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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 193 KB, 1024x896, 775A367F-9E68-480E-A84F-D3DF5837A0FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5053716 No.5053716 [Reply] [Original]

Think youll be a good artist by the time you are 36?

>> No.5053730

yes provided I'm still alive

>> No.5053734

Why would you randomly die

>> No.5053736

i have plenty of time to find him

>> No.5053742

I'm almost 40 and I still suck

>> No.5053758

Already missed that window.

>> No.5053759

I don't even want to think about reaching 30 and still in /beg/.

>> No.5053760

16 years?
I'll probably be a good artist in like, a year or something

>> No.5053774
File: 626 KB, 1540x1668, F2E02AF9-CE11-4CAB-9851-1A999EC85878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your ganbest

>> No.5053788

That is about 6 months away for me, and yes, I'll be a great artist by then. You'll see!

>> No.5053795

post your work in 6 months

>> No.5053808

Not him but I genuinely think I'll probably have killed myself in the upcoming year so I won't see the 10 years to be 36. I guess it wouldn't be randomly dying but it would be a reason I wouldn't make it to 36

>> No.5053818

It looks like she’s holding the bowl out and away from her instead of close to her where it should be.

>> No.5053819
File: 275 KB, 750x750, Gyoza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying my best

>> No.5053820

Holy shit so I have 11 years to get good? I thought I'd waited too late to start already but when you put it that way I have no excuse.

>> No.5053828

4chan won't be around by the time we're 36

>> No.5053830

>I'll probably have killed myself in the upcoming year
Why? THe fuck is wrong with you bitch, pick up the pen and drop the suicidal thoughts

>> No.5053865

Nah, I’ve been casually imagining what it would be like to throw myself off an overpass, under a coming truck, etc. as I walk about for years now. Like I would be walking on an overpass and just imagine diving head first into the traffic below, that vertigo feeling you get when you’re in free fall, the wind against my face and that split second as my the pavement scrapes my face and eyes off before crushing my skull and I wonder if I’d have the time to taste blood or if I’d see through my eyes as they’re pushed out of my deforming skull and my brain is turned to mush.
I regularly imagine my tablet literally exploding into my face as I draw, imagine the force, heat and shattered material lodging itself into my eyes, etc.
I’ve seen myself die horrifically so many times now I am not sure I’d be surprised if I actually died. I fell off my bike once in traffic because it was raining and I’ve felt was some sort of numb, mild excitement, just waved off the stopping cars, got back on the bike and rode off in shame.

What I’m trying to say is, you kinda just get used to it, suicide is gay

>> No.5053867
File: 64 KB, 500x664, 19be9329046c6edc4abb9ce26eee3de3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no 36yo magical girl mummy gf


Keep at it man!

>> No.5053981

I actually absolute love this image.
I hope that by 36 i'll be able to draw anime milfs in maho shoujou constumes better than anyone ever did.

>> No.5053982

I hope so. Only 3 years to go.

>> No.5054011

I think i'm really good right now, at 26, so yea.

>> No.5054012

brave words; pyw

>> No.5054155
File: 2.85 MB, 2736x3998, 20201208_085813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to become a comic book authot as a hobby career, but I don't know how to exactly start

I'm not begging, I'm asking how to start and figured a sketch would suffice for a pic related

>> No.5054156

Forgot to mention: I'm 19 and always wanted to do story telling in a unique aspect

>> No.5054158

Did you read the sticky

>> No.5054162

Can you link me to it?

I always have trouble finding it

>> No.5054165

Bro how about i pummel you to outer space
The sticky is the first thread on this board that’s there permanently

>> No.5054168

You could've just said that instead of the pummel into outer space lmao

Thanks though

>> No.5054188

stop chicken scratching for your own sake

20 and a hobbyist that draws on and off -- stopped for a little in highschool and early university -- but yeah absolutely, that's 16 years lmao

>> No.5054189

a woman drew this

>> No.5054190

obvious newfag

that was drawn by baalbuddy

>> No.5054193

Baalbuddy is a very based male artist

>> No.5054319

>The problem with people is not that they are mortal, it's that they are suddenly mortal.
You could very well be sitting in your chair and then some guy will crush through your window and beat you to death with a baseball bat while screaming.

>> No.5054340

all he does are sketches

>> No.5054367

That entertain people by the thousands yeah. You dont have to render crap out to be an artist

>> No.5054368

Still waiting for season 2. A man can dream right?

>> No.5054402

Be patient, season 1 came out this year and it takes a long time to produce an anime like this, even if it's 3d. I believe it is coming out some day though since we got a small teaser of the crosseyes at the end of season 1. Mappa were probably prioritizing the final season of SnK this year.

>> No.5054408
File: 105 KB, 600x745, 669e7358fd2f72ce27af443c21b7619f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5054422

she looks good for 36 year old

>> No.5054443

Ah, Brothers!

Do yourselves a favour and start reading the manga while you wait.

I kick myself that it took so long for me to get around to reading it.

>> No.5054518

Nice manhands

>> No.5055095

She is at her prime

>> No.5055097

Yes. That is my 5 year plan. Need to find a stable woman to support me and my art career.

>> No.5055103

Wouldn’t that be your mom ironically?

>> No.5055349

Same lol. I like my art though and it makes me happy though

>> No.5055467

Hey man i love your style. With fundies and enough practice you'll be really great man. Pure peak soul

>> No.5055570

God. I really hope I don't become like you, Anon.

>> No.5055587
File: 435 KB, 777x958, cheesegranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone looks good in cutesy anime style