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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 103 KB, 494x707, 4868AB06-2B9F-4099-90C8-7549C2FE12E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4996723 No.4996723 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have an iPad? Do use apps like Procreate, ArtStudio Pro, Clip Studio Paint, Infinite Painter, Affinity Photo/Designer, or any other the other drawing and painting apps? Do you have a brush hoarding disorder? Do you want ColorLab but have no real friends to split it with? Do you want to talk about buying it but never actually get it? You're in the right thread!

Discuss apps, share and request brushes, and feel smug about using the absolute best state-of-the-art tablet hardware designed and hand manufactured by John Travolta

>Procreate Brushes

>Photoshop Brushes (can be used in ArtStudio Pro)

>Clip Studio Paint Brushes

Last thread: >>4960496

>> No.4997093


Dragon complete set from Justin Gerard

>> No.4998782
File: 40 KB, 261x474, 13FE2EB1-E952-4E12-9362-45422E3455F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw still no colorlab and at least three people here have got it

>> No.4998885

Has anyone jumped from Procreate onto the Artstudio Pro train?

>> No.4998887

No, I’m still using procreate but I do have artstudio pro installed, got a guide to get into it?

>> No.4998896

Do these only work on Ipad or are they compatible for desktop?

>> No.4998902

Photoshop brushes that work on art studio pro iPad

>> No.4999018

tried going back and I can’t, I got used to it already and I ran into 5 bugs in an hour, it’s insane that colorpicking and filling still give wrong colors
also, the reference window in procreate is shit in comparison, it even HEAVILY compresses the image when you close the app so the next time you open it, it’s just garbage full of artifacts, while I can load up 5000 pixel wide reference in artstudio and find it the same when I revisit it

>> No.4999117

I've tried getting into Artstudio but I can't figure out how to use ANY brush as an eraser like you can in Procreate. I know you can turn that on individually in some brushes but that's about it.
Is it even possible?

>> No.4999122

nigger, just use the eraser tool, it works exactly the same as photoshop and procreate

>> No.4999152

I guess I'm just retarded, I swear I tried doing the long press thing before with Artstudio and it wasn't working, thanks.

>> No.4999160

is art above doodling doable on the 9.7 screen

>> No.4999176

you can always just disable the preferred tool for brushes you use with multiple tools, it’s mostly useful for stuff like >>4997093 so you can just have the tool as a preset instead of trying to figure out what the fuck it’s supposed to do
I just have a group with all my basic brushes set to no preferred tool
favorite presets are also very useful for when you need to quickly switch a tool and a brush at once so you’re not bumbling about trying to find the brush

also, unrelated but realistic paint studio just updated with custom canvases, better laid out export options, new gestures and maybe other stuff, and I really like the dry media in it, the pastels are pretty neat

>> No.4999178

No drawing has ever been done smaller than 12.9 inches. Feel free to try but I think you’ll find it quite impossible

>> No.4999181

This isn't a thread for the poor. If you can't afford a proper 12.9 Apple iPad Pro, go flip some burgers first.

>> No.4999183

anyone here with the new gen iPad Air with procreate? Thoughts?

>> No.4999259

I want to be all counter culture and shit. What’s the best drawing app after Procreate?

>> No.4999296

tayasui sketches

>> No.4999325

Notes app

>> No.4999339


Doable, yes, but almost certainly not ideal.

I have an 11" ipad and find it a little small sometimes. If I could go back, I'd get a 12.9.

That said, the 11" is a decent size for art and it feels easy to hold, store, travel with, etc. It's also nice to read on.

>> No.4999380

interested in trying out realistic paint studio but 12 bucks plus IAPs seems steep when it's competing with photoshop

maybe i'll make my own brushset and sell it to scrape together 25 bucks for it :^)

>> No.4999404

>competing with photoshop
Also, the iap is just some meme brushes and one canvas (coloured paper). The brushes have some nice ones like the fountain pen and the indian ink one, but are mostly just gay sparkles and such.

>> No.4999426

sorry, meant to say procreate

i'm obsessive as fuck so if i bought it i'd have to get all of the IAPs which kinda holds me back a little

>> No.4999443

I’m the same, it’s the only reason I have them
either way, it’s a neat, fun app and I don’t think it competes with normal apps, its closes competition is probably art set 4, and even then they’re not really doing the same things beneath the surface
it’s not a must have app or anything, it’s just neat to take a break from eyedropper and hard round brush for a while and just have fun

>> No.4999650
File: 156 KB, 1200x630, procreate 5x vs artstudio pro 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job creating a new thread, OP. I've been doing it, but I was away for the past 48 hours and didn't notice the last one fall off the board and into the shadow realm.

Yes. It's just an all around better app. Better brush engine, better features, a comfy UI (if you're used to PS), and I can use a bunch of the stuff I use with PS on desktop. Doesn't have the annoying, persistent bugs that Procreate has, either, and any bugs it does have get fixed pretty quickly.

Procreate will continue to be the king of iPad drawing apps though, thanks to aggressive marketing and a large amount of casual artists who simply don't know any better.

The PS and CSP brushes work both on desktop and iPad (PS brushes can be used in ArtStudio Pro).

>> No.4999694

absolutely, I have the new 10.2 inch ipad and don't have any troubles.

>> No.4999697

artstudio and infinite painter are both better than procreate. also, you can import ps brushes into artstudio without issue and they're often better than any of those terrible procreate brush packs.

>> No.4999705

the day you can use procreate brushes in artstudio is the day i switch

>> No.4999762

I just tried artstudio pro and ran into a problem, dunno what it's called exactly but the lines sometimes finish slower than I move the pen, lag?

>> No.4999825
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it's perfectly possible but it'd be nicer to have a larger screen size. I got mine in 2018 and it helped me improve my digital art a lot. The majority of my portfolio was made on my iPad. Pic related is something I did a few months ago

>> No.4999859
File: 3.59 MB, 2732x2048, 24DF4148-940A-4C95-A842-AA4E34B14DB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom walks in while you’re rendering the secret sketchbook

>> No.4999863

not gonna lie, this is pretty neat

probably gonna buy it when i'm not broke

>> No.4999868

the pencils and ballpoint pens are probably the nicest sketching brushes I’ve ever used

>> No.5000006

what sketchbook is that?

>> No.5000133

anyone got the choonhachat pencil brushes? they look neat

>> No.5000384

second hand 2019 here seems more than adequate for me, so the new one must be better than that again

>> No.5000430
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, 97C2F88B-7D8C-4289-B6F2-CF370B229CD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright i got retrosupply colorlab & i’m willing to share it here..

>> No.5000451

Is that chalk or pastel at the bottom? Mom wants to know

>> No.5000887
File: 23 KB, 224x224, 053B591C-DE56-455F-ABBC-92934845ADE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek remember than nigga that said
>i get paid on the 14th, I’m gonna buy it and share it here just to SPITE these ASSHOLE GUISE

then on the 14th a “new” guy jumped in like
>“just bought ColorLab, willing to trade”


>> No.5000948

nope, CSP all day every day for me

>> No.5000971

Okay, I've been following this thread for a while and it seems like a lot of people don't know how to play nice.

