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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 104 KB, 608x660, O'Shea Jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4933096 No.4933096 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud, Make yourself proud, you can make it if you believe in yourself.


1.-screenshot the image and post that instead

2.-change camera capture settings to something smaller

3.-send to computer and resize in picresize.com

There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

Previous Thread: >>4928702

>> No.4933104
File: 5 KB, 225x225, IMG_4114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Links to many art books including as Keys to Drawing (Dodson), Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Edwards), Perspective Made Easy (Norling), Color and Light (Gurney), The Vilppu Drawing Manual (Vilppu) and How to Draw (Robertson).

A website dedicated to understanding the basics and process of digital painting, based in Adobe Photoshop. Library of over 200 free videos.

Free pose library to practice drawing the human figure (as well as a portrait library). Draw at your own pace or set a timer for quick gesture drawings.

Instructional how-to videos covering mostly portrait and figure drawing from fine artist Stanislav Prokopenko.

Croquis Cafe - Timed model poses.

Controversial yet helpful introductory course on the fundamentals of drawing with a focus on understanding the concept of form and thinking in a 3-dimensional mindset while you draw.

>Your local life drawing class
Life drawing is an indispensable tool in your art career. Do not be intimidated based on your skill level - there will always be someone worse than you and someone better than you. Use this opportunity to meet new artists for learning, critique, and growth.

Please Go to Pinterest in order to get some fresh new refs

>> No.4933106
File: 454 KB, 972x976, 114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess i will kick off the thread with this sketch, redid my face for the day as didnt like the previous one

>> No.4933112
File: 175 KB, 1143x1071, 1602623882609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue what I'm doing..

>> No.4933122

looks good to me, her left arm could be a little thicker/bigger. Her left leg is longer than her right leg. With that angle of the pelvis her butt looks weird. Her breast is flat and pancaked not sure if you want that or not.

>> No.4933138
File: 460 KB, 1057x826, Screenshot_20201013-172209_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two on the left made from memory, two on the right from reference.
Ignore top left I was prob on autopilot.
I want to learn how to crosshatch but cant find any sources deeper than 10 min videos telling me to do lines on a box.
Any help with how to make these look better is much appreciated

>> No.4933143

>Croquis Cafe - Timed model poses.
Why not link to the Vimeo channel? They can't even post the read videos on Youtube anymore.

>> No.4933150
File: 232 KB, 893x747, 1599398168547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know a lot about construction since I shy away from it and I tried this pose, naturally this one was a failure but it was fun. I want to improve so what do I need?

>> No.4933160
File: 819 KB, 866x1300, world eater wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i make his right foot a bit more longer? Any help is appreciated.

>>4933138 do you prefer the "thinner" marines like the ones from dawn of war 3 trailer?

>> No.4933201

>it was fun
That's the second-best thing to get out of a failure. The first is experience.

Construction is a must, but I'd also say anatomical proportions is something you should learn.

>> No.4933205

I can see some mistakes now, I did gesture before construction but I have to actually get a proper idea of it, I'll go with Vilppu once I get a grasp of 3d. I forgot to link the boxes with a spine and as such I missed that the upper chest one should be more angled towards the viewer, a complete lack of anatomy and yeah, that's it
Thanks for the reply anon

>> No.4933209

To add, there's no mass on that chest, it's just a floating hoodie but I'm not sure I'm ready for anatomy

>> No.4933217
File: 103 KB, 591x555, troi lifts a slice with her mind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted last thread, but nobody said anything.
what can i improve?

>> No.4933223

The pizza, certainly.

I think the biggest problem I can immediately see is the torso: If we follow the spine from the neck down to where it ends before the table cuts it off, it looks like she's sitting on her coccyx. She should be leaning over more. In fact, from that pose, I'd say she should be leaning on the table, in which case she should be hunched over. Also, her arms look a little short.

A good rule of thumb is to do (to the best of your ability) the pose your drawing. If it's uncomfortable, or feels unnatural, you've drawn it wrong.

Good face though.

>> No.4933241
File: 248 KB, 1080x819, 287450AB-DE5D-457B-BE07-A4E08E3130CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get out of /beg/ land? Pic related I kind of gave up on the face and made it bad

>> No.4933242

>I'm a /beg/ but...

IMO Drawabox really feels like it should definitely be done before Loomis and Hampton in the sticky recommended list, even if you want to draw humans. Or do them side by side. I'm currently doing the plant exercises and this shit helps so much figuring out construction, especially since it starts with very basic forms and gradually rolls over to more complex stuff, and while Funsies With Pencil doesn't expect that much, Hampton assumes you can already work with construction.

Really helpful for direction and motivation as well due to proper lesson structure, instead of wandering in the dark wondering how the fuck you're going to draw your beautiful animu face when you can't even position those basic head shapes.

>> No.4933247

thanks anon, this is really good advice

>> No.4933249

the only way to get better is just practice and study. What are you trying to draw?

>> No.4933250


>> No.4933255
File: 210 KB, 1080x1080, 0C51B9D7-71DC-427F-83CB-936CA21BAFF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got into art and I have been trying to improve for a few months now. My lines are just super scribbled and it’s pissing me off.

I’ve never taken any art classes before, so I’m wondering if there’s a piece of advice I’m missing or if I am truly just a beginner

>> No.4933259

how are your heads this bad after a few months? just follow a course man, go to the torrent thread, get a course and just finish it, its really that simple

>> No.4933261

also draw bigger and draw from a reference

>> No.4933262
File: 133 KB, 942x557, 9922EE80-421B-4E16-BE80-9F268CD90B16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually just draw from imagination, but here is some stuff from reference for reference

>> No.4933265

>I'm a /beg but draw bigger
Why /beg/s believe this?

