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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 337 KB, 1086x737, EC8A36A8-5143-4C8B-9324-410FEF5A7F37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4939701 No.4939701 [Reply] [Original]

Talent is real! Those that deny it’s existence are just delusional talentlets.

>> No.4939710

>6 months of drawing with improvement that could easily be made by drawing a lot
find a better example

>> No.4939715

Good for him, looks pretty nice desu

>> No.4939719

6 months to go from soul to slutty.

>> No.4939721

Where's your work, talentlet?

>> No.4939737
File: 188 KB, 800x677, 80C1CDE6-09E4-41F0-A8B9-1E9FE9C23823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not denying the arts good because it is but its probably a case of hard work over talent

>> No.4939752
File: 57 KB, 350x550, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.4939969

I wouldn't say one is better than the other

>> No.4939972

I always knew talent was real

>> No.4939982

Some of those posts are not honest. I mean, it's easy to get a lot of interaction with them.

>> No.4939988

the first one is better
Also, talent is real but only in japan

>> No.4939993

I saw some girl on twitter post a 6 month comparison that looked pretty impressive, but it was because she used an unfinished doodle on the left and a fully completed piece on the right; going back through her observable work you could see over the past year her art quality didn’t actually change that much.

>> No.4940007

>the first one is better
Ok /beg/tard

>> No.4940191

Jesus christ anon, how much you've been drawing?

>> No.4940267

Right looks like shit though.

>> No.4940273

They're like sorta equal its more of a stylistic choice than anything
Right has simple rendering that is all

>> No.4940305

based, talentfag absolutely btfo

>> No.4940313

talentfag btfo by talentfag

>> No.4940336

Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you're willing to practice, you can do.

>> No.4940346

6 months to learn to use colors and THE ILLUSION of drapery is reasonable.

>> No.4940367

Its just a mimicry of japanese industry standard cel shading
This artist will probably use it for the rest of their career

>> No.4940372

I didn't even know we had artists this good

>> No.4940458

Exactly, but begtards always think it's something you're born with out the womb when that is not the case. If you truly love making art then that's talent because it pushes you further, especially if you are studying the right fundamentals. You improve trendmendously while having fun.

>> No.4940465


>> No.4940472

If you draw every day for 6 months you will get better

>> No.4940486

3 years

>> No.4940487

And that's all you can do? Talentless.

>> No.4940495

That’s because you only reply to the shitpost/bait threads.

>> No.4940649

It's disingenuous to completely discount the cards you've been dealt, though; even setting aside true prodigies (Mozart, Doré, etc.) some people are just wired noticeably better or worse for certain tasks.

>> No.4940651

I had this debate with my gf lately.
From my point of view:
>Yo are born within a range of talent, be it a scale of 0-100 you can be born for example from 50-80
>Your practice and studies determine how far in that predeterminated "talent" scale you end up.
You can be the next Van Gogh but if you never practice/study/perfectionate youself you'll never reach that 100. Oposedly no matter how much you study and practice if you are born with a maximum, let's say 50, you'll never surpass the guy born a natural genius.
That's my take but alas, I consider myself born with "somewhat" a talent for arts.

>> No.4940655

Mozart’s parents raised him on piano from day one. His dad was literally a composer and a teacher- he was in the luckiest position imaginable.

>> No.4940672

yeah. It's always weird how 'prodigies' come from families where one or both parents are incredibly engaged in teaching them the stuff they eventually get really good at. They basically get years of practice for free while they're young because their parents are teaching them. No good jeans required

>> No.4941050


>> No.4941072

yes its me

>> No.4941394

>some people are just wired noticeably better or worse for certain tasks
Boo hoo. You'll need to get good at whatever it is you do eventually, who cares if other people are naturally better or worse.

>> No.4941404

>who cares if other people are naturally better or worse.
/ic/. a lot too, apparently

>> No.4941413

A lot of the ngmi here need to understand that they suck and can never get better. That way they can stop hurting themselves when they struggle.

>> No.4941419

Yeah, but his natural ability was the difference between circumstance making him a "good musician" and one of the most important musical minds ever.

