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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 210 KB, 727x808, end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5011287 No.5011287 [Reply] [Original]

>be fran meneses
>make 100k a year drawing like that


>> No.5011292

>Draw in an appealing style with appealing messaging and characters
Coomer-posters are /ic/'s biggest cancer.

>> No.5011293
File: 410 KB, 512x512, 9118664A-97A0-46B9-A6E1-13D3847EA01B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people (women) make more doing less

>> No.5011300
File: 1.20 MB, 3300x1600, 1583346899674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Style & Entreprenuial skill > muh fuNdiEs

>> No.5011303

I'M not even a coomer poster.. this style isn't appealing at all its like the graphic designer stuff
how the FUCK do I entrepreneur like this

>> No.5011305

i want to decapitate her and make her decapitated head suck my dick, i hate her

>> No.5011307
File: 241 KB, 5000x2143, creative genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5011338

>worse hand drawing in history

>> No.5011351

alright ed kemper

>> No.5011358

I wanna deboditate her and rape her slutty little body, I hate her too

>> No.5011362

I'm fucking jealous too, but she can draw better than that, she just chooses that Memphis style

Don't forget that she:
>Finishes projects
>All her work is personal which sells well a nd usually makes for good art
>She also is a youtuber, she's not making money off of just her illustration, a lot of it comes from her social media marketing

cope and git gud

>> No.5011366
File: 279 KB, 776x841, anime pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psssh have nothing against these two chads who only have to do a reaction video an anime once a week.

>> No.5011367

i wish my ideas were so simple that thats a style i would be comfortable with
instead i wanted to make a epic fantasy with more lore than anyone could possibly care for

>> No.5011456

Then do that or stfu

>> No.5011539

>doesn't even need to show up
>nothin' personel kid
IIRC this guy used to make 60,000+ at some point, not sure if it was before the the number recalculation thing

>> No.5011541
File: 59 KB, 672x680, maneycraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, forgot pic

>> No.5011557

wome things are just baffling to me. This bitch, sakimichan, and a few others.

>> No.5011570

theres nothing inexplicable about sakimichan flavor of the week + porn + glossy normieshit + an increadible output rate
how could she not be making tons of cash?

>> No.5011575

but why do people like that shit?

>> No.5011583

fuggg I could have taken the backseat life too if I started this back then...

>> No.5011632

same reason people like mcdonalds

>> No.5011640

It's tasty?

>> No.5011643

Its not horrible and its everywhere and easily accessible.

>> No.5011647

Honestly it's the timing of it all.
OP's artist was one of the first to jump on that style, made her stand out. Same as Sakimichan, people liked her art because it was different at the time and because she was willing to draw coom + post tutorials
Sarah Anderson is another one. Draws super basic comics but "lol I'm an introvert i love cats" but started real early and built an audience

>> No.5012044
File: 87 KB, 522x525, 1600264562220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel anything because i know i will never be successful because my work is boring and i have the personality of a corpse.
Also i don't even know what to do with money.
If i ever opened up a patreon my bio would go
>"I'm this guy. I do this work. Please give me money so i can keep doing it"
I'll probably become a coomfag.

>> No.5012048


>> No.5012052

>I'll probably become a coomfag
The fate of all d/ic/ks

>> No.5012071

Who you are as a person matters more than skills or the amount of time you put in.

>> No.5012185


>> No.5012468
File: 17 KB, 177x177, 1577309363769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why women hate you.

>> No.5012507

And you will never be one, troon

>> No.5012509

You will never be female

>> No.5012532
File: 36 KB, 403x206, t_anny detector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying women don't get wet at the thought of a male beating the shit out of them and the threat of violence and abuse
hormones will never make you a real woman

>> No.5012548

Not op, But I’m glad we have this space so you guys can work out your mental problems.
Fran isn’t even sexual looking, she’s probably almost 30 and doesn’t even wear make up, and always has her hair up and wears comfortable baggy clothes. She’s no Belle Delphine. Does that make it hurt worse? The fact she’s not really using her “sexual” side to gain followers? Her followers are probably 90% female if you look at her analytics.

>> No.5012554

Are you guys mad at Fran for being successful, or mad at yourselves for worshipping false Gods?
Looks like you all fell for the “my merit is in the hours of work I put in, the skill that I have” meme, when all along you just needed to be a good honest person who gets their work done. Most of you can’t finish anything, and here you are talking about how envious you are of some kind hearted woman who minds her own business. Envy, wrath, vanity- keep at it and you’ll never get gud. I’m glad we’ve had this talk, I’m feeling enlightened. God bless you all.