>> No.4933266


>> No.4933270


>> No.4933271

ok well this are better and have some structure but you need to be drawing bigger anon, and if you want to actually improve then use reference, theres a time and place for drawing from imagination and learning fundamentals and how to construct heads isnt the time or place

you draw bigger so you can actually fit the details on rather than some small doodle, literally everyone including pros say this for a reason

>> No.4933274

If you want to draw figures I suggest you follow a class or read one of the books from the sticky. I would recommend vilppu's video it helped me.

>> No.4933279

do a lighter construction layer first, if it gets too dark, just use your palm or lightly erase to fade it. if the new lines still suck, fade it and do it again.
if you started from literal zero, your lines and everything else are gonna be shit for a long while and that's just how it is.

talentfags out.

>> No.4933280

Thank you for the advice.

I’ll check that out.

Yeah, I think it’s time I studied for real. Thank you for your motivation. I’ll try to post back here before the thread dies for a progress bump

>> No.4933296
File: 2.60 MB, 2305x3901, E749AB34-939F-4C61-B805-9BC693C145A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing I did of my hand, how can I improve my hand skills? I just sketch what I see starting with an outline...

>> No.4933301

im the furthest person from talented but if you did a course for two months and yknow actually applied yourself you should be drawing pretty competent faces

>> No.4933305

post your month 2 work

>> No.4933307

You just need to draw more hands to get better at them, try drawing them in different position and angles. Also look at anatomy books if you really want to put details on them

>> No.4933311

I been getting back into it, I’ve been reading more into anatomy and attempting to improve. Thank you for the advice tho, friend.

>> No.4933318
File: 184 KB, 1052x665, 1C98888B-E5F7-4E66-BF43-F9D9D50798F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bastard! Shut your god damn kruggy mouth. I haven’t taken any courses but fuck you for saying that I am not trying to improve. I don’t see you opening yourself up for criticism. How long have you been drawing? post your work before being an ass you god damn coward ass bitch

>> No.4933322
File: 358 KB, 907x991, 66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven’t taken any courses but fuck you for saying that I am not trying to improve


>> No.4933331

hey youre the guy drawing heads everyday. How many heads have you drawn so far.

>> No.4933346

I’m the guy that you responded to that you’ve been insulting.

Good job. You don’t understand how bad you are. You are nowhere near qualified to give advice

>> No.4933349
File: 375 KB, 1180x1047, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help me

>> No.4933355

how to leave /beg/:
1: draw in ink

>> No.4933359

just a quick 5 minute sketch i was in a rush today but its going well so far

the ????????? is because you said youve been trying to improve and in the same breath saying you havent done any courses...

either block some of your colours together or just blend them, the leg for example just looks streaky on his shin, overall i really like this though

>> No.4933371

My wrist hurts when doing dynamic sketching, the 8x line thing, how to hold the pen to avoid this?

>> No.4933379

well at least you tried, but your anatomy is wrong. His eyes are not even, his ear is too small, neck is to long, and dont be afraid to draw the hands. Either his legs are too long or he is really tall. Just work on getting the anatomy and you'll be on your way.

>> No.4933382

how are you holding the pen and are you leaning in when you are drawing?

>> No.4933383
File: 261 KB, 499x906, 1602398901026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4933391

It's a pen so traditional grip, wrist might be a bit bent upwards or towards the right, leaving it completely locked kind of hurts

>> No.4933399
File: 615 KB, 2370x1827, 20201013_163629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ngmi!

>> No.4933402

Yeah i can see it now

>> No.4933403
File: 374 KB, 1180x1047, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops forgot the picture

>> No.4933408

you might need to sit upright so you don't put any weight on your arm

>> No.4933409

Thanks i well redraw it tomorrow

>> No.4933425
File: 800 KB, 2018x976, 114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which ones better?

>> No.4933432
File: 218 KB, 675x700, 20201013_205238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4933439
File: 182 KB, 660x943, mothgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4933446

the left one is better, the perspective on the right one is weird looking

>> No.4933448
File: 3.33 MB, 4248x6252, genichiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish i had an artstyle

>> No.4933449

your ear is too low should be around the brow to the bottom of the nose

>> No.4933457

GDI how'd I miss that? I guess the tilt of her head kinda fucked me up

>> No.4933458

looks cool anon, the toes are a bit weird though

>> No.4933460

yeah that happens to me as well, the angle of the head tilt can be a bit tricky to map the face out.

>> No.4933467

yes. i have a hard time drawing feet and hands. needs more study

>> No.4933472

your shitty brush is holding you back.

>> No.4933477

yeah alright, i'ld buy that as two month work. 'pretty competent' is overselling it some though.

>> No.4933485

Not a very epic photo to be giving criticisms

>> No.4933492


>> No.4933497

jesus christ, what is that creature in op

>> No.4933501

yeah i never said mine was amazing but i personally think its better than >>4933318
which is why i gave some advice to help him, which was do a course, draw from reference and draw bigger, all good advice, im not here trying to flex, he said pyw so i did thats all

>> No.4933519
File: 707 KB, 869x975, 109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also that was my work at day 60, this is my 109

>> No.4933530

Off topic Why /ic have porn ads on it

>> No.4933552

man i have try to copy this, good job on the drawing

>> No.4933586
File: 103 KB, 434x444, hateit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to move to anime to make it more...appealing.
how the fuck does this look good its not a human face its a shapeless blob what the actual fuck
please critique this sketch

>> No.4933591

This sketch is substantially more gamer. You are gonna make it anon.

>> No.4933598

thanks anon but i dont recommend copying me. there are errors i still dont know how to fix

>> No.4933605
File: 44 KB, 534x600, 1590610553908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks cool keep it up, heres a gift.

>> No.4933634

I tried drawing Jidenna. He's black and ginger.

>> No.4933651

You're gonna make it, relax and do more gesture exercises and study more bodies

>> No.4933746
File: 261 KB, 624x832, dsafsaadf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing loomis head and hands book, currently on page 34-35.
charcoal portrait using what I've learned so far.

>> No.4933748

I'm retard i didn't mean to reply to that post, lol.

