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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 171A1AA0-62B1-4E17-8A40-5980CBCB68B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5022251 No.5022251 [Reply] [Original]

Post bad artists that still made it nonetheless.

>> No.5022252

me (hopefully)

>> No.5022257

I never saw any finished work illustration from him besides his character sheet.
But I'm in love with his realistic B/W style for some reasons.

>> No.5022275
File: 116 KB, 218x224, 2020-11-25 11_39_56-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread: cope.

>> No.5022286

should be required to pyw if you name someone

>> No.5022295

Jazza became popular because he was the only other tutorial youtuber. Sycra was the only other one I remember.

But he made a smart move and catered his content to kids. He seems like a nice fella tho and hist animations were fun. He gets my respect

>> No.5022300

It's amazing how many times he's gone out of his way to say he doesn't target his content at kids, can't tell if he's trying to convince his audience or himself at this point.

>> No.5022309

Hate all you want, he is getting millions being a bad artist on youtube. In fact, I think he is doing it intentionally and hiding his power levels. After all these years, no improvement? I dont believe it.

>> No.5022315


>> No.5022323

Is there any money in targeting kids? I'd rather keep things wholesome than pandering to coomers.

>> No.5022327

Depends on what you do really. There isn't much money in Youtube at all these days, but Jazza has probably made a ton of cash from his book and shitty mobile app and kiddy TV show.

>> No.5022337

Youtube can't determine if the views a video gets come from toddlers that were given an iPad as a digital babysitter. That's pretty much what the whole elsagate thing was about.
There's obviously money in it, but making porn for adults is clearly better than exploiting an entire generation of children too young to even speak.

>> No.5022341

Not just kids but complete noobs/deviantart types cause his channel looks inviting to that crowd and kids. They'll probably go to him before Proko because they don't wanna draw realistic. He's also covered a lot of topics so his vids will pop up on search results/recommendations

>> No.5022570

You know none of the d/ic/ks would do that right? Considering this shithole is /beg/ central.

>> No.5022606
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>> No.5022638
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>> No.5022642
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>> No.5022898

youtube could tell that it was a kid watching, so much so that they sold ads targeted to kids (bellow 13) what it couldn't do was tell if the video were kid friendly or not.

>> No.5023546

He got in at the right time, while also being part of the transitioning times when NG was at it's height and slowly on the decline to YT before the politics, censorship, and purging.

>> No.5023742

absolutely, there's a lot of shit animations specifically for kids. look through any readings of classic stories and you'll notice how shit they are in every regard. but they get a lot of views because they're for kids
look at this.
you barely even have to be educational too

honestly this is weird to say but if /ic/ used their skills to make content for children instead of trying to dive down the rabbit hole of porn twitter children's content could possibly be better and you'll be a lot happier

Children books too. There's a lot of bored rich housewives wanting to make books. Probably not the most lucrative work compared to most fields. but its easier to enter and its something you can leave for your family

>> No.5025026

oh my god.
isayama's early art looked really bad. it's gotten better but there are still panels i see that make me think, "wow that looks like shit"

>> No.5025033

A lot of early webcomics were SHIT. Penny-Arcade (Was shit, good, now kinda shit again) and CAD (Shit, still bad but slightly less now) come to kind. Also a low-hanging fruit, but Rob Liefeld.

>> No.5025058

You are part of the good side, anon.
I hope they won't corrupt you & wish you luck!

>> No.5025060

Your second paragraph is 100% correct but most are here for the easy money and see nothing wrong with coomer art.

>> No.5025075
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>11,919 patrons
Never actually bother to read it though, is the writing good?

>> No.5025281
File: 471 KB, 680x986, C2BDD1EB-3CDD-422F-BA2F-F878FE6E26A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to know is this page

>> No.5025368

the power of a good story

>> No.5025411
File: 1.23 MB, 2133x1600, f0522ed81e7497e1afa26b2dc9ef3b02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isayama is a clear example of grinding until you make it. Its still not the greatest art panel to panel BUT his spreads are fucking amazing

>> No.5025513
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>> No.5025595

ugh tumblr tier garbage

>> No.5027904

I remember Ed Emberly

90's publishing and magazine had so many profitable niches for the kind of mediocrities who would have a blogspot with ~100 daily views today

>> No.5029134


Because he understands how kids think, kids dont want the "fun 4 kidz" version of anything, generally they want to be adults/be seen as adults/be doing what adults are doing.

>> No.5029153

and if you treat them like adults and let them make their own decisions you get sent to jail and put on a watch list
oh yeah let’s just brainwash our children with inane corporate propaganda but nooooooooo i’m the monster

>> No.5029166

that guy is delusion with a microphone

>> No.5029170


>> No.5029196
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>> No.5029199


>> No.5029204

soulful, but no hook to make me want to click the link

>> No.5029267
File: 931 KB, 837x838, imagen_2020-11-28_152414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy "try" to talk shit about other people art when he is a bit above the average artist.

i saw her videos and he never point out bad art, i tought he tried to be polite or something but i realized that the real reason, is because he cant, he isnt that good.

