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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 94 KB, 898x653, Adolf_Hitler_-_Wien_Oper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4955536 No.4955536 [Reply] [Original]

Say what you want about Hitler, but his perspective construction was on point. Quite impressive, seeing this was in a time without Scott Robertson.

>> No.4955545

why tf art school denied him? is this considered /beg/ tier at that time?

>> No.4955549

it's boring, uninspired and soulless.

>> No.4955550
File: 45 KB, 460x288, 38C2113C-31A7-4535-BA91-66F649741849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler is known for trying to enter an art academy with architectural paintings with beg perspective

>> No.4955553

I think the best time for an artist to have been born would have been about ~60 years ago when everything was still fresh and unexplored.

>> No.4955581

I wonder how is human sketched looked? He made a lot of friends in the military by sketching portraits for army buddies.

>> No.4955619

My guess is intermediate tier, seeing as he even bothered to give those small people the appropriate folds and lighting

>> No.4955623

His figures look amateurish af, they look like little toy figurines he should an hero

>> No.4955629

Photography and video was booming for the first time, people didn't care about still landscapes/buildings. We're seeing a similar situation happen today where digital tools and AI have been able to alter photographs to paintings, so if you're hoping to make it as some landscape artist you better think again.

>> No.4955644

Was Hitler good enough for coomer art?

>> No.4955676
File: 361 KB, 2242x1320, 1474804637204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could he have done it? Yes, he taught himself perspective and architecture in a time when resources weren't readily available in a mega upload. He was very poor, had no tutors, and still learned a high level of fundies, meaning producing coomer art was just a few years of practice away for him.

However, he was not a degenerate coomer and prided himself on being above these base pursuits. In a time when degeneracy was at its peak in Weimar Germany, he saved his money for operas instead of brothels and alcohol. So in a sense, he would've never been good at coomer art simply because he'd lack the interest to pursue it.

>> No.4955723
File: 39 KB, 599x600, CB78B0DA-190D-4AC3-8F22-9DB9F7EA838C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4955730

He couldn't draw people from a distance, he really should have just been an architect but kept trying to get into only one Art School.

>> No.4956351

what is goin on with those windows

>> No.4956372

Kek that picture. If hitler was born now he’d literally be one of the millions of spergs sitting on 4chan. Imagine hitler posting on /r9k/

>> No.4956374

Art standards were fucking high at that time. Rodin failed to get into his dream school 3 times in a row and gave up after that.

>> No.4956377

Amazing how this young artist went on to become one of the most charismatic leaders in the world. Truly a person to look up to in many ways.

>> No.4956382

that drawing is mediocre at best.
>tfw this kind of shit-tast weeb-faggot from /pol/ has

>> No.4956410

jewish physics

>> No.4956453

Ok begtard

>> No.4956459

hitler was the ultimate permabeg crab
>can’t into art
>never gets the praise he desires
>gets butthurt
>steals or destroys better art throughout europe
>kills himself

>> No.4956460


>> No.4956461


Lmao that staircase

>> No.4956464


Entartete Kunst was shit though, nothing of value was lost

>> No.4956466

Jewish run.

>> No.4956561

well if its a real building and everything actually exists, then scale does not allow people to be bigger than figures,

>> No.4956574

>no he just had german jeans its literally anyone elses fault but my own that im unsuccessful

>> No.4956584


>> No.4956603

Boring and uncreative. But that's to be expected, since right wingers score low in creativity. Just go to a beg thread and you'll often find that the people who aren't able to progress or create anything "creative" are the poltards.
Search for right wing art and you'll only find kitsch tier shit, while left wing art... well it's the rest of the art since right wingers are the minority.

>> No.4956609

>everyone who isn't right is left

>> No.4956610

Seethe harder nigger lover tranny

>> No.4956619

>Seethe harder nigger lover tranny
Nice buzzwords, that's still not an argument, and you are still beg.
The majority of the industry is definitely left leaning, by left I don't mean leftist = socialist/commies, I mean liberal.

>> No.4956635
File: 47 KB, 500x429, 7959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear /ic/ is in a time loop, it's the same shitposting threads on repeat every couple of months

>> No.4959172

If you can't see the flaws in this, you're /beg/.

>> No.4959178

he sounds like a faggot nigger who shot himself in a bunker with one testicle kek what a balless bitch

>> No.4959181

He was only good at copying shit.

>> No.4960106

Months? Try days.