>> No.4933755

Grow up

>> No.4933767

/ic/ has ads?

Man are browser add-ons nice...

>> No.4933779

Chinkmoot decided that /ic/ is a porn board and not a board for artists.

>> No.4933792
File: 531 KB, 1700x2338, thoughts and flightd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketched a birb in my backyard today

>> No.4933795

good fucking job anon, you made it

>> No.4933799
File: 515 KB, 705x2212, thoughts and flightd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno if your playing with me or now but thanks, i drew this a bit ago to, hoping to moving into a different medium like painting or something soon

>> No.4933801
File: 212 KB, 1030x1280, 406109D5-2C97-41FE-A94E-0C0699110F40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys were right. I HAVE stagnated. Guess I should try that photo realistic drawing from reference thing somebody advised me to do a while back. But how do I find a reference to draw?

>> No.4933802
File: 51 KB, 520x640, 4D5D9D5D-F1D9-4BEE-A144-65D001034801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requisite raccoon.

>> No.4933810
File: 945 KB, 749x951, sqsfBYWYjL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole "drawing" thing is pretty hard, turns out. Any tips for someone who's just overwhelmed and not sure whether to focus on construction, perspective, Loomis, Hampton, etc?

>> No.4933812
File: 116 KB, 554x1309, 20201013_234616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was all I could do in 40 minutes.

>> No.4933817

Unfortunately you kinda have to do everything at once when you're starting out. Do 'keys to drawing' or 'drawing on the right side of the brain' to start. You can find PDFs of them both floating around so just pick your favorite. Once you've gotten through one of those two you'll be in a much better place to move into more specialized learning.

>> No.4933820

I tried Right Side not too long ago but dropped it about half way through due to it just not clicking and frustrating me, have been doing drawabox and watching Proko since.
I'll give Keys to Drawing a shot tonight though if I can find it, thanks.

>> No.4933840

birds are not important

>> No.4933911
File: 177 KB, 1500x1000, Spatula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are my edges so garbage

I even used the lasso tool

>> No.4933916

Make faster lines, or use the polygonal lasso.

>> No.4933917

Ctrl.paint is a meme bro don't waste your time on it.

>> No.4933920

Can't really do quick lines with the lasso because it has to be done in one go. I'll try the polygonal one though.

I dunno, it's helped me with my brushwork I think.

>> No.4933921

I would personally say you should learn perspective before learning to draw from observation. It can be tough if you have a bad problem with symbol drawing, but if you learn observational drawing before perspective, there's a real danger of learning to see things in a purely 2D way due to not understanding what you are seeing in a 3 dimensional sense.

>> No.4933929

>it has to be done in one go
It doesn't. On the top bar you should be able to see options for new selection, add to selection, subtract from selection, and intersect with selection. Add and subtract until you get the outline looking how you want.

>> No.4933937

Oh duh, didn't think of that. ty

>> No.4933939
File: 205 KB, 585x637, 2020-10-14 02_31_15-CLIP STUDIO PAINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows everyones drawing going?
Anyone struggling?

>> No.4933950
File: 1.01 MB, 757x966, firefox_2020-10-14_02-24-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got up to this part of Drawabox, I think I'm somewhat getting a grasp on how vanishing points work. Obviously not well enough to just do it instinctively, but I'm moving into perspective practice.

>> No.4933966
File: 366 KB, 1106x1169, 1594732800811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again I've come to ask, any alternative to Keys To Drawing, did some exercises, some were ok but others were just bad and I don't really enjoy this book

>> No.4933969
File: 201 KB, 500x516, 1596871432385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any alternative to Keys To Drawing, don't really enjoy this book.

>> No.4934039

get fucked, worm

>> No.4934044

That's good practice, keep going.

>> No.4934059
File: 517 KB, 3507x2550, 2020-10-14_090635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a meme hand yesterday

>> No.4934061

I did this exercise as well.
It took me one hour for the whole drawing. You clearly are overthinking this exercise. You should get as close as possible to the original but you dont have to 100% it

>> No.4934118
File: 368 KB, 1360x2419, 20201014_042143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I know what I'm doing, so far?

>> No.4934121

kinda looks like shes pushing her hips forward

>> No.4934124

She is, sorta.

>> No.4934147
File: 528 KB, 1000x1500, kino2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Time trying soft shading

>> No.4934156

Not nearly enough contrast, don't be afraid to push your values. Brushwork seems pretty good though.

>> No.4934158

Make it a girl anon bro....

>> No.4934159
File: 125 KB, 1093x1172, Marshall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried out painting with colour for the first time in forever, this was really fun even though there is still a lot to fix in terms of proportions, values, and just tidying things up in general. That mouth especially needs fixing. I didn't use any line drawings and everything is on a single layer so I just kinda figured it out as I went along instead of planning it.

>> No.4934161
File: 1.08 MB, 861x1165, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really like to get gud at drawing character faces from imagination.

Got a whole day to draw today, what do you guys think I should focus on?

I was thinking of just drawing a whole bunch of faces from references and also learning some different construction methods, maybe?

>> No.4934162

Looking at that thumbnail I can tell it really doesn't read well, shit. I should've pushed the values more.

>> No.4934187

>Intermediaries and Advanceeds welcome

reap what you sow

>> No.4934192

Your proportions are way off by I feel like you’re hiding behind it as style when it’s a lack of fundie knowledge. Still though your drawings look good and you’ve got decent symmetry etc. You just need to focus on proportions. They’ve all got tiny jaws, low mouths and huge eyes. I’d over exaggerate and draw big strong jaw characters till you get the difference.

>> No.4934193
File: 38 KB, 805x860, 424234234324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made some changes. Eyes looked too big and too far up. Nose. looked very sharp.

Not sure if you agree with my changes, just wanted to demonstrate what i meant.

