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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 57 KB, 832x252, HEHE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4954551 No.4954551 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here made it yet?

>> No.4954552

>I'm a big boy and I google "Perspective" and "Construction", cause I know loomis is a meme
>loomis covers both perspective and construction
The absolute state of /begs/

>> No.4957264 [DELETED] 


>> No.4957275

Yes, Firez

>> No.4957279

That's not shitty coom shit? No one. Tehmeh or catbib but theyre meh.

>> No.4957280


>> No.4957293


>> No.4957298

yes, me. 6k a month

>> No.4957309

My definition of making it is being able to draw what you aspired to, in which case I have.

>> No.4957358

How is life with the loser POV?

>> No.4957367

This dudes name is passed around a lot here despite him not posting much at all from what I’ve seen
Are you an orbiter

>> No.4957370

Stay mad, loser.

>> No.4957439

Agreed. All these drones chasing the dream of social media fame and patreonbux when they can't even draw and have zero passion for it, wondering why they never improve. But if you say you figured out the drawing part and actually enjoy it, you're a "loser."
Like this fag

>> No.4957735

Your mom wants you out of her house already, manchild

>> No.4957777

Well, I still prefer Scott Robertson. At a second glance he's not that difficult to understand.

>> No.4957778


>> No.4957787

He used to post a ton in the /ALT/ and /draw/, but like anyone with any talent, gut run out by nolife shitposters. There's no reason to post here once you've made it.

>> No.4957789
File: 2.64 MB, 467x468, 440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to frame these digits on my wall

>> No.4957790

>t. newfag
He used to always post in here.

>> No.4958188
File: 1.40 MB, 1972x2517, 90B93B9C-D919-4391-956F-D106324DBDE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4958189

>used to

>> No.4958253

20k a month

>> No.4958255

*But not from art

>> No.4958325

Not the one you're replying to but where can I find fireZ now? Is it his social media handle? firez?

>> No.4958331

I would like to see his work.

>> No.4958383

Yes thats his social media handle. Pretty sure he has a deviantart page but idk what else

>> No.4958385

Yes, i made it.

>> No.4958397

>made about $1200 in freelance work this year
>made a coom patreon couple weeks ago making about $100 a month
>work in photoshop and make flyers and cards all day at marketing job

technically havent made it but not doing too bad atm

>> No.4958420

I work as a chemist but my friend is fucking gonna kill himself.

He fell for the coom patreon meme and now his only income is drawing furry smut. He thinks I don't know but he left it open on his fucking computer when he got drunk last year and fell asleep. I even saw the shit he draws on 4chins

>> No.4958432

bro i work 50hrs a week at my marketing job plus this other part time shit tier job, i would love to draw like 2-3 commissions a week and make coom bucks only problem I have is like idk how to collect the cash Im racking in without linking it to my personal bank account

>> No.4958479

Your country doesn't have banking laws that allow anonymity? Fairly sure you can receive money semi-anonymously where I am in Australia.

>> No.4958490

What is money laundring.

>> No.4959210

He covers it poorly, and you only go to "muh loomis" because you perceive it as "old good" and "new bad"

In short, you are never going to make it.

>> No.4959251


>> No.4961639

patreon TOS is pretty anti NSFW you have to be careful especially with what im creating. Dont want to link my personal bank account to the patreon so Id like a business checking account and some sort of LLC as a bit of a barrier

>> No.4961655

Brian and he won’t shut up about it

>> No.4961663

Firez posts almost daily
Just not here anymore

>> No.4961669
File: 15 KB, 438x430, 1576602797954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you and Firez started at around the same time
>We're still here with other raging homo fags while he got out of the crab bucket and made it
>tfw you're here because you learned to actually enjoy the rampant faggotry

>> No.4961985
File: 166 KB, 1280x1080, Eib3K0hXYAEvVvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanripper made it.
When people ask him how to git gud he links ic

>> No.4962108

This is flying right over my head.
Where did you learn about this stuff?
I'd like to at least have a little knowledge for the future.

>> No.4962141

Oh god, this post. I’ve hung around this shithole for 7yrs, I fucking love it here. Firez was just as annoying as whitebox back in the day as wip king of the alt faggots.

>> No.4962145
File: 277 KB, 732x396, Untitled354_20201023182656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4962241

Calli and Ina did.

>> No.4962245

what counts as making it?

