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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 24 KB, 378x396, beg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5018485 No.5018485 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.



1.-screenshot the image and post that instead

2.-change camera capture settings to something smaller

3.-send to computer and resize in picresize.com

There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


Take your time, you can do it.

Previous Thread

>> No.5018487
File: 16 KB, 645x770, 1606144810636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5018490

Should I use references for faces ALWAYS as a newbie? Everytime I try without it turns into a symbol drawn mess

>> No.5018492


>> No.5018495
File: 841 KB, 1600x1159, escanearANGUS McBRIDE0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good of an artist do I have to be to be able to replicate this style? All I know is he was (rest his soul) a gouache painter, and his style is my entire reason for interest in history. Can I replicate this in photoshop with enough practice?

>> No.5018501

what's your current level?

>> No.5018508

Mid beg. Im expecting years for sure but his stuff is so well done I feel like decades possibility

>> No.5018519

Wtf is mid beg

>> No.5018520

Do you have any work you like and would like to share?

>> No.5018523

Real question: when does one stop being a beginner. What's the milestone?

I feel like there's no milestone. It's just an organic process with no hard "steps".
One day you wake up and are good at drawing.
>it just werks

>> No.5018533
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 19554546_10154739217068811_6349077134880476908_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fundamentally the nature of the culture on these boards is one of individuality, because of such high levels of individuality due to anonymity and historical context, posters generally get pleasure off creating arbitrary hierarchies of value. Here, in regards to the posters inquiry of skill level, the anon poster is so unskilled at the craft itself, he does not know how to describe or show his skill level, and thus resorts to "mid beg" as a way of ranking his status amongst others who consider themselves "beg." Often people hate to find themselves below average even though at minimum 49% of people must. What was that funny thing I saw once about how 90% of drivers think they are "above average."

Funny stuff.

>> No.5018536

Theres /beg/, /int/, and /pro/
those three categories can be divide into low, mid, or high
so low beg, mid int, low pro, etc

>> No.5018540

/alt/ is mid beg

>> No.5018542
File: 89 KB, 438x503, 1426592880105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For being such a faggot about it I wont post my work. Great way to ruin this thread in the first dozen posts.

>> No.5018543

It's autism, essentially. You just say /beg/ if you're a beginner, and that's about all anyone ever needs.

>> No.5018547


>> No.5018559

Why is it autistic to diversity how you present a skill level

>> No.5018566
File: 100 KB, 1000x1000, FFX Seymour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a beg, is there any benefit of trying to copy artwork that inspires you? I'm trying to draw pic related at the moment for fun, but its kinda hard.

>> No.5018573

I would say /alt/ is usually high beg low int. Although mid begs can usually post there without much trouble

>> No.5018576

its fun and you learn about stylization. you''ll get more out of it if you try to think about why the artist depicts things the way they do

i think its fine as long as you don't comfort zone into just copying art all the time

>> No.5018577

God that rating thread is poisoning some retarded /beg/'s heads.

>> No.5018591
File: 1.50 MB, 1956x2344, E93E8DDA-9303-46A5-BA46-9F9BD606DB88.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big nips
Ya it’s beneficial, I think you should learn at least something after some good hours of copying a better artist

>> No.5018594

based, thanks for the input

>> No.5018597
File: 123 KB, 480x831, l5pEOIJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5018604

Mid-section seems to be turned in a direction different to the legs and torso. Arms kinda short. t. beg
Using a reference?

>> No.5018606

I used a T Pose anatomy man ref and tried to make a pose, so not really. Wanted to try somewhat no ref

>> No.5018607

>is there any benefit of trying to copy artwork
huge benefit from copying and understanding peoples works that you inpsire to be 'studying from the masters' is a class for a reason

>> No.5018614
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, 0E4B0804-2C98-41AD-B674-037669420148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5018621

Why not blend the sphere more? And the cone if it is a cone on the top right

>> No.5018625

did you even read fun with a pencil. it's the first thing he has you doing, to construct from imagination.

>> No.5018628

I can construct from imagination, its just the second I put facial features the whole thing falls apart

>> No.5018634

I wonder what it is about drawing specifically that's so disheartening when you fuck up.
Most hobbies you keep on trucking fully aware that as a beginner you will make mistakes but with drawing you question your worth as a human being with every misplaced line.

>> No.5018639

Jackshit, it's the one you're familiar with and that's your experience, doing sports? If you fail it will stick with you, writing? good luck filling page after page of bullshit

>> No.5018652
File: 86 KB, 299x226, 16942E52-A743-4104-8061-F955003C8E2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it’s bideo games and other things that people grow up on that has trained us to expect near instant gratification with little effort. We call can look at drawings and think how simple they look and you better that you can do it too with some effort, then you get smacked in the face by a wiener to be reminded that it isn’t that simple

>> No.5018657

I think I get what you mean, I will start drawing the 2nd cut off circle in my heads. You're saying I cant stick out one side that is supposed to be hidden.

>> No.5018668

yes but the rendering in your ref isn't very good

It's just because it looks ugly when you fuck up. And we react badly to ugly things.

>t. beg

don't use such thick lines or draw bigger. and stop half assing your loomis heads. honestly though, for most beginners I would recommend copying/deconstructing head refs more than drawing your own from scratch because it's very easy to get it wrong.

>> No.5018674
File: 134 KB, 960x1500, 7657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the rendering in your ref isn't very good
why? whats wrong with it?

>> No.5018677
File: 290 KB, 2048x1536, Delthea2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I look at this art, it looks like something is missing. Something that other anime styles have but this pic doesn't...
Is it the line work? the shading?

Also please ignore the feet

>> No.5018682
File: 570 KB, 1427x1547, A43B49E9-5F9E-4FAB-A0BE-5DCE19A1F1B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I’m not understanding something about the body besides specific anatomy details
Any tips?

>> No.5018687

>starting to be able to sort of draw things as my mind sees them
feels good man

>> No.5018688

There's very little variation of hue going from light to dark, and there's too much black for the shadows (take the lips for example). Honestly it might be a comic style thing, but if I wanted to learn value and coloring properly then I wouldn't use this as a ref.

>> No.5018690

yeah it's hard. there really is no way around it than to grind. it's probably going to take thousands of attempts. 9/10 times faces look off due to perspective issues. proportions arent hugely important, your drawings are just going to look like cartoons which is fine. but if something is out of perspective, or if the face is not symmetrical, that's when the face looks off. I would suggest to isolate the features and draw then from all different kinds of angles. also, don't try to draw pretty girls. they're feminine features are extremely subtle and it's hard to convey depth with such soft faces if you're doing line drawings. draw old people, men with strong cheekbones, jaws etc. drawing things like glasses and hats can also help.

>> No.5018697

I see

>> No.5018702

Cute WIP

>> No.5018711

Maybe it’s the angle of the pelvis I’m messing up all the time

>> No.5018717

Going to attempt doing painting despite not being ready for it, for fun
Tips on thumbnail drawing for planning stage?

