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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 249 KB, 1280x720, Calarts Era.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4955519 No.4955519 [Reply] [Original]

> Why everyone is using it?
> Why other styles are not used anymore?
> Do you like it?

>> No.4955528

gets you in touch with art directors

>> No.4955538

>modern artist are mostly millennial or younger
>confirmed laziest generations
>they go for the easy shit

>> No.4955544

why doesn't this graphic go further back to the best era. ig, tom and jerry

>> No.4955558

rebel was kino

>> No.4955580

The styles are usually dictated by the most successful tv animation studios of each era, and the fact that anyone in the animation industry is basically work for hire. So you get people going between all the studios, climbing up the ladder so that their individual style gets used.

For the current era a lot of the people with their own shows now are direct descendants of Adventure Time, or they're trying to step away from the previous eras because if you're able to lay out the styles like this in a grid, studios also realize shit is outdated.

Also because of social media and such, most audiences are inundated with the current style and find it more acceptable than older shit. Most likely we're going to see another shift soon, and probably more along the lines of whatever shit amazon and netflix are backing.

>> No.4955710
File: 3.65 MB, 1233x4254, 3B5CE64F-C984-46FF-982C-79A30A2C66D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon had a very passionate response to this same question a long time ago.

>> No.4955731

imagine reading this schizo screed from a random nigger on an imageboard and going "yeah, this sounds right"

>> No.4955740

yeah, this sounds right

>> No.4955749

Yeah, this sounds right

>> No.4955816

so did he end up going more into it

>> No.4955843

Yeah, this sounds right

>> No.4955850

I don’t know. Wasn’t there when this anon went nuclear on the smooth brains, even though I wish I was.

>> No.4955885

Damn. Absolutely on point.

>> No.4955902

yeah, this sounds right

>> No.4955910


>> No.4955914

How can one anon be so unequivocally based?

>> No.4955915

I don't trust people who can't spell kemosabe

>> No.4955921
File: 580 KB, 1923x1567, lf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Cal Arts" gets thrown around a lot. It refers to CalArts | "California Institute of the Arts". It usually meant Disney shit for the longest era.

>> No.4955927
File: 88 KB, 1400x450, simpsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all started with the Simpsons.

Everyone uses it because of its ease of animation. The palettes and edges are soft making everything easy to look at. It makes everything readily understandable from one glance.

Cartoons and animation in general has mostly always been low budget. Especially in the early days if you go through many 80s cartoons and older anime the amount of reused shots and poses are astounding. If anything, I'd say the stuff from the 90s to 2010s are far more expressive that anything from earlier in the west, barring older Disney shorts. The entire anime industry is an example of the maximum amount of corners you can cut in the production of a show. It's not usually animated at a constant fps, as animations animated it on 4s 3s 2s and possibly even 1s depending on the the shot. If characters are just standing around not doing anything it'll probably be animated on 3sor 4s if its an intense fight or montage it'll be animated on 2s or 1s. Meanwhile in the west, everything is on a constant frame rate, so simplifying down character designs are a must.

I'm o.k with it. It's really just a trend of western 2d animation that come and go just like the rest of them. It's not like calarts has completely overtaken stuff in the west. Most calarts style stuff really just appears in stuff many for children anyways. Considering all the different styles present on adult swim and netflix, I doubt western 2d stuff can ever be completely bleached by one trend.

>> No.4955956

Everything you don't like and new is calarts

>> No.4955966

Thank you.
But who are you my hero?
You seem to be very reasonable.

>> No.4955979

its what they train the koreans to do

>> No.4956000

yeah this sounds right

>> No.4956002

It's cheaper and kids seem to like it.

>> No.4956061

The Ren and Stimpy guy was the first to complain about "Cal Arts" as the big evil mainstream animation he's rebelling against. He was referring to Disney animation though. Somewhere along the lines the word got used for mainstream new animation.

>> No.4956064

The only one I like is gumball and thats mostly due to the writing and mixed media feel. I still really hate that style.

