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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 551 KB, 684x1000, comm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5048358 No.5048358 [Reply] [Original]

Commission Price Check thread!
Think you are ready to sell your art? Have no idea what to begin to price it?
Look no further! Post here and get prices on what /ic/anons would pay.

>> No.5048367

>what /ic/anons would pay
most retards here are poorfags, you should ask people in IT

>> No.5048368

>get prices on what /ic/anons would pay
Nobody has any money here.

>> No.5048371

hehe in this gay thread nobody will notice me saying I love cocks

>> No.5048372
File: 556 KB, 1024x1004, 1576690933588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread says what anons *would* pay
If they weren't poorfags
You get what this thread is about, stop being nitpicky autists

>> No.5048376

>butthurt op

>> No.5048377

Why would you want to know what someone "would" pay when they do not have any money instead of actually finding out what someone with money will pay out in the field? Stop larping.

>> No.5048379

Alright heres my price check for you.
Do not price anything below 50 USD.
That is the minimum for anything at all.
If you don't think you're up to it than you're not ready for commissions.
Anything rendered should be 100+ USD.
I don't care what Sergei and Pablo are doing.
If you live in the US, I better not catch you charging less than 50 or the belt is coming off.

>> No.5048386
File: 789 KB, 1494x934, 1607290295137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you pay at least 100 for this? I doubt it.

>> No.5048391

You would be surprised

>> No.5048394
File: 1.12 MB, 1632x1224, 207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think these would work in the $15-$25 range? It's 9"x12"

>> No.5048404

Reminder to include how long a piece took you for hot takes on your hourly wage.

>> No.5048406

Stop, you'll summon him, he's probably still asleep

>> No.5048407
File: 359 KB, 498x241, tenor (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it feels good to have my art used as an OP image. I really didn't expect that so thank you anon

>> No.5048409

Reminder that people will commission those with a consistent style and quality. It takes one bad art in your page to make them second guess contacting you for a commission

>> No.5048414

People would definitely pay $100 especially for 2 girls with a bg. You are just deranged and noone wants to pay you because you are so obnoxious.

>> No.5048417

True, but that also means you need to be checking engagement on all your posts constantly so you can cull the list of any stinkers! That’s really important, always use those tools

>> No.5048441

Looks like you made it anon, there's nothing left for you to glean on /ic/ anymore

>> No.5048444

Fucking third worlders are doing everyone a disservice by underpricing shit constantly

>> No.5048459

>virgin /beg/s

>> No.5048502

don't tell me you use 4chan to get commissions, because let me tell you there are better ways

>> No.5048505

but what if I can’t get $100?
>well then don’t do commissions

>> No.5048510

for example?

>> No.5048515

you might want to check your reading comprehension bro

>> No.5048522

"loli" art forums

>> No.5048527
File: 30 KB, 639x357, Mayo-Chiki-Cash-Slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is off to a rough start but if anyone posts their art I will price it.
Just ignore the crabs

>> No.5048534

Last time i posted my art someone gave 30$, but it was a 120$ commission work, this thread is garbo

>> No.5048558
File: 433 KB, 2896x2896, 20201207_124505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$40 pricetag. Brazil.

>> No.5048569

80$ at least, a lot more if you beautify faces a little

>> No.5048577

I could easily see you selling busts like this for $100 to $120 to normies, especially if you fix the mouth area a nit

>> No.5048594

this is worth 120$
this isn't

>> No.5048595

Where/how are you selling this stuff?

How do I make money like this?

>> No.5048601 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 2896x2896, 20201207_130530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must undercharge :-/ $40 again.

>> No.5048608

who wants these?
for what purpose?

>> No.5048613 [DELETED] 

Once again the mouth is off in this poc, if you just make the moths a little better I can absolutely see your art selling well.
Also don't underpriced, I know it is weird to hear but seeing a super low price tag cheapens and de-commodifies your art.

>> No.5048617

Once again the mouth is off in this pic, if you just make the mouths a little better I can absolutely see your art selling well.
Also don't underprice, I know it is weird to hear but a super low price tag actually cheapens and de-commodifies your art. It does not actually entice more people to buy it.

>> No.5048620

Not sure. I assume people want them to fap. I like money

>> No.5048621

>be me
>social anxiety
>still stalk my highschool crush
>imagine her naked
>pay to see her painted naked

>> No.5048623

answer >>5048595 please

>> No.5048648

I would pay 150 for this if the subject matter was different.
Mikunog is a piece of shit.

>> No.5048655

Jeez, You could have given her a neck at least. Also don't overdo the specular lighting, if you reduce that the piece would be much better. Also learn to create better edges, everything looks soft and blurry cause you're not using a hard edged brush. IF you fix these, you could charge more, like around 125

>> No.5048657

for... ahem... example?

>> No.5048669

Reminder not to listen to ANYONE here that tries to 'appraise' your work. They are all RPing amateurs that do not know the first thing about pricing.

