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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 645 KB, 1920x1080, north-korean-leader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5044446 No.5044446 [Reply] [Original]

What did he do to himself? How did he got so good? What differentiates him from other artists? Does he work more than everyone on the planet? Does he have autism?

>How to become as good as he?

>> No.5044454

combination of top .001% genetics and lifelong grind
Don't try to be him, try to be you - the best version of you you can be. Start by drawing instead of making threads on /ic/

>> No.5044461

Obviously I can't be him, but still I want to challenge myself and try, just try, to be or overcome his level.

>> No.5044464

Then do so

>> No.5044468

he just really loves drawing does not really care too much about what to draw so he got a lot of milaeage since he doesnt spend time thinking about what subject to draw.

>> No.5044472

Yes, but I cannot dissect his work. It has so much detail, it is pleasurable to see... Why? What makes it so pleasing.

>> No.5044477

did he study fundies or he studied them by mindlessly grinding and drawing what he wanted?

>> No.5044480

A lot of grinding fundies, to the point that they all become intuitive. Watch his instructional videos, he explains exactly what he's doing; projecting the perspective, bounding boxes, construction, contouring lines all in his and drawing over what he 'sees'. You will learn to do this too, learn your fundamentals and keep drawing

>> No.5044515

bump for interest

>> No.5044520

he mentioned that perspective came naturally over time to him while he drew alot... he observed a lot of objects and draws a ton from imagination- he draws from reference to "warm-up".

>> No.5044576

When you don’t know where to start, just start. Pick a random person in the foreground and draw them. Then a second one. And so on.
Is this good advide? Fuck if I know. But you have nothing to lose from just starting.

>> No.5044597

Already. :)

>> No.5044636
File: 257 KB, 1025x727, hokusai-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure Jung Gi is just the reincarnated Hokusai who kept his memories.

>> No.5044645

god how can you guys look at these messes for more than two seconds. They're grating on the eyes. It's like the visual equivalent of a Dragonforce song...

>> No.5044657


>> No.5044710

Asian jeans

>> No.5045188
File: 1.18 MB, 350x192, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f646b74784b4777766838314256513d3d2d36372e313539343835313138363931336538373439393139313438333033342e676966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think he's just special. there is definitely work put into getting the skills he has, but i think from the beginning he was on a different path than regular people and i think the skills and abilities that were there to develop were just always different.

basically what i'm saying is he's a talented motherfucker and his brain works in a way that nobody else's does except maybe a tiny handful of other people out there in the world. he's a savant in every sense of the word. the way that his brain works when he draws, is like rainman counting cards at the poker table. you just can't learn that. you might able to learn something that superficially resembles it, but you will never be anywhere near as efficient, quick, and effortless as he is at it.

>> No.5045192

you have missed the point spectacularly. i bet you think tomas kinkade is a better painter overall than zdzisław beksiński or francis bacon just because his saccarin cabin landscapes looks more stereotypically pleasant

>> No.5045193

He trace 10,000 hours till he get gud.

>> No.5045204

The only thing we know for sure about his "learning" process is yhat he stated he starts off his day by contemplating references to fully understand how certain things work and connect to each other
always remember: drawing from imagination =/= foregoing references

>> No.5045475

He's not a savant like those guys with a photographic memory, his skill is the result of crazy mileage and conscious, continuous study of references. If you are capable of becoming a
decent professional artist you could attain what he has but you have to love drawing to match his mileage.

>> No.5045579

Good comparison

>> No.5045604

photographic memory does not exist

>> No.5045608

Holy shit this is ugly stuff. It has details but still, I can barely make out any stuff.

>> No.5045611

Kim jung gi most likely has hypergraphia

>> No.5045616

This, 100%
Its ironic that anons here are against political correctness about everything thing else except for the existence of talent. Why is it so hard for anons here to accept that some people will naturally go farther than everyone else? This doesn't mean to give up, just recognize that we're not all the same. Look at modern day james, he faithfully copies KJGs lessons and techniques. Is he a good artist, yeah. At the same time, I'd bet money that he'd never hit near KJGs level in his lifetime though. I follow him to see if he'll prove me wrong.