>> No.4934211

Yeah placing the eyes too far up is a habit of mine, I'm not really sure why I do it but I guess I'll just have to consciously adjust for it in the future until I learn to do it properly.

>> No.4934213

thanks anon, my goal is to be epic

>> No.4934216


just try something that isnt some disney faces for once

>> No.4934224
File: 51 KB, 969x412, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this exercise supposed to be done with a ruler? For some reason I assumed you're also supposed to do those lines freehand which really turned me off from them, makes it incredibly challenging.

Since I'm practicing digitally doing it with the line too felt like cheating but maybe it's just more about understanding perspective itself (pic related is me connecting the dots with the line tool but I've also tried doing the lines freehand)

>> No.4934229

Probably not the best place to ask this, but I'll ask anyway. When it comes to developing the core technical skills needed to draw, is it detrimental trying to maintain and develop a style alongside it?

>> No.4934247

The first one is to be done with a ruler.
The one point perspective ones freehand.
Read the exercises

>> No.4934267

you are doing the exercise to learn perspective not craftsmanship but saying that i do a mixture of both

>> No.4934296
File: 1.71 MB, 2048x1126, muiektd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this exercise from Keys to Drawing two times, this is my second attempt.
Surprised by how close the outline came out compared to the original, I almost got it. The eye got smaller and I didn't liked the shading on the forehead. Didn't bothered with the hair.
Also, any tips for shading?

>> No.4934300

Post first attempt pls

>> No.4934313
File: 1.71 MB, 2048x1126, muiektd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, looks like I actually did it just one time, but then came back to it later and worked on it a bit more.
I did it yesterday, so I kinda forgot.

>> No.4934324

To maintain that leg position her torso would be angled more to the left. Try doing this pose yourself if you don't believe me. Even with your arm behind you can't put all your weight on your legs like that.

Draw the whole thing out and crop it how you want in the end. Or is this a cropped version of your total workspace?
Agreed with the torso. Need to practice how materials fold. I like how you put effort in the hands, most begs don't do it. However I need you to lift up your left hand and put your pinky in the same pose as the pinky on her left hand.

>> No.4934345

Marshall would be proud.

>> No.4934348

I never took art classes, I drew from life and photos and read fundamentals books.
Art classes with genuinly good sketch instructors are difficult to find. I'm not just talking about technical skill, I'm talking about how to fucking teach someone.
Your stuff from reference look better than your imagined stuff. Keep grinding refs and your muscle memory will allow you to draw imagined stuff.

Notice how the original person is being viewed at an angle from slightly below.
The legs on your drawing look alright, but look at the sleeve. It looks like I'm looking at this person at eye level now. Also your eye problem that showed when you mirrored it... Can you think why this happened based on the advice on the sleeve?

Good. Though I hate finger smudging for shadows. Almost nobody can do it right.

Cute fairy girl. Thumb is too long.

Your art style is Low Effort.

There's almost nothing in this drawing except a face, which looks fine. The accessories look like garbage though.

Good. I'd highlight the nose a little, as the space between the top of the lid and bottom of the nose is brighter despite receding closer to the shadows. Also do some study on hair.

>> No.4934363

Great bird studies. Only critique is not one of them have a complete set of feet. Just one set will be me confirming you understand the bird.

Yes, correct.

Face is good I guess but can't tell how you handle the body, hands/feet of the cartoon (i.e the most important parts)

You want to draw a face, hair and helmet. Three different entities with different nuances in how they're constructed on paper. Of course you're overwhelmed. Try doing studies of them in isolation before you fail again at all three. Or else, draw for fun.

I think you missed the point of the exercise.

Good. I think you are 80% there just got lazy on the thumb.

Ah yes, focusing on what's important.
I'm seeing in your future you giving up on this because you need to be aware of the importance of how she is standing on the ground before you draw bobs and vagine (where will her lower legs go? Why does she look drunk?)

If you want to get good at drawing faces from imagination, then I have one surprising tip for you...

>> No.4934374

I liked Right Side until the exercises started relying so heavily on those Viewfinders. I get their point but I'm not sitting in an art class and I'm not going to buy that piece of plastic just for a couple of exercises. Maybe they help but I for myself have decided to look for something else to practice with.

>> No.4934382


>> No.4934385

I am going to start the book, Drawing on the right side of the brain today.

Is it really necessary to get a viewfinder and some of the other materials? I don’t really have much of that stuff on me.
Also, any tips while going through the book?

>> No.4934391


>> No.4934401

if you are just starting a pencil and blank paper is good enough. As for the book I think most people just do the exercise in the book. I would recommend finding a video course, I find that easier to learn with.

>> No.4934410

The thread says that drawabox is “controversial”
Why is this the case?

>> No.4934415

It's controversial because people find it intimidating.
Personally I don't recommend doing it before you learn the basics of perspective, but it has good exercises.

>> No.4934417

i assume because it's largely plagiarized from peter han's dynamic sketching, but i personally found drawabox a lot more intuitive and digestible than dynamic sketching.

>> No.4934423

I was planning on doing drawabox to start.

Is it really gonna be an issue to not have prior experience? I just sorta want to start a course since I’ve been searching for something that I like for a while.

>> No.4934424

I'm a total beginner who's been doing some of it.

From what I've heard its very derivative of other courses and the guy himself is kind of a hack comparatively, also a lot of dubious stuff like "you need to use these pens from my amazon affiliate link".
That said I think the way it's set up and presented is very beginner friendly, the very first few pages are already incredibly helpful (quick strokes making for better lines, how to position your arm better, rotating your canvas in order to adapt it to your preferred arm motion etc. all basics that some people fail to mention).

Go into it with the mindset of taking from it what you need, don't treat it as gospel and don't be afraid of dropping it for something else.