>> No.4962250


>> No.4962699

>started off on /ic/
>became a successful game dev and his character designs are an absolute phenomenon in japan
vanripper might've made it the hardest out of anyone who's ever posted here

>> No.4962884

also his game made him rich. he said he could buy a private helicopter.

>> No.4963048

wait, how? isn't helltaker free? did he sell that much merch?

>> No.4963057

Merch and patreon, he did it without drawing porn too. Already better than kyle,bbcchan, and any retard from here that needs to draws coom to make it.

>> No.4963149

helltaker is popular precisely because of coom though

>> No.4963175

Yes and no, but doesn't change the fact that Van didn't draw any coom to be successful.

>> No.4963192

He drew the perfect fapbait that people ate up in a matter of months.
Shit I liked the game when it seemed niche for a tad bit now it's everywhere.

>> No.4963204

I don’t remember a single post by vanripper

>> No.4963251

he was good way before he started posting here

>> No.4963308

Was SIR really /ic/? He always felt more like a /fit/ meme.

>> No.4963313
File: 165 KB, 1001x1200, 64135F37-42AD-4AE0-88BF-63E81D5861AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her, she’s better than most artist on ic

>> No.4963446

Have never seen him posted on here

>> No.4963449

I saw Vetyr's art on the tumblr radar and was like wait... This style looks familiar

>> No.4963627


He was a lurker. Check his FAQ on twitter. For begs asking for art advice he lists an ic wiki page

>> No.4963692

Already made it, kid. GTFO.

>> No.4963695

Literally who?

>> No.4963697

people who are good at drawing spend more time drawing than posting on a basket weaving forum

>> No.4963712
File: 38 KB, 460x215, Helltaker_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made helltaker.
>Game BLEW UP in japanese communities
>over 6666 fanarts already
>artbook sales were so much he said he could buy a pirate helicopter

Quit patreon with final post saying he doesnt need more money.

>> No.4963720

that's retarded, he could have used that patreon to make an actual game with a team of people.

>> No.4963807
File: 282 KB, 614x860, Vanripper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont blame him.

>> No.4963808
File: 201 KB, 590x659, Van.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4964268

uhh well if you ever want to get money for fetish or nsfw shit:

>started doing pmvs, getting commissions and a couple fetish sites want me to edit for them
>make $200 an edit plus maybe $50 comissions through paypal
>oh shit i dont want my name on this
>make a separate email I used gmail
>set up a business paypal account and set a generic name so that will be all the buyers see
>link your bank account or set up a business checking account if you actually want to report and pay taxes on the money you are making (IRS says >$400 needs to be reported but at your discretion)
>ideally you can also set up a LLC for like $100 with a CPA, call it something generic and then open a business checking account under your business name and rake in the cash with a fair level of anonymity and not getting audited by the IRS. But still figuring out Patreon, they allow S and C corporations but dunno about LLCs..

>> No.4964270 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1025x1010, B7600659-3CA2-428C-97F8-C2A366335762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4964275

also for example when you are doing what im doing (occasional edits and shit making maybe 500-1000 a year) you also run into the issue of whether what you doing is a 'hobby' or a 'business' and theres different tax rules and deductions you can claim and whether you even need to report any income at all.. so can get tricky and might not even be worth the trouble

>Source: finance degree took multiple tax law classes and was certified by the IRS as a tax preparer

>> No.4964296
File: 18 KB, 532x319, venezolano-ppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you live in fucking thirdworld and made it means 50 bucks a year

>> No.4964323
File: 231 KB, 968x724, firez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4964333

IRL friend I met while vacationing in Brazil makes no fucking money at his regular art job. He did basic online English and now he draws internet smut.

He legit was able to buy a new house w/ furry porn money

>> No.4964460

Dude makes 10k per month.

>> No.4964499

That's like standing up at the military academy and asking who's a soldier yet

These are the training grounds, the pros have no reason to visit there because they're busy working.

>> No.4964597

That's the sound of someone that lost

>> No.4964682

in Argentina you could buy the entire Patagonia with furry porn if wanted to.

>> No.4964750

Thank you very much.
This was quite easy to understand and I'm capping it for use when I'm at that point.

>> No.4964954

What is the risk of just linking it to you personal bank account? Since patreon and the bank knows who you are anyway?

What's a good generic name?

Does the generic name on the patreon and the bank account have to be the same?

>> No.4964993
File: 110 KB, 1891x512, [ic] 'making it'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memorably, yes.

