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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 16 KB, 206x250, NEOBK-448066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5063417 No.5063417 [Reply] [Original]

Have you made new art friends, anons?

>> No.5063421
File: 64 KB, 700x733, 1605002626040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5063423

No one from here likes me.

>> No.5063426

I did this year anon. Probably the only good thing to happen to me this year.

>> No.5063432
File: 388 KB, 680x680, 1581194605019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive no frenz

>> No.5063448


>> No.5063453

I have to learn to give up. Drawing was that one thing I would always come back to but it's been too many years now since I really had enough of juice to create something. I had the potential to make it at some point but now it's gone. I keep drawing but I hurt myself more than anything. It is just a habit. Something I do so I can say to myself "You may have some hope, look!". It's time to let it go.

>> No.5063463

tried and realized that the people were just autistic coomers that aren't really interested in getting better and are more interested in consuming and starting drama

>> No.5063480

you sound cute :3<

>> No.5063488

How am I supposed to make friends when I DONT LEAVE MY FUCKING HOUSE

>> No.5063493
File: 513 KB, 640x625, 1589409410338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking draw. 2 days straight I've been grinding heads and I can't "feel the form", I can't make it look like it occupies 3d space, I can't make the jaw not look terrible, I can't even get a consistent angle.

>> No.5063519


>> No.5063522

you only feel the form after you learn how to draw, not before

>> No.5063532

So how do I learn to draw, then?

>> No.5063537

read sticky

>> No.5063539

work at it or quit. stop being a bitch

>> No.5063550

I have. I've done keys to drawing, I can draw what I see but I can't imagine a form in 3d space and draw that.

I am still working on it anon, this is a vent thread. I'm venting about how I feel I'm not getting it, and I'm worried I'm just gonna practice wrong and fuck myself over

>> No.5063560

cant you draw a cube?

>> No.5063564

yes. and it's the best thing i have ever gotten

>> No.5063566

I can draw a cube fine, spheres fuck with my head something terrible.

>> No.5063568

>but I can't imagine a form in 3d space and draw that.
then this is false

>> No.5063570

I guess, cubes are more mathematical though, like you draw the first angle, set the vanishing points, and the rest is dry execution.

>> No.5063573

with enough cubes you can make a pixelated sphere, with even more enough cubes you can make a smoother sphere

>> No.5063575

I’m depressed without you.

>> No.5063580

I don't wanna have to draw 100000 cubes everytime I want a sphere, though.

>> No.5063581

Did you ever get requests with someone downright telling you their coomer fantasy and that they literally just coomed to it? It wasn't even a request, just a question if I take requests and then bam.

>> No.5063583

The great thing about spheres? They look like circles from every angle.

>> No.5063586
File: 85 KB, 975x781, 1588534101703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking zoomers

>> No.5063594

>"I'll just draw tomorrow"
This is what I've been telling myself for the last two months. I haven't drawn since 28th of October. Slumped into major depression.

>> No.5063601
File: 3.64 MB, 1600x1138, 3 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could draw as well as Murata

>> No.5063606

Are you afraid to generate a shitty drawing? What do you like to draw?

>> No.5063611

Sometimes it's fine to take a break and do something else. Take care of yourself and the motivation to draw will come back.

>> No.5063617

But I can't make the contour line on them to save my life. It always look off and wrong.

Not everyone wants to be 100% digital, anon.

>> No.5063622
File: 35 KB, 1002x991, 1587048950933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see education is failing zoomers

>> No.5063627

If I use a tool like that, I will never improve my circle, it's not even the outline of the circle I'm having a major issue with, it's the contour lines and imagining how that fits in as a 3d form in space.

>> No.5063629

look moon phases

>> No.5063632

>sphere contour lines
I'm struggling there too right now, we're going to get it eventually if we keep going fren.

>> No.5063638
File: 20 KB, 402x440, CLIPStudioPaint_Ajk522Mt5p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like look at this, this shit's for the birds. This looks awful.

>> No.5063639

this why u dont skip loomis

>> No.5063644

Can you draw a cube?

>> No.5063646

Real advice right here.

>> No.5063647

Thanks anon. I've been through loomis before. The head there is constructed of a sphere and the plane shape in front.

Yes, I'll do one quick hold on

>> No.5063648

I've been waiting on that motivation to come back for 6 years now, I still got hope

>> No.5063651

If you've been waiting for 6 years it's time to wonder if you're either into drawing to start with or have other issues to work on.

>> No.5063653
File: 5 KB, 206x142, CLIPStudioPaint_PwxevvKep3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5063654

i dont know how to make friends anymore... private messaging people gives me anxiety

>> No.5063657
File: 6 KB, 206x142, 1604966520031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5063658

Make it a wireframe.

>> No.5063677

>redrawing the eyes from scratch every time you change the angle of the face by .00008 degrees


>> No.5063679


>> No.5063681


>> No.5063687

That's a cute pig.

>> No.5063689
File: 23 KB, 383x389, CLIPStudioPaint_MB6N2iieYg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5063693

to loomis you go

>> No.5063695

I do practice with loomis. I know the lines there aren't perfect, but I'm using a consistent vanishing point.

>> No.5063696

no, you are not

>> No.5063697


>> No.5063698
File: 37 KB, 913x305, CLIPStudioPaint_vUO5fcWjIh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retarded?

>> No.5063702

just like any other beg

>> No.5063707

That's literally the lines converging on a vanishing point though, how am I wrong?

>> No.5063708

Your cube is no more advanced than if you just copied chinese characters. You need to develop a 3d intuition, a sense for seeing space and depth. Draw many cubes, as if you were animating them tumbling through space. Draw them so that their edges are rounded.

>> No.5063710
File: 31 KB, 913x305, 1598698129945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if you started paying attention to what you do you would get better

>> No.5063756

How can I find out if someone committed suicide if they haven’t logged on in a long time?

>> No.5063760

Ask their address

>> No.5063763

But anon

>> No.5063764

why am I like this

Why do I give a shit, why.

>> No.5063765

Check if you are not blocked

>> No.5063768

I’m not.