>> No.5018723
File: 1.01 MB, 1667x1310, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how to do construction study? Try to get the shapes then just spam them at angles and draw over?

>> No.5018730

Were you trying to blue the lineart of the head/body for blur effect? Since the feet has cleaner lines.

In this art style I highly suggest you use clean lineart, dont use airbrush for it.
Since you're basing your art from anime, don't use airbrush (again) for shading, look up cell shading instead. Using airbrush in your level will make your artwork look blurry, and dirty. Learn those first, make a crisp looking lineart. Study how light works before you start using airbrush. A /beg/ mistake indeed

>> No.5018738
File: 51 KB, 621x965, fig-drawin-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 minute time limit
couldn't quite finish rendering all values in time

>> No.5018740

how long have you been studying?

>> No.5018742

I'm also just starting in this field, what works for me in thumbnailing are:
- draw very small thumbnails so you can do a lot of em real fast, dont spend too much time creating one
- use 2 to 3 values max (black grey white range) to lay down where the focal point of the piece is
- learn basic compositions e.g rule of thirds

>> No.5018751

Not the op, but I’ve written stories and I’ve played music. The progress in those was much more fun. But I also think it’s because those mediums have become so simplified that even basics put out something good. If anything, the visual medium has become more complex in the digital age, while writers like Joyce or Brahms aren’t nearly as popular. Our minds aren’t saturated with the complicated of those. But with drawing, the gap is huge. Ergo we hate our beg art.

>> No.5018753

Thats not me that drew that.

>> No.5018754
File: 755 KB, 1025x992, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very little time overall (it's been on and off and inconsistent, just recently picked up drawing again a few days ago).

I recently found out that drawing from reference is relatively easy.
The meme "draw what you see" is literally it.
And once you understand light and value a bit, things really start to pop and look good. But it's not hard to do. Just a little theory.

I actually just watched these free videos: https://lp.evolveartist.com/free-painting-course
They are straight to the point and really helpful to understand value.

Anyway, there's people doing the Betty Edwards "Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain" intensive 5 days course. That go from left pic to right pic (see pic related) in 5 days. lol
There is literally no excuse for symbol drawing

Now, constructing from imagination, that's a whole different skill set...

>> No.5018757

sasusage fingers,waist,hips,legs and arms

>> No.5018760
File: 80 KB, 1000x750, greyscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at your picture without color: it lacks depth, it lacks value range.

Ideally you want to have both dark shadows and bright lights. You want to describe form with value.

Your painting looks flat.

>> No.5018762

youre this person right >>5017900

>> No.5018764

i wish i could be that good

>> No.5018766
File: 566 KB, 1652x1580, 9345A5AF-4BF8-4A6B-9834-E4F9B88F9DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you draw the legs differently? I’m gonna take a break before I redraw the thing

>> No.5018768

absolute begginer here and this question might be really dumb but I started doing these exercises from the sticky
and my problem is that when I do the lines at one point they overlap with each other I think not because of accuracy but because the paper starts to sink in so it gets easier to drag the pen on top of the line
is that okay or should I look for firmer paper or a harder surface, since I'm just using a notebook I found laying around at home

>> No.5018773

Thanks, bros.
I do abuse the airbrush alot, I'll try to use it less now.

>> No.5018775
File: 106 KB, 1000x750, contrast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now look at this: i just added a bit of contrast on photoshop.

Notice how it's popping out more?
Darker darks and ligher lights

>> No.5018780

Oooh. Based. Thanks anon.
I'll replicate the shadows on this for practice.

>> No.5018795

help am i on right train of though or not

>> No.5018802
File: 145 KB, 1300x922, 1585967474866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I should stop drawing heads, I did other stuff but how am I doing now? Trying to think in shapes and feel the form

>> No.5018823

study real snakes

>> No.5018824
File: 96 KB, 1379x943, I_dont_even_know_why_I_am_doing_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cell shaded your work and clean the lineart

here's what I'm basically saying
I'm the guy who said airbrush like five times

>> No.5018836

This helps alot. Now it looks like the anime style I was trying to go for.
I'll replicate this cell shading style.

Thanks for doing this, man.

>> No.5018840
File: 36 KB, 526x665, mspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers man, and goodluck to your art road

>> No.5018841
File: 218 KB, 828x1280, 6521CA6A-6CB7-49D4-A113-22BB951F28A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d just fuck it up in inking again so this is as far as I go.

>> No.5018856

> trained us to expect near instant gratification
I think it is the opposite, instant gratification is the default mode. you have to be trained to delay gratification.

>> No.5018865

Just stop cooming

>> No.5018866

one day!

>> No.5018867


>> No.5018869
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, 155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could i get some serious feedback please, wanting to up my game and spent more time than usual on this one

>> No.5018870
File: 224 KB, 979x935, 155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5018877

nice shapes and form

But it would be better to judge if you post a more finished one

>> No.5018878

How small is that drawing?

>> No.5018881
File: 167 KB, 420x469, 1580127893618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so nothing then?

>> No.5018883

I guess as a child you expect instant gratification. I figured that’s typically ironed out in your early teens unless you’re spoiled

>> No.5018890
File: 285 KB, 1431x2544, hVOkngDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive worked on this for around 2 hours, lmao. Time for bed, hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow.
Note: rendering is fun but I have no technique or knowledge of it. Whats a good source to learn from?

>> No.5018897

got more works? Easier to judge if it's a compilation

>> No.5018903

im not sure how to finish more than i have is my issue

>> No.5018908

better, these have some good form

>> No.5018909

use your Shizogan and unlock your true potential young coomer one

>> No.5018911
File: 91 KB, 587x564, 323232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then I guess ill try my best with this one

from what I can see, you're starting to get the big shapes and forms but when it comes to detailed ones, (e.g eyes) you're starting to have difficulties

So I suggest you keep learning forms and shapes, you're getting there.

Also you being aware with not finishing some of your works. Better get on it, coach

Finished, not perfect

>> No.5018917
File: 80 KB, 1000x730, 1586889225309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, what can I improve? any notable mistakes besides jaw area and symbol drawn eyes?
Tried to draw my hand

>> No.5018919
File: 309 KB, 1125x697, B34689E3-7748-4C7D-812F-9CD60C630A68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No advice for the legs? >>5018766
Okay... anons...