>> No.5029271

anyone got the video where hes basically crying on camera because hes stuck making clickbaity shit videos instead of using his actual talent and says he wasn't going to do it anymore

then the next like 10 videos are all clickbaity shit videos

>> No.5029330

Why do you guys project so hard. Literally nothing in the op is "hating". If anything it's inspiration for us shitters that we can make it if we're smart about catering to an audience despite our lack of talent

>> No.5029377

i think he's way too nice.

the man is a tragedy and an only a masochist would aspire to be like him.

>> No.5029600


>> No.5029626
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>Bard Bot
>Chris Armin
>John Bob

>> No.5029628


>> No.5029629

>the man is a tragedy
Care to elaborate? It's the first time I heard of him

>> No.5029632

i don’t know 90% of those names, but if you think jlullaby is a bad artist, you’re 100% a seething permabeg
>that simple, yet evocative drapery

>> No.5029637
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>t.jlullaby and/or coomer

>> No.5029638

>some near literal who drawfags thrown in
You are just salty

>> No.5029639

most of these artists use "stylization" as excuse for their bad render and/or anatomy, jlullaby is no exception.

eigaka have really good anatomy, sadly he only draw degenerate inflation shit.

>> No.5029650

Wamudraws is not a literal who drawfag, he's around like 100k followers at the moment

>> No.5029651

Jlullaby, Shadman, CaptainKirb and Merunyaa being the worst offenders

>> No.5029656

pure unironic seethe

>> No.5029666

because you know them and they have high follow numbers, dosnt mean they are relevants. jinusenpai have the same ammount and draws like 15 years old kid

>> No.5029716

pretty much all of the "animators" on youtube
People like theOdd1sout, JaidenAnimations, etc

>> No.5029801
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genzoman...wtf is going on with that thorax!?!?!?

>> No.5029807
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did you just literally name every popular artist?

>> No.5029808

Fuck you anon you should list them alphabetically

>> No.5029841

>nooooooooooooowhy isn’t the winged figure’s skeleton like in my proko videos wtf I have a very developed critical eye

>> No.5029868
File: 387 KB, 1500x1308, JuxtapozEdEmberley06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was capable of work beyond the stuff in the books. It's meant for little kids. I cant find an awful lot of stuff online besides the children's illustrations, but what there is to see seems pretty nice IMO

>> No.5029902

>shit taste

>> No.5029926

what are your standard for being considered good? post pics plox

>> No.5030410


>> No.5030417


>McDonalds is shit, how is it a worldwide famous burger joint

>> No.5032132

his anatomy looks really werid, he draws hands and feet with werid edges and shapes

>> No.5032135

Most furry artist basically

>> No.5032136

isayama is still pretty shit with anatomy and poses he´s rapidly improving though

>> No.5032139

jazza makes me cringe so hard for his unwillingness to pronounce things correctly and being too far up his ass, i cant believe i was unironically subscribed to him just thinking about him pisses me off

>> No.5032586
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>mutuals with half of those
>didn't make it because of my severe autismo

>> No.5032694

this is the original? There s an edit on /pol/ and she turns out to be a tranny and the guy gets angry and kills him, I thought that was the original, that was hilarious

>> No.5032736

Pump your brakes, kid, that man's a national treasure.

>> No.5033530

>no jagodibuja

>> No.5033641

She is a tranny in the original

>> No.5034928

Proko is good at what he's claiming to do.

>> No.5034981

Yeah he’s a tranny, always been.

>> No.5035038
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Literally every single twitter coom artist.

>> No.5035194
File: 67 KB, 1024x576, 1606524052227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a shitpost but Anaugi is accurate, knew him for awhile, was in our discord (if you're lurking here you know which one you bitch) but then decided once he got a modicum of popularity he didn't need us anymore and proceeded to stagnate for years.

>> No.5037518

I hate his fucking pfp so much

>> No.5037625

Of the original characters...
Martin is with Claire who is trans
Dora is lesbian with Tai
Hannelore is asexual
Faye is a lesbian with a robot Bubbles
Roko has a paraphilia for bread
Clinton is bisexual for Brun and Elliot
Elliot is bisexual for Brun and Clinton
Brun is autistic and asexual
Renee is bisexual and a whore
Sven and robot May have fetishism

>> No.5038990

Better than 90% of /ic/

>> No.5038998
File: 23 KB, 533x538, irya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ilya Kuvshinov. A known tracer/other artists copier. Imagine drawing for years and this is still the best you can do (posted 6 days ago on his Instagram)

>> No.5039066

i really like bottom left

>> No.5039071

haven't heard that name in fucking years. how has he been doing?