>> No.4934431


>> No.4934432


>> No.4934434

>Is it really gonna be an issue to not have prior experience?
It basically assumes you have none. Doesn't mean it's gonna be easy but it's definitely good if you need guidance for starting out. Though again, I'm just saying this as a beginner myself who delved into artbooks only to feel like they all assume I can already draw. Drawabox feels like a good "babbys first".
Also yeah, apparently there's a thing about drawing a billion boxes and it seems more like he's trying to force a meme rather than giving good advice

>> No.4934437

>force a meme
It did became a meme...

>> No.4934440

Good on him then. But as I said it seems to be more of a marketing thing since it makes him "le box man" and less like genuine advice. Of course drawing boxes is good but you probably shouldn't feel forced to draw a million of them one after another

>> No.4934448
File: 435 KB, 1000x1000, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4934451

Some things will be more difficult for you than they would be if you spent some time familiarizing yourself with perspective first. He talks about this philosophy of introducing things that you can't quite do yet, which is cool in theory, except he doesn't actually go over some things at all.

>the guy himself is kind of a hack comparatively
You should not concern yourself with the skill level of your teacher, the information is good or it isn't. Waiting until you can find a teacher who is a master themself will just keep you in a rut forever. The best teachers are seldom the best artists.

>It basically assumes you have none.
This is true until you get to things like rotating boxes in perspective. 1, 2, and 3 point perspective all get glossed over as well.

>> No.4934467

Did you do these? Great job man, nice construction and so much variation in expression. You got skills hang in there

>> No.4934485

Realistically, does one even need to follow a drawing course?

Why not just draw on your own. I don’t really see the purpose of following a book. Won’t you just get better over time naturally and have more fun that way?

>> No.4934486

Looks like a collection of Biden voters crying for another black man gunned down. Good Job

>> No.4934492

Realautistically speaking there is absolutely no insight in drawing on your own. You'll never know what you're doing wrong if you follow the same bad habits over and over again. Check the useful links or the sticky for fucks sake and read yourself a book.

>> No.4934504

No insight? That seems pretty wrong. Plenty of kids have gotten really good just from drawing on their own for fun for years.

No great artists used books like this. They are copes for people who never drew as a kid and are trying to get a get good quick scam.

>> No.4934507

Dunno why you have to be so extreme in your arguments. I feel like drawing on your own is good to develop and instinct for the skill while artbooks help people who feel stuck on their and and give guidance and stuff you might struggle or have issues with. Should be a healthy combination of both, drawing shouldn't just be homework but learning by just doing nothing but drawing however you feel like is a good way to pick up bad habits

>> No.4934509

crabbing intensifies, spreading wrong information like that won't benefit anyone not even yourself, go back to /crab/ and improve your schemes because what you're doing now doesn't work

>> No.4934510


>> No.4934518

I have no idea what you are referring to. Just sounds like a cope to me. Keep reading books though lol

>> No.4934520

pyw and I'll tell you if you have any insight of what you're doing you self entitled /beg/. It doesn't take much to realize there's always somebody better than you who can guide you and give you the information they've gathered in years of work.

>> No.4934522

>and and and
jesus christ am I having a stroke?
Meant to say artbooks help people who may feel stuck on their own and give guidande on stuff you might struggle with.

>> No.4934525

/beg/s these days really got some nerve into thinking they're better than anybody who has written a decent book on how to draw

>> No.4934529

That's actually not bad! and I agree, just get a course from video course thread and follow it from start to finish. Diversify as you progress. Way to go anon, keep going!

>> No.4934532

Maybe if you want to mimic other people.
I’m not concerning with mimicry though. Lol

>> No.4934540

You sure came here with the right attitude self entitled /beg/ way to go.

>> No.4934550

I’m giving advice to you because you are in the beginner thread. Unless you show otherwise, it is pretty clear that you could use it.

>> No.4934552

>collection of Biden voters
who is biden?

>> No.4934557

Sure thing Proko whatever reassures your confidence

>> No.4934561

Ok, glad I could help :)
I’ll be lurking if you have any other questions

>> No.4934604

I only drew the parts I was told I needed to work on, first. Hips and chest.

Also, I have the woman standing weird on purpose. Just need to know if the parts I drew look decent, that's all.

>> No.4934625

You're right, proportions are way off. Gonna focus on it and try to iron this aspect out.

>> No.4934634

Your advice was life changing! Thank you so much good sir for taking a decent amount of time in order to critique mi piece!
I want to wish you all the best wishes to you and your family. xoxo :)

>> No.4934646

my posts go ignored again, im sorry /beg/ but ill let pulse take over for a little while then

>> No.4934650

which one is your post?

>> No.4934652
File: 62 KB, 465x1280, IMG_20201014_140753_926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for getting better at poses?

>> No.4934657

Study gestures would be the easiest, learn antonym so you know how the body looks when in different poses.

>> No.4934662
File: 830 KB, 2509x2716, 20201014_113322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally missed the angle of her face. perspective is hard

>> No.4934667


>> No.4934669
File: 135 KB, 647x700, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4934672


>> No.4934685

If you don't like that book you can try The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain or Fun with a Pencil. if you don't like books you should try videos course like vilppu or proko youtube.

>> No.4934689

Grinding gesture drawing and doing tons of figure drawing

>> No.4934690

Stupid question, but when people refer to Dynamic Sketching, are they specifically talking about taking the course or are there piratable materials like recorded lectures available somewhere? 700 dollarydoos is pretty fucking steep.

Only thing I managed to find is Han's Dynamic Bible, and none of the resource collections in other generals seem to have anything either.

>> No.4934702

pretty sure they are talking about the video course by peter han, if you have a cgp account it is on there.

>> No.4934704

its literally online free to stream, you dont even have to torrent it its easy enough to find. pyw and ill link it

>> No.4934707
File: 45 KB, 600x435, 1588999751629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently doing Fun with A Pencil, very rewarding although there seems to be some confusion regarding the side cut, other than that we are doing fine with it.

>> No.4934733
File: 844 KB, 1724x2304, IMG_20201014_190657_Smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Currently I'm mainly trying to go through Drawabox to improve my construction while doing gesture / figure drawing on the side.