I think I mostly have grown to hate the calarts style because the writing also has the calarts sjw mindset to it. I didnt like 2000s style either but I didnt hate it either. I probably would have felt the same about calarts style if the style wasnt tied to such bullshit.

>> No.4956469

Because it's cheap and more profitable, duh
Just like how every industries work

>> No.4956528

yeah, this sounds right

>> No.4956533

geometric era the best, fight me

>> No.4956537

CHEAP easily produced.

>> No.4956786

well, he sure is mad

>> No.4956795
File: 172 KB, 1822x1479, B22F6934-635E-4729-9F4D-54DDD933E48C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most likely we're going to see another shift soon, and probably more along the lines of whatever shit amazon and netflix are backing.

God is dead

>> No.4956797

Literally a mutt.

>> No.4956799

Cringe and based but also cringe

>> No.4957758
File: 496 KB, 1280x2038, RCO016_1583528520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 2000's comic book/euro porn comic book art kind of like action figure era art?

>> No.4957764

> Why everyone is using it?
it's cheap
> Why other styles are not used anymore?
art styles evolve over the years, this is no exceptions
> Do you like it?
fuck no, i'm waiting for it to change
one guy will make something cool and everyone will try and copy him, as always

>> No.4957786

i wish he went on desu

>> No.4957821

Saved, right or wrong this is gold.

>> No.4958206

> Why everyone is using it?
"everyone" is using it because the people using it are usually either the same people or friends with the other people who use it
the american animation industry is extraordinarily corrupt with idiots hiring their tumblr/twitter friends

> Why other styles are not used anymore?
see above. any time one of these idiots' shows dies, they're not long without a job, and the cycle continues

> Do you like it?

>> No.4959230

I think the fact that the art style is so ugly works in the show's favor. Imagine the same show, but all the characters are cute appealing lolis and shotas. People would be standing at the studios door with pitchforks demanding the pedophiles to be executed.

>> No.4959245

>Explain Calarts art to a foreigner?
Not a question.

>> No.4959281
File: 383 KB, 600x338, 1603316474898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not like calarts has completely overtaken stuff in the west

>> No.4959338
File: 2.45 MB, 500x270, 1585423096199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read and dismissed this as a smug architecture student brainwashed on the wonders of bauhaus and minimalism and how they valiantly fled nazi(SATAN) germany to color the world in wonderful basic color rectangles and abstracted happy negros holding hands with the rest of the world

>now a proper architect forced to grow as a professional away from the kike-wasp liberal universalist goycattle grinder propaganda machine and the fart sniffing gatekeeper enablers that hope to turn our world into a gigantic nursing home for diaper wearing trannies and overweight niggers

i was so blind. it makes so much sense now.

>> No.4959662

We were all blind at one point. The lies run so very, very deep.

>> No.4959938
File: 390 KB, 1978x2616, 715628C6-061D-4F60-92BB-BFA2FBE4F2F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cherry-picking much?

>> No.4959989
File: 101 KB, 285x420, O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "cal" in calarts stands for California
How did it take me years to realize this

>> No.4960030

Cal in Russian means feces.

>> No.4960054

nah, this looks cringe

>> No.4960065

Dubs + trips confirm. Old cartoons from the 20s/40s have such good animations that everyone can't help but like

>> No.4960093

both craig mccracken and genndy tartakovsky went to calarts. lol. it’s a worthless delineation

>> No.4960110
File: 531 KB, 1600x1200, Petersdom_von_Engelsburg_gesehen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, this sounds right. Bauhaus is the infertile spawn of a dead world post- WWII. He was right.

>> No.4960121
File: 117 KB, 825x400, View_of_Rome_from_Castel_Sant_Angelo-tSa-825X400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4960124
File: 447 KB, 1200x800, 1583878050876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, this is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. and they say that the different tribes of the Earth don't have different, unique spirits.

>> No.4960131

Uhm, why is this guy randomly posting building?

>> No.4960143

You tell me, Moshe.

>> No.4960148
File: 6 KB, 250x202, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NPC cannot see beauty. Prepare for an ugly world. He was right.

>> No.4960168

Definitely by the tribe with the ugliest soul.