I'm not the OP of this thread type, but when things started there was a very different spirit - It's not hard to be nice to your fellow anons, so a) let's not demand stuff and b) let's not hold brushpacks to ransom by demanding things

On that note, here's ColorLab by RetroSupply and all of VisualTimmy's brushes



I'm not demanding anything in return for these because that'd be pretty uncool, but if anyone wants to help myself (who bought the VisualTimmy brushes) and another anon (who bought the ColorLab ones) get more brushes for us all in the future, feel free: http://paypal.me/pools/c/8umWlUTSvr - Nothing required, but if you fancy helping us out then go for it

>> No.5000972

Oh yeah, here's the Photoshop one too https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bRV8yoSaaLHwNrUh1UYxtbAOIf_J8Ggl/view?usp=sharing

>> No.5000974
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now that’s the chrissmass spirit. Member to play nice frens

>> No.5000977

Oh yeah, I was the first one of those guys and I'm also the guy who just shared the ColorLab/VisualTimmy brushes a few minutes ago, forgot to address this in my post; I had every intention of sharing them here on the 14th, but unexpected vet bills are a pain so I couldn't grab them when I wanted to. Another anon ended up grabbing them and sharing them, and I'm sharing them with their permission - Then I ended up with some extra unexpected funds so grabbed the VisualTimmy ones myself

>> No.5001060
File: 22 KB, 360x360, F33F21F7-D5AF-41F4-9CA0-96176A1C3B9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what’s ur pet

>> No.5001062

Was a 23 year old cat, unfortunately now she's a box of ashes :(

>> No.5001067
File: 156 KB, 2000x1333, C494495B-9779-4D9C-B2EB-31F37B55E129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pain we feel is the price we must pay for the memories

>> No.5001179

any of you tested how TrueTone affects your colors?

>> No.5001229
File: 95 KB, 1062x767, IMG_4630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 14yo dog died 2 days ago I feel you bud

>> No.5001231
File: 175 KB, 1080x1080, S-EeyL7qkOw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute madman. A million thanks, anon.

I started these threads back in early January. I'm not always the OP anymore, but it's nice that there's been enough interest to keep them going. Nothing wrong with a little shitposting, this is 4chan after all, but the greedy "give me what I want or I'm not sharing what I have" types must not have learned that SHARING IS CARING when they were little.

Sorry about your cat. 23 is quite an age for a cat!

>> No.5001244

You're more than welcome, they had to get posted eventually!

Thanks to you for starting these threads as well - Your Mega is probably the single largest repo I have of brushes so it's been a huge help

I think I've posted the link before, but I have it mirrored if yours ever gets taken down for whatever reason (along with a local backup now) - https://mega.nz/folder/Z0VDACbT#ZAug0vsgHYLUsTgev-8EIg (And for what it's worth, there's also two Google Drive folders I maintain that you're welcome to grab whatever you like from; one is brushes I've added myself (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NuuId-lShIqDkhicJWQ5WGxm_H4zh_sw?usp=sharing)) and the other is miscellaneous brushes I've not bothered categorising yet (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wkLL58qn9iVwub7PLum6UJ5mKKngYAKL?usp=sharing)) - The spitshade packs I shared in here a while ago are in the first folder too)

>> No.5001340

Anyone know how to upload abr files from a windows computer? I've got a gen 8 ipad, but it's just way different, the only thing it shows on the root is the dcim folder and I can't copy paste anything into it.

>> No.5001349

Put em on Drive then download em to your iPad

>> No.5001479

Thanks, may the world give you blessings.

>> No.5001608

I think you can also use the Documents app to transfer files directly over a variety of protocols, and I think the app’s free, I don’t remember
I switched to a hackintosh since moving over to the ipad, and it’s honestly fantastic, it’s amazing how garbage windows is as an OS, even without the ipad integration aspect of macos

>> No.5001814

you guys know any good texture/pattern packs?

>> No.5001821

Check the visualtimmy ones I shared above, there's one called seamless universe and another in the creator XL pack called infinite something that I can't remember the name of

alternatively infinite pulp by true grit texture supply is a good one by the looks of it but that's not been posted here as far as I know

>> No.5001827

thanks, but I’m looking for something I can use in artsudio as texture/pattern fill, rather than a brush
there’s a bunch of packs for photoshop and so on, I just thought I’d ask if anyone knew of a good one rather than go through packs with hundreds of textures blindly

>> No.5001836

Ah I had no idea that was a thing; I guess if you wanted to do the same thing with a brush you could always make a new layer underneath your current one, use the fill tool on it with a solid colour, turn on alpha lock, then just blindly paint over it with a texture brush?

>> No.5001851

well yeah, but it’s a lot more work when you can just press a button, especially if you need to scale the texture or something
it’s also easier to have a bunch of textures organised in groups and displayed as images that only come up when needed to scan through than to have a bunch of brushes cluttering the brush panel

>> No.5001858

also, procreate has a pretty neat texture tiling feature, but for some retarded reason it’s only available as a rush setting, and you need to save the changes to the brush to actually use it, you can’t just use the thing to apply texture to a layer/selection as far as I’m aware
you can check it out in brush setting>grain>edit>auto repeat
why they didn’t just make it a filter I have no idea

>> No.5001867

Errrr, stupid question but what's the difference between that option and offset jitter?

>> No.5001872
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What can I get for around £500/$600 that can be used a graphics tablet for Windows and Photoshop? Any suggestions appreciated nigs

>> No.5001882

this is ipad general, but probably a huion kamvas 13 pro; it's what I use when I'm not using my iPad

>> No.5001883

they’re completely different things
the one above determines how a texture is tiled
offset jitter just makes the texture offset random for every stroke
example: you have a texture that’s square tiles
without jitter, making a million strokes would “reveal” the same texture, just like a layer mask over a texture layer
with jitter, the squares would be offset, ie they wouldn’t line up
another example is halftone, with jitter, you just get a solid halftone regardless of how you lay down the strokes, meaning the dots or whatever are at equal distance and orientation among all strokes
with offset jitter, you get overlapping layers of halftone, like you applied them on top of one another randomly instead of a single sheet

>> No.5001898
File: 1.95 MB, 2732x2048, 834A0538-F912-4729-B950-8935676A6FC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here’s an example of offset jitter

>> No.5001910

I have a Huion Kamvas and it doesn't work on mine. Seriously, I'm not even a computer-illiterate, it just doesn't work properly so I've been thinking about getting an iPad.

>> No.5001926

It works perfectly on Photoshop for me; is the tablet plugged in and turned on before you open Photoshop?

I'd try switching tablet modes in Photoshop itself, just in case

Honestly I've touched my Kamvas about 3 times since I got my iPad back in July; it's an upgrade you won't regret and I fucking hate apple.

>> No.5001952

Since painting with Artstudio Pro's wet brushes it's really hard to tell myself to make serious work on Procreate despite the smoother look/interface...

>> No.5001957

Completely depends on how you draw/paint. 10.2" & 11" have been fine for me but that's because I'm the kind of guy who paints/sculpts.
If you're a "lineart artist" you may want the bigger size there is.

>> No.5001959


>> No.5002142

>the Documents app
Yeah, this is a good solution. Its full name is "Documents by Readdle" and it's a really useful multi-tool app.