>> No.5018926

Yeah, what I said before

Good forms, getting there

After this step try finilizing the drawing with harder lines, thus finishing it and then you can now clearly see what's up with your work

>> No.5018927

>>from what I can see, you're starting to get the big shapes and forms but when it comes to detailed ones, (e.g eyes) you're starting to have difficulties

very true, i find hards stupidly hard, im getting it more now but yeah i find laying in and doiing big blocks easier than small stuff like eyes

>>So I suggest you keep learning forms and shapes,

i started drawabox recently so im hoping when i get to the forms part itll help me

>>Also you being aware with not finishing some of your works. Better get on it, coach

im not sure what this means

only thingh i notice are eyes sorry, as ive said before we are same skill level so its hard for me to see the issues, because if i did id fix them in my own art, i think we are on the right track and the issue is just drawing more really, it takes times and its only been 4 months for us, so a lot of it is just mileage you are better than last month and youll be better next month, its hard to see the improvements because it all happens under the hood really, but it is going on

>> No.5018931
File: 70 KB, 912x653, 1582764841404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been mixing up all the construction methods I've studied so far, bucci + loomis + eviston and some boxes for direction, easier than a ball and a curve
Ignore the one on the right, just wanted the outline as practice but I messed up the perspective of the face, only the lower third, jaw mouth and chin are on the same direction as the reference, can you notice it?

>> No.5018938
File: 1.66 MB, 2500x2500, More Gesture Drawings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight or Fuck Girls Arena
Could you expound upon this further?

>> No.5018943

>Mog /beg/ in 5 days or your money back. Guaranteed!

>> No.5018944

>>Also you being aware with not finishing some of your works. Better get on it, coach
read it wrong bro haven't sleep yet, ok I get what you're saying now, use darker lines to make your work clearer and sharper. Notice when you're sketching you overlap a lot of lines to create a single strong one? Still do that in the sketching part, but if you're finalizing it, make one thicker/darker line. Makes a huge difference, and you can see your mistakes since it's not a blurry sketch anymore but a clear picture

>> No.5018949

I'll do more work and post it later, I guess 4 heads plus something else should be decent progress, besides fundies of course. Hey, any advice on imagination + observation? I really dislike "Drawing on the Right Side of The Brain" and "Keys to Drawing", just can't do them but they seem to be key to incredible progress, >>5018754

Thanks for the feedback, I'm having a hard time finishing a drawing with truly black lines, it all feels like an outline and if I go too light Ill do scratching

You'd be right, we just have to keep at it, luck on your stuff anon, looking better. I feel like we both have issues with eyes but different extremes

>> No.5018954

if you're focusing on the head, make it larger

small drawings tend to hide mistakes, and having a bigger canvas/drawing makes your line strokes bigger --> That shit improves your line confidence for better strokes and stronger lineart.

>>Ignore the one on the right
Right one --> bigger -> better
Left one --> smaller -> constricted lines, can't see shlt, you can't do details too --> bad

>> No.5018959

Is it bad that after about a year of serious drawing (and another 6 years of messing around) my art still looks shit without a bit of guidelines? Does anyone else here really draw completely without them?

>> No.5018960
File: 410 KB, 1232x1409, Gawrgura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this.
What do you guys think?

>> No.5018964

Yeah, you need to know how to do it big before even trying to imply it on a small scale, I just did that for fun but advice noted.

>> No.5018976

I'll dissapear now, goodluck on your drawings bro

>> No.5018977

Thanks and same

>> No.5018981

nice big head

>> No.5018986 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 510x701, glCdMzq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to draw hug from behind
>looks more like a choke
I love being shit sometimes

>> No.5018987

Unironically, needs more loomis

>> No.5018997
File: 88 KB, 1024x748, 112320carsketch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This here is a purple car.

>> No.5019003

Put the hair a bit lower if you don't want to change the eyes.
If you take a break and look at this again in like 15 minutes, you'll see that the actual spot where the eyes should have been.

>> No.5019029
File: 8 KB, 209x241, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a large discrepancy in the quality of my studies in comparison to my actual projects? If I do a study, theyre obviously flaws because im new, but the quality of that is so much higher than my non-study work. Ill collect a bunch of reference, get an idea, and try to draw it out, and it feels like all the fundies I learn go out the window. Picture ends up flat, disproportionate, boring, whatever. But If im just copying a picture it looks so much better. Why? I dont want to be a photocopier, I wanna make stuff

>> No.5019037

Because you're copying something that has already done 90% work for you than say your own personal project.
hey buddy heres a tip, use reference when drawing something you want ok

>> No.5019042

Did you even read my post? I said I do collect reference, but It still ends up stinky

>> No.5019046

Mileage plays and how you actually use the reference is also a factor,
Beside you never posted your work so how can we judge you?
This sounds like something in the stupid question thread

>> No.5019049

Also are you doing thumbnail sketches and doing studies beforehand?

>> No.5019065
File: 175 KB, 471x848, 8wxBoXb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna get made fun of again... ( I know her arm is horribly messed up, im trying to figure how to fix it, but the whole thing is just flat anyways so I might just abandon this again)
When i wake up I usually do half hour of gesture drawing, and then Ill do a study. Ill usually just find a picture of a model on one of the boards and try to draw that.
Whats a thumbnail sketch?

>> No.5019072

Either you haven’t grinded enough figure drawings or did hundreds of gesture drawings already, reason why your forms are flat is because you’re really feeling the volume of it. Just do the basic box, sphere, cylinder shit first and try to draw them into a mannequin.
Also why would anyone make fun of beg trying to learn, only dunning krugers and day one begs get the stick up their ass

>> No.5019090

You’re not feeling it*

>> No.5019109
File: 117 KB, 602x771, kKq4fLK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I translate box people into organic forms? Ive done those studies before, but the second I tried to change those boxes into body parts it completely falls apart and looks disgusting. Id post an example I cant find any of my sketches of those attempts, i think I accidently deleted them. Ill post my other early failed attempt at drawing something on my will instead

>> No.5019112

Fill in with soft round brush

>> No.5019116

>Fill in with soft round brush
I dont understand, what do you mean?

>> No.5019118

Color it in with soft round brush and adjust the form as you need

>> No.5019121

this is bad advice

>> No.5019124

Draw a cross contour across the form.
Read up in dynamic bible.

>> No.5019125
File: 310 KB, 1000x1000, CB8C155A-ADFB-452D-8CD6-F9D4427718D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never give up
It’s time to watch anime

>> No.5019126

look into dynamic sketching

>> No.5019132
File: 228 KB, 678x1280, 4CE9A158-4E5C-4315-A0F6-BCAFE0B7967B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fun. Learned about muscles flowing into each other and how much I suck at anime faces when they are tiny. Ref: >>5015504

>> No.5019134

>words words words

>> No.5019139

w-whats wrong with words...

>> No.5019140

don't listen to him anon. sometimes text is better than any image

>> No.5019142

show, don't tell

>> No.5019148
File: 314 KB, 264x264, E7AA0B55-A855-42E9-8DC4-872655C25357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts only words and no image
Uh oh

>> No.5019152
File: 253 KB, 936x718, QiPnmLK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry, but I still dont understand.
The soft round thing just feels like colouring it in, albeit blurry.
I understand the contour lines are supposed to help me feel the form, but I still cant tell If Im feeling it or not. I definetly dont on the box chest
Id check the dynamic sketching course but the mega got shut down, and the torrent isnt working for me.

