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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5003233 No.5003233 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to reactivate neuroplasticity by infantilizing my environment? Essentially I would pretend to be a large baby and learn to draw by using crayons, finger paints, and all the stuff I missed out on growing up.

>> No.5003237
File: 406 KB, 757x674, A0A63440-9AC8-4DF6-A8B7-CE78B85E26D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the laugh op

>> No.5003239

I mean... you can, but it's kind of a low iq attempt. Whatever you see is what influences you? That's not good for this kind of world and culture we live in. Instead, do what you're talking about but in your mind using perception, awareness, and repeated thought. For me, I say the answer is yes, but not by your means. Higher consciousness is never achieved using only visual assimilation, and not by using such benign examples.

>> No.5003240

Try eating paint chips, maybe it can damage your brain into infantilization

>> No.5003249

try tripping. turns me into a massive child like retard. works a treat better than eating glue and shitting myself

>> No.5003465

Only if you wear diapers as well, OP. That's crucial.

>> No.5003470


>> No.5003504

You need mommy milk to have an authentic baby experience bro

>> No.5003523

The logic is sound. Just make sure you videotape/take a picture of yourself doing this and post it somewhere I can watch.

>> No.5003525

where do i buy mother milk

>> No.5003538

your local craiglist

>> No.5003646

If serious

No. That's cargo cult mentality. Instead remove distractions from your environment. Social media, streaming video, 4chan, porn, everything. Hyperstimulation has made most of us mentally lazy and addicted to filling every idle moment with BING BING WOWEE.

I remember spending days as a kid drilling down into fantasy worlds, rendering the hair on a giant character drawing, etc. You need to learn to get bored again.

>> No.5003659

lmfao what is wrong with you guys on this board
you will literally think of anything to do to learn how to draw other than actually drawing

>> No.5003665
File: 624 KB, 967x1000, 1491351309.craymin_artistatwork-cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude, most professional artists wear diapers and all that.

>> No.5003690

This place gets more and more autistic as time passes

>> No.5003700

Not Op but on a serious note how do you stop the anxiety? As a kid I’d get bored but I wasn’t avoiding anxiety, there’s just be nothing to do. Now if I don’t fill the void I get anxious as fuck, I know it’s dumb but it’s not like it’s a choice to feel a way

>> No.5003704

Anxiety comes from expectation, get rid of it

>> No.5003705

This is our new banner.

>> No.5003746

I mean I'm still hooked into digital distractions, it's kind of a daily struggle. I can kick the screen habit for a few days or a week at a time, basically like a smoker quitting cold turkey and just suffering the withdrawal. But it's hard not to tell yourself "just one smoke to calm my nerves".

Especially when work and social life is very screen dependent, the temptation is always there.

>> No.5003820

While experimenting with mind control, the CIA turned a 12 year old girl into a baby mentally by overdosing her on LSD and sensory deprivation.

>> No.5004996

im concerned about those taking shit like this seriously

>> No.5005001

I think so

>> No.5006272

Yes, everyone knows what MK Ultra is.