>> No.5012555
File: 10 KB, 224x225, 1588676115020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont give em (you)s

>> No.5012572

>Also i don't even know what to do with money.
Underage detected

>> No.5012573
File: 58 KB, 965x457, women the real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5012586

Realize it had nothing to do with with being a competent artist and move on. Think of it as winning the lottery.

>> No.5012646

She's not English

>> No.5012683

And you will never get a real women, incels.

>> No.5012691

Its not winning the lottery really, its more like getting a perfect 21 hand in black jack. you can you can set up as best you can but if luck just isnt there your not gonna get that 21

>> No.5012694
File: 34 KB, 512x372, F29F6ED4-E91C-44E0-B562-76575CEB31DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with that attitude

>> No.5012705

holy mother of based. Saved

>> No.5012713
File: 12 KB, 599x605, wanna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5012721
File: 48 KB, 576x576, 63aadbb6f4b45b6780714321f92d2404d58c2e48bd6a66064b0ac945cff3cfed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my work is boring and i have the personality of a corpse.

>> No.5012743
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 1602187345679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't pledge because of his amazing art skills, but because he illustrates "relatable" stories and creative content. Something that gets lost, the more you lust for nothing but money instead of self-expression.
It's /ic/'s eternal dilemma and homosexuals like OP only make it worse.

>> No.5012757

normalfag wagecuck who spends all his salaries in irrelevant materialistic items typed this post.

>> No.5012840

>mom and dad paying for my ass elevates me above you materialistic peasants

>> No.5012849

If at the end of the month you're struggling to make ends meet and you don't have leftovers that you just invest because you don't know what to do with it maybe you should consider not being a poorfag
or stop being a materialistic puppet who buys the new iphone every month

>> No.5012861

Except I am saving 2/3 of my income you fucking retard NEET.

>> No.5012865

So you're literally retarded by arguing against me while being in my position, go masturbate or something low iq nigger

>> No.5012867

what if you die in two days though

>> No.5012873

>oops I was being a retard the whole time
>better start projecting

>> No.5012877

yeah this guy >>5012840
was projecting hard

>> No.5012878

And what if don't? My god.

>> No.5012881

Get your schizo ass outta here.

>> No.5012882

stop projecting.

>> No.5012883

>no u

>> No.5012887

cope schizo. learn to read next time before trying to argue while agreeing with me at the same time

>> No.5012888

Neither am i but i still learned it at school like a non-subhuman

>> No.5012991
File: 81 KB, 1024x961, 1605730542841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had any talent or skills to get money like this. My current economic state is so fucked and I would need to raise enough capital to help out my family.

>> No.5012998

This is like those wh*te wom*n talking about how men only see wom*n as a Madonna or whore figure

>> No.5013013


>> No.5013303

am pretty sure there is something to learn from her anon, lets go farm some cash

>> No.5013348

Yeah no I have other things to draw instead of “Oh I’m a quirky depressed girl teehee my life is so relatable to yours hehe”.

>> No.5013470

holy shit patreon only takes five percent?

>> No.5013475

YEA! like anime coom shit.

>> No.5013560
File: 72 KB, 900x900, 1605606049619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should i do with all the money in the world?
It won't make people stop being fucking retarded, won't it?
if you have money, people are going to kiss your ass 24/7 to get to that money.
Gold digging whores will try to divorce rape you.
Poor people will try to crab, scam and sell you useless shit to you to get that money.
Rich people will try to get you to waste money on useless shit because "you are competition".
Buying shit won't help.
And if you are piss poor you will get treated like garbage.
If i was born an unfeeling sociopathic narcissistic, i wouldn't give a shit.
But how dare one badmouth the almighty money, amirite?
fucking npc holy shit

>> No.5013567

Experience more life before making retarded posts like this.

>> No.5013591
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 5681354161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"do you have a license for this statement. stop wrongthinking"
Spoken like someone who hasn't seen shit.

>> No.5013596

You do know that there is something between coomer shit and depressive relatable normie shit right?