>> No.5045621

I don't see the appeal, I can see he is skilled but why people consider him the GOAT? Post some drawings by him.

>> No.5045624

I used to be like you, in a year or two you'll find the appeal of being able to draw so much from imagination with no construction at all.

>> No.5045629
File: 126 KB, 564x632, 1567471778834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post my favorite drawings of him

>> No.5045630
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>> No.5045631
File: 1.88 MB, 1330x1162, 1534050517125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5045632

Pure Talent

>> No.5045633
File: 155 KB, 564x705, ce01499f999ee7caba34397bd849b876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5045636
File: 459 KB, 566x800, 1569428926435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5045638
File: 588 KB, 778x700, 1569426932440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5045639
File: 541 KB, 501x700, 2109699476_2edf8bdb_0087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5045640
File: 258 KB, 358x700, 978142922_f3dbc7bf_0186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5045641
File: 163 KB, 709x908, 7f136afc-4b26-44b2-b3e2-2061be9370f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5045644

"Talent" is basically inclinations + environment. If a kid naturally enjoys drawing and figuring out how to draw more than the other kids, and has an environment where he's free to do this and guided with resources, he's going to develop "talent". It's more like a muscle than an intrinsic property.

>> No.5045646
File: 418 KB, 599x800, 978142541_5f275ab4_0243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5045664

People seem to overlook that he spent decades grinding art during his school and army years to get to where he is today.
Most people will not have that luxury of time.

>> No.5045698

Gi dicksuckers have no taste in good art. Kim has no restraint and no discernment in his detail work. Some people do like this "orgy of stuff and detail" but to me it's ugly.

>> No.5045713

> simple drawing style
> basic instrument - a pen
> 30 years experience

>> No.5045717

Literally just do pen drawing for the next 30 years everywhere you go and you'll be just as good.

>> No.5045753

its not that people who do not care for him do not see the appeal of drawing from imagination freely. maybe they even strive for it themselves. but are not his drawings often a clusterfuck of nonsensical scenarios. there isnt really any unifying message. just a dizzying collage of things he finds fascinating somehow or things he witnessed or imagined many of which are shockingly quite mundane as equally as they are strange. it would be like if an author just rambled on about whatever and anything really, does so with expert play on words, metaphors, descriptions and grammar that other authors would envy him for. you can sense his unrelenting love for writing but when you piece the chapter together there wasnt after all any meaning, and for all the creativity there was not a glimmer of vision at all.

>> No.5045816

Natural talent plus drawing all the time instead of doing dumb shit like browsing this place.

>> No.5045859

But Kin doesn't qualify for this. If I remember right his family hated that he was wasting his time on drawing.

>> No.5045864

Environment is more than your parents

>> No.5045874
File: 87 KB, 480x750, 88504EEC-0524-431D-B473-945334384C90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His style is perfect for inking comics.
Shame he hasn’t been commissioned for a Batman book.

>> No.5045948

why there needs to be a messange?

>> No.5045964

Is it weird that I didn't really like his interiors in Spy Games? I feel like the author didn't take advantage of Gi's art style and the end result was some pretty stiff panels.

>> No.5046000

is that Stephen Wiltshire guy a fraud then?

>> No.5046004

Satanic demon contract

>> No.5048530

This. I love the guys stuff but found Spy Games kind of underwhelming. I guess there really is a big difference between being able to draw well and being able to draw comics well.

>> No.5048535

opinion discarded

>> No.5048547

he's not as good as you think he is. his works read terribly, he often has multiple perspective mistakes in a single picture, and his "serious" drawings aren't any better than comics/manga level of art. his whimsy and autistic attention to detail is what is more impressive imo

i'd say his co-worker hyunjin, karl, and miss jisu make better work overall.

>> No.5048551

Not all photographers can be cinematographers
(Why yes, I am a genius)

>> No.5048573

>The filter worked.