Of course. I'm not a crab, I'm just pointing out that hand-waving the fact that some people win (or lose) the genetic lottery is delusional just like how some retards cry "why even bother" whenever anyone younger than them is better at art.

>> No.4941459

real talent is consequence of proper practice. practicing a bad technique or approach leads to poor performance and inability to improve.

>> No.4941467

its an outdated view based in outdated beliefs. we born with inclinations to like and dislike some things; if we are allowed to do and practice the things we like and enjoy, we will become better at them from a lot of practice, if not we wont.

talents and gifts are mostly bs to justify our incompetence or apathy to try to learn and do things better, the right way.

>> No.4941474
File: 88 KB, 300x272, 1576740268440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went to a technical school and there was one class called "applied/descriptive geometry" and i was NOTICEABLY better than the rest of the class. by an order of magnitude, to the point where i only needed half the time compared to everyone else when it came to the tests.

when i read threads like this i always wonder if it's because of my talent or if it's because i started drawing early on in my life.

>> No.4941477

theres no 'natural ability': ability comes from experimentation and figuring things out, or understanding them after analyzing them properly.

if the bs was true people with deformed limbs wouldnt be able to do proper drawings, but those who care and practice, can.

the myth is promoted to keep common people under a mediocre and robotic mindset. 'its cos hes special and im just normal' is bs: we become 'special' by abandoning the mindset of drones.

>> No.4941480

if you started earlier than others, even with bad techniques, you may had better control over your hand than the rest. that makes easier and faster to fix technique and learn new ones.

>> No.4941498

>you may had better control over your hand than the rest
yeah that's a given since i was drawing (and it probably also greatly contributed to my speed being faster). but i'm more curious if my ability to grasp 3D concepts faster also came from this advantage. the answer is probably yes.

if so, that just goes to show that a bit of practice can lead to a seemingly huge gap, which from my classmate's perspective could be labeled as "talent".

>> No.4941562

>this thread again

>> No.4941563

Only those who are talented or who never really tried anything seriously will dismiss the existence of talent.

On the other hand it's true "lack of talent" is very often used as an excuse for "I don't want to try hard", so successful people (i.e. talented who put in work too) have a severe alergy to it.

>> No.4941565

Talent? or Korean genetics?

>> No.4941688

Azn jeans

>> No.4942293

Is this supposed to be good
Colors are washed out and you can't tell what the fuck's going on

>> No.4942295
File: 1.51 MB, 480x270, 1594200983493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being able to work hard without giving up or burning out IS a talent

>> No.4942297

i won't ask you to post your work, cause you're right, it's shit, but just know you're on notice anon

>> No.4942345
File: 29 KB, 127x128, 36121363126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4942357

Talent is being aware of what to improve and how to improve it. Just knowing one won’t cut it; you can know what to improve but not the method, or you could know what do do in theory but not where to apply it. The people who are cognizant of both and are self-aware (not self-defeating) are the quick learners.

>> No.4942657
File: 6 KB, 250x140, t.allsotiring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let old man here break it down for you lil kittens aight?
the so called talent you speak of can be divided into a few of the following categories ;
>Hand eye co-ordination
this one will be the most easily improved part for you lovlies with enough practice your hands will develop the required muscles memory and extra muscles that'll help you put your thoughts to paper think of it as akin to handwriting it's easy for you to get stagnant but constant driven practice will get you far (try using non-dominant arm for a demonstration)
>Seeing vs Perception
as many day dreamers will testify i's difficult as an artist to remember that the average person won't be able to percieve things they simply see things that deviate from the ingrained average hence being able to recognize a face but being unable to draw or depict it so try and percieve rather than see try to find and memorize the shapes the base and all no info left behind
some might be able to memorize it all but most won't and that's fine but it'll tell you what you need to draw to get the feel for faces
again can't state this enough your brain is lazy and will try to remember only the details and skip the rest condition yourself to not do that
some might not be able to do this (think of those incapable of visualizing in the head) unfortunately practice only gets you so far for this one so try and practice copying selfies of yourself with different expressions(not tracing) to gauge your ability
>visualization in the head
this is a big one and very abstract so describing it to someone incapable of it is hard but it is a pre-requisite to being a decent original artist
remember that if you can't visualize anything you're better off in some other profession
again don't wanna be a buzz kill but if you can't visualize to some extent in your own head (and i don't mean full detail) then you 'll have a rough time coping think artistry on hard mode

>> No.4942669
File: 118 KB, 1181x422, F38E9165-47C5-4817-BF15-BB49ECAC69D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s true.

