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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 723 KB, 800x1200, cooming-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4986107 No.4986107 [Reply] [Original]

>first coom fanart
>stolen from cutesexyrobot


>> No.4986108

gmi !!

>> No.4986111


>> No.4986113
File: 813 KB, 1130x1500, cutefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forget pic

>> No.4986150


>> No.4986152

can you not make your own thread every time?

>> No.4986154

/coom/ thread? we gather all the coom in 1 thread?

>> No.4986156

yes there's a sexual art thread you braindead newfag

>> No.4986159

They should really rename it to cooming study general to avoid any future confusion

>> No.4986160

It is sexual alt, it is some really weird ass demon/furries/nigger kind of erotic coom art

>> No.4986163

Make an account and lets see how far you get. Also pretend to be a girl

>> No.4986165

Weird butt shape, it exists in the ref because the thong is pushing up skin. Learn2Feet. If you draw a line directly down to the leg you can see her right leg is longer than the ref. You somehow took the cloth in the ref and made it an armpit, are you tracing parts? Your rendering style is overall unappealing, it's too smoothly gradient like plastic. Head is too high up and feels like it doesn't belong to the body.

>> No.4986166

More like degenerate general. There hasn't been a single sexy pic there since it was created.

>> No.4986167

>If you're looking for a place to post all sexual works, from pinups with exaggerated proportions to pornography, then this is the right general for you

>> No.4986168

>pretend to be a girl
This is essential, also pretend to question your sexuality whether or not you like other girls and be ambiguous about it normies love that newage woke LGBTQP shit.

>> No.4986169

I already have an account, if i can make money off this, i can fund an art studio to teach children traditional art. Then make more art studio and branch out into art galleries. Dream XD

>> No.4986170

this would fit right in there then

>> No.4986172


>> No.4986176

Call yourself queer. Make sexy lesbian art so you get regular coomers + lgbtqxyz

>> No.4986178

OH shit this could be a good way.

>> No.4986180

If you wanna get money, regular classic coke men are mainly the ones that actually pay up so you need them, but wokefags can serve to signal boost, they're too poor to pay for anything tho

>> No.4986181

>OP being a cuck again, I see.

>> No.4986184

Ah yeah, those lgbtq blm niggers have no jobs. they can't pay for shit.

>> No.4986194

How to get coke men?

>> No.4986245

polished turd

>> No.4986249


>> No.4986250

I plain something along those lines
Though not from drawing porn but from doing murals or tattoos

>> No.4986252

hehe where you from? wanna collaborate?

>> No.4986576

you also abused the soft brush + bad anatomy. youre officially a sakimiclone now.

>> No.4986596


>> No.4986625

>youre officially a sakimiclone now.
Not OP here but fuck, I wish I could achieve at least that.

>> No.4986634

And people think tracing doesn't take skill, trace is a skill, everyone shunning tracers should kys

>> No.4986858

kek nah

>it is literally the first thing you learn in a fine arts academy

>> No.4986865

>op pic
anon i don't think laser surgery would help at this point, you just need to gouge your eyes out and get new ones

>> No.4986876

concrete proof that tracing without understanding fundies is full ngmi

>> No.4986877

Compared to this >>4986113 yours >>4986107 looks like shit.

>> No.4986891


>> No.4986934


>> No.4987808
File: 526 KB, 635x1000, illyatwofeces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i skill yet, anon-kun?

>> No.4988120

honestly, I think cutesexyrobot's anatomy is shit to begin with, I just thought people like shit anatomy so I trace it LOL

>> No.4988133

> Shit anatomy
Said the one who can't draw :). Broken fingers and cheap nylon hair brush.

>> No.4988370

Trust me i am fine arts trainned i can draw anatomy. I think coom artist have stylized their bodies for coom. For example look at cutesexyrobots titties, it looks like he dislocated the first 3 ribs of tjr ribcage and place titties on top of it lmao.>>4986113

>> No.4988375

nope, it's clear you mindlessly copied this and you have no idea what you are doing when it comes to rendering.

>> No.4988381

I am a professional coomer and trust me your traced pic looks inferior compare to the og.

>> No.4988416
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 8F8845FA-E326-410B-86B6-8CA1E4898845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a coomer and I cant even draw

>> No.4988421

embrace your inner coomer, and use it to learn drawing.

>> No.4988482
File: 2.74 MB, 1280x1599, 1564545993055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

applying a filter is now rendering?

>> No.4988484

Trust me, cutesexyrobot anatomy is so broken, it is a lesser version of sakimichan. But the point isnt that the anatomy is broken. The point is COOM brain registry it as coom enough for coom bucks. That is the goal my dude.