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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 108 KB, 724x1024, 1606815909688m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5035146 No.5035146 [Reply] [Original]

/ic/'s opinion on this /pol/ infographic?

>> No.5035150

jews deserved what they got

>> No.5035152

based school denying boring photo copiers

>> No.5035153
File: 154 KB, 800x993, C347DA09-BB1F-476C-AFDE-E083B2F71AB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a /pol/lock but none of them entered Vienna art academy with their definite style. They were all pretty much academic at the beginning. They knew their fundies.

>> No.5035156

Who did that beg-tier scribble?

>> No.5035160

Hitler didn't have the juice, and had no soul.

>> No.5035162
File: 628 KB, 1029x1300, 1597623775248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes me think

>> No.5035169

Wait, Hitler didn’t had the Jews?

>> No.5035170
File: 55 KB, 280x466, 166C7A94-BD14-4A50-8DEA-1E89ECC2BED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5035172

he technically didn't

>> No.5035175

>boring cookie cutter studies
mein feelings :'((

>> No.5035183

his post-world war 1 artwork had a lot more soul to it.

In his free time during the war he used to paint and those paintings are some of his best, i think. Perhaps because he didnt have very much time to paint, and maybe due to the fact that he might die any day made him more care free with his artwork.

you notice in his early paintings things are very stiff, and this is what people like to show as examples of his artwork, but i think his post-ww1 shows a much more confident artist.

Its a shame though as a lot of his work later in life was taken by the US government and isnt displayed, locked in vaults.

>> No.5035189

source: my uncle who works at CIA

>> No.5035198

One of his watercolors from 1945 was for auction on eBay. It sold for like $40

>> No.5035202

>Perhaps because he didnt have very much time to paint, and maybe due to the fact that he might die any day made him more care free with his artwork.
can't believe /ic/ made me feel bad for HITLER

>> No.5035204

this is culture appropriation, fuck us

>> No.5035208

Is beg pronounced as beg or big?

>> No.5035221


What's the point in giving him the war/genocide shit? If he actually learns from that book he won't become a dictator.

>> No.5035234

boo-hoo, feel bad for the man responsible for the death of millions of people. I wonder how many of the victims were artists themselves who faced the same issue or worse.

>> No.5035264


>> No.5035269
File: 138 KB, 800x1030, schiele7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do people not like Schiele's work? he basically did what Robert Valley's doing now only a hundred years earlier

>> No.5035279

also it seems he was developing parkinsons in later life, so even if he had survived or won the war, there wasnt much of a chance he would paint again.

>> No.5035284

This. But i think Valley is just taking from Peter Chung, who is very Schiele inspired.

>> No.5035285

They are right wingers, they can't into art or creativity.
Reminder to all the poltards in this thread that Schiele was a master in anatomy, Hitler was mediocre at best with his perspective and he couldn't draw humans.
Quoting Scott Eaton (I know most of you guys won't know who Scott is, since you are begs) :
"Here is an écorché study of a drawing from the spectacular and controversial Viennese artist Egon Schiele. Schiele, long one of my favorites, is known for his hugely expressive figurative work – dynamic, contorted, deformed figures. Despite the effortless fluidity of his lines, the anatomy teacher in me can’t help but appreciate the underlying structure and coherence of his figure. My écorché study imposes plausible anatomical construction atop his piece and reveals that, despite his apparent looseness of his style, there is a deep understanding of anatomy at work. I can see this in all his drawings and paintings; every distorted, stylized figure actually fits together like an well-designed anatomical puzzle."

>> No.5035292

Is /ic/ pronounced as ick, iss or eye-see?

>> No.5035303

>'They are right wingers'


>> No.5035317

Correct, Schiele is living rent free in your mind, since you are posting in the weekly "Why was Schiele accepted but Hitler wasn't?" thread.

>> No.5035374

>They are right wingers, they can't into art or creativity.
Let's ignore anything that is not the 20st century and capitalism.

>> No.5035394

We don't actually have any of Hitler's paintings from the time he tried to apply to school. Those examples are from years later, and they still have fundamental flaws in them. We can only assume his student work was far worse, and he still wound up working as a professional painter for some years afterward. When he got rejected one of the instructors thought he had some talent and tried to get him to apply to the architecture school, but going there would require going back to high school, which Hitler didn't want to do. The /pol/ narrative that Hitler was rejected because he was a straight white male fighting against modern art jews is nonsensical.

>> No.5035436

Interesting artists got accepted, mediocre artists who drew kitsch with wonky perspective didn't.

>> No.5035438
File: 2.67 MB, 1415x1416, Gustav_Klimt_046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Correct, Schiele is living rent free in your mind
Uhh.. sweaty, I'm not the OP. I actually like Schiele. Both he and Klimt are in my A-tier expressionism list.
On the other hand, you mentioned right wingers without any provocation, which clearly shows that they live RENT FREE in your mind.