>> No.5003559


Repostan' because it was at the end of the last thread :
this is the link for the complete Dragon set including the Drawing and sketching set, the painting set and the special effect set ! it is mainly for photoshop but this is the only thread i got to share them

>> No.5003589

Thanks bud. They'll probably work great in ArtStudio. I'm kind of surprised there aren't any brush or asset sharing threads for desktop drawing programs.

>> No.5003593

>I'm kind of surprised there aren't any brush or asset sharing threads for desktop drawing programs.
/ic/ would probably shit itself by spamming "bro just use the HRB ngmi cope"
i'm quite surprised that this thread hasn't gone to shit

>> No.5003611
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>i'm quite surprised that this thread hasn't gone to shit
you missed the old thread, dont worry its a-comin

>> No.5003623

oh you ean the color lab crisis ? nah it's chill it has been defused early in this thread

>> No.5003824

Anybody got a paper screen cover thing? Used a sketchbook earlier and god I miss resistance. Friction makes my drawing a whole lot more accurate

>> No.5003912

i got a paper like, really cool stuff, other people will reccomend you alternatives on amazon, best guess is to watch a comparison video to see what suits you best !

>> No.5003941

Late but I have the 2018 9.7 screen and I'd certainly like a larger one but it works. Notable cons are that drawing on a smaller screen is kind of fatiguing and that the battery life isn't great so if you do draw for hours at a time it'll die on you and take quite a while to recharge.

>> No.5004080

Got an Ipad pro 12.9 2020 and need a good stand so i can draw on a flat surface. Any recommendations?

Also random question, can i use a bluetooth controller for shortcut on Procreate?

>> No.5004101

i got that blue ikea stand, good shit

>> No.5004107

Bluetooth keyboard for shortcuts yeah. Typical shortcuts B for brush etc

>> No.5004111

link to that? I'm curious

Was thinking of getting the 8Bitdo Zero 2 , to use both with CSP on PC and Procreate for the iPad.

>> No.5004113


>> No.5004116



>> No.5004118

yeah bro that's the good stuff right there

>> No.5004121

Just use a Bluetooth keyboard like a non faggot

>> No.5004188

>sucking a poop out of her own butt

>> No.5004198

Why would I use any other brushes than the default ones in Procreate?

>> No.5004225
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u mirin my trad skillz?

>> No.5005307
File: 24 KB, 143x315, 668ADFC9-1313-45E5-B6B9-55C64E85C40E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how bright I should have my ipad screen when painting on it?
obviously the brighter it is the more I notice nuances in color, but I don’t want it blazing into my eyes at 100% for 10 hours a day
I’m most comfortable with it at pic related, which I feel might be too dim and not representative of what people might see on their screen

>> No.5005323

novelty, plus a lot of procreate defaults are kinda shit

>> No.5005571
File: 149 KB, 850x1041, bankers-lamps-photo-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8/10. /beg/tards only dream about having this level of skill and talent.

How bright you need your screen depends on a few things. Probably the most important question is, how brightly lit is the room you're in? Also, saying to you something like "40% brightness is best" is meaningless because different iPads are capable of different brightness levels. I would say just use whatever is comfortable for your eyes depending on the ambient light around you.

During the day, with only light coming in my windows, I tend to keep my iPad's brightness at around 60-70%. At night, with only a banker's lamp lighting my room, I turn the brightness down a bit, to no more than 50%, so I don't hurt my eyes.

Btw, banker's lamp are pure kino. The ladies love them. Put one in your home/bedroom and many amorous encounters will be in your future.

>> No.5005607
File: 239 KB, 1500x1500, 9B8D16EA-909F-48AB-816A-7E14C3417FBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now, if you want to get some real pussy...

>> No.5005647

I hate people like this who can't even draw for shit.

>> No.5005652

Can someone recommend a drawing app that allows you to quickly jump to a next page? Procreate is nice but for quick 10 second poses creating a new file takes too long..

>> No.5005654

make huge canvas, zoom in before you start drawing

>> No.5005665

just add clear canvas to quick menu

>> No.5005737

Paper, or alternatively the stock notes app allows you to both single-tap create a new note or scroll down infinitely

>> No.5006372
File: 417 KB, 1160x772, 4C5056F7-7717-4D84-8DC1-AE26852398B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have these? They look good but I’m not willing to drop $24 on a brush pack I might end up hating.

>> No.5006374

There’s a Swede in vk who has a bunch of RSCO and TGTS stuff here but they’re supposedly on a “ask and I’ll share“ basis right now. Search Fontomass requests and the list is there at the latest- guess 4chan doesn’t like vk links

Also they have infinite pulp so here y’all go https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F9elyjLixGPr-n1t2b64HtrDWScbSyg-

>> No.5006395

>the “big thing” of 5X were gradient maps
>the ui is super clean and fluid, very nice
>you can only apply gradient maps directly to the layer and cannot edit them afterwards, only reapply a gradient map to the now compromised value map

>> No.5006401

what in the goddamn

>> No.5006410

I have no clue honestly- guess the Swede didn’t upload it right because photoshop only has one texture and there should be 20. The rest are in like a .cloud format?
Procreate one’s fine though so eh. Hopefully the guy fixes it.

>> No.5006634

this guy? font0mass

>> No.5006700

I think that’s it- it’s a board rather than a user I think. They’re one of the areas of vk I’ve seen take our brushes- like yesterday someone just so happened to put up the photoshop version of Colorlab.
If ya look up retrosupply or TGTS brushes vk on google it should pop up fontomass with one of the top results. Then find the request discussion tab. The Swede who has the list is La-Studio Sthlm if looking up the name works that way.
Idk how vk works so there’s probably a better way of describing it lmao

Also it’s fixed now

>> No.5006719
File: 66 KB, 1000x976, 615KrMPL46L._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For stand recommendations I use pic related, it has just the right size to fit the 12.9 model perfectly

>> No.5006736

i just prop up the smart keyboard so the ipad rests past the edge of the keyboard part and the next segment is perpendicular to the ground and props it up, it’s very stable, never had trouble with it

>> No.5006776

Looks good.
I wish someone would make a stand that includes a concave part for the camera bump though.

>> No.5006794
File: 61 KB, 600x600, d654556f6db20317fb8470b393579add.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VK peeps are always pilfering brushes from our threads, but that's okay because I've been looting their stashes too.

Thanks for the Infinite Pulp link, anon.

>> No.5006811
File: 141 KB, 256x256, 1321561637428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have 15.6
>have that exact stand
>got an iPad last week
>been leaning it on my wallet and a book so it has an angle
why didnt I think of this lel

>> No.5006864

Brush engine on procreate fucking sucks.
How’s medibang?

>> No.5006872

Medibang is free to use. Download it and try it.

>> No.5006885

medibang is worse unless you’re really into generic animu gimmick brushes, you literally can’t even make a brush

tl;dr artsudio’s your best bet
paintstorm has a good engine, but it’s slow on ipad
csp is a sub so fuck that
affinity photo seems pretty robust but I haven’t gone into it very much because I don’t feel the need to, but it’s great for editing

>> No.5007237

>affinity photo
Does anyone draw/paint with this? Seems like any time I see someone doing art with an Affinity app, it's Designer. Designer probably makes more sense for art since it handles both raster and vector brushes. It looks kind of neat, but I've never tried it.