>> No.4942682
File: 247 KB, 400x400, 1598808598430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proportions and Perspective
this is something that a majority struggles with and i personally know a few "artists" who cant do perspective without using heavy crutches
Practicing with grids is fine but if you need to refer to it each and every time then its not a good sign the entire point is to gain the innate ability to judge distance and proportional size differences

again these aspects are different in everyone
some might have them from birth
some completely incapable of it
and some might have to work hard for it
but remember that exception exist in all fields
for most they can be worked on but if you are lacking in any of these then you better get to practicing and you'll get jacked as an artist and then once you start specializing you'll find your niche
it might be story-boarding maybe layout/character design
hell maybe even asset designer with the growing vidya industry
this list is for general artist aight? so don't lose all hope if you can't do one or the other cuz niche fields might not need that "talent"
so being a doomer bout it won't help
gauge yourself record your progress and never cease progression in ability
literally nothing is stopping you from earning outta your own art but yourself (unless you're a complete bumblefuck retard)
so get to it anon the world's literally desperate for good artists

>> No.4942694

No that’s a learned behavior

>> No.4942700
File: 73 KB, 640x640, 1599277762592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my nightmare. The first one's pose is so much better in every way, it really feels like shes flying on a broom, Kiki's legs tucked tightly underneath and worried expression shows shes nervous. I love the way Jiji is hanging on.
Her hair,bow and dress are all effected by the wind.
In comparison the 2nd feels staged, like shes in a photo studio posing. theres no directional wind, the pose is stiff and symettrical, she has no personalit, that blank soulless expression, no no no! i hate it.

>> No.4942707

kinda but not really conditioning definitely has an 80% role but getting that iitial start withiut being biologically pre-disposed can be a bit tough
but you make a fair point it's mostly practice and conditioning

>> No.4942717

Are these threads some kind of psyops? Why do jannies allow these to be posted daily. Whats the goal here

>> No.4942745

she draw probable every day and studies and all that shit. im improving but I dont draw every day and I aint studying enough thats why my art is still beg tier

>> No.4942768

people want a excuse to stop doing art, they are just trying to justify their mediocrity

>> No.4942776

This. Left is so much better and soulful. But dude rendering am I right

>> No.4942924

Call it "natural aptitude" then. Point is, some people are hardwired in such a way that makes it noticeably easier or more difficult for them to acquire certain skills. This applies to every tiny subdivision of artistic skills, social skills, kinesthetic skills, etc. out there; some things just "click" for some people and that can be anything from gardening to math to technical drawing to fucking to playing the flute to salesmanship. Some people don't ever find anything that "clicks" for them and other people have an uphill struggle with certain activities the whole time.

Again: I am not a crab. I have no problem with "talent doesn't matter much" or "talent is overrated" but to deny that some people have a natural aptitude for certain activities (artistic or otherwise) is just borderline cope.

>> No.4942934

how many times are we gonna have this fucking thread?

>> No.4943005
File: 577 KB, 1125x831, D438CD51-319C-4AE0-BEB8-3DA811F267F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long shit like this continues in this basket weaving shithole board.

>> No.4943117

Why, because you haven't done it and find it to be hard?

>> No.4943162

I fucking love seeing someone actually post their work as a response. Fucking based.

>> No.4943167


>> No.4943294
File: 12 KB, 604x508, 8C68E06D-508A-4519-BCEF-376DBE4D5A2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent = IQ

You are above the treshhold, right /ic/?

>> No.4945237
File: 273 KB, 1878x958, 58BF69B3-EF8D-4245-8C60-BEFD54728178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i make it

>> No.4945249

sorry anon, you already failed by using month day year format.

>> No.4945252

People post their work all the fucking time. It usually just gets ignored.

