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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4939916 No.4939916 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with procrastination/depression?

>> No.4939926
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How can you procrastinate when drawing is so fun?

>> No.4939932
File: 1.57 MB, 932x934, 1602214988405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligated myself to draw daily
started just for the lols, one week passed and now I can't stop
something that works for me, if you're the musical/drawing while playing stuff kind, is playing music you listened when you made some of your favorite/most passionate works
also play around, use a symmetry tool, etc, as long as you start enjoying it you'll be forced to keep doing it

>> No.4939981

Not so much when you are grinding.

>> No.4939991

why is so hard to just draw?

>> No.4940000
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Grinding is also fun

>> No.4940001
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Procrastination is your laziness
Depression is you excusing you’re laziness

>> No.4940011

post it in /vent/ or better yet in /r9k/.

>> No.4940017

Ashwagandha tincture. Combined with st John's wort and valerian root for anxiety.
Here's the best brand:
This for depression

This to stop brain fog and boost motivation.

T. Hobby herbalist. I only use research backed herbal remedies. Word of warning, ashwagandha is a powerful fertility boost. You or your SO WILL get pregnant if you do the do without protection.

>> No.4940018


>> No.4940023

I'm sure that advice would do wonders for the clinically depressed and suicidal.

>> No.4940027

>best brand humanly possible but I'm gonna not use it and keep being a sad sack of shit cuz I don't agree with the views of a water filter sales man who warns the public about gay frogs.

>> No.4940034

Yeah browsing 4chan.org/ic/ must be like rubbing a genie lamp too

>> No.4940046

Leave this board
Go draw something
Cant? Turn off the pc
Turn off your phone
Pick a pen

Seriously wtf is wrong with you guys? Bunch of self loathing fuckers, your art suck because your mind is a mess and unless you fix that, you will never get good at art

>> No.4940054

Lmfao, makes sense that Karens would be the ones to fall for Alex Jones's horseshit. Cut out the middle man and start selling herbal life so you can buy from yourself

>> No.4940055

i quit art but still browse here out of force of habit
your art is shit fuck you!

>> No.4940060

>backed herbal remedies

did you get memed by /fit/?

>> No.4940098

>best brand humanly possible

>> No.4940134

I believe you forgot the leeches anon.

>> No.4940166

I get depressed when, after conquering procrastination and doing something I put hours of time and love into, I get like 5 likes on Twitter and that's it.

>> No.4940446

>I've never had to deal with depression before and it shows

>> No.4940510

Post art on Instagram for 2 years, still only 90 followers from which at least half are people I know in RL and friends. Female friend makes an account 0 posts but a tiny profile picture. 300 followers withing 1 or 2 months.

>> No.4940513
File: 760 KB, 1301x1134, we're all gonna make it brah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the pain to push you forward


>> No.4941179

>How do you deal with procrastination?
Do something instead of not doing something.
>How do you deal with depression?
Do something instead of getting sad.

You could even simplify it down to "Feel anything? Draw. Feel nothing? Draw. Draw? Draw." Then you have skills to be happy about, a job to keep busy with, a unique trait to attract peers, friends, and potential lovers, and pow. Now you don't even have to ignore the pain, as it's all gone.

>> No.4941214

do it for yourself not for likes. think up a project you can put a series of drawings into.

>> No.4941219

do you want genuine people around you, or do you want a bunch of horny loners that are only interested in seeing your tits and ass?

>> No.4941222

No, and also, go fuck yourself. Pussy faggot

>> No.4941232
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I never had to deal with depression. What's depression? Bitch tears for pussies?

>> No.4941239

this but unironically
sometimes I wonder if people here even draw at all, or only visit this board to whine

>> No.4941244

Well mate i don't know how much of a heavy case you have for your depression. I'll tell you how to deal with procrastination though. It's tough but i realized that i didn't want my life to continue being shitty and amount to nothing. I wanted to do something better with my life and live schedule like so i know exactly what's coming.

Clean your room up, wash your clothes, plan for what you are going to achieve throughout the day.
The first step is always the hardest, so be fueled by your dreams. Do not give in to the terrible thoughts.Cry through it if you have to.
The fact that you ask this question means that you must have a reason to go on and stay on this world.
Use it as fuel all the way forward.
Now after everything is nice and clean turn off anything that's distracting such as your phone or anything else and pull up an artbook or two and work. Really stick to being committed to it for 30 minutes and then chill out for the reminder of the day. Every day you should be increasing the time spent on drawing. Do not grind or grind for a little then go and draw whatever is fun to you.
If you want to draw for more time then do it. It's up to you. I also recommend journaling if you can't afford a therapist. Look into stoicism too.

>Been dealing with procrastination, depression, off and on with art for years. I stuck to drawing on a schedule and now i'm making good progress and have a aptitude for art like i never thought i would.
I don't know if it will work for you but doesn't hurt to try.

>> No.4941249

>Do not grind fundies the whole way through JUST grind for a little then go and draw whatever is fun to you.
Need to reread my stuff more.

>> No.4941250

I kill myself.

>> No.4941275

good response, gmi

>> No.4941280

Good stuff, thanks.

>> No.4941289

same question, my anxiety has been making me so sick that I can't do anything but I have submissions for art uni, what do? ;___;

>> No.4941324

No problem!

>> No.4941331

Coomer here, I usually just toss all the nice artwork I see on twitter a like without even looking at their art for more than 5 seconds, I don't give two shits about whatever else they have to say.

Twitter likes don't mean shit, it's superficial garbage.

>> No.4941353

If they kill themselves they don't need to worry about procrastinating anymore

>> No.4941354

Depression doesn't exist for men. You're just a pussy. Not necessarily your fault though, society and media aren't for men anymore.

>> No.4941376

>society and media aren't for men anymore.
i blame women for not opening their legs

>> No.4941377

i sleep

>> No.4941390

The one to blame is you and your broken bird brain.

>> No.4941523

I'll take anyone actually. The bigger the following base the better. I have hot female colleagues, their followers are in the thousands within a year and they get commissions and requests to buy the work. Of course many of them are thirsty guys, but they are doing well and their bigger follower base gives them more credibility. I'd take 1000 thirsty followers in a heartbeat.

>> No.4942156

I would read (still do). If you get inspiration to draw, just draw or write down what you want to draw somewhere visible. When you force it, it's never as good as not forcing it.

>> No.4943079

>i realized that i didn't want my life to continue being shitty and amount to nothing
This thing doesn't hit you until you're close to 30. I'm in the same boat as you, just sort of a long term plan to avert midlife crisis, I guess.

>> No.4943100

Stop masturbating. You’re addicting to immediate dopamine rushes and need constant validation to keep it up. The depression comes from that hollow lack of self-fulfillment, and the lack of motivation is post-orgasm lethargy.

>> No.4943145

you gotta chain a couple activities that give you serotonin. For me I can usually get out of a general bad mood by exercising, followed by making and eating good food. Accomplishing things is big for me, if I accomplish 2-3 things a day I stay pretty happy

>> No.4943146

that's pseudo-science

>> No.4943150

I use the depression to get out of my NGMI state