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5057384 No.5057384 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I'm looking for some art/character design advice.
I like to draw fat girls, I've always had a thing for BBW. So, if I made a comic I'd probably want one of the characters to be a fat girl, if not even the main character. Because of this, the recent "I Am Not Starfire" backlash has got me feeling kinda weird.
I feel like if I just drew what I wanted, people would think I'm trying to "make a statement" or accuse me of being an SJW. They'd say "feminism is ruining comics, look at what this guy made!" when looking at my stuff..

But here's the thing: I'm not some liberal SJW "Health at Every Size" Feminist. I'm just a dude with a BBW fetish. There's no political ideology here. Fat girls are what I like to draw. Plain and simple. So I'm afraid what would happen if I tried to put my fat girl comics out there, is that a bunch of anti-SJW will shit on me for it (even though I'm closer to their side politically anyway) and a bunch of actual SJW will take interest in my shit, only to realize that I'm "fetishizing" and "objectifying" and then they'll cancel the shit out of me.

So I guess what I'm saying is, I just want to draw fat girls but due to the recent 'I'm Not Starfire' backlash (as frankly, I could see myself drawing a character that looks like her - albeit with bigger tits and ass) has just got me feeling down. Like I said though, I'm looking for advice, so I'll ask you guys some questions:

1: Is drawing fat girls (for a comic) inherently cringey and SJW?
2: Is there a way I can design fat girl characters so that they do not receive the same backlash the Starfire character did?
3: How do you deal with fear of political backlash for your work? Have you ever not drawn something because of fear of backlash?

>> No.5057390
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My boss would like a word

>> No.5057398

>What the fuck is this!
A fat animal

>> No.5057399
File: 114 KB, 715x825, maids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: No
2: Yes
3: Man up, pussy / No

>> No.5057400

>1: Is drawing fat girls (for a comic) inherently cringey and SJW?
>2: Is there a way I can design fat girl characters so that they do not receive the same backlash the Starfire character did?
Yes. The comic recieved criticism because it was an author self-insert in a 2-tone tumblr style with a pig nose and the whole comic was just teenage angst with none of the depth of actual teenage angst. Design literally anything else
>3: How do you deal with fear of political backlash for your work?
Try and figure out if the criticism has any logical throughline and isn't just petty emotional kneejerk outrage. If it does then respond to the logical outrage, don't do the thing that got people angry, and then ignore everyone. If it doesn't then ignore everyone and keep rolling.
>Have you ever not drawn something because of fear of backlash?
Not fear of backlash but fear that I can't get away with it. The backlash doesn't matter, its the getting back to the real you that matters.

>> No.5057401

just draw what you want man
nobody will give a shit about you until you go big and if you go big when bored hobbyless faggots will find literally any reason to collectively bully you if they want to

>> No.5057406

1. nothing is inherent, do what you like and have the courage to stand by your decisions
2. everyone else in the thread said it well, there's no way that you can avoid backlash, you just need to focus on the love that your work gets. nobody knows what they're doing, so even if only 5/50 people don't hate your work, that doesn't mean that you're objectively wrong
3. I suggest you look into john waters, the film director. he's been a great inspiration to me.

good luck BBWanon, i'll see you on deviantart.

>> No.5057490

If you design a fat character that favours sex appeal over relatability then SJW's won't even notice or care about your comic. You'll probably just attract other coomers who like your stuff and won't be complaining about it.

>> No.5057500

I have that nose and it feels good to be represented

>> No.5057558

1. No
2. Don't do ugly fat with the hairy leg and armipts plus ugly tumblr face with dwarf proportions bullshit and youll be ok. If you like bbw and thinm theyre hot then draw them in whatever way looks good to you. Sjws are not focusing on beauty they focus on the ugly in their style and tell everyone to accept it.
3. No nothing stops me

>> No.5057565

Getting fans always comes in pair with getting haters no matter what you do

>> No.5057598

Ask Methonium.

>> No.5057650

1. No
2. It's not the design. The problem is that the DC/Comic community is being force fed something they didn't ask for. They want a good hero's journey archetype without politics. Plus the design seems random and could be totally unrelated to Starfire.
3. There is no need to be fearful anon. Do work that you enjoy and you are proud of. That is the only thing that matters.
As for work and career, you must know what your community or demographic wants and is expecting. If you want to have a stable income drawing skinny model universally standard pretty girls is a probably a must. However if you find a niche group or community that enjoys your work and can make a living off of all the better.

>> No.5057754

I love that there is no "?" mark in this question statement

>> No.5057758

>How do you deal with fear of political backlash for your work?

imagine overdosing sóylent this much

>> No.5057764

speaking of anime bbws, anyone have any artist recommendations?