>> No.5063787

>Have you made new art friends, anons?
This year? I'd say I lost most friends I made in art because of politics. I also lost a friend because he started telling me he didn't care about me, he just liked my art. I unfollowed them all and left Discord servers because I was spending too much time getting mad instead of drawing
I'm going to spend more time invested in my studies and art

>> No.5063789

Here's one:

>I know a girl because my my dad was one of her teacher in High school

>She's into art

>We talk together sometimes,quels pretty sociable

>She have far more experience than (drawing since childhood while I started to take this seriously about 2 years ago)

>I like Her because she's kinda hot,so I want to talk to her

>I have her phone number

>I send a message asking her to post her work while I post mine

>I get a positive answer,but she can't do it "right now" because que was at work

>Post my work

>No response

Maybe making friends throught art isn't the best idea.I should keep it personnal when it comes to IRL relationships.

>> No.5063829

Sometimes people just say fuck it and quit doing stuff at their online community.

>> No.5063835


maybe you’re right, I hope ;____;

>> No.5063861

i"m alive and well friend

>> No.5063872

I feel like I'm staring at myself reading this.

>> No.5063880

I normally love my job but I was mid-drawing when I realized I’d only get four hours of sleep before work last night, woke up and went straight to my work laptop today, and all I can think about is drawing.

>> No.5063890

Really really? Are you eating well? Are you getting adequate sleep? Are you genki? Can I hug you??

>> No.5063913
File: 1.52 MB, 200x200, 1584419958931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my experience girls are never "into" art the way guys are, so your mistake was assuming it was different in this case. They are into it like they are into say, dancing. It's just something they do that they like the validation they get for it, not really the thing itself.

I could talk for hours about perspective, fundamentals, soul vs soulless, color, etc. with my male art friends and they would be very interested and would actually discuss these things with me in depth, but never found a girl artist who would be as engaged in it to enjoy just talking about things like that. And I have a bunch of female "art" friends, which actually just means I have a bunch of female friends, who happen to do some art. If you want to keep them engaged you kinda need to forget about the art part and just treat them like every other girl you find, so you talk about gossip, drama, their lives, what they like... so on so forth.

It is very unfortunate, and I wish someone came around to prove me wrong, but it has not happened yet and I've been in all communities I could find for 5 years and met easily over a hundred girl artists, many of which ending up as very good friends, but never Art friends with a capital A.

>> No.5063942

jeez you had me worried all day
now I can feel at ease

>> No.5064041

I'd rather remain free from the burden of personality

>> No.5064115

I feel sick. I'll feel better if you give me a kiss.

>> No.5064213

I really do feel sick you know. Maybe I have COVID-21 *hic*

>> No.5064214
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1604730973353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just had an exhausting imaginary argument in my own head.

>> No.5064215

>Time for the ears
>Draws squiggles and pray

>> No.5064218

find an autistic girl

>> No.5064243

Easier said than done. Especially in a time where being autistic is the new fad and apparently every alt girl now think they have it alongside BPD.

>> No.5064336
File: 44 KB, 687x796, 1588631749118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back to posting my drawings around to motivate myself to draw, but whenever I come back I see the same old usual faces still there, drawing and giving their all on a regular basis, so I feel ashamed and that helps my lack of motivation to draw to grow even stronger.
I have reseted my identity a few times throughout the years and I don't want to keep on doing it, I like the people connected to this and I like the characters/style I have developed.

They'd probably even be somewhat happy that I'm back, but at the same time disappointed by the fact that I didn't keep it up and now am lagging so much behind.

I think the core of the issue is that I don't want to be pitied, yet I don't have what it takes to be admired instead.

>> No.5064537


>> No.5064585

I want to learn how to sing and play the guitar but I don't want anybody to hear me practicing singing, my voice sounds so horrible!

>> No.5064589

Wtf should I do if everything I like was drawn before? If I went same direction id be accused of copying others.

>> No.5064675

i think borrowing stuff actually helps the audience have a familiar frame of reference to better digest whatever it is you're throwing at them. so long as you add an interesting twist into whatever it is youre doing the audience would give you a pass. just look at blizzard lol

>> No.5064866

How do you write dialogue?

>> No.5064962

pls say "mite mite timotei(3x)" for me anon

>> No.5064965

Subtext: Hint at what your character really wants. Check out Robert McKee!

>> No.5065008

How does one make artist friends? I crave human connection.

>> No.5065016

By drawing them.

>> No.5065060

This unironically

>> No.5065079

Very retarded analogy, I don't have an inkling of shame about my own voice yet I don't practice singing because I don't want to be noisy. I hate all of my neighbors, they are noisy and all. Yet I still feel this instinctual need to do my part as a sensible person and not disturb everyone with loud screaming.
I do sing here and there, but nothing too prolonged nor at full lungs. I wish I had a soundproof room.

>> No.5065110

A-anon, clean your room please.
So... you're agreeing with them?

>> No.5065128

I don't even need those wimpy bitches. Fuck them.

>> No.5065136

No, my voice sounds ok and I don't mind people hearing it. What I do mind is about disturbing. Even good music is annoying if you don't want to listen to it.

>> No.5065146

They don't need you either lol

>> No.5065285
File: 141 KB, 1000x1334, 1591153951270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do art frens even do? I genuinely don't know.

>> No.5065296

they give you really good pp&j bjs

>> No.5065339
File: 34 KB, 477x442, IMG_4256 (Edited).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 25 I was at the top of my class in terms of skill, I made some poor decisions education wise (dropping out) and now I'm watching people I use to know get jobs and make it. I'm willing to put the work but I just can't seems to find the path forward to getting my foot in the door.

I'm currently starting to put together a better portfolio, but even before the covid shit jobs for junior artists were sparse. Now it's like gold dust and people who go into certain courses are picked up straight away leaving crumbs for those on the outside.

Basically what I'm saying is should I just do a three year course to get a work placement in what I want to do, I don't know if by time I do get in I'll not fit in and be the weird older guy amongst younger artists. UK btw so racking up education debt doesn't affect me financially least till I'm making more the 25k a year.