>> No.4965001

holy kek, so /ic/'s secret to making it is stealing other peoples' shit
go figure

>> No.4965091

>make 120k yearly
I just tell others what do paint these days. My own art sucks balls.

>> No.4965200

Are you sure you aren't mistaking him for somebody else? No mentions about /ic/


>> No.4965208

Never mind, I completely missed
>Q: I want to get better at drawing, can you give me any hints?
where he linked the /ic/ sticky

>> No.4965230

SIR went to art school for his community connections. He's only 4chan related because of his /fit/ posts/comics.

>> No.4965313

who dat. any venezuelan with a single 5 usd comissions already makes more than the rest in a month.

>> No.4965899

Patreon, Paypal and banks are iffy on being associated with NSFW work. Porn stars have gotten accounts closed in the past so as far as I am aware they have total discretion to cancel your account for whatever reason so best option is to be as inconspicuous as possible

You have probably heard about that whole thing a couple years ago where people were reporting girls on twitter to the IRS for their onlyfans. At a certain point where you start to make so much money at NSFW you have to start paying taxes on it because it changes from a 'hobby' to a 'business'. So if you want to go to a CPA and be like "Hey here is my degenerate furry fetish site I made 3k on this year I need to report this" lol you probably want to filter it through a generic sounding business on Paypal that wont draw attention.

For my paypal I put "Editing and Design" and linked it to my personal bank account. I only made about $500 last year so I didnt need to report it and flew under the radar. But now I have made about $2k and making $100 a month on patreon so Im thinking I can file it as MISC income but will see sooner or later.

If you do all cash transactions you dont have to worry about any of this at all.

>> No.4965922

and to be a little more clear think of it like this:
>You have a patreon as Anon who draws furry stuff
>You have a bank account with Chase as Anon
>Link patreon to personal bank account
>Chase sees $500 monthly deposits and investigates you are getting mad cash from Patreon porn.
>Chase may not care and move on or because they do not want to be associated with this they close your account. Same with Paypal and Patreon.

OR you could:
>You have a patreon as Design and Editing who draws furry stuff
>You form a LLC
>Get business checking in name of LLC
>Link Patreon to business checking
>Chase sees $500 monthly deposits and doesnt investigate or fucking care. Same with Paypal and Patreon.

Its just another layer of anonymity.

>> No.4965964

Thank you based anon!

>> No.4966523

I made it anon :)

I dont come here to often thoguh

>> No.4966527

Firez, Naf, Attal are the only ones I can think of.

>> No.4966529

I didn't know he used to post here.

>> No.4966532

Why do you think so many thirdworlders are jumping into the NSFW art scene? There's like a bajillion mexican porn artists on twitter right now all competing against each other for those american autism bucks.

>> No.4966541


>> No.4968272

Meanwhile I'm competing for ameribucks which are worth less than my currency. Feelsbadman

>> No.4969177

What do you define as making it?

I used to be active on /ic/ in '09-'11, I now wok full time as an illustrator/animator. I guess I "made it"...

>> No.4969193

I have seen a bunch of his comics on /co/.
Especially when the slut cat elder scrolls webcomic was popular he made his own fanart and got popular with that.
It's all low key coom stuff like >>4961985 but at least he's good.

>> No.4969391

You didn't sell your soul to patreon making horny shit and actually get a job with (maybe?) benefits. You at least made it compared to me.

>> No.4969665

Work for a content creation agency. I earn 55k with good benefits, 6 weeks vacay. Also do about 10k worth of freelance a year approx.

Yeah I don't see how selling out to Patreon is any less soul sucking than a corporate job. I rest easy knowing I have a paycheck coming, I get to practice and develop my skills, and get loads of contacts for freelance work.

>> No.4969684

OK...so who has made it without drawing coom?

>> No.4969696

I don't find this appealing at all.

>> No.4969699

good? His art literally looks like nickelodeon toons.

>> No.4969701


>> No.4969703

I'm glad he's made it, but his faces are still uncanny valley doll like. I don't get how people can bust a nut to that.

>> No.4969704

Me neither, but he achieved pretty massive success.
I'm surprised he would link /ic/ as a source of his success tho, this place is mostly shitpost and frustrated people lashing on everything

>> No.4969709

And? The guy can afford a private helicopter if he wanted to. And besides what do you find appealing/good. Enough where you even get nips to draw your shit.

>> No.4969723

who are you. pyw

>> No.4969728

What do you find appealing?