>> No.4934737

glad to hear you're havin fun with your pencil

>> No.4934742

I can sense that you have very little Fun with your Pencil. Sad.

>> No.4934743

dab opens with so much dull drudgery that it makes a poor starting point. there's good exercises to incorporate into your practice, but i think dab(or han) is likely to burn through somebody's initial motivation before he can develop a longer term habit of practicing, that's how it worked for me anyway.
with fwap, just by accident you can make a blook look "Ok", and even if it's a fluke it's still good motivation and sets an attainable short term goal to aim for.
with dab, an accidentally flawless ellipse is still just a fucking ellipse.

>> No.4934746
File: 547 KB, 1000x1000, Botched Resurrection GF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

botched resurrection GF, based on the meme image
I meant for it to be kinda disturbing and somewhat sexual, but I really don't think it came out as either
Any critiques?

>> No.4934747

where are her organs?

>> No.4934751

she doesn't have any.
t. the artist

>> No.4934755

Why would you need organs when you can have ASS

>> No.4934759

how long have you been drawing? what are you using?

>> No.4934763

>not catering to the entrail choking fetish crowd
ngmis spotted

>> No.4934800

Since this May if I'm not remembering wrong, with varying frequency.

By using, do you mean books or tools? For the former I just went through the sticky recommended list: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Fun with a Pencil, then a combination of Hampton's Design and Invention and Proko's videos + grinding gesture drawings until noticing I still suck at constructing even basic shapes, so I decided to start doing Drawabox as well. As for tools I've just been using pencils for figure drawing, and fineliners for Drawabox lessons.

>> No.4934949

Props for not being afraid to have some really contrasting values. Thumbnail looks dope.

>> No.4934950

thank you for the kind words anon i will keep grinding forward!

>> No.4934960
File: 1.08 MB, 750x1334, 82242C03-C03C-46B1-81A6-33F54E44D9E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first drawing I’ve tried shading in. Is this good?

>> No.4934966

You did very good congratulations my man I hope to see more of your work in the near future

>> No.4934977

Thanks for the feed back. I’m trying to make a human form of pink now

>> No.4934991
File: 1.04 MB, 750x1334, 9A532635-C9ED-4E15-8113-37784159D585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I messed up on the shading a bit but this is my first actual human drawing so-

>> No.4934993
File: 277 KB, 726x779, a little bit of monika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I improve my contour shading / crosshatching?

>> No.4935000

Pretty cool.
You got a future

>> No.4935005
File: 1.31 MB, 750x1334, 02EF89EF-A3B2-43A5-A78D-4DA428EE6014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest using darker and ligher shades. It will make it look more detailed. Here’s a somewhat decent example.

>> No.4935009
File: 366 KB, 1923x1339, pose ink attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good guides to inking? I feel like I have an okay grasp but then when it comes to inking I'm basically flailing around with line thickness and shape.

I generally feel happy with a sketch. Till I ink it.

>> No.4935019

I suggest you go over it a few times. Either that or use a thicker marker.

>> No.4935120

You drew a balloon person. Learn anatomy before you worry about inking.

>> No.4935149
File: 139 KB, 900x1200, Illustration7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amanda from Little Witch Academia.
Say, how bad is this pls.

>> No.4935151

thats one wrinkly neck

>> No.4935163

It looks fine to me. They're just on sterons.

>> No.4935198

It looks fine to you because you're /beg/. Muscles don't look like that no matter how big they are.

>> No.4935201
File: 148 KB, 1000x1493, HotMaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just draw stuff and figure out what's shit after and work to improve like that? Or is it best to start on one area at a time.

Pic is my fav style and one Id like to get close to

>> No.4935227
File: 464 KB, 680x502, Ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just be learning to love the sphere and practice these for a few days or?

>> No.4935233

If you're a beginner it's best to focus a bit on everything at the same time. But especially construction and perspective.

>> No.4935236

So just grow through the /ic/ beginner's guide? I've heard mixed opinions on Loomis.

>> No.4935237

Alright, would Hampton be good for learning anatomy while I am doing on hour of gesture drawing per day?

>> No.4935238

It's what I'm doing and I'm happy with progress so far. I'd say try out for yourself and if you don't like Loomis there's plenty of alternatives (eg Gurney).

>> No.4935239

Eh, I just start feeling stuck and that I'm not good enough on each step desu

>> No.4935241

Although this may be because I really dislike doing the funny faces bit.

>> No.4935243
File: 942 KB, 3506x2550, 2020-10-06_225858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't we all?
In any case, Ive been going through the steps these last months mostly but whenever I feel like I'm stuck or plain uninterested in fundamentals I just start drawing something random I want like an anime figure or something. I really just try to keep drawing and keep it interesting even if it might not be "optimal" whatever that means.

>> No.4935249

Yea, that might be it. I just get bored doing fundies and it kills my enjoyment

>> No.4935250

Sure, but I don't think you need an hour of gesture. Go to the croquis cafe on vimeo and do a video or two a day.

>> No.4935257

Try to keep it fun one way or another.
The slowest way to progress is getting unmotivated and killing your fun

>> No.4935258
File: 1.83 MB, 750x1334, 4E613A6A-6DC1-431C-89E1-C71CD4904FDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew an among us character, not a balloon person. Here is the human version of an among us character

>> No.4935265

I just feel like this is one of those hobbies thats slow to start.

>> No.4935269

Is it better to start paper or digital? Am I just hurting myself by doing Paper first?

>> No.4935280
File: 1.91 MB, 750x1334, 37DFA132-3811-4B07-BE5A-1385BA521020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s better to start with paper. Virtual can be hard and if you do paper first it will train your hand. When you feel that you are a good artist with paper, then move onto virtual. Your hand will be trained.