Pretty happy with ArtStudio Pro right now.

>> No.5008255
File: 3.51 MB, 2732x2048, 2E81230A-8219-452D-8D07-B029805227E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes, I am going to move to japan and produce posters for superior japanese pinku eiga, ho could you tell

>> No.5008285

Bit random, but any suggestions for coloring brushes, mainly for sketches in grey tone? Looking to try new things

>> No.5008289

some of the artstudio wet brushes are petty sweet for that

>> No.5008304

Doh I meant to mention for Procreate, but alright

>> No.5009415
File: 52 KB, 1128x609, looks familiar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5010312

Which ipad should I get for max 400€?
Seems like 12.9" is recommended. Are the newer models all without parallax effect?

>> No.5010334

don’t bother if serious, get the newest pro or nothing, they just upped the ram and the next pro will be a massive cpu upgrade, the creep is real
you’d have to be retarded to buy an obsolete pro now

>> No.5010351

Thanks but what do I need so much RAM for? I just want to draw a bit lol

>> No.5010362

>that much
the new ones have all of 6gb
it’s up to you, just don’t come crying when you can’t make more than 4 layers or an app upgrades it’s engine and all your brushes stutter and lag because you bought obsolete technology right before the leap

>> No.5010431

ignore the other poster, the 4GB of ram in any recent Pro is fine; I wouldn't bother with a non-Pro as they don't have 120hz screens

you'll get a solid 5-6 years of support if you get one, and the 4 layers thing is bullshit; that's only if you're working on an 8k canvas. usually you'll get 100+ as a minimum

>> No.5010435

>4gb is fine
yeah, now, because there’s only 1 6gb gen on the market
you’re delusional if you think apps will use 4gb as a baseline for the next 5-6 years

>> No.5010443

considering there are 5 year old ipads that still handle procreate just fine, i think you may be wrong there

this isn't a space for elitist pricks, €400 isn't really enough for a decent iPad but saying they need the newest, cutting edge tech is just wrong

>> No.5010449

If you’re using less than 200 layers at 8kx8k you’re ngmi

>> No.5010450
File: 35 KB, 1338x120, BF244B7C-699B-4D49-BCFE-D42737116F2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this isn't a space for elitist pricks
pull the tampon out of your vagina, faggot
he asked and I told him to not do it if it’s for serious use because it’s a waste of money at this time
procreate is a meme that’s been left behind by every competitor and can’t even color drop without fucking up
I have the 2017 12.9 and I would not recommend it to anyone who isn’t a casual hobbyist at this point
you’re not doing anyone any favors by telling them to spend money on obsolete production tools

>> No.5010451

I had a 1st gen pro until recently and it worked just as fine as my new iPad. Any pro will be f9

>> No.5010455

If they weren’t a casual hobbyist do you think they’d be on /ic/ asking what 400 dollar iPad to buy? Dual big cintiq pros and custom built render farm or gtfo

>> No.5010463

now tell me how only hobbyists pirate and everyone working as an artist just consumes the latest wacom products, larper

>> No.5010474

how much do you think a concept nigger in poland or bulgaria or wherever the fuck gets paid?
>If they weren’t a casual hobbyist do you think they’d be on /ic/ asking what 400 dollar iPad to buy
is this some cope or what? why wouldn’t he?

>> No.5010517
File: 129 KB, 344x342, 1595586016457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got an iPad Air with Procreate. How the hell do I use this thing?

>> No.5010520

have you tried turning it off and on again?

>> No.5010527


>> No.5010565

so you really think that the guy who literally said 'lol im just looking to draw a bit' is not a casual hobbyist? are you retarded?how does it even make sense to say 'cope' in this scenario? learn your buzzwords faggot

>> No.5010678

If you just want to draw a bit the basic iPad is fine enough, especially if you're /beg/ or just want to draw for fun.
Even if you're to upgrade to a Pro in the future you can still repurpose it for other stuff, or sell it, or hand it to a family member.

Just know that I have no idea about any other desktop tablets. Samsung tablets are fine and cheaper but their apps suck it seems and don't expect these things to last as long as iPads do.

>> No.5010714

>you literally can’t even make a brush

On Medibang in PC you can drag and drop bmp/png images to the brushes area and then automatically create a new brush with that brush tip. It might be that easy for the ipad version too

>> No.5010764

Thanks for the answers.
Yeah, I just want to sketch and play around with brushes a bit, already have a screenless tablet + CSP. I guess an older model will do then until I have more of a budget.

>> No.5010773

Wait, I was wrong, you can make new brushes, it’s just stupidly convoluted.
You have to click the + the select add brush, then click standard brushes, then select one of the brushes with bitmap in the name, otherwise it just makes one of the default brushes with no stamp options in the settings.

>> No.5010825

Any reason to get a macbook and iphone too?
I can get a macbook pro 13 from work with the intel chip (so not the m1) and an iphone too or just stick with a windows pc + galaxy note 10

>> No.5010878

I’m >>5001608
I don’t really know about the hardware besides the screens being great.
If you use the PC for art and not much else, I’d say go for it, the integration is sweet and sidecar is very nice,

Also, now that you mention M1, that is also something to consider with the ipad longevity discussion. We know those will run ios/ipados apps natively, if those take off and the apps start using those as a baseline, the early/current ipads are going to get shafted fast.

>> No.5010981

I'm total noob and I'm trying multiple apps, I like Procreate's UI but how can I setup a simple penicl brush without fucking textures? I just want the most simple pencil that draws simple smooth lines like in a fucking Windows Paint, I don't need fucking textures. All default sketching brushes has a texture and all default inking bushes are not suitible for sketches. Am I asking too much from default brushes? What am I doing wrong?

>> No.5010999

How do I toggle the maximum size available for a brush? I turn up the size for a pencil with texture and it doesn’t actually get bigger

>> No.5011005

You can see this guys set up
His work station is fucking decked out in apple shit because of the convenience they bring

>> No.5011092

>We know those will run ios/ipados apps natively, if those take off and the apps start using those as a baseline, the early/current ipads are going to get shafted fast.
I don't think any iPad app developer with anything more than a room temperature IQ is going to start basing their app's performance on how well it runs on M1 processors. Most people own the cheapest iPad models (9.7"/10.2"). That's where devs make most of their money -- from casual users. "Pro" level users using the latest Air or a recent Pro model are a much smaller market. Apps need to run well on any iPad released in the last 3-4 years.


>> No.5011119

Is it ok to not use any screen protector?

>> No.5011142

>Most people own the cheapest iPad models (9.7"/10.2"). That's where devs make most of their money -- from casual users.
Counterpoint: that market already massively bought procreate and other lightweight apps, and there is practically zero chance of anyone cutting into procreate’s market share there, while the power user segment still doesn’t have a real workhorse. Adobe releasing a powerful, feature heavy app or artstudio/paintstorm/etc focusing on the power user market and gaining a foothold on the stronger hardware would be a good move since people who were hesitant about the ipad might be won over by the new universal app ecosystem where they have access to powerful apps, people looking for real portable workstations would adopt it, and the market would move there eventually anyway, given how quickly the hardware is advancing, so when some faggot buys an ipad in 2 years and looks up what painting app is best, he gets a bunch of pros endorsing the heavier apps instead of procreate.
There is no notable new income artstudio or paintstorm can count on unless they get HEAVILY promoted, there’s no sub, there’s no IAP, they sold what they sold, and the rest will just be a trickle unless they capitalise on a niche segment.