>> No.4969743

How come anyone in this thread saying they made it isn't showing any work/evidence?

>> No.4969757

I hate this board

>> No.4969770

I find his current stuff miles better than what he used to post here

>> No.4969777

That's a complicated question for anyone. I wouldn't waste my time trying to explain.

What do you find appealing about this?

>> No.4969782

I asked you a question, so in turn you asked one back to me? whatever, the only thing I find appealing about helltaker are the designs of the characters, the style is just a bonus.

>> No.4969784

Drawing coom for artists is like doing porn for girls. It's a shameless low effort quick buck for empty headed horny people. Sakimichan is the biggest whore.

>> No.4969786

You can make it without drawing coom, but the retards from here aren't capable to do that.

>> No.4969788

I mean, it would paragraphs to explain what I like. All I can say is that i'm envious that turd scratch like his can appeal to so many.

It's like an adult wondering why kids like trash music.

>> No.4969793

>It's like an adult wondering why kids like trash music.
Nah, it's more like why people aren't buying your fruit basket paintings.

>> No.4969803

No, you're just a coombrain autist who's butthurt that I don't agree with your taste.

I don't like the art. Deal with it.

>> No.4969808

Stylistic shit aside he seemed to be a competent animator at the time.
I will not watch the new things that made him super popular because I don't care, so maybe his art degraded, idk.

>> No.4969810

I don't care if you didn't like it, but saying shit like "like an adult wondering why kids like trash music". Implies that your taste is superior and you should be the one who deserves attention. Just like those fruit basket painters seething that no one buys their shit.

>> No.4969816

Well I'm almost 30. Imagine being my age and liking this.

>> No.4969820

ntayrt and you are right but implying that cartooning doesn't take skill and cannot be qualitatively good is a bit retarded

>> No.4969822

Helltaker looks fucking disgusting and the only people who like it are low IQ weebs who draw nothing but anime and porn. Same goes for visual garbage like hazbin hotel.

>> No.4969829

I just got commissioned to create 3 pieces of art for a legit celebrity and I'm freaking the fuck out. I feel like I'm going to vom. This is the biggest job I've ever had and the pressure is unreal.

I don't know if this is making it, but I do know that it's making me feel nauseous from terror.

>> No.4969830

>implying that cartooning doesn't take skill

Your taste will change as you age. You might not like now what you like in 10 years. You might seek more meaning and depth in what you consume and what you create. There's a reason your art teacher hates anime.

>> No.4969831

No one wants to buy your loomis heads, /beg/tard/

>> No.4969838

>appeal =/= skill
Go ahead and continue to like your fruit baskets. Keep seething as to why no one likes your shit.

>> No.4969851
File: 791 KB, 1600x1200, tgc.jpg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you still like that toon crap in 10 years, you're officially an autist.

and stfu about fruit baskets. You don't know me. a fruit basket painter wouldn't even be on /ic/

Fine, maybe no one likes my shit. pic related. But it has nothing to do with your shit taste.

>> No.4969857

Scamming weebs and coomers out of their money, and doing something more useful with the money should be a moral imperative.

>> No.4969860

Not him but I think I vaguely remember you posting your work in a thread many months ago that involved arguing lol how’s it going fren

>> No.4969864

That's pretty dope mate.

>> No.4969866

Yea no wonder why you're full of jealousy.
https://www.fireden.net/ic/thread/4430782/#q4430798 It's this guy, the one who complained about only getting 10 likes for his work.

>> No.4969870

I guess it's a small community. Thanks for remembering. I'm okay, just trying to enjoy art instead of making a life out of it.

thanks man

>> No.4969873

Well I mean shit he goes stomping around shitting on other styles and calling others autists so I can’t sympathize

>> No.4969890

meant for

yeah. idk guys. i'm just butthurt. I should put more time into my work but I keep getting sucked into drinking and pointless internet media.

Just to stay in the topic, no i have not made it. I sell nothing. I make shit. I make no attempts. I just draw with a ballpoint pen on my lunch break every few days. I do it for "fun".

>> No.4969892

I got my first commission so you can say I'm a master pro now ;)

>> No.4969900

I hate childish toon shit and anime, anon. When I said "good" I was talking about competence.

>> No.4969906

Oh and all the comments on that thread are fucking useless.
it doesn't matter how you crop the pic, how you present it, if you make the colors different or whatever the fuck.
Is it fanart? No.
Is it about something trending? No.
Does it look like tits? No.
Does it look like something girls like? No.
There you go, 2 likes.