>> No.5035445
File: 124 KB, 599x900, book about Starfires daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are right wingers, they can't into art or creativity.
Creative doesn't mean shit if it looks like ass.

>> No.5035461

You will never be a woman

>> No.5035589

Not a tranny, stop projecting.
SJW art =/= left art retard.

>> No.5035595

>you mentioned right wingers without any provocation
I'm assuming he mentioned right wingers because the OP image is a /pol/ infographic that tries to assert that Hitler is better than Schiele.

>> No.5035626


Hitler was unfortunate. He was trying to get into a pro academy around the turn of the century RIGHT when Academic art was being kicked out the door in favor of modern and post-impressionist artwork. It didnt only happen to him, Bouguereau, Alma-Tadema and scores of other talented Academic artists were similarly scorned in their own lifetimes and by their own contemporaries too.
Even Wikipedia has stories about how Picasso and his boys would literally crab on French academics in public.
Also, fuck /pol/ and fuck Futurism.

>> No.5035662

Hitler drew portraits and figures? I didn't know.

>> No.5035664

Whatever the world says, deep in me there's a small part sympathizing with hitler, what he felt for the Jews in his country is same feeling I have for the Chinese in my country.

>> No.5035670

He didn't at the time he tried to get into the academy, the picture is extremely disingenuous.

>> No.5035675

>Right Wing = Automatically Hitler
Dumb retard.

>> No.5035681

/pol/ is right wing you dumb fuck.

>> No.5035685

It's okay Hitler, you showed the world like a true artist, that's how it is.

>> No.5035687

>/pol/ is right wing you dumb fuck.
Yeah right, because only right-wing retards can be bigots, right?
Politics don't decide prejudice, you retarded shit.

>> No.5035689

?? What the fuck are you going on about? The OP image is right wing and that's why the other anon mentioned right wingers. That's all, stop bitching about random unrelated bullshit.

>> No.5035690

>/pol/ is right wing
/pol/ right now is filled with leftard radicals bitching about /pol/.
/pol/ is as right wing as twitter is.

>> No.5035693

>The OP image is right wing
Did you knew nazis were actually socialists? Socialism is left-wing after all.

>> No.5035698

Actual retard detected

>> No.5035700



>> No.5035707

>"B-b-b-but the leftists are the good guys! The right is the evil one!"
This is what leftist propaganda does to your brain.

>> No.5035714

Yes, and next you'll tell me that Lincoln was a republican.

>> No.5035728
File: 88 KB, 1407x548, lincoln_republican.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5035805

Oh no, he actually fell for the bait

>> No.5035834

it's stupid because hitler wasn't really political before he got rejected from the uni
Also the listed ones were able to do proper art. While I support the big nose tribe in gas chambers and all that, hitler was a medicore painter. he should've aimed for a less prominent school and now we wouldn't have a world infested with trannies and polcorrect horsecrap. Hitler harmed whites more than all the fucking niggers together, unfortunately

>> No.5035841

You're a fucking nigger, aren't you

>> No.5036006

Nope. But if I was it would probably hurt you to know I'm 100% better than you at art.

>> No.5036045
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x1650, cri_000000468416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that a right-winger couldn't be an artist. Edward Hopper was a conservative in his own time.

>> No.5036049

There are always exceptions to the rule, but Hitler wasn't one of them.

>> No.5036061

lmao. the greatest artists and architects have all been European Christians. go to Italy

>> No.5036063

I agree with you. Hitler's work lacks the sort of life true art has. His work is static in addition to the other issues mentioned.

>> No.5036065
File: 288 KB, 1464x711, 20201201_222821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blatant denialism. National Socialism is art itself.

>> No.5036072

Not so. It destroyed so-called "degenerate art." I agree some of what was suppressed was vulgar, but much of it had artistic merit. Almost all National Socialist art is static.

>> No.5036076
File: 142 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20201201-223256_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adolf designed this himself. the greatest, most effective and powerful design in the world.

>> No.5036080

egon didnt graduate shit got gay

>> No.5036083
File: 1.50 MB, 1600x1200, betsy ross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5036084

>stolen Indian symbol
Oh no no

>> No.5036087

Don't you remember? The Indians are aryan lol.

>> No.5036114

He flipped it so you can’t reverse image search for the original

>> No.5036134

yeah bro, only indian people drew geometric symbols. these sun symbols go back thousands of years in Europe.

>> No.5036140

>nazi flag greatest graphic design
>cathedral of light most beautiful temple
>most aesthetic garb in world history
>fittest and healthiest people in the world, won the most gold, silver, and bronze metals at the 1936 olympics

>> No.5036152
File: 407 KB, 1080x755, 20201201_233227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the National Socialists weren't aesthetic"

post up your copes.