>> No.5019153

Yeah, but not that text.

>> No.5019155

Too symmetrical, learn visual measuring

>> No.5019161

Extremely bad post and you just sent him further into confusion

>> No.5019162
File: 164 KB, 600x900, 1601733050299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We call can look at drawings and think how simple they look and you better that you can do it too with some effort

>> No.5019165

Not that soft, also use a darker grey, and do it ontop of the sketch. If you want to save the sketch and copy and paste and hide the lines, that may help you compare and contrast your results.

>> No.5019169

That’s literally it yeah. Have you never seen someone whine about claiming they understand something but don’t know how to draw it?
Why am I responding to a wojak poster, don’t bait me

>> No.5019172
File: 33 KB, 600x340, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repetitive blocks of text aren't how you tell a joke.

>> No.5019173
File: 2.31 MB, 3500x3500, Otakotake2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided the drawing was salvageable if I just made the girl face the camera. I'm a butt guy, but this makes it more visually interesting.
What I'm having trouble with is having all of the characters be proportional together in the same image and also the fucking leg that I circled.
I think that if a girl was sitting on a guys waist like this, her knees would meet up with his, but I am not sure where I fucked up to the point that I can't get this leg to look right.
Also, she appears to be a LOT bigger than the guy, and that's slightly on purpose.
Either way, any suggestions on what I can improve here? As always, I appreciate it.

>> No.5019177

Your post reads like someone with negative IQ wrote it

>> No.5019185

Fine with me. I’ll still become a good artist in time no matter how dumb people here think I am

>> No.5019192

I know this is EXTREMELY fucking petty and I shouldn't bring this up, but does anybody remember many months ago, probably even a year ago at this point, but there was this guy who would copy random loli art with these really scratchy lines and everything they made turned out really flat? I think their deviantart was something super generic like "art studies" or something?

>> No.5019195

Oh you mean gaysketch tranny?

>> No.5019198

But what about natethesnake.com

>> No.5019202
File: 57 KB, 835x1012, EKfWqn0UwAABvWN[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they specifically drew lolis? I think I know who you're talking about though. This person?

>> No.5019203
File: 132 KB, 1008x801, 8DTYY3N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright for some reason doing this crashed photoshop, but is the idea to outline the form, then draw the details on top of the new blob?

>> No.5019204

Chicks legs would be angled out more at the hips and the dudes legs wouldn't be spread out. Skin also smooshes together in that position when you aren't worrying about snapping your dick.

>> No.5019209
File: 180 KB, 408x803, ayyyyyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys i have been doing tone/shading studies and this is one of them.
do my forms read well ?
Any critique would be helpful
thanks !

>> No.5019217

I am a total scrub, but this looks awesome beyond the chest looking kind of fucked up? Maybe try flipping the canvas more because for real, that doesn't look right.

>> No.5019221
File: 117 KB, 549x657, chu16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back. I did a bit more focus on body structure and hands this time.

>> No.5019224
File: 717 KB, 760x960, how do I render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I spent too long rendering a turd. Tell me it was at least worth the time for "practice" .

>> No.5019230

How do contour lines contribute to making organic shapes look 3D? I know in sketch phase it helps to visualize the form, but how does that translate into the lineart phase?

>> No.5019232

people can't see into your brain to know what you intended, they can only see what you put down.

>> No.5019234

I think it came out really well.
It doesn't look like you have a lot of line weight. They're all so thin. It's incredible you did an entire background though. You can't always create a completely finished piece like this and then instantly call it a turd and shit on yourself for it.
This is what the 4chan mindset does to you. Sure, don't be complacent but if you can't look at something you made and at least take SOME pride in it or show it to people without being self deprecating about it, what's the fucking point of the road to self improvement?

>> No.5019238

This is incredible advice! I'll have to adjust the image tomorrow as I've got to go to sleep, but thank you. It all seems so obvious now!

>> No.5019247
File: 5 KB, 89x138, think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So its just to get good critique or to ensure you understand what youre doing?

>> No.5019248

I kinda like it. I dont understand the gelatin cube stuff and why its emitting a light from her ass, but its neat.

>> No.5019259

Watch the arm length. Imagine her hand is now down, and compare it to the other arm length.

>> No.5019263
File: 18 KB, 823x127, It wasn't..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5019267
File: 1.88 MB, 1000x1500, mikumiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn since middle school and I want to get back into it. How do I make this more realistic?

>> No.5019274

Learn realistic anatomy, gesture, perspective and learn to render forms accurately

>> No.5019275

Wow, this is pretty nice. I think you have all the works covered, you just need to refine and refresh your knowledge

>> No.5019276
File: 90 KB, 250x202, 276DD67D-C0D8-49A1-AA57-AFFC5BAC18EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too ugly to coom, try again

>> No.5019304
File: 1.15 MB, 2637x1614, 96AE7C2C-21B5-4B9E-ABA2-83E89A984590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started drawing yesterday and I’m complete shit at it. I drew both of these and want to know which is better

>> No.5019305
File: 1.01 MB, 2948x1259, 5CDDD5F9-C35B-4492-82B1-4E3E302AAD46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5019306

what's the difference between figure and gesture drawing

>> No.5019307

I noticed a lot of figure drawing courses would have a female model with a gorilla bush that 100% covers their vagina. This is intentional isn’t it because America fears full nudity

>> No.5019313
File: 50 KB, 789x808, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I on the right track? I dont know where to start to emulate the Vanillaware style. Do you paint on the lineart/ketch? I didnt even do a lineart I started painting on the sketch.

>> No.5019320

Americans are secretly coomers themselves

>> No.5019322

Gesture is a step " tool" to draw the figure.
To be able to draw a human figure you need to understand Gesture, Simple forms and how to construct them, anatomical landmarks, Light & shadow and how to use value, then comes understanding anatomy and how to use simple forms to construct them.
If you are lost and don't know where to start, start with glenn Vilppu videos or steve huston .
Good luck !

>> No.5019329
File: 420 KB, 1285x1416, Screenshot_20201124-002530_Autodesk SketchBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look any better?

>> No.5019333


>> No.5019335

We waited 3 hours and 50 minutes for this

>> No.5019338

Do you like samurai champloo?

>> No.5019340
File: 178 KB, 1000x1000, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some recommendations on anime hair and eye technique? Preferably by an actual manga artist, but I'll take anything that's good.
So far I'm mostly going by reference/experimentation.

Also, critique appreciated.

>> No.5019342

Americans are scared of vaginas but guns in the hands of thugs are perfectly ok. Don't know what their logic is.

>> No.5019344

I disagree

>> No.5019347

Thugs = black people so it’s ok to them

>> No.5019349

retard dont bring autistic logic to an art thread

>> No.5019352

I took a break for while. I've only been working on it for like half an hour.
Is it good, bad, or what?