>> No.4969911

The emotions displayed by the characters. Very eye catching. The designs are very popular and resonate with people too. Japan's helltaker fanbase is HUGE for such a small game.

>> No.4969916

what are you talking about? do you have an actual point or are you just trying to shit?

>> No.4970724
File: 548 KB, 1070x1608, spooky ghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about 3200 followers in total, I started in Feb this year, I consider that a good start idk if I'd call it making it though.
>t. /ic/ lurker since 2015

>> No.4971122

keep up with the daily grind bros... i know we can make it

>> No.4971353

Loomis actually is good though. Source: I own his book.

>> No.4971359

I still have a day job but I'm getting there.
Being internet famous is a ton of work.

>> No.4971633

Jeez. You're just an asshole dude. That work looks pretty good and it's far better than the "Vanripper" catpiss. I don't agree with his attitude shitting on taste, but i know what he means.

But still, you don't have to shit on this decent piece of work just to make that point. Sometime it seems this board doesn't seek to help improve other artists at all.

>> No.4971661

I kind of miss having a small following, with a small group commenting and knowing them and stuff. Everything becomes just a number eventually.

>> No.4971670

can you monetize that though

>> No.4971685

>tfw only have 60 followers since April this year
Granted I barely manage to post once monthly due to work. But really feels NGMI

>> No.4971688

>coronachan made job online
>manage to art more while "working"
feels good man

>> No.4971692

It’s the sperg with the bland shitty robot. Still seething that no one likes your trash?

>> No.4971694

It's not even bad(just bland), but he has such a bad attitute I'm glad he's failing.

>> No.4971704


>> No.4971714


>> No.4971746

pyw. and have you made it

>> No.4971769


>> No.4971796

why does /ic/ never show evidence when they claim they made it? It's like we're meant to fail.

>> No.4971803

Because no one outside coomerfags like Kyle have made it. Dont believe anyone else.

>> No.4971826

>Tehmeh or catbit but they're meh
Yeah but the difference is that they are working in the industry. You on the other hand are trapped posting your floating loomis heads on a mongolian basket weaving board.
If you want to make it, You have to leave

>> No.4972840

who is kyle

>> No.4975584

Over 30k followers right now, no idea how it happened

>> No.4975700

I'm currently in the process of making it. Just gotta push a little bit more and I'll be industry ready. Just gotta practice a bit more and have a concise project. I feel sure I'm gonna make it, or I'll die trying.

>> No.4976289

Who? You? username nao

>> No.4976298

this is my goal. ic lurker since '15

>> No.4976305

Can we see your work. What company do you work for?

>> No.4976806

how do you find content creation agencies and art houses and the like?

>> No.4976999

mechs are manchildren incarnate, but shitflinging aside, your art has no appeal. the rendering doesnt stand out in any way whatsoever nor does it have any style that is nice on the eyes

only people who really really like mechs will appreciate it, and even then, that userbase is niche if you remove anyone who just watches gundam and doesnt give a shit otherwise

you dont have to find helltaker attractively styled to not insult the entire medium, but your posts read more like youre insecure about your age

>> No.4977439

too many right angles

>> No.4977513

Mechanical design is more manchildish than flat cartoons?

>> No.4977521


>> No.4977543

How? The porn and fanservice isn't even that good. I guess the almighty coom wins again

>> No.4977555
File: 622 KB, 1920x1080, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also had about 2.5k in commission work this year, and the holidays are coming up, so as far as this year is concerned I think I "made it"

>> No.4977560

your age does not justifie your stupidity

>> No.4977563

Congrats anon. That's a serious achievement. I envy you

>> No.4977569

and most of my stuff is fairly normal if not a little abstract. Still lifes, landscapes, seascapes, portraits, reproductions of famous paintings. Don't believe people who say you can only make nudes, or that nudes are bad. Just sell anything you can and try your best on every piece.

>> No.4977590

Literally the only post in the topic. And everyone else who's claimed to have made it hasn't even shown any work or posted any proof.

>> No.4977592

What do you think about digital prints? Do you think they would sell?

>> No.4977595

i have a fineartsamerica account with some prints available and so far I've made a grand total of $0, but i sure do get a lot of spam emails from them so it's really a win/win

>> No.4977724

if you consider being fucking tyranized by studios to draw six quadruplizilion storyboard pictures a day for a piece of bread, then yes, ive made it.