>> No.5036179

>these sun symbols go back thousands of years in Europe.
Either way Hitler didn't make it, so his most impactful design as an artist isn't even his.

>> No.5036201

>Literal scribbles
Ah, true art!

>> No.5036219

Almost any highly organized army with matching uniforms and flags are aesthetic

>> No.5036251
File: 397 KB, 1472x1014, 20201202_001741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he did create the NatSozi flag. it did not exist before he created this fantastic graphic design, utilizing a classic symbol.
the eternal liberal excuse maker.

>> No.5036273

Night of Long Knives?

>> No.5036530

Reminds me of the fantasy houses from the film Dodes'ka-den (1970)

>> No.5036543

Just more evidence for the pile that /pol/ is actually Reddit.
Maybe after all there is something to horseshoe theory. Hitler's art maps perfectly onto peak lame-o normalfag taste. The type of stuff that wows boomer aunts and uncles. Hyperreaistic celeb portraits. Youtube "art" tutorials with 5 million views. Aphantasia clickbait videos. That's 50k updoots on r/Art.

This the hill you're choosing to die on just to stick it to the left.

>> No.5036709

Retard, try defending the other 2 "muh art bro" faggots first. It's easy to call Hitler's style normalshit but the other 2 are just pretentious scratch my ass while looking superior kind of /beg/ level shit

>> No.5036733

true, not all lefties are sjw's, but all sjw's are left wing.

>> No.5036746 [DELETED] 

Pol evidence:

>not a single paper has been found with the orders or plan while germans were very anal about paperwork
>evidence for the trials were verbal and gathered by extreme torture done to the ball sacks of the accused Nazis
>all death camps are where Russians discovered the camps. All ally camps found hard labor camps
>the gas was delousing agent the allies used
>gas chambers had wooden doors
>chimney for furnace at one camp has extremely obvious signs it was installed after the war.
>world population of jews did not drop significantly and in fact boomed after WWII.
>no one can find the football field sized mass graves of ash buried anywhere near the camps.
>a Jewish historian years later said his coworker inflated the number of jews that died because they felt no one would care unless the number was massive
>the official death count has dwindled under modern historians to 125,000- 300,000.
>Anne Frank was transferred between two death camps before dying of a infection
>Jewish biographies include such execution styles as death by masturbation, death by rollercoaster that dumped people into furnaces, electric floors, curved gun barrels so prisoners were forced to unknowingly shoot themselves

>> No.5036749

During WWI he got a lot of practice drawing portraits for war buddies.

>> No.5036763

It was before that. Following your logic you would hate baby Hitler before they've done anything wrong. You can't tell me you don't feel sympathy for a 20 year old forced to fight in war who made doodles of his fellow soldiers who could die at any moment and their wives or family they missed.

>> No.5036894

schiele is a degenerate faggot and his style is probably something you wouldn’t show to your grandma because they look like they have aids from sucking too much cocks but you cannot deny he’s god damn good at anatomy. It’s twisted, filthy, sick, but they are consistent and are a trademark of his. It’s not even obvious to replicate his style.

>> No.5036920

be careful in the art field. you can start a war

>> No.5037694

>he basically did what Robert Valley's doing now
this is a fucking insult.

>> No.5037727

To who?

>> No.5037736


>> No.5037741

The holocaust happened and the nazis tried to cover it up, explaining the dearth of evidence

get over it

>> No.5037748

no they did not fuck you nazi scumbag

>> No.5037791
File: 103 KB, 1154x262, 78979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring what /pol/ has to say about art
authoritarians only care about art as a means to subjugate and consolidate power

>> No.5037794

lmao, the ultimate crab.

>> No.5037803

that's been debunked, sweetie

>> No.5037925

it is true, when men are let down they become super influential politicians or extremely rich to cope, same happened to obama

>> No.5038173

to egon of course.

>> No.5038301

holy fucking based

>> No.5038304

Egon Schiele is based as fuck and I won't hear anything else

>> No.5038335

unironically this.

modernism took over after the industrial revolution.

cubism and surrealism and other forms of avant garde were big in the 1910s and 1920s. Picasso was big in the late 30s.

actually picasso was specifically against fascism.

hitler was going against the current. the whole word was going pretty much the way it is right now. the main stream culture pretty much world wide being pushed by the media, all the big companies the schools and normies is all a rejection of tradition, nationalism, conservativism, christianity, etc.

if you tried to be a conservative artist right now, you can't get jobs.

you have to be pro transgenderism, pro black, pro muslim, pro globalism, pro gay, pro sexual liberation, pro abortion, etc etc etc.

why do you think all these comedians on tv are so bad? it's because they get picked based on ideology, not merit.

merit is racist, just like math, and photo realism.