>> No.5019353

it looks the exact same.
What drawing app are you using?

>> No.5019356
File: 466 KB, 650x910, Arne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still a nooblet at blending shades. I fuckin hate it when they go out of the sketch line any tips for a nooblet?

>> No.5019360


>> No.5019362

i do but why?

>> No.5019364

>"it looks the exact same."
I just fixed a few little details, and moved the eyes and eyebrows a bit. I'm coming here to ask does it look acceptable enough to be finished with or does it look like shit?
I can never look at my art objectively, so it may look as good as i think it does, or it may look like dogshit. I'm looking for honest opinions, and if possible, critique.

Autodesk sketchbook.

>> No.5019365

thx anon

>> No.5019374
File: 148 KB, 2100x1500, fubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, i suck at inking it feels flat
Any tips? pls

>> No.5019378
File: 444 KB, 1200x923, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is once again time for shapes
repainted from scratch

>> No.5019396

move on. Stop posting the exact same piece every thread. Your probs proud of it which is why your spamming, which is good, but keep moving forward. Dont just stagnate on this one thing

>> No.5019403


Lol. You are not meant to come back to it in one day. Wait a fuckin year and make it again.

>> No.5019406

just to make sure i'm understanding you correctly - if someone gives you crit, you're supposed to move on w/o implementing it?

>> No.5019410

pls watch pin2d's series on drawing hair


>> No.5019420

Thanks a lot.

>> No.5019424
File: 308 KB, 1285x1416, 07469ABC-1A88-4E20-B1BF-0D67AC581CD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if loomis ?

>> No.5019429

the face is just scuffed.

He needs to make the eyes bigger, or crop them up further.
But he's prob using some f2p app like the cheap nigger he is.

>> No.5019434

these are doodles, anon. Worse than doodles.
It's an attempt at abstract by a complete /beg/

It's fucking scribbles. You just posted scribbles.

>> No.5019440
File: 1.89 MB, 500x375, AF9454AE-C58A-4885-B402-DF93D49A6693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I’m aware that I’m shit at drawing I was try to draw the shapes of this

>> No.5019442

don't talk to my boy like that

>> No.5019447

You can gues they’re poeple in the first one,

>> No.5019472
File: 130 KB, 908x1000, IMG_20201114_195002_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always was one of the better "artists" at school when I was a kid. Got into film, dropped it. Got back into it a couple months ago out of boredom and because it's a cheap fun hobby that I kind of have a knack for. Been just "drawing what I see" didn't realize that was a meme. Any advice would be appreciated I posted my previous version here before in older thread. Thanks for the help boys. Also what draws so many of you guys to digital mediums?

>> No.5019476
File: 398 KB, 1228x1323, Screenshot_20201124-020101_Autodesk SketchBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this?

>> No.5019478

Do you guys actively ignore methods to learn how to draw effectively?

>> No.5019493

Thanks but he’s right

>> No.5019498

who else /fairly-competent-with-drawing-from-reference-,-has-developed-adequate-skills-in-construction-and-gesture-but-flounders-with-stylization/ gang here

>> No.5019501

Uhhh post your work while you say that. Like you’re trying to flex without showing a picture

>> No.5019502

Fuck anime eyes. Fuck anime proportions. Fuck this whole enterprise. Just draw on thicker eyeliner bro. That counts as style, right? RIGHT? WHY DOES MY HAND NOT DO WHAT I TELL IT TO DO ANON?

>> No.5019503
File: 890 KB, 719x887, A4B72356-F43D-4B22-85FB-F40C6B00AE73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5019506

Now post one where you used reference

>> No.5019514
File: 149 KB, 648x1280, DB39DC2E-745E-476E-8268-4C770ED1C6EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5019516
File: 177 KB, 1280x958, 9E752F30-2C55-4F69-B845-8D58F00C28C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5019552 [DELETED] 
File: 532 KB, 873x782, fufufu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this method and its really better...
My guinea pig was >>5019329 anon drawing.

>> No.5019557
File: 535 KB, 827x787, fufufu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this method and its really better...
My guinea pig was >>5019329 anon drawing.

>> No.5019577

It lacks soul you degenerate pig.

>> No.5019586
File: 400 KB, 1240x888, DE1FCAAC-586D-4F19-9B8A-D369C5684C6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was bored and redrew this

Have you watched made in abyss

>> No.5019605
File: 142 KB, 1773x1261, F57A8040-F4C1-4AB1-8D2C-F0BBD7382F29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only draw one middle line through the foot, depending on what direction it’s facing.

>> No.5019607

what are you even trying to say?

>> No.5019608
File: 525 KB, 1317x1303, D6CF7F6F-5EFE-4AF8-AD32-63527DCC6929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock,
What’s on the clock?

>> No.5019610

im also trying to copy tsukuchi style and my goal is to draw something like him

>> No.5019626
File: 84 KB, 378x396, begactual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5019637
File: 309 KB, 293x362, Nanachi_Manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love tsukuchi, good luck anon <3

>> No.5019664
File: 2.34 MB, 355x350, riko dançadeira.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love his work too, anon.
althought i had watched a ton of animes, Made in Abyss it's in my top 1 and in my heart

>> No.5019674

also, i wish you the best, abyssbro
we gmi

>> No.5019692
File: 109 KB, 535x928, random female.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think I can be a coomer artist too? I can do a males shonen archetype confidently but I'm still struggling with curvy females.

>> No.5019695

Sure why not, most coomer artists aren't particularly talented. Draw the right shit and it's not a high barrier to entry at all.
Not gonna make a huge amount of money like the top bunch do, but you could be super talented and still probably wouldn't so.

>> No.5019706
File: 1.76 MB, 1478x1760, fgfgnfglg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5019745

Looks stiff, like a wooden mannequin

Are you studying figures from reference?
Gesture drawing?

>> No.5019751
File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full opacity
no stabilizer
no eraser
final destination
(seriously I don't wanna use a stabilizer and I'm wondering if I actually should)

>> No.5019762

My definition of transitioning from /beg/ to /int/ is when you start spending more time creating than learning. Like, it’s no longer that every time you draw it’s a struggle session. You’re more confident in your ability to come up with an idea and actually execute to a reasonable level, even though you’re still learning things along the way.

>> No.5019766

eyes too close

>> No.5019769

what does your work look with stabilizer? how big is your tablet. imo it's best to use some kind of stabilizer, even 10% helps a ton. I tried out the studio clip paint trail a week ago and I couldn't get a good line to save my life, even after messing around with the settings for an hour. photoshop smoothing is pretty good though.