>> No.5011357

Why the fuck wouldnt you? It feels like shit to draw on without a screen protector and you be getting light scratches on your ipad over time

>> No.5011378

Wrong on both accounts.
I am convinced only people who just do penciling, flat illustration or floating loomis heads complain about muh glass. Painting feels much better without a screen cover.

>> No.5011383

And I'm convinced you never had a decent screen protector.

>> No.5011401

there’s nothing to be had, smooth is better for painting
why the fuck would you want friction when you paint?

>> No.5011420

You act like the friction of a matte protector gets in the way of anything when it's still very smooth. Why the fuck would you enjoy the feeling of plastic to glass for hours on end?

>> No.5011444

It feels like nothing, there’s no tactile feedback, it’s literally perfect for painting.
>it’s still very smooth
It’s nowhere close and you know it, else you wouldn’t be making an issue of its absence

>> No.5011451

How about I give you a god darn noogie
But really then you still have the screen potentially getting light scratches over time. Also anon didn't even say if they sketchnor paint more, infact they probably forgot they even posted here

>> No.5011498

I got zero scratches in 3 years with daily use just using the keyboard as a cover
if it’s not in use, the keyboard’s over the screen, and it’s not getting scratched from the pencil
also, screen covers look turbo gay

>> No.5011653

>There is no notable new income artstudio or paintstorm can count on unless they get HEAVILY promoted, there’s no sub, there’s no IAP, they sold what they sold, and the rest will just be a trickle unless they capitalise on a niche segment.
You're not wrong, it's definitely possible that someone will make an app targeted at people running the beefiest iPads, but capitalizing on a niche segment of users like that will necessitate making such an app either carry a premium level price ($50, for example) or it'll be subscription based. There's simply no other way for a developer to survive.

The longer I've used iOS, the more apps I've noticed raising their prices, locking away "advanced" features behind IAPs, or moving to subscriptions. Big companies can get away with making their apps inexpensive or free because what they're really after is user data that they can monetize. Indie devs are typically just trying to make useful or fun apps and hoping it'll be popular enough to make the time invested in making the app worth it financially.

If the ArtStudio devs came out with a new app that was like ArtStudio Pro but really lived up to the "Pro" part, would enough people be willing to pay a premium price for such an app? If it was $40 would people balk and say "Affinity Designer is only $20"?

In any case, it'll be interesting to see where things go in the next few years.

>> No.5012174

Thanks, I can't download those right now cause I just moved to a new home and I'm using phone internet, but I'll save the links for later.

>> No.5012520

Use animation assist with invisible onion skins to quickly create new pages

>> No.5013115
File: 192 KB, 1472x1593, F48F1A86-FB56-4936-85A5-7F06DDA74A72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone else finding it unexplainably difficult to get smooth blending in procreate with a hard edged brush?
pic is the same exact (photoshop) brush in procreate and artstudio, basically bog standard hard round, spacing 25, pressure to flow and opacity, literally nothing else
handles like a dream in artstudio, can’t blend to save my life in procreate
I tried using other rendering modes in procreate, I can’t get it to work like I’d expect it to
I compared them side to side, and I can see a very subtle difference in how the stamps add up, is that it? are the engines just different and there’s nothing to do about it?

>> No.5013312

I'm not particularly big-brained about the brush engines, but they're absolutely different. Importing Photoshop brushes into Procreate is a roll of the dice. Even simple brushes might import a bit wonky. Meanwhile, ArtStudio Pro can import PS brushes and have them working correctly right away 99% of the time.

You can use the brush studio to try and fix brushes you import into Procreate, but if you're importing a lot of brushes, that can become pretty time-consuming.

>> No.5013551
File: 1.15 MB, 2166x1679, 33AF7C75-DC3E-4C9F-B155-265C829C7A77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you dealing with the brush drought, bros?
I have taken to drawing to take my mind off
I don’t know, I kind of enjoy it

>> No.5014628

Guy who shared the VisualTimmy and ColorLab packs here - I just noticed VT's dropped a new pack called the Stipple pack (https://visualtimmy.com/products/stipple-machine-procreate))

If anyone would be willing to grab it while it's on sale ($10) I'd really appreciate it! He has a no-quibble refund policy, too

Happy to put a note in my Drive/Mega to verify that it's me requesting it and not some random person

>> No.5015256

>Also, now that you mention M1, that is also something to consider with the ipad longevity discussion. We know those will run ios/ipados apps natively, if those take off and the apps start using those as a baseline, the early/current ipads are going to get shafted fast.
How good is the M1 compared to A12XZ or A14?

>> No.5015269

Answering my own question :
Damn M1 is even beating AMD and Intel in some regards :

>> No.5015290
File: 111 KB, 1102x497, E77A7448-2E07-476A-980C-7D040A503EC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in some regards
it’s raping them, m8
bear in mind this is a 10w chip designed for passive cooling

>> No.5016656

I think someone asked for Laura Rubin's Procreate brushes in a previous thread. Not sure if they were ever shared, but here's the brushset of hers that I have:


Apparently it's a little old since it has 39 brushes and her Gumroad says her complete pack is now 45 brushes, but it's better than nothing.

>> No.5017928

More of a beg question maybe but: does the glass/plastic screen/pen not make learning to draw harder?

I tried the samsung tab and the ipad and found it a bit easier to take notes on the samsung one but I'd prefer the ipad since the apps are better overall in general not just for art

>> No.5017986

is it harder for you to draw on smooth paper?
nigga you’re just moving your hand, if a difference in surface friction determines whether you can control where your hand goes, you’ve got bigger issues than the paper

>> No.5018010

Only artists have that problem.
Get a paper like screen protector if that’s an issue.

>> No.5018131

this is a drawlet answer. the feel of paper vs glass as a drawing medium doesnt only change the end result but the entire experience of creating a piece. you can never hope to understand any sort of nuance if you cant even feel the difference and understand why it matters

>> No.5018140

on the contrary, only draw lets who only know the feeling of sketchbook paper and pencil complain about this
go draw in ink with a brushpen and tell me about muh grit

>> No.5018205

Anyone able to sort this out please? It's a free brush pack for us all if you refund it

>> No.5018251

You’re in the iPad thread mate I draw on an iPad, but there is arguably a quality of pencil on paper that’s hard to beat. I use iPad for convenience and can get the visual results I want with it, but I vastly prefer the feel of pencil on paper and will use it in situations where it’s advantageous

>> No.5018362

>haven’t been on /ic/ for years
>now there’s a whole general dedicated to Apple when /ic/ used to shit on Apple products in the past
How things change..

>> No.5018459

Yes, things change, that's literally how the universe is shaped. How new are you to life?

>> No.5018464
File: 278 KB, 1303x1190, Affinity Store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30% off on their apps. Anything worth getting? I know nothing about their stuff.