>> No.5039132

he is still making art. it's really good.

>> No.5039160

niggerlover with forced edgy personality. I want to break his fingers one at a time.

>> No.5039165

nope, fuck you and your b8

>> No.5039167

Oh fuck it's true.

>> No.5039223

Who cares
Intellectual property is not real property

>> No.5040523
File: 100 KB, 374x400, Anime kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5040525

These artists are all pedphiles and deserve to be hanged like the pedos they are.

>> No.5040545

what those artists are pedos? based af

>> No.5040551

She/they asshole

>> No.5040682

They draw underage characters in sexual situations.

>> No.5040900

He's Australian, they always make things sound stupid.

Though I do have to ask, how exactly IS he a bad artist again? Is it just /ic/ being contrarian, or is there actually a legitimate reason for it? I mean don't get me wrong, his art's not stellar by any stretch, but I don't see how it's worse than someone like Shadman or Kibopher (who imo, sucks worse than Jazza, and is a shit VA)

>> No.5040911

Can someone PLEASS explain why hes awful?
I dont watch him so I dont know

>> No.5040914


>> No.5040942

Yeah I don't get this guy. I do feel a bit bad for saying this since it's not like I wish to shit on him or ruin his thing or anything like that but...
He's basically the typical guy who has nothing going for himself artistically and started making Youtube tutorials about stuff he hadn't even acquired himself.

But then people eat this up and believe he's "a skilled artist/teacher they should follow" because he made up some nicely edited videos with nice thumbails and all that jazz. It's all prestense.
Then the guy goes to conventions and pose himself as "totally an artist from the landscape guys" and everyone eats it up because appearances are everything in this world.

The world is just shallow like this.

Now I googled him and I realize he does make some art, but I don't think it necessarily fully negates what I'm pointing my finger at here.

>> No.5040993
File: 423 KB, 1602x1022, ilya-kuvshinov-img-9111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont give a shit about most of the stuff that you posted but legit this dude can not draw anything other then the occasional aesthetically pleasing portrait.

I dont know why hes getting jobs in the animation industry, his character designs fucking suck. They are beyond basic, and his work on Ghost in The Shell barely passes cause there are already a bunch of pre-established designs to go off of.

>> No.5040996


>> No.5041000

The whole Jazza being bad thing probably stems from his personality coming off as annoying over the years. Last recent video I saw from him was him having to acknowledge that point and admit it.

I personally dont like how he ditched tutorials but hes decent enough to where I dont question how his art got him to where he is.

>> No.5041052
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>> No.5041058

Most of anime are manga adaptations, so the characters are already pre-established designs

>> No.5041074
File: 272 KB, 500x500, 1598391223123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im aware. But when designing characters for animation they can still be butchered in the process, which happened with the new GiTS thanks to Kushinov making previously established characters look even more basic. I was saying that it was less insulting then his work on that Into Wonderland movie he worked on(which were all of his design) cause the characters had a history of already established designs, making it slightly harder to fuck up.

>> No.5041134

I couldn’t finish this movie (birthday wonderland) because not only it was boring as fuck but the designs were bland as fuck which made if even more boring.

>> No.5041279

It seems that he lacks creativity, which explains why 99% of the stuff he draws is the girl that kinda looks like him, lmao

>> No.5041282
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>> No.5041566

I was surprised when I saw this. I really thought he was reposting a drawing by one of his fans or something

>> No.5041570

I think you can tell from his tutorials that he can draw.
I still don't like him regardless

>> No.5041778

Do you have the source for the Gochuu girls on the left?

>> No.5042063

I have source for all of them.

>> No.5042880

Holy shit the characters look stiff af and they just float on the BG, it looks so amateur looking.

he doesn't have any spacial awareness of a character's proportions in relation with each other and their surroundings

that's where you end up if you just keep drawing portraits and bust up of girls in blank white space

Don't be like Ilya

>> No.5042914

well? post your burger motherfucker

>> No.5042981

A ton of artists I know hate my work, I’ve happened upon a few at cons talking shut about my stuff when they thought I had stepped away from my booth. I know why they don’t like my work, but I don’t really care bc I enjoy making it. I also sell pretty well too, enough where I was doing cons full time for the last few years. Bad artists gotta eat too, you know?

>> No.5043072


>> No.5043150
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His style of video editing and nonsense humor filler actually mentally irritates and exhausts me.

>> No.5043156

>After all these years, no improvement? I dont believe it.
Years of what? Certainly not drilling to get better. Years of not making an effort to improve because you are a content creator and not an artist, more like. This is a job to this guy. An enjoyable job, but his job isn't "be good at art" it's "drive clicks." Not hating, just the nature of the gig.