>> No.5019770

the perspective is fucked up

>> No.5019775

>what does your work look with stabilizer?
never really used it. I wanna ultimately do illustration/concept art, like more rendered stuff, not quirky anime or stylized stuff with simple colors and lineart
>how big is your tablet
not great, 13.3x8.8, Bamboo Fun CTH 661

>> No.5019779

> Tell me it was at least worth the time for "practice" .
if you learned to not polish turds anymore then it was worth.

>> No.5019784

no, that doesn't work as an indicator.
you might say /int/ is when they Should be doing that, but there's tons of /beg/s that just skip out on learning to create through the power of muh style.

>> No.5019787

I don't think "polishing a turd" is that bad, you're still practicing other things than anatomy

>> No.5019793

well if you're not gonna do any linework in your final render then do whatever feels most comfortable. to me, on my tablet, no smoothing just feels unnatural and floaty.

>> No.5019800
File: 285 KB, 1431x2544, 3245262346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, I'm done with polishing this turd for now. The main takeaway from this study was that I realized rendering is fun, and that I should really learn it.

>> No.5019801

looks clean anon well done

>> No.5019803

Thank you :x

>> No.5019806

no it isn't

>> No.5019812

you need the cone
learn the cone
love the cone

>> No.5019825

anatomy is wrong. Should use reference

>> No.5019835

the problem is Symbol Drawing.

You have draw forms, not ideas
this picture looks flat because you're thinking of "arm" "eye" "hair", but not actually drawing that thing, that form.

You are drawing a symbol, a 2d flat representation of it. Check out the sticky

>> No.5019840

try pencil and paper / ballpoint and paper and see if the problem is you or if it's the lack of stabilizer
stabilizer helps, but you need to have line confidence

>> No.5019841

How long did it take you to finish it?
That shouldn't take long

>> No.5019849
File: 189 KB, 1000x1000, 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do and have done pencil and ballpoint, a lot
I've drawn more or less my whole life, I just never could follow through with discipline, stopped for months or years at times, and I can't focus on something for a long time
aka the usual 4channer syndrome
just started trying again these days

>> No.5019878

its far from finished, anon.
It took a while for me because im a beg :^)

>> No.5019886
File: 161 KB, 713x1156, Emillia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew Emillia

>> No.5019894

ahh.. the good old "hide the hands" trick.

Love it. lol.
(it's cool, i like it. Check that shoulder/torso anatomy. Legs/hips are kinda off as well)

>> No.5019916
File: 1.88 MB, 1955x1864, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practicing knees, I wish i knew how to color, i just keeptrying different colors over and over until something looks right.

>> No.5019918

Face isn’t bad, feels like the drawing gets worse the further down you go though. You phoned it in on the legs.

>> No.5019919

Well then they’re still /beg/s, even if they think they’re not.

>> No.5019923

Is Scott Robertson's How to Draw a good place to start fundamentals?

>> No.5019938

it's a book about perspective minutia.

>> No.5019950

man I fucking hate knees, that's much better than what I can do

>> No.5019958
File: 238 KB, 1518x699, 1595341362073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to work on fundies yesterday but I had fun with watercolor
I like the last one I did, there is this one that blends nicely

>> No.5019970

How do i learn anatomy?
I went through anatomy for sulplters and learnt almost every bone and muscle.
What else do I do?

>> No.5019971

This looks great, anon. I love the colors. :)

>> No.5019975
File: 846 KB, 1800x2164, figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda proud of this one. Pretty quick one, ~20 min. Contours around the figure are a bit harsh, but it's hard to erase them.
How is it looking?

>> No.5019981

If I ask, what's good for fundamentals, will you say loomis?

>> No.5019983
File: 149 KB, 753x911, y9NGGkd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing this right? Does it look flat or 3D? Am I feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?

>> No.5019989
File: 953 KB, 1000x665, 1598489603832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well thanks, it's my first time using watercolor so I was watching some videos from this japanese painter, Shibasaki. Here's my real pride and the reason I wanted to do this, I tried to draw and paint like Yuasa in this one, I had to practice turning her face into his style and I'm not sure I got it, you have to really emphasize the eyes for it to work. I'm a coward when it comes to detail but the ink is still missing, finishing details and that but again, I'm a bit anxious about messing up this thing, I know it's not great but I had fun

>> No.5019992
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, 1603547084178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuasa's art for reference.

>> No.5019995

You're kinda doing it wrong. You need to feel cross-sections, and you don't, you just draw lines on the form and not very accurately (especially apparent on the legs)

>> No.5020002
File: 138 KB, 1134x843, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the name of fuck

>> No.5020003

imagine if you were to cut his helgs off, how would the out contour look? we are looking down into his legs and the contour lines should reflect that. on cylinders they should curve more the further it is from the horizon.

>> No.5020012
File: 154 KB, 741x808, NobWJBb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took it a bit slower, something like this?

>> No.5020022

A bit better, but some of your ellipses have sharp edges, which is wrong - you're not feeling the turn around the form. It's as if your cylinders have sharp edges, not round ones.

>> No.5020027

just shut up and draw

>> No.5020033

So should the edges always be round? I though it was best to make the hard to help visualize it better. Same with shapes like cubes?

>> No.5020058

Cubes have hard, sharp edges, but there aren't many parts of the body which have sharp edges. You can draw the wrist, some parts of the pelvis, the knee, bottom of the ribcage with hard edges, but legs are pretty round, especially if you're visualizing them as cylinders first.
It's one thing to draw a strong contour, it's another to make a sharp edge.

>> No.5020070
File: 87 KB, 809x499, pyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your work before critiquing someone

>> No.5020074

No need to cover stuff in cross contour.

>> No.5020077

imagine the person who made this

>> No.5020079

Well for me I don't have to imagine

>> No.5020081
File: 92 KB, 809x519, pyw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that my picture... is no good?
I assume you're a cartoonist yourself since you're speaking so confidently?

>> No.5020082

well youre a retard, the image has three lines and you infer so much from so little, who says accept all critique and dont filter? youve created like 50 new arguments in your head

>> No.5020092

>who says accept all critique and dont filter?
Many people on /ic/ and art discords
Here's how it usually goes:
1. Somebody (including myself, but not limited) posts an art
2. Guy who isn't an artist himself opens his flap and says some stupid shit thinking his contribution is useful (latest example from pixel art: I saw someone critique a sprite for "pillowshading" when it was shaded properly and he was talking about antialiasing, two completely different things)
3. Artist refutes the poorly educated critique and does not follow through with it
>the image has three lines and you infer so much from so little
Then maybe add more lines so the message isn't vague enough to be interpreted incorrectly? If that's what happened here

>> No.5020094

>Then maybe add more lines so the message isn't vague enough to be interpreted incorrectly?

thats on you

>> No.5020115
File: 152 KB, 587x837, obhMA92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I redrew it
I NEED to hammer out this form stuff. Im tired of getting told I cant feel the form, I have to.