>> No.4945779

very funny

>> No.4945859

Whats funny

>> No.4945882

Oh my god. The best drawing I've ever seen.
Absolutely basederano.

>> No.4945937

Oh shit I didn't know you post here. Now I like you way more lol

>> No.4946005

earlier one looks way better.

>> No.4946036

Really awesome. Can you drop me a crumble of your knowledge about drawing such detailed mechanical things? What should i learn to draw such things?
>Want to make scifi comic/manga with robotic things and space ships

>> No.4946040
File: 6 KB, 303x293, 1600109538826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 month of drawing
>No improvement
No wonder no progress if you work like a fucking brainless machine, you need to scan with that brain of yours what you draw and thing of it like a computer put to analyze that thing

>> No.4946042

Yes. Your work looks good, get more brave anon, you got that GMI spark in your work

>> No.4946043

Also don't expect it to develop magically fast if you don't understand what you do, some people are slow because they didn't get it yet what they do

>> No.4946282

the image, it is funny.

>> No.4946330

lol ironic

>> No.4946400

Not that big an improvement. He was already decent

>> No.4946454

Left is better, right is the generic shiny everything you see everyfuckingwhere
anime? more like barbies in 2d with all the plastic material

>> No.4946543

Half true
It’s also resources and resources that work for you

>> No.4946550

People are wired for different tasks because the information presented to them works for them
Just because someone is bad at reading doesn’t mean they can’t learn from an audiobook

>> No.4946552

There’s improvements
It’s just that you’re stressing yourself out

>> No.4946591

The problem with art education is most artists never think about explaining their process to others so they’re at a loss when someone asks. When dealing with this, you kind of have to ask everyone you can but most artists who do give something think that their advice is the only one that matters
Art teachers usually suck because they don’t really think like teachers because they’re used to teaching a certain kind of person and never think about modifications or accommodations for different brains. Your best bet with art teachers is seeking info from ones who have been teaching for an entire generation already
Art books usually suck because they’re barely even written by writers or teachers. Need I say more

Basically you need to jump around a lot to get information that works for you

>> No.4947469
File: 40 KB, 471x363, 1602820715448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4948430

Soul, soulless.

>> No.4948445

I want to jump 100ft. in the air but my mortal genes prohibit me from doing so. The same can be said for art.

>> No.4948465

Also a lot of the art process is pure intuition, which you get by doing things yourself and learning your own rhythm.

>> No.4948472
File: 3.39 MB, 480x480, 77FD64E3-2613-4DF4-977D-6A6C95E23904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe you can jump 100ft bro. You just gotta kermit

>> No.4948490

>Basically you need to jump around a lot to get information that works for you
there's a problem here, introduced by modern technology.
In the past, you studied drawing under teachers. If their methods work for you, good. If they don't give up or find another teacher, but both options were costly.

Nowadays you can switch teachers for free, and instantly.
"oh, I followed this tutorial, I didn't get good instantly so it's bunk, then I followed this one and this one and it didn't work either. Talent is real"

>> No.4948494

>hurr muh feel good platitude by Bob Ross
Talent is a natural aptitude to excel at a certain skill faster and with less effort than most people. But you can keep coping that all humans are blank slates with the exact same potential for everything, and few who succeded just worked harder than millions of those who failed,.

>> No.4948545
File: 53 KB, 1114x627, DButt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally studies done from the offspring of sperm donors that show intelligence/talent is heredity. I'm just gonna say for those people that try and try to improve at something then to be shat on by someone that's being doing the same thing for half the amount of time yes they can do it better because of genetics.
I know there's great artists that say "anyone can do it" they only talk like this because they have the brain wiring to do it and yes they may have struggled along the way but the difference is they won't go slamming into a sudden dead end because they got a better mindset for it
So ffs for the people that sit here and complain about people always being better then them stop making yourselves upset and just find something else to do so you don't come to the sudden realisation that you just wasted a heap of time doing something that just upsets you

>> No.4948603

nice to see you blast them snarf lol

>> No.4948632

So accept your fate and give up talentlet, leave it to the bigbrains

>> No.4948639
File: 16 KB, 205x246, 0A2BC40B-5D4F-4021-BD94-1182AA57FCB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this artworld incel?