Anyone tried https://apps.apple.com/be/app/affinity-designer/id1274090551 ?

>> No.5018473

the best option for editing right now unless photoshop caught up, but even then it’s one a one time purchase
very good for painting too IF you use keyboard shortcuts, the gestures just aren’t there (again, unless they updated it in the meantime)
vector graphics, works very well, not sure how it compares to illustrator

>> No.5019556

Just in case people were interested in uproot brushes, they’re having a 50% off for Black Friday using “blackfriedeggs” as a discount code (from the 23rd to 29th). Don’t think they have a refund policy though, I’ve looked where it’d be obvious but nothin.

I remember them being mentioned before in a previous thread so yea, I think it was about their watercolor set. The Overlay and Risograph sets might be interesting too.


>> No.5020071
File: 102 KB, 325x327, 6B434D09-973C-4491-91CC-AE6F712E2641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free today.

>> No.5020097

>say free today in description

>> No.5020102

literally just downloaded it for free

>> No.5020106
File: 123 KB, 526x268, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5020129
File: 142 KB, 1026x426, 484622D6-65CB-4AF5-8211-3620DD0D7EB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 muh time zone
it says today in the description
it’s today
this is fraud

>> No.5020138

Look I don't know where you live but I downloaded it for free fine and wasn't charged for anything.

>> No.5020161

anyone able to share tattoosmart's watercolor set? someone on vk had it but hasn't uploaded it even though they said they would a week ago

>> No.5020268

>procreate makes it easy to unfuck your circles and lines
Is this a bad thing?
I feel like I'm relying on it too much.

>> No.5020339

only if you plan on making circles and lines without a crutch at some point

>> No.5021744

What would be the best digital painting courses to do to improve my fundamentals? Implying I'm autistic.

>> No.5022864

Artstudio Pro's recording feature is dogshit compared to Procreate's.
I really hope they improve it. I'm having huge issues with it.

>> No.5022934

What issues? I never use either because it eats up the battery and wastes storage. Plus procreate’s looks really shitty since everything just pops up instead of progressing naturally so if you say hatch something without lifting the pen, the entire thing just pops up, it looks shitty.

>> No.5022955

I'm unable to save the video on my iPad or export it. I press but it does nothing. Cannot export to iMovie either. I was forced to screenrecord the video itself just now to show to someone else.

>> No.5022978

post in the forum, that’s sounds like a bug

>> No.5023146
File: 67 KB, 503x382, 5C84ECE5-191E-436C-8B74-5288DCF3E155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn’t matter really, I’m sure you can draw a round circle if you go really slow. You’re just saving yourself time

I’m interested in tattoosmart shit, I like the idea of their build-your-own stamps sort of shit. Not to use professionally but I wanna build my own sets for personal use

>> No.5023160

I have the Girl Head set to share as well as the spitshade set, but none of their other stuff sadly

>> No.5023170

Should I get the 12.9 pro if I have the air 3 bros
I can’t decide and I’m assuming some sales are happening around this time

>> No.5023219

Throw up girl heads, I’ve got Japanese vol 2 I’ll upload it

>> No.5023291

can someone do us a favour and tag La-Studio Sthlm (reply to third comment) in this post?

they said they'd post the tattoosmart watercolor set about a week ago but they've not uploaded anything yet; i'd do it myself but i forgot my vk login so i'm locked out for 48 hours


>> No.5023308

I just arrived on this board and I want to know if there's a general for drawing on the computer with a wacom tablet, I want to learn to draw for the purpose of money

>> No.5023313

>can't even be bothered to actually look at the board
>thinks he's going to make money with his doodles
Excellent first post, you're definitely going places. Try /dtg/ and /beg/.

>> No.5023314

Search /dtg/ or drawing tablet general. I don’t read it but from scrolling past it seems to be 90% some Chinese shill or just people accusing someone of being a Chinese shill

>> No.5023342

Even worse, I think I can make a living with it

>> No.5023343

doubt, pyw

>> No.5023346

it's literally 15 bucks with their black friday code my guy

>> No.5023352

i saw, but i'm broke as all hell

>> No.5023355

buy it then

>> No.5023361

What is pyw

>> No.5023363

Problem younger woman?

>> No.5023370

I'm not the one who wants it

wouldn't be averse to splitting the cost but don't fancy it at almost full price

>> No.5023385
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 6A2A06D5-E1BB-46B7-BD56-4F036A9F77B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5023758


>> No.5023795

Great, now can you make iPoo + Wacoom general for next thread? It would be perfect containment thread for schizos like you.

>> No.5023855
File: 78 KB, 640x447, D9D18DC4-1F49-48C4-8E2D-42EB2BA61737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do I change the color of the paper in Realistic Paint?!

>> No.5024356
File: 1.31 MB, 1045x1331, Screenshot_20201126-004018_Edge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want one of the packs from this Georg megapack? I tried to upload the whole thing but it's a whopping 10GB+ and I don't have three hours to spare. Pick something from the list and I'll upload the packs in the morning


>> No.5024381

could you host them as a server or torrent? that way one of us can download and re-host them all

>> No.5024388
File: 350 KB, 734x857, vivi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a 12.9" 2020 iPad Pro. Damn, it feels great. Used Wacom Intuos Pro before, and this is a whole new world to me. ProCreate feels really great. I'm having fun with a pencil, papa Loomis!

>> No.5024399

This truly is the seething poorfag edition

>> No.5024543


>> No.5024644

you pick the paper when selecting the canvas
though the one in your pick only has white with lines and white without lines

>> No.5024650

why do companies have such a hard on for turning their otherwise one time purchase software into sub models just for ipad?

Also are there any screen protectors for ipad that don't collect scratches all over them?

>> No.5024746

>why do companies have such a hard on for turning their otherwise one time purchase software into sub models just for ipad?
neither procreated nor artstudio are sub based, are they?

>> No.5024756

CSP and Adobe shit

>> No.5024764
File: 190 KB, 860x807, E0471F53-52AF-4498-B572-A6FC534BCB5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone figured out a decent watercolour workflow in realistic paint studio?
I’m struggling with adding colour variation

>> No.5024861
File: 89 KB, 642x683, IMG_0224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you share that girl head set? would appreciate it

>> No.5024875

here ya go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jJOzTFRwKBXBoKuy1tJohctyEn-2bovb/view?usp=sharing

their watercolor set would be greatly appreciated if you manage to get your hands on it!

>> No.5024883
File: 40 KB, 494x741, IMG_0374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based procreatebro

>> No.5024909

Then why does it keep ending up blue?!

>> No.5025114

guys what was the name of that case that look like a cloth that you can magnetically fold i don't remember the name

>> No.5025210

nvm found it, it's called magic sleeve

>> No.5025323

I know everyone’s going to make fun of me now but is there a video on YouTube explaining how to extract the zip of the Procreate brush packs? Iv just seen the tattoo smart women’s faces but they all download as individual files instead of a single brush set....iv got the tattoosmart ornamental set and the pocket watch set as well as a Japanese set I’m going to put up here at work tomorrow

>> No.5025382

Yeah... welcome to iPad file management. I use Filza, but not a fucking clue how to install packs unless you're jailbroken

>> No.5025383

If you download from google drive it individually zips them weird, if you want I’ll upload both on mega for you. You can just click the file and it should automatically import, it’s that simple. Ornamental and pocket watch would be nice if you can share. We should get a tattooist/aspiring discord going or something if there’s more of us, could be cool. I’ve got some tattoo stuff that no one on /ic/ generally would be interested in

>> No.5025384

do you have the tattoosmart watercolor pack by any chance? been desperately trying to get it for a while now but don't have the 15 bucks to drop on it

tattoo stuff good; if you're able to post it or make a discord i'd *really* appreciate it

>> No.5025385

ps which Japanese set?