>> No.5038338

>the whole word was

i meant "the whole art world"

>> No.5038385
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 1602308314791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing can't into art and creativity
>pic related created by a left wing

>> No.5038408

>based off of wojak memes
>was far funnier when righties appropriated it
the left can't meme, friend.

>> No.5038731
File: 45 KB, 816x568, 1583437693052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kidding, they did actually deserve that

>> No.5038741


>> No.5039134

The majority of all professional artist are left leaning, you are delusional.
Right wing art is always boring and uncreative.
Also >>5036733

>> No.5039221

It's easy to "lean left" when you're willing to do witch hunts against people who don't agree with you.

>> No.5039261


>> No.5039316

probably a waste of time, but that's why I'm here.

>not a single paper has been found
Hitler was notoriously bored with day to day management, he specifically didn't like signing stuff. That said, plenty of evidence. Göring's diaries and the commisar order come to mind.

>all death camps are where Russians discovered the camps. All ally camps found hard labor camps

the allied leadership knew about the death camps in ~1942 already, possibly before. polish spy network got you covered here.

>the official death count has dwindled under modern historians to 125,000- 300,000.

what. so the holocaust was actually a mass killing of slavs and gypsies? or are those fake too

>> No.5039319

>imagine thinking moralism is left wing

>> No.5041354

The academy was very traditional.
and conservative at the time. Schiele just did the traditional exercises and looked for guidance outside of the academy.
No idea who the guy below him is.
The guy at the bottom (Alfred Hrdlicka) entered the academy 40 years after Hitler tried to get in so it makes no sense at all to include him there.

>> No.5042173

Hitler next to Schiele's work is so far the most offensive this board got for me

>> No.5043280

It hurts but it helps establish the sort of "work" that was accepted over Hitler's

>> No.5043314

was not that good, i mean, is a mediocre impressionism whit pale souless colors, average perspective and boring composition. Causes nothing, is like that old shitty painting on your grandmother room. A blurry photo

>> No.5043358
File: 699 KB, 498x500, carl moll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Carl Moll. He's just starting to get some recognition again after being forgotten about because of his political beliefs.

>> No.5043361

We can all learn something from such cunning.

>> No.5043363

Why would they try to cover it up?
Were they afraid of thought of as 'not nice', you twit.

>> No.5043371

People that have Right wing beliefs, or anything these days that doesn't correspond with the near Satanic ideology that passes for mainline culture, just keeps quiet and gets on with their work.
Which is better, because the last thing I want to see/hear when I experience other artists work, be it visual art, or music, acting etc etc, is all about their personal belief system all the time.


>> No.5043375

Schiele was a master of anatomy, Hitler was a master of nothing.

>> No.5043393

how can you understand my post in this way ? /pol/tards are real retards, what the fuck are you even doing on an art board.

Schiele base as fuck

>> No.5043489

Clueless and easily impressed.

>> No.5043492

fuck of with this stupid conspiracy theory, polak-nigger

>> No.5043503

t. beg that doesn't know anything about anatomy, and get's impressed by Hitler's wonky perspective and badly drawn humans.

>> No.5043504

mass access to education was a mistake.

>> No.5043536

You are definitely the dumb retard if you're pretending you don't understand the connection.

>> No.5043864

You're stupid as hell just to not realize that Hitler's work is before going to art school, which never happened. Just basic thought failures going on in your brain, like reasoning from the fact that "there is wet red paint on the road" to "this is why the chicken is leaving red tracks as it walks."

Second of all, you're just regurgitating what you were told in some overpriced art 'education', which probably helped form such an incapable brain.

>> No.5043984

lefties are supposed to be better at art. everyone in this thread is a fucking lefty. wheres the good art?

>> No.5043999

Unbelievably based.

>> No.5044621

That's because left wingers gate keep hard

>> No.5044622

Source: your ass

>> No.5044626

Too bad lefty she's hate it

>> No.5044635

His humans look good wtf is everyone's problem

>> No.5044638

They gate keep the industry

>> No.5044641

Those are his humans years after he tried to join, his humans used to look awful.

>> No.5044646

Because there's /pol/acks who like art and or are artists

>> No.5044648

So he improved

>> No.5044650

>Has grudge against banker ruling class Jews

>Spergs out and kills all non banker ruling class Jews

Was this his fuck up /ic/ and /pol/?

>> No.5044656

If he knew graduated students make art like that, I think he would've had quitted anyways.

>> No.5044745

Friendly reminder that Hitler's art wasn't even that good. Look closer and you'll see embarrassing amateur mistakes.

>> No.5045369

I's like to see what all of our work from /ic/ would look like, without the benefit of the internet, 99% of the books we can access, and any tuition.
Worse than Hitler's, I'd say.

>> No.5045415

Why do you thing he wanted to get into art SCHOOL, anon?