>> No.5057777

The moment that you know what's good coom and how to draw it is the moment that you cannot ever be like the author of that comic

>> No.5057780

needs bigger booba

>> No.5057781


>> No.5058168

metalowl is good

>> No.5058214

take a female human head and put it on a pig

voila fat girl

>> No.5060052

>BBW fetish

There's the wooden door. Gas

>> No.5060432

Fellow fat lover here and I have no clue what your point even is. Are you drawing under your real name? If not, then you have no reason to care about any of that shit. And if you are drawing under your real name then why would you reveal your fetish to everyone? This is just very strange.

>> No.5060891

>DC/Comic community

This comic isn't for the average DC comics reader which is probably an older White male though. It's clearly for younger White girls.

>> No.5061035

Probably a long post incoming:

>I like to draw fat girls, I've always had a thing for BBW. So, if I made a comic I'd probably want one of the characters to be a fat girl, if not even the main character.
If you like to draw fat girls then do it. There's 0 reason to not draw the characters you want or make them the main character, as long as you understand that they'll most likely appeal to a niche audience or a less broad audience than if they were normal weight, slim or athletic.
It's literally impossible to make a character or a comic or any piece of art that appeals to everyone anyway, and the artists who try to do it usually end up producing the blandest generic shit that's forgotten by most people the next month if lucky.

>I feel like if I just drew what I wanted, people would think I'm trying to "make a statement" or accuse me of being an SJW.
Nobody is going to think that unless you make the girls needlessly ugly and make the comic blatantly preachy or PC.

>But here's the thing: I'm not some liberal SJW "Health at Every Size" Feminist. I'm just a dude with a BBW fetish. There's no political ideology here. Fat girls are what I like to draw. Plain and simple.

>I'm afraid what would happen if I tried to put my fat girl comics out there, is that a bunch of anti-SJW will shit on me for it (even though I'm closer to their side politically anyway) and a bunch of actual SJW will take interest in my shit, only to realize that I'm "fetishizing" and "objectifying" and then they'll cancel the shit out of me.
Anti-SJWs (or at least the non-retarded ones) won't have a problem with your comic. Besides their focus is mostly on the Big 2 (DC & Marvel) products.

>> No.5061041

there's nothing sjw about this starfire shit, the controversy is about ruining existing lore

>> No.5061043

(Cont) >>5061035
SJWs may give you shit, but they don't matter and cannot hurt you unless:

1. You're a "professional" artist working for a company or aspire to become one, and you made the mistake of posting or giving information that can be used to find your real identity and or who your employers are.

2: You apologise or grovel to their accusations.
NEVER APOLOGISE to a mob. Apologising, even if it'd be justified or the fair thing to do, is not something you should ever do to SJWs or people who obviously don't give a fuck about your well being.
A mob, specially online, will take any apologising or trying to be reasonable as a sign of WEAKNESS, and thus due to the mob's viciousness it'll continue attacking its target unless it's been either destroyed or completely reduced (by a thousand cut consessions by the target) to a very pitiful state, usually resulting in the artist losing most of people who liked and followed his work (And don't even think for a second the "people" complaining from the mob will support you after you have destroyed your own work and reputation to appease them).

>> No.5061048

sauce on the video?

>> No.5061059

(Cont) >>5061043
"I'm not Starfire" is hated for many reasons, not just because the MC is fat.

It shits on an existing comic universe and lore, by making Starfire's daughter an unlikeable cunt with an inferiority complex that, as a coping mechanism for not being as popular or iconic as her superheroine beautiful mother, decides to make a personal extreme makeover in ALL THE WRONG WAYS, in addition not being a looker to begin with.

She went from a fat pig nosed mini-Starfire to a bitter and petty midget titless and assless pig nosed goth cunt who envies and ressents her mother. In short, shitty teenage angst that even its target audience will probably find very hard to relate to since the MC's mother is CELEBRITY SUPER HEROINE KNOWN FOR HER BEAUTY so no shit, Sherlock she was going to live under her shadow.
And it adds insult to injury that the comic's creator made the MC as a blatant self-insert look-a-like, including her hideous middle-aged femcel dyke haircut.

>> No.5061082

(Cont) >>5061059
Imagine if Batman had an ugly and wimpy son, and the son instead of wanting to become like his father went on an autistic teenage rage and became a fedora tipping neckbeard while screaming "I'M NOT BRUCE WAYNE!"...

So rest assured the MC being fat isn't the issue with this.