>> No.5065477

i made 1 but he lives on the other side of the country and doesn't draw much.

>> No.5065487

Are you ok?

>> No.5065490

They help pass along opportunities and introduce you to others.

>> No.5065491
File: 15 KB, 540x540, 1550952870106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt that

>> No.5065492

>I'm 25 I was at the top of my class in terms of skill,

I really hate people who declare this. Like, how do you know? How do we know that you aren't aware of your own lack of skill?

>> No.5065494

This is me. I have been having a hard time at my dayjob, because all I can think about it drawing. I draw at work and I barely do any work there. I plan on quitting after next year, so I still gotta last there.

>> No.5065497

> I lost most friends I made in art because of politics.

Are you an asshole?

>> No.5065538

Traitor maybe?

>> No.5065547
File: 1.43 MB, 2472x2856, Painting of the sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, just art.

>> No.5065581

I don't think the issue it's about women vs men but rather real pros and enthusiasts. For girls going into arts or dancing is like for boys doing sports. I mean you can find me playing soccer or baseball, but you won't find me caring too much about the plays, the technique, the subtleties. It's not really my passion. I suspect its similar for most people in art. Women just happen to do it more as a hobby.

>> No.5065625


>> No.5065634

Hey, I feel a little better now. I still have a slight fever? though but not as bad as last night.

>> No.5065641

You're right, a better way of putting it is I was favoured among my peers and teachers for my ability at the time and I had /ic/ to kick my shit in to tell me where I sucked and what I needed to improve. In no way would I suggest I'm the best there's been, only thing I can state with confidence is I worked harder than most. But that's not the focus of the vent nor the question I posed.

>> No.5065677

How do I know if my content has an audience or alternatively what my followers and other audiences want to see? I quadrupled my output but I'm still stagnating on followers and interaction.

>> No.5065771
File: 293 KB, 916x673, 1607229559584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to take a break from commission for a while
>Only one quick comms left for a longtime commissioner
>Decides to really go beyond the price and beyond what i can, as a farewell gift.
>He doesn't like it at all.

Fuck it was one of the shit i was most proud of.
I guess i was being too wild and didn't stay in what he expected of me, people do not pay only for time or skills but for consistency, i was being a bit retarded but damn.

>> No.5065820

>How do I know if my content has an audience
Post, use proper tags. Do you receive likes? Then theres an audience. If you're on twitter you can check post statistics to see how big the (possible) audience is.
>what my followers want to see?
You could ask them. "Hey guys what do you want me to draw?" or whatever. Make a poll based on what you've drawn recently if you dont want to sound like youre asking for requests, its what I've seen many patreon users doing.
>other audiences
Make a market search. Define in few words what the audience you want to pander for is, research what is popular there. On twitter thats just as easy as searching for hashtags/key words and looking at the top posts.

>> No.5065823

How would one go about that?

>> No.5065849

Ask them out!!

>> No.5065852

sorry I couldn’t help myself

>> No.5065860

Yeah, but how?
>Yo I heard you do art, I also do, as is known. Let's hang out

>> No.5065878


You warm up to them a lot, then subtly hint that you like them more than what’s normal, and then one day you say the magic words “I love you, please go out with me!”.

>> No.5065882

I though this was about art

>> No.5065889
File: 198 KB, 500x685, an.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had an IRL fren who likes my drawings and wants to see them. That must be pretty motivating. But I'm socially retarded and should just make a tulpa instead.

>> No.5065891

It is about art. Go out with me to uhh, art convention—yeah that’s it! Good luck, champ.

>> No.5065901

>long time commissioner
>not knowing what he likes

It's not entirely his fault imo

>> No.5065903

You can show them to me, though I can't guarantee you meaningful responses.
Thanks fella

>> No.5065905

>draw question mark without the dot
>"nobody looks at them anyway h-haha"

>> No.5065909

It's not his fault at all.
He paid for something and i overdid it.
He paid for a small hamburger and i gave him a nice meal which he's allergic to.

>> No.5065923

Thank you for the offer, internet interactions are nice and non-scary but I was just wondering what it would feel like to talk to someone open to your interests face to face in the 3dpd world.
Wait, turns out I just want acceptance, it's not even about art.

>> No.5065927

Np! Tell me how it goes later.

>> No.5065936

Well, that depends on where you live. Are you my neighbor?

>> No.5065951
File: 68 KB, 878x592, 759AF796-90FF-4DFD-AEA9-C2E3CD8258E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I*might* be a teensy bit wrong in the head

>> No.5065980

That's how you know you're GMI

>> No.5065982

You have a cute voice :3

>> No.5066010
File: 287 KB, 366x333, 0A09177_51556wt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well thats just sad! u sound like youre about to rope. take care of yourself buddy

>> No.5066051

>be me
>get my first high paying commission
>start working on it
>keep polishing it
>client liked thumbnails and sketches (it's time consuming, but I made several of each to make him happy)
>keep polishing
>everything must be perfect, because I don't want to disappoint my client
>keep polishing it
>slowly this project turned from something fun into tedious chore that's painful to look at
>mere thought of this commission is enough to make feel like a piece of shit
>hours of drawing per day dropped from 6-7 to 0
>try to regain my love for drawing
>can't, because drawing anything other than this commission, makes me feel incredibly guilty about it
>it's been months since he commissioned me and more than a 100 hours put into that crappy illustration
>he asked someone else do draw the same thing for him in the meanwhile
Everything that's shitty in my life is my own fault and I can't handle it any more. God I'm so pathetic. I don't know how to fix myself and I'm tired of even trying.

>> No.5066145

I saw a bitcoin atm at a restaurant today. What the fuck cashless society soon.

>> No.5066167


>> No.5066219

Every single day I see people in photo restoration groups that take a bad quality image and you can tell they just take another person's face and make it semi line up with the original placements. It makes me feel weird knowing they have edited another person's face onto their memories of a lost love one. Forever distorting how they perceive them in their mind.

>> No.5066230

No new art friends. Art school was supposed to help, but I had an all online semester. Felt very isolated, which didn't help my recently amplified mental health issues. Apparently I developed "suicidal ideation."
Semester's about finished, so I'll have some time to reorganize myself. Maybe next time will be better.

