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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5004227 No.5004227 [Reply] [Original]

How many Sketchbooks do you have to fill before you git gud? How many have you filled, /ic/?

>> No.5004233

you need like two I think

>> No.5004244

I dont use sketchbooks I use a4 paper. I don't keep count but I have gone through several 500 sheet packs in 2 years. My art is still shit however.

>> No.5004252

You play too many video games. Your way of thinking is dumb as shit. You can fill up 500 sketchbooks and still suck.

>> No.5004255

I had a full bookshelf of sketchbooks and was still /beg/. That's because people told me to fill a whole page with a single life-drawing and I just did 2 minute gesture drawings all day back then. I would work through a whole sketchbook in half a week. What a waste of money

>> No.5004264
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sketchbooks are a waste of money
join the copy paper masterrace

>> No.5004269

This, it's also more compact

>> No.5004272

prove it

>> No.5004273

I prefer to draw on acid-free paper.

>> No.5004277

500 sketchbooks full of boxes.

actually true, you don't give a shit about copy paper so you aren't trying to be perfect which makes it easier to draw and sketch

>> No.5004302
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yes, and after half a decade (or more) the history of your development as an artist will be bent, torn, and destroyed.
Sketchbooks have mobility and are better for archival purposes. I've filled over 60 sketchbooks don't even try to BS with me.
If I had started in sketchbooks even earlier than I did (began with them at about 13 years old), I'd still have some of my earliest artistic memories. Just because you want to throw away a drawing after you make it doesn't mean you wouldn't cherish it in the future as a moment of soul/clarity, an idea, or a piece of history or progress.

Get a sketchbook, and a good one at that. Drawing is an extremely cheap method of recreation

as for gitting gud, It doesn't matter how many you fill up, it's the content that counts. You can fill up a 100 pager in 4 months or 3 years, what's important is that you're learning, expressing, recording, and caring about what you're doing. Number or date them, they're more than just a place to draw, they're a place to catalog your life as an artist.

>> No.5004307

YOu mostly use those paper for gestures and quick studies, Sketchbooks are for ideas and semi-finished drawings bruh

>> No.5004314

what are you doing to sheets of paper to destroy it that doesn't affect sketchbooks?

>> No.5004317

Filling a sketchbook isn't relevant to progress. Everyone has a different pace in learning and getting better.

>> No.5004319

quantity is important in getting good, but it's not the sole determining factor; you can fill 100 sketchbooks and improve greatly, or fill 100 and still be /beg/

>> No.5004325
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I don't want to practice general

>> No.5004380
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I guess 23 sketchbooks, i finally beat my 2014 ghost and drew more than him.

I think I’ve done 300 drawings this year

Copy paper and binder clips

>> No.5004383

lol did you know folders, portfolios, binders. etc have been around for centuries to prevent the things you're talking about?
copy paper saves space and is far more efficient because you keep the drawings you like and recycle the sheets you don't need. there's no purpose to hoarding old art for ideas unless are you short of them, expecting to lose your imagination, or have a brain injury.

>> No.5004392

“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.”

>> No.5004397

I will try to have
>A sketchbook for dynamic sketching,hard surface stuffs and perspective,
>one for figures,and animals
another for inspiration
>a last one for sketching from life,warmups,putting random notes and Making thumbnails

I don't know if it can help me To je more productive.

>> No.5004401

this, but I also got some binded so I could draw outside.

>> No.5004417

>500 sketchbooks full of boxes
only do this if you want to become kjg.

>> No.5004461

Thanks for laying out the facts, these shiny smooth loose paper cheap-ass dinguses don’t know what they’re missing.

>> No.5004462

Also, sketchbooks make easel use dumb simple.

>> No.5004504

like 5 and a mountain of copy papers
also work smart not hard, filled sketchbooks don't mean anything (unless you want to sell them)

>> No.5004512
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I started shredding all of my old sketches a few months back. It feels nice to free up some space in my closet, but it felt nice that I was moving on.

>> No.5004513

I just finished my second sketchbook. I feel pretty great.

>> No.5004531

define "git gud".

>> No.5004554

Join the copy paper master race!

>> No.5004605

Just buy a shitty sketchbook, just make sure the the paper thick and plentiful

>> No.5004678

I switch between a sketchbook on a good day and back to printer paper if I'm feeling nervous but still want to draw or just have fun. The only downside is that they're only good for one medium.

>> No.5005020

my "sketchbooks" are 11x17 bristol bound by binder clips. i want to fill a nice hardbound sketchbook with a variety of beautifully executed subject matter in different media like you see on youtube but ive gotten so used to drawing on completely flat paper that it feels uncomfortable to draw in anything pre-bound at all.

>> No.5005027

>How many Sketchbooks do you have to fill before you git gud?
if you're seriously asking this you're ngmi

>> No.5005087

I don't even know anymore, op.

>> No.5005093

You want to know the truth? The truth is you never really gitgud.

Because you love what you do. You keep doing it. If you dont have the heart. You quit, so dont quit. You got this.

>> No.5005116

I love both going through old sketchbooks and rifling through reams of paper (provided they're not like line control exercises or smth. Should I even be doing them?)

>> No.5005369

Don't do this.
You can't create a masterpiece on copy paper.

>> No.5005757

get computer paper, you get like a thousand sheets and can pump out a ton of work for cheap.

>> No.5005762


>> No.5005767

pump out ideas on computer paper. refine them for sketchbook. move on to better materials for the ultimate finished work.

>> No.5006122

Absolutely SOUL

>> No.5006333

You can't create a masterpiece.

>> No.5006383
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>> No.5006390

and you can do it in a sketchbook?

>> No.5008530

10 A4 sketchblocks per year just during commuting time.

>> No.5008803

OMG THANK YOU, during all this time what was preventing me from creating my magnum opus was this goddamn A4 sheet of paper.

>> No.5008818

Finished 6 sketchbooks nowin 2 years
Not that much

>> No.5008882

well, I used about 1000 sheets of paper and I still sucks.

>> No.5009425

>60 sketchbooks
>still at this skill level

>> No.5009426

harder to store

>> No.5009500

>what are folders? boxes? portfolios
goddam nigga you dumb as a brick

>> No.5009524

you're supposed to draw on them.

>> No.5009816

You need to draw a mountain, where is that comic when you need it?