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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 346 KB, 900x1236, 1572922423245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4980678 No.4980678 [Reply] [Original]

Just trace and color pick bro!

>> No.4980684

Is it really tracing if you change the fucking rest and it basically looks different? Color pick doesn't even work either, you don't fucking own colors. Copying color schemes and mood is a total okay.

>> No.4981430


>> No.4981443

If I were him I would say that it was all stolen from an IP thief and if he wanted to take action he could go ahead, losing a few followers is nothing when most of those are kids who think the world is a fair place and anyone being unfair should be boycotted, they can suck someone's else dick, less moral followers and more immoral ones for me and everyone knows which is better for degenerate art

>> No.4981445
File: 40 KB, 261x474, E0D91BD2-D1EA-4E85-B365-CB09DF41D64F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice tie pal

>> No.4981469

twitter users are mentally deranged

>> No.4982256

Shexyo """traces""" unironically look better than CSR's
in fact, keep doing what you're doing, CSR can pretty much fuck off back to here. All of his clones, even the scatnigger one, are doing better than him.

>> No.4983211
File: 47 KB, 320x80, 1586854335859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shamelessly lying like this
but how

>> No.4983220
File: 610 KB, 906x1300, IMG_20201107_090914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4983222
File: 851 KB, 348x1145, 1585485454773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even the light is the same, cast shadow is at the exact same place
kek this guy is trolling
so this is what it looks like without trace or hard referencing...

>> No.4983819

>Is it tracing if you traced 40% of a figure?

>> No.4983822

Meant for >>4980684

>> No.4983834

what the hell is up with those pumpkins

>> No.4983844
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1056, ancient forest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4983846


>> No.4983848

That's CSR in 2018

>> No.4983858

wtf happened?

>> No.4983860

Shexyo reassures me that if I wanted to make it big I could just get together an assembly line of tracers to copy any 500k+ follower artist and churn out a picture a day like a chinese sweatshop. All the cumbrains don't give a shit is the best part.

>> No.4983862

You know it won't work and that's why you don't do it. It's not an if or wanted. It's because you know it doesn't work.

>> No.4983864
File: 59 KB, 1175x317, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based coomer

>> No.4983866

1) They were still learning and practicing.
2) They unironically like to draw fanart.
3) This was before their patreon so they were pushing.
4) Patron bucks probably entices being lazier.

>> No.4983871

Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking coping faggot.

>> No.4983875

Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking coping tracer.

>> No.4983877


>> No.4983935

The fact he can steal it this hard and still get money for it shows theres value in swiping.

>> No.4983943

seethe harder shexyo. at least trace from multiple sources to make it less obvious

>> No.4983946

Soooo Shexyo is innocent???

>> No.4983961
File: 22 KB, 600x291, pablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thats some good editing. I wouldnt mind paying this guy to do some bootleg CSR.

Who else is good at bootlegging other peoples styles?

>> No.4983968

If anyone here gets this good at tracing just keep doing it. Learn how to be anonymous to avoid the angry twitter mob

>> No.4983969

He's no doubt guilty of tracing unless you think tracing is only tracing if it's the same character same background ect. Shexyo went into full damage control about it and the fact that he's going around now blocking people, being passive aggressive, shows exactly the merits of his character.
But if you don't give a shit about tracing and just want to be a coomer then you do you. Tracing is a touchy matter to artists though.

>> No.4983988

It's worth noting that only a few of their stuff is CSR traced, If they're tracing any other artists that remains to be seen, but any amount generally wont fly.

>> No.4983990

>all the tracers coming out of the woodworks to defend this garbage
Lol, their excuses never change. Muh similar poses, muh lines don't match. You just know they're all afraid they're next to be exposed.

>> No.4984028

>2) They unironically like to draw fanart.
there's nothing wrong with this or doing OC too.

>> No.4984030

Shexyo is in room for redemption and CSR has no illcomtempt for him anyways

>> No.4984062
File: 114 KB, 500x500, paid tracer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Greg Land and Rob Liefeild can still get work so can Shexyo

>> No.4984079

this, coomers gonna coom, and because tracing makes finishing a piece fast he probably has 1 or more accounts for tracing other artists

>> No.4984638

the hell is going on with those hands

>> No.4985133
File: 3.92 MB, 3000x2000, le monstre_intermediate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i enjoy tracing for this kind of background, it gives off an eerie flat feeling which i enjoy

>> No.4985230

From the first time I saw his art back when he started his twitter, it was clear he was color picking and tracing or heavily referencing CSR, but if you said that here you were a crab.

Anything about art and tracing though brings out the craziest people. There are so many who want to overlook any of this as being discouraged behavior. It really does bring out all the tracers and shit artists or people who don't even draw to defend a tracer whenever it comes out.

>> No.4985238

>spend countless hours grinding
>become great at drawing, manage to draw shapes and references almost perfectly
>get accused of cheating
great hobby

>> No.4985250
File: 143 KB, 942x900, EmQcAfAVoAEB7GO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You obviously don't draw so let me explain this just once. There are billions of ways pixels can end up when drawing free hand - no matter how many times an artists redraws it there will be subtle difference each and every time.
Use your eyes and two braincells for a few seconds to show where the pixels line up PERFECTLY from CSR's art, not the ones Shexyo pulled up that misalligns them slightly. There is no other way to get those perfect matches unless you drew over a canvas.
On top of that just compare the obvious traces to this one here >>4983220 and you can see how the quality just takes a spike.

>> No.4985252

you mean, plagarism

>> No.4985428

>spend countless hours grinding
Lol /beg/tard, it's clear from his non-traced parts that his fundies are severely lacking. This is another tracer's cope, "I'm so good that I eyeballed this from reference almost 1:1". Hey, the lines don't match up so nobody can really tell right?

>> No.4985434

Without tracing shexyo's anatomy is dogshit. You should have seen his first artwork.

>> No.4985457

Its a dude you cum guzzling faggot.

>> No.4985480

They has been used as a generic singular since shakespeare you illiterate shitstain

>> No.4985490

found the elementary school drop out.

>> No.4985492

You retards are the rightwing version of SJWs, stay triggered.

>> No.4985559

Cope cumguzzlers.

>> No.4985565


>> No.4985602

There will always be coomer artists who rise up to fill the void. You can't erase coomerism, it's built into humans' DNA.

>> No.4986026


>> No.4988762

Bump b/c fuck Shexyo.

>> No.4990052


>> No.4990164

we can always go back to the middle age

>> No.4990298

Shexyo deleted comments on HF asking if they were CSR lol. Anyone by chance have those?

>> No.4990887 [DELETED] 

Trace good

>> No.4990931
File: 384 KB, 587x590, missing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he reply to? Something along the line of this?


>> No.4990951

>rotating or flipping canvas doesn't save tracers

>> No.4990953

right, and then the guy he traced from and his fans mass report the tracer/scammer for illegal-abusive activity and he get's banned from social media.

>> No.4993407

bros, need dem rendering videos puh-lease!