>> No.5013646

Just because you can relate to depression doesn't mean it's normie tier.
There is a huge difference between
>depicting depression in a real yet exaggerated relatable way
>depicting depression in a quirky oeemgee im so speshul way
the latter would be the normie way.
Normies don't think. They are incapable of questioning any narrative. Incapable of understanding. They deal in absolutes and judge without trying to understand.
They only consume what makes them feel good.
Facing your own demons, in any way, isn't normie at all.
Coom is hypernormie tier though.

>> No.5013659

Yeah I thought of the latter obviously.

>> No.5014384

Tell us about these things you have seen which have made you such a spiritual role model for the rest of us

>> No.5014437

So what do you draw, smartass?

>> No.5014447

>"u think ur betta than me!?"
No amount of money will ever make you unretarded.

>> No.5014475

You've seen shit right? You know what's up? Right?

>> No.5014573
File: 77 KB, 976x1062, 1574521025240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5014623

Then tell us.

>> No.5014650

I wish I had ideas to draw.

>> No.5015555

Ic has no fucking jannies. Every single damn thread there are tardfights for 20+ replies and it never gets cleaned up.

>> No.5015589

t-the state of m-muh board! who fucking cares anon. go draw.

>> No.5015783

I would have given every fiber of myself to work on art every waking moment if I could get like, 400 bucks a month for it. I could have easily made at least triple that by working as a designer or advertiser, I would have chosen poverty and working a whole lot harder just to satisfy a small public in exchange for that little money. 400 bucks is a drop in an ocean. It's simply miserable. Nobody would accept this. I would have if that meant making the things I love. I literally just want to do that in my life. But nope, I can't do that. I have to be a McDonald's burger flipper because nobody cares since I don't want to pander but make something slightly different instead. Meanwhile I see these people who effortlessly make truckloads of money for content whose appeal I don't even understand.
Really makes me want to kill myself desu.

>> No.5015787


for me it's 600 and same

>> No.5017751

>these normie pandering hacks make all the money without any effort!
>makes no effort pandering to an audience
>waaaaaah why don't I have a paying audience!!
Without demand, your supply is useless

>> No.5019084

Half of her skills are of marketing. You should invest more on that
Also this >>5011300

>> No.5019709

In all honestly I am usually glad to see others succeed. Let them foster an environment where people are okay giving creators money, they will just make my job easier.

>> No.5019731

OK anon, but what I can't deal with is: is it possible that of all the millions and millions of people who look for "art", there's such a microscopic percentage that even tries to look for something different? I know you're thinking "your art is probably shit" etc. etc. but look at the people who make some sort of original work and are working today, they've been around in the scene for like 15 years at least. Basically pre-internet era. And I know you're perfectly right when you say that "without demand your work is useless" but I can't deal with the fact that there seems to be such an incredibly tiny demand from the public. Even in vidya which is much more fertile, when someone tries to make something different it's almost guaranteed to fail.

>> No.5019743

Wow that "men's romantic escape fantasy" is exactly like my wife. I love her

Funniest thing is I got her by being a normal guy, nice, friendly, "just be urself" meme, and not by being aggressive, brutal, etc.

>> No.5019798

Not him but you're retarded. He just talked about the "things he has seen" (obvious metaphorical connotation) in the very post you were originally complaining about. i.e. >>5013560
>if you have money, people are going to kiss your ass 24/7 to get to that money.
>Gold digging whores will try to divorce rape you.
>Poor people will try to crab, scam and sell you useless shit to you to get that money.
>Rich people will try to get you to waste money on useless shit because "you are competition".
>Buying shit won't help. [materialism will grow stale and you will quickly get little satisfaction from engaging in it]

On the other hand, you tell him to "experience more life" because he decided to recognize the social shortcomings of an exceptionally positive financial position. That does make me wonder what it is exactly YOU have experienced to come so surely to the conclusion that all his points are wrong or naïve as was your implication in the responses you provided. I'm not saying I agree with everything he said as he could easily remedy the issues caused by his overabundance of money by simply pretending he didn't have as much, but you're still retarded nonetheless.

>> No.5019937

Underage detected.

>> No.5019941


>> No.5019961

I won't let you because I am gonna decapitate her first.

>> No.5019987

>inb4 artist who made both the OP and these posts gets "linked" to this thread and says on twitter that she received "death threads" and becomes even more famous
please get the site shut down dear miss, ty

>> No.5020018

rip 4chan, woman won it again

>> No.5020026

holy shit is that what they call blissful ignorance?

