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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4988819 No.4988819 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you trace? Please say the truth, I want to know how common it really is and tracing is the only way I can have fun but I started feeling guilty after I saw someone being shunned for tracing

>> No.4988860

I traced only background once + a couple of portraits when I needed to finish them the same day.

>> No.4988865

I trace exclusively, tracing is good and will make you a good and versatile artist

>> No.4988870

Tracing is fine so long as you don't try to pass off traces as your own art. Tracing can be a great tool for learning as well

>> No.4988872

i never

>> No.4988884

Tracing is wrong if you claim the finished work as your own and profit off it. And even if you don't, tracing still impedes your progress. Anyone encouraging you to trace are crabs, for example >>4988865. If you have 2 brain cells you can distinguish right from wrong, stop fooling yourself.

>> No.4988894

Tracing is fine as long as no one catches you

>> No.4988901

It's 'tell the truth', dumb ESL.

>> No.4988915

then tell me

>> No.4988956

I thought it was pretty obvious that my post was sarcasm just from the word 'versatile', but it's clear op doesn't have as many braincells as you'd suggest

>> No.4988983

I'll tell you to fuck off

>> No.4989028

I traced once. It looked hideous. I learned the meaning of actually understanding the underlying form from that.

>> No.4989070

Tracing is useful for breaking down a complex pose or scene into basic forms so you can understand them.
Anything beyond that is worthless.

>> No.4989077

I pay chinese children to trace for me.

>> No.4989176

Tracing is a tool.
Photobash is a tool.
Artists use it on daily basis.
Sucks to be losers who limits themselves. I do whatever i want to create. Hell i can even create art with the remains of your broken bones.

If you limit yourself in art, you deserve to die in regret. Because you let some arbitary meme/pride get in the way of creating.

>> No.4989178

>tracing what someone else created

you're limiting yourself more by tracing than you claim people limit themselves by not tracing

you are terminally retarded

>> No.4989185

I used to be an inbetweener.
It's literally my job to trace anime frames lol


>> No.4989200

I trace to steal what i want from other artist. Why invent the wheel when they are all ready made for you. I will make a video to educate you little uneducated plebs in the coming days.

>> No.4989201

please happyboy we love u

>> No.4989236

it's the limits that make art beautiful, I hope one day you'll understand that.

>> No.4989248
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Ah yes, the limits

>> No.4989256

gonna let you in on a little secret.

if you ever want to work in animation, you will be tracing constantly

>> No.4989290


>> No.4989301

i mentally project the drawing in my head onto the paper and trace it

>> No.4989302

>find a good art from some japanese artist
>mirror and rotate it
>trace over
>change the character in it

I've done this shit so many times and no one has caught me yet.

>> No.4989310


>> No.4989690

I only trace whenever I practice anatomy I find it easier whenever I see the outline of the pose :)

>> No.4989697

Never, because I don't gain anything from it, like money, and if you did, you risk legal issues making money off other people's content.
You impede your monetization and knowledge, why do it? At best use things just as references.

>> No.4989708

All digital artists trace over their own sketch or other complete works just paint over them.

I know this since I go to every single artist discord since Discord became a thing.

The only artists that draw entirely from imagination are retarded brown teenagers from twitter.

>> No.4989712

I mostly use anime fanart as reference so if I trace it I would be making the same basic mistakes as the other artist

>> No.4989737

Tracing is just a tool, like using a ruler. Anyone trying to tell you not to trace is a retarded crab.

>> No.4989964

No, because I want to have fun drawing, and tracing is not fun, if it is not fun, why bother?

>> No.4989984

>they trace over their own sketch
>this does not constitute drawing from imagination

this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.4990409
File: 25 KB, 400x400, BD897B87-807B-4AB7-AB38-1AD9D8FC2D74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trace to learn but I don’t post it because for myself I feel morally obligated to not do so. As a kid I used to trace wolf drawings I liked and this helped me draw decently realistic at the age of 11. I was still shit but I had a better grasp on drawing.

>> No.4990443

I rarely do and when I do it's for something that doesn't matter, like tracing letters off of a computer screen instead of printing them out or drawing them

>> No.4990539

The times I traced:
- Analyzing a picture
- Tight deadline but even then, I tried to alter it as much as possible
- Stuff that would never see the light of day

>> No.4990540

Why do I want a shitty copy of something when I can go straight to the source?

>> No.4990884



>> No.4990930

You'll never learn how to make anything original and you'll never learn how to do any kind of gestural work by tracing. Don't be a retard. It's not hard to construct.

>> No.4990933


>> No.4990934
File: 137 KB, 964x1200, 7546745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4990936


>> No.4990939

That you cannot accept such basic concepts shows how much of a NGMI you are.
Have fun dying one day realizing you let fear control you and only ever traced other people's shit as your "art". Wake up.

>> No.4990941

>doesn't know about taking your own references

>> No.4990942
File: 135 KB, 668x307, dat gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are drawings of a person who advocates tracing

get rekt

>> No.4990943

Stop greentexting like a 3rd worlder.
That's not the same and you know it.

>> No.4990946

Every decent art school teaches you tracing, keep on shouting nonsense and it might get you some followers on twitter, not here

>> No.4990949

You're just in denial.

>> No.4990954


>hurr durr b-but this method is different


>> No.4990957


>> No.4991118
File: 708 KB, 1332x2048, 1548375155143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that explains why we get such quality art like this.

>> No.4991137


but then you were too stupid to understand what that video was about

>> No.4991277

I think you should've specified why people think tracing is bad. All your old masters examples are ones where they made their own references and didn't copy other artists, while the cutesexyrobutts drama is where someone traced the other person's art, pretty big difference man.

>> No.4991330

It is the same. Artist copies from life. I can show you many examples of old masters copying from other old masters. But that is for another video. Trust me, tracing good.

>> No.4991455

I sketch the basic shapes of a head from photography all the time, then stylize the proportions. Tracing from other artists is wrong

>> No.4991458

Shit like complicated angles for the head or weird hand poses are so much easier when sketching over a photograph

>> No.4991480

There is some merit to this one.

>> No.4991583

the only time i trace is when im trying to get a feeling of how to replicate something im having difficulty grasping while making a study, like correct distances of key locations on the body,complicated details, correct proportions etc.

basically, i only ever do it if i need to understand better how something is done, or to get a feeling for what is the "correct" way to draw what i am trying to draw. only do it if you actually use it as a learning tool (or if you are ultra pressed for time, like doing concept art batches)

>> No.4992241

t. Sonic oc donut steal fag