I hope you're all doing well, anons.

>> No.5066233

...that actually sounds like a cool trick. Unethical, sure, but as long as it gets the job done and clients don't notice it's a very useful hack. Thanks anon! I've learned something on /ic/ today thanks to you! :D

>> No.5066253

I can definitely relate to that, the first lockdown in my country threw me into depression, this second one made me realize I wasted my youth on the internet and never socialized with anybody. It's a terrible, deep feeling of regret. I wish you the best and that your suicidal ideation doesn't develop into action.

>> No.5066254
File: 136 KB, 1440x808, 1726601D-CC32-47C9-AF01-BAB3D4DEDDB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit and Discord have no incentive to help (You) as an artist on Twatter even when they give you the equivalent of a like.

>> No.5066280

Kind of

It's been nice

We don't talk much about art though because I'm /beg/ and he's at least /int/. I've enjoyed his art for a couple of years now but only started chatting in the last few weeks. I don't want to leech of him and waste his time with my /beg/work.

>> No.5066286

>tfw no humble /beg/bf

>> No.5066296

Just keep at it man. It takes time for your subconscious to correlate what you've learnt and be able to make the most of it.

Constant practice helps with this.

>> No.5066299

Known feeleroni

>> No.5066311

Aaaaaaahhhhh my head hurtsss I feel like I’m dyingggg

>> No.5066312

well not hurts but I feel very dizzy

>> No.5066323

did you eat pig meat recently?

>> No.5066325

>tfw no helpful twink /int/ bf

>> No.5066328

now kiss

>> No.5066331

I did eat a fat, juicy pig sausage the other day from IHOP. But it started happening yesterday evening.

>> No.5066336

have fun with your new worm fren

>> No.5066347

I will proudly take the slight possibility of a wormy being in the sausage if it means I can savor every last bite of piggy.

>> No.5066352
File: 866 KB, 800x963, e214crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my vent.

>> No.5066360

Who thought putting porn ads on this fucking board was a good idea holy fucking shit
I get you, sometimes the cringe has to be crunge

>> No.5066377

Thank you, anon. That really means a lot.

>> No.5066381

>Who thought putting porn ads on this fucking board was a good idea
It's made it a lot more awkward to browse, I'll say.

>> No.5066390
File: 243 KB, 1424x284, banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this in ms paint in two minutes and it's gained more recognition on the internet than literally any of my actual art pieces

>> No.5066400

>2 days
grind for another 200 days and come back to me then, okay?

>> No.5066401

Your standard internet audience does not appreciate art. I feel sorry for you, but it's the fact of the matter.

>> No.5066409

that is true art

>> No.5066451

Thanks anon, yeah I decided to embrace the cringe. I am who I am, that's all I've got anymore.
Yeah it used to not have porn ads and now it's just double speed plonking everywhere. It really has made it awkward lol. Sometimes I forget and I'll open up the page and BAM two tiddy girls high speed bumping. It's comical how bad they are.

>> No.5066496

Meme/reaction picture worthy pics are popular, go figure.

>> No.5066622
File: 445 KB, 400x400, FE31F223-E41C-461E-823C-7D1C9D9D8669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are (you) up to right now?

>> No.5066627

searching for kids image

>> No.5066636

Uoah nice

>> No.5066655
File: 1.48 MB, 1377x1453, comfy_kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>room is dark
>screen is bright
>can't draw from the reference photos I have saved because I have to go back and forth between the bright screen and the dimly lit paper

>> No.5066675

turn on the lights nerd

>> No.5066694

lightswitch is broken, all I have is two dollar store lamps in opposite corners of my room.

>> No.5066699

sorry mate, you have windows for some daylight? Or is it dark

>> No.5066753
File: 120 KB, 606x606, 40281945-D129-4B99-9997-20DE957327E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lol

>> No.5066784
File: 132 KB, 759x751, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep getting migraines
looking at the screen hurts

>> No.5066802

>drawing some loli porn
>add tears to my little girl on a whim
>suddenly 2x more aroused
I'm so glad I can draw

>> No.5066813
File: 197 KB, 773x888, 0AF90507-F0BA-4E77-A986-ABC7B8E11456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5066849

good night piggies <3

>> No.5066882

this is just nitpicky and unconstructive, you probably dont know your shit either

this >>5063708 anon is right, your cube looks symbol drawn, it's the most basic one possible
try drawing them from multiple angles, looking above and from below. if you repeat those exercises it will help you gain control of 3d space better

>> No.5066889


>> No.5066942

only if you post yours first, you were the first to critique after all

>> No.5066946

>being crazy talented but having a stupid hand so linework take 30 years

>> No.5066986


>> No.5066998

the fuck is this
im not clicking that, just post the image like a normal person would?

>> No.5067001

i would if this wasn't a nazi infested place

>> No.5067017

i wan more art friends but western artists tend to get into too much drama cause of some stupid shit so i just reserve myself off to the side

>> No.5067073
File: 35 KB, 813x609, fasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok well even though i havent even seen it ill just assume you PYW

here's how i go about 3d forms using a cube, it's obviously not perfect but you don't need to be autistic about the vanishing points

>> No.5067080

>That's """""literally"""""" the lines converging on a vanishing point though, how am I wrong?
if he's gonna say this he better make sure he is fucking right, otherwise i'll just assume he eyeballed the vps

>> No.5067098
File: 8 KB, 223x214, 1606503071400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exact same thing happened to me, anon.
The other artist did a way better job in a matter of a couple hours and that threw a wrench in my motivation to even finish my commission.
I actually finished it, the client saw screenshots of it, but I never exported/sent the finished product and the client never asked for it.

Whenever I get paid to do something I start procrastinating, it's impressive. It also applies to other things I do for payment, such as translations, music and writing.

I have no solutions, only my sympathy to give you.
On the contrary, you might have given me a beacon of light, maybe it all has to do with perfectionism kicking in when it's a "real job" and then "paralysis by analysis" happens. Something like imposter syndrome on a small scale.

