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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 75 KB, 482x427, A027EE20-8C91-4ACF-BC6E-7C036B7793E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5062927 No.5062927 [Reply] [Original]

How am I supposed to get followers and likes on twitter and ig? Everytime I post something I get 1 like from a random bot(?) and those shitty kids get like 500 likes with their bad and cringe art. When I post on reddit I get 100-600 updoots. Whats the trick to get more attention on social media? I cant stand it anymore checking twitter out every 20 minutes it I suddenly got new likes

>> No.5062934

Anon, stop giving a shit about and delete all your social media if you're already this miserable because you can't get your dopamine fix from not enough likes.
Nobody gives a shit about you and you're not special.
Delete thread and go draw

>> No.5062954
File: 119 KB, 60x60, 1602654667058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried joining a fandom reddit that likes OC fanart and just posting your twitter handle in the comments section of reddit so you can get the upvotes AND likes/retweets

Also work on art improvement, with better art more feedback will follow. 100-600 updoots is not bad depending on the subreddit. Of course, bigger fandoms might be more generous with them

>> No.5062959

You're a shitty grown up. This is like a parent trying to be hip with the kids using lingo he knows from his school days but only looking cringe. The only people who can pull it off are those with personalty like Vtubers or Utubas.

Otherwise you have to be extremely good at drawing.

>> No.5062961

don't post your art online. draw for yourself and not for the validation of strangers whose opinion you probably wouldn't respect if you knew what kind of person they were.

>> No.5062962

you have no reason to copy me, faggot.

>> No.5062965

Damn, the people here are dicks.

OP, don't worry about reddit likes. Those people are faggots, and you don't want them as fans anyway.

You want a specific target audience. Look for it and create your niche following.

>> No.5062968

what are you talking about? you schizo or something?

>> No.5062974


Yeah yeah I'm a shizoid. Whatever makes you feel better.

>> No.5062979 [DELETED] 


>> No.5062983

Ooh? You can speak in ancient Atlantian? Interesting. Interesting...

>> No.5062988

That only works if you don't plan on making money with your art.

>> No.5062990


>> No.5062991

never ever have i agreed with someone on a topic for them to swing around and yell DONT COPY ME FAGGOT
take your meds and pyw

>> No.5062996

Why are you so....flustered? It's not like I know you or anything, right anonymous?

>> No.5062998
File: 85 KB, 223x333, 444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"likes don't matter"
>"social media don't matter"
>"validation of strangers doesn't matter
>"just draw for yourself bro"
holy cope of followerlets

>> No.5063001


>> No.5063010


I got 15 likes and I feel proud...or am I a faggot

>> No.5063013

see you in 4 months when you burn out after chasing the dopamine high from little vector icons of hearts

>> No.5063116

just gotta use tags and make decent stuff, got 150 followers in 1 week making 3d porn

>> No.5063119


>> No.5063121

how? twitter and instagram shadowban people who use nsfw tags.

>> No.5063233

Trend hop, faggot

>> No.5063347

maybe you're just not interesting? I have the same experience and then I realized that I'm positng really bland stuff. Very good on a technical level, but boring compared to other things on social media.

>> No.5063714

imagine working for free for people who give 400 trillion followers to some pornfag
imagine literally lifting a finger in function of a public who likes literal shit

>> No.5063726

He's right, you're just a /beg/ who doesn't understand that you burn out if you make art for years without getting any validation. No creative endeavor survives without any validation, especially when you see literal shit get that validation easy peasy. You lose faith in humanity and you lose faith in art. The only people who survive this predicament are drawmonkeys who don't give a fuck about art and are only into drawing because they can get 300$ for furry porn.
The idea that real artists will keep working on art in their homes for free and leave you a treasure of soulful paintings while you jerk off to sakimichan is fucking delusional, the truth is that passion for art needs to be cultivated, it needs to earn results, either monetary or human, when you say this stupid shit that artists should make art for the art and nothing else you are being an entitled retard. You will have no art, human resources don't sustain on their own with no rewards and only attrition, when you don't water a plant in the desrt it fucking dies, idiot.

>> No.5063730

>no creative endeavor survives without any validation
then start making friends and actually making connections with people, asocial retard.

>> No.5063735

>The idea that real artists will keep working on art in their homes for free and leave you a treasure of soulful paintings while you jerk off to sakimichan is fucking delusional
I agree that art needs to be nurtured and validated in order to thrive but it's not impossible for an artist to keep going even without those things. Just look at Henry Darger.

>> No.5063739

I have tried and I realized that "artists" are the most fake and awful people I have ever met, and you're supposed to be friends with disgusting people who consider how many likes they'd get if they draw porn of their own grandma who just died or you'll be called a bigot. Artists are disgusting people.

>> No.5063740

It's simply not the same time and many people who got no validation from public or industry would get validation somewhere else, like a loving family. It's impossible to keep going in a total void like the internet.

>> No.5063748

And I only say this because I have to point out that people are fucking delusional when they demand that artists who aren't driven by money or vanity just give up. Yes people will give up when they make a painting and it gets 2 likes by bots and someone's shitty porn fanart gets 3000. There is no other form of validation available so it's completely retarded to demand that you fabricate your own validation. People just don't want to admit that they simply made a choice and their choice is porn and fanart and retarded shit that fucks their heads into addiction or shitty boring corporate stuff they love to hate and always complain about.