>> No.5048677

Reminder that the people in the last thread that were giving people 'price checks' consisted of:

1. A self confessed socdem Chinaboo that does not believe in the value of labor
2. Brian Cumfarti, a balding manchild that lives with mommy and daddy
3. Someone who doesn't even know the difference between hourly and salary
Do not listen to these people, they want to see you fail.

>> No.5048683

hey look the retard is back

>> No.5048685

>but what if I can’t get $100?
Then get better at art.
You intend to get good eventually anyway, right?
Underselling your work will make it extremely difficult for you to get decent wages further on down the road when you do become more skilled.
Underselling communicates to the world that your art is worth LESS than the average artist's work.
When you undercharge you are telling people that you have no confidence in your abilities and they shouldn't either.

>> No.5048690

But OP has been here from the beginning.

Tell me: what do metric do you base your prices on? Is it anything at all?

>> No.5048692

-1 do*

>> No.5048696

So people should ignore you?

>> No.5048725

>what do metric do you base your prices on? Is it anything at all?
What I'd be willing to pay for the artwork. Customer is always right. There's plenty of artists I wouldn't even consider commissioning because it's either digital art or not to my tastes.

I also base what I'd pay for art on how much I think I could sell it for in the future, I see art as investments, again why I wouldn't buy digital art. There's no money to be made from it for me later if it's a jpeg

>> No.5048731

>What I'd be willing to pay for the artwork
Cool, so it's completely meaningless and arbitrary.
Kill yourself.

>> No.5048738

Kill yourself, Brian.

>> No.5048741

>Cool, so it's completely meaningless and arbitrary.
yes, absolutely. everyone who buys art feels like that. You spend too much time talking to other entitled digital artists or you're in the wrong field if that's a blackpill for you..

>> No.5048747

Kys Brian, no one will miss you. Not even your parents

>> No.5048756

i don't want your jpegs, but I'd be happy to say what I'd theoretically pay for it based on it's quality compared to other jpegs

>> No.5048766
File: 684 KB, 1620x1620, 1593573728719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brian, please stop posting I don't like how everyone shits on you so relentlessly even though you seem to enjoy it.

>> No.5048778

I go to bed at 9 PM and do all my work in the morning so I can shitpost until I go to bed

>> No.5048782

Go to bed Brian. Get a shave Brian. Stop shitposting, Brian.

>> No.5048785

Someone answer me please.

>> No.5048788
File: 576 KB, 960x1105, beardo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i shave it off it just comes back

>> No.5048795

If I paid you to shave will you do it?

>> No.5048798

I'd look a lot younger, I'm also growing my hair back out

>> No.5048808

>Underselling your work will make it extremely difficult for you to get decent wages further on down the road when you do become more skilled.
What are you, retarded? It’s literally just a matter of raising the price, if the demand is there, the supply will meet it.
>hurr I would have paid $300 for this guy’s art but he charged $50 for worse art 3 years ago, I guess I will pay someone else $300 now durrr
>t. no one ever

>> No.5048828

can we all report these faggots for derailing the thread?

>> No.5048829
File: 1.55 MB, 1080x1350, 12aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5048844


>> No.5048847

If it was a deer’s head I’d say $120, but since it’s a person head $40

>> No.5048859


>> No.5048928

i'd be annoyed if my bf painted my nipples like those atrocities

>> No.5048929

minimum wage

>> No.5048932

Post bf

>> No.5048935

post your boobas honey

>> No.5049234


>> No.5049277

Kill yourself Brian.

>> No.5049279

No, it isn't just a matter of that. People notice when prices go up.

>> No.5049343

>People notice when prices go up.
Different anon, that almost never matters and usually followers are actually supportive and understand.

>> No.5049387

Why are you guys so dead set on selling your art for pennies?
"Don't undersell your work" is extremely common professional advice and you guys act like the concept is completely foreign to you..

>> No.5049417

>being this anti-competitive
It's called a free market. People undercut each other all the time.
If you don't want such fierce competition, go learn something rarer and thus more valuable, like machine learning.

>> No.5049447
File: 295 KB, 1822x2048, EHk7pN8XUAYx5a_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently doing commissions in the 70-90$ price range

>> No.5049461 [DELETED] 

Reading comprehension anon...
I was saying it is okay to raise your price when your skillmlevel ormpopularity grows. Thinking your followers will get mad at you for raising prices only holds you back. 99% of your followers will understand and be fine with it.

>> No.5049462

Reading comprehension anon...
I was saying it is okay to raise your price when your skill level or popularity grows. Thinking your followers will get mad at you for raising prices only holds you back. 99% of your followers will understand and be fine with it.

>> No.5049464

Very pretty! I think these are worth $90 to $120 because you have a cool background included

>> No.5049484

Thanks! I normally get commissions for youtube avatars so I don't do backgrounds often

>> No.5049486

Reading comprehension nothing, you retards will argue anything to justify charging rock bottom rates.

Kill yourself, Chang.