>> No.5067102

>12 to 18 months of on/off doodling
>not a totally clueless anymore, maybe high beg or a low int, can do pretty things when putting effort in
>terribly aware of how lacking my fundies are
>no loomis
>30/250 box meme
>total reliance on reference to the point of it being a crutch
>no serious practice at all, just watching some meh youtube art videos
>feel jealous when people post progress shots because it reminds me of how much further I could be if I practiced with any rigour
although it's just a hobby I do for fun with month long breaks inbetween, I kinda hate how I need to measure/trace landmark points to canvas to get my shapes right while others do all this stuff automatically without any effort.

>> No.5067119

Trying to revisit my fundies with realistic portraits and it's fucking humbling man. Jesus Christ.

>> No.5067120
File: 1.53 MB, 420x600, 1607066091156.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something you learn from doing enough commissions is to never offer more for free

>> No.5067173
File: 49 KB, 452x603, dsfgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all im saying is that in my opinion that wasnt his major problem, he was close enough
i dont know if he understands what he was doing because the cube looked symbol drawn
even KJG doesnt hit his VPs perfectly but its fine cause nobody sees it or cares

>> No.5067404

Thanks for speaking up - it really cheers me up that I'm not the only one with this problem.

Also I found out that it's actually a well researched phenomenon that increase in pay decreases motivation. Weird.

>> No.5067408

I'm talentless and can't cope with my dream being dead

>> No.5067485
File: 35 KB, 567x437, 1604783850728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am completely alone.

>> No.5067571

Wanna be my friend?

>> No.5067572
File: 18 KB, 344x342, 1604708946601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am clinically unable to hold a conversation. If ur okay with that, then yes

>> No.5067589

I am always leaps and bounds ahead of everyone I meet in drawing skill, so it's very difficult to make friends, they often end up being jealous. Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.5067590

I would think people would be leaping over each other to be your friend. I have crushes on girls because of their skills.

>> No.5067594

I had two really good dreams back to back. its a shame I had to wake up.

>> No.5067606

Good morning fren :)

>> No.5067608
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>> No.5067617

Good moewing!!

>> No.5067664

Unironically yes, it's lonely.

>> No.5067694
File: 1.87 MB, 1200x1301, Catproblems_9821ee_8142823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm done trying to make friends. I am uninteresting, unable to hold a conversation for long and cannot help that I get easily attached to people who are nice to me to the point where I barely ask anyone for advice because I don't want to sound needy even if I only asked them once before, what it does really is distract me and drain me of energy so I can't focus. I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with me anyway so no one would deal with my shit so I'd rather just be alone than bother anyone.

>> No.5067884
File: 67 KB, 640x608, 9lc7f0webe561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went outside. It wasn't particularly inspiring, but it was real. Think I'm gonna stay there and share some bread.

>> No.5067894

based, dealing with social relationships online is tiring

>> No.5067896
File: 46 KB, 640x857, amfy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had such an unusual action packed life that I find it very hard to relate to regular people, this is especially prominent in art circles because almost every person who devotes their life to drawing has little to no life experience.

Seriously, I've never met an artist who hasn't had the most generic life.

Ever since I decided to sociamize with other artists I've only come across really lame people, I'm completely self taught so I came into the scene after I had learned to draw.

>> No.5067945
File: 16 KB, 357x371, 771B59CC-49EC-4F6C-884E-B8AFD538EC56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making and keeping friends, especially bfs, online can be quite challenging. But don’t give up! You’ll eventually find someone you can confide in!

>> No.5067948

Agreed. Keeping irl social relationships going is far fucking easier.

>> No.5068083

But how do you find irl friends.

>> No.5068096

bang on your neighbors door asking for sugar

>> No.5068112

You can approach literally anyone if you know how to profile people.

The easiest way to interact with strangers in randon situations is by trying to figure out subjects they might like or what you have in common based on their looks, this works on most people with few exceptions.

The easiest one is by talking about their country, for example if someone is from Malaysia you can ask ghem if they're from KL or Sarawak as knowing even a bit about their country usually triggers some sort of a connection in people, to do this succesfully you need to know a lot about foreign cultures though.

The downsode to knowing how to do this is realizing that most people really aren't worth talking to, usually the only interesting people are the ones who act unexpectedly.

>> No.5068137

This is impossible for me. I’m just not social and my voice is too quiet.

>> No.5068143

Like I’m on a zoom call right now with a group of people (job training) and one guy said I was quiet just because I’m not talking as much as they are. I talk when I’m called on, sure, but they take up majority of the talking. Just like real life. It doesn’t matter if it’s online or life people can just tell I’m a mute.

>> No.5068144

I've come to notice that for people like you the onlyway to form connections without the help of chance happening is at a place where same people come to over the course of a long period of time lile school, work, meeting, book club or some other hobby.

>> No.5068145

lean back of forth repeatedly during the call, because they know you already it wont work, but otherwise they would just think you are special and ignore how little you talk

>> No.5068193
File: 85 KB, 566x604, 1557989526493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon speak up
>anon why do you talk like that
>finally anon speaks!

>> No.5068310

i want an asian artist gf

>> No.5068354

I hate how my kindle fire battery lasts much longer than my iPad.

>> No.5068369

>I hate how things work exactly as advertised

>> No.5068374

I hate smartasses more than working as advertised fine print

>> No.5068509

I’m a hobbyist and that’s all I want to be. My career isn’t art related but I love it. It’s fulfilling and gives me time (and money) to draw what I want to. I keep getting pressured by art friends who do this for a living to do commissions or look into art as a career and I don’t know how many times I can say I’m not interested before I start getting rude about it. FYI I’m perfectly average at art, so it’s not like I’m some sort of artistic prodigy here. I don’t know if it’s some sort of compliment that’s just rubbing me the wrong way or what. I think I partly feel disconnected because even though we all love art, it feels like we’re living in two completely different worlds.

>> No.5068628
File: 19 KB, 420x416, 1584372666169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally graduate from college
>Plenty of time to draw
>No longer interested in drawing

>> No.5068633

I feel like quitting art.