>> No.4935287

whats happening here is that you dont understand forms in 3d, this might seem boring to hear, but you need to go study some perspective. This will allow you do draw basic forms, and with basic forms, you can construct anything, especially the face in your case. Proportion is very important as well, but you need to go through the basics first. Try reading up on perspective made easy

>> No.4935304

There's no video thread up. Can anyone give me the mega link? I need to download some of Hampton's videos.

>> No.4935313

Michael Hampton's Analytical Figure Drawing (CGMA) - https://mega.nz/#F!8qA2FLDQ!9ADn1WRz-YcH7H9M3i11dg

>> No.4935315

I should just download all that shit at once.

>> No.4935412

Ignore the other retard:
It doesn't matter what you start with, drawing is drawing.
The only legitimate reason to start with paper is because one pencil and one sketchbook is a lot cheaper than a tablet, but there are ways to try out a tablet before you get one so you can see if it's something you'd like, and the tablet will be much, much cheaper in the long run.
Or if you already have access to a tablet, just do whatever you want.

>> No.4935418

I'd say paper if you don't already have digital equipment.

>> No.4935453
File: 78 KB, 487x661, chris stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this look? the arm and gun looks kinda wonky looking back now

>> No.4935502
File: 265 KB, 1009x1007, 115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you will never be with your drawfu

>> No.4935512

I'd say ignore the retard who told you to ignore the other retard and get your hands on what appeal the most to you. Besides your traditional skills might not directly translate into digital at first.

>> No.4935513

JUST DRAW!, jeez.

>> No.4935516
File: 311 KB, 1024x693, 1602707663962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess it's chrome armor. idk

>> No.4935517
File: 146 KB, 624x832, 85962852769246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis study, on what should I apply these gains?

>> No.4935519

Mainly on having fun

>> No.4935520

>on what should I apply these gains?
on drawing faces? do people get so caught up in fundies the dont realise why theyre doing them? go draw and have fun anon


>> No.4935535
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, 16027159044564455382100918993375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some figure drawing stuff, I really want to study some art styles but I lack any fundamentals to do any of that shit

>> No.4935601

Again, how to improve my boxes and therefore my grasp on 3d?

>> No.4935602

b..by drawing boxes?

>> No.4935604

The details anon, I'm currently studying my lines and the angles but still, is there more?

>> No.4935608

you just draw boxes that adhere to 1p, 2p and 3 point perspective and make sure all the lines meet on the vanishing points that's all, unironically do draw a box the 250 box challenge chapter

>> No.4935642
File: 202 KB, 666x466, 1587768786305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant seem to make a perfect copy of pic related
Im already doing that anon

>> No.4935647

>Im already doing that anon
then whats the issue? its not some crazy concept its literally just boxes that you draw dont think about it too much

>> No.4935712

I feel like something is wrong with my gesture drawings. I can't get the process of the actual gestures down, there's not really much of a suggestion of direction and form until I've started blocking in contours. I did the Brent Eviston course but I can't get my basic action line figures to look like anything at all really. It seems more like I'm just doing a really shitty method of construction that uses only spheres.

>> No.4935730
File: 70 KB, 800x272, full_dog_steps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a good YouTube video or infographic outlining a good digital painting workflow. It's surprisingly hard to find any that go into detail.

Something like pic related, but more in-depth.

>> No.4935735

Post exercise or didn't happen

>> No.4935737

But they need to be perfect, the next box has to be better than the last one and so on, deadlines.

>> No.4935743
File: 61 KB, 960x960, 44759222_711095472556983_361312182450782208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an experienced drawer, but rarely paint. Been trying to get into digital painting recently. I've been frustrated with how overly smooth and flat my paintings have been. I want to acheive a nicely textured, painterly look like pic related. Any advice on brushes I should use (Photoshop) or techniques?

>> No.4935747
File: 60 KB, 977x840, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first attempt from today. Please don't laugh.

I'm frustrated by how flat and smooth it looks. I reached a point where I just didn't know how to keep adding detail and got stuck. The shading seems super flat as well. I dunno what to focus on or what steps to take to keep building detail in the image.

>> No.4935752

I know brushes aren't what makes the artist, but I feel like certain Photoshop brushes do add a painterly texture that can't be achieved with the default brushes.

>> No.4935753
File: 189 KB, 1585x1113, 20201015_120506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, these were 1 minute gestures. I try to draw my action lines on the outer edge so it can imply form but it really just seems to end up being a shitty version of a contour instead, but I'm not really sure how I should be doing it otherwise. I don't want to start of with a torso bean but it might be better if I do.

>> No.4935770

I think these look good anon. Maybe you could be braver with your strokes. Some of these look like you were shy and uncertain doing them.

>> No.4935781
File: 544 KB, 733x1000, 2020-10-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep messing up the position the eyes and continue to polish turds in general. Had a fun time though.

>> No.4935782

You're doing great, I like it.

>> No.4935807

>Polished a blatant turd
>But had fun
Based, I wish this whole board was like that

>> No.4935827

this will always be the groyper gesture

>> No.4935828

Which course?

>> No.4935849

An Introduction to the Art of Figure Drawing on Skillshare

>> No.4935926
File: 51 KB, 436x536, 1555653665333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: when you draw how conscious of measurements/proportions are you, and how do you keep things from looking wonky when it comes to drawings faces and heads? I've noticed when I draw I have the trouble of one eye being higher than the other, wrong nose or mouth width/length/etc. or turned wrong. Just things being off-kilter. How do you correct this? Do you eventually get a feel for it where you do it wrong enough times and eventually you subconsciously start doing it better?

>> No.4935932
File: 70 KB, 895x671, gross and bad cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been drawing nothing but cats for the past couple of days, but it's not working

>> No.4935933

>having fun
having fun is against /ic/

>> No.4935937

lower the details

>> No.4935952
File: 391 KB, 1204x891, testing1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont kno

>> No.4935959

color the background a similar color to the ref
darken the color on the cheeks
maybe have a more detailed drawing before you start if it's giving you trouble?