>> No.4960111
File: 45 KB, 600x1195, nude3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was a /beg/shit who drew his naked niece

>> No.4960112
File: 28 KB, 600x337, adolf-hitlers-nude-nsfw-artwork-of-his-niece-goes-on-auction (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4960113

One of them is open and he wasn't considering he fact he'd be critiqued by some smart ass kid over 100 years later

>> No.4960158

Yeah. We have some resident autists that post the same threads over and over. Just ignore them?

>> No.4960170

The right can't art.

>> No.4960228

I do hope you're joking. The only "art" associated with the left is ugly Tumblr garbage and so-called "Cal-Arts" shit. Most of the greatest artists in history would be considered "far right" today (to whatever degree they were political), simply by virtue of having lived at a time when half the population wasn't drinking crazy juice.

>> No.4960269

>t. beg
I'm not joking, everything related to the arts has always been related with more progressive ideas of their era (well ever since artist stopped being slaves to states and monarchies), as I said right wingers/ conservatives score lower in creativity. >The only "art" associated with the left is ugly Tumblr garbage and so-called "Cal-Arts" shit.
The overwhelming majority of all modern "masters" or the majority of the people working in the industry are liberals / left leaning.
Current right wing art is nothing more than cringe kitsch shit of Trump as Jesus.

>> No.4960284

Hitler’s perspective was always bad

>> No.4960308

Left. Hitler leaned far left. Look into his policies. The left cant art.

>> No.4960313

>Steven Universe, Adventure Time, any calarts garbage is peak creativity
Damn, I’m pretty centrist myself but you better get out of that echo chamber, my dude.
To be certain, big tech is left leaning and all forms of social media right now is owned and controlled by big tech. Any conservative and even moderately right-leaning content is suppressed hence you won’t see a lot of conservative content while left-leaning claptrap is pushed to the front row

>> No.4960349
File: 17 KB, 353x373, alice dolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4960353

There's something comforting about knowing that you could challenge Hitler to a gesture battle and body tf out of him.

>> No.4960356

>Steven Universe, Adventure Time, any calarts garbage is peak creativity
> In reality: Mike Mignola, Banksy , all the art professors in any university, Scott Eaton, any succesful and skillful artist in the industry.

>> No.4960361

Not even the guy you’re replying to, but I was pretty left myself. Left vs right mean jack shit in today’s political landscape. Today’s left have gone so far left I would now be considered far-right JUST BECAUSE I’m concerned with the the freedom of speech, racial equality and responsibility, and the right to privacy.

>> No.4960385
File: 237 KB, 823x1063, gz04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think Hitler had no real sense for aesthetic? All these Nazi symbols like the SS symbol and so on, were quite agressive and fit for war and tyranny. But you found these symbols on normal dishes and stuff and I'm like...thats not great /gd/

>> No.4960394
File: 101 KB, 491x585, 1560680993091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Say what you want about Hitler, but his perspective construction was on point. Quite impressive, seeing this was in a time without Scott Robertson.

>> No.4960404
File: 215 KB, 800x585, 1577834291301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cool swastika patio chair

>> No.4962666

He applied with egon schiele.

>> No.4964369

The left vs right shit really falls apart when you look at Hitler. So far I've seen no good arguments for why he's left or right wing other than he said his version of socialism is not communism, and the person I heard that from also said you can't listen to what Hitler says. Not did they contradicted themselves almost immediately, but it entirely assumes that left wing = communism, which is moronic.

The political landscape is a shit flinging circus so this is expected.

>> No.4964439
File: 547 KB, 525x500, f07dff8292f188450d3197bf5d93c1c5hitlerart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4965893

underrated image

>> No.4965897

Isn't the point of art school to get better?
His shit has problems but I've seen much worse artists when I was back in high school get into art schools; different times of course, but still

>> No.4965910


>> No.4965949


>> No.4965960

Ahh another fundie masturbator, his work is not perfect yet, that's why he's trying to get into an art school dumbass. Hitler without formal training paints better than most of you here with dual monitors and a cintiq, talentless cunts.

>> No.4965976

The amount of delusion and dunnning kruger in this board is too damn high. Let's say the pros don't post their work, still they make up the minority of this board. Most people shitposting here have their works posted in /draw/ or /beg/ or those degenerate general threads. Jesus, none of you all are even that good to be shitting on someone else's work.

>> No.4966011

He didnt draw anime like the rest of the kids.

>> No.4966014 [DELETED] 

Hitler's art was trash, he could draw humans, and his perspective was poor, seethe poltard.

>> No.4966017 [DELETED] 


>> No.4966020

if only there were some place he could go to learn those things.