>> No.5068643

Technically don’t we quit art the moment we stop drawing?

>> No.5068657

I think following any guide tailored for concept art made me hate drawing.

>> No.5068699
File: 427 KB, 534x803, 1608033089739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying engineering was a fucking mistake.
I'm in my last year swamped with reports and projects. I can't draw.

I dread joining the workforce once I finish
Worked in a jet repair company, dealing with the rich clients made me want to gag and I got lung irritation from the paints and lubricants.

>> No.5068735
File: 42 KB, 2000x2000, うおおおおおお~!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the hell do I speed up my drawing?
it takes me hours to even just get a rough
Also how do I deal with cold sweats? my hands start getting super cold and sweating hard whenever I start to draw.

>> No.5068857

>how the hell do I speed up my drawing?
Draw faster during study, time yourself. When it's a piece you wanna finish, take it easy while you're still improving your speed. Eventually start rushing.

Shitty genes, sorry, sweaty.

>> No.5068887

a little break will remind you why you love something

>> No.5068889

chink women are the worst people in the art world who work professionally

>> No.5068901

oh hey I just graduated my eng degree in July, was in a similar dilemma last year. I had opportunities lined up but since graduating I've decided to postpone my eng path in lieu of art.

thankfully though (without sounding too ignorant), due to the pandemic I was able to become an art NEET with minimal social punishment. I was prepared to eat dirt and get flak regardless, but now there's a partially valid excuse to remain unemployed whilst working on my art.

If you feel so strongly against an eng career, you should also consider postponing after graduation an option- if your situation allows you. btw no I haven't made it yet, but I also haven't regretted my decision yet. On the other hand by the time you finish, there'll be more opportunities for remote work probably, which doesn't sound as dreadful if you don't need to keep face, get lung irritation and if it lets you do art on the side..

I think the most important thing right now is to leave yourself options by finish your degree strong. Quitting at this point of even half-assing is the worst thing you can do probably. Put art on the backburner and focus on your projects for now, so you leave a good way back in if art doesn't work out as an alternative.

>> No.5068906
File: 453 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20201205_025042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital pleb
>It’s fulfilling and gives me time (and money) to draw what I want to

And drawing as a job does the exact opposite, you barely ever draw what you want so it becomes stressful and very restricted.

Personally I would never draw for money, it just loses it's purpose altogether.
Because drawing isn't fun or interesting, the subjects you draw can either be lame and borong or fun and interesting.
There's nothing you want to draw in other words, try and come up with something.

Personally I can't be arsed to draw anything thta doesn't have continuity or a storyline in other words comics, I just find it pointless and boring to draw illustrations of things that have no real purpose or function.
That's why I chose a job that takes up very little time from my daily life and where I don't have to physically do anything besides manage things and I only have to deal with the people I'm running a business with.

I quit selling antiques because I got fed up with all the senile idiots and shitty customers.
I wanted to become a biochemist until I realized it would just be sitting in a lab making drugs for big pharma, I wanted to become a pilot until I realized it's just sitting in a cockpit doing nothing 99% of the time, I wanted to become a doctor until I realized that 50% of the work is filling out forms and the rest is just listening old people whine about their problems while some young guy is dying because they're in line for a transplant.

I've come to a conclusion that the best way to go is by making as much money as possible for the smallest effort and then enjoying all the free time by doing what I want and enjoy., I'd rather make $1000 per month doing nothing than $6000 having to waste my life in a repetitive cycle.

>> No.5068913

If you want to draw faster you should put less time into thinking what you're going to do next or anything at all, in other worda get better at drawing so that everything comes to you automatically without having to think about it.

This happened to me, I just kept getting faster and faster the less I had to focus on how to draw and more on what to draw and then just shit out whatever comes to my mind.

It used to take me 5 days to make lineart a comic page I can now finish in less than a day only because I just don't have to correct my drawings as much or really think about what am doing as it all comes automatically unless it's a very complicated perspective or such.

This never worked for me personally.

>> No.5068933
File: 5 KB, 323x246, 1608027793876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend group online is falling for this ewoman I absolutely hate and I feel like I'm about to get ousted

>> No.5068988

damn god giveth with asian jeans and ligameme and god taketh with sweaty hands I guess
Is there a reason to time myself outside of just making sure I'm going faster?
So just practice? Just curious how long did it take for you to see an improvement in your speed, just want to make sure I have something to check against

>> No.5069004

>Is there a reason to time myself outside of just making sure I'm going faster?
You won't be able to spend 20 minutes on the little toe if you have 25 minutes to draw everything, so it's a way to force you to prioritize. IMO it ties with >>5068913 because if you don't want to increase your time but your hands still suck, the only cure is learning them like the back of your (sweaty) hand.

And I think the sweat might be a balancing patch for your lack of body odor.

>> No.5069005

Sorry fren, roasties ruin everything

>> No.5069014

Today i wasted the day trying to give a realistic shadow to my drawing ending up with a shit effect

>> No.5069036
File: 52 KB, 620x394, 1594171577819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask /ic/ what went wrong and it wont go to waste

>> No.5069037
File: 1.78 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20201217_053447-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first started self learning how to draw with zero prior experience about 2.5 years ago but I've drawn almost every day full time ever since so the time it took for me to get to that point may or may not be comparable.

Also keep in mind that the detail of my artwork has increased dramatically during this time, a page that took me 5 days to draw a year ago has less than half of how much I actually put on paper nowadays.

I'd say that it was about 5 months ago when I got really fast but I've had these speed spikes every now and then until I slow down again once my art gets more and more detailed so it's hard to say as I don't know how detailed your work is.

The first speed spike I had was at about 1.5 weeks into drawing every day for 14 hours per day, when I started I drew like crazy and didn't even leave the ropm I was drawing at for about three weeks.
During that time I could finish up to 4 pages ia day at best but as I already pointed out the increased level of detail and skill has slowed me down a lot.

These sketches took me about 1.5 days each to draw.

