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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4968871 No.4968871 [Reply] [Original]

Most of the most masters used to draw these complex scenes out of imagination
Why no one does that anymore except for kim Jung gi

in modern times fucker only photobash and use 12 references just to some basic looking character

>> No.4968873
File: 63 KB, 655x468, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4968880

Because it’s a lot easier to get good enough for 1000 likes by drawing anime girls than get 1000 likes from the sort of people who like traditional renaissance style art. Basically
>Low bar for entry+high reward
>high bar for entry+low reward

>> No.4968884

>Why no one does that anymore except for kim Jung gi
remind me again which of KJG's shitty drawings he's turned into giant oil painted masterpieces?

>> No.4968908

>do scenario from imagination
>no one gives a shit because it's not kawaii uwu big tittie animu girl fanart of flavor of the month of established ip in hyperrealistic anime style #265614484854
basically this >>4968880
you wont see it because no one gives a shit
art is just consoom now
stop asking questions

>> No.4968911

because we've moved on from drawing boxmen and draw real people from imagination now.

>> No.4968912
File: 38 KB, 480x640, 575AEE40-7726-4D4D-BF75-6B1804DEBBB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consoom and coom

>> No.4968917

gtfo my board, you meme vomiting plebbit faggot

>> No.4968923
File: 189 KB, 900x805, 7B44AA30-76F8-48DA-9B9E-E8C199AA3165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my board
It was yours until the porn ads came back.

>> No.4968925
File: 1.18 MB, 498x280, 7FEB265E-4524-43E8-BA0F-A117374FA69C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4968931

>muh porn ads
>spamming the board with autism
>le ebin trolling haha mom get the camera
>being this fucking new
the absolute fucking state of lockdown normies holy shit
go catch a virus or whatever the fuck you retards do

>> No.4968963

You can dislike him and his style, but his technical skill is impressive

>> No.4968968

Memory still counts as reference. So every artist is still referencing something else.

>> No.4968979

Why don’t you do it

>> No.4969000

OP If you are passionate about it let that drive you. Become better than the coomer artists and rub it in their face you can make masterpieces without excessive use of human bodily fluids. Get all the followers on all the social media sites. Draw from imagination and fill their hearts with burning jealousy you didn't have to resort to drawing coom for degenerates to make it.

>> No.4969018

Is that just a sketch for a big painting?

>> No.4969027

So you're saying the crucifixion of Jesus and all the bible was them drawing from imagination? lol underage esls never cease to entertain.

No ones stopping you from doing this but don't be surprised when no one cares about you doing it.

>> No.4969040

didnt they have a shit ton of models to reenact these scenes

>> No.4969073

>out of imagination
Says who? These dudes had ateliers filled with models.

>> No.4969077

I wonder how many of the people putting Jesus on a cross got paid
there were a lot of crucifixions at the time so there was probably a job figure for that

>> No.4969917

cuz everyone is a rendering fag now

>> No.4969922

this image in particular is fucking hilarious

>> No.4969954


>> No.4971195

Do you guys think they had coomer artists back then during the renaissance? Like artists who just sold porn to make ends meet. Do you think they had similar discussions of coom ruining the art market as well?

>> No.4971200

Sex and sex appeal is the oldest trick in the book for money. You are ignorant for not knowing this before
What are you, 19?

>> No.4971575

That's a study of Michelangelo you nigger.