>> No.5025404

Yeah mate that mega link would be awesome,and yeah iv only got a few of the brush packs but I’ve been tattooing a good while and got hardrives full not the actually good flash and sketchbooks plus loads of the dvds like Franco viscoviii and Karl graaaccee

>> No.5025409

I think it’s just the 2nd Japanese set that was floating about on vk

>> No.5025418

I think someone posted this if it’s the spitshading set your after not long ago ? We should just start a full on tattoo thread on here haha

>> No.5025423

nah, I'm actually the guy who bought the spitshade set - but I've not managed to find the watercolor one anywhere sadly; there's a black friday sale on but it ends before I get paid

>> No.5025431

>>5025which one is the water colour one then ? And thanks for that mate! Yeah seen the Black Friday sale too but my country’s back in full lockdown so a bit skint myself for luxury’s like that

>> No.5025434

it's this one: https://tattoosmart.com/products/brush-set-watercolor-tattoo-flash-toolkit-procreate

it's cheap as chips with their sale, but we're locked down too so i'm in the same boat

>> No.5025435

Mate I knew you were English when I read cheap as chips hahahaha

>> No.5025442

Please someone buy this and upload :(

>> No.5025447

Psssshhh ya got me; if you end up making the Discord then pop us a link, I'll happily join up

>> No.5025464

I’m a bit of an old man so give a night to learn to do that shit,gone are the days of 9 pieces of tracing Paper haha

>> No.5025498

do you have some gesture set to “fill all” and you keep accidentally doing it?
no clue what else could be causing it

>> No.5025511
File: 276 KB, 712x1107, BB4FAD3E-6520-47A7-9994-5F4004201C3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas, zip is natively supported, what the fuck are you doing
like, literally just save it and tap on it to extract

>> No.5025528

it unzips weird because google drive zips it up retarded. google drive should not be used for brushsets because it turns shit into brushset.zip

when you decompress it, it turns into a folder full of weird shit called packnameexample.brushset because it doesnt recognise brushset as a file format. stop posting shit on google drive, it forces compression when you download it and the only way around it is syncing to a computer which nobody has time for

>> No.5025530

Awww yeah that’s perfect just be a condescending prick for no fucking reason,you must get shouted at a lot all day without defending yourself..if I knew how to do that shit I wouldn’t have asked would I ?

>> No.5025532

No idea what you’re talking about, it works fine and doesn’t turn .brushset into .brushset.zip, it just displays the content when downloading
I don’t know what you’re fucking up, but have you tried just renaming the file and deleting the .zip so the extension is .brushset?

>> No.5025535

I download straight from safari on the ipad and never had this happen

>> No.5025541
File: 1.40 MB, 2048x2732, IMG_BF52C6A2AE86-1 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, just did exactly that. unzips to this folder.

>> No.5025545

Thank you,does the same for me

>> No.5025548

all good matey, I can set one up too if you prefer?

>> No.5025552

rename the file, dumbass
it’s not “drive zipping it retarded” the file has .zip already appended on the drive
just delete .zip
also, I just downloaded this just to see what the fuck you’re talking about, and it’s all just some gay cheat sheet stamps, can’t even be called brushes

>> No.5025556


>> No.5025558

There’s a big black hole in your mums ass...take a long walk with your higher than thou bullshit...

>> No.5025569

by the way happens every time I download from google drive, mac or ipad. if you can just unzip it to a proper .brushset and bang it on mega i'd appreciate it, will share back don't worry.

assuming this is other tattoo bloke, you into lettering at all? ive got some stuff to share. are the flash books you've got the ones off helpme forums or other some other stuff? interested. let me know. tripfagging because its getting confusing

I did try that already, did nothing. this shit isnt supposed to be the pinnacle of self expression, tattooing is an actual job unlike drawing your waifu and time is money. unsurprisingly a lot of money is in doing unoriginal walk ins. if thats what clients want its what they get

>> No.5025575

oh shit scratch that, commented before I saw the other zippy link, that should work

>> No.5025576

>explain how to fix the issue
>upload the renamed file in case the retards are still too computer illiterate to RENAME A FUCKING FILE
>retards still butthurt

>> No.5025578

I'm the other tattoo bloke (spitshade guy, britfag) but not the one you tagged - Not a clue what the hell helpme is though

>> No.5025590

Somebody asks a question you could answer easily with no problems...you decide to call everyone a nigga or retard and make yourself feel better because this is probably the only thing in life you know that somebody else’s doesn’t....your a cunt and nobody likes you

>> No.5025597

appreciate the upload, I did try renaming the file. it didn't work. download works. nonetheless youre still an insufferable prick

mega link to girl heads stamp set cause zippy is blocked in some places


>> No.5025600

this is what I get for spoonfeeding bottom of the barrel retards and uploading the renamed file for you mouth breathers
should have left you to forget how to breathe trying to figure out the intricacies of renaming a file

>> No.5025605

it did work because that’s what I fucking did, you retarded nigger

>> No.5025607

well either way you just did my bitch work, so, thanks, off ya fuck now

>> No.5025615

Wanna make it any more obvious you thought about that reply more than you normally would ? Lots of fancy words to make yourself feel big,did it work ? Is your mum sat next to you cheering you on before you go for your 6th wank of the day ?

>> No.5025618

Not a clue who the fuck you are, but I like your style, fellow British tattoo bloke or blokette

>> No.5025619

Appreciate it mate thanks

>> No.5025624

>two illiterate sperg newfags
>both are br*ts
surely there’s no samefagging here

>> No.5025626

been in this thread since July buddy

>> No.5025644

kek there literally isnt smoothbrain, two of us post in this thread regularly and the other guy is clearly someone new with different stuff to share. go draw

bloke matey

no prob, dont mind the dickheads. good shit gets shared here

>> No.5025656

Why so many tripfags lol

>> No.5025659
File: 491 KB, 220x165, 9C065871-C5E5-473A-A30D-DC011655B49A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread devolves into tripfaggot circlejerk
it was nice while it lasted

>> No.5025668

2 trips for the sake of recognising each other in conversation, it’s not the end of the world. That’s what trips should be used for, I have 0 interest in being a tripfag. If you read the thread you’d get it

>> No.5025672

Well shit. Reinstalled it and it seems to be working right now. Thanks for trying to help, though. Certainly a pretty app.