>> No.5069042
File: 210 KB, 1280x906, arriving_at_a_new_home_on_mars___full_page_sketch_by_koikonhea_de30nx0-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But when it.comes to highly technical drawings like the one on this page I haven't gotten any faster at all because of the huge paper aizes, calculations and inconveniently sized tools that I have to use.

That single panel with the building took me about as long to draw as those four pages that I posted in my previous reply did.

I don't think I could draw it faster than that even if I got better to be honest.

>> No.5069054
File: 107 KB, 1280x906, stepping_out_for_the_first_time___full_page_clean_by_koikonhea_de3cxfy-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one took me almost a week and I ended up wasting a lot of time because I had ro attach 5 A3 paper sheets together to get all the perspective points.

In this scene the protagonist who's an laien wakes up as an adult on a strange planet after falling into a coma as a child having no idea how he got there so I felt like this page had to stand out from the rest.

On a side note backgrounds can take me only a few seconds to finish if I estimate everything which is what I normally do on insignificant panels but whenever I have to calculate something to get the dostances, positions and heights thinga suddenly slow down a lot.

>> No.5069061 [DELETED] 

When I try to post in discord my hands start shaking like crazy and I delete my message immediately. How to get over this anxiety?

>> No.5069064
File: 157 KB, 1280x906, page_5___full_page_sketch_by_koikonhea_de58gj9-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one isn't even detailed or anything, it's just precisely calculated lines.

I'd say that the more I have to calculate and as I said, think about what I sraw, the longer it takes to finish it.

This page took me very little time to draw despite all the details simply because it's repetitive.

>> No.5069065

Do a fat line of cocaine before each message, works as a fun party game too.

>> No.5069068
File: 157 KB, 1280x906, floormaster_s_authority_kicks___full_page_sketch_by_koikonhea_de3abfj-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And because it barely has any backgrounds like this page, this one I finished in ony a couple of hours.

>> No.5069069

i even delete my 4chan messages too. I can never visit a drug dealer

>> No.5069070
File: 94 KB, 640x479, 1604557384831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5069102

It was a joke, don't do it please.
Cocaine is not a nice drug.

>> No.5069104


>> No.5069131

He has the spark, but will he develop the taste? Otherwise he's bound to either obscurity or working on other people's projects.

>> No.5069133

Can't post it on /ic/ because is furry stuff sadly

>> No.5069138

What's a gmi? :D

I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.5069210

Found out what a gmi is.

I've never worked on other peoples projects and I've always refused any requests and commissions because I have zero interest in monetizing my drawing skill.

I'm an online sales manager by ptofession, I sell stuff for a commission for a pawn shop and I work about 2-5 hours per week for a full income because I just pay other people to do all the time consuming work so I basically just push buttons and sit at home drawing.

Once I'm done with my graphic novel I'll just keep making more volumes while getting my money from other sources, I would never become a full time professional artist but I'm fine with getting some extra income from royalties of my comic.

>> No.5069220
File: 57 KB, 600x623, suffer more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a twitter account hoping to upload NSFW art. I got art block around that time and placed my NSFW dreams on the back-burner for about a year. I decided to get into animation and gave myself a personal challenge where I make a short SFW animation every day for a month. I finished the challenge back in November and gained a few followers. Now I want to get back to posting NSFW, but I don't know if I should make a new account or post on my existing one.

>> No.5069242

Make a new account and advertise it on your current one

>> No.5069253

Well, you're doing incredible anon. Just make sure to study real life and how things actually look from time to time, if you want to take your art to the next level.

>> No.5069270

I'm not really that interested in perfecting my art, to me it's just a tool that I use to conceive a story in a fictional scifi world that I've created.

The fact that my art is very technical and lacks an organic feel to it and I'm fully aware of it but I feel like it compliments the hard scifi aspect of the comic so I'll just go woth the "it's my style" excuse for that one.

I'm more of a storyteller than an artist, the only reason why I'm even making a conic instead of, say, a film is because it's easily accessible and doesn't require a crazy high budget to look good.

I've been to prison, homeless, foster care, lived abroad, travelled in over 20 cpuntries, moved out when I was 16 as I ran away from my psychotic mother, been to underground techno parties and pretty much done all kinds of crazy things and met all kinds of people.

I've really gotten bored of all that action so I started working on my comic because I want to put my perspective in life into something creative and a graphic novel seemed like the most obvious medium for me.

>> No.5069281

I can respect that

>> No.5069306

My hands and feet are rather cold! They're almost stuck in garsh darn place! (*≧▽≦)

>> No.5069574

I have corona

>> No.5069631

Il in love with Nagatoro-san

>> No.5069677
File: 496 KB, 707x1000, 1530015942892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a big project at my job that bombed(don't want to go into details)
>afraid of failure on next project
>can't fucking draw at all, literally below /beg/ despite drawing for fun every day for years
>tried to get into fighting games lately, can't even be good at that, even after 20 hours of play I can't do basic combos consistently
I'm generally the kind of person who thinks they can do anything with enough effort, but man, that mindset is really being tested lately.

>> No.5069689

>Drawing for fun
That's what happens when *ehem* you don't practice the funtamentals.

>> No.5069694

im lazy with fighting games. i just play, get my ass kicked a hundred times and then eventually I started winning matches with the rare moon chance of beating an a rank player. If i actually sat down and learn all the combos properly id probably be an A rank myself.

>> No.5069708

curse this damn cold

>> No.5069823

I would like to be somewhere else without the things that I dislike but I know for sure I will never find such a place.

>> No.5069844

also wearing asian jeans with abhorrent body temperatures. here's what you do.

shove a box beneath your desk, dump a sleeping bag into it/pile of blankets. then get some heavy duty bottles that can withstand 95c water consistently. boil water, shove it into 2-3 bottles, shove those bottles into old socks + tie off the socks with string, shove those and yourself beneath the blankets.

you'll still sweat, but if they aren't cold sweats it's easier to just wipe your hands off now and then since they won't freeze up from the cold.

as for the speed, time your drawings and stop drawing after time's up. if it's a study, just save, decide what you did poorly, and restart from scratch after a short break.

>> No.5069880

I know anon
Building stripped insulation (for repairs) and it's ice-cold inside

>> No.5069909

Fuck you northern-hemispherians

Try dealing with Queensland weather this time of year.