>> No.5020125

You are symbol drawing shapes you dumb fuck, you think that just slapping them on a flat 3/4 perspective is good enough because your tiny brain has the basic idea of shapes on 3/4

>> No.5020131

just my opinion, I don't think this kind of exercize is actually good or useful, at least for complete beginners. just try to draw normally (and of course, realism, not animeshit)

>> No.5020132
File: 113 KB, 471x746, haaallp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may need a redline for this cuz I have reached my /beg/ wit's end on it and have no clue what may be wrong with it

>> No.5020133

This is Really good.

>> No.5020145
File: 7 KB, 138x153, 1409414780075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are symbol drawing shapes you dumb fuck, you think that just slapping them on a flat 3/4 perspective is good enough because your tiny brain has the basic idea of shapes on 3/4

I guess im symbol drawing my lines too, cuz everything can be symbol drawing. Christ, I should have never posted here, ever since I started posting her for critique and the like Ive started to hate drawing. Especially with people like you being dickheads over beginners struggling. Imagine having a teacher slap you in the face and call you a faggot because youre having trouble doing math equations.

>> No.5020148 [DELETED] 

fuck off then you pissy bitch, you clearly have no knack for art and the world of it wouldn't lose anything of value without you


>> No.5020150
File: 110 KB, 492x503, MQ2rAzaMWiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine having a teacher slap you in the face and call you a faggot because youre having trouble doing math equations
Well for me, I don't have to imagine.

You seem to simply not understand what symbol drawing means, read the sticky anon.

>> No.5020151

Sorry. Was just upset before I fell asleep. :(

>> No.5020155
File: 64 KB, 274x268, upset hare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you clearly have no knack for art and the world of it wouldn't lose anything of value without you
How about you post your work you limb-wristed faggot. You couldnt even cut off your own dick and make a convincing form of art out of the shriveled remains of your "manhood". You make children on deviantart looks like prodigies compared to whatever fucking dribble you produce. You talk big shit but couldnt even take dick up your ass without shedding tears. Eat shit and die you fucking faggot nigger. This is my 3rd art hobby. Im not gonna let some faggot retard who cant even punctuate his own sentences tell me how to live my life and what I should do. Always remember where ever you go, God is crying at what a fucking faggot he accidentally let slip through the cracks into this cursed world.

>> No.5020163

That guy's just a crab.

>> No.5020164
File: 17 KB, 559x556, 1437641902384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always remember where ever you go, God is crying at what a fucking faggot he accidentally let slip through the cracks into this cursed world.
/beg/ goes nuclear

>> No.5020167


>> No.5020168
File: 41 KB, 608x679, ewefrewaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop fighting with your superiors and draw now, anon

>> No.5020169
File: 297 KB, 769x1200, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be /beg/
>someone calls my /beg/ tier drawings /beg/
>drop a shit-fury bomb on them

>> No.5020170

i know artists are emotional snowflakes but jesus

>> No.5020171

More like
>be /beg/
>someone writes an absolutely retarded post trying to demotivate me and make me quit trying
>put them back in their place

>> No.5020175

The contours feel like you don’t understand 3d shapes

Draw some still lifes or something. Grab a cylinder and put a rubber band around it and see what wrapping lines are supposed to look like

Read Perspective Made Easy

>> No.5020178

saying your symbol drawing is trying to demotivate you?

sperging out and throwing a fit is putting them in there place?

>> No.5020179

Just curious but how well can you draw from reference anon?

>> No.5020180

More like
>post work
>someone shits on it
>claim success

>> No.5020183

Please explain to me how the FUCK >>5020148 is any form of critique.
>Sperging out and throwing a fit
Beats being sad for myself like all the other faggots on this site. Anger is preferable to despair.

>> No.5020184

Putting that discussion aside, what's your name on "Camera distance" vs Zoom?
How close should the camera be to the subject?
With that I specifically mean how strongly should an extended appendage be enlarged?
I recently watched this video:
and realized that the size change is between 0 (at infinite camera distance and infinite zoom) and infinity (with a camera distance exactly as long as the extension of the appendage and very low zoom).

Are you using a specific method to find out how far you want the "camera" to be away or are you simply doing it by feel?

>> No.5020186


>> No.5020187

>the pissy bitch went to cry to a janny just to delete my post
LMAO dude if you're this obsessed over someone calling your crappy drawings shit then you better stop now, because the moment you get mildly popular you'll fall right onto the hands of clout-chasers

>> No.5020188
File: 349 KB, 2138x1441, nov 23 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering I dont plan on posting here ever again unless I need book advice or something, I drew this last thread.
I dont care anymore. Im just gonna draw and study. Posting here was a mistake, I should have just read the sticky, got my book advice, and never come back.

>> No.5020189

How long have you been at it?

>> No.5020190

anger IS despair, you sound like a fucking teenager get your head out of your ass

this is a response not the original critique

>> No.5020195
File: 92 KB, 365x315, schad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw now, anon

>> No.5020196

>Posting here was a mistake, I should have just read the sticky, got my book advice, and never come back

i mean youre a faggot but yeah this is pretty good advice desu

>> No.5020197

I started 35 days ago. I used to draw porn in highschool for about 2 years but I stopped for 6-7 years after I felt shameful. I tried drawing as a form of Catharsis for something awful that happened recently, but the drawing stuck so here I am.

>> No.5020201
File: 64 KB, 623x614, 1579245917720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a month? but 2 years of prior experience? conflicting report.

>> No.5020204

You sound more and more like a faggot with every post you make, I suggest you stop for good now

>> No.5020205

Well that was such a long time ago I forgot a lot of what I learned. I would just copy porn and pictures and never did really any studies. Kind of comparable to "Ive been drawing every since I could hold a pencil" but you just doodle dicks and stick people for 8 years before you started actually trying

>> No.5020206

>for something awful that happened recently,
wanna share?

>> No.5020209

How about you suck my dick and I keep drawing?

>> No.5020210
File: 325 KB, 768x768, 1581294431856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive progress FOR a month anon, youre lucky that the nice mode is on.
Hours a day? Resources?

>> No.5020211

tell me about the tulpa

>> No.5020212

what do you wish to know? it's very on topic but Id like to share the plans with someone

>> No.5020213

something weird is going on under her dress, did you draw the under forms? if not you should.