>> No.5049636
File: 463 KB, 646x934, Screenshot_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5049641 [DELETED] 

It looks nice but do you have a front shot too? Faces are inpprtant

>> No.5049642

It looks nice but do you have a front shot too? Faces are important

>> No.5049736

>Kill yourself, Chang.
Answer my question, Wacom schizo from /dtg/. If Dimitri from Vladivostok charges $50 for a full commission and Johnny from Massachusetts, with the same skill level, wants $150 for the same quality, who do you think is going to receive the consumer's cash?

>> No.5049744

This is why finding an art style to define yourself with is important.

>> No.5049755

>Answer my question
You did not post one single question in >>5049417

>who do you think is going to receive the consumer's cash?
Let me answer your question with another question: If Dimitri charges $50 and Wang charges $5, who is going to receive the consumer's cash?
And why stop there? Say Busarakham charges $0.50? Who gets paid now?
Oh but wait, here comes Tafadzwa! Tafadzwa can do the job for just $0.05 USD! What a great deal!
But Tafadzwa hasn't met his match yet, because here comes insecure college student Charlie! Charlie is willing to do the work for free because he just hopes he can get his name out there and he's thrilled for the opportunity! Fuck Tafadzwa, fuck Busarakham, fuck Wang, and fuck Dimitri, because now we have our kindly slave, Charlie.

Is this the situation you hope for?

>> No.5049771

>Is this the situation you hope for?
I mean, if people keep undercutting and competing with each other, then good for me, the consumer. In addition, I find your scenarios absurd. Most people look at market value and adjust their prices to compete by a reasonable value.

>> No.5049778

>if people keep undercutting and competing with each other, then good for me, the consumer

And this should tell everyone ITT everything they need to know about this faggot's point of view.

>> No.5049784

Weren't there actually art guilds during the Renaissance?
Do we have anything like that now?
Then again, even if we did, theres so many different people that all have access to the same places that it might be useless.
(((Customers))) are not your friend. They aren't even your aquaintance. Their goal is to get something from you for as cheap as possible. They'll get it for free if they can.
Don't listen to anything they say. Especially if theres no proof they'll actually buy for anything.

>> No.5049795

>And this should tell everyone ITT everything they need to know about this faggot's point of view
That I'm a consumer who wants the best bang for his buck, like nearly everyone who is smart with their money? I'm not sure why you think this is a big revelation.

>> No.5049796

>Do we have anything like that now?
Yep. I'm not sure about other countries, but the US has the Graphic Artists Guild.

>> No.5049800

That you do not have artists' best interest in mind, and that all of your 'advice' should be disregarded wholesale.

>> No.5049804

>and that all of your 'advice' should be disregarded wholesale.
Wrong. I never gave any advice to anyone, only brutal truths. The invisible hand of the free market rules above all.

>> No.5049805

Go ahead and kill yourself, then.

>> No.5050264

>That you do not have artists' best interest in mind
I don't have used car salesmen's best interest in mind either

>> No.5050269


>> No.5050276

>brian cumfarti
yea I do, more with a simple watercolour layer

>> No.5051247

Unironically charge an hourly wage for this, especially because it is abstract

>> No.5051347

if you don't have artists' interests on mind, why are you participating on a thread for artists, by artists, on a board for artists?

if you want to make a car salesman analogy, you're walking into the dealership and arguing with everyone there that they deserve less. stop being an autist.

>> No.5051426

>why are you participating on a thread for artists, by artists, on a board for artists?
Not him, but having some customers, not just artists, in this thread is beneficial. They get to hear from the perspective of the people who are going to buy, most of whom only care about themselves.
And the second you start selling your work, you're not only an artist, but a salesman. Instead of complaining, think about what you can do to set yourself apart from people like Dimitri and Wang so people give their money to you.

>> No.5051586

>having some customers, not just artists, in this thread is beneficial
No the fuck it isn't. Customers will pay as little as they can to get a product or service, and most people have no idea what commission is worth to begin with, and would therefor have no useful insight on the topic of how much an artist could or should charge for their work.
You wouldn't ask a 60 year old housewife what she'd be willing to pay for a PSA graded LOB Blue-Eyes, and you wouldn't ask a 16 year old public school debate club member what he'd be willing to pay for a Lamborghini. Not every random person is a part of the market for a given product or service, which makes their input on the subject meaningless.

>> No.5051612

Or in other words: it is like casting pearls before swine.

>> No.5051635
File: 100 KB, 686x900, 1566731119980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumping in and commenting on the current thread derail, I know multiple people who want to pay artists a living wage and even feel bad if an artist's price is too low and will tip more.

Not everyone who buys art or prices it is out to get you
You need to take prices with a grain of salt though and ignore crabs and potential customers like the one a couple posts up who just want to squeeze you for what they can get, they don't see you as a human being at all and people like that are shitheads, you just have to learn to shift through them and not listen to them.

You can get the payment you deserve. You just have to work hard and have to demand that payment and respect yourself.
The world is fine art friends. Have a good day.

>> No.5051648

>Not everyone who buys art or prices it is out to get you
No, but the guy actively advocating undercutting and working for under minimum wage assuredly is. The issue is not that customers don't have valid input, the issue is that people that are not in the market for art commission do not have valid input as customers.