>> No.5025673

>2 trips for the sake of [tripfaggotry]
if you want to to have “conversations” where your identities matter, you can fuck off to discord, faggot

>> No.5025676

erm yeah that was the intention, read the thread moron

>> No.5025682

lurk 10 years before posting

>> No.5025690

>fucking idiots on MY board not posting how I want them to and talking about things I’m not interested in
>better jump in, call everyone niggers and samefags and complain about unrelated bullshit
>that’ll fix my board

>> No.5025697

God you get bullied a lot irl

>> No.5025699

I called you a faggot, but I guess I can call you a nigger if that will validate your faggot victim complex

>> No.5025707

My bad for assuming you were the same whiny bitch that was posting minutes ago, maybe you 2 can be frens

>> No.5025963

Is there no way to make your own presets on Artstudio Pro? Like you can in Procreate.

>> No.5025987

As one who has the iPad Pro 9.7, I think its perfectly serviceable. Its not as big as the newer models, but its good for on-the-go drawing. The 9.7 fits easily in my bag, it shares most features the newer models have. On a budget, go get the 9.7.

>> No.5026650

So I got the 2018 9.7" model.
Which screen protector should I go for? Seems like those matte ones rape your pen nibs. Is there some kind of protector which offers a compromise?
Also apparently Artstudio Pro is the best software right now? Are there any features missing compared to say CSP?

>> No.5026653

it doesn’t have comic shit or stuff like the meme gradient tool
it has things csp doesn’t, like liquify
both have wet brush engines, but they’re different
it’s basically ipad photoshop for art

>> No.5026660
File: 377 KB, 637x857, 1606470959796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retarded for not being able to comfortably line art in procreate but csp goes just fine

>> No.5026665

post lineart
most stabicucks just have ass lineart either way and only think it’s good with a stabilizer because it doesn’t look like it was made by someone with parkinson’s

>> No.5026707

Ar there any good 3d manikin posing apps?
Basically I’d want an app where I can pose multiple grey manikins and determine the lighting, so cast shadows would be a major plus, but I’d settle for good general lighting

>> No.5026711

Magic poser does all that, it’s free

>> No.5026714
File: 941 KB, 1338x1678, AD6D9254-08DB-455F-9C2D-2DEEC1E3E570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sceptical

>> No.5026715

how does it compare to Gal Shir's posing app? been eyeing that up for a while but hadn't heard much about it

>> No.5026718

Retards make retarded shit, that’s like clicking on /ic/ and saying you’re skeptical that humans can draw. As far as 3D model shit goes it’s not bad, as long as you understand how to actually pose people realistically and extrapolate on problem areas with your own anatomical knowledge, the same goes for any 3D posing software

>> No.5026729

No, I was referring to the “realistic lighting” with cast shadows entirely detached from the objects casting them.
Also, I tried it, and sunlight is the only lighting it allows. You can adjust the strength of the direct/ambient light and change the direction, but that’s it, the figure is always illuminated evenly along the plane, you can’t change the source distance, can’t add secondary lighting, can’t even change the direction of the ambient lighting, it’s basically an omnipresent glow, and the cast shadows are just texture of the same size of the model applied over objects, so you get laughably small shadows everywhere.
Sunlight is the lighting model least in need of such an app

>> No.5026742
File: 42 KB, 412x290, E8BE5A21-BA79-495E-94D1-CB7D20051135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>app doesn’t even draw my art for me fucking bullshit app
Just add that stuff yourself mate it’s a rough reference

>> No.5026743

"Realistic Adjustable Lighting
Magic Poser allows you to rotate and adjust the brightness of the in-app light source"

>> No.5026744

the light source is the sun and nothing but the sun
I don’t need to experiment with outdoor lighting

>> No.5026746

>not having a broad selection of lamps and fires to use as lighting
Literally unusable

>> No.5026752

How exactly is a movable light source with variable brightness any different to an indoor light? Just don’t set it up like a sun

>> No.5026753

are you retarded? I asked for adjustable lighting, not some meme anime poser
this is not adjustable, the lighting is always fucking parallel with a single infinitely distant source

>> No.5026755

indoor light doesn’t radiate in parallel lines and distribute evenly along a plane

>> No.5026761
File: 336 KB, 1037x1168, 2265B08E-3099-422A-96CE-78899C525E1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the light isn’t movable, you can only change its angle
the actual location of the lighting object does nothing, it’s not like blender

>> No.5026812

Cover yourself, your double X chromosomes are showing.

>> No.5026841

Any takes on 5th gen's mini-LED? Marketing meme or actual color upgrade?

>> No.5026888

Tap the yellow arrows and move them like an object moron

>> No.5026890

Also you can rotate it like an object, move it and point it wherever you want dumdum

>> No.5026895

The position of the object doesn’t matter, you inbred imbecile. The object is in front of the figure. The figure is lit from the back. The light comes from the same angle over the entire scene.

>> No.5026897

there is no light object
light doesn’t radiate from it

>> No.5026910
File: 157 KB, 1366x980, FB0615DB-3272-4A37-ACC6-DF33B269C3E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn’t look like a sun to me. If you can’t get what you need from this you’re ngmi and coping by looking for tools to do it for you

>> No.5026922

>Doesn’t look like a sun to me
because you’re a /beg/
>omnipresent ambient light
>even light distribution
>parallel rays

>> No.5026928

It still looks like outdoor lighting, just shitty.
Local light sources follow different rules. Why are you so autistically shilling the shitty anime app?
Just in case you feel like educating yourself, I recommend Fundamentals of Lighting.
You can stop shitposting now.

>> No.5026941

do you really think I need to take advice about this shit from retards who want an app to do the work for them? it sounds like youre the ones that need help. i've already said its a rough idea for pose references, nothing more. desperately cope tho

>> No.5026943

It’s not a rough idea, it’s shit and fundamentally wrong. Fuck off.

>> No.5026949


>it’s not bad, as long as you understand how to actually pose people realistically and extrapolate on problem areas with your own anatomical knowledge, the same goes for any 3D posing software

if you dont know what youre doing and cant make use of this youre better off not using any doll softwares at all. search for /beg/ and start there. good luck

>> No.5026960

>lighting fundamentally useless for experimenting with lighting setups because THERE IS ONLY ONE SOURCE OF LIGHT AND ONLY ONE TYPE OF LIGHTING
>hurrrr anatomical knowledge
I already knew you were a begtard, no need to cement it

>> No.5026974

you shouldn’t need a program to make lighting for you if you understand what you’re doing, at all. If you weren’t a sub-beg you wouldn’t even be looking for this because you’d be able to just do it. pyw desperado

>> No.5026981

beg cope
just take the L like you did with art

>> No.5026991

make a fucking thread and fuck eachother already

>> No.5026992

TattooSmart Watercolor Kit:

True Grit Texture Supply Infinite Pulp Procreate:

True Grit Texture Supply Infinite Pulp Photoshop:

If anyone has illustratov's brushes, ideally the sketch/dot-tone brushes (https://gumroad.com/illustratov)) I'd appreciate it!

>> No.5026995


>> No.5027049

Errrr scratch that, managed to SE them https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-binQDtFGcG76lHAJP69RGk76D4g6DQy?usp=sharing

If anyone has JSPCreate's blender set that'd be neat though

>> No.5029020

bump this question

>> No.5029396

>323 posts

>> No.5029879

Yeah, thread's gonna fall off the board soon. I'm sure a new one will be made not long after, though.

Do you mean custom brushes? Or custom canvases? What do you even mean by "presets"???