Work up a sweat just by drying myself off after an ice cold shower

God damn

99% humidity all day erry day

Had lunch with an african woman and she was complaining about the heat here.

>> No.5069916

do what i said bro
works for me and im also in a cold part of the northern hemisphere lol

>> No.5070057

It's so depressing seeing all these great pen and ink drawings but when I try all I do is totally ruin the pencil sketch I draw on. I want to be good but I'm getting nowhere and every time I feel this regret of why should I even try? I can't even shade cross contour hatching properly, the lines go everywhere. It's so frustrating.

>> No.5070187
File: 70 KB, 474x912, e57e701fc88961c63a7bb36e9fb3abd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open commissions for first time back in February
>Got commission for a chibi full body character
>"It's a chibi, shouldn't take long"
>After asking commissioner if sketch looks good, they say they want to add on a few more details
>But according to them, covid made them depressed ig so they take literal months to get back to me on sketch
>We keep going back and forth over little edits
>Every single time it takes this person months to get back to me
>Fastforward to a couple weeks ago, commission finally approved for completion
>I have been immensely patient with commissioner this whole time, nothing but polite
>Final payment comes
>Not even a tip for putting up with their bullshit for nearly a year

I would've ghosted them, but since they wanted to use this illustration for a business card, I didn't want to screw them over despite their obvious disrespect for my time. I know tips aren't required but really, fuck you. Fuck you

>> No.5070198

set a max edit limit next time honestly, like 'max three edits, extras are paid', or 'editable at sketch phase, 2 free edits before shading, any extras are paid'
could probably set a reply limit too but i dont know if that policy is as common

>> No.5070203

Yep, this pain in the ass has been a big learning experience for me.

>> No.5070234

cope retard, this is why artists overprice their commissions

>> No.5070354

I’m at the sore throat stage of my flu. Recovery 1 more day, I can feel it! (please end by tomorrow morning....please)

>> No.5070393

gimme your flu bro, I want an excuse to nap

>> No.5070401

No. At this point I'm close to giving up trying

>> No.5070435

Open your mouth...

>> No.5070441

I know it sucks but at least it's over and you got paid. Some "buyers" will just ghost. Migth help to raise your prices too because it weeds out the annoying young kids with granma's birthday money

>> No.5070485

It was $70 for something that would’ve taken only an hour and a half if they actually responded promptly. And they’re shockingly a grown adult. But like I said in another post, it was a learning experience at least. If I ever come across a person who takes forever to respond I’ll start giving them deadlines to reply before the commission’s off.

>> No.5070501

I don't even have normal friends
God i wish i had a person to talk to about art related stuff

>> No.5070504

Not venting but Im a newbie and dont want to clutter the catalog with a new thread:
I am trying to learn painting, I already read the sticky and I am wondering whether I should learn digital drawing or paper drawing.
I am going to buy a laptop in a month for my uni so I thought I would buy one with a painting screen and go from there.
At the same time I am leaning more towards drawing on paper but I feel like it will be more expensive in the long run (having to rebuy material when im a broke college student).
Sorry if I come off retarded but can anyone help me figure out what to do? Thank you

>> No.5070521

Paper and pencil to start, then consider digital later on. Buying a pack of printer paper and some pencils isn't exactly bank breaking.

>> No.5070549

visit the /sqt/ if you need more questions
just start off with paper (use scrap paper or whatever) to get yourself comfortable when you're confident transition to digital. use that for the one month you have left until you buy your laptop

>> No.5070572

Thanks boys

>> No.5070584

as long as it works

>> No.5070613

*kisses you*

>> No.5070641 [DELETED] 

I realize I may not be talking to you, but everything is for you as long as you see the post.

>> No.5070715

woah what am I saying that was really really embarrassing

>> No.5070963

Should I invest bitcoins, are they of some worht at the time or in about time?

>> No.5070980

I think it’s too late. Bitcoin was millennials only chance at a dot com.

>> No.5070983

bitcoin is at an ath right now, you missed the moonshot retardbro.... don't risk money that you can't afford to lose.

>> No.5071001

I'm playing games instead of drawing.

>> No.5071002


>> No.5071058
File: 2.17 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20201217_200451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A3 30min per pose

>> No.5071061
File: 2.34 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20201217_200429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5071152

shot hot cum all over my tablet

>> No.5071181

I know, it's ok

>> No.5071184

I'm downloading all sorts of sources and I am more worried about losing them and having more than I'm into using them.

>> No.5071194

Toss them all in a hat and blind pick one every week to do

>> No.5071199

distant vanishing points require a different approach so as not to require absurdly large formats. the technique would be to measure converging lines with intercepting lines that have vanishing points inside your main drawing.

>> No.5071230
File: 1.32 MB, 2304x1728, IMG_20201217_215649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this expensive perspective book for teaching me certain methods.
But it shows you just (the blue and red lines are the intersection lines) what I mean

>> No.5071452

No art friends yet, I had this whole plan of starting art streaming and hopping into whiteboards or flockdraw and whatever else with a fancy new pc that can finally handle more than just the basics but parts are fucking expensive and it gets worse by the day. Fuck every dumbass kid who's getting their own free overpowered vr supported rgb streamer pc handed to them this christmas "because online school MOOOOM!" I'm in the middle of moving and have my old setup packed away but renovations are coming along slowly so I haven't been able to draw digitally in like a month almost. I'm just wasting away with nothing to show for my time.

>> No.5071793

Depending on how much money you have to throw around, check to see if your screen laptops battery can be replaced/has bad reviews

Had a surface pro that bricked bc of that and it only works plugged in now, too scared to change the screen myself

>> No.5071877
File: 1.56 MB, 236x307, 1599706452390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw before work but don't have enough time inbetween showering, getting dressed and trying to make it on time
>get home from work
>don't feel like drawing at all; just want to eat something, go to bed and repeat for the next day

>> No.5072829

if you don't know what you did wrong, keep studying

>> No.5072834

if you can make a beautiful drawing with paper and pencil, you're already 90% there