>1: Is drawing fat girls (for a comic) inherently cringey and SJW?
No. See above.
A character being fat doesn't inherently have anything to do with cringey and SJW shit.

What you should avoid is making a comic that's either 1: Needlessly ugly (as it doesn't serve any purpose in the story) or 2: Overly preachy.
3: With a bad or uninteresting story.

To sum it up, your comic's main characters should look at least decent (or ugly if you think it's appropiate), not be too preachy (or if you're going to make a statement regarding something currently controversial, try to be subtle about it instead of in your face unless you want your comic to be seen as propaganda), and make sure your comic has a script solid enough so that the people who read its first issue become HOOKED by it and therefore will continue reading your comic beyond the initial novelty.
Even coomer or comics with cheesecake need to have an engaging plot, otherwise most of your readers will grow bored and leave once they're done fawning over its characters.

An excellent example of how to do a waifubait/coomerbait/cute comic is Kamen America.

If you have the skill you could perfectly make a waifubait or any kind of comic with a fat girl MC and many people would like it (albeit not as many as if she was skinny or athletic since it's a niche taste).

>> No.5061088

(Cont) >>5061082

>2: Is there a way I can design fat girl characters so that they do not receive the same backlash the Starfire character did?
There're many ways, but i'll sum the most common ones:

1: Don't make her ugly.
Physical beauty is more than body shape, and has WAY MORE to do with facial features than the body type of the character. You can see this perfectly in most of Japan's anime fat girls, who are really pretty.

The exception of this: If there's a really good reason for making her ugly, I.e. She's within a satire or something like that.
Example of this: the indie comic Literally, where the MC is fat, short and ugly but because the nature of the comic it wouldn't work as well otherwise.

2: Unless you want to make a comic for a super specific niche even within the niche of people that likes fat chicks, don't make her TOO FAT or give her tits & ass either TOO BIG or TOO SMALL.
I.e.1 Never go SSBBW.

I.e.2 If you make a fat girl have massive xboxhuge T&A it'll DESTROY the comic's credibility even within its fictional universe, and nobody will be able to take it even remotely seriously as anything besides some super niche wank material. You want an example of this? Look up Robopon.

I.e.3 Don't make a fat girl character with small or no T&A unless you want her to resemble a fat effeminate guy.

>> No.5061092

(Cont) >>5061088
>3: How do you deal with fear of political backlash for your work?
There's a lot to say about this matter, but I'll simplify it as

1: Either don't get into politics or associate (beyond the minimum necessary) with very politically outspoken people in social media (Which is a medium you'll absolutely NEED to use to first create a fanbase or have enough followers so that your comic doesn't flop spectacularly regardless of its quality due to nobody knowing it exists).
2: Engage and associate with politically spoken people on social media, but ALWAYS REMAIN NEUTRAL ENOUGH so as to not push away half of your potential readership.

Anyway, be VERY CAREFUL who you associate yourself with on social media, because your reputation is massively important for your career as an artist, even if you only aspire to make indie comics with cheesecake.

>> No.5061096

(Cont) >>5061092

I want to make absolutely clear that you should be very mindful of who you associate with, even if you AGREE with them politically, because not unlike the mainstream comic industry, unfortunately the indie comic world also has plenty of crooks and shitty people, usually within certain artists' cliques or groups.
As a rule of thumb, if a group of artists (or people in general) acts like a CULT and attacks people, specially within their own group or their customers, then it's better to stay away from them, no matter how tempting their funding numbers they may seem at first glance (Which btw are not always legitimate, I.e. some crowdfunding campaigns are artificially inflated by certain crony donors to give a false appeareance of success and attract suckers to what are mediocre at best comics).
If you want examples of this, I'd recommend listening to the podcasts and steams of the SWC (Shitty Web Comics) guys, who regularly cover the bad actors within the indie comic book industry.
You can find them on Youtube (their latest channel got nuked by a crook comic creator and now they're slowly rebuilding it)
and on BitChute (which has many of their earlier videos) under the name "kawaiithomas".
They're massive smug edgelords but also have intellectual honesty, which is a rare thing online specially on social media.

And I almost forgot: if you have a "professional" career as an artist (as in working for a company or doing non-comic non-coomer art work), separate your real identity as much as you can from your online one, and never link or give personal information (including mail accounts) so that you cannot get doxed or reported by faggots (either of the SJW kind or not) to your current or potential employers.
SPECIALLY if you want to create lewd or cheesecake art.
Yes, i know it's unfair but i didn't make the modern western world have puritan roots.

>> No.5061107

(Cont) >>5061096
>Have you ever not drawn something because of fear of backlash?
Yes. But not the kind of backlash you're probably thinking of (as in SJW outrage).
The thing with being an artist is that the thing you create will build your reputation as a certain TYPE of artist regardless of your intentions.