>> No.4966021

I'm not a poltard man, and I'm not the one seething here. You just hate the artwork due to the fact that it was made by hitler. But objectively it is good enough and far better than what most of you here can accomplish. He didn't have formal training ffs.

>> No.4966027

lmao cope

>> No.4966029 [DELETED] 

>Can't draw humans
>Perspective is shit
Sorry to tell you but most people who "make it" or the people who have skill in here haven't had "formal training".
It's shit, he wasn't a good "technical" artist and he wasn't creative at all.

>> No.4966904
File: 604 KB, 1086x1708, 1578914131188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk perhaps some of his paintings like this one >>4955550 have become well known simply because they have obvious mistakes and confirms that hitler: bad, other of his paintings could be considered good like pic related (1910). with formal education he might have become a good artist

>> No.4967084
File: 341 KB, 506x619, 57230DDE-4B48-48C0-99B7-00F39E853612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considered good
good in what sense? certainly not architectural perspective
>hitler bad
he just legitimately wasn’t any good as an artist
he was a depressed high school dropout who painted extremely sterile paintings and tried getting into a prestigious art academy with pic related
their response boiled down to “look nigga, just go study architecture, that’s what you actually like, you’re in the wrong place”
you can argue about muh jewish subversion of art until the cows come home, but hitler was never any good of a painter, he was basically a brian of his era

>> No.4967097

that would make sense except for the fact that the school had all manner of shitters attend

>> No.4967102

>some shitters got in, that means all shitters should get in
most shitters didn’t get in

>> No.4967127

right, only the ones with certain connections got in

>> No.4967144

>hitler was not a bad artist
>he was a bad artist
>b-b-but what about nepotism??
what about it, retard?

>> No.4967150

>everybody else is one person
>i don't get obvious jokes
>who am i quoting

>> No.4967162 [DELETED] 

there is no joke, you’re stating facts that are irrelevant from the argument

>> No.4967166

there is no joke, you’re stating facts that are irrelevant to the argument

>> No.4968782
File: 702 KB, 1952x2760, 1588869316058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no possible way that you even come close to his paintings. Pyw
Jews pushing post-modernism instead of his classical inspired stuff

>> No.4968832

inb4 somebody defends the pedo

>> No.4968892

>cherry picking
Post the entire class with their entrance exam or fuck off

>> No.4968916

>Egon Schiele
Ask me how I know you are a beg.
You are aware he's a master in anatomy, right?
Hitler couldn't even draw humans while Egon Schiele was so advanced in anatomy he could exagerate and stylize it as he wanted.
>inb4 "I was only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.4968919

heh >>4968832

>> No.4968936

Defend? I'm just stating facts, he's infinitely superior to Hitler, I mean you don't even have to take my word, take the word of a master as Scott Eaton praising Schiele for his work.
Hitler wasn't even able to draw humans, and what he "focused" on, which would be more perspective related work, was mediocre at best.
Mediocre < Master

>> No.4968953

>he could exagerate and styilze it as he wanted
isn't facts. he was just apeing kilmt, but with a fraction of the skill and range.

>> No.4969143

>he really should have just been an architect

He couldnt , architect schools requried you to finish high school ,wich he droped out off after his mothers death and traveled to Viena to study arts
He made this observation in the second chapter of his book

>> No.4969186

>wich he droped out off after his mothers death and traveled to Viena to study arts
He dropped out of high school, took his inheritance and fucked off to Vienna while his mother was still alive (albeit dying of breast cancer), you make it sound like his mother dying was some sort of catalyst to him dropping out of high school

>> No.4970097
File: 38 KB, 338x450, Seated Female Nude Egon Schiele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how badly Egon triggers /pol/tards

>> No.4970102


Imagine what history might of been if hitler was accepted into the art school.

>> No.4970105
File: 203 KB, 859x953, 2F7ncwA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>egon bad
develop some taste and an eye for fundies asap

>> No.4970108


>Here is an écorché study of a drawing from the spectacular and controversial Viennese artist Egon Schiele. Schiele, long one of my favorites, is known for his hugely expressive figurative work – dynamic, contorted, deformed figures. Despite the effortless fluidity of his lines, the anatomy teacher in me can’t help but appreciate the underlying structure and coherence of his figure. My écorché study imposes plausible anatomical construction atop his piece and reveals that, despite his apparent looseness of his style, there is a deep understanding of anatomy at work. I can see this in all his drawings and paintings; every distorted, stylized figure actually fits together like an well-designed anatomical puzzle. -Scott Eaton

>> No.4970143

Hitler’s perspective was literally his weakest fundie next to composition.