>> No.5020029

>we've fallen in love with the communities
>we're so excited that you've found our patreon
very effeminate language and disingenuous too. they are grifters plain and simp.

>> No.5020218

>Death threats shut down this site
Yeah and all the murders or shootings liked to this website didn't? Or the fappening or everything else? What.

>> No.5020277

Do you idiots have any idea how much an actual cost of living is? Obviously you two retards still live with your parents or in a third world country. >>5015787

400 dollars isn’t going to cover rent dipshit. Health insurance for a single person can be 1000 dollars a month in burger land If you don’t have a job.

>> No.5020322
File: 33 KB, 430x430, 1577312323398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brain problems. I hope that you seek help and
that you get well soon.

>> No.5020441

I "respect" this type of illustration, but I DREAM with a Baroque utopia where fidelity and technique are more important than the message itself and artist are as important as they used to be in 1600

I'm fully aware that such world will never exist and if it did I may not even be successful

>> No.5020456

>400 dollars isn’t going to cover rent dipshit. Health insurance for a single person can be 1000 dollars a month in burger land If you don’t have a job.
insurance is actually free or really cheap for poor people in some states, but typically not the ones where you could rent a place for $400/mo.

>> No.5020506

Thanks for the depression

>> No.5020509

imagine being the pathetic that believes this.

>> No.5020523

As an autistic female I can confirm most women are like this.

>> No.5020534

only because they're plebeian enough to stay brainwashed by cultural conditioning.

>> No.5020792
File: 36 KB, 450x400, 1605901840176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of the faggots on this board are untamed creative genuises though. if you locked them in a room for 10 years all they'd produce is a stack of shitty anatomy studies, a bunch of worldbuilding notes for the comic they're totally going to make, and maybe two finished drawings, both of slutty anime girls.

>> No.5020833
File: 18 KB, 1114x599, ic levels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is a holding space, everyone here is below the "escape skill level" or they wouldn't be here. Pic related.

>> No.5020845

>how the FUCK do I entrepreneur like this

by being a genuine, nice person who puts their relateable personality and humour or whatever into their art.
people support her as a person.

your personality is the strongest part of your 'brand' as a creative, you do understand that dont you?

>> No.5020852
File: 125 KB, 850x1202, 1596818702928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5020853


not at all - she has a solid business model providing content and engagement on a personal level that people are willing to pay for.

how the fuck do you incels not get that?

>> No.5020863

Inb4 you’ve had 15 partners before her

>> No.5020877

yeah except her audience is almost certainly women and doesnt sexualise herself at all - look at the style of work, the colours the freezeframe on her youtube vids etc.

all youve done is out yourself as assuming that women only succeed through sex appeal because you cant fathom they might be intelligent driven people in their own right

>> No.5020882

>this kills the crab

>> No.5020885

>you cant fathom they might be intelligent driven people in their own right

>> No.5020886

Tell that to the girls on onlyfans I steal photos of to sell as paintings. Women are objects to be profited from through other men. This is the final incel blackpill. Take chad’s money, subjugating other men is the only true way to feel alive, not oppressing women. Women are just the tool to use to get there.

>> No.5020887

kek, its why I keep coming back.
Its crab bucket as hell in here its hilarious

>> No.5020890

hah I like your style

>> No.5020909

>by being a genuine, nice person who puts their relateable personality and humour or whatever into their art.
>people support her as a person.
>your personality is the strongest part of your 'brand' as a creative, you do understand that dont you?
I know it's ironic but this is right, it's how it really is for artists right now. You have to be an entertainer before you are an artist. Imagine all the reclusive or misanthropic artists of the past, nope, they would've never made it today because they weren't "relatable" aka fake pieces of shit.

>> No.5023721

more like cunni right? haha

>> No.5023852

>Personality is the strongest part of the brand
>Meanwhile CSR who's only spoken publicly three times
I'll have to strong disagree on that. It's certainly a factor if you want to have a long term and close customer base but it's absolutely not mandatory. Half the time it comes down to just a name and avatar that stands out in any way.

>> No.5024402

My studio is 500 a month. I could live like a king on 800/mo. Health insurance? Eat a salad retard.