>> No.5048619

chemical balances in the brain absolutely make a difference tho

>> No.5048637
File: 1.98 MB, 1740x1293, renoir comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His composition is very similar to fine-art compositions you see in the past, where the goal isn't for an instant read but more like a very long study, where your eye scans the piece for a long time and enjoys it deeply. Besides, his drawings skills are pretty much top-notch, if there's any mistakes its because he didn't care and left it there. You can't get to that level of visualization without incredibly high technical skill.

>> No.5048768

Literally just draw

>> No.5048942
File: 532 KB, 1441x2048, KJG Shark Hi res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a near psychotic need to draw all the time. It comes down to mileage. KJG is what happens when you draw for hours upon hours every day for 30+ years. He probably blew past the 10K hours mark in his early 20's. He didn't take any shortcuts, he just really draws that much.
It's pleasing because his lines are so confident and accurate. When you watch him work, each line he makes is the final mark. He doesn't need to scratch it in lightly or ever erase. It's just perfect the first time because there is no type of line he hasn't drawn a million times before.

>> No.5049013
File: 170 KB, 600x800, 13-Draftsmen-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did kim jung gi mean by this?

>> No.5049018

Every artists produce other artists like a coffee machine that produces coffee.

>> No.5049605

no it isnt. even that shit of a painting is more legible and "the past" is not one type. renoir is hardly an example to bring up when talking about the past anyway. no shit you cant clearly everything that goes on in a multiple figure at one look but the similarity stops there. but the longer study of a painting with multiple figure painting often serves to help understand better the theme or to strengthen it. you can have multiple figures and still not look busy. kjg on the other hand is mostly just random shit. his works look like random shit because his brain is just random shit which is what helped him draw so much different things and get good technically anyway. people like kjg because he doesnt really plan when creating large compositions and it shows when compared with paintings that take hours to even come up with an important multiple figure composition. i suppose renoir and others like him who just drew things like urban social life as they are experienced are similar in that there is hardly any strict planning, but that is because they want to document spontaneous events in the same way a photograph or present subjective experience might capture it.

>> No.5049619
File: 331 KB, 960x1200, D9dyQ6mUYAAhGpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuinely sad cope

>> No.5049676

Renoir is kinda creepy ngl, but his painting there are better than kjg drawings. Agree with anon. Coming up with good compositions is part of the game, and kjg seems he could do it, but for some reason he doesn't very often.

>> No.5050775

Damn, i'm not normie enough to enjoy this eve a little bit. Oh well.

>> No.5050800

he's kind of an artists' artist but ok. normies like realism, glossy pin-ups, Kinkade, anime and capeshit.

>> No.5051100
File: 816 KB, 1400x1859, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spy Games looks like a comics equivalent of generic counter-strikesque shooter.

>> No.5051152

>great understanding of 3d space
>strong fundies
>years of mileage

>> No.5051165

>whacky themes
>caricatured faces
He's very deliberately a normie artist. So people look at it and get bedazzled, exclaiming "wow there's so much detail, i could never do this"

>> No.5051168

what do you think kjg does that someone who likes realism and anime wouldn’t like, retard?

>> No.5051195

I think he just draws whatever he thinks is cool and appealing. Most of his work are just sketches he probably didn't intend for anyone to see anyway.

I didn't say that. It's just that he isn't really that famous outside artist circles. and you're not going to walk into a home and see kjg on someone's wall. or are you guys using the "thing I don't like" definition of normie?

>> No.5051489

>Most of his work are just sketches he probably didn't intend for anyone to see anyway.

That's why he sells his sketchbook everyyear.

>> No.5051539


>> No.5052792

maybe now it's more of an intended product, I just think someone else convinced him of releasing his earlier sketchbooks. a lot of those sketches were drawn on ticket stumps and napkins and shit.

>> No.5053248

He wears asian jeans.

>> No.5053257

-Learn to draw wide angle perspective
-Build a visual library

The second part is the hardest since that's not something you can totally control,it's a lot about your culture and interest.

>> No.5053258