E.g. If you start to gain notoriety by making political comics, the people who'll gravitate towards you will develop the EXPECTATION that you'll remain a "political artist", and that you'll also never defy the political line of the work you made that gained people's attention.
Example of this: Take any political webcomic artist, now see how far they can deviate from making political comics (beyond maybe also making porn or coom art), or how does his audience react if he makes a take that differs with the ideological line he previously featured.
And on that note, some bridges cannot be rebuilt. E.g. Could you imagine say Stonetoss trying to go into mainsteam comics? Or one of the Big 2's diversity hire turbodykes trying to make a living off indie comics after shitting all over them or their (mostly male and straight) audience?

What i'm saying is, unless you want to be known as "that artist that draws waifubait comics/coomer art with fat chicks", you should either DIVERSIFY your portfolio (By for example have more than one ongoing project at a time that includes another comic or art that doesn't go dab into fat girls, or that if it does it has something else that differentiates it that can appeal to a different audience or a subset of your existing one to mix things up) or CREATE ANOTHER SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT for your non-fat girls/waifubait/coomer art.

>> No.5061115
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(Cont) >>5061107
Some good examples of a waifubait/coomer artist diversifying his craft: Kojima Video (BBW & kemono girls) and Kemonono (Kemono & dummy thicc milfs).

>> No.5061121
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(Cont) >>5061115
Another great example: Hase Tsubura (Started with athletic older women, then went into thicc milfs and is currently going full force with chubby to fat girls).

>> No.5061163
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(Cont) >>5061121
And of course you can find countless artists who have dabbed in all kinds of topics and character types.
E.g. Several japanese coomer artists have dabbed in various fetishes and character types that have nothing to do with their usual work.
And on the non-coomer side, many consagrated artists have done works from different genres or subgenres (althought with varied success due to their jump to fame being usually product of one piece of work).

Takeyama Shimeji
Puni Douraku/Kinoshita Junichi
Kojima Video
Hase Tsubura
Muronaga Chaashuu
Nise Kurosaki/Tetrodotoxin
St.retcher/Luders Team
Marui Maru
Akikusa Peperon
Tsuji Santa
and many more.

Yes, I'm also a man of culture.

Anyway, what you should do BEFORE making a comic, is BUILD AN AUDIENCE/A FOLLOWING FOR YOUR WORK FIRST via social media (mostly twitter, Pixiv and maybe instagram), and if you already have (or once you have) enough confidence in your skills as an artist, then start posting art with fat chicks, retweeting the kind of people (preferably artists and non-artist people who like fat girls and buy comics or art) who
1: Might help you make your work visible for more people who might be interested in your art/comic.
2: Are people who you can trust won't bring drama or problems neither to yourself or your followers/customers (Which is to say avoid art/comic related cliques/cults and toxic people in general).
Once you have enough followers and hopefully a few dozens of patreons/people who pay you somehow for your art, THEN you can announce you're working on a comic, and maybe create a crowdfunding page for it if you feel the need to do so (For example if you can't color your art properly and need to hire someone to do it).
It'd be ideal if you could have your first comic issue at least a quarter ready BEFORE making any announcement, so people can see a few of its pages first.

>> No.5061167

>Is drawing fat girls (for a comic) inherently cringey and SJW?
we tend to draw fit people because that's what we and most people enjoy. aesthetically it looks more pleasing.
>Is there a way I can design fat girl characters so that they do not receive the same backlash the Starfire character did?
don't give them a "HI I'M FAT, LOUD AND PROUD" type of personality you see in B movies.
don't make them stand out like in "I am not Starfire".
don't make it a self-insert or a mary sue.
they should be like any other character in your story. if you want to talk about their weight then go ahead, but don't make it preachy.
what they wear is entirely dependent on their personality. if they're insecure about their weight, make them wear baggy clothes and mute colors, vice versa for confident characters.
>How do you deal with fear of political backlash for your work?
don't make political statements
if there are no political statements, you have nothing to fear.
if there is political backlash anyways, don't apologize. the mob will tire itself out in one or two weeks and everything will go back to normal.
if people have genuine criticisms, respond to them calmly.
>Have you ever not drawn something because of fear of backlash?
i'd like to be edgy but i fear my digital footprint is too large for me to risk it. i'm too lazy to make a safer account too so here we are.

>> No.5061184
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(Cont) >>5061163
Anyway, sorry for the long rant but i hope it helps you.

P.S. If you like kemono art check up Shinobe's.
Japan's furry art is top notch.