>> No.5024405

This is why all artists need an agent (babysitter) to shape their talent into finished works of art and rightfully take 90 percent of the profit made from it

>> No.5024409

>Some people (beautiful women) make more doing less

>> No.5024426

>Some people (biological [REAL] women) make more doing less

>> No.5024441
File: 200 KB, 398x395, 1568226263095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name 3 ugly women that made it
and how they did it, for inspirational purposes

>> No.5024456

1. that hairy frieda lady
2. I don't know what Georgia O'Keefe looks like, but I assume she's ugly based on her works

>> No.5024464

Women in general support mediocre looking or ugly women in general because they would feel better that way. Roasties are hateful and will never support anybody who’s genuinelu beautiful (without makeup and stupid shit).

>> No.5024480

Attractive women don’t need support from roasties because they get carried by men which is significantly more valuable

>> No.5024489

Yes exactly. They don’t need but even if they needed, average women would never support them.
If a female artist never shows her face but shows hints of her looking pretty nice AND happy in her drawings, women won’t bother.

>> No.5024553

Even attractive women need attention and approval from other women
You obviously don't know many women

>> No.5024633

>rakers instead of hands

>> No.5024643

Actual depression is extremely annoying to other people and will burn bridges faster than light. If you are moping and you spew negativity every time you open your mouth people will leave you in a nanosecond and will not stick around to ask you how you're doing. None of the people who advertise their depression online are actually depressed. Actual depression does not get you any point, it's pathetic, it's annoying, it makes people uncomfortable.
>You do know that there is something between coomer shit and depressive relatable normie shit right?
barely sfw anime fanart, yeah

>> No.5024648

porn is not art, it's not even in the realm of hack frauds using blm to get brownie points

>> No.5024652

why do people hate her instead of the simps paying her? they're the ones making this a viable job

>> No.5024671

It's more comfortable to hate one person instead of hating the public. If you do that you realize how immeasurably fucked everything is about society.

>> No.5024682
File: 3 KB, 187x108, pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my patreon income bros

>> No.5024684

/beg/ furry or /int/ anime?

>> No.5024688

none of that, try again!

>> No.5024691

assuming it's not porn, you're prob just female and you draw some lgbtq+ comic

>> No.5024696

deducting anon never was wrong

>> No.5024704

nope i draw porn
you lost.
proceed to the previous level

>> No.5024709

>weird fetishes than?
>cartoon faggotry?
>vanilla animu?
>Kyle, u?

>> No.5024713

>nope i draw porn
then buy some real nice rope with the money and hang yourself, whore

>> No.5024715

Nope. but honestly if you would stop using retarded terminology it would be much easier.

>> No.5024718

>then buy some real nice rope with the money and hang yourself, whore
sorry but i usually buy new videogames with all those money lmao

>> No.5024723
File: 55 KB, 408x356, 1600903137125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one of us. Lurk moar.

>> No.5024725
File: 20 KB, 560x407, 1606323947949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously im not one of /ic/
i actually draw and get paid lmao

>> No.5024730

Shut the fuck up dumb redditor

>> No.5024735
File: 42 KB, 528x528, IMG_20201126_155728_893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need you to shut up
Go back to plebbit and gibber there with your fellow kind.
>glad I have this save

>> No.5024744

>Obviously im not one of /ic/ i actually draw and get paid lmao

Then he woke up

>> No.5024750

Proof or gtfo

>> No.5024822
File: 1.65 MB, 314x314, 1602020355152.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5025004

I heard she is going to start doing porn, is it real?

>> No.5025077

Agree, but I won't say it isn't art : it's art of the lowest level.

>> No.5025086

Because their are pathetic coomerbrains that also want to fuck her

>> No.5025126

if its not appealing why do people enjoy it?
its just not appealing to you
you can say "other people have shit taste bla bla"
doesn't change the fact that people really like the stuff lol

>> No.5025279
File: 79 KB, 800x815, 1598293743719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, she already showed her tits uncensored

>> No.5025287

this gives me hope

>> No.5025427

yes that pic is real

>> No.5025762
File: 321 KB, 2208x1188, 4yxm8xhar8161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5025778

>hating something you want to fuck
how do they do it?

>> No.5025784

God that’s so unbelievably cringe nigga even wrote a little note to her in case she sees it. literally hope she sees this bro lmao

>> No.5025885

I can't believe people pay for this shit

>> No.5026380

humanity in general has shit taste, its always been this way.

>> No.5026533

last post best post

>> No.5026649

I thought she was making 100k+ a month by just posting semi lewd photos. Checked her patreon and its like only 750 patrons now, what happened?

>> No.5026677

She moved to Onlyfans. I don't think the subscriber numbers are public through.