>> No.4960335
File: 189 KB, 1200x1800, 1575756585394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4960759
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, 7D9E8071-34C9-470A-8256-09B20069A79C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I’m gonna say is that by 2025, there will be one animated tv show that starts a change in art style preference in western animated tv shows. Notice how 2014 and 2015’s Steven Universe and Clarence was the real beginner of the “Cal-Arts” style while 2010’s Adventure Time was the prototype with a few of artists on that show drawing in a more dynamic art style if you search their blogs. There were even 2010s shows that were either canceled or concluded earlier that had more geometric/dynamic art styles
>Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
>Sym Bionic Titan
>Generator Rex
>Ben 10 Omniverse
>Tron Uprising
>Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated
Again, these shows either got canned or had a conclusion before the end of the 2010s, but some of them overlapped airing time of the California Institute of Arts alumni tv shows. There are even shows like DC comic’s SHG and TTG that are led by Dexter’s lab, PPG and Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends veterans
I’m saying all this because I feel like anybody can make a show with their own art style and also because we are going to have an art style motif change in U.S. tv animation within 5 years

>> No.4960774
File: 99 KB, 500x372, 1593321150943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4960779

>implying US will exist in 2025

>> No.4960808

It hasn't. Even the shit in the OP isn't "calarts". Gumball is a multimedia show and almost every character is in a different style, Gravity falls plays a lot with visual effects and backgrounds, and adventure time isn't all that simplistic.

>> No.4961435
File: 70 KB, 1024x768, 1582040894239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. AT is a different style (minimallistic to favor fluid animation), but all others follow the same basic construction (the sausage-smile style) that is used to mass produce 2D puppets. Even if it has some more effort put into it or style variations, the core of the show is made out of CalArts corner-cutting technology.

>> No.4961623


Why is Velma smiling?

>> No.4961968

> that is used to mass produce 2D puppets

absolute retard. AT is known for not using puppets at all, it may fall under the "calarts" style, yes, but most (and I say most because I'm sure a chapter or two used puppets for shots) of the show is actually animated. Not the art director's fault retards like you can't spot the difference


>> No.4961993

Oh look, another thread wondering why the neoliberal capitalist machine ruined another hobby on the Cambodian Salt mining forum.
Capital adapts to what is cheap and what is appealing. You don’t have to teach people how to draw cal arts and those people will work for cheap. Capital has already adopted the persona of cultural social justice without economic justice and subsequently it becomes the favorite of middle class pink haired tumblr posters. The tldr anon blames commie bauhaus as the through line, but capitalism has commodified any attempt at alternative creation or agitators. Che on shirts. Punk rock music as an identity. V masks made in China. Drawing circle people for an obese audience just seems like the next logical step. Bread and circus.

>> No.4962026

I specifically set AT apart, and then described how "all others" have the puppet design.

>> No.4962029
File: 2.29 MB, 1141x887, 1572678185957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, my comrade, let's bring back the communist stopmotion Golden Age!

>> No.4962612


2010s > 2000s > 90s > 80s

>Animation Quality
2000s > 90s > 2010 > 80s

90s > 2000s > 2010s > 80s

>> No.4962615

Take your meds

>> No.4962988

Jesus what a schizo, like the people replying "sounds about right". Why don't you complain about cavemen drawings. Because of its visual simplicity too.

This board is gay, and it's generic traditionals that shade themselves in "muh technique" which in reality is sterile bullshit.

>> No.4963214

>Why don't you complain about cavemen drawings.
cos they were cavemen

>> No.4963244
File: 452 KB, 710x347, Trenches-France-Chauvet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just allows for a true reflection of the will of the people, which is inherently shit. we have domesticated ourselves through agriculture into boring fucking blobs and no gay economic system is going to fix that.

>> No.4963919

It's cheap and everyone can replicate it, you can just buy 20 vietnamese kids to animate it for you

>> No.4964150

I have a hard time imagining any current calarts student doing these kind of animations

>> No.4964282


>> No.4964388
File: 886 KB, 643x697, 1390469550579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why everyone is using it?
Because it is a very rounded styles with everything boiled down to more simplistic shapes. With the the body turned into tubes and the head turned into a scrunched up bean. It's simple, and cost effective, and doesn't require real technique to do. Also most new art gradates can't draw to save their own lives, which amplifies the problem further and just see animation as a way to virtue signal.