>> No.5020219

well you can tell me what the plans are

>> No.5020221
File: 542 KB, 669x744, oct23rd2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My literal procress something like
>Spent a week just doodling, tried to a draw an actual picture for a drawthread (pic related, first actual drawing since highschool)
>Got good critique since I asked, told to go to /ic/ etc etc
>Did the entire fun with a pencil book
>Did bits of proko anatomy course
>Did some of peter han but the mega got deleted so I cant continue
>Practiced anatomy for sculptors (luckily saved the book)
>Watched a shit ton of youtube tutorial videos from a bunch of various artists of various skill levels
I draw for 6-12 hours a day. And thats time with pen on paper. Im a NEET atm. I was supposed to do a Licensing exam and start working but my mayor is a retarded faggot so thats delayed for another 2 months or so
Also keep in mind this is my 3rd art hobby, I play the flute (not really related) and I paint miniatures, so I have some colour and light/shadow knowledge from before (Used to do OBS and NMM)

>> No.5020231

I must pick between and remember that tulpas are imaginary friends, a protector persona resembling the mother figure I lacked, a spaceship (don't be distracted by the signs) or and this is embarrasing but at the same time, catharsis, one based on my /mu/ waifu.
Entire fun with a pencil book? So now I know what I need to catch up that and anatomy will surely help me. Thanks and luck anon.

>> No.5020235

never feel embarrassed about sharing who you are, im still not sure on what the plan is though?

also, have many tulpas do you have? do you have a favourite? one that you dislike?

>> No.5020239

why do you want to know? Besides, I used to have one, 1 month for me to get it but it didnt work out in the end, the ones i mentioned are on the planning stage

>> No.5020248

im a psychology student so it interests me,

what do you mean by 'get it'?

>> No.5020258
File: 917 KB, 3000x2880, opiopu_ou3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't dare post over there while it's wip
I'll just post the final one
I can't help but try to be too realistic for my skill level

>> No.5020262

>anger IS despair, you sound like a fucking teenager get your head out of your ass
You can have a pretty interesting psychological argument about that. Id say anger is prefereable to sadness, as sadness encourages idleness. Sitting in your room, sobbing, being alone, isolation, etc. Anger gets stuff done.All revolutions and wars are fueled by anger. You want to do something about your emotions, compared to letting your emotions consume you like sadness, which is weak.

>> No.5020265
File: 154 KB, 700x1280, E5F8CC32-6CA3-47A2-9EF4-23B3188D12C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5020267

also whyd you have to pick between the three you said, why not have them all? also have you either wondered if you have split personality disroder and consider going to see a psychiatrist? even if its just to talk, its nice to share

>letting your emotions consume you like sadness, which is weak.

the same can be said about anger, do not be a puppet to any emotion, be the puppet master

>> No.5020272


>> No.5020275

ok so what is the process of getting them to appear and how did you discover this? what was your first tulpa? and whyd you even want them to appear in the first place?

>> No.5020282

Dude there are threads on /x/ about this. It's a subset of meditation studies.

>> No.5020283

draw bigger.

>> No.5020284


>> No.5020285
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the whole size of my 5.5x8.5 sketch book. Someone on here told me to draw bigger back when my figures were 2x1". So I guess I need to do a full 8.5x11 page now???

>> No.5020290

Someone bad can give you a good advice and someone good can give you a bad one. You have to be able to differentiate between the good and bad ones, and not blindly listen to an "authority".

>> No.5020312

You using a fat whiteboard marker or something?

>> No.5020321

A friend got me a set of prismacolor Art Markers. I was using the fine point side, but there is a chisel side too. Ha. I should probably use a finer pen when drawing that small. Maybe these Crayola brush tip markers? Or just a ball point, or gel, or disposable fountain pen? I'll have to test em all out.

>> No.5020353
File: 293 KB, 1100x1280, C5A9F1D6-B6B9-42B6-8614-689C9604CD39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s all the different pens I could find in my desk.

>> No.5020466

Definitely try something with a finer tip.

>> No.5020628

I'll try some of the variations I posted >>5020353
out on the next thing I draw.

>> No.5020632
File: 102 KB, 988x740, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfinished study of a cat sleeping in my front yard.
Unfinished because he moved away before I could finish lol

I found it quite difficult to assess the values of yellow/orange striped fur, and the light was not directly shining on him, he was in shade

It's done on an A4 sheet.
Not that small, why?

>> No.5020713
File: 3.63 MB, 1920x1684, 8ba02f 5 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My endgoal is stylized painting, something like pic related. I feel comfortable enough drawing figures to start learning painting, so that I can develop both of these skills simultaneously.
So, what's a good starting resource for painting in this style? Doesn't need to be anime related.

>> No.5020806

how can I refine these if I don't like the clean line look? I need some crits/thoughts/attention

>> No.5020807
File: 789 KB, 1200x2000, artflow_202011242133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.5020810

Not those others guys but you're clearly too much of a bitch to be posting here. If you're going to seethe that much at random ESLtards sperging at you then god knows how well you would handle real criticism, you clearly just aren't cut out for this place. Follow your advice and get out, for your own health. Your drawings are decent by the way.

>> No.5020821

I handle well constructed, real criticism well. Ive received it before. I just also enjoy exploding onto retards as well, so its a mix

>> No.5020825
File: 542 KB, 2208x1650, 6CBA3B12-6DBE-4C59-8D21-EAA87181CB99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is a bright one w

>> No.5020830

Garloid, isn't it? Where'd you get yours?

>> No.5020832

Try some clean line hatching. It’ll still look busy, but it’ll be the improvement you want. Be intentional with every line. I know you don’t want that, but just try it.

>> No.5020840

Uh no sweaty this isn’t your fotm meme, this is me practicing torsos in simplified shapes

>> No.5020847

Do you guys only critique anime? Did I miss something from the sticky? Sorry for the blog but damn thought you guys would have something to say

>> No.5020849

wahh im special

>> No.5020859

it really depends on whos on this thread at certain times, most of the time is just people who don't know how to explain what wrong with your drawing. For your drawing itself you need to work on your proportions of your face, the eyes seems small for the head size.

>> No.5020860

Her eyes are too darn small, the nose is shaped badly, you don’t understand the shape of the head because the alignment of everything is very wrong, shade less and work on the foundation of your drawing more. Shading all of that is worthless

>> No.5020869

Is this thread gonna be deleted? I wanted to post something

>> No.5020911


NEW THREAD >>5020906


NEW THREAD >>5020906


>> No.5020927
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x2000, Screenshot_20201124-223826_ArtFlow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only a /beg/ btw

>> No.5020946

you're highkey cute

>> No.5021480
File: 44 KB, 657x657, e07b20ffd67e495e5f6325dd395d0ac7--bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously thought I fucked up my post somehow.
Thanks I'll work on that, do you suggest measuring angles or just eyeballing and making sure I have everything in the right place before I start shading?
I'll keep that in mind, half way through shading it I had a feeling everything was misaligned but I just wanted to keep going at that point I guess. I'll trust that instinct next time.
Lmfao thanks. I used this source image because I really wanted to learn how to draw girl hair. Also used charcoal on the hair and had never used it so I went overboard. You can even see a sweat drop in her hair.

>> No.5021483

Also the shape I attempted for her hair was pretty damn close to what it looked like in the reference photo. If hair looks weird in the reference photo should I just change it to something more natural?

>> No.5022483
File: 109 KB, 636x655, Screen Shot 2020-11-25 at 14.26.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything look off about this?