>> No.5063758

art might not be for you at all. if you have a passion for the craft, keep going, if you care about getting validation, you're going to have to be nice to other artists and mesh well with them. "normal" artists, or at least whatever your normal is, exist, you're not unique. make the effort, join the discord servers around here, smile sometimes.
it's less so about mooching off of their audiences and more having a circle of people you can rely on to give critique and some attention when you need it.

>> No.5063767

>art might not be for you at all.
/beg/ retard I've been drawing for longer than you ever will

>> No.5063786

damn, that one comment dug deep, didn't it? if you care about art, then you'd see that social media and attention doesn't fucking matter at all in the long run. dumbfuck renaissance painters didn't have likes or rts or whatever.

>> No.5063791

>dumbfuck renaissance painters didn't have likes or rts or whatever.
because they got paid, and they were the artist among like 300 people in their city?

>> No.5063795

you do realize there were likely hundreds of other artists that just faded into obscurity, just like how you will. art is an oversaturated market. go back to your dead blog, friendless retard.

>> No.5063825

yeah art was saturated in the past, hundreds of artists per square mile, billions of people in the 1500s
holy fucking shit why do I even engage with absolute brainlets like this one
I don't care what you think about myself, I am presenting you with the future: good art will not exist in your future. You have chosen porn, fanart, shitty dull corporate industrially made chinkshit, you will never get good art that can really do something positive to you as a person again. This is just a fact. you will realize how massive this void you have created is when the last of the old guard will die. You will realize you've made a choice, I want you to know that this choice is evident now, it was evident 5 years ago and further back.

>> No.5063928


only use social media if you want something out of it besides validation (likes and upvotes). that will kill you anon

find your niche game/movie/whatever and find the fan club for it like one anon said and start there

>> No.5064193

try tumblr and devianart
I tought that these places were death but it's not a bad place to start
hell,just upload your art everywhere if you just want the likes for dopamine

>> No.5064195


>> No.5064232

I am another anon, I don't know how the hell you attract people on DA. My last two works brought me 50~ retweets on Twitter each + 70 notes each on Tumblr but on DA I always have 5-7 views no matter the quality of work and tags don't do shit. Posting my work in groups didn't do much either.

>> No.5064271


>> No.5064319

Because DA is literally dead

>> No.5064454
File: 304 KB, 700x844, abominius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get good art
>in da future
What did we have until now? Good art?
Or just art that got pushed to be sold?
Tell me one piece of art from the olds that had a massive cultural impact in the last 50 or so years, without it getting memed to death by news media and art "critiqs".
Also art was always some coom variation.
The mona lisa of yesterday is just your bland anime girl #465416184654 of today.
Birth of Venus? We can do porn now.
The scream? Yeah, we've got our own schizoposter on this board.

All art is subjective
All art is objectively shit and without value
If you haven't figured it yet, people ruin everything by either being complete faggots or consumeristic retards because in the end it's like this
>i like this picture thus it's good
>i don't like this picture thus it's bad
We're all guilty of this.

Nobody contextualizes anymore.
Nobody knows what the fuck they're talking about.
Everybody fails to see the bigger picture and find meaning to jerk themselves off intellectually.
Most people simply choose to jerk themselves off by consuming.

No matter how much you think you're special and even if in a parallel world where you are a messenger of god painting god's visions onto canvas, if people don't like it, they will not try to understand it thus they will consider it bad and other artists will try to find any flaws in your work or personal life if you dare to be better than them.
So don't come with the
>b-b-but in the paaaast everything was different
Absolutely nothing has changed.
What they couldn't draw in the past, they're doing it now.
>Inb4 what's the point
Stop trying to get validation from a bunch of nihilistic porn addicted monkeys and go draw because you enjoy it, not because you first and foremost want attention.

>> No.5064507

Learn how to draw

>> No.5066355

>get literally 1000s of upboats on R*ddit
>get 100s of likes on pixiv
>get a fraction of that on twitter
>translates to like 3 or 4 follows MAX
so whats the fucking secret here

>> No.5066359
File: 10 KB, 292x272, 1607165630925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to get followers and likes on twitter and ig?

>> No.5066462

>go draw because you enjoy it
just write books because you enjoy wasting paper
just make music because you like making noise
you're a /beg/ in life and art, and you just don't get it

>> No.5066470

did you forget to put links to your blogs in comments or something
i usually get 100-150 followers per post, 50 was the worst

>> No.5066515

i did for the reddit posts.
do you link your twitter in pixiv posts too?

>> No.5066535

Do you get commissions from pixiv and r*ddit? I have more followers on pixiv than all other socials, and I honestly prefer r*ddit instead of twitter, but most of the fags that DM me are always asking for requests instead of comms.

>> No.5066545

until recent i only linked tweets with uncensored versions, now i do it for every image
i didn't notice any differences though, i don't think many people come from pixiv

>> No.5066555

i just use reddit to share/get exposure
i havent gotten any commisions yet but id likely do it through pixiv and maybe twitter dms

>> No.5067075

If you don't enjoy what you do, why do you bother?
Stop shitting up the industry for everyone else and get a regular job if you want money that bad.

>> No.5067084

>he makes art to get followers on IG and Twitter

>> No.5067093

I think youre supposed to advertise your twitter account in order to get any amount of exposure on there

>> No.5068473


holy shit based, thanks for putting across what I tried to say, I hate stupid fucks LARPing as artists and pretending they're so special because they hate art. not everyone makes art for attention.