>> No.4935961

when drawing the ref for values study is it really necessary to think in 2D and just focus on the shadow shapes? I just roughly sketched the forms of the face there

>> No.4935963

keep it up my nigger

>> No.4935973

These are a great start for 1 minute. To improve:

1. Learn the locations of the acromion processes, the sternal notch (you already know this one) the 10th ribs, the ASIS points, the sacral dimples. These landmarks are really helpful for helping you navigate the figure, and they can do a lot to indicate the position of the torso in a way that allows you to use fewer strokes (and, eventually, without the use of the full rib cage and pelvic spheres).

2. Eventually you're going to want to work on line quality as an indication of anatomy - the most prominent example is using harder lines in areas that are bony or tendonous, and softer lines in softer areas of muscular or fat mass.

3.Really exaggerate the relationship between the pinch and stretch sides of the torso - you did a great job on the upper rightmost example, but the others can be improved.

4. Be sure you're including a simple ovular head indication on your gestures - you don't have to go crazy but getting the head involved helps you with proportion and helps indicate the pose better.

You seem to be doing upper leg / lower leg as individual masses, rather than flowing gestural indications. This isn't necessarily wrong but it's best to not interrupt the flow of the gesture by having a line separate the upper and lower leg.

Do you have any of the references you used still available?

>> No.4935976

just a suggestion, pardner. my main critique is using more contrast.

>> No.4935979

It's TOUGH at first, don't get discouraged. Focus most primarily on steps 1 and 2 (the masses) and don't try to get into 3 (planes) 4 (details) or 5 (the literal skull) until you feel more comfortable just doing the cranial / facial masses (the sphere / face combo you see in step 2).

>> No.4935983

>Also yeah, apparently there's a thing about drawing a billion boxes and it seems more like he's trying to force a meme rather than giving good advice

The thing about the 250 boxes exercise is that while the number is intimidating, a lot of people also tried to do it all in one shot/day when you don't have to. Like you don't even really have to follow his "Fine liner only" rule unless you're showing the exercises to him.

A lot of people also end up doing nothing but grinding DAB exercises when he says specifically not to do that in the beginning.

>> No.4936001
File: 69 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20201014_210025_858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4936021
File: 50 KB, 960x720, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what brush should i be using for values study? i dont get it. i use the oil paint then blend the fuck out of everything. i dunno

>> No.4936046

hard round brush with opacity control. what do you use to blend?

>> No.4936050

use a soft eraser to blend

>> No.4936064 [DELETED] 
File: 401 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Control tower.

I want to declare emergency, over.

>> No.4936069

i used the blend tool..

>> No.4936096

the drawing looks competent but the angle you are doing and the angle she actually is at are very different.

>> No.4936120

You are very much on the right track. Finesse will come with time but you're constructing, that's what matters.

>> No.4936121

You're blocking it in, building up the darks first etc.

Wonderful start, but you need to get those shadows darker.

>> No.4936122

really cute, but you are going to be banned newfren

>> No.4936174

should be careful with the word "plagiarized". if you look at peter han's own instagram (instagram.com/peterhanstyle) you'll find this instagram story: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17970261796313753/

permission was sought and given.

>> No.4936216
File: 2.31 MB, 2738x3704, IMG_20201015_025805~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this look so far.

>> No.4936219

I want to make her stockings black but I'm not sure how to ink it.

>> No.4936236

Her right arm is the most noticeably wonky. Either her forearm is way too long or the foreshortening on her bicep is off.

>> No.4936243

looks flat with no form

>> No.4936246

How would I fix that?

>> No.4936293

You don't

>> No.4936346

Draw it again but in a 3/4 view.

>> No.4936443
File: 253 KB, 650x364, shadow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get linework like in Keys? When I do shading it never still has lines visible, and instead ends up a vague messy blob.

>> No.4936461

Post vague messy blob example.

>> No.4936472
File: 164 KB, 1105x1000, IMG_20201015_1823022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got around to making actual heads, how did I do?

>> No.4936481

Take your time and be more careful about your proportions

>> No.4936488

Well, here's my draw of Bruno Buccelati from jojo's bizarre adventure

>> No.4936489
File: 299 KB, 1433x1132, 20201015_213641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this. I can't really hatch with pencil, I always just end up showing the paper texture more than anything.

>> No.4936495
File: 421 KB, 1025x1411, 20201015_073224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's my draw of Bruno Buccelati from jojo's bizarre adventure

>> No.4936547

thanks for the input, anon!
what do you mean by proportions? like the facial features or the size of the head?

>> No.4936549

The keys example is bold with it's lines.

>> No.4936551

How do I put that into practice? I'm trying to start light and build up.

>> No.4936563

all of them
notice how his right eyebrow lines up with his chin. now look at yours, the eyebrow is too far forward.

>> No.4936570

thanks for pointing that out, I didn't realize them at all

>> No.4936645

Watch speed paints, observe and understand why they make decisions about their workflow. The tutorial they give is barely an accurate representation of what they do.

>> No.4936732

Tru /beg/ question here:

How to de-harden new brushes?
I bought 3 brushes and the hair thingy is rock hard.

>> No.4936743


or any of the 1000 better replies you can get from googling this question

>> No.4936796

I'm at the same point. Pretty sure it says somewhere, that the point of that exercise is just to get you thinking about how perspective works, without having to worry too much about being shit at freehand drawing.
The following exercises ease you into it step by step.

>> No.4936799

Thanks. I tried googling but didnt find anything, probably because I don't know vocabulary.

>> No.4936875

is it possible to be an ngmi and just have fun drawing dumb shit? I try but I get mad at myself for being shit

>> No.4937145


>> No.4937157

is it possible to have fun?

>> No.4937170


>> No.4937219

if you're trying to 'build up' it isn't going to have clean hatches, it's just going to be a gray mass.

>> No.4937285
File: 178 KB, 571x850, 1599161968591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4937361

new thread