>reeee fuck testwomb chad it’s not fair I never had a chance so now I’m not gonna make any effort whatsoever

>> No.4948640

And? This progress pic is awesome, it makes me want to draw more and get to know this guy

>> No.4948642
File: 201 KB, 470x595, 1502437539152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have talent
>do nothing to improve and stay /beg/
who absolutely devilish here?

>> No.4948644

Hey nigga I'm not speaking from saltiness I'm speaking from studies done by researchers
Just because someone isn't good at art does not mean they won't be good at something else

>> No.4948650

Lazy internet addict gang

>> No.4948657

I'm not satisfied, please post more. I'm saving this one btw, but yeah I'm not satisfied.

>> No.4949674

intuition defiantly isn't something that could be learned, but it can be sometihng thats blocked when you have depression

>> No.4949679

i don't think people are really like this.
most people end up trusting what everyone says is good but they aren't sure if its good for them
if they aren't good at what everyone says them to learn they just end up feeling like they can never make it

don't feel bad if loomis or perspective made easy was hard for you

>> No.4950229

he thought he'd learn loomis in a month?

>> No.4950240

stop using absurd extremes as your arguments, you sound like a small child

>> No.4950306

>he took online IQ test
Clearly you're in the two digits category

>> No.4950435

No an anime girl would not be inside a phone. Thus you cannot make it.

>> No.4950506

suck my dick faggot

>> No.4950523

I've met many tutorial-hoping addicts, utterly unable to do anything if there's not a step-by-step explanation on how to.
Heck, I've even seen one of my friend constantly alterning between photoshop and sai on the same piece, because he had no clue how to reproduce a tutorial made on a specific software on another.

As for myself, I've read and studied Loomis. Perspective made easy was utterly useless, since I am a big math/geometry buff, it only taught me a handful of shortcuts, I already knew everything else. Now I've decided to focus on a handful of artists I like, do one study a day, and I'm progressing way faster than anyone else I know.

>> No.4950638

>I've met many tutorial-hoping addicts, utterly unable to do anything if there's not a step-by-step explanation on how to.
Same. Also the people who constantly shift teachers and courses based on whatever one catches their eye. The excuse of “no trust me guys, this one will be the one” as if all tutorials and courses aren’t saying fundamentally the exact same thing at the end of the day. At some point they just gotta find one thing and stick with it instead of skimming everything.

>> No.4950643

>before and after
>practice in the middle

>> No.4950704

seems like very fast and above average improvement do you have any tips?

>> No.4950712

and did you just start drawing on 4/21/20?

>> No.4950887

this is expected from 6 months though, stop complaining and do shit homeboy

>> No.4950890

Westacucks aren't talented

>> No.4952157

sick art

>> No.4952172
File: 1.64 MB, 1588x1900, vangogh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent is just a genetic or psychological advantage in a field that you take interest in. it doesnt win the race for you it just gives you a bit of a head start, if you decide not to participate or practice something that you like because someone else got a better start than you then you either never cared in the first place or you're a retard who should just spare the world from listening to your woe is me bullshit and end it all.

some of the greatest artists and inventors of all time were born with/ developed mental or physical deficiencies, stop acting as if some minor shit gives you an excuse to be a useless waste of oxygen.

>> No.4952176

It's more likely she didn't regress but used ref /got a happy accident she couldn't replicate in the after. I see it often with artists who draw inconsistent level work.

>> No.4952180

>furfag is furfag

if this isnt bait then its good improvement, though you aint showing much. you've passed the wall the stops most people, you'll do fine.

>> No.4952184

the inconsistency can also be tied to art culture by which the anime style in the second pic is more modern vs the first being a more oldschool style and modern anime/ manga shit tends to value emotion or cute/ pop out imagery vs 80s an 90s anime/manga valued realism, perspective and a heavy emphasis on facial emotion since it was inspired by early disney productions from the west.

anime style is pretty much ass nowadays because it values something being cute and vibrant instead of realism or having emotional and physical depth

>> No.4952186

this is unironically true but /ic/ will deny this