>> No.4977997

i think michael macrae is one of us as well as incase sunnibee modeseven and of course applefinger the god

>> No.4978531
File: 279 KB, 600x800, 1554897471722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw a guy have 20k follows on a twitter acc from 2019.

EIther he bought follows or holy shit I'm doing something wrong.

How do you even use twitter to reach out to people?

>> No.4979208

>How do you even use twitter to reach out to people?
post porn

>> No.4979289

I opened commissions for a month and made about $350, not livable at all but it's a start.

>> No.4979300

does 5k on twitter since Jan 2019 count?

>> No.4979301

what kind of commissions? also what platforms do you use?

>> No.4979309

I made a mistake thinking I can be an artist

>> No.4979492

Honestly good questions. What are the platforms for making money on art?

>> No.4979534

I'm currently working in animation making 50/hr, 40hrs a week ama

>> No.4979568


>> No.4979775

pixiv recently opened a payment platform
japanese only tho
Whatever alke was using now, since he recently had problems with being banned due to child porn drawings

>> No.4980001

I'm not lying

>> No.4980006

why waste your time in this thread if you're not gonna post any proof or work

>> No.4980016
File: 1.19 MB, 1366x768, study100920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kinda proof do you want?
I don't want to reveal my identity, but I can post some of my personal work.

>> No.4980025


>> No.4980026

i too can trace

>> No.4980035

never change /ic/

>> No.4980060
File: 190 KB, 1200x1200, personal-work-0317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work for Disney
Pic is my personal work

>> No.4980061

Why do they pay you so little also your work is shit

>> No.4980071

Mouse isn't run by artists anymore, we are just slaves for the big mouse

>> No.4980075

And they don't hire you for your skills but for how well you suck someone's pp

>> No.4980079

You're one of those niggas that dress as the princesses or Mickey aren't you

>> No.4980080

Jealous bitch LMAO

>> No.4980088

the reason i love /ic/ is you never know who is lying and who is saying the truth, imagine having a mouse who legit browses 4chan lmao

>> No.4980104
File: 360 KB, 1024x2048, ET5IXA9XgAAGr7m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this one comic that got semi popular in places. (someone reposted it on instagram and it got 50k likes) Also made another piece of art that got like 6k likes on twitter. That's about it though and my page has been stuck around 200 followers for a while.

>> No.4980109

wait for cyberpunk and have a few comic page prepared for it

>> No.4980115

would be a good idea if not for the fact that i have no interest in cyberpunk

>> No.4980133

Whatever that thing is, I want to have pity sex with it.

>> No.4980136

neither do i, im only interested in increasing followers

>> No.4980157

Whenever I struggle with art, I ask myself if its worth it. Well Anon, you seem to have reached my idea of the pinnacle. Was it worth it in the end?

>> No.4980163


>> No.4980164

It's all about the journey, the struggles that comes with it and the people you meet along the way. Getting a supportive girlfriend helps a lot

>> No.4980172

How did you make it and still manage to be ngmi. Shit advice

>> No.4980178

stay alone

>> No.4980181

I guess. The only satisfaction I can gleam anymore is the pride in a piece for 5 minutes before I pick it apart for every flaw and realize a middle schooler could do better

>> No.4980191

You always post the same art

>> No.4980246

tips for making coom patreon?
do you appeal to a certain market?

>> No.4980258

tehmeh and tugelbend made it
timmi-o-toole made it
upon made it
I didn't make it

>> No.4980266


I still talk to him on Discord and he's now working full-time for DrDisrespect. Always neat to see a d/ic/k making it out there.

>> No.4980343

>Getting a supportive girlfriend helps a lot
guess im screwed then

>> No.4980367

Get an AI gf, they are programmed to be supportive almost always

>> No.4980435

>only posts these, which hints that he doesn't have a high output, opposite of someone in the field would have
Lol the larps, 50/hr isn't even much anyway

>> No.4980545

He's so sad lately. He has no job right now :[

>> No.4980551


I just put "commissions open" in the description of everything I post and I take payment on a business account on paypal. People just DM me what they want. I draw hentai but nothing too weird

>> No.4982801

Is there more space in online drawfagotry at this point? It seems hopelessly oversaturated.

>> No.4983710

And use tags? I posted some, but it was dead silence. The quality matches the ones who did stuff.