I wish you the best luck on your art and comic career.

>> No.5061186
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>> No.5061200

I don't think that young white girls would like this shit either.

>> No.5061203
File: 1.56 MB, 1987x3056, Jazz Maynard 011-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this, you embrace the form.

>> No.5061206
File: 102 KB, 900x614, I+didnt+think+huge+quest+got+animated+so+soon+_92541e6557fe1735a657458e6ca8139a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wall of text
Holy shit nigger

>> No.5061479
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Check up Real Drive's character designs OP, you might find them interesting.

>> No.5061490
File: 1.92 MB, 2150x3035, __original_drawn_by_fusa_starless2323__4b4e9f28bb307a72f46aa04d9405fb6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fusa's more simplistic designs are also cool and a good example if you want to make something cute and not too difficult or taxing to draw.

>> No.5061545

Whatever style and character design complexity you choose to make your comic, make sure:

1. It fits the comic's tone and genre/subgenre.
E.g. If its genre is comedy or it has a relaxed/light hearted tone you could draw characters with more simple designs compared to a comic that's for example more action oriented and serious in tone.
Just be wary that the more simplistic a character's design is, the least margin of error you'll have as an artist when you draw them (In other words you'll have to be really good at drawing, specially the characters' faces, their expressions and the way you draw to create the illusion of action/movement within and between the comic's pages).

2. That if you want to release your comic with a certain periodicity, the work that requires making the comic isn't so heavy or taxing that you cannot finish it on time.
Some delays can be understandable, but too many of them can disminish the readers' patience and their opinion of you as an artist.

>> No.5061623

get help

>> No.5061719
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And regarding your comic's publishing, i recommend you offer it in digital format, for the following reasons:

1. Printing a comic is super expensive, and shipping it isn't cheap either, specially for people outside of the US who might want to buy your comic but will be deterred by the higher shipping costs and having to deal with shitty customs.

2. The delivery of a digital comic is immediate and leaves no room for errors by mailing services (something that can and often happens with the shipping of physical goods). No errors in the delivery equals no damaged goods and thus less possible refunds.

3. If your comic is successful enough you can announce a physical edition later or as a crowdfunding goal.

That aside, if you don't feel confident enough in your skills or want to test the waters first to see how much do your followers/audience like your style, storytelling, humor, characters and their personalities before making a short regular comic (For example a 25-30 pages issue) you could also try making a web comic.

Web comics might not have the best reputation because many of them are garbage due to the barrier of entry to make and publish them being so low, but as a medium they can be a useful and inexpensive tool to gauge how interesting or alluring does people find your art in comic form.

Alright, enough ranting.
Best of lucks.

>> No.5061968

Good thread.

>> No.5062231
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(Cont) >>5061719
And of course, it goes without saying but if you make a web comic and you're lucky enough it becomes a big success, or at least successful enough to launch or crowdfund a COMPILATION of it (both in digital and physical format), then you should definitely MAKE IT, specially at a time when it's most relevant or popular.

Just because web comics as medium don't have the best reputation (despite bad comics existing in ALL mediums and formats and even from big publishers, now more than ever), doesn't mean they're not as valid as the most expensive physical edition, since it's the quality and content of the comic what ultimately matters, at least for the readers (Can't say the same for people who're mostly collectors, but like the saying to each his own).

That said, because of the subject matter (Comics about or starring fat girls) and the way people tend to behave in social media (I.e. Despite the anonimity they still tend to take care about their own perception in the eyes of their followers), I know it's not very likely for a web comic mainly featuring this type of character to become a big hit on platforms such as Twitter, unless your drawing skills and the overall quality of your work were simply superb (Something akin to Synecdoche's art).
Generally speaking, i got the impression that the most successful web comics (at least in terms of popularity) tend to be political, and the thing is, political comics are not something every artist wants to make, at least the kind of in your face ones that usually get retweeted and commented the most.

Anyway, if your web comic is a success and you can publish it as a compilation don't waste the chance and DO IT!

>> No.5062717

you will never be a woman

>> No.5062929

you somehow manage to sound more annoying than both the SJWs and anti-SJWs, congratulations

>> No.5064539

How are they cringe again?

>> No.5064549

Kys whale roastie.

>> No.5064552

Why do people criticize them again? They just want to not be bitched at and for things to be great again. Tumblr and Twitter is the only alternative

>> No.5064555

The trannie and the roastie fighting. Kek

>> No.5064590

I see burger Bloating culture is going global....

What kind of person would see a bluber of fat as a something worth art. I've seen people who who shown to win DESPITE their obesity, and now we are just " YAS, Fat whale queen".