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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4978152 No.4978152 [Reply] [Original]

I've been out of /ic/ for two months.
What happend to asukafag?

Is he dead? Did the crabs get to him?

>> No.4978166

probably hanged himself

>> No.4978170
File: 72 KB, 401x680, EV1m4gzU4AAnQ9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/crab/ always wins

>> No.4978184


>> No.4978186


>> No.4978189


>> No.4978193

If I had the infinity gauntlet I would snap you for making this shit ass thread op

>> No.4978215
File: 216 KB, 512x288, 86F94664-257E-4658-9303-A8F6AAB12541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snibbity snab what’s in the crab

>> No.4978231

Poland is going through some political and coronavirus turmoil. Maybe they cut off his Internet because he's against the Law and Justice Party. Stay safe out there Asukafag. Hope you're still drawing, we miss you.

>> No.4978255

He started and tumblr queen started dating, they are probably too busy fucking each other to post anymore

>> No.4978268

Just check his damn twitter you idiot.

>> No.4978270

Ironic that you call him newfag considering all of you avatar faggot discord zoomers appeared here only a year ago.

>> No.4978274

what twitter?

>> No.4978279

Lool, I'm pole. It's bad but not Belarus level of bad. There are only massive peacfull protests against the government.

>> No.4978282
File: 308 KB, 500x272, 1453268363-84f7e6154b887f271dd11f436a444f62.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h- how is this possible?? how did you know, anon??

>> No.4978326

>tfw no dedicated /ic/ posters asking for me
I really wonder if I should start attentionfagging recklessly in order to become a noticeable character

>> No.4978334

is there an upside to it?

>> No.4978351

Plenty. All of them get bombarded with critique and all of them eventually move on into an organic follower base and comissions. Think of any of the regular attention whores and you see this is the case. Meanwhile if you are a moderate poster posting on the right threads you would probably get critique once in a blue moon. 99% of your posts would go ignored.

>> No.4978382

He's polish, probably died of starvation or something

>> No.4978388

sorry i don't care about crappy artists from here.

>> No.4978389

Post your work. Ask for critique when you need it. Don't be a retarded fag. Don't be desperate for attention.

Trying to attentionwhore will only attract crabs and anons will actively avoid you.
Always lurk moar

>> No.4978417

I do all the time in multiple threads. All my posts go ignored.

>> No.4978441

good luck sorting through the """"critique""" to find anything useful

>> No.4978442

for real?

>> No.4978466

Filtering shitposts is second nature to anyone beyond 2016 election newfags

>> No.4978489

/ic/ really isn't the best place to look for followers. The expectations are high, the return is low. Extremely low.

It also isn't the best place to look for a community. Hmm, what was I doing here again? Ah right, whining.

Why are we here anon?

>> No.4978518

it's not the shitposts, it's the blind /beg/s that always offer advice on everything that other /beg/s can't sort through.

>> No.4978540


>> No.4978747

You lose the critique of actually competent anons when you start attention whoring/avatarfagging. You would only get a following of /beg/ attention starved zoomers.

> Meanwhile if you are a moderate poster posting on the right threads you would probably get critique once in a blue moon.
That's the nature of /ic/. That's the nature of any art community that isn't a hugbox.
You can increase the chances of getting a critique though. For example, try actually asking for specific advice when you post your work. Try explaining where you have difficulties or challenges, maybe explain your thought process while drawing the work.
It gives an "in" for other anons to drop their 2 cents in. If you just silently dump your work in every thread, of course you shouldn't expect any feedback.
Sometimes I scroll through a draw thread and see a pretty cool drawing, I remark to myself that it looks nice but silently move on, just because I don't have anything to say about it the would warrant a reply. I'm sure other anons do the same.

>> No.4978752
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 1533250727378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noticeable character
Why would you want to be recognized here of all places? If you are given a name it usually happens organically without you wanting it that's one of the unfortunate parts. The worst part about being recognized and given a name is that you will have a group of autists that will stalk you and even go as far as looking up your post history based on the filename of your posted image. If I could start over and be Anonymous again to receive unbiased feedback I'd do it in a heart beat.

>> No.4978754

I will never understand why you fags love this dude so much

>> No.4978758

I did that once. Then I got a lot of shit for attention fagging and told I’d never make it since I cared more about getting recognized than practicing my art.

>> No.4978765

There's nothing good about it. other anons will get jealous of the attention. and will start attacking more.

>> No.4978792

I don't post without text, I do ask for critique in the designated threads explicitly but get no responses whatsoever, I have gotten more (You)s in this thread alone by doing a risque remark than in an entire year of moderate posting.

>> No.4978798

>To recieve unbiased feedback
Try having NO feedback and see how that works out.

>> No.4978837

I find that hard to believe. Most regulars I see on the draw threads get semi consistent responses when they actually ask for critique on specific aspects of their drawings.