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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4930696 No.4930696 [Reply] [Original]

Almost a year drawing and no progress.
I cant do decent copies of artists I like and all my excercises look like shit, idk what am I doing wrong.
Should I start to draw from life?
Should I practice perspective instead of figure drawing?
Should I keep drawing loomis heads?
I'm moving to steve huston's courses, I hope he hits the mark.

>> No.4930698


>> No.4930702
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>> No.4930704

Learn visual measuring or sight size drawing, they're the same kinda shit. It will help you going forward.

>> No.4930709

it's ok just keep having fun on 4chan, art is not for everyone. If you're stressing over drawing, it's not worth it

>> No.4930715

Post some of your art, anon!

>> No.4930718
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thats not my work lol, this is a copy I did months ago and is the only "decent" drawing I have.

>> No.4930743

embrace struggle anon, if you are struggling you are improving, thats how life works

>> No.4930784

Okay but

What do you want to draw? You didn't say anything about that. Do you know what you want to draw?

>> No.4930793

Full figures and portraits.

>> No.4930821

So draw that. Draw only the body types and faces that interest you the most at first, that will keep you motivated during the toughest part. Draw from reference and try not to be too literal about what you see, try to interpret it and translate it in a way that makes sense to you instead. Draw your version of the thing, stylize it if you have to (best to do so in my view). Trace if you have to, but then draw your version of the trace. Try to apply Huston's or whoever's construction to it, and then your own. Don't do Huston first, look at the real thing first.

When you don't understand something and it's consistently causing problems in all your drawings, that's when you know it's time to start looking for answers. That's study time. But don't study all the time. Have ideas and think up solutions to those ideas. You'll be wrong a lot at first, but if you keep attacking the problem from another angle, that's how you progress over time by process of elimination.

>> No.4930827

Post a drawing from a year ago and a drawing from now - or at least look at them yourself.

You probably made more progress than you think, but you will definitely have days where it feels like you didn't.

I've been drawing for 4-5 years (not religiously, more of a hobbyist) and I still sometimes have days where it feels like I haven't learned anything, but you tend to forget/not notice the little incremental improvements you make over time.

>> No.4930855
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Honestly proud of you for posting your work anon. Keep trying and remember to use reference material, along with some studies and you'll keep climbing higher

>> No.4930897

I like this. Is this by you? Do you have anything that isn't a study or refrence that you did for fun you could share? Sometimes you need emotional investment in something like making something that you came up with to motivate you to really try and give your all. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Learn, then apply what you learn to something original you can show off and take pride in. Learn everything at once. Human form, clothes, texture, perspective, etc. Draw a entire scene, not nust humans or you'll find you can draw a bitching human, but your backgrounds look like vomit. Professional artists will fully draw the background first. It sounds backwards, but it really helps with perspective.

You might be failing to do copies because that uses the left side of your brain that sucks at art and it uses math to calculate how close your copy is. Sticky has a book called "Learning art with the Right side of the Brain" or something like that. Click the sticky link and search page for "brain" and it should pop up. Once I caught on to when I felt which side of the brain I was using when drawing, it became easier to draw and learn how to stay in the zone and draw with the right side of your brain without stopping to struggle and feel like I had to match both sides of something. If that makes sense.

>> No.4930980

Don't beat yourself up, OP. It takes time to hone one's craft. Life can get in the way. You might not even know how to develop habits, a healthy work ethic, how to practice properly, etc.

Just don't give up. Godspeed You! Black OP

>> No.4931267

based half life beta

>> No.4931271

>almost a year
a year is nothing anon

>> No.4931328


>> No.4931331

I'll go one better. Literally trace until you develop some muscle memory.

>> No.4931352
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>> No.4931357

Popcorn is cooked in the same pan, with the same oil, and with the same heat. Yet some kernels pop before others, art is a never ending journey, giving up is literally the only way to make sure 100% you will not make it. Keep going, artist’s curse is real.

>> No.4931360

This, and remember, you're only racing against yourself.

>> No.4931514

Man you forgot to turn on your brain

>> No.4932631


>> No.4932635


>> No.4932646
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Keep telling yourself that slowboy

>> No.4932670

Some corn has lower or higher moisture content like some people had lessons. What’s a good free YouTube for lessons on the foundations and not just tatorials for a painting or drawing

>> No.4932712


>> No.4932715

seethe perma /beg/.

>> No.4932740


>> No.4932773

Slow down. Retrace your steps of where you know you’re not committing fully.

Research the process of other artists. Copying will only take you so far.

Seeing how it is done can help smoothe out those problems of doubt when you’re working on your own.

Don’t give up, anon. You may want to seek out a setting that provides a certain amount of imposed structure and see if that works for you. Schoolism, course based sites, etc., might prove a more useful avenue toward growth than how you are working through things currently. Couldn’t hurt to try.

>> No.4933035

>Should I start drawing from life?
Yes yes yes, 100%. Drawing from life is key.

>> No.4933049

OP, here is 5 golden rules.


>> No.4934255

stop drawing ugly loomis heads

>> No.4935964

This made me so fucking sad for you until I realized it wasn’t actually your Loomis clown.

Something about a stranger slaving away and giving it his all to legit grind out these Loomis cartoons, actually doing a great job at it, and then bawling his eyes out because it’s not what he wanted...combine that’s with the lighthearted joy of the drawing and it’s just painful to look at.

OP your real work looked pretty cool and I say keep at it, got to push through

>> No.4935969

Not bad for a year. Stop following other people's courses and start studying what you like.