>Why other styles are not used anymore?
Adventure time kicked off this art style craze and it is slowly dying down in popularity. But who knows what it will inspire to replace it. The 90's were a direct rebuke of 80's animation with going all the way out into left field with large animation budgets and concepts not designed to sell toys. I like a good number of late 80's and 90's cartoons, but stuff like Rim and Stimpy and Cow and Chicken was never my thing. I am happy that style stayed in the 90's.
The 2000's was a refinement of the 90's and slick, stylish art styles came out of it with anime slowly leaking in and making an impact on the western industry. Hopefully we just roll back to the 2000's with a lot of industry veterans styling on Calarts, but we have also been Netflix take a dump with crap like Bigmouth which is literally GoAnimate tier.
I would kill for old school animation to make a comeback, but most art students now can not replicate old school animation because they can't draw. Even in Disney, when they did the Mary Poppins Reboot where they go to the old school Disney animation segment, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjPmDywk4LE, they had to drag a lot of animators out of retirement for that segment.
I sure there will be more great Western animations to come out in the future, but its not coming out of the mainstream seeing as how there is a massive talent drain and fundamentals literally make people freakout on /ic/ half the time.

>> No.4964572
File: 124 KB, 1366x768, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but all others follow the same basic construction (the sausage-smile style) that is used to mass produce 2D puppets
Half of the fucking characters are in 3d, one character is a hand-puppet, another is claymation, and one of the regular "2d" characters is actually flat and they play perspective jokes with her all the time. Gumball at the very least goes out of its way to use the shit out of the multimedia format. Constant perspective shifts, tons of sets, 2d and 3d backgrounds, and all kinds of other shit. Compared to actual corner-cutting calarts shit like the new PPG show gumball is nuts and visually it keeps up with most of what came before it.

>> No.4964805

yeah, this sounds right

>> No.4967914
File: 1021 KB, 1200x1386, Primal_GrugDontKnowWhatSquareThingIs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending time developing a better brush instead of a sharper rock
>spending time drawing something instead of getting food or building shelter

>> No.4967920

Toniko Pantoja is pretty great, but I don't know a lot of CalArts graduates so I can't name many more.

>> No.4967938

anyone have the one for anime?

>> No.4968007

This. Looks. Incredible.

>> No.4968029

sounds about right

>> No.4969071
File: 233 KB, 1280x716, su2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am tired of being the only voice of reason on the Internet but the reason why the "CalArts" and other pseudo-Disney stuff is perceived so horribly by all sane people is not the art but the goddamn writing. I hate Steven Universe as much as everyone else but most of its aesthetics do look quite nice. Some of the concepts look fantastic, pic related. I'm sure that if the show were actually good, people wouldn't hate the art style as much.
Bean mouth, round & friendly at this point gives a knee-jerk hate reaction but I think a good chunk of why that is so is because the style inevitably recalls a certain flavor of obnoxious screenwriting that smells like it was typed on a Macbook Pro at Starbucks, and people underestimate the power of association while overestimating their ability to be objective.

>> No.4970326
File: 167 KB, 1200x1200, SU Height.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are getting distracted by the eye candy. Arguably the best part of SU is the backgrounds, but that does not sell a show, a slideshow of backgrounds is not a cartoon. SU has no animation consistency with its characters. Most of the animation for the characters are rough drafts sent to Korean animation shops and they do their best with what they get. the creators of SU literally have no consistency with their characters, on top of the bean face.

There is a lot of small technical stuff packed in and sweeping shots which require quite a bit of talent to accomplish. Again, it is a shame they had to pull people out of retirement to do scene, as most of their animators cannot replicate animation of that quality.

>> No.4970452

SU has shit storyboarding and consistency and it's garbage in every way, but the vast majority of the hate in this sort of thread is directed at the art style specifically.