is your point?

>> No.5066266

I don't educate children

>> No.5066334

Based, I always use "he". It can triggers hard the tranny that will never pass while also triggering the females that feel not acknowledged

>> No.5066529

I turn away from the mic to sneed in

>> No.5067051

Based. Look at all the triggered crabs.

>> No.5067141
File: 71 KB, 1024x958, EEBEFDC5-75A5-498B-AC16-5913DC3AD3E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I think we need to have a little chat...

>> No.5067460

>>5064956 >>5065125 >>5065054 >>5065167
>>5064960 >>5065129 >>5065055 >>5065170
>>5064977 >>5065130 >>5065058 >>5065180
>>5064983 >>5065133 >>5065062 >>5065723
>>5064987 >>5065138 >>5065065 >>5065730
>>5065010 >>5065141 >>5065066 >>5065770
>>5065022 >>5065142 >>5065068 >>5065888
>>5065024 >>5065144 >>5065075 >>5065992
>>5065027 >>5065145 >>5065078 >>5065999
>>5065032 >>5065147 >>5065080 >>5066002
>>5065034 >>5065152 >>5065082 >>5066013
>>5065038 >>5065157 >>5065086 >>5066026
>>5065048 >>5065158 >>5065116 >>5066036
>>5065051 >>5065159 >>5065119 >>5066061
>>5065052 >>5065166 >>5065120 >>5066070
>>5067051 >>5066266 >>5065124 >>5066076
>>5067141 >>5066334 >>5066529 >>5066208
What a dogshit fucking thread. Congratulations.

>> No.5067620

What a dogshit comment to a dogshit fucking thread. CON - FUCKING - GRATULATIONS.

>> No.5067708

OP woke up

>> No.5067762

You don't need to be an architect to know that a 'house' comprised of three wooden planks and a dead whore is a pretty shit house, or that it could be improved by the addition of walls, a roof, and more (preferably living) whores.

>> No.5068377

if this is your work, then I have it saved as a color reference/ because its fucking sick

>> No.5068380


>> No.5068381

and did you improve it with your reply? Hide the thread and keep lurking you fucking retard

>> No.5068601


>> No.5068617

>all these posts
>no one posts their work

>> No.5069345

Suck it bitch.

>> No.5069584

>I would not put this on the wall in my office
Ha. Fuck youuuu, by not posting your art as you said that, your opinion is NULL. This is going onto your wall right now.

>> No.5070947

Again, soul vs souless

>> No.5070958

fuck you dumb bitch, sethee harder

>> No.5071240

This argument is invalid since you didn't post your own work.

>> No.5071260

wow this board is pathetic, I thought this thread would be good and 50% of people are arguing about a guy using "they" as a pronoun, nobody cares about art at all, I thought this was a board for people to post their creations but nobody does, everyone is here to shit on othere's people creations

>> No.5071493

i dont give a shit, leave

>> No.5071511

leave we don't need weakass faggots like you here